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Is reckoning overrated?Follow

#1 Sep 01 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
277 posts
Im a full protect spec tankadin, but sometimes feel that my build could be better (see sig for current spec). One thing that I keep coming back to thinking is 'is reckoning really worth 5 points for a tank?'. Don't get me wrong, I love it when it goes off and have always maxed out my points in it, but I'm coming to think that the extra damage output it gives me isn't really worth it.

As a tankadin most of my damage comes from retribution aura, blessing of sanctuary, and holy shield. My sword (Spellfire Longsword) helps up this damage with its +56 magic damage and spell strike rating, but doesn't really hit for much.

Maybe those 5 points in reckoning could be better spent elsewhere, gaining some more defensive talents that will help keep me alive at the expense of an abilty to hit twice with a sword that doesn't really hit for that much anyway?

I was thinking of speccing something like this. It loses reckoning, but I have 5 points in 1 handed specialisation which will boost all my damage, not just a random proc like reckoning that just gives me a couple more hits. It has basically every damage mitigation\reduction talent a paladin has-

Redoubt, Toughness, Anticipation, Shield Spec, Stoicism, Spell warding, Sacred duty, Blessing of Sanctuary, Imp. Righteous fury, Imp. Holy Shield, Ardent defender, and Deflection from the ret tree.

Its probably not going to be the most exciting build to quest\solo but for tanking instances (my favourite thing in WoW), I can't see how I could make my guy any harder to kill while still putting out good reflective holy damage to hold aggro.

There is even 1 spare point to stick where you want!! (Seal of command?!)
#2 Sep 01 2007 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent

if you dont believe everything that has ever been said about it,
respecc and crunch numbers.

if you are a 1 mob tank, you might not get great numbers, but most pally tanks tank multiple mobs, this is where reckoning shines.

As a tankadin most of my damage comes from retribution aura, blessing of sanctuary, and holy shield. My sword (Spellfire Longsword) helps up this damage with its +56 magic damage and spell strike rating, but doesn't really hit for much.

you are forgetting the seal if rightouness proccing on that extra hit with it's threat multiplied by all your other stuff going. But if threat is not an issue and you are trying to gimp out a little more dps, again, respecc and crunch numbers.

Edited, Sep 1st 2007 2:27pm by Hardnotes
#3 Sep 01 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
What he said...

With 5-10-15 mobs hitting on you,reckoning procs alot!

Not worth alot in terms of white dmg,but with double the return on seals,those hits does make a difference :D
#4 Sep 01 2007 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
246 posts
Reckoning is not overrated. It is great when holding a group of mobs both tanking and AOE grinding.
#5 Sep 01 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Reckoning has a 10% chance to proc and if your holding aggro on 3-4 mobs then you know its going to proc anyway. Its good for cutting down clothies and ripping through single mobs while you tank alot of other ones.
#6 Sep 01 2007 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
If you have SoR up, it's great for that extra Holy damage to hold aggro.
#7 Sep 01 2007 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
When I'm tanking I usually use seal of wisdom or light, as I think staying alive and being able to keep my mana up for consecrations is more important. I guess those extra swings from reckoning will keep the procs of those up.

Looking at my build before, maybe stoisim isn't so great (10% resist to stun) so with that and the spare point I had, maybe 3 points in reckoning is a good compromise; it will still proc plenty if I am tanking multi-mobs...
#8 Sep 01 2007 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
246 posts
Spamming consecration is not really mana efficient. Having DPS burn through the same target you are hitting and Judging with SoR will save your mana pool. Retribution and Holy shield are enough to keep aggro from your healer.

In that scenario, Reckoning helps keep aggro from the DPS, by concentrating seal damage fast on one target.
#9 Sep 01 2007 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
When I'm tanking I usually use seal of wisdom or light, as I think staying alive and being able to keep my mana up for consecrations is more important.

