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Maim, am I missing something?Follow

#1 Aug 29 2007 at 3:23 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
My druid is level 62. I’ve played him off and on for almost three years now. But he’s never really been my main characters, which means I’m not all that proficient at playing him. Until Outland I leveled mainly in bear form. It was slower, but I enjoyed the survivability of that form. But I started playing in cat form in Outland and using maim. I’ve been happy with fighting as a cat, but I feel I may be missing something.

I play exclusively PvE. And other than the occasional quest group I’ve played solo. I like to start out in stealth and then pounce if I can. Then I use faerie fire. I mangle, with a rake tossed in for the dot, and when I have four or five points built up I’ll maim.

This is where I feel I may be missing something. When the mob is incapacitated I run off a bit and wait for the mob to come to me. This gives my energy a chance to regenerate. Then I build up points again with mangle and finish the mob off with ferocious bite or sometimes rip, depending on how many hit points the mob has left.

Should I be doing something else after I use maim? Doing direct damage will negate the incapacitation. So letting my energy build back up seems to be my only option. Or am I missing something?
#2 Aug 29 2007 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
349 posts
Energy regeneration, allowing time for your DoTs to tick and/or giving you a good chance to run or heal is just about all Maim does.

That's why its so good. =) If only it didn't require combo points...
#3 Aug 29 2007 at 4:12 AM Rating: Default
for PvE you do the right thing.

if your in PvP, for example a duell, then u can maim your opponent and then step back. the time of maim is enough to put you out of combat, so by the time he gets out of maim u will be prowling around again. with the right numbers of crits u can stunlock an opponent quite a time like this.
#4 Aug 29 2007 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
When I leveled I was feral all the way and had the same problem when I got maim, I still not 100% sure I use it to it's fullest, but I'm pretty certain I got the hang of it.
One thing that confused me about maim, is that it works very similarly to rogues' gouge, it will incapacitate the mob for some time. Rogues use that time to regain energy and backstab/mutilate or to run/keep one mob busy/first aid/stop someone casting. Maim is inferior to gouge in one aspect, it "eats" our combo points while gouge creates them. When I just got the skill, I'd use it for a free shred, as the time to regain energy was enough for one(With shredding attacks). Later on I realized I lost too much damage in the switch from ferocious bite to maim for it to be truly effective, also waiting for ~5 seconds mid combat is highly boring each fight(and probably highly ineffective in the long run) espacially as cat should end a fight in 10-18 seconds(against a normal mob of equal level).
Also we should keep in mind that if you already have 4-5 combo points on a mob, it should be nearly dead, so running, or just keeping it busy is silly, because if you'd use ferocious bite you'll probably kill that one(or rip and move on to next mob).
One use I did find for maim was when I had to emergency heal myself. Maim would give me enough time to shift off+root my enemy and then heal at my own leisure. The other use was to stop an enemy caster while it's casting, as we have no other way to do that in cat form(after a maim I'll go on with a shred first). That's PvE against normal mobs speaking, against elites you'll probably want to use bear form, and I have no clue about PvP. Of course I also assume you are feral specced and geared, and therefore when you have 4-5 combo points a mob should almost be dead.(Not sure how other specs do in cat form).

As for your main tactic to fight, I never did that math for it, and I might be wrong but you say you start the fight by pounce-> feral faerie fire-> mangle-> rake-> mob comes out of stun. Why don't you try pounce-> mangle-> shred-> if omen of clarity proced so far use another shred here-> feral faerie fire-> rake (if you insist, I'm pretty sure it's inferior to mangle, but I might be wrong) -> mob is actually already of of stun on last move. It sounds more complicated, but it's really simple, the idea here is to shred as much as possible. Against most mobs, my mangles were for ~500 and my shreds for ~900(with the idol that gave bonus to mangle's damage, also shreding attacks, brutal impact and savage fury) so for 2 energy points I could "upgrade" a mangle for a shred once a fight at the very least(twice with omen of clarity proc at start of fight). This way worked well for me, I suggest you try it.

