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Maximizing Damage Output for Mortal Strike WarriorsFollow

#1 Aug 21 2007 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
Hi, I'm a level 70 Mortal Strike warrior and recently I've been asked to go to Karazahn a lot with my guildmates. They all say that the minimum dps requirement is 400 dps and any more would be appreciated to pick up for slackers. So I've been practicing my dps on that one pat in Slabs and my damage fluctuates largely from 300 to 700 dps. I'm currently wearing full High Warlord Gear, All veterans gear and using Trident of the Outcast from getting Exalted with Lower City. I am currently working on Merciless Gladiator's Greatsword which I will get by next week. Please leave any tips I can utilize to increase and maintain a high dps. Thank you.
#2 Aug 21 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Get a slow weapon and use Slam all the time. Chuck in MS when you've got rage.

If you don't want to use a slow weapon, or don't want to change weapon for some other reason, still use Slam. Although use MS and WW alot more, because if your weapon is < 3.4 speed, it'll benefit from normalization, rather than > 3.4 weapons.
#3 Aug 21 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
the axe might actually be pumping out more dps than the sword with the crit, esp since sword spec is getting nerfed so that it can't proc from a proc...

come to think of MS warriors are getting the nerf stick too with the whole windfury deal if that's still going to happen?

I'd say if you want a sword, just get the one from heroic BM and concentrate the arena points on armor, HWL gear won't get things done for dps, do a few heroics for that stuff, get a couple of merciless pieces, maybe even a couple of leather armor pieces [as long as you don't ninja them from rogues and such]
#4 Aug 21 2007 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm going sword because I'm going to focus on both Raiding and Arenas. And Last time I Checked, Merciless Gladiator's Greatsword is 3.60 speed so I guess the damage would be okay.

Edited, Aug 21st 2007 7:56:00pm by Rezellmine
#5 Aug 21 2007 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
while having a great weapon will help your dps, overall having things like having higher crit and hit ratings, as well as more ap from gear will help you even more so. if you want the best 2h for pve and pvp, go blacksmith and make yourself the level 2 2h mace
#6 Aug 21 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
Mace just isn't my type of weapon. As for enchants. What enchant should I get? Savagery or Mongoose?
#7 Aug 21 2007 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
savagery. 70 ap is consistent, and cheaper.

mongoose is more of a d/w (haste/crit) / tank (haste/crit/avoidance) thing anyhow. Not to mention a huge price jump in mat costs to 'chant.
#8 Aug 21 2007 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
If you want a more reliable DPS measurement, get a 5-man group together and go kill a Fel Reaver in HFP. Longer fight, so it'll give you a better idea than the fairly crazy fights on an instance. Not perfect, but better.
#9 Aug 22 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
MS warrior DPS is burst DPS so it can be very high and very low in short period of time depending on crits.

First of all specc 31/30 for Kara MS DPS. Get MS DW flurry and imp slam.
Find addon with swing timer. Use slam after every white hit or spam it when you have full rage bar (with MS when ready).
Weapon is by far the most important piece of gear for MS warrior. Arena sword will give you a lot of DPS increase.
Most people think mongoose is better for DPS but much more expensive.
Use pots sharpening stones scrolls and food during raids - haste, strenght/AP, crit, agility even - all helps.
Get shammy to your party and make him to use WF totem all the time.
Use DW and trinkets - I sometimes forget to use them as much as I could.
When below 20 % use DW reclesness and spam Execute.
Stay alive - dead warrior is not good at DPS = don't overaggro. You can overaggro on trash if you have good gear and healers but never on boss. In fact I always try to overaggro our MT on easier trash - it is a sort of game. I give him 4 sec head start and then go all out. Fun > gold :P. And it keeps him in good shape :P . Still if you have problems with aggro (and as MS warrior you should have them) always use BoS. Watch KTM.

Enchant all with best enchants and gem all with best gems.

#10 Aug 24 2007 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
IMO Grace of Air totem would be better, gives more armor for tank and higher crit chance for melees. Being a warrior your crit will already be higher so adding the 72? AGL only makes it better. If I am not mistaken crits don't create extra threat either where as Windfury procs is an extra attack that can crit and not extra threat but more than your normal crit.
#11 Aug 24 2007 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Windfury vs GoA in a raid group?
Always use Windfury if the following conditions are True:

* A DPS warrior is in your group
* A warrior who is tanking is in your group
* A warrior is in your group
* If no warrior, more than 1 sword rogue is in the group

Grace of Air should be considered for use only if the above are false, and under these conditions:

* A feral druid tank is in the group (ie, bear... not kitty)
* A prot warrior is in your group on a non threat limited fight with high damage components
* Any combination of more than 2 hunter/druids is in the group

Emphasis mine. From ElitistJerks forums. Windfury Totem alone will increase a DPS warrior's damage in the range of tens of percents.

EDIT: Threat is generated based on damage. Crits = more threat cuz you did more damage, WF = more threat cuz you did more damage. Windfury is also one of the best ways to increase a warrior tank's TPS, in addition to a DPS warrior's damage.

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 11:48:51am by lsfreak
#12 Aug 24 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
lsfreak wrote:
Windfury is also one of the best ways to increase a warrior tank's TPS

Hear hear. WF is a ******** more rage, for more HS spamming in addition to your tanking rotation.

Even though 2h warriors benefit more from WF than DW warriors (with the recent nerf less than they used to, but still more than DW warriors) WF is very nice for them as well.
#13 Aug 24 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
If I could ever get a damn enhancement shaman in my guild I'd write up a report of just how much windfury increases a DW warrior's dps. Right now I'm stuck with sharpening stones /sigh.

