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BM vs MM in raidsFollow

#27 Aug 28 2007 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
i have seen marksman hunters CONSISTANTLY take less healing in raids. and that is huge. the tanks should be the only ones getting and needing heals.

Wow, this is a new spin entirely. Could you please take a stab at explaining how a MM Hunter, who does not have the Talents Endurance Training or Survivalist and thus has a lower Health total than any given BM or SV Hunter, and who also stands at range just like a BM or SV Hunter, will need less healing?
Again, in any even comparison all Hunters will require the same amount of healing. If there is a slight bias at all it is against the MM Hunter who has less easy access to Health boosting Talents.

Hmmm... I don't agree with all the logic here, but it has been noticable, werever the hell he pulled that theaory from, at least in my case is true.

The last couple weeks have been all Kara for my guild, as we finally have enough people to do it. There is an equally geared BM hunter (Snowbunny), and a not so equally geared one (Grymstone) that have been running with us over the duration (never both at the same time), and it doesn't seem to matter which one it is, they both die waaay before I do. Grymstone is actually one of the first people dead, and I know he can pull his weight, while Snowbunny does take a bit longer, but on fights such as Maiden and Curator, he usually ends up dead as well, while I am still able to FD on wipes.

Could it be because of the fact that MM hunters are so "squshy" as you guys have stated, that we are paying more attention to our health, and as such, taking pots and bandages more wisely than other hunters?

Just a thought.

#28 Aug 28 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
336 posts
I don't know about everyone else but I have yet to be out damaged by a BM or SV hunter in instances and kara. Maybe I am better geared but I doubt it. I think you have to take their skill into account. BM is easy to play but hard to master and SV is just hard all around. I like MM because I don't rely on my pet as much as a BM hunter. In kara I like having both BM and MM hunter for the buffs.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Aug 28 2007 at 7:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thank you.. And what i said is entirely true. 90% of all pets are mele.. BM pets ARE the hunters MAIN source of damage. I have played one. I know that when your bm.. your pet hits like a truck. anyone who does not see this is @#%^ing retarded. If i see a bm hunter not using his pet as his main source of damage i will slap his ***. Beast Master class is a class that uses pets to their fullest at the cost of their own ranged power.!!!! nuff said.
#30 Aug 28 2007 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
"A BM hunter's main source of dps is Serpent's Swiftness, not a pet.".......something i picked up from a diff thread...70MM to BM i think...
this seems totally opp to what you have been saying..i am confused..who is right?
#31 Aug 28 2007 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
It is a close call. I think I would lean towards Serpent's Swiftness as being the highest contributor of DPS when it comes to BM. The pet however, is still one of your most potent sources of damage. Any BM that does not keep an eye permanently on it's pet and position should respecc immediately.

Pet being the main source of damage? Not exactly. Just alot more potent than a pet from any other specc.
#32 Aug 28 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
The problem with the statements to this point regarding BM's dying more often than MM's is that the issue is one of play style, skill, and experience, not the spec itself.

As an example, I was doing a 5-man (ZF) the other night. The group was a 51 druid/tank, 50 BM hunter, 49 Priest, 48 MM hunter, and me, a 45 BM hunter. Everyone but me died once during the instance, and the 50 hunter died twice. In addition I was also second in total individual (non-pet) damage (the druid beat me by about 15%), and I was easily first in total damage (meaning when you include the pet). Right from the start my individual damage was about 25% higher than either of the other hunters, and believe me, I wasn't even particularly trying to be the damage leader, I was just playing my class.

So why the huge difference in damage and survivability? Simple, I am a highly experienced player. With over 8 million people playing this game, 7.5 million of which are not experienced MMO players, with BM hunters being so popular of a class, and with all the grouping and learning issues inherent to playing a "solo" class in a group, it is inevitable that many hunters are crappy players in groups.

Does this mean that there is an inherent issue with the BM spec and it's survivability? Heck no! It is just an inherent problem with anyone new to grouping/raiding, and there are more of those among BM spec hunters than any other class. This same issue took place with Necromancers in EQ, and yet at the same time easily the best and most powerful player I ever grouped with in EQ was a Necro who chose to almost always group rather than solo. He was a master of crowd control, group tactics, aggro management, damage dealing, and virtually everything else vital to effective playing of the game.

BTW, I have only been playing WoW for 3.5 weeks now, I have soloed 98% of the time so far, I had never been in a group bigger than 3 before, and I had never done an instance with a group before either. Despite all this my grouping skills and my understanding of my class was apparently far greater than either of the other hunters. This is despite the fact that the 50 hunter groups for instances almost every night.