I hope I managed to give any information and make life a bit easier.
#5 Aug 29 2007 at 4:56 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
Bloodthunder wrote:
Energy regeneration, allowing time for your DoTs to tick and/or giving you a good chance to run or heal is just about all Maim does.

Cool. My first character to the level cap back in the day was a rogue. I guess attacking while an opponent is stunned is still ingrained. *smiles*

YuvalR wrote:
Of course I also assume you are feral specced and geared, and therefore when you have 4-5 combo points a mob should almost be dead.(Not sure how other specs do in cat form).

I am a feral druid. That’s one reason I prefer to solo. While I don’t mind helping with heals, I don’t like playing my druid as a healer. I have a priest I can group with if I feel the need to play healer. And while I am geared as a feral druid, my gear is only mediocre at best. I have quest rewards, drops and the occasional find in the auction house. So the damage I do is not as you describe. When I get to 4 or 5 combo points the mob is about at half life, perhaps a bit less. So if I were to use ferocious bite instead of maim the mob I’d still have to build up combo points in order to kill it and I’d come out with less health.

Here's a link to my Armory listing is you are curious:
#6 Aug 29 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Well, your build is pretty much what I used for, except I went for omen of clarity(and naturalist) before thick hide, survival of the fittest and nature's grasp while soloing, the former 2 are mostly useful for tanking and the last one is mostly for PvP, I liked the 10% increase in damage on the amazing proc omen of clarity gives me before the other abilities, but that's a matter of preferance I guess.
Anyway, I'm not sure why are you getting a mob only to 40-50% health before you get 5 combo points, are you fighting higher level mobs? Maybe it's normal at this level yet, I really can't remember being at level 62, that was about 6 months ago. Sorry.
Anyway, try the technique I offered you, if you replace a single mangle with shred each fight, you'll be increasing your initial burst by quite alot. Also, rake MIGHT be a waste as you do roughly the same damage from mangle and rake, but mangle can crit for full damage and rake doesn't as the DoT doesn't crit(I may be 100% wrong here).

About your gear, you are now in outlands by the looks of it, and I guess you are doing Hellfire peninsula quests, so maybe you should go for the following:

The first 2 are from quests in there, the last one is from the ramparts.
I'm sorry if the links are broken, or incoherent, that's a first time for me linking gear. Also try to switch your other trinket as well. While smoking heart of the mountain is amazing for tanking, it's not really useful for your cat form. The ring from Blackrock Depth is not the most efficient one for soloing as well in my opinion. Most of your gear is good. Just try to replace the non outlandish ones as they are hindering you.

Again, hope I managed to help a bit, most of my so called knowledge comes from playing my druid at 70 for quite some time, and so I hardly remember my first footsteps into outlands(I didn't get any other character there yet I'm afraid).
#7 Aug 29 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
Calabar wrote:
Should I be doing something else after I use maim? Doing direct damage will negate the incapacitation. So letting my energy build back up seems to be my only option. Or am I missing something?

Yes, you should definitely be doing something. You should be getting behind the mob, turning around and shredding it at the last possible moment (normally with Mangle debuff still active). Alternately against a really tough mob you could also just run away as fast and far as possible so that you get out of combat, re-stealth and come back for another pounce.

Re: gear, remember that you need only 3 stats, agi, str and sta, all the rest is at best sub-optimal, in particular try to replace all crit by agi and all AP by str.

Re: build, if I were you I'd seriously consider re-speccing to get OoC as soon as possible. You can safely drop SotF and probably Feral Charge and Shredding Attacks as well (the only instance you can tank right now is Ramparts and you won't really need them), +10% damage from Naturalist and OoC will more than compensate for them. Even on a straight up damage point of view, better have Naturalist than Predatory Instincts.

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 12:06pm by anathor
#8 Aug 29 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
anathor wrote:
Calabar wrote:
Should I be doing something else after I use maim? Doing direct damage will negate the incapacitation. So letting my energy build back up seems to be my only option. Or am I missing something?

