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best talent tree for hunterFollow

#1 Sep 06 2007 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
im a mm hunter and i jus wanted to know what is the best talent tree to run down so far mm is pretty good but what is best for all around grinding,pvp,& instances
#2 Sep 06 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Try BM.
#3 Sep 06 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
576 posts
well, a search would show you that there are several topics like this already...

MM is considered the bottom of the three, with a BM/MM or SV/MM spec probably being the debated about the most when it comes to being the best...

but a straight MM isn't highly thought of, although it is good to throw a few points into.
#4 Sep 06 2007 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I think most people throw 20 or 21 points into MM, but the rest into BM or SV. MM is usually a subspec. For PvP, MM is about equal to the others (they all have strong points in PvP).
#5 Sep 13 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
i prefer surv though.
#6 Sep 13 2007 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Tidusblue wrote:
but a straight MM isn't highly thought of, although it is good to throw a few points into.





I, for once, am speachless...

God, can people for once stop dissing on MM? It works great for people who know how to play it, and don't even start the **** about "well you just point and shoot" it takes just as much learnign to max your DPS and utility as any other spec.

MM can still do considerable ammounts of damage, and I still do enough damage to come within the top 2, if not the top for damage (just got beat by a Shadow Priest in my guild).

People dissing on MM makes me sad in the pants, and makes me want to go into a hole somewere and cry all night long...
#7 Sep 13 2007 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
I have never seen a NON-MM hunter in Karahzan and beyond that was worth a raid slot.
My Protection Warrior grouped with a BM hunter in SL the other day and I out-damaged him and his pet combined.
My hunter is only level 60, I am MM with a few points into Surv for better traps. To date I have not been out damaged in any group I have been in. ::shrug::

My personal opinion is MM is best.
#8 Sep 13 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
365 posts
Well thats silly, on my 70 BM I was using my tanking pet in all runs (No bite or claw just growl) and not even counting my pet with my damage i still out dps'd most of the group
#9 Sep 13 2007 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Well thats silly, on my 70 BM I was using my tanking pet in all runs (No bite or claw just growl) and not even counting my pet with my damage i still out dps'd most of the group

I hope to god you ment the other way around, otherwise your just plain dumb for leaving growl on in instances...
#10 Sep 13 2007 at 11:48 PM Rating: Default
I out DPS pretty much everyone in any group i play with, there is a guild Mage (Gaillie) fantastic mage player, who can beat me sometimes, espically if there is alot of small group to AOE. (ex. 10 Non Elites, Freeze's and AOE's all the time till dead, 800x10= 8000x5= 40,000 extra - something a hunter CANT compete with) but tbh i'd rather see the group servive then to let my head explode to say i win DPS! and Im Great... what the hell am i saying?



Edited, Sep 14th 2007 3:52am by Reccyuk
#11 Sep 14 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
250 posts
I'm a BM hunter and have taken part in 2 kara runs as well as a shot a gruul. On the gruul run (couldn't down him)I topped the damage and on the kara runs it's usually a race between me and the mages. All three trees are very much viable but they also have slightly different play styles. Check them all out and see which one suits you the best. I do so love my angry red giant kitty spec.
#12 Sep 14 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
PvE (instances)- All three have their roles to play because of the party benefits. As far as pure theory and given equal player skill, BM beats the other 2, but not by much and not all the time. It really depends on how you like to play, but having more than one SV Hunter is pointless, while having more than one BM or MM Hunter just adds more DPS and party benefits.

PvP- I would personally say MM>SV>BM in PvP, but I only have limited experience and not in Arena or AV, mostly WSG and Arathi so don't take this very seriously. But in those situations, having more skills to get back into firing range is what means life or death, and MM beats the other 2 hands down.

Grinding-BM, pure and simple, a BM build can far outlast and outgrind the other 2 builds so easily it hurts. BM uses the least amount of mana and does the most amount of damage without using mana that your downtime is almost nothing (and is nothing once you get Aspect of the Viper) I was grinding in Western Plaguelands on Scarlet Lumberjacks and Knight in Northern Central WPL, while rested, and was getting about 70-80k xp an hour, which means I level'd from 56-58 in about 4.5-5 hours. I will say though that if your just questing MM beats you, only because by dumping all their mana they can out DPS you.

