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I will admitt it's frustrating.Follow

#1 Aug 17 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Although I don't think this is the weakest the rogue class has ever been, I will tell you what I've seen since BC.

Several "changes" were made to the class at the start that looked just absolutely astounding. It isn't hard to see those that these changes soon showed their true color.

1.) Fleet Footed- This talent is still pretty good due to its movement impairing effects reduce chance. I used to think it would be astounding though, due to the run speed increase. It meant that we would never be kited by someone just simply walking the opposite way again. But then alas, look what happened. Every class has access to a movement increasing talent: there's even a new enchant that makes it even more ridiculous. Feral Druids get a +25% movement speed bonus from equips and are unable to be kited by just simply running the other direction, and it annoys me to no end that we don't have something similar. So, what seemed to be a really promising talent became pointless: your increase is the same as everyone elses, making you still kiteable by just simply running the opposite direction. I have no problems being kited by curse of exhaustion, or hunters with their snares or even rogues with crippling poison. That's a fair kite. When people (namely locks) just drop what they're doing and run the other way it hurts. If blind is down you're done for as you can't close distance and they can keep hurting you via dots or whatever else they want. Throw in paladin blessing of freedom in arena combat (even though it's getting nerfed soon thank god) and it's just plain stupid.

2.) Deadly Throw- Another ability that looked great but soon turned lackluster. In the incredibly rare chance that I do get the opportunity to interrupt a spell with it, the projectile moves too slow to be of any use on faster spells (lesser healing wave and flash of light to be exact). Even in a normal pvp situation where you're just trying to use it to slow someone down, it's nowhere near enough. You touch a mage and instantly are reduced to a pathetic movement speed: we throw something at them and they only take a 50% decrease. Deadly throw needs to root or slow them down more or something. Basically giving up combo points for a ridiculously stupid low damaging move with only a 50% movement reduction just usually isn't worth it. You're usually slowed by another movement impairing effect when you have the option to use this anyway, and yours is still weaker than theirs. The fact that you can't even use it if you get tagged when you have no combo points is yet another factor that makes this ability just stupid in the long run.

3.) Mutilate- I love mutilate. I love the CP generation and everything about it. What I don't love is how much people can ignore it. Resilience may very well one day be the death of this build, as it takes you longer and longer to kill foes (mainly because this build's damage is dependent on mutilate crit damage whereas other classes still throw strong non-crits of their abilities anyway) as resilience increases. Perhaps if they gave you a talent that ignored resilience instead of armor, or changed expose armor to do this, this might not be as big of a problem. As it is now, fights last longer and longer and that's a big bad sign for a mutilate rogue. Resilience has gotten so bad that it even has people speccing combat for pvp, has rogues acting more like bad warriors than rogues. It breaks my heart knowing that I may one day join them.

4.) Multiple Targets- Though not a talent, this does still bother me. Arena pvp requires one to be able to switch targets. For instance, a mage could get stupid and line of sight his healers. In that brief second, you need to jump from whoever you're on straight onto the mage. However if you do that, you'll have to start over from scratch: no combo points and no poisons on the target. By the time you've sucessfully switched targets your opportunity has passed. This is unlike the warrior class: they can be hurting someone badly and then switch at their own will, not stopping in damage for a second. Imagine warriors if you lost all of your rage everytime you switched targets, and that would be about what it's like for a rogue.

I will not say the class is broken because I don't think it is. I do think however that it has it harder than most, at least for the time being. So, I think the rogue class needs the following "additions" to become less of a "hard mode" class:

-Either make deadly throw root instead of slow or make it a move that is "casted" with the same cast time as throwing a knife but keeping all its original properties. Damage isn't an issue: it's meant to be a range closer, not a strong ranged ability.

-Some form of an intercept. The rumored sprint changes would fit this bill, but one can only hope that becomes the truth.

-Combo points saved to the rogue instead of saved to target. Make this a new talent even if you feel it is too overpowered.

-A -stun resist talent. Every class in the game has access to stun resist now, and since stuns are our best weapon it is quite annoying watching most of them resist.

-An ability to combat resilience: perhaps change expose armor to reduce resilience instead of armor.

Again, the part that I love about the rogue class is the challenge. It's just becoming very challenging indeed whereas I feel like most classes get it easier and easier.

Edit: Said 30 where I meant 50

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 8:53:56pm by Shaolinz

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 8:55:54pm by Shaolinz
#2 Aug 17 2007 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
-A -stun resist talent. Every class in the game has access to stun resist now, and since stuns are our best weapon it is quite annoying watching most of them resist.

