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Arcane MageryFollow

#1 Aug 28 2007 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
Have any of you given a dedicated Arcane build a whirl? Not the classic 40/0/21 or similar builds, but a full-on Arcane Blast/Arcane Missiles build. Both of our long-time fire mages (along with a 40/0/21 Mage who's never getting rid of Ice Block) recently switched to it with fantastic results. From what I understand from talking to them, it revolves around some specific game mechanics. To be more precise...

1) Each tick of Arcane Missiles can proc on spell hit/crit effects, which makes it unique among all channeled spells. Moreover, each tick can proc Clearcasting, but will not consume the Clearcasting buff (thus leading to a higher than expected crit boost from Arcane Potency).
2) A spell's mana cost is determined at the _end_ of the spell's casting time.
3) A spell's casting time is determined at the _start_ of the spell's channeling bar.

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe their rotation is ABx3, Scorch, AM, and repeat. Why this works so well is that they will start their next Arcane Blast cast with three debuffs up, which causes it to have a 1.5s cast time, but before the spell _finishes_ the debuff will expire, causing it to only cost AB's base mana cost. Combine that neat little trick with some of the double-dipping from Arcane Potency and their damage skyrocketed. It's certainly very mana heavy, but with a Shadow Priest that's not an enormous concern.

Anyone else give this a shot?
#2 Aug 28 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a 41/18/2 mage and the spell order i seem to find works well with me is to ABx2 cause i don't like it's damage per mana after the second stack and then i fireball twice and just as I'm coming out of the second fireball i hit arcane blast again. The debuff will tick out during the cast time so i get the reduced cast time while taking the original 195 mana. I choose fireball over an AM/scorch spell order cause I'm still not impressed with AM's damage per mana and I believe two fireballs will just produce more damage overall.
#3 Aug 28 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
but with a Shadow Priest that's not an enormous concern.

You hit the nail on the head. I have tried full Arcane but it is too mana-intensive (for me) unless in a group with some form of mana augmentation, and unfortunately I am not in such a group as often as I would like. But, yes -- the shear power of a high-arcane build was jaw-dropping.
#4 Aug 28 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
I have explored a number of heavy arcane builds, and I can say with confidence that it offers the highest dps of all specs if properly splashed with fire to get the pompyro combo. Though the damage seems to be very high end, you will not be able to sustain that damage due to the high mana costs. Also, using arcane missiles forces you to stay in one place, which is never a good thing with a mage. In my opinion this build truly shines in Arathi Basin, Alterac Valley, and Eye of the Storm since you can safely stand at distance behind raid members, but fails to give the needed survivability elsewhere. It is also a good leveling build, but I would not recommend it for arena due to the low survivability or raids due to the lack of mana consistency. So if you're into battlegrounds, use it. If not...don't. I have posted a link to a heavy arcane build that I have found effective (top 5 damage and kills in every bg using these).

Edited, Aug 28th 2007 3:05pm by IllusiaStratus
#5 Aug 28 2007 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
The build is awesome for damage, with amazing burst potential(AP + AB spam is sick burst). That said, it's also a massive mana hog. Moreover, 10/48/3 tends to be near equivalent damage with less burst but more mana efficiency until you get 2 pc T5. In all, the majority of the Oboards community(which despite the fact that it's full of idiots, also has some occasional good advice and theorycraft) seems to have the consensus that you should go 10/48/3 for raw damage before you have your T5 set bonus, and then 50/11/0(or something like that) after you have it.

Also, I was reading something interesting on the Oboards(Faxmonkey was saying it, so I paid attention). Due to the way AM works with the whole proccing things on each tick, it may behoove some arcane mages to pick up this baby.

