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So... You Think I'm Crazy.Follow

#1 Aug 23 2007 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
I am a level 46 priest. I've been in this game for over 2 years, and I play slowly, intentionally. I have a 70 mage and a 47 rogue as well. I've flown through plenty of alts. I do not PvP except once in a while when I get the idea in my head.

And I've never respec'd ever by payment, only have my toons respec'd when patches came allowing free respecs because of class changes.

Well, that was true until 2 weeks ago, when I respec'd this level 46 priest to move two crummy talent points out of Martyrdom. My priest is a female undead named Eelias, on Scarlet Crusade.

Now, warning: You may be tempted to throw stuff at me. I understand.

That's right, peeps. I have leveled a DISC priest. A full (almost) Discipline priest, save for Spirit Tap and Improved Renew.

25% more DPS with wands.
4% less threat generated.
30% better fort.
15% more damage taken from PW:S.
Inner Focus.
15% mana regen.
30% more armor from Inner Fire.
2-second Mana Burn.
Divine Spirit.
Divine Spirit with .1 x Spirit to spell damage.
10% more mana.
Instant casts cost 2% less.

Now, this is not the best way to make a healer.
Now, this is not the best way to make faces melt.

When PuGging, "u shadow or holy?"
Me: "I'm a healer."

This is a healer who can solo. This is a healer who can solo who is not smite-specced.
Is this healer a good healer?

Well, considering it's been actual months I have died on this character, including groups... yes, I think it is a good healer. (I rarely BG, but do go in sometimes.)

My healing pattern seems to be different from all of you guys, though. Probably since I have 207 spirit and 164 intellect, though, with the mana-conservation spec. What I do is that with Warrior or Dire Bear tanks, I pop a renew on the tank and wand the mob he's tanking. It will be a short time only, but absolutely nothing lost by doing it. I'll then start greater heal when the tank's near half-health or so. Paladins get a shield.

Group members who get adds or pulls from the tank will get shields, then renews, and only Greater Heals if their health merits it. Renew is my main heal. And I don't go OOM in instances. Inner Focus you may think may be wasted on a shield because of it having a 25% boost to crit chance, but it doesn't matter to me.

I don't go OOM in instances except for bad pulls. I get PuGs and guild runs alike. I get good and bad groups alike. But I can keep everyone alive because after Renew, Prayer of Healing is my heal. Greater Heal is behind Power Word: Shield in a dismal 4th.

My 70 spec for instance healing (not going to raids, heroics a maybe) will be this:

It sounds crazy to you holy priests. But the mana management seems to be AWESOME for me. My people do not die. AND I DO NOT DIE.

And I can still solo.

Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Asylum phone numbers?
#2 Aug 23 2007 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
147 posts
Cool beans.

Interested the specs effectiveness at 70.
#3 Aug 24 2007 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
679 posts
Actually, there is a lot to be said for leveling in the discipline tree, I think you were pretty sensible actually. Its biggest strength is the mana conservation, especially at lower levels where you can be expected to heal instances and so on. Once you get to 70 though you kind of have to specialize a bit more, as people expect a dps priest to be shadow for the mana returns, or holy for the improved healing talents.
#4 Aug 24 2007 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
Nobody ever said you can't level as disc, or holy for that matter, but for efficiency and speed (which most players are after) you can't beat shadow.

However, like you said, you level slow and deliberate and it seems you've found a build that suits your style well. Nothing wrong with that, after all what is this game if you can't have fun playing.

Like Moth said though, at the endgame you'll find the game shifts from being about what you want to being what the team wants. Think of 1-69 as a singles tennis match while 70 is football. Somebody has the be the unnoticed guy grinding it out in the trenches or the team falls apart.

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 5:02:15am by MookusOU
#5 Aug 24 2007 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
Most holy priests put points in the disc tree (I'm 24/37/0), so disc certainly has its advantages.

You may find it interesting that in watching the video of Blizzcon, during the class discussions, Blizz mentioned the disc tree. They said they want it to be even more of a build that can stand on its own, rather than just a support tree.

So, you may be just ahead of your time. If you are having fun and it's working for you, go for it.
#6 Aug 24 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
As others have said, the main thing about shadow is that it's simply so much faster. If that's not a concern for you, then other trees work fine :D

At 70, Disc/Holy instead of Holy/Disc is still a viable option until you get into 25-mans. At that point, fights grow long enough that the healing bonuses in Holy become more and more essential.