So what makes an inexperienced WoW player like me so much better? First, I research my class so I understand how to play it and how to equip my character. Second, I have played a dozen different MMORPG's over the last 7 years, including the single hardest MMORPG ever, EQ during its first year. If you didn't have great grouping skills in that game you didn't get anywhere, and so you learned them or you died constantly.

Anyway, what it all comes down to is research, practice, and common sense. Those who do/have all these things will do better and will live longer. Those who don't will be a massive pain in your butt and will die a lot and cause plenty of wipes... That is just how these games work, and your particular spec is only a marginal factor in the question of who does the most damage or who dies the least.

#33 Aug 28 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
People are throwing some statements out here which are kind of... wrong.

Like, beastmaster pets are going to take more damage? As a marksman, I hope you wouldn't gimp yourself of 20% (say) of your DPS, by not using your pet.

I think my windserpent tends to be about 30-40% of my DPS. That's without raid buffs. The pet is by no means the "majority" of a beastmaster's damage.

You're going to get 2 types of people who are beastmaster. There are those people who have respecced in order to maximize their DPS. They may be the ones focusing on the DPS meters and maybe not feigning when they should. I don't know; I think if a particular hunter is dying more than another, it has nothing to do with the spec, more their skill. (Unless they are 41/20/0 and can't have Hawkeye and that makes a difference in the fight?)

And then you've got the people who like being Beastmasters and the fact that BM is considered "top DPS" isn't as important as being able to just plain be competitive and have fun as a BM nowadays.

Edited, Aug 28th 2007 3:42pm by seroster
#34 Aug 28 2007 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Kompera wrote:
This is why I've stressed in my posts above that skill must be removed from the consideration of the mechanics of how the different Talent specs work. If you blithely assume that you're a more skilled player then your opponent, then it just doesn't matter what spec you chose or how you spend your Talents.

Nice idea, but impossible in actual play, thus my point. You guys can discuss theorycraft until you are blue in the face and all p/o'd at each other and you'll have accomplished absolutely nothing. Theorycraft does not perfectly allow for reality, it makes a passing wave at it and depending on the assumptions made to come up with the numbers (Even Az has to make assumptions for all that incredible math) will determine how close it comes to actual play but then again, it can all be wiped out by a bad day or too much caffiene.

Kompera wrote:

Thus the exploration into which Talent builds can provide the highest DPS output when standing next to your peers attacking the same Boss.
In my eyes this exploration offers the opportunity to be better group mates, since a player who more deeply understands their class and the game is naturally better able to respond to game challenges in a group setting.

The only opportunity I'm seeing provided here is the one that torque's people off and accomplishes little save to outline some relatively minor differences. Perhaps against a CERTAIN Boss, or in a CERTAIN instance, one spec might have some advantage, but the other spec might excell in other areas. Again, DPS is *NOT* the only measure of a hunter and the title of this thread is which spec is best in a raid and not all raids are the same or need the same thing from a hunter. If you are only focused on DPS you are only looking at theorcraft because, as you agreed with me, skill has far more of an impact.

Kompera wrote:
sloshot wrote:
There is just not enough of a difference to worry about and if there was, Blizzard wouldn't be doing its job in balancing!
Thank you, sloshot. This is the funniest thing I've read on these boards in a great while.

Glad I could bring some levity to your day, just because I made you laugh doesn't mean it isn't true.

Kompera wrote:
sloshot wrote:
They [Blizzard] can do Theorycraft as well as anyone here and they have access to the actual formulas with all the variables. I wouldn't doubt it if they didn't have calculators that had all this built into it and work it out on them before even implementing a change for playtesting. I know I would...
That is a fine and highly idealistic position to take. It's also hopelessly out of touch with reality.

The reality of the matter is that Blizzard has a small number of developers and playtesters and a finite amount of time to do testing before releasing any given patch or change into the game. And then the player base of 8.5 million gets to do their own 'playtesting'. Do you see the practical difference here? Even if Blizzard were to be able to afford to pay 1000 engineers/designers/playtesters and devote 1000 hours to testing each patch or new release, they would still fail to put out a perfectly balanced and error-free game. And their staffing levels and available time falls far below those hypothetical numbers.

Please do not attempt to tell me how Blizzard works only Blizzard and it's employees and staff know that at any given moment. I've had enough friends work for them to know what they attempt to do operationally, both in development and playtesting, but as with all game companies, this changes on a need basis. Focus shifts all the time.

