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Just speced survFollow

#1 Aug 24 2007 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
I decided to go from Mm to Bm and from there to surv. right now imo its the best spec for me. but i know nothing about it. could someone shed some light on it?
#2 Aug 25 2007 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Out of curiosity, how come you know it's the best build for you when you know nothing about it?

You should PM Quinz about it, though. I believe he's the resident Survival fan.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Aug 25 2007 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Survival is the only reason i still play my hunter i love it. To me its the most fun because instead of pewpewing i can put myself into more challenging situations like CC for instances and kiting.

From what i have gathered there are basically 2 popular ways to go Surv. 1. Is the raid survival DPS build and 2. is the 5 man CC trap build. It depends on what your doing, if your still doing alot of 5 mans get every trap talent you can it really is amazing the boost we get to our traps and the difference is huge.

A well played survival hunter doing CC for a group is a beautiful thing to see.

Im sure someone will be along shortly with links to builds and such im just too tired for all that right now

Now the downside to survival and it can get ugly.

Worst part about it is other players. The belief that BM is the ONLY specc for hunters has spread like the plague and you will undoubtedly take your fair share of flak during PuG's about it. and until you refine your skills as survival there is no way to convince them otherwise. However if you get the chance to do CC for a group and know your stuff it will almost always shut them up. I have left countless groups because of this sort of ignorance and gained respect for survival hunters as well in other groups.

You will no longer be topping the DPS charts like you would have as BM which is not so much of a big deal because of the utility you bring and either way any flavor of hunter is still respectable DPS.

And the last one i have found is because were so crit heavy soloing will be a pain because you will end up stealing aggro from your pet alot until you get into the swing of things.

GL to you i personally stand by survival 100% and for me anyway its the most fun i can get out of my hunter.
#4 Aug 25 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
wow. i have a hunter and i honestly never met another hunter who specs in surv... good for you! is it difficult? what's exactly so great about it?

right now i'm marks and i love it! i don't know if i can think of switching any time soon, i still have a ways to go, but maybe instead of going to BM i'll go to surv...
#5 Aug 25 2007 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
304 posts
I've found that the transition from marks to SV was easier than the marks to BM thing. I tried BM for a few days and didn't really enjoy it, thought maybe I didn't give it a fair shot.

I would say that the biggest thing is the pulling aggro off my pet, but quite honestly I have a TON of fun wiht the CC, and seeing big crits all the time :)
Plus, it's a viable damage spec, too... I actually out-DPS 3/4 BM hunters in our guild :) BM is probably more DPS for the average player, but I think that with gear survival really starts to shine... just IMHO.

I'd reccomend it to any marksmen who want something new but not DRASTICALLY different. It's definitely got some good CC focus, and I enjoy being able to trap an enemy, wyvern sting another, have my pet tank one and kite one around :)
#6 Aug 25 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
yeah BM always seemed like a really different transition.

if i respec i'll def go to surv. now because i think people are too afraid to try it =]

plus, i saw someone said that people get really "know it all" and pissed if you are anything but BM and i HATE that.. not everyone has to do the same thing, it's what works best for YOU..

#7 Aug 25 2007 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
I love survival, there is only 1 hunter in my raiding guild that can out dps me, but when they nerf the scorpion, ill sit alone at the top of the damage meter. The turning point for when a sv starts to out dps a BM is around 1000 agility.
#8 Aug 25 2007 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
montaghar wrote:
The turning point for when a sv starts to out dps a BM is around 1000 agility.

Which is next to impossible and requires tons of raid buffs to even get close to 1000 agility. Nihilums survival hunter has only about 850 agility unbuffed and thats with almost full T6 and agi enchants and gems up the wazoo. and even then you have to figure if the BM hunter is geared as well as a survival hunter that can hit 1k agi chances are your not likely to be beating him on the charts anyway.

And what BM hunters do you know with a scorpion pet? scorpions suck for BM big time and would in the end cost the BM hunter DPS over a better choice of pet.

#9 Aug 26 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
imo its the best for me because ive tried all the specs and even though i dont know much about it i like it.
#10 Aug 26 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
250 posts
I recently respec'd to Survival myself as MM was rather unimpressive. Pew pew *snore*

At least with BM I could go crazy while soloing. Heck, my pet MT'd for many a non-heroic without any healers.

but Survival.. Oh the love! This is my dream come true as a Hunter! Sure, I'm not doing killer DpS. But the traps! For the love of bouncing Night Elf boobies! This is a good time!