Nerves of Steel. 10% chance to resist stuns and fear.

Sooooooooooo... we DO have a talent that reduces stun chance.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#3 Aug 17 2007 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
112 posts
I was under the impression that he meant a talent to bypass the stun resist options that other classes have available to them now. Since everyone can resist our stuns we seemed somewhat gimped without a way to circumvent the resists.

Like if everyone was buffed to resist shadow...locks wouldn't be happy.

That was my impression but the language is a little confusing to me.
#4 Aug 17 2007 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Ah I see. Misread/confused.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#5 Aug 17 2007 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
hey saho, my 2 cents on each point you made

1: fleet footed: i hide it lackluster as you say myself, but yes... the original concept was to make us have a talented way to catch someone in pvp... but umm cough BOARS SPEED cough? 2 talents points in this, or have 3 more stam for the other boot enchant in pvp? make it 10%, and make it stack with other sh*t(or better yet, keep it as is, and make it reduced snare effects duration by 40% or something.... similiar to the anti-kick caster epic necklaces)

2: deadly throw: ive crit 1 point throws for bout 800, with a high crit of 1780... so id say its not ridiculously low damage... but used right its a great addition to our ******** if you cant catch up enough to shiv after a DT (interrupt or not) then you got a smidge of a problem to begin with... its not hard to interrupt, just requires anticipation

my opinion? revise throw! give it a cooldown equal to the length of the movement speed reduction! then change "imp kick" to "imp kick+DT" and give em BOTH 2 second solid silence (maybe make the silence effect static to DT, and get the glove ability for pvp "your expose armor now reduces resilience by 12 per combo point")... that would add a LOT of use imo, and it woudl finally make me WANT imp kick (worst talent ever... i have never taken it and liked wasting the 2 points for it... that change would make it a mandatory to me) giving it a CD prevents 10 seconds of snare+spell lock, so thats re-balances it

3: mutilate: no comment, @#%^ daggers ;)

4: mutliple targets: making combo points 'to the rogue' would break 2v1 combat in our favor, easily.... maybe instead add a talent to the sub tree "your combo points dont disappear when you generate a combo point on a different target" (possibly a tier 6-7 ability, as part of a sub tree re-vamp to make it the pvp tree again)

as to your lil notes at the end

-DT is fine as is... the silence effect i think is its weak point, but read up on my idea for a good change, point#3

-i like sprint as is myself, but we need more mobility... making a 100 energy cost personal BoFreedom could fix this? (100 energy: instant cast: removes all roots and movement impairing effects, makes ya immune for 6 seconds.... for this duration you move at 120% speed, 1 min cooldown (can be prep'd))

(another awesome change for the sub tree? tier 9 ability? @#%^ shadowstep?)

-minus stun resist chance? like penetration? that woudl be weird, and difficult to do... maybe just make imp KS have (increase dmg 2/4/6% and reduces chance this will be resisted 4/7/10%?)

if CS is your spot, another sub tree re-vamp (tier 3: reduce chance effects from your opener moves will be resisted by 5/10%) that helps the silence resist on garrote, or a sap resist even maybe?

-expose armor note, i agree, note my point #3 :)


rogues need some work, but different ways then what every rogues want would give us our options, make sub VIABLE again, and not cause a 'rogues are op' flood

Edited, Aug 18th 2007 8:01:08pm by mongoosexcore
#6 Aug 17 2007 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really impressed with this thread.

And just as you said, we're not looking for some OP skills or massive re-working, but there are some DEFINITE weaknesses and literally useless talents and "broken" (hardly effective) skills and talents.

I've seen some reasonable ideas thrown about on the official WoW Rogue forums, but I have to say, if you were to kind mix what you both said....with things like Expose Armor reducing maybe Resilience instead of armor, because honestly...2k..even 3k with 2/2 still a waste of 2 talent points IMO when you consider that the ONLY class you would actually use EA on, is a Warrior, which typically boast what, like an EASY 10-15k armor, depending on their spec?

Even thinking about it right now, sure, wow, 2-2.5k armor reduction on lets say 10k armor is 20%...20% increased damage, yay!.....yeah....right.. -_-;; :[

For me, Deadly Throw is good as is. Typically, if I end up using it, I will normally have saved Sprint as well, and if you consider Deadly Throw...CloS....THEN sprint...ur in great shape, especially if you are specced combat for Imp Sprint, then it's really not "broken" at all..but unfortunately, for those of us who DO like daggers (I'm Mut/Sub spec)'s a real bummer.

