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Main Healing off spec?Follow

#1 Sep 09 2007 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Hi guys. Ok here is my question. I'm still low level (only 44 at the moment), and am wondering about my ability to main heal in dungeons while specced for Enhancement.

I know everyone says to lvl with Enhancement, and It is alot of fun, so I am doing that. But where does that place me as far as healing in dungeons go? I want to guess I wont have much of a problem, but unfortunatly I haven't had much of an oportunity to give it a try. Last thing I main healed was VC and I'm pretty sure a rogue with a ton of bandages could main heal that. (No not really but I mean It's not exactly a tough instance. It is what it is, a beginners dungeon.)

My current build is 0/35/0 and I belive I will be switching over to resto for now for the rest of my points until I am able to get Shamanistic Rage. Or would I be better off sticking with what I do best right now (hit stuff with clubs) and continue down the enhancement tree?

I guess my question was 2 parted. 1. Am I a viable healer with my current spec? and 2. would I gain more hopping over to resto for now or keep going down enhance? I have a 70 druid so I am no stranger to hybrid classes, and there is nothing I can't stand more than joining a group and seeing a hybrid who refuses to play a different role other than their favorite.

Post ended up being a big longer than I had planned so sorry for that. Thanks in advance for any replys.
#2 Sep 10 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
254 posts

2. would I gain more hopping over to resto for now or keep going down enhance?

Keep going down the enhancement tree. Unleashed Rage is your friend. When full it will increase Attack Power by 10% which is a significant boost to your damage. And to boot it buffs everyone in your party when your in party situations too. ShamRage will help you out with replenishing your mana pool mid-combat and is defiantly worth the 1 point. Once you get those then branch into your resto tree and start improving your totems.

But where does that place me as far as healing in dungeons go?

1. Am I a viable healer with my current spec?

Healing VC isn't a huge deal mainly cause at that point everybody is just starting there trees so chars like us that are hybrids haven't really lifted one tree up enough yet. So we can do all 3 jobs without worrying about talent points. Later on when you are 40-50 like you are it gets trickier. Now people have there trees and specs and have the strengths and weakness's. This has been a long sought after argument. It really comes down to gear and what instance. Myself personally I carry a epic healing set that I can throw on in times where I need to heal. This helps out big time as the weight of a set can decide if you can or can't heal. So if you haven't already started to build one I would start grabbing some loots for it.

Now can you heal an instance? Yes, but there are exceptions. If you don't have a set it's going to be extremely difficult because you don't have the talent tree to help you out. If the instance is same level as you then it's going to be tight, especially on boss fights as larger mana pool and steady healing are required. Now if the instance is lower than you slightly or by a lot then your odds improve. I wouldn't exactly go out and put in LFG that your a healer but if your in a group and they just desperately can't find a healer than you "could" (used lightly) possibly pull it off. It's going to depend on the level of the mobs, how good your set is, and how good your tank is. I'm 70 and I have healed a large portion of the 60-68 dungeons with being enhancement spec, but I also have a good set to back me up. So yes it can be done but the only way to really find out is to try and see. Make sure you warn the group ahead of time that your not spec'd and if you can't do it there going to have to find a spec'd healer. If there having trouble finding people they might let you try it.

So if you would like the freedom of being able to heal when called upon (happens alot in outlands for group quests) then start building that set up now and run some lower instances just to try it out. So seeing as how your 44 I would maybe try running Uldaman or something like that. You won't fully know till you try.

Edited, Sep 10th 2007 9:07am by Sercease
#3 Sep 10 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Thanks, that is more or less the reply I expected but I wanted to be sure.

I already have a good chunk of a healing set now. Only things that aren't heal specific are some "...of the Eagle" and "...of the Falcon" gear that I wear full time. I learned from lvling my druid that it was a good idea to have a heal set even at low levels. And yes I do the same thing as you in outlands with my druid. Though I will admit my healing set is far from Epic, it does get used alot.

I guess I just like playing a hybrid so I can adapt to what will best suit the party at any given point. I like versatility. But like I said at lv44 my shaman experience was a bit low. I know on my druid the same downranking of instances applied. Just wanted to get an idea if shaman was the same deal or if different rules applied.