The only trouble I foresee is this;

1) Most people that I know have a hard time figuring out "Don't AoE next to Hunter CC".. or other such stupidity. I can't wait to see this when I trap 3 or 4 at a time. *shudder*

2) Previously with my dynamic pulling tendancies (reactive non-marking due to linked encounters and hidden mobs, etc) requires a very concise response time from other CC classes and tanks. Of course not every pull was done like this, but just using 1 or 2 traps people found a way to mess it up almost every time. Survival should be a cure-all for this one! Total control baby! Hellz yeah!

Worst part about it is other players

So yeah, some folks just don't know what a Hunter is capable of. Now amplify that by 400% and you have Survival. Darwin was right man. [:rofl:]
#11 Aug 26 2007 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
I just respecced from raid MM to raid Survival i know longer top the dps charts but i crit once ever three shots or so and every time i crit the raid gets Ap worth 25% of my agility...also the wyvern sting is fun in pvp :p and the improved traps work nicely in instances.

Now as for MM ive have never seen a BM hunter in gear equal to mine that could out dps me on the dmg meter...but its kinda repetitive and its not amazing at soloing

As for BM...I find it worthless if your not lvling or farming...Its also REALY REALY REALY boring...

bottem line try survival don't worry what others say have fun and enjoy it when you wyvern sting a mage mid pyro blast bandage and hit them with a 3k aimed shot crit :p (bandage part is only in BG bandaging in duels is cheap)
#12 Aug 26 2007 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
Oh and for those who wanna ***** to me for saying what i said about BM and how ive never tried it

1. I don't hate BM I just find MM and SV more usefull

2.I was BM for about 5 months kkthxbye :p
#13 Aug 27 2007 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Gearwise, SV is a whole new world compared to BM and MM.
Playstyle is more like MM then BM is, so i guess the MM fans have an easier time changing to SV.

For gear for an SV you need to focus on agility.
Not to a point where you are gimping your AP but you can give up a fair share of stamina (survivalist keeps it high) and some int (effeciency+TotH= good) for agility.
And ofcourse you can trade some AP for Agi too.
Aim for 650-700 agi unbuffed (565-609 agility before speccing SV) as a solid amount of agility while keeping your AP as high as you can and aim for ~27.5-30% crit unbuffed.

One of the best things about Sv is that it scales so nice with buffs.
if you have a paladin and you get kings, you get an added 65-70 agility from 1 buff alone (and thus also ~1.5% crit and an extra 15+ ap from EW)
#14 Aug 27 2007 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
KillLeBaron wrote:
I just respecced from raid MM to raid Survival i know longer top the dps charts but i crit once ever three shots or so and every time i crit the raid gets Ap worth 25% of my agility...also the wyvern sting is fun in pvp :p and the improved traps work nicely in instances.

Now as for MM ive have never seen a BM hunter in gear equal to mine that could out dps me on the dmg meter...but its kinda repetitive and its not amazing at soloing

As for BM...I find it worthless if your not lvling or farming...Its also REALY REALY REALY boring...

bottem line try survival don't worry what others say have fun and enjoy it when you wyvern sting a mage mid pyro blast bandage and hit them with a 3k aimed shot crit :p (bandage part is only in BG bandaging in duels is cheap)

All i can say is you must be one of those guys that dont count pets if you have never seen an equally geared BM hunter out DPS you BM really is where its at for pure hunter DPS no question to it.

As for BM being worthless outside of farming. How about the +3% damage buff to a group which should almost always be on along with the heavy DPS they bring and ability to use their pets as offtanks more than any other specc. If thats not enough how about arena and world PVP BM is killer in that respect 18 seconds of CC immunity is IMO tops wyvern sting, silencing shot and scatter shot not to mention they still have a 4 second stunn to use whenever needed.

Dont get me wrong i love survival and am specced survival but i cant just ignore such stupidity. All speccs bring something to the table and there is a reason so many hunters are specced BM.
#15 Aug 27 2007 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
Which is next to impossible and requires tons of raid buffs to even get close to 1000 agility. Nihilums survival hunter has only about 850 agility unbuffed and thats with almost full T6 and agi enchants and gems up the wazoo. and even then you have to figure if the BM hunter is geared as well as a survival hunter that can hit 1k agi chances are your not likely to be beating him on the charts anyway.