Yes, you should definitely be doing something. You should be getting behind the mob, turning around and shredding it at the last possible moment (normally with Mangle debuff still active). Alternately against a really tough mob you could also just run away as fast and far as possible so that you get out of combat, re-stealth and come back for another pounce.

Re: gear, remember that you need only 3 stats, agi, str and sta, all the rest is at best sub-optimal, in particular try to replace all crit by agi and all AP by str.

Re: build, if I were you I'd seriously consider re-speccing to get OoC as soon as possible. You can safely drop SotF and probably Feral Charge and Shredding Attacks as well (the only instance you can tank right now is Ramparts and you won't really need them), +10% damage from Naturalist and OoC will more than compensate for them. Even on a straight up damage point of view, better have Naturalist than Predatory Instincts.

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 12:06pm by anathor

If you do that, won't the critter regen?
#9 Aug 29 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
If you get out of combat with the critter he'll evade and reset, so that doesn't help much. It's handy against players, though.

In solo play it _probably_ doesn't help you much on most mobs, as they'll die before you'd get the full benefit from Maim. On tough mobs you can and should get a full Rip on them, then get a full Mangle and enjoy the free damage. Mess with the combo points and duration; you may discover that, with a full Rip up, you can Maim a mob at 25% and it'll just tick to death while you get into position for the next kill.
#10 Aug 29 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
Man, when I saw this question I figured it'd be one or two very brief accurate answers and done. To pull the good info out from the "rest" here's the most accurate and worthwhile nuggets of info my admittedly not so humble opinion:

Calabar wrote:
When the mob is incapacitated I run off a bit and wait for the mob to come to me. Should I be doing something else after I use maim?
anathor wrote:
Yes, you should definitely be doing something. You should be getting behind the mob, turning around and shredding it at the last possible moment.
Absolutely. Anathor comes through again. Emphasis on the "last possible moment" to get all the DoT damage out of your maim and let you regen most of your energy (assuming a 4-5 point maim, even a 3 point gets you lots of energy back) while you swing around behind them for Shreddage.

Calabar wrote:
I like to start out in stealth and then pounce if I can. Then I use faerie fire. I mangle, with a rake tossed in for the dot, and when I have four or five points built up I’ll maim.
Yuvral wrote:
Why don't you try pounce-> mangle-> shred-> if omen of clarity proced so far use another shred here
Very close. In lengthy threads it's been generally (unanimously?) agreed to that the best opening sequence for feral druids in cat form (because it requires brutal impact and shredding attacks talents) is this:
Pounce -> Faerie Fire -> Mangle -> Shred, with another Shred squeezed in at the last second if OOC procs. With 3 CP-generating attacks in the opening and a 30% crit rate that OOC a very common/reliable occurence in my experience.

RPZip wrote:
Mess with the combo points and duration; you may discover that, with a full Rip up, you can Maim a mob at 25% and it'll just tick to death while you get into position for the next kill.
This is a fantastic use of maim, especially when you're fighting two mobs. It allows you to start burning down the second mob without taking hits from the first one that you've put on the fast track to the afterlife. In my experience it works about about 15-20% of mob health depending on how much health they HAVE of course, but Maim does opening damage that can crit so sometimes it'll work even if they're at 25-30%.
#11 Aug 29 2007 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Yuvral wrote

Well, the name is YuvalR which stands for Yuval R. My real life name, first name and then the first letter of my last name as well(Plain Yuval was taken :( ) sorry if it seemed petty.

Anyway, yes, I mislead you a bit there, after pounce, feral faerie fire might be very sweet indeed, but my latency sometimes won't allow me to use all 4 attacks(feral faerie fire-> mangle-> shred, another shred with omen of clarity proc) so I usually squeeze it after the stun ends, when I have more free time, if you can easily squeeze it before, go ahead, you'll maximize your damage. Thanks for correcting me there JeeBar.