It would be nice to see some upgrades to talents like Fleet Footed, which in nature, have the potential to be a GREAT talent, if only the #'s were high enough to actually make it a valid and worthwhile talent. I can't recall a SINGLE time where I've actually resisted a snaring/slowing effect....ever. Ever.

See again, I really think your ideas and suggestions are great solutions..

EA....if it reduces Resilience, then it gives Mutilate spec Rogues a chance, and even for Hybrid spec or Shadowstep spec Rogues, they can simply adjust their points accordingly in the Assassination tree, to have it, no?

Multiple targets to me....yeah, I ENTIRELY agree with the fact that we should simply RETAIN our combo points. When you've got a Mage blinking all over the place, while a MS Warrior is raping your face, it would be nice to transfer over , what WAS going to be a 5-pt KS, Evisc, w/ the Warrior.

I don't feel we need any type of Intercept-like ability, but the rumored change to Sprint would do just that.

Sprint: Increases running speed by 75% for 5 seconds. While Sprinting, player is immune to all snaring and slowing effects. 1 Minute Cooldown.

OP?....MAYBE, but even if that weren't the skill's definition as it sits, as soon as you have a Combat-spec Rogue WITH Imp Sprint, breaking free of their snare effect, you'll have clothies crying "OMG OP!! They have CloS AND uber Sprint?" .....last time I checked, don't mages have a Vanish-like ability called "Invisiblility", "Blink", AND some kind of Sprint-like ability? Give me a break.

My change to Fleet Footed would be a movement increase of 10/20%....after reading that Feral Druids have a 25% movement speed bonus from gear...that's just ridiculous. I've ran into Feral Druids that have done better burst damage than me, bear-form Feral Druids that have tanked better than Warriors, and Feral Druids that have healed better than Holy spec pallies and priests.

C'mon now...

Brain's fried now. I'm done QQ'ing.
#7 Aug 18 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
No no, MINUS stun resist talent. Like a talent that negates your enemy's stun resist.
#8 Aug 18 2007 at 7:47 AM Rating: Excellent

1) Main problem I have with making fleet footed better is that it might become an 'essential'. It's already fairly stupid that you more or less 'need' 15+ point in Assassination regardless of spec, let's not make it 23+.

2) DT's a good move. The problem come mainly in that you want it to do more then it already does. It is not a 'cure all' to our mobility problem. I think it should stay as is, they need to make change to sprint to go along with it.

3) Meh, I used to dislike combat. I went combat out of necessity, not desire. I love it now. I don't think I'd want to go back to positional fighting. So I can't say I care much about that point. I'm fairly certain Blizzard will do something thought, I don't think they like that one spec is the best at everything right now.

4) That would kick ***... Not sure it would even make us overpowered to be honest.

A -stun resist talent. Every class in the game has access to stun resist now, and since stuns are our best weapon it is quite annoying watching most of them resist.

In which tree would it be?

I know you'd want assassination...

-An ability to combat resilience: perhaps change expose armor to reduce resilience instead of armor.

That'd make EA useless in pve (as situational as it already is) and even so, would probably end up being a small amount of Resilience that doesn't change much at all.

Resilience is capped at 494. As people reach the cap, they're defensive ability will stop growing... while offensive abilities will keep scaling - every season gear is an attack/crit upgrade, but Resilience will reach a point where it doesn't give anything to everyone.

While EA reducing Resi might not be so bad now, it would be overpowered in S3, S4, etc, and would only keep getting worse.

that would add a LOT of use imo, and it woudl finally make me WANT imp kick (worst talent ever... i have never taken it and liked wasting the 2 points for it

Highly disagree. Latency and GCD can make kick miss the mark a lot saddly. At least with the silence effect, you get some kind of of effectivness out of it.

Also, try kicking a shaman spamming LHW with Heroism on. :P

They are also times when getting a 2 second silence on a target is by itself, worth it.

-i like sprint as is myself, but we need more mobility... making a 100 energy cost personal BoFreedom could fix this? (100 energy: instant cast: removes all roots and movement impairing effects, makes ya immune for 6 seconds.... for this duration you move at 120% speed, 1 min cooldown (can be prep'd))

Oh my god... word alone cannot describe how terrible this idea is.

100 energy? The only time you're sitting at 100 energy is if you're already been kited for a bit. And heck, even with a BoF effect, it doesn't mean you'll catch your target!

So you blow ALL your energy bar... and let say you reach the target... what do you do to it? Hug it? Best case scenario, you'll have 60 energy back, which is enough for a Shiv. Woohoo! Smiley: oyvey

I usually agree with you mongoose, but that's just terrible.