It has potential.
#6 Aug 29 2007 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Ive had a build all the way down to slow and almost all points in arcane and i have to say it is indeed fun! Even in pve it has it's options because sometimes you can kill 3 mobs with a full mana bar but sometimes 6. In a instance however it is mana consuming. Mostly after a fight with 3 mobs i had half of my mana bar left. But i was nr 2 or 3 on the damage list and my gear sucks. In boss fights it is pretty hard but it is possible. I have a example: I throw frostbolts until clearcasting procs, then i go in arcane power, trinket, then start casting arcane missiles. If clearcasting procs again i went AM again, otherwise Presence of mind and then arcane blast, till arcane power faded and back to frost damage. At level 64 i made crits with Am that resultet in 5k crit's! At 70 now even my frost shatter crits (respecced) even do less damage then my arcane missiles crit at 64. A other thing however, arcane doesnt give you survivabily but against a normal pve mob you can still keep casting if you have improved AM. That means no spell interruption so still a good dmg output even while you are hitted. Your bandages will go fast though :>
Well Gl with the build.
#7 Aug 29 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I play 42/18 and I love this spec. Arena, bg's, pve, Kara it does it all.
:Arena. pom ap trinket pyro then straight to arcane missles. Not a cast so damage doesnt reset plus when they crit they put out about 5k per channell. Plus slow is a great way to help cc.
:Kara. Mana gets low at times but I keep the pots handy and use evo when I need to. Lots of damage output for sure plus arcane missles really helps me stay lower on the threat meter since its spread out and not just a whammy of a fireball crit, but I rotate fire and arc spells this has been working well for me.
:Spellfire set. 7% of total int transfers to spell damage. This coupled with mind mastery puts this at 32% of your total int to spell damage (add arcane mind for even more int). This was about a 200 spell damage upgrade for me. Really makes a differance.
Leveled frost to 69 and thought that was the cats meow, tried fire and liked it alot, tried deep arc and I'll never go back lol. Seems like we get in a comfort zone with specs and find it hard to give up all the handy spells we know and love (ice barrier was the hardest for me...couldnt imagine not having it) but I just cant say enough how great this spec has been. Please give deep arc a whirl and I hope you enjoy it as much as me.

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 12:57pm by Eatingualive
#8 Sep 24 2007 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent

I've tried it all. Fire was my love for a long time. Didn't go frost until 60, and stuck with it 4 levels, it too was wonderful. I went deep in arcane and so far life is even better.

I don't see the mana problem it's said to have. My clearstate seems to kick in once or twice a fight. Besides frost, I'd say I havn't really noticed a dip into downtime.

poured 11 into fire for Pyro, and love the 3 minute instant cast pyro as well, first time using it.

I dunno, people say more downtime, I say bring it on. Ima mage, I'm sitting on the ground, drinking all teh waterz. It's what I've been use to.

Realisticlly, I go 4 or 5 mobs before it's time to drink.

Notice I got improved wands, well.. that's my dirty little secret. I put it in there because of all the talk of mana drain with arcane, I thought it wise to have just a bit of extra damage from it. But I haven'y touched the wand much, only to finish of the mob if it's not worth the mp to finish them off.

Only thing I haven't a need for is Slow at the moment. I am not on a PvP server, and don't BG much anymore.. don't like it not being at top level.
#9 Sep 24 2007 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
The build is awesome for damage, with amazing burst potential(AP + AB spam is sick burst). That said, it's also a massive mana hog. Moreover, 10/48/3 tends to be near equivalent damage with less burst but more mana efficiency until you get 2 pc T5. In all, the majority of the Oboards community(which despite the fact that it's full of idiots, also has some occasional good advice and theorycraft) seems to have the consensus that you should go 10/48/3 for raw damage before you have your T5 set bonus, and then 50/11/0(or something like that) after you have it.

Also, I was reading something interesting on the Oboards(Faxmonkey was saying it, so I paid attention). Due to the way AM works with the whole proccing things on each tick, it may behoove some arcane mages to pick up this baby.

It has potential.

There is also another undocumented change abt the 5% on spell cast next spell 50% cast time meta gem. The effect will be increased to 10 seconds. Given the nature of arcane missles, with this gem and enough crit to capitalise on Shiffar's Nexus Horn. The damage pumped out from tubro arcane missle is sick as...

I might shift to an arcane heavy built if I get 2 piece T5 (I wonder if it will ever happen).
#10 Sep 24 2007 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
This is a fun post to read.

I started playin about 4 months after release. I played for 6 months, getting a 60 Mage and 40 Hunter and then quit, gave my account away to friends (who gave it to friends who got it banned for scamming -- irrelivent.)

My Mage only respecced 4 times. Started Fire, went Arcane, went Ice, and then back to Arcane throughout his leveling and never once did I determine that I needed to switch out of Arcane. Granted, back then alot of the Mage Talent Tree was drastically different; the Arcane tree was by far my favorite for both DPS and DPM.

I rerolled again, this time trying a Warlock and I loved it, but I miss my Mage so much that on a different server I just rolled out a Mage. He's 30 right now.

I see alot is different -- ALOT. One of the main reasons I rolled Arcane is because I recognized the power of Evocation (now a generic mage spell.) I also appreciated the fact that it did not rely on crit%, whereas now a good mage can get above 30% static crit, and with spells such as Combustion can achieve a crit% that is worth counting on. Arcane Power (the old mastery spell) also used to have a unique effect, where as with the introduction of Burning Crusades you can get relatively the same effect with no mana drain.