And I think the whole discussion to which build is better comes to this, and I realized it as I was writing the previous paragraph. Beast Mastery has the best sustained DPS of al three builds, Marksman has the highest damage but can't sustain it, and Survival is more Burst damage because of how crit heavy they are.
#13 Sep 16 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
if u do bm ur pet ends up a great tank...
#14 Sep 16 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default




I, for once, am speachless...

God, can people for once stop dissing on MM? It works great for people who know how to play it, and don't even start the sh*t about "well you just point and shoot" it takes just as much learnign to max your DPS and utility as any other spec.

MM can still do considerable ammounts of damage, and I still do enough damage to come within the top 2, if not the top for damage (just got beat by a Shadow Priest in my guild).

People dissing on MM makes me sad in the pants, and makes me want to go into a hole somewere and cry all night long...

fyi speechless means u dont type ne thing...
and uh nothing against mm (i have a couple points in there meself) im just mainly bm cuz my armor suks a bit and bm cuz it makes ur pet a tank...
#15 Sep 16 2007 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Alright... To those of you who think BM makes your pet an instance tank: Shut up.

There are designated tanks for tanking instances, they're called Warriors, Druids and Paladins. Stick to that.

To Caldone: Having played both MM and BM myself (although, sadly, not SV yet) I can say that MM is very good when you know how to utilize it. It's problem is, however, that someone who has knowlage of the class as whole, and there fore also about the other trees, will be able to utilize the other trees the same way. And, quite frankly, if you compare MM vs BM or SV when all factors are equal: MM will perform slightly worse.

At least that's how it is for me. I bring the same utility, but much more single target DPS with BM. (I don't count Scatter Shot because if I use my traps right, and no one else noobs it, I almost never have to use it)

In addition to that my DPS is split 2-ways, so I'm not the aggro magnet I would be with MM, where I do 90% of the damage and my pet 10%. But a more balanced distribution of 60/40%. This lets limited tanks relax a bit more. I'm not sure if the aggro magnet issue is the same with SV (although is should be, since high crit = bursty and irregular damage) but at least I can keep up to 6 mobs occupied at once, and up to 3 mobs occupied for a very long time.

I realize you're very fond of the MM tree, and I don't know if you've tried any of the other to a lagrer extent, but in my experience; BM > MM.

That being said it's free for all to call me a noob now :P I dare you all!

Edit: I'm tired... Life > Me.

Edited, Sep 16th 2007 7:35pm by Xordon
#16 Sep 16 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
Actually on 1on1, I say MM beats them all, that's right that with MM you cannot sustain your mana for much longer, but when you're going for 1on1 that mana usually gets the job done, if it doesnt, there are little blue bottles we call mana potions :D

Btw, yes the BM's dps is split nearly into two between the hunter and the pet, but in my opinion hunter getting aggro sometimes helps the battle, as hunter has many ways to get aggro off of him, like fd, disengage, scatter shot, freezing trap, wing clip and kite...... and so on. If your pet has "growl" you don't need to be a BM. Because when you get the aggro once every battle, your pet can land more hits without getting any hits because the aggroed target goes for the hunter and using the ways i told above, the hunter can avoid it without getting a single hit landed on him :D

Edited, Sep 16th 2007 6:12pm by Rutian
#17 Sep 16 2007 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
how about oak tree, pine tree, maple tree, ........LOL

Just FYI, I orginally started out strictly in MM from lvl 1 to 60,but after BC i found i did better as BM in the outlands.
#18 Sep 16 2007 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
Rutian wrote:
in my opinion hunter getting aggro sometimes helps the battle, as hunter has many ways to get aggro off of him, like fd, disengage, scatter shot, freezing trap, wing clip and kite...... and so on. If your pet has "growl" you don't need to be a BM. Because when you get the aggro once every battle, your pet can land more hits without getting any hits because the aggroed target goes for the hunter and using the ways i told above, the hunter can avoid it without getting a single hit landed on him :D
Be very careful to qualify statements like this one. In solo play this can be a decent and fun strategy, trying to see if you can get the mob to run to you at the point where it's going to drop dead at your feet for easy looting. And it's harmless, since the only person you're putting at risk is yourself.