Just.... awful. I don't mean to be mean but it is. You shouldn't have to rely on Seal of Light to keep you alive, that's what healers are for. Seal of wisdom is nice to judge for mana regen (that's what I do) but keeping it up for mana for consecration is bad. Sure, throwing out a consecration to keep mobs on you is a good idea, but you shouldnt be spamming it, as it will wear out your mana faster than Seal of Wisdom to keep you up.

To tank, use SoR, judge wisdom if you want, but it will keep aggro a lot better, and your dps and healer classes will thank you for it.
#10 Sep 01 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
4,049 posts
When I'm tanking I usually use seal of wisdom or light, as I think staying alive and being able to keep my mana up for consecrations is more important. I guess those extra swings from reckoning will keep the procs of those up.

I can't think of a situation where Seal of Light would ever save you, or even make an appreciable difference in the success of a party/raid. In my mind, it's next to worthless for everything but soloing for paladins not specced to Spiritual Focus.

Seal of Wisdom is alright, but even a single downranked Consecration (and the subsequent reflective damage from them hitting you) is enough to keep adds locked on if the party is focusing on the primary target, and as mentioned above, spamming of Consecration for single-mob tanking is horribly mana inefficient.

Honestly, I can't even imagine how horrid Seal of Wisdom/Light are without Reckoning. Spec full Reckoning, Seal Righteousness, and don't look back. You can even spam downranked Consecrations and be fine from pull-to-pull in instances. =)

#11 Sep 03 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
277 posts
I never judge seal of Righteousness because I don't have any problems holding aggro, and a few procs of light\wisdom (especially if it is double procced, eg seal\judgement of light) give me a nice boost to my health. It might not be much but there have been times in tough fights where I have ridden the line with 100-200 health and those procs of light keep me alive.

With Ardent defender, those extra couple of 100 health points every few seconds can keep me alive, especially if the healer is OOM or dead or incapacited when the ~&*! hits the fan!
#12 Sep 03 2007 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Chamual... try not to take this too personally, but you sound like an absolutely terrible Paladin tank. In fact, how do you tank at all? The damage from white swings amounts to precisely squat and Righteous Fury doesn't give you an extra 60-90% threat from Holy attacks if you're not using any.

Your healers are running OOM or getting incapacitated or dying because they're having to heal everyone in your party instead of just you. If you're not using SoR/JoR then you're not keeping aggro off of anyone, which means you're not actually "tanking" at all. And don't even try to lay down a line of theorycrafting attempting to explain to me how you keep aggro without it; you don't, it's not possible by any stretch of the imagination.
#13 Sep 03 2007 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,049 posts
I never judge seal of Righteousness because I don't have any problems holding aggro, and a few procs of light\wisdom (especially if it is double procced, eg seal\judgement of light) give me a nice boost to my health.

There's really no such thing as having no problems holding aggro period. It's more accurate to say you're having little difficulty holding aggro given your party members' current DPS output.

Consider this: If you had sealed/judged Righteousness, perhaps your DDs could have ramped up their damage, killing the mob faster and actually saving you significantly more health than you gained from Seal of Light.
#14 Sep 03 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
277 posts
I've tanked everything from Deadmines to the Mana tombs, and I'm not making it up. I seriously don't have any trouble holding aggro. I play with a good group, even when pugging (with my girlfriend and brother and 2 randoms) and when everyone knows what to do there is no problem holding aggro whatsoever.

I fire off an Avenger's Shield, then charge in with Improved Righteous fury, Holy shield, Retribution aura, and Blessing of sacrifice all up. The first 3 mobs have massive aggro on me already, and any extra's get a couple of consecrations their way. Everytime something hits me I it generates huge aggro. As long as no one jumps in to early I can easily hold aggro on 6-7plus mobs while everyone dps' them down.

