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Warrior Level 70 PvE DPS F.A.QFollow

#102 Sep 17 2007 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
1,331 posts
Alright, since i gave up on consumables, (at least for the time being, since i was focusing more on a spreadsheet for white dps still...)

I want to provide some standard specs, which are of course dedicated dps builds.

I see the basic idea for 2h fury being;

If your gear has 136 or so Hit rating already;
With 90 or less hit rating;

For 2h MS/fury;
Or with TM;

For D/w;
Or with Piercing Howl;

Got a correction or addition?

Edited, Sep 17th 2007 8:15pm by devioususer
You can switch 2/5 imp demo to 5/5 unbridled wrath, it's totally up to you.

Edited, Sep 17th 2007 9:43pm by devioususer

Edited, Sep 18th 2007 1:06am by devioususer

Edited, Sep 18th 2007 1:08am by devioususer
#103 Sep 17 2007 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
339 posts
Why do you insist on putting points in improved demoralizing shout rather than just filling up unbridled wrath completely? Other than that, that last build you posted is the one I use, almost.
#104 Sep 17 2007 at 8:37 PM Rating: Default
1,331 posts
imp demo shout provides a slight versitility that allows you a little more room to OT (which in many situations you will be doing as a fury warrior).
#105 Sep 17 2007 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
1,331 posts
As was stated by another fine smart person;

Extra rage gen just fuels more HS. Which leads to more threat.

HS is one of the worst rage to damage abilities, it's fine for a rage dump, because you have nothing else to dump it on, and it doesn't consume GCD's.

and 2 points of UW is really negligible.
#106 Sep 17 2007 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
339 posts
I don't think those couple of points in imp demo will help you off-tank any better. As far as extra rage goes, in the raaaaare occasion that I need a rage dump, a cleave does that nicely, at less threat and higher rage cost. I still think in terms of pure pve dps output, which is what we're discussing here, points in imp demo shout can be put to better use elsewhere.
#107 Sep 17 2007 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
If you want pure dps output forsaking all others I'd go with this build.
#108 Sep 17 2007 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
339 posts
Thats a good one Jim, I'd prolly take one point out of imp heroic and fill up imp dual-wielding, but thats only because I'm used to seeing it 5/5. :P
#109 Sep 17 2007 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Wow, this thread has really gotten out of control. Which is a good thing, I suppose. As great as warriors are for tanking, it is nice to see something dedicated to their DPS potential. I'm slowly leveling my warrior, and I plan to go DPS. I'm reading over some of the random posts and math involved and I came across the Improved Whirlwind > d/w spec, which I thought sounded odd, but I take it to mean that putting one point in whirlwind is more dps than one point in d/w. I didn't realize that whirlwind was really used unless you're fighting multiple mobs (I'm still learning the warrior class), so here's my question about whirlwind: do you use it on single mobs? I didn't think you would because I don't see a damage bonus on it. Is it because it's an instant attack? If so, would you only use it as a rage dump, or would you use it all the time?
#110 Sep 17 2007 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
You need the points where they are to reach Impale, you can't take a point out of Arms and put it into Fury with that setup.

I'd personally cap DW spec over 2/2 Execute, but that's personal preference. For a practical, real-use build it's well worth getting the 2/5 Demo for use in both your offtanking and providing raid utility by keeping it up for other people too.

so here's my question about whirlwind: do you use it on single mobs? I didn't think you would because I don't see a damage bonus on it. Is it because it's an instant attack? If so, would you only use it as a rage dump, or would you use it all the time?

It's used on single mobs. It's more rage efficient than Heroic Strike, albeit less than Bloodthirst, and it doesn't cause additional threat. There's no reason not to use it constantly unless there are CC concerns (read: breaking CC).
#111 Sep 18 2007 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
I don't think those couple of points in imp demo will help you off-tank any better

You might be surprised by the amount of ap mobs have. 350.

2/5 imp demo shout is 348~349 ap reduction. So if mobs only have 350 ap, why even reduce their ap you ask? Well they get a much higher return on ap for damage than anything we can get as players. It's about an 10% reduction in damage.

Combined with imp tclap, these are some of the most useful talent points for mitigation for warriors.

And is 2 points in UW really really worth it?