I have also assisted on the development of another on-line game that had a sizable on-line following (not the size of WoW, but it was popular). It's balancing issues were just as difficult as WoW's as it too had many races and equipment/technology variants. It also had a huge built-in Fan Base to please. The developers chose to create an inner circle of players that I was a member of. We actually did much of their alpha testing and balance testing. We had our own server, our own test environments and our own direct interfaces to the developers. I'm not sure how much I can divulge because I'm under a Non-Disclosure agreement regarding them. I'm fairly certain Blizzard would have such a group as well.

Kompera wrote:
The Blizzard employees simply don't stand a chance in hell of catching every possible exploit and unforseen combination of abilities, or even of balancing class abilities. They simply can not compete with the variations of situations to which the player base will subject the game to, nor the hours of play time which the player base will use to explore variations of game play.

This is not Blizzards fault, it's simply the practical situation which exists for any company with a large customer base which uses their product in 'live' situations in ways in which the company can not hope to compete through any reasonable amount of testing.

I never said any of this or alluded to any kind of perfection from Blizzard. I can pretty much garantee you that they have enough staff and volunteers to find any super 'I Win' skill/talent before it hits production release. Now, convoluted or clever uses of such things by smart players to gain that essential effect might take time to find and I'm sure once discovered it gets fixed ASAP. It is not in Blizzard's interest to make any one race, class or spec have some major advantage over the other, and that is what I was saying. Please don't take a simple concept to the extreme.

To clearly restate, the 'spec war' can go on forever, it will be subject to the whims of balancing and changes with each revision. I feel you guys are arguing over such minor differences as to be almost comical.

The easiest way to tell balance is (over-)simply this:

Which spec gets more invites to which raids or instances?
Which spec is easier to level with?
Which spec has a larger following of skilled players?

That will TEND (note: TEND, not actually BE) the spec to play (for master players) if it's the same spec across all the questions. If not, then you will likely prove the point that design against player skill should more properly drive the spec than pure DPS. Not all players can play a good Beastmaster. Not all players can play a good Marksman. Therefore those that can't will be crippling themselves and their party in both DPS, CC and all the other hunter skills by trying to play some 'optimum' talent build they can't pull off.

Build for yourself, play it and report back how well it works for you. If someone else tries it and it blows for them, then they should just state that without accusations, "I couldn't make it work for me." It's perfectly valid. To state "BM is always better than MM." is subjective and inappropriately definite. To rag on someone who has success and you don't with a given spec is pure ego. To assume your spec is the best is also pure ego. Player ability defines spec... that is all I am saying.

That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it until something better comes along... lol!
#35 Aug 29 2007 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default
1,292 posts
sloshot wrote:
I never said any of this or alluded to any kind of perfection from Blizzard.
Actually, you did just that. I case you've forgotten, here it is:
sloshot wrote:
They [Blizzard] can do Theorycraft as well as anyone here and they have access to the actual formulas with all the variables. I wouldn't doubt it if they didn't have calculators that had all this built into it and work it out on them before even implementing a change for playtesting. I know I would...-
Right here you're ascribing perfection to Blizzards development team. They've got the code, they know the variables, they'll have it all worked out in advance. You would, at least...

sloshot wrote:
I can pretty much garantee you that they have enough staff and volunteers to find any super 'I Win' skill/talent before it hits production release.
History has proven you wrong again and again and again. I think this is pretty much a lost cause, but maybe asking a few questions will allow you to see the folly of your thinking. Why are there patches? Why are class abilities adjusted (in the nomenclature, nerfs, buffs)? Why are items removed, or their abilities adjusted? Why was the Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope schematic removed from the game temporarily, and why was its ability to impact melee hits removed? Why was the ability for Grinding Stones to influence ranged shots criticals removed? Why is there a PTR which players can join? If Blizzard has it all under control, they would have no need for player support for their proposed changes...

Seriously now, child... Arguing this point can only make you look foolish.

sloshot wrote:
BM pets ARE the hunters MAIN source of damage.
Again, do you even play a Hunter? No matter what capitals you use, it does not make it so. It's not true for any spec of Hunter, at all.

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 5:08am by Kompera
#36 Aug 29 2007 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Hey, slammerofkooter, I know how you should try to get your point across: put in a bunch of fake swear words and insult the people having a (somewhat) civil conversation here. Some of them may be trying to convince each other of things that the other won't be convinced of, but that's besides the point. Conversations like this are mostly good, because you can hear what experienced players have to say about things and adjust your play accordingly. Caldone, for instance, agrees with you in a sort of way, but he isn't an ***, so I take what he says with some weight. Perhaps I should pay more attention to bandages and healing pots and such.

