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#1 Sep 11 2007 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
I have been playing WOW for about a year now and have, at one time or another tried just about every character and race combo that i can think of. During that time I have read many, many posts on this website, some helpful and some not. I have come to love playing the pallie, regardless of DPS, Healer, or Protector. Does not matter to me since its all part of the class. The biggest thing though that I have noticed about the pallie community is the amount of bickering amongst our selves over the most trivial of things. Who can DPS and who can't. Personally I could care less. I have played with good ones and bad ones. Take from each what I can or leave it. Just from reading on alot of post I can tell you that just from the attitudes of some people, I could care less what you put out on a team I would not want to do a run with you. I am sure that I will recieve some sort of verbal abuse for posting that and so be it. Just thought i would share my thoughts for once. Thanks for letting me rant.
#2 Sep 11 2007 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,441 posts
You had any points beyond venting?
#3 Sep 11 2007 at 3:58 AM Rating: Default
Kind of a point of view and ranting and maybe I should have stated something more along the lines of instead of all the bickering and complaining, how about people suggesting ways for others to improve. I come looking for advice or info and most of the time its just people ******** back and forth about why pallies cant DPS. Or when someone does post about doing a little extra DPS, he gets bashed as to how he was lucky or how the other guy was low on health. I apologize on this not being a constructive post. I hopefully will try and start posting more and try and put in some advice that I have picked up along the way. But that is another post for another time.
#4 Sep 11 2007 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
308 posts
Oooo, ease on the wall of text please.
#5 Sep 11 2007 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,441 posts
Qiksilver wrote:
I come looking for advice or info and most of the time its just people ******** back and forth about why pallies cant DPS.

Most of the time? Like in these threads?;mid=118927665288483321;num=7;page=1;mid=11746556482987693;num=67;page=1;mid=1189473987193481110;num=4;page=1;mid=1189329453191977913;num=10;page=1;mid=11894555927458388;num=2;page=1;mid=118947026888631359;num=1;page=1;mid=1188617339112834789;num=16;page=1

All that ******** about DPS in those 8 out of the top 10 threads currently at the top of the board sure is getting to me too.

Oh wait, there's actually only one troll thread and, uhm, this present one. Yours.

Or when someone does post about doing a little extra DPS, he gets bashed as to how he was lucky or how the other guy was low on health.

So your point is, you want to post how successful you are as a DPS pallie endgame but are afraid you won't be taken seriously? Or are you simply the sock puppet of one of the so-called DPSadins in the troll thread

I hopefully will try and start posting more and try and put in some advice that I have picked up along the way. But that is another post for another time.

That would have been a better start, because right now you are already at the rock bottom of the board's expectations. On the other hand, the good news is that the only way for you is up (or rated down into nothingness).
#6 Sep 11 2007 at 6:13 AM Rating: Default
I have read some of the posts that you linked, some I have not and thank you for the info. As to reconition, could care less about it.M y pallie is 38 at the moment and I would not even think of making any claim to being DPS king or any creature like that, I like the one I have and enjoy playing him and do my best to play him well in groups. But I am still trying to learn the ins and outs of the class. I was just typing a post to put my point of view out is all. If someone has info to pass I would love to read it. But as I have said, its seems that there are alot of people that just live to flame others. And like I said, I will probably recieve my fair share of abuse for posting my thoughts. Thats all...
#7 Sep 11 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
If a ret guy came in asking what he could do to up his damage, lower threat or ask for help I would gladly give it to him. Same for a Holy or Prot pally.

However when a Ret'tard comes in claiming "We don't suck", I will gladly take the time out to explain quite clearly to him exactly why he does in fact suck. Probably why I have been here for 4+ years and have 15,000 posts.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Sep 11 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
Well to any action theres a reaction. But I agree it does seem like some of the people on these forums are looking for an excuse to flame you, for not knowing everything in the game. And I repeat some, not all.
#9 Sep 11 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Qiksilver wrote:
The biggest thing though that I have noticed about the pallie community is the amount of bickering amongst our selves over the most trivial of things. Who can DPS and who can't. Personally I could care less ..