I have problems dumping my rage, and I'm only kara geared, BT, WW... cleave? nah, it's actually got built in threat as well. even though the tooltip doesn't say it. Heroic strike is horrible for damage from rage, but cleave is even worse.

don't spam cleave instead of heroic strike. if your looking for a rage dump, piercing howl. Then use good ole' heroic strike. Because it's not that much threat, IT IS THREAT, but it's not alot when combined with a passive 80% reduction to threat (berserker stance). Combined with BoSalv, you'll probably never notice a real difference in your threat.

HS > Cleave for rage to damage.

HS = 15 rage, +157 damage (talented is 12 rage if you so choose to spec it)
Cleave = 20 rage, +70 damage next attack (with talents this is 154 damage)

HS does +314 damage on dazed targets. Cleave doesn't do extra damage on dazed targets.

Piercing howl dazes mobs.
#112 Sep 18 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Default
2,580 posts
Thats a good one Jim, I'd prolly take one point out of imp heroic and fill up imp dual-wielding, but thats only because I'm used to seeing it 5/5. :P

You can't take the point out of imp HS to move to DW spec since you wouldn't have enough points to get impale if you did. I am however thinking about moving one point out of imp execute over to it.

HS does +314 damage on dazed targets. Cleave doesn't do extra damage on dazed targets.

Piercing howl dazes mobs.

Did they change it to where the daze effect from PH counts now?
#113 Sep 18 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
Don't think so, and anyway most bosses are immune to the effect.
#114 Sep 18 2007 at 6:51 AM Rating: Default
2,580 posts
Afaik the only ones that count are the ones from shield bash and hunters concussive shot.
#115 Sep 18 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default
339 posts
You can't take the point out of imp HS to move to DW spec since you wouldn't have enough points to get impale if you did. I am however thinking about moving one point out of imp execute over to it.

I realized that about 6 minutes after I posted it >_<

You said unbridled wrath=more rage=more rage dump=more threat. I was offering cleave as a lesser-threat alternative, that is even more rage hungry. After all, we're trying to burn rage without letting it give us too much threat.
Extra rage gen just fuels more HS. Which leads to more threat.

Now you're saying heroic strike isn't that much threat at all, and it really doesn't matter:
use good ole' heroic strike. Because it's not that much threat, IT IS THREAT, but it's not alot when combined with a passive 80% reduction to threat

So, by that logic, putting 5 points into unbridled wrath shouldn't matter because the added threat from a heroic strike rage-dump is insignificant.

For a short time I used improved cleave. It was fun too, when there were fights when two targets weren't CCed, which was decently often. If cleave hits two targets instead of one, it turns into a pretty good rage to damage ability. Its no whirlwind, though. Now I don't use it anymore.

In any case, like your edit says, its personal preference. I probably need that extra rage because I'm not nearly as geared as you are or something.
#116 Sep 18 2007 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Did they change it to where the daze effect from PH counts now?

Don't think so, and anyway most bosses are immune to the effect.

I'm fairly certain that PH and shield bash both daze targets in the same way.

A month or so ago, I trying to figure out if PH was affected by booming voice (which it isn't) even though the tooltip for booming voice doesn't say it. So i did some dueling with a guildy, and while testing if you mouse over the debuf on the target it does say dazed.

I know for a fact that shield bash does daze, and mouseover for that says dazed as well.

I am definitely sure it doesn't work on most bosses. But it does work on a lot of trash. But then again neither does shield bash.

Rage should be used to fuel BT every cooldown, WW every cooldown. Refresh Rampage or battle shout everyonce in a while. A large chunk of your damage base is from white damage, then BT (or execute if your just doing trash). WW should be used because it is more rage efficient (you actually get a white hit after it as opposed to heroic strike consuming your next attacks rage generation).

Cleave is very very inefficient.

If BT is your best efficiency, and WW is second.
HS is the one of the last things you want to be using. Cleave, even talented, is not as efficient as HS. And you don't want to be using Slam as D/w (although I have thought about an imp slam build with the slowest MH possible, like dragonstrike or spiteblade for exp).