Sorry about your bad luck, but I am sitting over 1000 raid buffed for grull's, thats not counting if I get a agi totem from a shammy.

Self buffed I am at 970, and once I get my boots enchanted, and gemmed, I'll be very close to it
#16 Aug 28 2007 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
no no your right BM has something to offer I guess thers just so many BM nubs its easy for one to get frustrated :p its an ok spec but its not my favorite play how you wanna play...
#17 Aug 29 2007 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
KillLeBaron wrote:
no no your right BM has something to offer I guess thers just so many BM nubs its easy for one to get frustrated :p its an ok spec but its not my favorite play how you wanna play...
no offense, but the nubspec is MM.
95% or more of all new hunters start with MM and a lot stay MM.
Out of that 95%, it is ofcourse logical that most idiots are there.
Add in that MM is usually said to be the "best" hunter spec and all the nubs go for MM.

And besides that, BM currently has its place as top raid Dps, MM has become a PvP spec.
#18 Aug 29 2007 at 5:08 AM Rating: Default
Sorry about your bad luck, but I am sitting over 1000 raid buffed for grull's, thats not counting if I get a agi totem from a shammy.

Self buffed I am at 970, and once I get my boots enchanted, and gemmed, I'll be very close to it

Screen shot it or it didn't happen. If you are that high and at gruuls, you must be lacking severly in other areas. The guy from Nihilum, is in T6 and has the best gear possible to hunters and he sits at 850 unbuffed. I doubt if your doing Gruuls you have 970 agil. Calling the BS flag on that one! AND, if and thats a big IF you do have that (considering your still at the T4 level), you must have serious gimps in other areas. What am I, you don't even have access to half the stuff that guy the +10 agility gems (which he is the only one I have seen with those) etc etc. QFT, you sir fail.

Wall of lies crits you for 8000000, you die.
#19 Aug 29 2007 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts

Looks like he is at 835 without any buffs, and his 17% bonus to agility means he only needs 141 points of agility buffs to hit 1000 total agility in raids.

Also, before you run around calling people liars based on the stats of some other persons character please keep in mind that is not YOUR character, and you do NOT know what decisions were made by the player. For instance, Nihiliums may have decided to give up a some amount of agility in favor of attack power or armor, or something else. It may not be obvious he did so, even when you look at his gear, but that doesn't mean he isn't. For instance, if he is in T6 gear then he may be giving up some T4 gear with 36 agility to wear T6 gear with much better stats overall, but with only 32 agility. He also may be wearing partial or full set gear that lowers his agility compared to individual pieces, but which improves his character overall. So it may even be possible to hit 900 agility unbuffed with a mix of the best +agility gear from T4 through T6. It just may be pointless to do so since you may have to wear mis-matched and weaker pieces from many different tiers to maximize agility at the cost of every other stat.

Also Nihiliums may not have made the necessary sacrifices to get that extra 2% agility buff from Combat Experience, which makes it a lot easier to break 800 unbuffed agility.

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 11:52am by arentolfourtwo

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 1:14pm by arentolfourtwo
#20 Aug 29 2007 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for defending me, I can gladly post screens fully buffed if you wish, I can also link the wws stats from a gruuls run. Being at work right now i cant access those pages. Anyways, yes it is possible to have over 1500 agi unbuffed, just go over to and check out some of the survival hunters there. I choose not to wear my teir gear, because.. well it is just not built around a survival spec. Raid buffed I have close to 12k hp, and about 6500 mana, which is my weak point, but there are numerous ways around the lack of mana. I rarely have to FD in a fight to drink, just requires using AotV a little more. Until my lack of mana starts to affect my dps, im not worried about it.

And for any MM out there that think they can outdamage survival, I dont beleive it. When I was MM I had 2500 attack power raid buffed(and if you dont believe me too bad. I still have the gear and if I ever get bored and spec back ill take a screenie), and was nowhere near the top of the damage meters, respecd to survival, even in subpar gear, and my dps jumped.

