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cannot get past grandmaster vorpil!!!Follow

#1 Aug 22 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
my guild is trying to get keyed for kara, but we can't seem to get past grandmaster vorpil (3rd boss in shadow labs, the one with the voidwalkers). our tank (whether it's our main guild prot tank, or me in my tank set fury spec) never has a problem maintaining aggro, but we just can't seem to burn the ******* down before the 3rd port. when he does port, we all run off the platform, and then alternately kite him south or north all the way down the hallway. the last group i was in had an elemental shammy and a fire mage for dps, holy pally for healing, me as dps/OT and a prot tank. i had to go so i couldn't finish up, but after two more reps (one was a fully epic-geared lock, the next a blue and greens lock) and getting him down to 1% i had an idea.

since his physical hits don't damage much, could i tank him in my fury gear? then i could lay more dps on the guy than the prot tank could.

any suggestions would be appreciated.
#2 Aug 22 2007 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
I think our first win on the guy was when we just tanked him on the left wall away from him platform and just switched sides as needed after the ports. party set up was tankadin, me, rogue, lock, and priest.

Basically instead of kiting, which didn't work for such a melee heavy party, we just tanked him in one place and dpsed him down. This tech only works if you have the dps to do it. Course if you don't have the dps for this you won't have enough for BM either.

We had me on vorpil full time, rogue on adds full time, and lock dotting vorpil and nuking adds.
#3 Aug 22 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
now when you say the wall away from the platform, were you still up on the platform or down where the hills were on the sides?

our other mage who is already keyed for kara said that you actually have to ignore the adds, which conflicts with other strategies i've read that repeat what you just said: to have one dps strictly on vorpil, another strictly on adds, and one doing both.

i now have 1350ish ap unbuffed/almost 2200 ap selfbuffed and was topping the dps chart (even when we had a hunter in the party), so i think i was doing my job ok. at some point i burned through 3 adds on my way to vorpil and i took them down in no time flat, i don't know how the other dps had a hard time with them...
#4 Aug 22 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
If you look to the far walls (left or right) there is a blue flame brazier against each wall. Tank him next to those.

I would never ignore the adds completely unless I went with an obseen amount of dps (which if you have they are already kara attuned more than likely) and even then you have to kite while dpsing. Standing in one place letting the adds waltz right up to him is suicide for anyone that isn't rocking gear that would make the heroic version of that fight trivial.
#5 Aug 22 2007 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
I've always had tanks tank him right on his platform. One DPS is on the far side of him killing adds and doing what damage he can to the boss, another on the lower/front side of him killing adds. Their priority is adds! Then a third DPS stays only on the boss, and the healer is wherever is needed. It's best to have a lock or spriest doing one of the adds, because they can keep DoT's running on Vorpil while they kill adds.
#6 Aug 22 2007 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm I think that boss is extremely easy and I've always used the same tactic. Immediately pull him off his platform with a ranged pull. Kite him down the hallway while dps beats on him (works with even melee dps, just have to stay moving). When he ports us to the middle, immediately back off the opposite side from the one I just kited him down and now kite him down this side. It will generally take 3 - 4 ports to kill him. The only time we have wipes is when the dps are uncoordinated and do not move in the right direction when he ports us. The only bosses that have ever given me trouble in that instance are the second (powerful dps can do too much damage in the MC move) and Murmur (nubbish rogues staying in range while he does his AOE move and dying almost immediately).

Edit: definitely ignore the adds. You want to keep the boss away from the adds, which is the whole point of the kiting technique.

Edited, Aug 22nd 2007 4:41:53pm by Lorimath
#7 Aug 22 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
842 posts
ok, so now i'm still getting conflicting advice, but i think i'll take this gem from all of it:

keep the adds away from vorpil, whether by kiting him or killing the adds
#8 Aug 22 2007 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
357 posts
Ahh good ole Vorpil. The way i've always seen it was Vorpil is a gear and strategy check. The better the gear means you can use different strategy.

The way i Usually do it is put him above the stairs on the left side, one dps one him, the other two focus on the adds and then Vorpil when time. However in order for this to work right your one dps has to be well geared.

