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Priest complaints about warlocks?Follow

#1 Aug 23 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
There was this post in the warlock forum. A warlock got kicked from a group for using Life Tap due to the Priest's complaint. I think that perhaps a few priests should also post in that thread, since I said that the priest should have been the one booted, not the warlock.
#2 Aug 23 2007 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
We've kicked locks from our guild before because they lifetap continually. While everyone else in the raid invests decent amounts of money towards coming to the raid prepared with mana pots etc, the lock refuses to spend an extra-penny and instead wants to piggyback off of the healers. It's a rude gesture and I see no problem in kicking anyone who comes unprepared and demands his raidmates make up for his lack of preparation.

Edited, Aug 23rd 2007 3:45:40pm by MookusOU
#3 Aug 23 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
251 posts
We've kicked locks from our guild before because they lifetap continually. While everyone else in the raid invests decent amounts of money towards coming to the raid prepared with mana pots etc, the lock refuses to spend and extra-penny and instead wants to piggyback off of the healers. It's a rude gesture and I see no problem in kicking anyone who comes unprepared and demands his raidmates make up for his lack of preparation.

I totally agree. I was Healing an instance when the lock was life taping through the entire instance all the time (even when he still have 50%+ mana). There was a time when I couldn't tell if he had gotten aggro and was taking damage or just life taping. Eventually he died because i was getting close to OOM when he started taking damage and I thought he was just life taping. He then blames me when he died and try's to get me kicked. I am just glad that the leader knew what was happening and just kicked him. lol

I think Life Tap is great but try to use it when you need it and also know that you wont pull aggro from anyone.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Aug 23 2007 at 11:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) look "tkmluv", in your case the lock was a sore ******* for taking it out on you because HE died when YOU were out of mana, also the fact that he's pulling aggro is his fault and there wasnt much else u could do but let him die(because you were OOM)...BUT I read the other thread and i think that Locks have all there rights to life tap!I mean its a spell thats given to them like MC from priests, some "people" think that its unfair and its always going to be like that, but those "people" are just a bunch sissys and kids.
#5 Aug 23 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
Ok not quite sure where that angry rant came from but the point here isn't that priests don't like warlocks. I don't hate warlocks at all, they do great damage and are a great addition to any raid. My point is you have to learn how to play your class in a group/raid setting and more often then not life tap does not fit into that setting. Especially when you are doing it mid-fight and demanding a healer's attention.
#6 Aug 23 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts

Who said I hate Locks?

Ok not quite sure where that angry rant came from but the point here isn't that priests don't like warlocks. I don't hate warlocks at all, they do great damage and are a great addition to any raid. My point is you have to learn how to play your class in a group/raid setting and more often then not life tap does not fit into that setting. Especially when you are doing it mid-fight and demanding a healer's attention.

#7 Aug 23 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
236 posts
In 5-mans I really don't care if they life-tap and I usually tell them to go ahead (I'll throw renews on them). In raids, our lock usually calls out in vent "life-tapping" just so we don't worry about his health as if he was taking damage. Most locks life-tap and then get back their own health with the life-drain. It is that sustainable mana regeneration method that makes them great in raids, imho. I like that the lock can be in the tanks' group for the bloodpack and not need the VT mana return as much as mages et al.

The thing is, if you just talk to the locks to let them know what to expect and so that you know their style ... this probably would not be an issue.

Edited, Aug 23rd 2007 4:24:01pm by Velluna
#8 Aug 23 2007 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Funniest locks are those that use life tap while gruul... right before ground slam - shatter is prefered :).... freaking retards -_-;"

I don't have a problem when a warlock uses life tap, even in midfight simply because he can easily restore it by himself (life drain and soul siphon). However he has to know when and when not to use it. As example I prefer if a lock uses life tap x1, gets the lost life up and life taps again instead of tapping twice in a row and so on.
#9 Aug 23 2007 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,245 posts
Life tap is fine for a warlock to do in groups. Just don't be stupid about it. I put on a renew if I see a warlock lifetapping.
#10 Aug 23 2007 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Here's my take on this. Any warlock that asks a priest for heals to help him gain mana is a noob. Any priest that heals a 'lock when he's Life Tapping (other than an occasional HoT) is also a noob. Life Taps are done as a preparation for either A life Drain (which heals the 'lock) or a Soul Drain (which heals the lock and restores mana). That means that any priest that healed the lock when he tapped just wasted his mana. Warlocks are able to take care of themselves when they aren't getting beat upon, and they should also be able to have enough aggro control not to get beat upon. A Priest's duty is taking care of the tank. As a 'lock, I'd quit any guild that told me I couldn't Life Tap to restore my mana. Only the Imp is a mana battery. If you want a warlock to CC or disable casters, our pets need their mana pool. I specifically ask priests not to heal me unless I'm taking damage - Life Tap is something I do not consider to be damage, but part of my normal spell rotation.