Still I look for some redemption in my old love, as many high end PVP cling to Ice, and many high end raiders cling to Fire.

I've fought this battle once -- disproving ice's efficiency and survivability and fire's DPS with math, but I'm sort of afraid I cannot do it again.

Too many variables are now entering the equation, too many stats dramatically effect the outcome. Gear escalation puts my old end-all-beat-all-strategy of Arcane Explosion at a place of uselessness (you run out of mana before killing anyone.) Instead they replaced it with a spell that does not belong in my old Tree -- Arcane Blast??? Non-instant?? Sub-par DPS and DPM with a relative effect? What have they done with my Arcane Tree?!?

I cling to my old habbits. My 30 Mage is 21/0/0 as we speak... I antipicate the PVP effectiveness of my Slow and Mind Mastery... but I also sit in wait... knowing that I'm going to have to try out the effectiveness of the new Fire and especially the new Ice builds.

I've been out of this game too long, it seems - I hope my old love has some respectability left it in...

If you wanna see some of my old posts go to page 60-63 in Mage forums -- Haha... So old school!


P.S. - As I advance through here and start to deal with my new Talents and abilities, I'll try my best to bring math back into the equation. Honestly I wish I could again prove that the underdog (Arcane) is the best route. But with my 70 Lock I am noticing that everything has become so much more complex than when I first played!

What I will say - since the base spells are somewhat the same - is that Arcane is a very VERY effective non-invasive DPSer in raids/5rs. With a simple macro or well-timed hands you can make a constant DPS that is higher and will STILL last longer than a fire or ice, draws less agro, and spreadsn enough single shots to even out your crit% into pure extra DPS. Combined with a Malediction Warlock's Curse of Shadow, a MissleMage can still put out max DPS on a raid while minimizing agro and reducing resist%-- I've seen it and through this I've convinced an entire Top-End guild to switch from Ice to Arcane (recently.)

While all this stands true, I would like to point out that
RPZip wrote:
1) Each tick of Arcane Missiles can proc on spell hit/crit effects, which makes it unique among all channeled spells. Moreover, each tick can proc Clearcasting, but will not consume the Clearcasting buff (thus leading to a higher than expected crit boost from Arcane Potency).

I do not believe that AM will proc Clearcasting x5 (if it is the way it was before CC simply has a chance to activate after a forgiveness period when mana is spent on AM), however your point about it's effect on Arcane Potency is absolutely true. This leads to a debate about the fact that since each shot is lower damage, the damage after being crit per hit would be lower than competing spells, but begs that question that since AM still reigns as the highest total non-crit-relying spell in the Mage's spellbook, would this not equate to a higher% comaritively equating to MORE and MORE STABLE damage?

Like I said... I'll be checking stuff out -- I'm still only 30 here so shoot me down and make me look like a ****** if you want, last time though I proved my Arcane build so hard that apparently Blizzard had to revamp it =P
#11 Sep 26 2007 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
I am actually in the process of starting an Arcane build, so the information on here has been very helpful. Thank you.

My decision to go this route is due to two reasons. Primarily, the only mages I ever seem to run across in BG's tend to be ice mages. I'm not usually one to follow like a sheep (excuse the mage pun there), so this option is not for me. With regards to becoming a fire mage, I know one of the best in the game and don't want to be stepping on toes.

Anyhow, I'm going to try a full Acrane build and will let you know how it goes.
#12 Sep 26 2007 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
Cool. So now there is a question past your main Tech Tree. Are you going to go Cane/Ice or Cane/Fire?

I learned the first time that staying totally dedicated to one tree is as foolish as thinking that you can only use spells from that tree. Arcane tree has some great techs but it maxes out somewhere between 40-45, you're left with enough Talent points for some interesting combos.

I think the main question with that is whether you're PVPing or Raiding, and from that point whether you'd prefer the extra little boost PoM Pyro and Improved Scorch can give (yes, there are still enough points to go Cane/Fire and PoM Pyro a nice shot) or take some of Ice's great utility, such as Improved Blizzard, Frostbite, and Arctic Reach.

Tough call, why this could be almost as fun as chosing Fire or Ice as a main tree!

