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Horde pvp nerf rumor...?Follow

#1 Aug 31 2007 at 4:51 AM Rating: Default
Ok, now this is just a rumor and I'm more posting to see if anyone else has heard it but...I heard that horde was built for pvp and ally was built for pve and they are going to balance that in the next expansion. As I said just a rumor I heard but...whatcha think?
#2 Aug 31 2007 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Just like all other rumors that surface before an expansion, it's probably hogwash.
#3 Aug 31 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,164 posts
I have never heard this one. Sounds like complete horse crap to me.
#4 Aug 31 2007 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
well...that'd mean they'd have to change all the horde racials to do that nerf. or add 1-2 more racials to all races(give alliance pvp ones/horde pve)

but not only is that unrealistic, that would involve actual caring work, which most mmo companies stopped doing really since early everquest.
#5 Aug 31 2007 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Why did you post this on the mage forums...? O.o

But, yeah, everything you just said (the OP) is probably all myth, I doubt Blizzard will change much of things like that anymore... I hope...

I really don't wanna lose WotF!

#6 Aug 31 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
ExPerson wrote:
Why did you post this on the mage forums...? O.o

But, yeah, everything you just said (the OP) is probably all myth, I doubt Blizzard will change much of things like that anymore... I hope...

I really don't wanna lose WotF!


I was wondering the same thing.

But in reality, I read most of the blue-tracker posts and a lot of news about upcoming patches/expansion and never once heard anything like this. I doubt it is true.
#7 Aug 31 2007 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
are horde racials really that powerful in pvp?

gnomes get a pretty nifty one don't they? of course they have to look like a midget, not much of a trade off. I'd roll undead over a midget :)

#8 Aug 31 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
a free get out of fear card which is the most feared thing for mages against something I can blink out of? sure escape artists is nice and I'm one of those gnomes who spam it, but gimme a wotf instead and I'll be glad.
#9 Sep 02 2007 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Before this expansion when Allies were the only with paladins and Horde the only with Shamans.. it was said that Horde is PvP aimed because of shamans and Aliiance PvE because of pallies.. But now.. we are only "the" red and green team.
#10 Sep 02 2007 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
Arpstar wrote:
Before this expansion when Allies were the only with paladins and Horde the only with Shamans.. it was said that Horde is PvP aimed because of shamans and Aliiance PvE because of pallies.. But now.. we are only "the" red and green team.

Shaman and Paladins had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's not any great mystery. Just go look at the Alliance racials and the Horde racials across the board. There are a few select exceptions to the rule, but in general, it's as has been suggested. Alliance racials are oriented towards PvE, and Horde towards PvP.

In regards to the OP's inquiry: I wouldn't expect that to change anytime soon. I mean, it's been this way for a long, long time. Blizzard had a chance to change that in TBC and look at the racials the two new races got: Draenai racials are nothing to laugh at, but better for PvE and the Blood Elf racials are *** damn ridiculous for PvP.
#11 Sep 03 2007 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I do not agrree with you.. I mean I can definatively see your point.. so it is the racials eh? I tought that they do not matter @ end game characters.. (dont tell me that racial can define pve or pvp char) but on other hand having a different CLASS does. But as I said I think with BC all got "normalized".

Man.. every side has PvP and PvE racials.. just compare them. Humans have +skill to weapons as do orcs on others side.. dwarves vs trolls, taurens vs elves.

#12 Sep 03 2007 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
Arpstar wrote:
I do not agrree with you.. I mean I can definatively see your point.. so it is the racials eh? I tought that they do not matter @ end game characters.. (dont tell me that racial can define pve or pvp char) but on other hand having a different CLASS does. But as I said I think with BC all got "normalized".

Man.. every side has PvP and PvE racials.. just compare them. Humans have +skill to weapons as do orcs on others side.. dwarves vs trolls, taurens vs elves.