I have been a BM since the first day I started this game. So I think I know the BM spec relatively well. And you cannot be serious when you think that my pet is the MAIN source of my damage. Klaus does not hit like a truck. He will do about the same damage as the main tank in an instance, but he's lucky if he's 30% of my damage. Significant? Yes. I think you don't understand what "majority" means, though.

And saying BM hunters or their pets need more healing is plain stupid. Any pet doing melee will take damage. It's called AoE. And if my pet takes aggro off the tank, he deserves to die because I've been stupid. If my pet is doing the same damage as the tank, how will that pull aggro? Even with growl on (which it shouldn't be), it isn't enough to compensate for the tank's equal damage and increased threat-generating abilities. And, ideally, a BM pet will have the higher armor talent, so that is less damage.

You then go on to generalize about how BM Hunters play compared to other classes. Please, do not generalize in this way. I do not fall into this category, nor do any of the other BM Hunters I have come across. In fact, I've been lucky enough to not come across any truly bad Hunters yet. I've encountered Mages and Rogues and Moonkin Druids that have a habit of pulling threat from the tank, but Hunters have this nice little ability called feign death that should put aggro back on the tank. I use it if I do pull threat - ideally, I use it before I pull threat. I do not try to top the damage meter. I go into an instance or raid with the mindset "I will be polite to these people, I will have fun, and I will play my class well enough that they will want me back." If I unload every fight and constantly pull aggro, they will not be impressed. I just started raiding Kara - I did not pull aggro once, and although my damage was simply OK, I was careful not to pull aggro. There was a fire Mage in the group that used a lot of AoEs and died a lot because he pulled aggro. Should I generalize and say all fire Mages are going to die all the time because they can't control their threat? I think I'd sound stupid if I did. You said the same thing about BM Hunters.

I know I touched on this already, but I really have to go back to it since it's so illogical.

slammerofkooter wrote:
So with bm pets being "in most cases" both mele and main damage sources for the hunter. IT IS ENTIRELY logical to assume that when they are fighting right in there with the tanks that they will take a good spillover of aoe damage.. or when the tank gets incapacitaded shortly or anything of that sort.. that they will take damage.

So your pet isn't in there with the tank? You leave your cat or whatever at your side to look pretty? If so, OK, my pet will take more damage. It will also do some damage and contribute. If your pet is in there, it will also take some damage. My pet will not take aggro if the tank gets incapacitated. If the tank does, the mob is more likely to go after me or the healer or a rogue or anyone other than my pet. Its damage is decent, but growl is OFF and it does not do enough damage to be highest threat, or second highest threat, or third highest threat. In fact, it is more than likely at the bottom of the threat meter.

Kompera: I beat you to it, but you explained it better than I did. Hats off to you.

Lastly, I want to re-iterate something I said earlier: all specs have their merits. I look at the other two trees and I'm sad that I'm missing abilities in them, but I like BM and I don't see much need to change (although better traps and expose weakness sound very appealing). To Stormofnova: Play the spec you want to play and what you're good at. I agree that BM as a spec, all other things being equal, will probably do more damage. But not if you're better at MM or survival. I don't think any spec will be blatantly turned down because of the spec. I did a Kara run with two BMs and a survival, and although I think it would be more useful to have one of each spec, they were willing to take all three of us. Hell, some of them didn't even know my spec until I got into the raid. I think it's more important to know the people and impress them before the raid than to rely on your spec. In my case, I had grouped with them in various instances and proved that I know how to play my class. If you spec BM and get into a raid because of it, but you suck, they won't invite you back. Play what you enjoy and what you're good at. I know I wouldn't turn someone down because of their spec.
#37 Aug 29 2007 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Pet damage is not the highest source of damage from a BM Hunter, a significant source, yes, but by no means more than the Hunter himself.