HS = 15 rage, +157 damage
Cleave = 20 rage, +70 damage next attack

HS DpR = 157/15 = 10.46
Cleave DpR (single target) = 70/20 = 3.5
Cleave Dpr (two targes) = 140/20 = 7

So unless you have multiple targets and a ton of extra rage, HS is still more efficent. Lets say you spec 3/3 imp cleave vs 3/3 imp HS.

HS DpR = 157/12 = 13.08
Cleave DpR (Single) = 154/20 = 7.7
Cleave DpR (2) = 308/20 = 15.4

But only if you hit both targets, and you have two targets available.

On boss fights HS > Cleave.

Now you're saying heroic strike isn't that much threat at all, and it really doesn't matter

Read it again. I wrote that HS causes extra threat, and then wrote that the threat isn't all that much, but it still IS THREAT. And if you start doing HS every white hit, your gonna deal even more threat. When the shaman bloodlusts and your at 90% threat of the tank, your gonna have to hold off a bit (or just DPS and Die like a lot of dpsers think).

The more rage you have to dump, the more threat you'll deal, since extra rage goes to HS. One should be using HS to dump rage. You will have extra rage. Putting more points in talents that generate EVEN MORE RAGE will just fuel MORE HS, not increasing your DPS all that much and increasing your threat that much more.
#117 Sep 18 2007 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good

I'm fairly certain that PH and shield bash both daze targets in the same way.

They don't. I can double check, but I recall testing this right around when TBC came out, and effects that have increased effectiveness on Dazed targets (Steady Shot, Heroic Strike) only work on targets that actually have the Dazed debuff, either courtesy of Hunter/Rogue talents or Shield Bash.

Yes, it says "Dazed" in the description, but it doesn't _mean_ it. It's stupid, but there you go.


Cleave is very very inefficient.

If BT is your best efficiency, and WW is second.
HS is the one of the last things you want to be using. Cleave, even talented, is not as efficient as HS. And you don't want to be using Slam as D/w (although I have thought about an imp slam build with the slowest MH possible, like dragonstrike or spiteblade for exp).

HS = 15 rage, +157 damage
Cleave = 20 rage, +70 damage next attack

HS DpR = 157/15 = 10.46
Cleave DpR (single target) = 70/20 = 3.5
Cleave Dpr (two targes) = 140/20 = 7

So unless you have multiple targets and a ton of extra rage, HS is still more efficent. Lets say you spec 3/3 imp cleave vs 3/3 imp HS.

HS DpR = 157/12 = 13.08
Cleave DpR (Single) = 154/20 = 7.7
Cleave DpR (2) = 308/20 = 15.4

But only if you hit both targets, and you have two targets available.

On boss fights HS > Cleave.

This ignores the part where Cleave doesn't just deal its bonus damage to the two targets, it actually gives you the additional autoattack when it's present. In situations where there are two targets, Cleave with DW is (iirc) more efficient than any other ability save Whirlwind or Rampage/BShout simply because you're getting a 'free' swing in plus the bonus damage. Cleave with two targets is _amazing_, especially when you can spam it (powered by incoming damage or offhand hits).

With that said, you're correct in that HS is superior on single targets than Cleave. Even looking at 0/3 Imp. HS vs. 3/3 Imp. Cleave, on a single target you're paying out 15 Rage for 208 damage versus 20 Rage for 154 damage. Cleave causes slightly less additional threat, but not massively so; with Heroic Strike you're getting 196 threat for 208 damage, and 3/3 Imp. Cleave gets 130 threat for 154 damage. It's slightly more efficient but the margin is small, and HS is certainly more Rage efficient in situations where that comes into play.

Additionally, Imp. Cleave is in a poor spot in the Fury tree (would have been superb in the second tier) and requires sacrificing points in other, choice talents to acquire. You don't really want to drop points in Commanding Presence if you can avoid it, it's a large boost for a melee DPS group.
#118 Sep 18 2007 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
2,029 posts
Alrighty, so ImpWW > DWSpec. How does ImpExecute stack up to those two, specifically on 25-man raid bosses? If it's not a simple answer (and I don't think it is...), it'll probably be fun to do... >.>
#119 Sep 18 2007 at 5:57 PM Rating: Default
1,331 posts
Since execute (ergo imp execute) is situational (target is at 19% or less) you don't get the full effect of a all the time dps ability. Execute for most dps warriors is your highest form of rage to damage (see below). The only thing about it is it eats all of your remaining rage as well, in a not so rage efficient manner.