My Quick Raider
My Quick PVP Build
My Quick 5r

Any Tips on em are cool, I didn't put much time into em but certain Techs called to me. I left slow on Raider for multiplier on Casting time, but figured for most 5rs your mana would be better spent elsewhere. Also, traded out Attunement on Raider and PVP for Wand in 5r. Whatever take a look over it and tell me what ya'll think!
#13 Sep 26 2007 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Your raiding build could use ignite. I'd personally drop the points from Imp Fireblast into it as well as the point from Arcane Fortitude(prismatic cloak will likely give you more for your points than AF will anyway).

I'd take another point from somewhere, but not sure where. Likely Imp Counterspell because in a raid, you'll not likely need the full four seconds, just that two seconds for if you mistime an interrupt.

Something like this, maybe:
#14 Sep 26 2007 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
Interesting concept... 1 Point into Fortitude vs 1 Point into Cloak.

Really situational but never even considered looking at that before. Anyone have any insight? I'm guessing for against pure melee or lower levels the Fort would pull ahead some, but then against casters and higher levels the Cloak would prove much more effective.
#15 Sep 27 2007 at 12:52 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
tzsjynx wrote:
Interesting concept... 1 Point into Fortitude vs 1 Point into Cloak.

Really situational but never even considered looking at that before. Anyone have any insight? I'm guessing for against pure melee or lower levels the Fort would pull ahead some, but then against casters and higher levels the Cloak would prove much more effective.

Well, let's look at it. I'm gonna use the armor values I had back when I last uploaded from WoWReader(not long after I first hit 70) and the current intellect value I have on my spreadsheet and plug it into a calculation I took from WoWWiki since the armory is currently down.

Levels 60+ DR% = Armor / (Armor+400+85*(Level+4.5*(Level-59)))

So, without AF:

1493/(1493+400+85 x (70+4.5x(70-59)))
1493/(1893+85 x (70+119.5))
1493/(1893+85 x (189.5))

8.29% Damage reduction w/o AF

With AF(535 Int post Arcane Mind):

1760/(1760+400+85 x (70+4.5x(70-59)))
1760/(2160+85 x (70+119.5))
1760/(2160+85 x (189.5))

10.92% Damage reduction w/ AF

Difference of 2.63%

Personally, if I was gonna consider one point in a damage reduction talent, I'd consider the one that gives me a 2% reduction to ALL damage over the one that gives me 2.63% damage reduction to physical only, especially in a raid setting.

#16 Sep 27 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
If you don't mind drinking a lot of water, a pure arcane build go be fun.

I was grinding rep for Timbermaw Hold last night, and just for the helluva it, I decided to give Arcane Missles a whirl....and damn, was that fun. I was just sitting back laughing as I see the damage. Yeah, it wasn't much, but it all adds up. Mind you, my only points in arcane at this point is in Arcane Subtelty, but it made quick work of the mobs. I don't want to think what kind of damage it would do with Empowered Missles, Arcane Power and Vengeance of the Illdari turned on.

I may toy around with deep Arcane when I hit 70.
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#17 Sep 27 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
Emp Missiles Arn't that great for certain situations, though. For Solo Grind, or coupled with Subtlety for a group grind they would be decent with some good +dmg gear.

IAM, though, is by far the easiest damage for solo and contrary to what you seem to think it isn't any slower than any other mage grind tactic (other than if you're talking about AEing.) Frostbolt Fireball IAM Fireblast, or if they attack you first IAM IAM IAM, or if they're casters/rangers Fireball IAM IAM. Of course it matters what level range you're looking at but in general it's a very very powerful spell. The only annoying thing is cutting it short to CS if a heal.

The fact that nothing slows down the DPS is what redeems it from Scorch builds and Ice Crit builds. Theres no interuptions, theres no running around kiting, there's no nothing! Just stand there and take a bit of melee damage with you're Frost Shield on!

Litterally the only 2 drawbacks here are repair costs (Fully Epiced out 70 Mage repair costs from red < 6g? ROFL!) and if you get ganked while doing this it will leave you with low HP and Low Mana, instead of just low mana. That being said with the exception a really good AE spot, this gets rid of alot of frustration and wasted time.

IAM for PVP, though... bit of a different situation... although in larger groups there are some appropriate times and the fact that each hit disrupts a bit of casting time makes it extremely annoying to counter with big spells.
#18 Sep 27 2007 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
tzsjynx wrote:
(Fully Epiced out 70 Mage repair costs from red < 6g? ROFL!)

Costs me a lot more than that. Up to about 15g or so per full repair.
#19 Sep 28 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
tzsjynx wrote:
(Fully Epiced out 70 Mage repair costs from red < 6g? ROFL!)

Costs me a lot more than that. Up to about 15g or so per full repair.