- Humans need to rep grind 10% less than other races, strictly PvE (now that the rep grind for BGs isn't useful)
- wotf, while nice for pve in the few occasions that you get feared, is much better for pvp
- Cannabalize? Much better for pvp than PvE imho.
#13 Sep 03 2007 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
I rolled my undead mage just to get WoTF, it would be just my luck if they nerf it by the time I hit 70 =D
#14 Sep 03 2007 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
- Humans need to rep grind 10% less than other races, strictly PvE (now that the rep grind for BGs isn't useful)
- wotf, while nice for pve in the few occasions that you get feared, is much better for pvp
- Cannabalize? Much better for pvp than PvE imho.


Humans also get perception which is extremely useful in PvP.

Undeads have underwater breathing and cannabalize. I dont understand how thats more geared for PvP then PvE.

Man.. every side has PvP and PvE racials.. just compare them. Humans have +skill to weapons as do orcs on others side.. dwarves vs trolls, taurens vs elves.

I completely agree. Horde racials just sound more for PvP, but Alliance racials can be just as useful if used correctly.

I can only name one time an ability has cost me a fight, and that was a fight between a BE pally. They used the abilities that drain mana and then silences you.

#15 Sep 03 2007 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
WoTF breaks fear and makes you immune for 5 seconds. Its god mode against locks and shadow priests. The only amazing alliance racial for PVP is the gnome escape artist, the rest are meh. Too situational to be great.

But taurens get 5% more health and war stomp, orcs get blood fury (amazing for 1v1 encounters with no healer partner). I'd even pick troll racial over human racial on most classes (mostly rogue for the haste near death).

Amazing - orc, undead, tauren, gnome
Solid - troll (rogue, maybe hunter), blood elf (melee)
Meh/Situational - troll (all other), human, dwarf, night elf, blood elf (caster)
#16 Sep 03 2007 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
i fear i may on to something here.

has anyone played the orignal warcrafts?? humans and the good guys was bent on being one with everything it was the horde who wanted to kill them and the animals in the warcraft series. i think thatis where before BC peeps thought horde was pvp and ally pve. plus horde evil ally good. good dont like to kill peeps even if evil half the time. where evil always willing to kill peeps. so that is how i think the horde being pvp came about true some of the racials also help but then again some dont help really. both sides have ups and downs thats blizzard trying to make stuff even though, otherwise there would be no point in being ally on pvp server if horde is so much pvp and your pve you would get owned all the time.
#17 Sep 04 2007 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Horde are not evil. Alliance are not good. The only reason the Horde were eager to kill was because the orcs drank Mannoroths blood and got all crazy, but the curse was lifted and remains lifted in WoW. And generally (playing from both sides here, have a 66 NE and a 70 BE, both on pvp servers) Alliance seemed to attack me more than Horde did, a lot more.

Also about the pvp talents..

Alliance: Shadowmeld - NE racial, really good for getting the jump on someone and guarding the flag/bases in WSG/AB.
Escape Artist - Gnome racial, frees the target from all immobolization and movement impairing effects.
Stone Form - Increases armor by 10% and makes you immune to poison and disease for 8 seconds. This is a godsend when you're against rogues.
Perception - This seems really only useful when you see the rogue go into stealth.. otherwise you wouldn't know you should use it because you wouldn't know there was a rogue nearby.
Engineering boost to gnomes - engineering tools always seemed pretty good for pvp

Horde: Bloodfury - increases attack power by a lot but decreases the effectiveness of healing towards you by 50% for.. 5 seconds isn't it? Good pvp talent
Berzerking - increases attack speed and casting speed by 10-30% depending on your health. Really good for rogues and hunters because it stacks with rapid fire and slice and dice.
War Stomp - the tauren AoE stun, the stun lasts 1 second, but thats still a decent amount of time to put some distance between you and the enemy or just stun them to beat them up better.
Arcane Torrent - the BE AoE silence for 2 seconds, the mana restoring power is useless in later levels because it doesn't restore a lot of mana.
5% increased health for taurens - self explanatory
WoTF - immune to fear/charm/sleep for 5 seconds.
Cannibalize - an in combat eat that restores 7% of your total health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Really really useful.