Edited, Aug 23rd 2007 4:15:29pm by ohmikeghod
#11 Aug 23 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
MookusOU wrote:
We've kicked locks from our guild before because they lifetap continually. While everyone else in the raid invests decent amounts of money towards coming to the raid prepared with mana pots etc, the lock refuses to spend an extra-penny and instead wants to piggyback off of the healers. It's a rude gesture and I see no problem in kicking anyone who comes unprepared and demands his raidmates make up for his lack of preparation.

I don't carry mana potions, and I don't ask for water. For a 'lock, that's utter stupidity, and a waste of bag slots. I carry Health potions, and I carry bandages. For warlocks, health = mana. It's the same reason that 'locks don't roll need on mana restoration gear. THEY DON'T NEED IT! It's only the shortsighted who see a warlock's strengths as "lack of preparation". Perhaps you should try learning a few things about warlocks before you start spouting off your uninformed mouth.
#12 Aug 23 2007 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
172 posts
I don't mind if locks life tap. But if I am healing then they can either drain life, bandage or chug a health pot to get themselves back up.

This is not too disimilar if I am a shadow priest and using SW:D to maximise DPS. I NEVER expect the healers to bring me back to health after a SW:D, that is what I use VE for. Warlocks should expect the same.

As for the priests hate locks debate.. maybe some of us are feeling a little sore that everytime Blizz decides to nerf locks it keeps nerfing priests.

Part of me thinks they might need to be nerfed (both locks and shadow priests), especially as melee just got further nerfs. In our last guild Gruul run dps list was:

1 & 2 Warlock
3 Shadow Priest
4 Rogue
5 MS Warrior
6 Druid kitty

Healing (effective) the Shadow Priest was 6th. So a SP can be 3rd on dps, 6th on healing AND be giving about 8k mana back to their group in the fight. I can't help but think that something just isnt quite right there.
#13 Aug 24 2007 at 12:41 AM Rating: Default
403 posts
Ok, once again not quite sure why all locks are throwing temper tantrums tonight but whatever, on with the argument.

I don't carry mana potions, and I don't ask for water. For a 'lock, that's utter stupidity, and a waste of bag slots.

You don't carry mana pots? Instead you carry health pots. So with LifeTap at a 1:1 trade-off ratio you prefer to cast spells so that you are down to 50% mana, then life-tap to 50% health, and then drink a health potion when you could've simplified the whole process by just drinking a mana pot in the first place? Forgive me for not finding any logic here.

Basically what you are saying here is you refuse to maximize your DPS because in the end it will cost you a meager amount of gold in order to acquire mana pots. That is the exact attitude that gets locks kicked out of guilds, which was my original argument.

And about the bag slots, what in the world does that have to do with playing your class well or justifying not taking mana pots? If you can't find enough room in your bags pace for 10-15 mana pots (thats 3 empty slots) then well, you seriously need to throw some things out.

It's only the shortsighted who see a warlock's strengths as "lack of preparation". Perhaps you should try learning a few things about warlocks before you start spouting off your uninformed mouth.

I'm sorry but any mana user who doesn't bring mana pots on a raid is unprepared whether they be a lock, mage, priest, pally, hunter, shammy I don't care.

Now as far as my uniformed mouth, I have a lot of raid experience working with warlocks and I happen to know quite a bit about them. I looked up your guild on only to find out that your guild has no BC raid experience so we are clearly arguing from two very different standards here. I'm sorry but there is a vast difference between being a level 70 and being an experienced, skilled, and informed player. You may not agree with my opinions but it isn't often that my statements are "uninformed".

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 4:50:49am by MookusOU

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 4:53:50am by MookusOU
#14 Aug 24 2007 at 1:14 AM Rating: Excellent
2,293 posts
MookusOU wrote:
So with LifeTap at a 1:1 trade-off ratio you prefer to cast spells so that you are down to 50% mana, then life-tap to 50% health, and then drink a health potion when you could've simplified the whole process by just drinking a mana pot in the first place? Forgive me for not finding any logic here.

Improved life tap which every raiding lock should have increases mana regain from lifetap with 20%.
And Fel armour increases health effects including health potions also with 20%.
So super health pots give a lock 2100-3500 mana and super mana pots 1800-3000.
Making chugging health pots more sense then mana pots.

With raiding affliction locks it also doesnt eat into theyre DPS to much.
Maybe Demon specced are better off chuggin mana pots, but demo isnt really optimal for raiding.

I dont play lock btw only priest and mage.
We are on a nice casual guild (raid 2x a week)schedule, done with Kara, downed lootreaver, gruul and mag. Working on SSC.

You are uninformed MookusOU, dunno what youre raiding experience is and what you know about locks but apparently not enough.