21 damage / 1 rage

or 925 / 15 rage. 61.66 DpR.

If your bloodthirsts are doing more than 1850 non crit (1850/30 = 61.66) (pre mobs armor), then bloodthirst is a better form of DpR. And you shouldn't be doing execute spams.

But for those of us that don't have 4112 or more ap (4112 * 45% = 1850.4) (raid buffed), execute is very good to spam. But your over all dps will be better if you choose talents that are more suited for 100% of the mobs life dps. You still have 80% of the mobs hp to whittle down before you start your execute/rebuff cycle.

Imp execute makes it cost 5 less. 925 / 10 = 92.5 DpR. Which is amazing, but still limited. Imp execute spec requires at least 2775 non crit bloodthirsts or 6168 ap to be as rage to damage efficient.

Imp whirlwind is good for a few reasons, you can use it for 100% of the mobs life, cooldown reductions are one of a dps warriors best ways of increasing overall dps.

It's harder to calculate for whirlwind, as it depends on weapon damage as a base. But to start, I'll use something I've been using as a standard from before, the 97.7 (+40 ap = 100 DPS) main hand s2 glad 2.6 speed weapon.

::I'll finish this later, I gotta run for now::

Updated the Faq with a few things that slipped through my fingers. Will be adding in DpR and Pots section (once i figure out what colors I want it to be and such).

Edited, Sep 18th 2007 7:38pm by devioususer
#120 Sep 18 2007 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
2,029 posts
Wow, I somehow managed to miss the entire second and third page of this my first time through.

Bring on the numbers, I'm a theorycrafter, I just happen to be pretty ignorant when it comes to warrior math :P

As I said, I was assuming a 25-man boss, where you can potentially get a minute straight or more of execute spam, assuming that was the way to go. However, while I don't actually know, I'm going to assume the DPR isn't really that high, since it's rather unlikely that you'll conveniently get exactly 10 rage every GCD+lag (though I know these are messy with hit rates, glancing, etc). What would a more "realistic" number be? (And of course, once again, not being a warrior expert myself I don't know if it would vary greatly or minorly based on gear, but for reference what I'm dealing with is a guild that's just getting into Mag/SSC/VR).

It seems my original assumption that Execute spam was the be-all end-all of damage after 20%, and that warriors got a disproportionate amount of their total damage from execute, was not entirely correct (though I'm not entirely sure where I got that notion...? O.o), which is why I was asking about ImpWW versus ImpExecute.

Oh, and I also mentioned DWSpec. The ImpWW>DWSpec got me thinking about ImpExecute as well, since as I said, I was under the impression execute was the way to go. Basically, standard 17/44 build that you have posted except with 4/5DW, 2/2Execute, 2/2Whirlwind.

... I think I might be senselessly rambling again.

On a completely different note, this thread (link to summary of theories at that point in time) might warrant a little attention in your section on hit/crit rating. From what little I know of it, it appears your skill->hit/crit is pre-stealthbuff, assuming it wasn't changed again since last I knew; plus, obviously, that thread has some interesting info on weapon skill.

Edited, Sep 19th 2007 12:12am by lsfreak
#121 Sep 19 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
The primary purpose behind Imp. Execute is to allow for more constant executes. Ideally, you can execute once every global cooldown; if you can do this without Imp. Execute then the talent is marginally useless, but in pretty much no case will a single offhand glancing blow give you enough rage to do so with non-Imp. Execute. With a 1.8 speed weapon (semi-standard), for an offhand glancing blow to grant that much rage with 5/5 DW Spec...

Damage / 73.2 + 1.8 * .875 = 15
Damage / 73.2 = 13.425
Damage = 982.71
Glancing Blow = Normal Damage * .65 = 982 / .65 = 1511.86 Normal Damage
Normal Damage * .625 = Offhand Damage = 2418.98
2418.98 Normal Damage at 1.8 speed = 2418.98 / 1.8 = 1343.88
With 100 DPS Weapon = 1234.88 * 14 = 17414 AP

So anyway, you're not likely to _ever_ see Execute work off a single glancing blow, Imp. Execute or not, but if Imp. Execute increases the _frequency_ of your executes it's a powerful talent indeed. I'd dismissed it the first time I went Fury and used it, but I'm considering picking it up the next time I respec.
#122 Sep 19 2007 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Just typing out some ideas here, so don't be suprised if this ends up being a mess (or inaccurate).