About anathor's advices for respec, I have to respectfully disagree. I recommend you to drop thick hide and survival of the fittest instead of shredding attacks and feral charge because both of the former are for heavier tanking builds, and you won't REALLY need them until later in game, of the other talents, shredding attacks will help you each and every fight once if you pounce as opener(shred should come soon after the mangle) and if you maim for another shred(as anathor suggested) it'll help you once again, feral charge is more essential for tanking as it lets you do some mistakes in aggro managment(I.E lose aggro from one mob each 15 seconds) and still be able to correct yourself, also it's extremly valueable in PvP, or so they say. You can lose feral charge as well if all you do is solo PvE I guess. That's of course, assuming you even want to respec.

Pretty much anything else someone here said is pure gold, very good advices guys. I learned from it, thank you guys.
#12 Aug 29 2007 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
I played with using Maim while doing some of the Netherwing quests in the mines a few weeks ago. I used the Pounce, Mangle, Shred, (Shred), Maim.. then got behind the mob for another shred just before the maim expired.

It worked well and I took very little damage, but in the end I decided it was (seemed?) faster to just FB or Rip them and keep attacking. I took a bit more damage but not spending that 4-5 secs every mob waiting for Maim to tick down, meant I had plenty of spare time to pop out for a heal every 3-4 mobs.

I like Maim, but find it a frustrating skill to use. Whenever I want to use it, I have either no combo points, no energy or it is on cool down :/

To use it effectively, I seem to have to drop my DPS and try to make sure I always have the energy available. I wish it was more like gouge and wasn't a finishing move.
#13 Aug 29 2007 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
maim is an interrupt and, (as noted) a way to gain positioning and time for energy to regen.

however, in pvp, a 5-pt maim can be combined with a really ******* macro to allow you, the druid, to crank out a lot of craziness should the combo points come rolling the right way. ultimately, maim is a way of controlling the opponent. its also nicer using that to finish in lieu of FB because maim, unlike FB, doesnt take ALL of your energy. if you FB with OoC up, it just does extra damage. if you maim with OoC up, you've got that much extra energy to work with. when a mob is low enough and you dont NEED all that extra damage from FB, why not maim?

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 9:10pm by Quor
#14 Aug 29 2007 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
i usually pounce, mangle, rake, at 3 combo points i rip, re-rake, re-mangle, then usually they're dead before i can do anything else

-- i have also been playing my druid off and on and just hit 64 with him --

after asking a ton of advice from some friends of mine and the general "best" feral druids of our server, the only consistent advice they gave me is to keep rip and bite up all the time unless they have ~500 or less hp, where you do that ... erm... other thing [my memory is shot to hell right now :/] the direct damage one, like a rogues eviscerate? -- i think its ferocious bite but i'm not 100%

my downtime is none... yet again my gear (i am told) is pretty solid for solo cat dps [although i slightly disagree hehe], also rejuv ftw :D

armory -- if you care to look

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 1:15am by russki
#15 Aug 30 2007 at 2:29 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I really appreciate all the great advice here. My brain is a bit on overload from it, as I still can’t even keep all the attack names strait so the text tends to become somewhat gibberish. But it’ll all work out when I print it and try it out in game. *smiles*

My character is a bit of a mess at the moment. As I mentioned, I spent most of my time in bear form before Outland, so some of my talents and gear, such as my Smoking Heart of the Mountain, still reflect that. And I haven’t done many of the Hellfire quests yet, so much of my gear is still in need of replacement.

Speaking of gear, I may be working under a false premise.

anathor wrote:
Re: gear, remember that you need only 3 stats, agi, str and sta, all the rest is at best sub-optimal, in particular try to replace all crit by agi and all AP by str.

I was under the impression that attack power is a good thing. Blizzard certainly thinks so, as they add it to almost every piece of melee gear. For example, the first quest reward weapon I got, which I’m still using, is Agamaggan's Quill. While it gives +19 Strength, +19 Agility and +30 Constitution, it also gives +46 Attack Power in forms.

