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From Tauren to Night ElfFollow

#1 Aug 17 2007 at 4:00 AM Rating: Good
349 posts
I've been playing a Tauren Druid for some time, and just started a Night Elf one just to play on a alliance side. For others that have also made this change, how does one adapt to the lack of an AoE stun? To get your Regrowth, to run when things go bad etc...
#2 Aug 17 2007 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
I have both, but even though I think the Tauren racials are better, for various reasons I barely ever play Horde. War stomp IS awesome, but not having it is not that big a deal. Druids still have lots of good escape mechanisms, and I know you know that, but probably playing Tauren for so long you haven't needed them so haven't thought about them. :-)

Use your bash when you need to stun (at least it'll stun one) and if all is lost, run away while casting rejuv to keep your health up as you run. This becomes even more effective once you have feral swiftness and later, travel form.

If you just can't get used to not having a quick escape button, there are things like target dummies you can make or buy to have on hand for emergencies.

Edited to add: you might also want to put points into Nature's Focus so you can pull off an uninterrupted heal during combat while you're low level. Personally that makes a big difference for me, at least until Frenzied Regen. Later when you need it less you can always respec if it doesn't fit into your ultimate build. Also Brutal Impact is a great early talent, it makes your bash long enough to pull off a heal.

Yeah I know, a lot of work just to make up for War Stomp. :)

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 8:16:43am by teacake

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 8:18:06am by teacake
#3 Aug 17 2007 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
My first Druid was Tauren and, really, Warstomp is awesmoe. Pull too many mobs when soloing and can't handle them? Shift out, stomp, Travel form. The stun is just enough to give you a head start and make sure they don't catch up and daze you.

Then I tried a Nelf eventually. Traded my Warstomp for... the ability to drink/eat while being unseen... Sure that 1% dodge is nice but not quite as much as 5% more health. Shadowmeld isn't too awesome except when used with others in BG's and stuff like that. But I could never stick with Alliance long enough for that. Nelf looks really bother me. There's something about those misshapen arms, mustaches and weird fruity colors that unnerve me.
#4 Aug 17 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
349 posts
Yeah I know, a lot of work just to make up for War Stomp. :)

Exactly what I thought. =( I do hope they give a more reliable escape route for Druids. And FIX BASH!!

Shift out, stomp, Travel form. The stun is just enough to give you a head start and make sure they don't catch up and daze you.

Not to mention when you are racing off with the flag... =)

Sigh... wonder if Shadowmeld needs to be improved too, it's really quite useless when in a fight. Only fun I had in it was a 5 Doomkin arena team...
#5 Aug 17 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Nelfs also get wisp spirit, slightly faster movement when dead. Yeah, I know, pretty lame, and no substitute for a stun. Still, nice for the terminally impatient such as myself.
#6 Aug 17 2007 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
the first druid I made was NE because curious about teldrassil...I had never made a NE before and realized that the quests in that area (for me)were alot harder.So when I made a Tauren, I felt the breeze and wasnt worried about dying ever (except when you have to kill the rare kodo).
I also had alot harder time in darkshore to, because I wasted all my money on ***** armor and staff...and I regret that.

I prefer tauren druids but love the NEs to.
#7 Aug 18 2007 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
You also get a bonus from Shadowmeld while prowling stealthed, it lessens the chance of you to be detected. That doesnt help with your "escaping" but does help with getting behind things etc.

And the "wisp" talent is a joke. You get back to an instance etc, what like 2 seconds faster? I'd rather have a talent that i can use while fighting something.
#8 Aug 18 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,175 posts
Personally I think Tauren cats look dorky with the horns. Honestly - I can see Nightelves with the long ears being retained when they shapeshift, but Tauren druids can simply distinguish themselves quite easily with just fur color/markings, which I think was done quite well, especially with the cats.
#9 Aug 18 2007 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
I never use the stun on my tauren on any of my tuaren chars. it's a 1/2 sec cast but I think it can be interrupted by attacks, and it usually is. making it worthless imho.
#10 Aug 18 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
qft. I abondoned my nelf. just looking at his picture in the opening character selection screen disgusted me. He was stuck at 30 forever, and I finally deleted him. My tauren I love. even though the cat isn't sleek like the nelf's, I think of it as more muscular :)
#11 Aug 19 2007 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Well, it is a very big change in some aspects and a little one in others. For example, the racial benefits can be a huge change if you're really into the whole druid thing. The terrain is also different: Completely new areas to train and new quests. But the important thing is that you should try to find an alliance guild that welcomes druids (I had a bit of trouble in that area)
#12 Aug 22 2007 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
There most certainly is a different feel between them both. I miss warstomp...that is a fact but I work with the other things I have as nelf:

1. Increased stealth. This is a passive thing you may not notice but I am sure it has saved my life a few times. Getting a jump on a rogue means life or death. If you jump a have a fighting chance and skill plays a big role. If they jump are dead.

