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Using succubus for CC in instancesFollow

#1 Sep 18 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
On the rare occasions when I group, usually run the imp out (affliction spec) and at times am asked to break out my succubus for crowd control.

I have seduce hot-keyed, and I can land the initial seduce no problem (not exactly hard).

Once seduce breaks, though, especially if it breaks early, I sometimes have hard time getting the mob CC'd again. I actually considered just fear kiting instead because seduce seemed so unpredictable. And she liked to die when the seduced mob wouldn't behave (and then I had to fear kite to CC).

This is against slightly lower level mobs, and I have 5/5 suppression (don't know if that helps with seduce resists, and I don't remember getting any resists either).

I know that if the mob takes damage, seduce is supposed to break. But there have been several times where I don't think that was the problem. Not sure, though.

Any tips on using the succy more effectively for CC ? Will the succy automatically re-seduce if I enable that spell (I usually reapply manually) ?

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#2 Sep 18 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
648 posts

You need two things :

1) A way of Seducing your mob without having to target it.
2) A way of knowing when the seduce has ended.

On top of that - you should try to position the succubus so that she is not near the main combat - but you probably know that anyway. Ask the person who is assigning targets to preferably not give you a caster to seduce.

Make the following macros - and then assign them hotkeys :

Macro a) /focus target
Macro b) /cast [target=focus] Seduction

Before the fight - select the target that needs to be seduced. Hit Hotkey A.
Sometime after the pull - use Hotkey B - to seduce the target.

When the seduction breaks or comes to an end cleanly - hit Hotkey B again. You can hit Hotkey B while you are doing other stuff - like casting shadowbolt or whatever.

Get an addon that tells you when the seduction has finished - I used dottimer myself - and it gives me a countdown aswell as doing lots of other good stuff.

EDIT : Incidentally - you can do this with fear too, or a mob that continually needs CoT being placed on it. There are lots of things you can do better once you start making use of focus and simple macros.

Edited, Sep 18th 2007 1:22pm by kbd
#3 Sep 18 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Default
I dont CC with my succy unless absoulutely needed, its so unpredicatable, however i have no trouble re CCing
#4 Sep 18 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
357 posts
Using the succubus is fairly easy in concept, but hard to master. A few tips on what i usually do.

I usually through curse of shadows on the mob before or right after the seduce. Seducing is a shadow spell and CoS help it stick for the full duration.

After i seduce the first time and throw a few dots on the main target, I intentionally break the seduce with a searing pain. This is for 2 reasons. As you mentioned seduce can break early, and has a 1.5 second cast time, so by searing pain it insures the mob doesn't come up and 1-hit the succubus. It also keeps the mob off the healers as they would usually grab agro from the mob after the second seduce.

Personally i'd rather seduce a caster. Usually they have a spell that takes longer than 1.5 seconds to cast, so if you do it right there shouldn't be any reason to be taking hits. If you do have to seduce a melee your gunna have to run around a bit. Seduce the mob on one side, run to the other side so the mob has to run to get you. If your far enough away you can get the seduce back on before the mob catches up with you.

There is no comparing the succubus to sheep, or frost trap. I'm not saying they don't have thier own problems, but the succubus needs constant attention. However, once you get it mastered you will find it extremely valuable in most instances.
#5 Sep 18 2007 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts

Personally i'd rather seduce a caster

I guess the difference in our views is possibly down to a difference in technique.

I find that if you are seducing the melee at max distance - then you can get one or maybe 2 more seduces done - before that melee mob gets to your succubus to hurt it. (At the end of that - you steal aggro with a shadowburn or deathcoil - kite the mob to you - and then seduce again - kiting is so much harder on non-melee).

On the other hand - if it's a caster - then it's gonna be attacking your succubus immediately - possibly harming, immobilising, or killing it.

I can understand that if you don't have enough distance on your mob initially - then the melee is usually going to kill your succubus quicker than a caster. That's why I think the difference between our preferences may be down to technique.