I can see how little you care, since you bother coming on a forum and posting about how little you care. Try harder next time.
#10 Sep 11 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
Edit: up front I beg my pardon for this wall of text. I could not find less words to say what I wanted to.

To be honest, I totally second the OP's opinion. In fact I have been thinking lately to post a similar sounding thread, just to vent my opinion. I have read this board for ages now, contributing a few times when I felt I could, although there are always more experienced players who know the ins and outs better and many times I let them speak and learn from that myself.

Lately though, the board is not by far as much fun to read (nor as useful) as it used to be. Simply because of the reason the OP posted: there is only the bickering between the Retadins-are-good-dpsers and the no-way-that-Retadins-are-good-dpsers.

I even dare to point fingers at this point and I beg my pardon even before I do it, because I feel that one person in particular has taken his contribution from informative, strong posts that I always loved to read to fully disrespecting any choices for a Retadin. I am sorry to say that I am looking at you, Gaudion.

Yes I understand that people who come here may be misleaded (or not, I honestly do not care) about the dps possibilities of the Retadin. Yes I understand that that is the reason why you get so upset with Rets like Tommyguns or whomever speaks in favor of the Retadin dps. But please, these "misleaded" people, if or when they respec to Retribution, can see for themselves if they like it or not. Even if they get into raids with it or not.

If they do not like the outcome of being a Retadin, they will either respec or keep playing it simply because they find it more fun. It is as simple as that! Flaming the Retadins will only pollute the boards even further, whether it is justified or not.

I sincerly, truely and utterly hope (and I am mainly looking to you again, our old trusted Gaudion) that you refrain from these posts from now on and start adding to the information again, like I have come to know you. You ARE the best at that, always the right arguments and such, you know. I miss you.


Edited, Sep 11th 2007 10:30am by Immunios
#11 Sep 11 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I am guilty of arguing it to much.

In my defense I would like to say that I have done my best to change to paradigm of the argument from "ret do sh'it dps" to the real issue, whether it be threat in pve or lack of interrupts/cc in arena.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 Sep 11 2007 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
I agree. Bodhi. You are another one on my most respected posters-list. It is just so easy: just see Ret as a choice. Misleading is not necessarily a bad thing. It just makes people experience it instead of just reading about it and never know.

Some people just have more fun being a dps-paladin, whether it compares to other dps-ers or not.

Two thumbs up for acknowledging it!

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 10:45am by Immunios
#13 Sep 11 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
The thing that bugs me about the whole "playing ret for fun" argument is that is not in fact fun. In fact it is perhaps the slowest, most cumbersome combat in the game.

I played a 60 Orc Warlock, I was PvPing with him back in the days when Deathcoil had a 10 minute timer and no fear effect on it. I also had a 60 Dwarf Hunter that sat in AV before it was changed into a PvE race. Both of those classes were infinitely more dynamic and more interesting to play than a Ret pally. Even my Holy paladin is more challenging and dynamic.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#14 Sep 11 2007 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
387 posts

Fun is subjective. There are people having fun while being tied up on some frame and be beaten the living crap out of them. Just because you do not find it fun does not make it less fun for them. /smile

So there indeed ARE people having fun as a retribution paladin. I have been one for a few levels and while it was a LOT slower than levelling my rogue I had just as much fun. I only like protection a lot better (not for levelling speed mind you but for the invincibility-feeling).

Thing is you just cannot define fun for other people (as everyone should know by real life experience).
#15 Sep 11 2007 at 7:15 AM Rating: Default
To me, the retadin i have now is my favorite character I have had and I love playing him for several reason. I like melee, survivability, being able to fill several different roles if need be. But if your single mindedness(no fingers pointed, just saying in general) only allows you to look at the pallie from a dps point of view, then at that point I think it's high time for that person to start looking elsewhere or later in the game they will be a lonely individual. Once again just one man's opinion.