I've seen some reasonable ideas thrown about on the official WoW Rogue forums, but I have to say, if you were to kind mix what you both said....with things like Expose Armor reducing maybe Resilience instead of armor, because honestly...2k..even 3k with 2/2 still a waste of 2 talent points IMO when you consider that the ONLY class you would actually use EA on, is a Warrior, which typically boast what, like an EASY 10-15k armor, depending on their spec?

Even thinking about it right now, sure, wow, 2-2.5k armor reduction on lets say 10k armor is 20%...20% increased damage, yay!.....yeah....right.. -_-;; :[

So much bad info in this.

1 - EA is one of our best finisher as is. Getting a 5 point EA on a target gives a significant damage increase and coupled with wound poison - force the healer to focus on this target alone. Higher rating Arena fight all last a significant amount of time, the ability to put pressure on a target like this is one of the rogue class's main asset.

2 - EA is useful on everybody. But you usually want to use it on squishy target (i.e. not warriors!) to make a fast kill even faster or make a target that require a lot of healing require even more (See point 1, putting pressure on the healer).

3 - Making a target go from 10k armor to 8k is more along the line of 7% dmg reudction, which is still awesome. Getting them from 3k to 0 does reduce their damage mitigation by 20%.

4- Increasing your dmg by 20% is not 'yay -_-;;' it's an insane buff, comparable to the Berserk buff in WSG/AB/EotS!

5 - Taking imp EA means that a 5 point EA will remove 3075 armor, making most rogue/lock/priest/mage hit 0 armor and 0 dmg mitigation. Popping S&D, AR and trinket after that is disgustingly effective.

Edited, Aug 18th 2007 11:56:23am by Tyrandor
#9 Aug 18 2007 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
I've been a lurker in this forum for a while, but this thread caught my eye. An intelligent point of view instead of the usual WTF DEY NERFED US ROUEGS AND NOW WE ARE TEH SUCK post.

I think it is interesting that a lot of rogues hate on daggers when they were supposed to be OUR weapon to begin with. I personally love mutilate. Great CP generation, equal or greater damage than backstab, not to mention all of the great talents in that tree.

I do agree that the rogue class needs some revision. We are a crit reliant class and resilience is completely killing us. Spec combat and spam white damage? No thanks, What are we now squishy furry warriors?

I think that the suggestions and comments that Shoalinz made are completely valid, we have basically been handed some cool but overall crappy abilities since BC. The fact is that most other classes require very little talent to crush us in PVP. Warriors are nearly impossible to kill if they are stacked in Gladiator gear, I'm sure half of them are just watching TV and spamming 2 or 3 attacks while we maniacally run around trying our best to get them to 50% before we die. I am under the impression that there should be no anti-class class. I'm sorry but all geared Warriors should not be able to crush all geared rogues, that's just silly. Espescially given that we are no longer the uber anti-caster class. Most other classes can just kite us to death, and does anyone find it odd that a warlock in full PVP gear has more armor than us? WTF IS UP WITH THAT. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that, but even then casters are no longer the squishy classes that they used to be.
#10 Aug 18 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
Even after bashing my post, Shao I still need to agree with you. Serveral of your points hit the nail on the head.

The Fleet Foot Talent in Assas, does not stack with other +move effects such as gems/boar's speed. Why not change it to allow speed+ effects to benefit this talent up to a point.(or we would be just like druids :P)

Love your ideas to DT, if you are hit with a thrown wep your are going to feel some pain and stop for a second or 2 trying to figure what just hit you. I dont think that a 1 or 2 second stun is OP.
Or you could do somthing along these lines.
1cp=1seconds stun

I have never played dags besides 30/0/31. (Hemo ftw)

With combo points that are stacked on the rogue, it would be a huge improvement for switching targets. However there should be a timer on the amount of time that the combo points stay on you after you leave combat. If they never left, you could load up on 5cp from a mob then run around waiting to unload a full 5pt evis or ks.

For the intercept, on the main WoW Forums there was a post talking about shadowstep being used in combat/ out of stealth. It would have a 2 second root added to the effect.

PS:Sry if my spelling/punct is off, I am on sat and need to get everything typed up asap before I get DC'ed and lose it.
#11 Aug 18 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Lokia wrote:
Even after bashing my post, Shao I still need to agree with you. Serveral of your points hit the nail on the head.