My next upgrade at level 63 waiting for me in the bank is Starshine Staff of the Tiger. It has +30 Agility, +30 Strength and +147 Attack Power in forms.

And at level 64 I have a blue staff in the bank; Braxxis' Staff of Slumber. It has 550 Armor, +39 Stamina and +234 Attack Power in forms.

If raw stat bonuses are better than anything else, then my blue staff would suck, as all it has is stamina. That can’t be right can it? And since crits seem to be very important, I really like the heals from them, I would think that items that increase the chance to crit would also be good to use.

If you could set me strait I’d really appreciate it. I’d hate to make the wrong choices when picking quest rewards as I level, as those will be my main source of gear for some time to come.
#16 Aug 30 2007 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
Calabar wrote:
My character is a bit of a mess at the moment. As I mentioned, I spent most of my time in bear form before Outland, so some of my talents and gear, such as my Smoking Heart of the Mountain, still reflect that. And I haven’t done many of the Hellfire quests yet, so much of my gear is still in need of replacement.

Not all the good eq comes from Outland, and the Smoking Heart is a good example of a trinket you might not replace before some time (it still gives very good armor). Similarly a few items like Idol of Brutality are still used at endgame...

If you could set me strait I’d really appreciate it. I’d hate to make the wrong choices when picking quest rewards as I level, as those will be my main source of gear for some time to come.

Ok first of all please let me dispell the first source of confusion: the AP you see on your staff is more commonly known as Feral Attack Power (FAP). It behaves exactly in the same way as regular AP (as long as you are in a feral form) and was introduced by Blizzard to ensure (as much as possible) scalability of feral druids. I'm not going to go into the specifics of that right now but the bottom line is that FAP is good. So you were definitely on the right track there.

Now to clarify what I meant by my comment: stats (agi, str) are better for a feral druid than ratings (crit, dodge, AP).

In feral form 1 agi gives you 0.068% dodge and 0.04% crit (and 1 AP in cat form). In comparison (at lvl 70) 1 crit rating 0.045% crit (and that's all), and 1 dodge rating gives you 0.053% dodge.

So in bear form 1 agi is still better than 1 dodge. And in cat form the crit from agi is a bit lower, but you get 1 AP and some dodge too. So basically agi is better than crit rating or dodge rating.

Re: strength, 1 str is worth 2 AP in bear, 2.4 AP in cat (thanks to HotW).

Let's take for example this item: Ranger Pauldrons and let's focus in particular on the "of the Bandit" and "of the Beast" versions. They are very comparable, the only difference is that one gives you +35 AP and the other 17 str. In bear form 17 str is 34 AP (even a bit more with SotF) so the items are roughly interchangeable for a bear. However for a cat 17 str becomes 41 AP, quite an upgrade on the straight AP item. Now let's imagine a theoretical item with same stat distribution but one has 17 str and 35 AP, and the other has 17 str and 17 agi. As we have seen in cat form 17 agi is 17 AP. So the gap is only 18 AP between the two items. But 17 agi is also worth 0.68% crit, and some dodge. Even without taking the dodge aspect into account, 0.68% crit is much better than 18 AP (0.68% crit is going, more or less, to increase your dps by 0.68%, and 18 AP = 1.28 dps, so the crit is better if your dps is more than 188, which is most certainly the case at your level)

And if you're interested only in pure dps (no sta) then the +22 agi/+22 str version is by far the best for a cat.

EDIT: just to conlude quickly, if you see an item with crit rating and hit rating on it, it's an item designed for rogues, with str/agi/sta is designed for feral druids. It doesn't mean that we can't benefit from the rogue item, or that the rogue item won't be better than some specific feral druid item, it will just mean that with the same "item cost" we could have had an item much better suited to our needs.

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 9:54am by anathor

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 9:56am by anathor
#17 Aug 30 2007 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
anathor wrote:
EDIT: just to conlude quickly, if you see an item with crit rating and hit rating on it, it's an item designed for rogues, with str/agi/sta is designed for feral druids. It doesn't mean that we can't benefit from the rogue item, or that the rogue item won't be better than some specific feral druid item, it will just mean that with the same "item cost" we could have had an item much better suited to our needs.