If that doesn't work you could do ssn (south, south, north). The benifit to this is you can have all three working on Vorpil, but everyone has to be on the same page. So many time people get mixed up and half your group goes north and the other half south. the other problem with kiting is some dps'ers can have problems when Vorpil is kept moving.

Both these have problems, the first you need a really good dpser because their gunna be doing most of the damage on him by themselves. The second, due to the fact that everyones on Vorpil the adds will pile up quickly so you got to kite hard and deep. And both depend on the tank being on his toes to move vorpil around away from the adds.

I believe everyone in your guild should be able to beat him both ways before you go into Kara. It will show that they have good dps and will show teamwork and strategy, because many battles in kara are more about strat and everyone being on one page that dps.

I hated and struggled with Vorpil for a long time but as I slowly geared up to get ready for Kara he became easier to the point that even before we were getting drops Vorpil was going down easy. I believe this fight and BM are the true stepping stones to Kara. once you get them down your ready, but it takes a while due to the steep difficulty in Kara compared to the old world 10man. Gear, but more so every must be one the same page and these two fight teach you that.
#9 Aug 22 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
I've always done it by running it from end to end. having vent is a huge plus, although with the new patch that'll be taken care of with voice chat for the casuals out there.

the first time i killed him we killed the adds in between, the other few times we just all out dpsed him and kited everything around which was faster [but a lot more chaotic]

you CAN just go all out dps gear but you really want to have the most hp possible

if you're ot'ing him you should sit in your dps gear since the mt will be on him primarily and full out dps. if you're running 2 warriors what you can even do it get into zerker, blow reck', get back into battle, and spam executes [since zerker stance = you take more damage, which is sometimes not a big deal :)]


i was looking at your gear [and this isn't really relevant to the topic, but] you should really try to get to over 150 hit before trying to dps kara. also, try to get to about 25% crit in zerker at least if you want to do some serious face wrecking.

another thing i noticed is your dagger, daggers get a smaller "normalized" ap bonus than swords, maces, and swords, so if you pick up one of those, even with lesser total dps (depending how close it is), it may prove to be a lot better.

and just a side question, how do you get the 2.2k ap selfbuffed... i run unbuffed around 1.6k and I get around 2.2-2.3k with battle shout... or do you mean with rampage also active?

Edited, Aug 22nd 2007 4:53:39pm by russki
#10 Aug 23 2007 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
yes i mean fully selfbuffed, with battleshout, rampage and whatever else selfbuffs to AP you can apply.

i still have to pick up better helm (overlord's helm of second sight), shoulders (the shoulders from old hillsbrad), feet (possibly ogrila rep feet) and maybe hands (ragesteel, but nobody seems to be able to make them). also need better ring (from deathblow to the legion) and trinket.

i really don't see where the other dps is going during the fight as i'm busy whaling on vorpil, so i'll pay more attention next time and see if they're getting mixed up.
#11 Aug 25 2007 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
I'm playing a rogue and I have never ever had problems with Vorpil in my 20+ PuG shadowlab runs.

Most of the time it's the Inciter who's the real ***** =)

The KEY strategy in this fight is to kill the adds.

You don't really need fancy kiting techniques and use several hours on instruction and yelling at your party for doing it wrong, and wiping 800x in the process.

Even with sick DPS, ignoring the adds will most likely be certain death. Luckily, the adds die extremely quickly.

Usually, I - as a rogue - volunteers to take adds. Vorpil is very squishy himself so 2 dps + tank is easily enough to take him down.

I just DPS vorpil inbetween add-killing. They walk slow and they only need 2 sinister strikes each to die. That means my dps goes 50% to vorpil and 50% to the adds. IMO he is the easiest boss in Shadowlabs.
#12 Aug 26 2007 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
well when i used to be arms/prot i would tank him with my 2h in battle stance, that fight is really the tanks to win or lose some say kill the adds i never did it like that always full on dps and as the tank you make sure he dosent get healed by the adds, the key is to keep moving if he dosent get healed it really dosent mather how long you take to kill him.
#13 Aug 26 2007 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
If you don't have the DPS to burn him down, just kill the adds and kill him slowly. His damage is weak if the adds don't reach him, and you can just chip away at his health until he drops.
#14 Aug 26 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Strong DPS is key here. Combat rogues do very well in this fight to help burn down Vorpil fast. I've found that Hunters do very well burning down the adds.