The Fleet Foot Talent in Assas, does not stack with other +move effects such as gems/boar's speed. Why not change it to allow speed+ effects to benefit this talent up to a point.(or we would be just like druids :P)

Love your ideas to DT, if you are hit with a thrown wep your are going to feel some pain and stop for a second or 2 trying to figure what just hit you. I dont think that a 1 or 2 second stun is OP.
Or you could do somthing along these lines.
1cp=1seconds stun

I have never played dags besides 30/0/31. (Hemo ftw)

With combo points that are stacked on the rogue, it would be a huge improvement for switching targets. However there should be a timer on the amount of time that the combo points stay on you after you leave combat. If they never left, you could load up on 5cp from a mob then run around waiting to unload a full 5pt evis or ks.

For the intercept, on the main WoW Forums there was a post talking about shadowstep being used in combat/ out of stealth. It would have a 2 second root added to the effect.

PS:Sry if my spelling/punct is off, I am on sat and need to get everything typed up asap before I get DC'ed and lose it.

Fleet Footed is fine as it is. Anyone that doesn't think so probably doesn't understand the rationale behind it.

It's the same movement speed increase as a run speed enchant, in addition to giving you 10% snare/root resistance. This allows you to socket 18 stam in your helm and get 12 stam on your boots, rather than Boar's Speed.

I mean, honestly, looking at your armory, you really don't know what's going on with itemization. You realize that in every socket you have an orange gem you have crit/AP, which is actually worse for your build than 8 Agi gems would be?

Other than that, I like Mongoose's changes suggested for DT, but most of what you all are looking at aren't fixes for the class.
#12 Aug 18 2007 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
Oh my god... word alone cannot describe how terrible this idea is.

100 energy? The only time you're sitting at 100 energy is if you're already been kited for a bit. And heck, even with a BoF effect, it doesn't mean you'll catch your target!

So you blow ALL your energy bar... and let say you reach the target... what do you do to it? Hug it? Best case scenario, you'll have 60 energy back, which is enough for a Shiv. Woohoo!

I usually agree with you mongoose, but that's just terrible.

its not a key 1v1 talent, your right

but its a addition to 5v5.... sure, we'd hafta wait a few seconds to use that... but in the imfamous frost nova-> frost bolt, we'd have that time easily... same with scatter shot->the hunters slowing shot (words escape me atm)

and knowing a rogue could break his own thing means a paladins BOF could go elsewhere, dispel magic in situations wouldnt hafta be wasted on a rogue.... just adds a way where we become a lil less dependant on help.... might make us wanted in more 5v5 setups

and besides, if you get to a guy... and have 60 energy as you put it... id gouge, into a shiv.... then you got 2cp at minimum for a stun.... think bout how it would pull vs frost mage / COE lock / hunter before you call it terrible

Love your ideas to DT, if you are hit with a thrown wep your are going to feel some pain and stop for a second or 2 trying to figure what just hit you. I dont think that a 1 or 2 second stun is OP.
Or you could do somthing along these lines.
1cp=1seconds stun

I have never played dags besides 30/0/31. (Hemo ftw)

that would be insanely OP without adding a cd to it... ive gone as long as 7 x cahins on just dt... 7 stuns? thats a better spell lockdown then a felhunter thats left alone! or give it dimin returns? and the stun is nulled after the first one.... 1 second cut in half would be rounded down to zero =\

and sorry... but hemo ftw? 30/0/31 daggers? make me giggle lol
#13 Aug 18 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
its also worth noting that fleet-footed stacks with the +crit/snare/root resist meta gem. 15% chance to resist everything from a nova to a piercing howl is pretty nice. i believe with CloS up that gives you a 100% chance to resist any root effect cast by a mage or druid, and any magical snare (imp wing clip, CoEx).
#14 Aug 18 2007 at 3:42 PM Rating: Excellent
A change you didn't touch on, and that to me is necessary, is the making CloS a 100% resist.

It's a 90% now, and that's downright stupid. How would Mage react if Iceblock only worked 90% of the time? What about Blessing of Protection? Or heck, Healthstones.

It's our 'oh ****' button, there is no reason for it to be about luck.
#15 Aug 18 2007 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
good call, i guess its 90% so theres always that chance... like how theres that chance of flat-resisting a death coil

skill coil
cloak of skill

just think they took the 'skill' moves and make em have luck chance to em?
#16 Aug 18 2007 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Well, cloak of shadows really jumps your spell resist to around 95%. Although I do agree it's annoying as hell when it doesn't work (nothing worse than getting frost nova'd while cloaked) I think they always want luck to be a bit of a factor for rogues.
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