With a 30% crit rate, single weapon, Flurry uptime.
30% ==========================> 70% 
||                              || 
\/                              \/ 
Up ==>21% ==> 14.7 ==>10.29 ==> Dn 
||  __||_______||_______||____//|| 
\/ / _________________________/ \/ 
% <_/                          =1-% 
% = .3 * .3 + .21 * .3 + .147 * .3 + .1029 * .3 + .7 * .7 * .3 = .375 
1 - % = .625

Does that make any sense to anyone else, or am I off my rocker? I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work properly in excel and (currently) failing to do so. I haven't done serious Excel modeling in years. Hmm.

#123 Sep 19 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Default
2,580 posts
That rorschach looks like a bunny to me.
#124 Sep 19 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Heh. Was trying to do an ASCII flowchart for the probability of Flurry staying up, and it helped me organize my ideas a bit. Digging through some of the DPS Warrior spreadsheets to figure out how they calculated Flurry uptime... the formula used works out to;

1 - (1 - Crit%) ^ (3 + # of Instant Hits Per Second * 1.5 * Number of Attacks Per Second)

I hate Excel, did I mention that yet?

I know this math is off since I'm ignoring recursing effects (Flurry = more attacks inherently, therefore more math, but I'll be damned if I'm caluclating that off the bat) but it should be good enough for the moment.

Bloodthirst plus Imp. WW means 10 + 7.5 attacks per minute, or .2917 instant attacks per second. With a 2.7 speed mainhand and a 1.5 speed offhand, you'll get 22.2222 + 40 attacks per minute, or 1.0371 attacks per second. With a 30% crit rate...

1 - (.7) ^ (3 + 1.5 * 1.0371 * .2917) = 1 - .7 ^ 3.4538
1 - .2917 = 70% Flurry Uptime

I admit to being confused by where these numbers come from, although I like the theory. What in the world is up with the 1.5 multiplier, for example? Hmm... I need to rip apart a Shaman calculator, I think, but they don't use Spreadsheets so it's harder to access.

EDIT: Modeling Impale

You can do it the complicated way. Or you can do what I think makes more sense in the end; Impale increases the critical strike chance of your special abilities by 20% (and by this I mean an actual 20%, not the way Blizzard usually uses %'s). If you have 30% crit and Impale, you can model the damage output (non-Flurry/Deep Wounds effects) as if you had 36% crit chance on special attacks. The damage result is the same.

1000 damage attack. 30% crit. 30% chance to deal 100% more damage, for a total of 1300 damage.
1000 damage attack. 36% crit. 36% chance to deal 100% more damage, for a total of 1360 damage.
1000 damage attack. 30% crit. 30% chance to deal 120% more damage, for a total of 1360 damage.

Edited, Sep 19th 2007 11:44am by RPZip
#125 Sep 19 2007 at 8:38 AM Rating: Default
2,580 posts
Calculating flurry up time with all possible variables will make my head explode. So I just use real world (of warcraft) experiance to get an idea of how much crit is needed for "effectively" perma flurry.

It has been my experiance that +38% crit comes out to be "perma flurry". Dropping when I have to stop attacking for one reason or another. Enfeeble, beam rotation, attumen curse, vanish, maiden feeds me too much rage and my threat gets too high, etc.

Also afaik instant attacks and qued attacks don't burn a flurry charge, only white hits (windfury falls into this catagory). So my BT, WW, and HS rage dump don't take a flurry charge. I could be wrong though and that was just something I made up in a dream lol. Though I'm almost certain instant attacks don't take a charge, and pretty sure qued attacks don't.

So Zip if you really are going to run all variables eventually and get the formula down you have my utmost respect. And I'll fedex you a bottle of asprin....and xanax.
#126 Sep 19 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
All normal/on-next-attack abilities consume a charge; white hits, windfury, heroic strike and cleave will consume a charge. BT/MS/WW/Hamstring can all proc Flurry but do not consume a charge (also presumably Shield Bash/Pummel/Revenge, but that's situational at best).

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