For the Builds, I would make a guess, that the ratio of hunter/ pet damage would look something like: SV- 75/25 or maybe 70/30, I say this because of the massive Crit% of SV Hunters and the fact that SV Hunters are not constantly attacking the target, like BM and MM specs do. MM- 85/15 to maybe 80/20, simply because you both are constantly attacking the target, and the hunters DPS talents would completely obliterate the oets damage and the ability Go for the Throat which allows your pet to use its focus dumping abilities more often, and if a SV Hunter had this talent it would reflect in the damage your pet does. BM- 65/35 to as high as 55/45. The Hunter still puts out high damage, but depending on their gear focus (AP, Agility or Crit) the difference between pet and Hunter damage can get slightly blurred. Also with the talent, Focused Fire which increses damage by 2% and increases the Crit% for Kill Command your pet can put up some serious numbers as long as your Crit% is high enough to make it proc enough to make a difference. I am only 67 and was running Slave Pens yesterday and was putting up 700-800 DPS with Bestial Wrath and Bladefists Breath up, dumping all my mana into my shot rotation and getting a crit well, about 18% of the time as thats my crit right now, I was getting steady shot crits for 800-1k and my pets Kill Command crit for 1200 once but would normally hit for the 300 of a non-crit up to 700-800 for a crit (berserked mobs is reason for difference)

My point being no matter what, the pet will or should never outdamage the Hunter, if thats the case you're not playing right.
#38 Aug 29 2007 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
830 posts

You are blatantly misreading and misinterpreting what I am writing, why, I don't know. I am talking about a process, not patches or perfection, please read my comments IN CONTEXT and stop adding more to them. Blizzard is NOT perfect and I never said they were, but what I have said is that they DO test things and do catch the awful stuff, occasionally mistakes slip through but not in this case of BM vs MM. Any spec having a slight advantage in one area over another spec is NOT a mistake or an error on Blizzards part. It is design and balance, which I think they do a pretty good job of all things considered.
Here are my assumptions about Blizzard, just so we are clear on it: Yes, I assume Blizzard is a professional game development company and has processes in place to test changes before release. Yes, I know that the occasional glitch gets past the development teams and playtesters and that players, being the smart folks they are, can use/abuse talents and skills in ways the developers didn't imagine. I assume those issues and programming errors, graphic errors, calculation errors, minor adjustments to abilities etc are the reason for the patches, not because "Oh my God, Beastmaster spec just rocks! We have to nerf the heck outta that! How did we miss it? Nobody will play anything else! Quick, get the Nerf hammer out!"

The reality is far more simple, they get it close and see what happens. If something gets abused or ends up being more powerful than they thought, they adjust it. Thier "calculators" (to which I assume they have) and "playtesters" (which I assure you they have) only get them close, and WHY only close: because it's friggen THEORYCRAFT and a small group of testers! Reality is that 8 million players determine what works best for themselves (<= my whole point right there) and sometimes find things a small group of playtesters don't. YOu seem to be more intent on arguing my statements than to address my actual point and trying to actually understand what I'm saying instead of interpret it through some strange lens.

Please point out to me where I wrote "BM pets ARE the hunters MAIN source of damage" which you attribute to me. Slammerofkooter wrote that. So before you tell me I'm messed up, you should look to your own flaws. I know what pets do for BM hunters, and while I may not be a hunter god, I can hold my own in a group or solo even as a sucky MM hunter with mostly green gear.

I am a Marksman spec hunter, I don't use my pet well enough to be a Beastmaster spec at this time. Could I learn it, perhaps, but I don't think I'm the best Marksman I can be at the moment so I won't switch over yet to test my skills at it. I have nowhere near the playskills to be a Survival spec hunter and my hat is totally off to those guys that make Survival work well.

Let me know when you want to start addressing the real issues of spec, like which one works best in what kind of instance, raid or against which boss. Strategies for all specs in those situations. What to look for in certain circumstances, perhaps, PvP, how to best solo each spec. Tricks and techniques to make us all better Hunters in whatever spec we chose so maybe we can lose the Huntard reputation.

Let's try to debate things in a positive fashion rather than focus on specific words or our interpretation of what someone is saying.

This mini-max crap is for the birds. Tweak the dial as much as you like, it means nothing if the audience can't hear the difference.
#39 Aug 29 2007 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
In a straight-up damage fight, BM hunters beat MM hunters hands-down, although a single Survival Hunter likely provides a large raid benefit (EW for the win). The problem is that while all specs of Hunters can and should be using their pets, in situations where pet use is iffy at best (which does occur, although it's far from universal) BM hunters lose the most.

TSA is decent, but it doesn't stack with multiple hunters and only provides a benefit to melee classes. FI stacks with itself and with anything, and it's a nice way to sneak a Shadow Priest into the Hunter group (mana problems be gone!). They like the damage boost, trust me.