Now say youre sorry :-P

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 11:40:09am by Sjans
#15 Aug 24 2007 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
Being a warlock, I always carry both health and mana pots (and drinks and food). If I get hit so I am low on health (below 50%) AND low on mana I don't want to life tap to be able to go on dishing out damage. Mana pot, and Drain Life does the trick. Then maybe a Life Tap.

Always relying on being able to convert health to mana is a bit short sighted on my opinion. Always relying on a heal is also short sighted. Always relying on having drinks is short sighted, therefore I also carry food so that I can Life Tap and EAT if I don't have bandages/drinks. I also carry drinks because sometimes the healer doesn't have enough with him (5 mans), so I can give mine to someone that doesn't have the options I have as a warlock. One of my services as group support :-)

And, during a fight, regardless of being hit or not, as long as the tank is there, I do not expect to be healed. Not even a renew when I Life Tap.

One more thing, I get a bit annoyed when the healer heals me between fights because I Life Tap/Bandage (which is a lot quicker than drinking), because the healer just drank and is wasting mana on me. I normally tell the healer to forget me inbetween fights.
#16 Aug 24 2007 at 5:51 AM Rating: Default
83 posts
So what some of you priests are saying, is that we should never use one of out most valuable tools?

To the guy who said it's a 1:1 trade, and says he's informed, well, the locks you got your info from are noobs, with talents, it isn't 1:1. So we use less pots. Not to mention the fact that we don't really need the heals or pots if we are properly using Soul Siphon and Drain Life. With enough DoTs on the target, and Shadow Embrace, we can Drain a heck of a lot of Life.

Now, I'm not saying that some locks don't overuse Life Tap, and using it to leech off your healers after every battle is not the right way to use it. If you had read the original thread in the warlock forums that was link in the OP, you would see, that he was kicked for not using Dark Pact while on CC duty. Now, if you have Succi out for CC, with her limited mana pool and mana regen not as fast as the Imp, you Dark Pact and she's not CCing any more. You throw a Life Tap and then Drain Life to get the life back mid-fight, she keeps on CCing, you still don't need heals and are entirely self sufficient. Unless you happen to get aggro, which a good lock shouldn't. Point is, they kicked the lock for not using something that would have stopped the CC, which if that had happened they would have kicked him anyway.

There are noob locks and there are noob priests. In this case, it was the priest that was the noob.

I am not saying that I hate priests or that priests hate us. Actually, I love priests. A warlock and a priest together can make a devastating combo if they know how to work together properly.

Edit: Crap, my gf logged in on this computer too, this is not Amayu, this is Lathais.

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 9:53:51am by amayu
#17 Aug 24 2007 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
1,729 posts
This is really me, so you know who I am.
#18 Aug 24 2007 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
i dont see any good reason why anyone should look down on anyone else. just because your guild killed illidan doesnt mean you can look down on someone who just took his/her first step into kara. yes, you might be a whole lot more experienced, but pardon me, i wont say more skilled. i have played with not-skilled players in high end raiding.

as a priest, IF my mana is not an issue, i always ask the warlocks to life tap and i will either cast a renew or heal (yes. a heal) on him. i rather we max out our dps than prolonging the fights. and yes, i even cast renew on warlocks or any other class in between fights.... as long as it doesnt reduce our efficiency by a big margin.

be considerate. dont expect heal/renew if the fight(s) is going to be really mana intensive for the priests.

different priest or warlock has different playstyle. if you are grouped with one, communicate with him/her. work something out. find out what he/she prefers you to do. a little respect goes a long way.

#19 Aug 24 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Default
2,029 posts
Life Drain and Siphon Life (especially Life Drain, horrible dmg/casttime) are wastes of debuff spots if you're running at the cap. Hence, warlocks will NEED heals from healers, and destro locks especially. And while I don't have the experience of some other people, I'm fairly confident that 3 warlocks life tapping for 7k every minute is not going to break a healer's mana pool.
#20 Aug 24 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
1,729 posts
First of all, it's Drain Life, not Life Drain, not a big deal, but still. Second, if you don't have talents to improve it, yes, it's damage is weak. However, with talents in the right spot, it's still decent, albeit not great damage, but it heals us. So while the damge/cast time may suck, the damage+healing/cast time does not. I fail to see how so useful a spell can just be thrown out. Life Tap and Drain Life are 2 very important parts of a Warlock. They are part of what makes us what we are, and any guild that tells me not to use them in raids, can kiss my @ss.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying this should be our primary damge source, or that it's all me need to do. DoTs and Shadowbolt Spam are still our primary sources of damage. When our mana gets low however, we can get it back up pretty quickly while still contributing something to the damage.
#21 Aug 24 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
There is a cap for debuffs? :D
#22 Aug 24 2007 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
schweizi wrote:
There is a cap for debuffs? :D

Yep, 40.
#23 Aug 24 2007 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
Not entirely relevant to the thread, but I was healing SLabs a couple of days ago, people had to leave and we got some more, including a holy paladin. We agreed for him to do most of the healing and me to heal in emergencies and spend the rest of my mana on the small amount of dps I could put out. Anyway, I simply could not get rid of my mana before any of the mobs died, so I told the warlock that she could life tap as much as she wanted, use the most mana-intensive damage spells, and I would heal her, as it would be a more efficient use of my mana to contribute to the damage being dealt.