True, if i get stunned or anything I judge Righteousness to regain aggro, but please don't try and tell me that I am a terrible tank if I don't use it. I don't need the extra DPS, or the extra aggro, but the extra life or mana I get helps me keep key utilties like cleanse, Blessing of Protection, bubbles, stuns, and Judgement of Justice up. Being the tank isn't just about standing there getting whacked; there are a whole host of other things a Paladin can bring to the for, which is why I love them. I stand in the centre of the battle, in command, holding the enemy at bay while my companions take them down 1 by 1.

I can hold all the aggro I need, but when tanking the later bosses, maybe I need more defense which is why I was considering dropping Reckoning for 5 points in more defensive talents.

I think I will redo my build, but keep reckoning and see what I can scrimp from elsewhere. I won't be tanking with SoR up tho!! :)
#15 Sep 03 2007 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I told you not to try to explain it. For you to not lose aggro without using SoR/JoR or SoV/JoV, your DPS has to be hitting mobs with pillows.

You're going to have to sell that crap somewhere else, because I'm not buying it.
#16 Sep 03 2007 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Reckoning is as vitally essential to a Prot build as Illumination is to Holy.

For solo PvE or raid tanking, it is simply put absolutely vital to your game.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Sep 03 2007 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
246 posts
Chamual wrote:
and Blessing of sacrifice all up.

Why would you put blessing of Sacrifice on other party members, when other blessings could add to their DPS? You did say you have no problems holding aggro.

Chamual wrote:

I can hold all the aggro I need, but when tanking the later bosses, maybe I need more defense which is why I was considering dropping Reckoning for 5 points in more defensive talents.

As long as you have the basic 40 points in Protection and 12 points in Retribution. Your problems could then be solved with gearing out properly.
#18 Sep 03 2007 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Kyuske wrote:
Chamual wrote:
and Blessing of sacrifice all up.

Why would you put blessing of Sacrifice on other party members, when other blessings could add to their DPS? You did say you have no problems holding aggro.

Pretty sure he meant Sanctuary, I've gotten them confused before, but I could be mistaken.

Kyuske wrote:
Chamual wrote:

I can hold all the aggro I need, but when tanking the later bosses, maybe I need more defense which is why I was considering dropping Reckoning for 5 points in more defensive talents.

As long as you have the basic 40 points in Protection and 12 points in Retribution. Your problems could then be solved with gearing out properly.

#19 Sep 04 2007 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
I can understand multi-mob pulls without using SoR to a degree, as you can consecrate and porcupine your way through. But being able to keep threat on bosses, dps has to hold back a LOT without that extra threat. If you need the extra mana, just judge wis and pull up SoR. I also bet that with spamming consecrate you are drinking after every fight or every other fight which just drags out the fight.

Maybe since you are in your mid-60s you can pull this off well enough, since you aren't having epicced out warlocks and mages in your party, but when you hit 70 and have to tank with people who are cranking out tons and tons of dps, you are going to have big problems with your current playstyle.

Also, you are devoting way too many stats to int/spell damage for your level. You say you need more defense, then get some more defensive gear. I tanked at your level with almost no int, and also almost no spell damage, cause I used SoR for single targets and consecrate + Holy shield for multiple targets. Once I hit 70 I changed to my Crystalforged Sword, cause the dps of everyone shot up, but before that I didn't need it so much.

You can increase your ability to take a hit, and your mana/mana regen so much more by getting more defensive gear (i.e. more "of the Champion" stuff) and changing your playstyle, not spamming consecration for multi-mobs, telling your dps to ff your target, and tanking with SoR and judging with SoW, also using Blessing of Wisdom or Kings instead of Sanc (personally I use wisdom in non-heroics unless there is a mana battery, in which case I use kings.) You end up losing some porcupine damage, and a small amount of damage absorption, but you end up being able to plow through mobs without needing to drink, and being able to hold aggro well enough on everyone, and a ton of aggro on your current target.

The way I see it is that I hold ff threat on my current target, and I hold aoe threat on everything else. You just have the aoe threat, not the ff threat, so tanking bosses especially will be more challenging than it has to be for maintaining threat.
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