The only comment I have is on your level 70 build. You may want to consider switching form Wand Spec over to Unbreakable Will. There's enough bosses that fear that it can be nice to continue on healing while everyone but the tank is running in circles.

Eventually you will have to adapt your healing style a bit, mainly the use of Gheal. When you're in heroics and the tank is getting hit for upwards of 8k a hit, 900-a-tick renew simply won't cut it, though it's still very important ;)
#7 Aug 24 2007 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
I have a Disc priest that I am leveling. Just about at the OP's level. I spec'd to Shadow recently and I did NOT find leveling to be any faster. Actually I preferred Dicp to shadow, as even with spirit tap I found I was having mana issues. Yes, mobs may drop a little faster spec'd shadow, but I found myself stopping to drink a LOT more......making my XP per hour suffer. I never stopped to drink spec'd discipline. I never run out of mana healing in instances spec'd discipline (I use the same healing technique as the OP), and since I prefer to heal in battlegrounds versus dps, I find the discipline tree to be highly effective there as well (bubble and renew my team ftw).

I still agree that shadow is hands down best for PVP......but at least at the lower levels, discipline does seem to be a good way to go.
#8 Aug 24 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,245 posts
Wow, I'm really heartened by everyone's response. Generally from the priest forums here and the official WoW Priest forums, I've seen everyone talk only of Shadow and Holy. People ask for Shadow, or for Holy. People wonder "Is this spec good?" and I click to see some minor hybrid of Disc-Holy or still something that's almost full Shadow.

Honestly, I've always gotten bad responses when telling people that I'm mainly Disc and I don't PvP. One of the times that I actually was in a BG, I basically acted as a healbot to people around me, but I would be able to run away and survive if my warrior died because the going was just too tough. Obviously, I died in there maybe once or twice, but I think people were surprised that my shield could hold a bit longer and that I could pull heals off while being attacked. When someone said, "Nice, we got a holy priest!" I replied that I was Disc, and people told me it was stupid, why didn't I just go Holy if I was going to heal?

Well, I'm going to go through with my specs then, and thanks everyone for the input. I will love it if Blizzard puts more love into the Discipline tree. My idea for making the Disc tree a good group spec is merely to make Pain Suppression able to be cast on any target, not just the caster. It could help out a failing tank or a rogue whose attempt to sap went bad and they were detected.

Does anyone know if Reflective Shield carries out if you use your Power Word: Shield on a party member? Or does it only reflect on yourself?

And lastly, I tried out the spec in the PTR a while ago (with Unbreakable Will instead of Wand Specialization as someone mentioned :P ). Tier 6, wore the shadow gear with MP5 and intellect gems. That was because both times I tried to do the healing stuff, the server would shut down in the middle of the raids. So I screwed the raids and did dueling.

I found that Disc shined in duels, which was why I repeatedly mentioned I did not PvP normal. I destroyed a fire mage with most of my health and half my mana intact. Reason? It started with a Polymorph -> Pyro combo, but the polymorph broke just as the Pyro was about to be casted. I put up my shield, took a bit of damage, and knocked a bit of the mage's health to start off with. I stuck a renew on myself as I was fireblasted, then Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain. I was Blast Waved and Dragon's Breath'd, and was able to pop up another shield. I Greater Healed myself and then started smite, which was Counterspelled. An error of the mage was that she did not Spellsteal my shield. Anyway, I Mindblasted, and my PW:S reflected another Fire Blast, which defeated her. :)

Somewhere in there I used an Inner Focus with something. :D

But anyway, while I can see the strength of the Disc tree, I play to use it more as mana-conservation than of survivability. Survivability should not be what a tree is focused on, it should just be an added bonus with a certain tree.

I guess I'm just rambling now.

Once more, thanks for the input. Allakhazam guys are cool. :P
#9 Aug 24 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Most people ignore Disc priests. As in, in most people's eyes, Holy = Disc. You're holy (a healer) or shadow (a DPS'er).

Yes, reflective shield deals damage if it's cast on a party member. May just be flawed perceptions, but when I was farming in the area south of Sporeggar for Primal Life with a bored Disc priest by DoT'ing up 8-12 mobs at once, it seemed reflective shield kept them on my rather than having them evade and run away :P

I'd definitely like the Holy and Disc trees to get a bit mroe as well, and maybe rearrange the shadow tree a bit as well. Priests are one of the classes that get the absolute least out of putting points into all 3 trees, not to mention how Holy/Shadow is one of the worst 2-tree specs possible. Horrible synergy between the trees.
#10 Aug 24 2007 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
162 posts
Isfreak wrote:
The only comment I have is on your level 70 build. You may want to consider switching form Wand Spec over to Unbreakable Will. There's enough bosses that fear that it can be nice to continue on healing while everyone but the tank is running in circles.