As it happened, she was affliction, and also didn't even get close to using up all her mana before everything was dead, so we didn't bother with my mana battery plan (btw are all affliction warlocks this efficient?).

Usually, I don't mind it when locks life tap during battle. They can look after themselves, as has been stated, and if I'm not busy and have plenty of mana I will heal them, never a gheal, but a renew or a flash sure. Also them being damaged from life tap contributes to my decision on whether to prayer of healing or not (I don't care what anyone thinks, I am still obsessed with this spell I love it to bits). Ultimately warlocks, like everyone else, should just be aware of what's going on. If I'm wanding (or worse, casting an actual damage spell!) then feel free to yell at me to fill up your mana, but if I'm bouncing heals off the MT constantly, while trying desperately to control my threat, then your mana = your problem.
#24 Aug 24 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
are you kidding me morkus? you are kicking people for using life tap?!
i dont care if you even raidet blizzard, cause if you are kicking locks for using life tap then you are in fact uninformed about the class.

you dont have to heal the locks as we can generate health. and even if you think about it. a renew costs 405 mana(sry if im not correct but i think it is that) and heals around 2000 health with +1000 healing(which is low). the gives the warlock 2400 mana. you dont think thats a good trade?

tbh i dont think you should talk about other classes since you clearly dont know about them.

i have both a 70 priest and lock btw.
#25 Aug 24 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
According to wowwiki:

"Affliction Warlocks are the masters of killing an opponent at a distance while someone else does all the heavy lifting. With spells like Siphon Life and Drain Life, even your opponent helps you out a bit. Affliction warlocks are patient folk with some even taking a load off while their DoTs kill their target who is presently engaged with the Warlock's Voidwalker. Though some fights can take long enough to resolve, the efficiency of this tree allows the Warlock's mana to regenerate while the target dies."


"Efficiency: While it is possible to finish a fight quickly, you don't have to. You also don't want to, because you're thinking ahead to the next fight, and the one after that. After applying DoTs, an Affliction Warlock will alternate Life Tap and Drain Life instead of using Shadow Bolt to help speed up the impending doom of your target. With Improved Life Tap and Improved Drain Life, you will net positive gains in both health and mana, all while doing around the same damage as a single Shadow Bolt. Doing this takes longer (6-7 seconds for the combo vs 3 seconds for Shadow Bolt), but you will be able to jump right into the next fight with no hesitation."

And lastly, about Affliction Warlock Mana Efficiency, a comparison to Destruction:

"Lack of mana regeneration [for Destruction Warlocks]: While affliction locks can tap their pets for mana and demonology locks are quite mana efficient, destruction locks have no way to regenerate mana other than by drinking, and you will be drinking A LOT. The only way to get around this is to take the improved drain (soul and life/mana) and life tap talents from the affliction tree to be able to regen mana reliably."

I think it's safe to assume that most Affliction Warlocks are indeed that mana efficient, Vyth.
#26 Aug 24 2007 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
First of all, it's Drain Life, not Life Drain, not a big deal, but still. Second, if you don't have talents to improve it, yes, it's damage is weak. However, with talents in the right spot, it's still decent, albeit not great damage, but it heals us. So while the damge/cast time may suck, the damage+healing/cast time does not. I fail to see how so useful a spell can just be thrown out. Life Tap and Drain Life are 2 very important parts of a Warlock. They are part of what makes us what we are, and any guild that tells me not to use them in raids, can kiss my @ss.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying this should be our primary damge source, or that it's all me need to do. DoTs and Shadowbolt Spam are still our primary sources of damage. When our mana gets low however, we can get it back up pretty quickly while still contributing something to the damage.

Yea, wrong spell name. That'll teach me to post 10 minutes after waking up :d

I meant specifically in the situation where you're at or almost at the debuff cap. In other situations, sure, Siphon Life and Drain Life are great ways to keep yourself up. However, considering either can be replaced with a renew/rejuv/FoL/lifebloom, it's simply not worth risking knocking off Sunder, CoS, or any of the other most important debuffs. Sure, if it knocks off Fireball that's no big deal, but with an "ideal" 25-man group prioritizing debuffs, you can still hit the debuff cap fairly easily, *especially* if you're running more than one afflic lock.

EDIT: Ignore this edit.

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 12:39:45pm by lsfreak
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