Wow, that post was hugely informative. Thank you.

Calabar wrote:
My next upgrade at level 63 waiting for me in the bank is Starshine Staff of the Tiger. It has +30 Agility, +30 Strength and +147 Attack Power in forms.

And at level 64 I have a blue staff in the bank; Braxxis' Staff of Slumber. It has 550 Armor, +39 Stamina and +234 Attack Power in forms.

So I guess Braxxis’ Staff isn’t really an upgrade for the Starshine Staff I’ll be equipping next level. I’ll keep it in case I end up trying to tank in an instance, but for fighting as a kitty cat it seems I’d be better off with the extra 30 agility and 30 strength.
#18 Aug 30 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
anathor wrote:
In feral form 1 agi gives you 0.068% dodge and 0.04% crit (and 1 AP in cat form). In comparison (at lvl 70) 1 crit rating 0.045% crit (and that's all), and 1 dodge rating gives you 0.053% dodge.

So in bear form 1 agi is still better than 1 dodge. And in cat form the crit from agi is a bit lower, but you get 1 AP and some dodge too. So basically agi is better than crit rating or dodge rating.

Re: strength, 1 str is worth 2 AP in bear, 2.4 AP in cat (thanks to HotW).

All druids should absolutely know all of this, but as with most of the math you learn in school it's equally important to later in life buy a calculator. : )

The calculator in this case is a fantastic addon called "DruidStats" that distills all this googlymooglymath down so that when you bring up an item's info it automatically shows what those stats mean to you as a druid in terms of armor (which benefits from agility), HP, AP (which benefits from +ap, +str and even +agi in cat), crit% (affected by +crit and +agility), dodge, etc. It even takes into account your current form and relevant talents. It's invaluable for quickly seeing an apples-to-apples comparison of items with multiple conflicting or complimentary (which both equal "confusing") stats. Easily my second favorite and most important add-on after Outfitter.

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 10:13am by JeeBar
#19 Aug 30 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
i need to make some clarification here:

there are two "kinds" of attack power.

first off you have AP, represented by "increases attack power by X" where X is the amount of AP you gain. this kind of attack power isnt bad for a druid, but its not optimal. as noted, druids gain more from raw str in cat form than they do from AP (in bear, AP functions identically to str in terms of benefit for a druid).

the second kind of AP, the kind that is exclusive to druid, is known as feral AP. this is the "increases AP by X in cat, bear, dire bear, and moonkin forms". this kind of AP is very very very good. feral AP is blizzards way of increasing feral dps in lieu of weapon damage. one of the biggest problems with druids pre-xpac was the lack of scaling feral damage. other classes got new weapons or loads of +dmg, but feral druids had nothing that gave them more AP except str and +ap, and you can only stack so much of those stats on an item before the item budget gets capped out. so feral AP was introduced to even the score, and as such feral AP has a significantly reduced stat value cost due to the restrictions placed on it (only works in specified forms).

in short, AP for a druid isnt bad if theres nothing better, but given a choice, go with str. FERAL AP on the other hand, is good no matter what. that braxxis staff you have is a huge upgrade overall. you lose some dodge, armor, and crit, but you gain more AP overall than the other staff.

30 str *2.4 = 72 ap. 147 + 72 + 30(agi) = 249 total AP on the starshine. compared to braxxis, which gives you a bit more AP in bear as well as the benefit of stam and a LOT of armor. you'll eke out slightly more AP using the starshine in cat, but the braxxis staff is almost as good a cat weapon as it is a bear weapon. regardless, use the braxxis staff anytime you get into bear; you wont be disappointed.
#20 Aug 30 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
ok about opening attacks, where does tigers fury figure in? I've used the Pounce -> Faerie Fire -> Mangle -> Shred, but i tiger's fury right after the faerie fir, waste of time?
#21 Aug 30 2007 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
538 posts
Calabar wrote:
So I guess Braxxis’ Staff isn’t really an upgrade for the Starshine Staff I’ll be equipping next level. I’ll keep it in case I end up trying to tank in an instance, but for fighting as a kitty cat it seems I’d be better off with the extra 30 agility and 30 strength.