In groups and raids, unless you are trying to save a squishy you never want aggro. There are fights where this can cause a total party wipe, and even in cases where it's not this extreme pulling aggro off of the tanks can cause healers and cloth DPs to die very easily if the mob moves beyond melee range of the tank and changes the aggro picture for the entire group.
#19 Sep 17 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
Untill lvl 60, i was a BM+MM+SV ( increasing range ) for PVP and i had more kills than deaths ( a kill/death ratio of 5 or more .. you know.. 20kills and 4 deaths ). I could kill even when they were passing by on the mounts ( concussive+intimidation - my pet had dash 3 : 80% speed - arcane, autoshot, serpent, autoshot, autoshot and by the time the enemy got out of the initimidation, he was receiving another concussive :) ). Even if he was gettind down from his mount, he had 1/2 hp.

Now im a MM for dungeons. For questing, MM doesnt work v well. My pet looses aggro sometimes :)

But id go on smth like this only for pvp and kiteing enemy players.
Why this build? cause when you kite them, you rely mostly on your pet's dmg and on your concussive, serpent and arcane. Hardly any autoshot.

Cause we're rangers, not melee.

Edited, Sep 17th 2007 5:48pm by mxedos

Edited, Sep 17th 2007 5:53pm by mxedos
#20 Sep 17 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
2,388 posts
Now im a MM for dungeons. For questing, MM doesnt work v well. My pet looses aggro sometimes :)

Interesting as when I went BM my pet was loosing more aggro then when I was MM :)

There was a very interesting thead in here (look for "So I went BM) about me trying BM for about 3 days before I got sick of it and switched back to MM.

(I don't count Scatter Shot because if I use my traps right, and no one else noobs it, I almost never have to use it)

Yes, my problem is I use Scatter all the time, traps getting resisted in Heroics, some Warrior or Druid letting off a Demo, thunderclap or whatever, I need to scatter and kit until my trap reset is up. It is also usefull for in say SL, interupting heals from the acolytes when your silencing shot is up.

It is a very usefull shot and when utilized correctly can save your group :P
#21 Sep 17 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Gnoshfurt wrote:
I have never seen a NON-MM hunter in Karahzan and beyond that was worth a raid slot.
My Protection Warrior grouped with a BM hunter in SL the other day and I out-damaged him and his pet combined.
My hunter is only level 60, I am MM with a few points into Surv for better traps. To date I have not been out damaged in any group I have been in. ::shrug::

My personal opinion is MM is best.

best at what? that's like saying "I'm of the oppinion that 1 + 1 = 3"

truly though I'm of the oppinion that any hunter you have encountered has sucked but it has nothing to do with people that know how to play the class.
#22 Sep 17 2007 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
747 posts
I said it before in Caldones thread about him switching to BM for 3 days. BM is one of those builds that requres a lot more "finesse" to play, and that finesse can only come with experience with the build and 3 days isn't enough to do that. Also, Caldone, there were about 15 responses to your pet losing hate saying you weren't playing the build the way it's meant to be played and you admitted to keeping your same shot rotation and dumping all of your mana into your shots and trying to play BM as if it were MM with a stonger pet, it doesn't work that way. No matter what pet you have, dumping everything you've got into your shot rotation will steal hate from your pet. Pets only generate threat from damage and growl, which is a set amount of threat unlike a warriors taunt.

I'm preaching to the choir here I know, but please Caldone, at least admit that you have been playing MM so long that you are either one or both of two things: too stuck with MM that you can't play BM well, or unwilling to change your playstyle. Both of which are fine, I can't play MM, mostly because I don't want to (which is what I think your problem with BM is), but also because I play Hunter the way BM is supposed to be played, even if I was SV or MM I would play the same.