Ignoring Kara for a moment and looking exclusively at 25-mans...
1) Gruul's Lair is fairly Hunter pet-unfriendly. Maulgar's Whirlwind isn't that big of a deal, but Gruul himself is... well, repositioning pets for Cave-Ins is utter hell, and unless they've fixed it recently Pets still suffer from the Shatter bug (they get the slow/stun effect but never get Shattered, and thus are 'frozen' for a long time after each Shatter phase even if they don't get stuck in a Cave-In. Correct me if I'm wrong though, it's been a while since I've paid attention in Gruul's).
2) Magtheridon's Lair is actually quite pet friendly. They may eat a Shadowbolt Volley or two, but those shouldn't be going off in the first place, and beyond Conflag (which is considerably rarer and easier to deal with than Cave-Ins) there isn't a whole lot of positioning. Pets aren't knocked around by his bounce ability and thus can keep the DPS on.
3) SSC is actually fairly pet friendly. Hydross isn't that much of a problem (although poison immunity hurts Scorpids), Lurker is fairly pet friendly with good management, Leotheras is a pain in the *** for all melee but not exceptionally pet-unfriendly, Karathress is pet friendly, Morogrim is pet friendly, and Vashj is... well, annoying.
4) Tempest Keep is fairly pet unfriendly. Al'ar is a pain with pets (flame patch, exploding birds, Flame Quill), Void Reaver would make pets suck up a ton of healing, and Solarian is fairly pet friendly as long as you don't mind them dying (but better than a player dying or eating a debuff - Snakes are also great here). Kael is... well, annoying.

Don't underestimate BM. *shrug*
#40 Aug 30 2007 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
in general, up until the point where all melee takes heavy damage and needs healing, your pet will be fine.
just remember that when melee needs to run out, so does your pet.

the last time i did gruul, we didnt have him on farm yet so i wasnt able to pay a whole lot of attention to my pet, but it stayed alive nearly as long as i did, and i only had to ress it once in 4 tries.
(with the last try being a 1% wipe before we had to call it)
and since my guild is only at Maggy, i cant really say anything about SSC or TK..

Although i havent heard much positive about TK...

As for bosses being poison immune, that's when you grab your Ravager to rip some flesh >:D
#41 Aug 31 2007 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
sloshot wrote:
Please point out to me where I wrote "BM pets ARE the hunters MAIN source of damage" which you attribute to me. Slammerofkooter wrote that.
My apologies for misquoting you.
#42 Sep 01 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
2,388 posts
I do not fall into this category, nor do any of the other BM Hunters I have come across. In fact, I've been lucky enough to not come across any truly bad Hunters yet. I've encountered Mages and Rogues and Moonkin Druids that have a habit of pulling threat from the tank, but Hunters have this nice little ability called feign death that should put aggro back on the tank. I use it if I do pull threat - ideally, I use it before I pull threat. I do not try to top the damage meter. I go into an instance or raid with the mindset "I will be polite to these people, I will have fun, and I will play my class well enough that they will want me back."

Hmm, interesting isn't it?

From the way you talk you would appear to be saying that a player is good or bad depending on pulling aggro. Pulling aggro is just the tip of the iceburg, and sorry, but if you think that is all, you are sadly mistaken.

Across my travels in WoW I have seen BM spec hunters put away their pets for instances, Survival Hunters Melee'ing and entire instance, and when asked why he doesn't do ranged "I don't have a gun".

I have seen all sorts of things that would make an experienced hunter shake his head and cry, but by your measure up there, since they never pulled aggro, they were good players.

Suggestion- Maybe you could pull your head out of your *** so you could see the light?
#43 Sep 02 2007 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
And to think, Caldone, I actually had a compliment of sorts for you in my post. And I said you weren't an ***. I sort of want to go back and edit that part out. I don't even want to bother responding to what you said, and I don't want to prolong a thread that has really gotten out of hand, but what you're accusing me of is ludicrous.

I am not saying pulling threat is the only measure of how good a Hunter is. If it was, that would mean an undergeared and underperforming Hunter is good.

You forgot to include the beginning of that quote you pulled from me:

mikeyvach wrote:
You then go on to generalize about how BM Hunters play compared to other classes. Please, do not generalize in this way.

Which was my response to this little bit:

slammerofkooter wrote:
The bm hunter is typically the type of hunter who uses terms like "my pet will own the dps meter" or "Bm is always better and on top of the damage meter".. just take a look at some of the posts made by bm fans.

Take this "BM" attitude into an instance or raid and what you get is a player that pays more attention to the damage meter than the actual threat meter. his pet or himself gets aggro and takes damage. Healer has to heal them both.. thus wasted heals.