Although theoretically since WF can only proc off white swings now, it should increase a DW warrior's dps more than a two handed warrior's.

I really got to get me an enhancement shaman.

Edited, Aug 24th 2007 2:26:59pm by Jimpadan
#14 Aug 24 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good

Although theoretically since WF can only proc off white swings now, it should increase a DW warrior's dps more than a two handed warrior's.

It still only procs off _mainhand_ hits, and moreover mainhand hits that connect, and it will do far more damage as 2H. (Unless you're hit capped, Windfury Totem also has an increased chance to miss as DW when it does proc).

If I could ever get a damn enhancement shaman in my guild I'd write up a report of just how much windfury increases a DW warrior's dps. Right now I'm stuck with sharpening stones /sigh.

Resto Shaman can drop Windfury and Strength of Earth too.

Windfury is also one of the best ways to increase a warrior tank's TPS, in addition to a DPS warrior's damage.

It's considerably less impressive than it used to be, but it's still a factor. Keep in mind that Windfury Totem used to proc off every Revenge, Sunder Armor and Devastate as well, giving you a huge number of procs. Now... not so much. Still good, just not _as_ good, and rage generation is typically not an issue in 25-mans as the main tank.
#15 Aug 24 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
So don't use whirlwind all together?
#16 Aug 24 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Resto shammies are dropping the totem that increases spell dmg and healing and are of course in the caster party. I've had SoE and WF in the aran fight before (since magic dmg is gimped in that fight) but that isn't a good fight to try to measure dps in. Without windfury I can sustain 1100 dps (numbers from last kill) but that is partly due to my favorite rogue speccing into imp expose armor recently.

When we run kara we typically just set parties up as tank/melee party, and healer/caster party. Exceptions are made of course depending on classes.

If I were to swich places I'd lose my best party dps buff (leader of the pack).

Btw Zip hows that drakefist coming along?
#17 Aug 24 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
1100?! Is that possible?!
#18 Aug 24 2007 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Very possible. Hell I wouldn't put it past Zip to pull 1300 dps or better. Before WF nerf of course.

Single target numbers of course. I've pulled higher on Illhoof but when you have a constant number of paper targets around you that not only max your WW dmg but also constantly que up free bloodthirsts, aka victory rush, it's not that hard.
#19 Aug 24 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
And you're using a 2h or dual wield?
#20 Aug 24 2007 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
I'm DW fury. My armory is in my sig.
#21 Aug 24 2007 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
So is fury/arms better than arms/fury in PvE?
#22 Aug 24 2007 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
I've pulled ~1600 DPS on Solarian pre-nerf... but that's an odd fight. Think Aran, except he'd vanish and summon adds, then summon other adds you had to kill before getting back on him. Low armor, but it's hardly 100% DPS time either. It's also a _short_ fight, which skews Kharazhan numbers as well (in a two minute fight, Death Wish/Bloodlust/Trinkets are up waaaay more than it would be in a 10 minute fight, looking at it %-wise) especially if you also throw in Recklessness. As for sustained numbers... it varies heavily based on the fight. There really isn't any "sit there and beat on him" fight anymore... or the ones where there are (Karathress, at least partially) I'm tanking, so I get to sit in the corner and hit Shield Block.

Sometimes I really wish there was a Patchwerk-style fight to see how specs and classes do on a sustained slugging fest like that... but I'm also glad that they've gotten more imaginative on fight design.


When we run kara we typically just set parties up as tank/melee party, and healer/caster party. Exceptions are made of course depending on classes.

Get out of Kara, nub, and get to 25-mans... then set up a melee DPS party! =p Kara groups are always odd.

Btw Zip hows that drakefist coming along?

Finished on Tuesday but I haven't raided or been online since then due to computer issues. Took longer than I'd predicted because I had a bunch of guildies over near my area last weekend, so we kind of didn't raid for a while. =p
#23 Aug 24 2007 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
So I can still do a lot of DPS with 2h?
#24 Aug 24 2007 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Zips 1600 numbers are from his 20/41 two handed fury build (or at least I think it is).

Get out of Kara, nub, and get to 25-mans... then set up a melee DPS party! =p Kara groups are always odd.

I'm working on it. Need to get both groups clearing before we start gruul's (or at least thats what the brass says).

Whats your DW fury set looking like? Just gimme the hit, crit and AP. Also when you get back to raiding let me know the numbers you pull. Also the build you go with would be nice.

yha I'm not asking much of ya am I lol
#25 Aug 24 2007 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
Oh man, that would be really great!
My crit is 27.46% in Battle Stance
My Hit rating is 88
And my AP is 1230 Unbuffed
But the thing is, I'm Protection spec at the moment because I'm trying to get a Primal Nether for my Engineering Goggles.
Raiding restarts on Sunday starting with Curator so I really gotta kick it up a notch and get better gear.
I made a few elixirs and bought some food and such so...I have no idea how my dps will look.
On Sunday, I will respec at the warrior trainer right at Stonard so I have to figure out a new spec or I'm just going to revert back to my Arms/fury build.
#26 Aug 24 2007 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
Pre-nerf, though. Post-nerf my numbers got a lot lower, although Solarian is still a good fight for me.


Whats your DW fury set looking like? Just gimme the hit, crit and AP. Also when you get back to raiding let me know the numbers you pull. Also the build you go with would be nice.

That's a good question.

I don't actually have an answer at the moment.
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