If he resists and he's the only one not running in circles, isn't the boss going to go into "priest-seeking missle mode," since he's the only one who didn't get hit with the fear?
#11 Aug 24 2007 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Well, that *shouldn't* be happening :P In heroics and raids, hopefully your tank is good enough to avoid it (pallies and druids can be an issue, though, if you're now dwarf/draenei); in 5-mans bosses don't hit *that* hard. Iirc some fears are dispellable as well, and as soon as their dispelled the boss should switch to the tank.
I can count plenty more times when a feared healer caused a wipe than the times a resisted fear caused a wipe.

Edited, Aug 25th 2007 1:28:30am by lsfreak
#12 Aug 24 2007 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
679 posts

If he resists and he's the only one not running in circles, isn't the boss going to go into "priest-seeking missle mode," since he's the only one who didn't get hit with the fear?

Yeah, this is something that used to happen a lot more on the older encounters. I don't think this is as much of an issue any more, they even fixed nightbane so that he would maintain aggro in the event of the tank being feared.
#13 Aug 25 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
Well it isnt that "new" idea at all.

I´m leveld my way as Disc/Holy as well. The mana regen from Disc is quite nice. I think there are a lot of us.
#14 Aug 25 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,245 posts
You mean my idea isn't new? I'm doing straight Disc, not Disc/Holy, until I hit 70.
#15 Aug 26 2007 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
I Prefer leveling slow also, and I leveled my first priest on disc, now shes 70, and 40 disc/21 holy.
My second priest haha leveling disc
I have always found Disc to be easiest for healing wise, Mad regen.
#16 Aug 26 2007 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,245 posts
I noticed you have Absolute and Mental agility. I've heard that Dispel and Mass Dispel do NOT get mana reduction stacked from both, and Abolish Disease isn't important enough for me to reduce its mana cost alone. However, I like both Disc priests.

While the Spirit of Redemption is easy to see why you picked it, I'm curious why you would choose Absolution over Silent Resolve. The last thing is that I want to know whether you like Holy Nova, and if you use it a lot. I once used it a bit, but I stopped using it because of its mana cost. It was a on a friend's full Holy priest instead of Disc, though.
#17 Sep 04 2007 at 6:18 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
I mostly play duo with a mage. I think my first 3 points were mis-spent in spirit tap which is only half as useful with 2 of us. Since then I've been putting all my points in the disc tree, working towards divine spirit (almost there!) as it should be useful for both of us. The improved PW:S is also great. Once I've got improved divine spirit I've no idea where to spend my talents next. I've wondered if its mad to go disc - I'm new and unsure. This post gives me more confidence, so thanks. Plus slow is fine, I'm enjoying the ride :)

#18 Sep 05 2007 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
244 posts
I found your specs very interesting.

Me and my husband have been levelling a Warrior/priest (lvl 53) combo for general instances and hopefully a lot of PvP in end game.

I tried Shadow, but really didn't like it (play a warlock for 18 months, you get REALLY bored with shadow, but you get used to the survivabliity ;)) so continued Disc/holy. I really enjoy PvP group healing. I have found in instances, that shield/renew/chuck in a heal everynow and again when things get a little hectic, works for our group (it's a pretty static group of RL friends and guild members we have played with for a long time). I'm stocking up the odd bit of MP5 bit of gear i find, but unless we have a bad pull, i don't really go OOM.

I have found soloing with a Disc/holy spec to be fine, I cope pretty well with anything up to 3 levels above (depending on mob type), and i'm happy with that =D
#19 Sep 08 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Alright, so now that my priest, Eelias, is level 48, I healed for Sunken Temple.

The group was a 54 blood elf combat rogue, a 49 undead fury warrior in tanking gear, a 45 blood elf beast mastery hunter, and a 49 blood elf fire mage.

With the exception of the rogue, this means that we were all on the underside of levels for ST. Furthermore, we had a tank who was spec'd fury. I declared at the start that we would not be getting to the big bosses at the end, and for no one to be discouraged by that.

Actually, I turned 48 incredibly late into the run. So I was a 47 undead discipline priest healing.

When we started off, we were still the 'appropriate' level. We went down to the circle where there would be six named trolls to kill, and in the hallway there would be Atal'ai Warriors along with Witch Doctors and Imps. The group, we realized, had a strength.

