I confirm that decent rogues shouldn't be outdamaged.
After just completing the normal questing (haven't finished a few of the 5-man quests) and easy normal instances (i.e. I stopped at Kara, not having a guild that can take me there), I ran my first heroic instance this week.
I was (logically) the one with the worst gear, all others being half purple or even full purple (I only had two purples at that time, the ingineering googles and the exhalted Aldor's sword). Still, I can up first and second was a warlock with a nice gear.
There was a second rogue, with gear far superior to mine, and he came up third, with just the tank and healer behind. Even more shocking to me was to noticed that on a long boss fight for a 5-man quest a rogue from my guild who is full purple and pve oriented (he doesn't pvp) was WAY behind me, like I was 46% and he was 28% !!!
This shows that a rogue has to know what he's doing if he wants to perform well. As a combat rogue, you can't SS-SS-SS-SS-Evisc and hope to do well. I personally usually start all fights with a 1 point SnD, unless the fights is expected to be super short (casters trash for instance). Normal elites usually die before the end of my SnD. On tougher mobs and on bosses especially, I follow up with a Rupture, then again SnD, etc... keeping those two up at all times. Unless, of course, there is no warrior and then I'll Expose Armor instead of Rupture. With Adrenalin Rush and BF, you can acutally have all three up.
Opening move for me is usually Garrote, since KS is moderately useful when there is a tank and some tank actually complain that it hinders their rage building.
Also, people on this board discuss builds a lot so we tend to end up with close to perfect builds. It's not the case of most players (for instance the rogue from my guild which I mentioned above is a combat rogue wearing a sword and a dagger... no comment).
These are very simple rules, but applying them allows me to always top the damage meter, except when there are either a warlock with great gear or a mage who's using AoE on trash or non elites.
Edited, Sep 18th 2007 10:32am by nostraaa