#6 Sep 18 2007 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
#7 Sep 19 2007 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
Here's what I do personally. I start by pulling with Searing Pain and quickly hit Curse of Shadows. Then I slam on the the seduce button, and get at range from said target. Dot up the MT target, by then seduce should be about to break. Me being far away and having cast searing pain the mob WILL come to where I am, during which I cast another seduce, rinse, repeat, until all mobs are dead.
#8 Sep 20 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
I recently had a good experience cc'ing for our group in Shadow Labyrinth. I was surprised they wanted me - two wars, priest and a rogue - but it turned out their first choices for cc were not on (mage).

Rogue handled one cc per fight, but some fights had more than that - esp. if there was a bad pull.

I'd never had success w/ the succubus before, but I learned how to do it - mostly what others have told you here. You can't, it seems, cast over seduce; i.e. when seduce is about to break - it just seemed to me that if I hit the "cast seduce" button that nothing happened. I learned stuff here - like searing pain before seduce to keep pet alive - sounds good.

Then seduce would break and the monster would attack my pet and hurt her, but she could get the second seduce off. This is because I'm demon specc'd (and I had my mondo-stam gear on - crazy hp's which scaled to her), and she had the hitpoints to survive. Either priest had to heal her at that point, or I had to (health funnel).

I was able to seduce four or five times in one fight this way (two wars = low dps, plus I couldn't dd cuz I was on cc mode - but I did dot the tank's main target while monitoring my cc duties).

It got very hairy when I had to cc THREE things: keep one guy cc'd, one guy feared, and a demon pet banished. But I pullled it off! Felt good.

W/ that macro, and searing pain first - hey - I feel I actually could be a cc'er in a place like SL with great confidence. Believe me, it can help you get a group if you can tell them "I got dps armor - and I got stam armor for cc - I've actually cc'd the place many times w/ much success."

Not everyone will buy it. Some people think warlocks can't cc w/ the sucubus, period, but we can.

Oh, the fear cc'ing - SL is a place where you actually CAN do it - but only if the tank knows how to really pull back. And I mean waaaay back. Some tanks just don't get how far this really is. You have to at that point tag the mob you're fear kiting and get it to run to the proper place - then fear it. Don't shirk on this. Don't shrug and say "oh well, the tank screwed up."

No, if you cast the fear, and it was too close to other mobs - and adds come - it's YOUR fault. You can SPain and pull the guy back.

The only other thing I can add is that it helps to have some sta gear when taking on this role. BUT even w/out that and w/out demon spec to have a tougher succubus, doing Searing Pain first and THEN seducing would probably yield success. To me that seems like a great trick, and I'm anxious to try it. GL!

#9 Sep 21 2007 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
If people you team with do not attack the mob marked for seduce I find CoS enough to pull and keep him on me.
Normal mod SL is faster with felguard offtanking for me, mine can cut through dotted trash mob on his own about the same time when we are done with 2 other targets.

Last time we did guild run for some less experienced people I decided to use succubus for some practice.
We had wrong pull plus stealthed rogue add so I ended seducing and banishing about 5 times in row on single pull. My group wiped, my pet was OOM and I was too low on hp to LT some more for her. She went down in 2 hits... I dont think any amount of sta would make succubus anything but very fragile.
In that particular situation I juggled 2 mobs with fear and dots, insta pulled my felguard and finished them off. But without few nice SB crits I really doubt I would have managed.

I dont have some amazing HP, something over 9k unbuffed, but I do have enough + spell damage to kill pretty fast. Lot of sta wont help you if you take too long to kill something that bashes on you for 1-2k per hit in my opinion.
I still keep 2nd place on damage meters under the mage no matter how much I seduce. People do expect locks to be DPS+CC all in one role at the same time.
I very much doubt I would get many groups if I told them I do DPS or CC separately with different gear.