Don't dis a build because you don't like it. Each of them has a purpose and playstyle, learn which one fits you and stick with it.

I don't doubt that you're a good player Caldone, but you're not the end all be all of Hunters by any means, you are, however and icon of MM Hunters on this forum and most likely on your server and I respect your experience if not your opinions.

#23 Sep 17 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default
2,388 posts
Katchii wrote:
Also, Caldone, there were about 15 responses to your pet losing hate saying you weren't playing the build the way it's meant to be played and you admitted to keeping your same shot rotation and dumping all of your mana into your shots and trying to play BM as if it were MM with a stonger pet

And also as previously stated, I didn't think Auto/Steady/Auto was dumping all my shot rotation... besides, current pets hold aggro fine with me being MM. I tried to play the way everybody suggested, but got so pissed of at the damn build I had to switch back. BM is fine, Iv'e seen some very good BM hunters out there, just not for me and my High Damage output needs.

Katchii wrote:
Don't dis a build because you don't like it. Each of them has a purpose and playstyle, learn which one fits you and stick with it.

Which is why I throw a big old ******* when people talk **** about MM like this comment:

TidusBlue wrote:
but a straight MM isn't highly thought of, although it is good to throw a few points into

I havn't seen alot of players on my server that aren't MM, and as somebody downstairs stated, MM makes approx 50% of the WoW population.
#24 Sep 17 2007 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Caldone the Shady wrote:
Katchii wrote:
Also, Caldone, there were about 15 responses to your pet losing hate saying you weren't playing the build the way it's meant to be played and you admitted to keeping your same shot rotation and dumping all of your mana into your shots and trying to play BM as if it were MM with a stonger pet

And also as previously stated, I didn't think Auto/Steady/Auto was dumping all my shot rotation... besides, current pets hold aggro fine with me being MM.
Which is interesting, because I'm BM, that's my shot rotation, and my Pet holds aggro just fine also.

Caldone the Shady wrote:
I havn't seen alot of players on my server that aren't MM, and as somebody downstairs stated, MM makes approx 50% of the WoW population.
That would be me, and if the Armory crawlers are correct then it's true. But as we all know, just because a lot of people make a certain choice doesn't make it the best one. Just look at the last two USA Presidential elections if you need a sterling example of this theory in practice!
#25 Sep 17 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
365 posts
From my experience, I was a Survival (Melee hunter, what was I thinking) from 20 or 30 to around 50. I had horrible gear (Mostly green tiger stuff) and was an overall idiot, I was also speced survival melee which was horrible + the crappy gear. So I would say don't go survival.
Please hunters who lvld on SV don't flame me, I know SV is a usefull spec and I realize that bad gear attributed to my overall bad experience.

When I changed to BM, everything seemed so much easier, no more having to melee mobs, killing things faster, etc.
If you do go BM I suggest investing all the talent points you can in your pet (i.e. 20% pet armor + 10% armor contribution, 10% pet health 5% your health, anything that helps your pet deal damage and tank), and the remaining points should fill out everything that helps you DPS (In the BM tree), once you fill that out put your last points in hawk eye and the slaying talents.
#26 Sep 17 2007 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
You might Also Try a non-standard build. I use a 0/34/27 Build, and I grudgingly love it. I don't hit #1 on the damage meter anymore(Best Friend is a Backstab specc'd Rogue), but I can Perma CC 1 mob, save the Clothies, and still out DPS the Tank. It certainly isn't the most Glorius when they pop a damage Parse, but there is more than Just damage at stake. The Healer will love you, because you can ALWAYS at the bottom of the healing Parse, the Tank will love you because with pet on passive you can keep a mob frozen indefinitely. Clothies will like you because you can save their collective Butts time and time again, and still have quite the bag of tricks.

For my Kara Attunment I took care of all the Adds, and Medivh had 98% health left when the last boss spawned. I don't know if My spcec is anywhere close to "the best", but It gets invited to Instances All the time. My Hunter's name is Marcosuave, on Aerie Peak.
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