Over all, it does seem Horde has more pvp racials than Alliance.
#18 Sep 04 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
Ok, sorry for the belated reply but I went back to see the folks for labor day.

First- I posted this on the mage forums because if you look...I don't post anywhere else on the site. Mage >_______ nuff said.

Second- If I hadn't already thought about the racials and the viability of my query I wouldn't have posted it (you nay sayers : P)

Third- Thanks for the great feed back guys. I don't start threads often and I wanted to post something that would capture imagination for at least a few seconds of your day : ) That said I did some digging and not to be a rumor ***** but...the guy who told me this said it came from someone who works with bliz. Now back up to my second, nay sayers need not apply lol. Just keeping the rumor mill flowing. (yeah I do trust the guy who told me. No, he isn't always right)
#19 Sep 06 2007 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
I always thought the horde's pvp oriented racials were meant to protect the lower population horde on mostly alliance servers. Giving them an advantage individually because they are theoretically outnumbered.

Maybe enough hardcore pvp'ers have rolled horde to make blizz rethink its approach.

I think the real nerf to horde pvp would be keep them from staying in a group and making coordinated attacks on flags, towers, and grave yards.
#20 Sep 06 2007 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Arpstar wrote:
I do not agrree with you.. I mean I can definatively see your point.. so it is the racials eh? I tought that they do not matter @ end game characters.. (dont tell me that racial can define pve or pvp char) but on other hand having a different CLASS does. But as I said I think with BC all got "normalized".

You're being an idealist and turning a blind eye to reality.

It's true that in PvE that racials mean largely nothing. Solo they can be a big help depending on the racial, but in parties and raids they're larely useless and ignored, so it really boils down to a matter of minor convenience.

However, in PvP, it's a different story. Racials are not overbearing to the point that they will consistently make-or-break you, but sometimes they can, and if nothing else the right racial is still a huge advantage. And most of the racials that can give you that advantage are on the Horde side.

lavagulin wrote:
I always thought the horde's pvp oriented racials were meant to protect the lower population horde on mostly alliance servers. Giving them an advantage individually because they are theoretically outnumbered.

That might have carried weight pre-TBC, but the introduction of the Blood Elves changed everything. The Horde population exploded when the expansion hit as droves of players new and old rushed to roll a Blood Elf. They're everywhere now, like a *** damn virus.
#21 Sep 06 2007 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
That might have carried weight pre-TBC, but the introduction of the Blood Elves changed everything. The Horde population exploded when the expansion hit as droves of players new and old rushed to roll a Blood Elf. They're everywhere now, like a *** damn virus.

You know I hadn't thought of that's very true. You see BE's everywhere. I don't see how they could pull off the nerf though, were it true.
#22 Sep 08 2007 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
Once i saw this thread i couldnt help think "why is this in mage forum?" But then i thought of how on my server (Blood Furnace) horde outnumbers alli about 11:4 (im undead btw) and i dont think if ever lost more then 2 bg matches, other then the lvl 10 bracket on my twink, when alli just seem to have an large amount of twinks and we get these lvl 10 one shotable preists/palladins that wont leave becuase "BUT I WANNA PLAY BG TOOO!! I DONT WANNA LVL 9 LVLS TO BE GOOD"

Anyway the point is that on my server horde seems to just murder alli at bg, but then im not talking about av more ab and wsg, im not at that lvl yet you see, but im not sure if this is becuase of the racials (im sure they have some effect) but i doubt its such an overwhelming difference that the racials are the sole reason we win most all of the time. But i just thought this info from a horde based server might help
#23 Sep 08 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
horde are just plain better period. prime example... av last night i went 10-0. thats right, 10-0... part of that was due to stellar defense on my part, but you look at it, and the amount of quality players on the alliance side is almost non existent. most try to get some tremendous gear advantage to do well, and still get trashed. gear can only make up for so much stupidity, the rest is well... your sol.

60 BE mage
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