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 9:35am by Sethy
#10 Sep 21 2007 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
groups are retarded, although i haven't ran a 5 man in forever. unless you're the only form of CC, the warrior should be able to tank 2-3 in non heroics, and 2 in heroics. what I did was cast curse of shadows twice on the mob after it was seduced, and that way i got aggro cemented p. much on me until it was ready to be picked up.
#11 Sep 21 2007 at 7:49 PM Rating: Default
and w/out demon spec to have a tougher succubus

Sorry dude, but if u are demo (assuming level 70, since WoWcensus shows 80% are) then succubus is a novelty summon. FG OT > seduce. thats why we have insta casts, to Off-Tank AND DPS
#12 Sep 24 2007 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
Destro lock with Improved imp and succubus.. I'm a bit odd.

I find that the best way for me to keep seduce on is to break it in advance with Shadowfury, then recast it while the enemy is stunned.

Only time it doesn't work out is when either it resists (not too often, but extremely annoying), or when the tank consistently breaks it, states we don't need seduce, I summon an imp, and we get wiped.
#13 Sep 24 2007 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
Id suggest a focus seduction macro. This will make re-seducing tons easier and only require a press of the button so you can keep on dpsing. Also ALWAYS use curse of shadow on the mob you plan on seducing, this will increase the chance it will hit and make it last its full duration.
#14 Sep 26 2007 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent

I have my Focus Target keybound. I also use a unit frame addon (pitbull). It displays my current focus in a different part. When Seduce is about to be up I try to focus on that target for a few seconds.
#15 Oct 04 2007 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
206 posts
I use the Focus Macro off of wowwiki for it and it hasn't failed me yet. Something else to keep in mind, if you drop a CoS on the Mob right before having your Succy Seduce it, as long as nothing is messing with that Mob from that point on, the CoS will yield two benefits.

1: It generates enough Agro against you to keep the Mob bee-lining for you rather than your Succubus through 2 seduces. A third seduce will cause the mob to go for your Succy so be ready to Searing Pain after that if you had to keep the mob seduced for that long.

2: It will 90% of the time ensure Seduce lasts the full duration.

Here's the Macro I nabbed from wowwiki w/ description.

Focused Seduction
Upon use, the macro will Focus your target, and have your succubus Seduce it.
When used for the second time, and your Focused target, i.e. the Seduction target, is alive, it will re-seduce it, regardless of what your current target is. It will not focus your current target, and seduce that; it will re-seduce it's focused target.
If used during Seduction, it will break the seduction and re-seduce the focused target.
If clicked while "Alt" is being pressed, it will cancel the previous focus and assign a new focus on your current target.
#show Seduction
/clearfocus [modifier:alt]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,help]
/cast [pet:succubus,target=focus,exists,harm] Seduction; Seduction

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 5:54pm by DarkcydeIntensity
#16 Oct 05 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent

Sorry dude, but if u are demo (assuming level 70, since WoWcensus shows 80% are) then succubus is a novelty summon. FG OT > seduce. thats why we have insta casts, to Off-Tank AND DPS

You're telling me your nubguard can OT heroics? Good luck. Learning to seduce is a skill useful far past normal SLab.
#17 Oct 07 2007 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
The hotkeyed /focus macro is definitely going to be a great help to you for landing the second Seduce while you're trying to concentrate on the fight. The same, by the way, can go for Banish or what have you, but Seduce (or Fear in some situations) is going to get the most benefit from that.

That said, your most helpful asset in Seducing is to make sure the mob has CoS up. What I prefer to do is simultaneously cast CoS while my Succubus is seducing. Even with 5/5 Suppression, especially in instances such as Shadow Labs, Hellfire etc. you're going to encounter humanoids with a lot of innate shadow resistance (in fact, most of the casters are that way and they can be the most difficult to keep Seduce on). If Seduce breaks, just call your pet back to you, move back a bit (if you can) and re-cast. In emergency situations, I may Death Coil the target to ensure my Succubus doesn't get 2-shotted while recasting. If you have some wiggle room in the area, it's almost more worth it to CoEx+Fear the mob before Seduce wears off so that when it does, it's still CC'ed in some fashion (and somewhat controlled).

Just play around with it. Seduce is one of the more fun CC's in the game. After I initially leveled my Warlock way back when, I leveled a Mage to 60 and couldn't believe how utterly simple Poly was, LOL.

Edit: clarity

Edited, Oct 8th 2007 2:11am by Alixana
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