Edit: Typos (I was tired)

Edited, Sep 10th 2007 9:37pm by XAtherianX
#4 Sep 10 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Having the druid experience defiantly gives you an edge on dealing with and playing a Shaman. They are very similar in there hybrid natures.
#5 Sep 10 2007 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Except for the fact that I won't be asked to tank. =]

Which is fine by me. As much as I love tanking. (and I do) It will be nice to not always be in that role. I can probably count on both hands the amount of times I got to DPS from 60-70. maybe 5% of the time?

I'm really just in love with what I've seen resto shammys do at lv70 and can't wait to get there myself.

45 and climbing. wish me luck.
#6 Sep 10 2007 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
I had around 11 points in resto when I healed sunken temple. I was worried about those 5 elite dragon kin grouped together. But we made it through that. We cleared the floor, and that's the hardest part. But the instance was taking a while, and people dropped out. Had a 61 guildie paladin tank the last dragon (4 people in party total) and he couldn't do it (he dropped out). He'd lose aggro because of banish and I'd be hammered into the ground. Eventually had to get a 70 restoration shammie tank the last dragon :). He popped a fire elemental and barely needed any healing. We only had 3 people in the party for this. But we cleared the hardest part (and the 2 dragon fight), so I feel I could do that. My points at that point were 5 points in each of the first tier resto talents (quicker heal time and reduced mana cost of heals). And I was using old INT gear from Scarlett Monastary era. (level 40ish). No +healing. So it can be done. It's the outlands instances I'm a little worried about. I'm going to get a little higher level before doing ramparts. I have 31 in resto for natures swiftness (which will also give me an instant heal if I need it)

Edited, Sep 10th 2007 7:13pm by thrashering
#7 Sep 11 2007 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
1,096 posts
thrashering wrote:
I had around 11 points in resto when I healed sunken temple.

My 40 shaman has 11 pts in resto, the rest in enhancement and she main heals just fine.

A few things I did to help balance the character were get +30 healing on the PvP epic bracers (they're PvP bracers so the melee aspect is covered and the mats for +30 healing are relatively easy to come by) and put some Mp5 on some of my other gear.

I also have a dagger and off-hand from SM that I use for healing and switch back to axe/shield or Mograine's Might for melee.

Above all, chain heal is your friend. I can't say enough about this spell, it is so retardedly mana efficient.

I main healed Uldaman a few days ago with 2 hunters, a rogue and a paladin. Pets were tanking and the rogue and paladin were melee dpsing but the only one to die was me after a pat came up behind us. Popped an ankh and kept on healing.

edit: My shaman is Hoodoowoman on greymane if you care to check her out on the armory.

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 7:33am by Jamboo
#8 Sep 12 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Heh, I main healed on my Shammy as well for a long time with no points in Resto, lots of mana gear though.

I have also Tanked SM, you can Tank up until about 40-ish cause that is when the Warriors start having the advantage of plate. You have to be real careful though cause your tanking by doing more damage.
#9 Sep 12 2007 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
I also have a shammy about lvl 46. I was wondering when is a good time to switch over to resto.

I was thinking 60. (Maybe 50)
#10 Sep 12 2007 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Well im my OP if you are going to eventually switch over to resto spec and plan your end game as a healer then your best to switch over before you hit 70. 50 might be a little early as you still have a VERY long way to go before you hit 70.

I would recommend right around 58-60 switching over, that way you get experience in the easier hellfire instances and gear is easier to obtain at that point. Healing isnt an easy job, and you should definately learn what your doing before hitting 70 and asked to heal something like mech or bot (or higher) without any experience.

I leveled my shaman full resto since level 10, and I know its tough to level resto. If i had to do it all over again, I would level with enhance or elemental until 60, then respec.

Here's a good Idea, go to 62 with your current spec. After hitting 62, fill your talent tree with everything up to earth shield and put the other 11 points into 2 handers, that way your not totally gimped throughout your last 8 levels. Then once you hit 70 and get some healing equipment, re-spec and go full resto.

Just my idea on the matter to save you some headache, and im sure not everyone would agree. But now that I leveled it, If i had to do it again, thats how I would approach it!