For bear form the Braxxis Staff is definitely better (you can have a look at the gear progression lists in the sticky and you will see that you will keep the Braxxis staff for tanking until you get the Earthwarden).

For dps, if the staff has +30 agi and +30 str I'm assuming that you are talking about the Starshine Staff of the Tiger.

We can easily compare the two:
- Braxxis has +234 AP
- Starshine has +147 AP, +30 str and + 30 agi

30 str = 30 * 2 * 1.2 AP = 72 AP
30 agi = 30 AP + 1.2% crit (and 2% dodge)

So in the end the Starshine is "worth" 249 AP and 1.2% crit, a clear winner over the Braxxis.

You can also have a look at for a quick feel of the relative value of items in different forms.

manskewl wrote:
ok about opening attacks, where does tigers fury figure in? I've used the Pounce -> Faerie Fire -> Mangle -> Shred, but i tiger's fury right after the faerie fir, waste of time?

Generally speaking at lvl 70 tiger's fury is right there with rake and soothing animal in the list of abilities that aren't even worth a slot on any of your action bars.

In your specific situation I'd say it's a waste of time (or rather a waste of energy), especially if you have OoC (better get a 2nd shred in than tiger's fury). Maybe at lower levels the situation is not so clear cut, not sure.

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 3:19am by anathor
#22 Aug 31 2007 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
any specific reason to use pounce over ravage?
i always used ravage, as it can crit incredible hard >.>

guess i should look in pounce a bit more *blush*
#23 Aug 31 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Skulldiver wrote:
any specific reason to use pounce over ravage?
i always used ravage, as it can crit incredible hard >.>

guess i should look in pounce a bit more *blush*

Yes, you should. Pounce rocks the house.

Combined with Brutal Impact and Shredding Attacks you can Pounce 'em, pop Faerie Fire on 'em to cut their armor a little bit, Mangle 'em for the nice damage and bleed/shred debuff, then Shred them from behind. With OoC one of those three combo-point-generating attacks will frequently proc it so you can hit 'em with a SECOND Shred before they wake up. It's wicked. : )

The only time you might want to use Ravage is to open hard against sitting clothies cuz it's a guaranteed crit and you can take out like half their HP. Still, that's mostly for fun because the Pounce opener would have them near dead too. Also, "they" say to open Ravage in PvP against player mages cuz they'd Blink out of pounced-ness anyway, but then some other "they" says that's cool cuz then they've burned their blink right off the bat.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...some people like to open with Ravage against for bleed-immune mobs like elementals. I prefer the pounce-for-combo-points approach personally but I'd never leave that out of my response. (WHAT? Norellicus implied that I forgot this with my post and mentioned it himself? Of COURSE I said it right off the bat, he's lyin I tellya, lyin!!)

In any case, Pounce FTW.

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 4:26pm by JeeBar

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 4:32pm by JeeBar
#24 Aug 31 2007 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ravage is still good for bleed immune mobs (elementals, mostly). I'd rather smack em hard than stun for a few secs if I can't get the bleed.
#25 Aug 31 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ravage is also nice in situations where you know you wont get any use out of the bleed of pounce, such as low-health targets in pvp or pve.

ravage also makes good use of +ap and +dmg modifiers, so if you have, for instance, a BM hunter in the group with an enh shammy (with unleashed rage and ferocious inspiration up) ravage will definetely pull out more damage than pounce will.

but those are pretty niche uses. pounce is pretty much the way to go as you get higher up, but of course use your judgement and experience with mobs to determine whats best for you overall.
#26 Sep 25 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
I have a lvl 65 druid that is now my main and I am still using the trinket from Mara that when it procs it gives +25 to all stats and it does proc all the time, so that adds up to some nice ap and dam.
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