My post wasn't called "How to be a good Hunter." It was a response to someone thinking that BM Hunters and their pets pull a lot of aggro and need a lot of healing. He was making a blanket generalization about BM Hunters and I was responding to it.

Now, I'm not going to deny that you have a lot to share with other people. I bet Hunters could really learn from you. But I don't know why you bother posting on these boards when you say things like:

Caldone wrote:
Suggestion- Maybe you could pull your head out of your *** so you could see the light?

Suggestion- Maybe you could attempt to be civil? Please?
#44 Sep 02 2007 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
365 posts
Heres one thing no one has mentioned (Kompera brushed the subject but didnt elaborate).

In a raid group with a smart raid leader the hunters will be put in certain groups for certain reasons.

BM Hunter: Ferocious Insperation: +3% dmg (To party), because of this a BM hunter will be put in a group with the ELITE of the casters and the BEST shadow priest so the best DPS possible can be gained. Because of this a BM hunter will have the most laid back role in a raid because the BM hunter will not have to worry about mana conservation.

MM Hunter: True Shot Aura: +X AP (To party), since no other ranged class uses AP a MM hunter will not be put with the casters, the only people that can gain from AP are the meleers. So a MM hunter will be placed with rouges/warriors or maybe even the the tanks group, MM hunters will have no chance of a Shadow Priest and since they are with meleers and possibly the tanks group, there will be no heals.

SV Hunyters: Expose Weakness: +X AP (To everyone attacking the target it is laid on). Since SV hunters buff goes across the raid they do not need to be in the party that the meleers that benefit from it are in. So SV hunters can be put anywhere, but a smart raid leader should put the SV hunter with the rest of the casters and may even have a shadow priest.

#45 Sep 02 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Darigraz wrote:
So a MM hunter will be placed with rouges/warriors or maybe even the the tanks group, MM hunters will have no chance of a Shadow Priest and since they are with meleers and possibly the tanks group, there will be no heals.
Any Raid healer who can't heal anyone in any group needs to be punted fast. There will be heals.
#46 Sep 03 2007 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
Kompera wrote:
My apologies for misquoting you.

Apology accepted.

And for myself, I really respect your opinions Kompera. I wish we'd all stop worrying about the little differences and realize the full potential of all specs and where they work best and how they work best. Even have a sticky for it... of course, nobody seems to read stickies anyway... <sigh>

We've seen the perspective guides before, but nothing always updated and nothing sticky here in the forum. Hunters should have the best info. Get some masters of each spec to edit the thread, and we can all input what we've tried and what worked, and what didn't in follow up threads. Keep the master threads clean. Add stuff as new info and experience become available.

Good idea? Bad idea? Impossible idea? I don't know, it would be nice though.
#47 Sep 04 2007 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
As a hunter who has tried all three main speccs and enjoyed them, I thought I should say something from a common "Kara and Maulgar" guild situation = not high end;) We are a moderately sized guild, and the focus of raidleaders is on tactics, tanks and healing. Hunters are ranged dps, and dont get much attention in regards of specc or playstyle. (Which is ok)

This is the situation for many hunters, most likely the majority. You might get some props for whatever abilities you bring (FI, TSA or EW), but people dont focus on your specc. As we all now, damagemeters are the easy way to compare yorself, and even if its not official guild priority, its what people notice.
The question for many guilds here isnt which kind of hunter is best, but if any one hunter do good.

Now at last to my point: Hunters in these situations are kind of forzed to consider their own damage compared to others, before the effect of (FI, TSA or EW)on others. In a perfect world the raid would notice the good things that come with the hunter buffs, but in reality people wont think much of it.

In the light of this, saying that FI or EW is better than TSA for a hunter because it increases the overall damage of a raid, only gets really viable when people notizes it as such. And chances are they dont
The question of talents then comes down to what gives you the highest dps;
BM: serpent swiftness, the beast within and increased pet dps/crit, FI*
MM: all extra damage below mortal shots (+10% AP, + 5% damage, TSA, Careful aim and Combat experience)
SV: Everything below survivalist that increases damage, EW*

*increases the damage of all the "competition" much more than TSA, will make your damage smaller compared to overall raid damage

Sorry for the long text, hope some of you get my point. I always try to help my guild as much as possible, and think its nice if my FI or EW can be a part of that:) Just saying that in this debate the focus hasnt been just whats best for the raid/guild, but on whats best for the individual hunter.