#11 Sep 20 2007 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent

5 Mans are easy for a reason. Because the average player is a idiot. If you CAN HEAL, you can main heal. Just need the gear for it.

I'v main healed every non-heroic 5-man there is. As non-resto build. With no points in resto. All I do is equip my Healing set.

But you have to understand. A healer isn't supposed to carry the group. The tank must have decent gear, and off-tank needs the stats for it. If they are taking to much DPS, more then you can heal. You will wipe or have mucho downtime.

Question 1 - answered.

Question 2 - Changing will help healing obviously. But it's not like the other players will ask you about it or care. They just want you to heal. Don't know to many noobs who ask shamans to tank or DPS. But they all know shaman can heal. Therefore must.

Shouldn't be running 5-mans for exp. anyway.
#12 Sep 21 2007 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
LOL I did have one noob ask me if shaman could heal. He was surprised I was healing SM

Did ramparts and blood furnace with my shammy. 21 points in resto (rest in elemental). I'm really happy with switching over. Because a lot of the equipment is interchangable. True eventually you'll accumulate a healing set. it's not like they offer 2 mail rewards for one quest, though occasionally I'll see a dps jewelry, and a spell damage jewelry, so you'd have to make a decision there what is most important.

Interesting thing to not is hellfire peninsula had a lot of elemental shammy gear, and zangarmarsh has a lot of enhance shammy gear. So I'm happy with going elemental at 61. Would of had a tough 2 levels ahead of me.

don't plan on going full resto until 70.

edit: oh I wanted to ask about chain heal. I'm finally getting in the habit of using it more, but I don't like it. Doesn't heal enough for the long cast time. It's okay if everyone is taking a little damage. But when everyone was taking massive damage from the mines and bombs in blood furnace, I was just afraid of losing someone. Though if you think about it, the time it takes to cast 3 lesser healing waves... We had 2 pallies and a druid (in bear form). So all were taking lots of damage, and a hunters pet. I didn't have enough time for the hunters pet, that died several times. I healed it when I had the chance, but I usually didn't have the chance. Perhaps I should have used chain heal. Because once the bombs go off, they weren't taking damage that fast anymore. But instinct tells me when hp's go down fast, use lesser healing wave. No one died though, except the pet. Just burned through a lot of mana, but never ran out on those fights. Only ran ofter the last wave of orcs before the second boss. quaffed a pot, and second boss was easy anyways.

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 4:31am by thrashering
#13 Sep 21 2007 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
At lvl 41 i mainhealed, dpsed and tanked Scarlet monastrywith exactly 0 points in resto (or elemental for that matter) but since its my second character i do have a good set of gear.

With a decent healing set i thinks its very much possible to keep mainhealing instances for a long time while being enhancement, tanking begins and stops at around lvl 40ish (because for a short moment you have the same kind of gear as true tanks and people are still learning so doing more dps to hold aggro isnt that hard)

And as said before, i would finish the Enhamcement tree to 41 points before going to resto.
#14 Sep 23 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
To the person about lesser healing will learn to love your big heals and chain heals. Lesser healing wave is overrated. The quick cast time is nice for tight situations but the ratio of mana cost/healing done is not great.

I play a 70 resto shaman (Analogkid on Gorgonnash..check him out) and have played resto for a long long time...around level 20 to be exact.

Heres a tip, when healing your MT (especially on boss fights seeing as how your ES does most of the work on trash pulls..besides a few exceptions) only use your healing wave. It sounds stupid right now but it is more mana effiecient. The tank gets your healing way buff and if you get your pattern down (using the 5 second rule and all) then you get compliments on being such a great healer. My guild runs Karazhan regularly and the first time i entered i was in al blues except for 2 elemental quest greens =P. Needless to say, i topped the healing charts, even above our guilds main priest healer. Granted, chain heal is wonderful in this regard, but I was last on overheal charts. I came out of boss fights with 7-8k mana...except for (forget his name) the rogue boss.

Just learn basic healig rules and only use lesser heal in a desperate situation, remember natures swiftness is your friend with a big/chain heal...especially when chain heal crits and everyone gets armor bonus!
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