Agreed, I have some decent gear and my repair costs are around 13-15g.
#20 Sep 28 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
Hm well the 70 Epiced mage I play costs about 7 to repair. Mostly Raid and 5r drops... not sure what ya'll are wearing.

70 Epiced warrior on the other hand costs about 40g+... Funny that he's the one thats supposed to be taking hits.

Anyways ya'll are going on a tangent that I never even meant to go on. My point was that the fact that you are taking hits and losing durability is relatively negligable in the end of things, especially since I was saying that this is the top-end stuff you can. When grinding up through 20-50 its going to cost a LOT less to repair.
#21 Oct 01 2007 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
Tried it and while I enoyed the increased user interactivty *AM on clearcast) I didn;t have TLC or the focus gem, so it was pretty much the same dps as I did as deep fore, only it took far more mana and was rubbish when I had to break the cycle or handle fast kill adds (pretty much the only thing we can do better than locks, IMO).

I'll try it again if I can get that damn trinket to drop. If not, well, I'll just follow my orginal plan and spec Frost/arc for Bt/Hj.
#22 Oct 02 2007 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
1) Each tick of Arcane Missiles can proc on spell hit/crit effects, which makes it unique among all channeled spells. Moreover, each tick can proc Clearcasting, but will not consume the Clearcasting buff (thus leading to a higher than expected crit boost from Arcane Potency).

Not completely sure, but I think they(bliz) had fixed that awhile ago.
Or did they make it that way afterwards intentionally?
Can't remember, but I've been playing a mage since 2 months after game release, and I don't ever recall having anything proc on AM during the channel, only at the beginning of the channel.
#23 Oct 02 2007 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
wwcool wrote:
1) Each tick of Arcane Missiles can proc on spell hit/crit effects, which makes it unique among all channeled spells. Moreover, each tick can proc Clearcasting, but will not consume the Clearcasting buff (thus leading to a higher than expected crit boost from Arcane Potency).

Not completely sure, but I think they(bliz) had fixed that awhile ago.
Or did they make it that way afterwards intentionally?
Can't remember, but I've been playing a mage since 2 months after game release, and I don't ever recall having anything proc on AM during the channel, only at the beginning of the channel.

That is correct, spells can crit/etc mid-channel, but nothing can proc mid-channel, it is going to be on the first one. That is why you don't get clearcasting mid-channel.
#24 Oct 02 2007 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
trinkets and meta gems proc

MSD proc means next AM is turboed up and 10 seconds duration is enough to use it after getting one proc.

anyone has the Ashtongue trinket + Lightning capacitor and the meta gem? heard its turbo am and lots of LC procs =)
#25 Oct 03 2007 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
I specced to 40/21/0 last night and we ran kara. I have the 5% meta gem and also the lightning capacitor. I never thought that arcane missiles would be so cool with that. I was really trying to watch my threat closely, so a couple of fights I shifted to arcane missiles. When they crit, it's 1100 per tick *and* I saw lightning bolts shoot out every 7 (or so) arcane missile volley. Even with the threat reduction in the arcane tree, I had to back off dps a bit. It was sick, and fun. ;-)

The only thing I miss.... ice block. :-( Ah well, I still have my frozen shadoweave set and now I almost have enough for my spellfire set, so that's the reason for the switch. I wish the set bonus from shadoweave was more frost-mage-conducive than it is lock conducive.

If I had the empowered arcane missiles talent and the improved arcane missiles talent, it would be amazing damage that wouldn't get interrupted... my only question about that would be the mana efficiency. But, since each pulse of the arcane missiles tick can proc clearcasting, you would think over a 10 second volley, you would get a free volley, it'd be nice to see some math on that.

Oh... and the 5% meta gem makes those missiles *FLY* It was freakin awesome as each pulse hit the mob every .5 seconds in addition to the lightning bolts hitting the mob, it was fantastic.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 8:47am by ktangent
#26 Oct 03 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,047 posts
I really love deep Arcane for 5-manning - the threat reduction is clutch, and the mana efficiency isn't a big deal. Not uncommon for me to do 40% of the group's damage, and that's rolling with well-geared guildies. For raiding though... I tried it once, the first time we attempted A'lar, and it wasn't pretty. Would probably be better wearing T4 stuff, since it's int and spirit heavy, but I use Spellfire/Spellstrike, which as we all know provides jack for stats but is far superior to T4 in every other way, and even chain pot chugging/mana gemming/evocating I couldn't keep from wanding.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 12:53pm by Theophastus
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