Edited, Sep 4th 2007 10:11pm by Vaffelergodt
#48 Sep 04 2007 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:

I come back to the forum, and somebody is dising MM again.

Bleh to you BM and Surv hunters, I don't really care for it, never have, have tried both, love my MM, my guild depends on me being MM, we also have a BM hunter and an SV hunter, now when all three of us get into Kara, god sh*t gets raped!!

Oh, and Im still topping the DPS!

I dunno how a guild could "depend" on a hunter being MM, but if you are topping BM and SV hunters then they just suck be it their gear or their skill. You know I like ya but that's the truth.

and I'm still wearin leather too!! :P (I know you always loved that)
#49 Sep 05 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
I dunno how a guild could "depend" on a hunter being MM, but if you are topping BM and SV hunters then they just suck be it their gear or their skill. You know I like ya but that's the truth.

and I'm still wearin leather too!! :P (I know you always loved that)

Silencing shot for pulling bastage casters in Heroics is much easier than LOS pulls.

Scatter shot helps MC'd party members stop beating on their teamates long anough for us to beat down whatever they are MC'd by.

Snowbunny is an awesome hunter, dishes out a sh*t ton of DPS, comes close to me, but not quite, and plays very well. I wouldn't neccessarily say that it's a gear/skill issue, cause I havn't met any other hunters that could outdamage me either, even taking their pet into account.

Running SWStats, I alwasy have the highest DPS, and almost alwasy have the highest Damage Done.


Edited, Sep 5th 2007 11:35am by Caldone
#50 Sep 05 2007 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
In an attempt to **** of at least one person here...I'm just gonna say this...after playing all 3 specs...I'm just gonna have to say...HYBRID!!! FTW!!! How long until I'm endlessly criticized for my opinion, and someone chimes in and says their opinion is the all powerful will of the WoW hunter gods...regardless of anyones spec preferance, or what statistics say about which spec "should" put out more dps collectively, I'd still have to agree with whoever the above poster was that said it comes down to the player, and what works best for them. I'd say it really depends on who you're fighting as well. If it's a melee critical boss, I'd say a SV hunter who knows what he's doing is better to have than a BM...on the other hand, it's a mostly distance fight with as little melee as possible due to stresses on healing and other factors (Maiden comes to mind here), MM is gonna be nice...I don't care what spec you are, it sucks either way if you get holy fire. Each spec tree brings in certain talents that are beneficial. I can't tell ya how much I love having effiency in long stinkin fights. Less reliance on mana pots, and if there are a lot of casters that need mana more than me, I don't always have to be in the group with the shadow priest. I must say this, no matter what group I've ever been in, if you have a competent hunter, regardless of his spec...this whole healing this is matter what spec you are, you should require little to no healing. The only healing that should be required is say, Moroes garrote, Maiden's holy fire, being the "charge sponge" for Attumen...etc etc...basically, the "unavoidable" damage. Look at the "healing received" part of the dmg meters...I always do, and hunters (including myself) are very close to last, if not all the way last. I'm really sick of typing, so I'm just gonna cut it off here...but feel free to criticize this however you want. I think I might have gone over my 2 cents here, I apologize for that. I may have even wandered off me. Anyways...have a nice day.

Edit: I just looked at my sig thing, that stuff is outta date. Just some FYI.

Edited, Sep 5th 2007 7:52pm by Durfus
#51 Sep 10 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
I dunno how a guild could "depend" on a hunter being MM, but if you are topping BM and SV hunters then they just suck be it their gear or their skill. You know I like ya but that's the truth.

and I'm still wearin leather too!! :P (I know you always loved that)

Silencing shot for pulling bastage casters in Heroics is much easier than LOS pulls.

Scatter shot helps MC'd party members stop beating on their teamates long anough for us to beat down whatever they are MC'd by.

Snowbunny is an awesome hunter, dishes out a sh*t ton of DPS, comes close to me, but not quite, and plays very well. I wouldn't neccessarily say that it's a gear/skill issue, cause I havn't met any other hunters that could outdamage me either, even taking their pet into account.

Running SWStats, I alwasy have the highest DPS, and almost alwasy have the highest Damage Done.


Edited, Sep 5th 2007 11:35am by Caldone

I supose we are thinkin apples and oranges. Everything in my mind is raiding and I forget about 5 mans and heroics and such. Heroics are somethin I do with my alts if/when I'm not raiding and can find the time.

I will say though that it just feels great to run a heroic anything with a nice tight group and have it go smoothly with no wipes. So much less stress than raiding.
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