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 11:16am by Qiksilver
#16 Sep 11 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I understand that fun is subjective. The combat in PvE is without a doubt the most simplistic and unchallenging in the game. In PvP it becomes a little more frantic, as all combat does. However it still is simplistic in comparison to other classes and it also suffers from a number of various set backs in terms of viability. If it floats your boat, well then 'to each their own' as the saying goes. I've never started an argument with a guy just because he specced ret.

My problem is when people start arguing that it is not what it is. You could listen to pop music and I would never fault you for it, however if you try to argue that "Oop's I did it again!" is a technically blazing and as innovative a piece of music as Mozart, or even King Crimson then I am going to words with you.

Which is where it comes back to the point. Play ret if you enjoy it. It is a game afterall, have fun. Just Don't try to justify it by telling me it is what it isn't though. I know better.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Sep 11 2007 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
I agree that a retadin will never be a huge DPS class. There are plenty of good guides and post i have read that explain how to make the best of it. Who knows, maybe later I will respec to try something different But for now as a lvl 38 retadin it works great for me and have no complaints.
#18 Sep 11 2007 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I did come off a little too harsh on ret combat.

The problem with the ret issue is that it has been pigeonholed as DPS when it quite clearly is not. The only real issue in terms of DPS is that of sustained vs burst damage in raids. 5 man and PvP damage is fine. The problem in terms of PvE 5man or raid content can be summed up as threat, with a smattering of utility issues causing limited spots for ret in end game groups compared to other classes. With PvP it is not damage but instead the lack of interrupts and stuns that cause it to be a problem.

So in the end I don't have a problem with people being ret. I guess my problem is that when someone comes in trying to sell "Ret does great dps, we don't have problems" I have to clarify that there are problems that are not dps related that hamper and marginalize the class.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#19 Sep 11 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
While you are correct, it would simply suffice to say:

To the poster of such posts: "I totally disagree."

To the readers of such posts: "I totally disagree, but feel free to try it out yourself and see what you think about it."

Which is actually my only point. You are known (at least in my book) to be an informative poster, but lately your type of posts has shifted. No problem if you feel fine with that, but from my point of view I think it is a shame.

No offense meant at all in that, Bodhi, honestly (as I hope you will know), more a sad feeling.
#20 Sep 11 2007 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as they understand that it's wrong.
#21 Sep 11 2007 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
Did not see your post before I posted mine:

Noone will have problems when you point out the true problem. While of course for every class/spec or whatsoever the only real problem is:

"You can't have it all (at least not at once)."
#22 Sep 11 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Default
387 posts
Gaudion just made me sad :(
#23 Sep 11 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
This is the reason that I wanted to post in the first place, not to start flaming other people about this and that but to have a civilized discussion as to why some people think one way and some another. So far thank you to everyone that has posted.
#24 Sep 11 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
When it comes to a debate, I much rather answer "I disagree, this is why".

If I can elevate the discussion about what is wrong with ret beyond dps I am a happy camper.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Sep 11 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
Qiksilver wrote:
This is the reason that I wanted to post in the first place, not to start flaming other people about this and that but to have a civilized discussion as to why some people think one way and some another.

No, you don't. You don't want a "civilized discussion" and neither does anyone else that starts one of their, "Retribution rocks!" threads. What you people want is for Retribution to be good and for those of us that know better to agree with you that it's good.

But we do know better, and we're not going to tell you it's good no matter how many of these threads you make. And no matter how many of these threads you make, it's not going to make Retribution good.

So stop. Please. No one is more sick and tired of all these Retribution posts on the front page than yours truly.
#26 Sep 11 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Sometimes though, someone makes an argument about ret paladins that is so woefully ignorant and based upon a thick stack of misconceptions and lack of knowledge that I cut the honest debate and go straight to the emasculation.

For example trying to argue ret viability by linking BG dps. First and foremost anyone worth addressing would already understand why links to bg screenshots mean nothing. Secondly DPS in PvP is not the issue. So it like arguing that breaking the small side of the egg is the real cause behind teenage abortion in Swift Current Alberta. Yet the person expects to be taken seriously.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
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