Mad CC. In the big groups, we had a sap, a sheep, a shackle, a wolf pet to offtank, a freezing trap from a hunter who knew how to play. That means that the largest groups including a stray add were all completely CC'd except for a single target to tank, and the non-elite imps that we basically ignored until it was time to kill.

In all of these fights, I think I used Renew about 93% of the time, Prayer of Healing I'd estimate about 5% of the time, and Power Word: Shield 2%. None of these fights demanded a Greater Heal, because with my improved Renew (and healing increased by about 44) I could actually heal the tank, who I reiterate was a fury warrior, would actually be noticeably healed by each tick of the Renew. He was never actually "topped off" at absolute max health during the fights, but he was always teetering damn near it. When he would say, "Starting" for the next group, I'd put a Renew on him right before he'd charge. I would watch his spiraling HoT go out and put a new Renew on him immediately, and would be wanding in between. Other group members got hit plenty of times, especially the mage and rogue. The mage was the one who got the Power Word: Shields, and both simply got Renews as they managed to still their own aggro when this happened. I was incredibly impressed with their competency. It made healing on the under-leveled side of the instance much easier. And mana management?

Well, mana management is the reason why I'm not considering switching to Holy or Holy/Disc to heal. To get from the summoning stone to the instance, I did not sit to drink. From the instance lobby to after the first group pull of Atal'ai Warriors, Witch Doctors, and Imps, did I have to drink once. I then would drink after every 2 big pulls, and for the named trolls, never had to drink to them. By using well-timed renews and shields, as well as putting Inner Focuses in appropriate times, I made my mana efficiency supreme.

Once the Shield was down (killing the 6 named trolls, Jammal'an says that the shield is down after doing this), we went up to the dragonkin, and those fights were remarkably harder for our group. The freezing traps we continually used, but were finding that the level difference between our prized non-huntard 45 hunter and the dragonkin enemies were causing resists to her stuff all the time. It was these fights that I had to put away the Renew except for on the mage and hunter, and I would be Greater Healing the tank and shielding the rogue. I used Prayer of Healing significantly more in each fight, and I basically had to drink after every fight. This was the same for the Deathwalker Spirit groups in the room with Jammal'an. We killed Jammal'an and the other guy with him, the mage won the roll on his kilt (the mage actually died at the VERY end, she forgot to decurse the tank, though she was decursing properly before), the mage had to leave to put her kids to bed, and we decided that we would never be able to 4-man the rest of the instance, so we hearthed out of there.

With a group underleveled, and tank and healer not the optimum spec, but with merely competency and an understanding of the fights, we were able to have a run that ended with us having only one death at the very end, on a fight where the 2 bosses were red-leveled to 3 of us, orange to the tank, and yellow to the rogue. The discipline spec priest is an incredibly viable healer, because it goes OOM less than Holy, and it can get back up from OOM faster than Holy.

I've had fights where I said 'OOM' and was out of potions, but was able to still pull off a Prayer of Healing in a couple seconds and save the *** of the mage and tank.

Less and less do I think that this is a game of numbers, and more and more a game of skill.
#20 Sep 08 2007 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
Survivability should not be what a tree is focused on, it should just be an added bonus with a certain tree.

Ha, tell that to the rogue subtility tree. My main is a rogue, and i was just browsing other forums. Good to hear that your 3rd tree may be getting some love from blizz. i have a low lvl priest alt, & i may give the disc tree another look.

Seems like everyone is but sub rogues (which i am not, because that tree ******* sucks endgame, except for the occasional overgeared combat/hemo hybrid rogue who gets brought to a 25-man).

...k, i'll go back to my forums now.
#21 Sep 10 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Good
I noticed you have Absolute and Mental agility. I've heard that Dispel and Mass Dispel do NOT get mana reduction stacked from both, and Abolish Disease isn't important enough for me to reduce its mana cost alone. However, I like both Disc priests.

While the Spirit of Redemption is easy to see why you picked it, I'm curious why you would choose Absolution over Silent Resolve. The last thing is that I want to know whether you like Holy Nova, and if you use it a lot. I once used it a bit, but I stopped using it because of its mana cost. It was a on a friend's full Holy priest instead of Disc, though.

I have not tested this, but at :
it says:
Absolution - "Reduces the mana cost of your DIspel Magic, Cure Disease, Abolish Disease, and Mass Dispel spells by [5%, 10%, 15%]."