We used to always pull him to the close rock hill on the east side and repeat when he ported everyone.

Think of Vorpil as a gear check, if you're struggling to take him down, consider grinding for some better gear in other instances level 68ish.
#15 Aug 26 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
It's hard to think people have problems with this fight :( I've just been lucky I guess. Most of the partys I get into for Slabs(Heroic keyed finally, f*ck you nonheroic crap!) we had enough dps to have him down to roughly 25~% by the first port. The guy only has about 100k hp, squishy as hell, and hits like a pansy.

edit: Of course, being a heavy dps group REALLY sucks in Slabs because you'll rip everything apart up to Inciter, but wipe 4-5x because during the 10sec mindcontrol we all run around and rape each other.

Edited, Aug 26th 2007 5:12:49pm by Altrizia
#16 Aug 26 2007 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
842 posts
my dps usually isn't a problem. whenever i do a run with my guild, i usually top (or near the top) the dps charts. i just respec'd with more points in fury too, so in zerker stance i have 1400+ AP (still need to get better shoulders, feet, hands and helm from xordon's list) and 24ish crit% unbuffed... selfbuffed with trinket (bladefist's breadth), battleshout, rampage and i probably forgot something else, but i hit 2383AP.

i think i'll switch to add-killing on this guy... seems like the mage and hunter dps are OOM at some point.
#17 Aug 26 2007 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Of course, being a heavy dps group REALLY sucks in Slabs because you'll rip everything apart up to Inciter, but wipe 4-5x because during the 10sec mindcontrol we all run around and rape each other.

If you all put on pvp gear it's much easier fight. Stamina and resilience.
#18 Aug 29 2007 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
i have done this fight many ways. like some posters above said, the strat you use depends on how good your group dps is. as an example, once i was in a group with a 70 druid tanking, 70 healing priest, 2 70 rogues and 68 elem shaman. we totally ignored the adds, moved/kite the boss slowly (enough so that the adds dont get too close to him) and all out dps. even the healing priest was dpsing. we killed the boss before the second port.

and no, as a group, we are not extremely well geared.
#19 Aug 29 2007 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, there really is nothing special about this fight. It really is just a tank and spank fight really. You don't even need spectacular dps for him. Mediocre will suffice just fine on this guy. If I were you I would use your fury gear for maximum dps and you should sail through. Don't take this wrong, but if he is giving you that much of a problem, then Black Morass will eat you for lunch. You really need a super strong dps crew for that one, and thats not even near as bad as Kara bro. I agree with everyone else...if this fight is giving you guys real problems, evaluate your gear and make sure you guys have every possible enchant and stat boosting gear you can get your hands on. I honestly have never had a problem with him even in pugs. The mind control guy is a bigger pain in the *** imo. Although you will get a chuckle out of him if he mc's your healer and you see you healer run to your tank and start whacking on him. :)
#20 Aug 29 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
S-S-N has worked well most of the time when in there for me.

What sucks is when I head South for the second time and half the group heads north and we wipe. Then I get yelled at for going the wrong way. What part of "South, South, North" do people not understand?.....I hate PUGs.

South down the east side of the hall, then South down the west side of the hall to go around any voids that might be over there from the first kite. Finish with one or two runs up the north hall. A few groups I've been in have been able to down him on that 3rd kite.
#21 Aug 29 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
anyone have any concrete dps chart numbers for this guy? when we finally beat him with my lock cousin's help, he topped the chart with 50k damage, our mage did 26k (+3k from his water elemental) and i did 25k.
#22 Sep 10 2007 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Just had to add this...

Yesterday we had the fastest Vorpil kill so far. He went down just a second after his first teleport/fire routine.

Tanked him with my druid right on top of the book. Everybody (Lock, SPriest, MSWarr)just focused dps on him and ignored the adds.

Time to get keyed for heroic SL apparently. :)
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