Oh and im still at t4 level because im in a CASUAL raiding guild. That doesnt have anything to do with skill.

edited for sp

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 3:19pm by montaghar
#21 Aug 29 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
montaghar wrote:
Thanks for defending me, I can gladly post screens fully buffed if you wish, I can also link the wws stats from a gruuls run. Being at work right now i cant access those pages. Anyways, yes it is possible to have over 1500 agi unbuffed, just go over to and check out some of the survival hunters there. I choose not to wear my teir gear, because.. well it is just not built around a survival spec. Raid buffed I have close to 12k hp, and about 6500 mana, which is my weak point, but there are numerous ways around the lack of mana. I rarely have to FD in a fight to drink, just requires using AotV a little more. Until my lack of mana starts to affect my dps, im not worried about it.

And for any MM out there that think they can outdamage survival, I dont beleive it. When I was MM I had 2500 attack power raid buffed(and if you dont believe me too bad. I still have the gear and if I ever get bored and spec back ill take a screenie), and was nowhere near the top of the damage meters, respecd to survival, even in subpar gear, and my dps jumped.

Oh and im still at t4 level because im in a CASUAL raiding guild. That doesnt have anything to do with skill.

edited for sp

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 3:19pm by montaghar

Im not saying i dont believe you can hit 1k like the other guy is saying i was thinking more along the lines of 1k unbuffed when i made the original post regarding this. You where after all the first to mention hitting 1k with buffs etc.

What i would like to know is what you use to self buff to 970.

Now about 1500 agility unbuffed this i would have to see to believe. That would require at a minimum 107 agility per slot (excluding trinkets) and considering there are slots that are impossible to get that much agility with (rings, neck and back come to mind) that means even more agility for every other slot. I went to elitistjerks and browsed their forums and came up with zilch. and a google search turned up nothing as well you would think if a hunter hit 1500 agi someone would talk about it.
#22 Aug 30 2007 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Now about 1500 agility unbuffed this i would have to see to believe. That would require at a minimum 107 agility per slot (excluding trinkets) and considering there are slots that are impossible to get that much agility with (rings, neck and back come to mind) that means even more agility for every other slot. I went to elitistjerks and browsed their forums and came up with zilch. and a google search turned up nothing as well you would think if a hunter hit 1500 agi someone would talk about it.

Your right. I couldnt find where I read that at, or thought I read it. But the most possible unbuffed agility at this time you can have is ~1152. Supposedly you would be able to hit ~1500 fully buffed, but its circumstantial.

I also was wrong when I said I had 970 self buffed. Self buffed I am around 925 if i remember. Raid buffed with kings, and Gotw i will be over 1k though.

I use the warp burgers, agi scroll and the elixir which gives my spec 88 agi.

I will post a screenie tonight when i go to gruuls/mag's of my buffed agi.

#23 Aug 30 2007 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Interesting.. That elitist jerks post you linked didn't include the possibility of having a 17% agility bonus from talents instead of just 15%. Having that little bit extra does get you over 15k, to 1514.8
#24 Aug 31 2007 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
you could get +17% agi, but that would mean sacrificing 5/5 IoatH and 2/3 TotH for scatter shot, barrage and combat experience.
wich comes down to sacrificing +6% dps (i though IaotH ended at that) and half or more of your mana effeciency for a worthless shot in raids (scatter), slightly improved multishot 6% extra int and 2% extra agi...

not really a good tradeoff if you ask me...
#25 Aug 31 2007 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
I messed up the screen shot when I uploaded it, it made it tumbnail size so i will have to reupload it when i get home. I now have 1.1k agi raid buffed.
Improved aspect of the hawk is not really an issue for a SV hunter. You can read through that thread I linked above, and it discusses the theory crafting behind it I will not get into it here. I am planning on respeccing without the 2% agi bonus, to be more mana efficent even though i dont really have any issues with it, the 2% agi and 6% int can be spent other places. I made this build when I just specc'd surv, and wasnt really geared for it, so I needed the agi boost. Although I would like to keep scatter shot, simply because it can be a life saver in 5 mans, arena, and some fights in kara. I will be going deeper into the suvival tree, something like 41-20. This is probably the build i will be trying:

Now that I have 1.1k agi raid buffed, I will be focusing more on some of my weaker areas like mana and attack power, but trying to keep my agility around 1k. I have also capped my hit rating so I can also scratch that off the list.

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 11:00am by montaghar
#26 Aug 31 2007 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
You have 11000 Agility? Don't you mean 1100?
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