Cheaper curing which stacks -- except for Mass Dispel -- with Mental Agility's discount.

Only says mass dispel doesn't stack, but anyway, Chose if over Silent resolve, because I haven't found that I pull aggro enough for it to make or break a situation that fade can't handle, and I dispell alot, so figured I'd save myself mana even if it's not that much.
As to holy nova I don't use it hardly ever haha, only rank 1 in pvp to get the 1 up on rogues usually. There's a few other situations, but not many.
#22 Sep 21 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
Glad to see some full Discipline priests out there! My 42 Blood Elf Priest is my first main in playing WoW. I studied the talent trees a lot and decided that I wanted to focus on buffs, i.e. Improved Divine Spirit, Power Infusion, and Reflective Shield. I have been the only healer in a few 5-mans, and nobody has complained, although I do get the occasional "you're stupid" comments from people about my spec choices. Since this is my first go through the game, I am not rushing leveling and I'm finding that I'm leveling almost too fast for my taste :)

After I hit level 44 and get 5/5 points in Reflective Shield, I'm going to go Holy to get 5/5 Holy Specialization, 5/5 Divine Fury, and Holy Nova. I am planning to make a macro that does Inner Focus before Holy Nova to address the mana inefficiency.

Does anyone know if the damage done by Reflective Shield is counted by damage meters? I use my shield on party members a fair amount, although I'm still trying to understand how it limits rage generation on tanks.

My character's name is Martinex on Velen. I would post the link but the Armory is having problems at the moment. Here's a link to my current build though:
#23 Sep 21 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
Does anyone know if the damage done by Reflective Shield is counted by damage meters? I use my shield on party members a fair amount, although I'm still trying to understand how it limits rage generation on tanks.

I'm pretty sure reflective shield does count, the dps goes towards the person wearing the shield.

My understanding is this: (1) PW:S draws aggro equivalent to an instant-cast heal. If cast before any mob is aggroed (i.e. pre-shielding), it generates no hate. If cast on the target of an aggroed mob, it increases the mob's hate of the caster. (2) PW:S interferes with rage produced by damage taken, but not with rage produced by damage dealt or by rage-generating abilities. Regardless of whether this qualifies as a 'significant cut' in rage-generation, the tactical point is that Renew is more mana-efficient than PW:S and has no impact on rage. PW:S's best uses are (1) as a precursor to an emergency heal and (2) as relief from interrupts. - Seofon
Taken from here :
Sounds about right.
#24 Sep 23 2007 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
It hit me that my aspiration to get Reflective Shield was to get an offensive, not defensive, ability.

As a result, I figured that I did not need Improved Inner Fire nor Improved Mana Burn and could go for some threat reduction, though I hardly ever pulled aggro off the tank with my Renews anyway. When I fill out Reflective Shield, I will solo more efficiently anyway, because I always have the shield up.

I've respec'd to remove Improved Mana Burn and Improved Inner Fire, and gone with more mana reduction via Mental Agility and got some threat management with Silent Resolve. I will next fill out Reflective Shield, put a point into Silent Resolve, delve into Enlightenment, and I may look at Force of Will, but I'm not sure if I'll be soloing by that level anymore.

Here's the spec:

Here's the gear:

By the way, at level 49, I healed for ZF, the entire instance, every single last troll down, without ever once drinking, and no deaths. PuG.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2007 2:19pm by Raglu
#25 Oct 16 2007 at 11:16 PM Rating: Excellent
I leveled a human priest to 60 and raided 40 mans disc specced, never had a problem. I leveled a draenei to 70, healed heroics/10/25 mans and (though recently i was nagged into speccing holy) and still never had a problem. Disc is fun, you get neat buffs, you can still kill stuff in a reasonable manner.

People who don't get it will always give you ****. You will never top a healing meter, you will be a wee bit more gear dependent for your healing set, but you can marathon heal. And something that people dont seem to appreciate is that every single 5 man in outlands was designed to be finished by a reasonably competent group in 45 mins. Disc spec not only makes you more effective (no water breaks is HUGE) but things like PI and reflective sheild increase overall dps. It has the potential to be an amazing spec with a few tweaks and the prejudice towards it needs to go. :( I'm a lil bitter lol.
#26 Oct 17 2007 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Absolutely, BBBgrr.

One thing that's coming to make Discipline more likable to the non-Disc world is that Pain Suppression in patch 2.3 will be castable on party members, have a shorter cooldown, and reduce threat. It's great saver for overzealous DPS besides just when you yourself aggro.
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