2. Stealthed drinking. I am a hybrid feral player. This means I change forms a lot and use all my abilities in near every fight. This uses mana and I cannot count how many times it has kept me alive.

3. is cooler looking and has a smaller profile whilst being darker. Oddly enough I have noticed that I am targeted less as a nelf cat as when tauren. Sometimes I look for a hunter with a dark cat pet and hang with him to further confuse.

4. Bear...I like the look of the tauren bear but it has one BIG ***** Being smaller tanking makes life a little easier on others in the party.

The major thing for me is that I have 185 druid levels under my belt and most of them are Horde so Alliance is new to me mostly and I am having fun.
#13 Aug 24 2007 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
so I created a night elf druid after all. After I deleted a 30 ne druid. But this is on a different server. it makes more sense to keep my factions on different servers so I can mail stuff between chars. My chars have most of the professions covered and can make stuff for each other.

The question is how do I play balance? The only way of life I know is that of a feral druid. Seems silly to have 2 ferals. The whole point in having more than one char is to explore life on the other side. Although I really like being an animal... So I'm taking a look at first tier talents. They seem to suck. Entangling roots on hit? Seems nice, but probably 50% of my combat is indoors. Reduced casting time on wrath is nice I suppose, just means I'll burn through mana quicker. Right now if I go all spells, it takes nearly all my mana to kill one mob. granted I'm only level 10. I had this same problem with my mage until he got some int gear and levelled up. And that's the point. I already have a mage. So do I really want to sit there and cast spells?

What I'm asking is what is the sequence of spells? How do you keep mobs off you? entangling roots is only usable outdoors and frequently breaks for me. And is mana intensive. It's not like I can kill a mob before it gets to me like a fire mage. I was thinking cast spells until it gets to me and shift to bear (or cat later). More viable if I had the resto talents to increase rage or energy when shifting. Or just melee it down (doesn't seem as fun since I wear leather).
#14 Aug 24 2007 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
thrashering wrote:
Seems silly to have 2 ferals.

Yes. That's why I have three.

One is the regular one, another is my Horde-side character, and the third is one I duo with and only play in that situation. They have or will have different professions and slightly different specs. I may respec one or two of them some day to the other trees (I'm finding I like healing and have never done it as a druid), but only if I end up leveling them all up to 70... or by then 80... or 100 or whatever it is by the time Miss Dabble McSlowy actually gets that far. None of this variation is very significant unless you're really into trivial details in the way I am, and I get the point of wanting to try new things, but I'm just saying that if you like feral and want to play feral there are still ways to do it differently.

Someone will be along with a real answer to your actual question, though.
#15 Aug 24 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
I'll probably end up feral lol.

the thing is, I like stealthing around with my cat. or prowling. I like sneaking up going for the kill. The thrill of the hunt. I enjoy this with my rogue, but it seems more fun with my druid/cat for some reason. Even though I can't pick pockets :(. I may put some points into resto for some healing, but so far I've been able to heal in instances, so I don't think much is needed. It would be nice to reduce casting interruptions of my healing spells though. Esp. as I don't have war stomp (though I always forget to use it lol). I won't spec so much for tanking, but just having a strong enough char to level with and have fun. That's the name of the game for me. This char isn't for end game. Just because I love druids. I think it's my favourite class now, even more than rogues.
#16 Aug 24 2007 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,074 posts
thrashering wrote:
I may put some points into resto for some healing, but so far I've been able to heal in instances, so I don't think much is needed. It would be nice to reduce casting interruptions of my healing spells though.

There's an example build in the sticky labeled "Rawr Mangle" that has both Naturalist and Nature's Focus if you want it for a sample.
#17 Aug 29 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
510 posts
thrashering wrote:
My tauren I love. even though the cat isn't sleek like the nelf's, I think of it as more muscular :)

Wierd, I love tauren cats, the horns I like, I don't think they look stupid, imho.
#18 Sep 06 2007 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
1. Increased stealth. This is a passive thing you may not notice but I am sure it has saved my life a few times. Getting a jump on a rogue means life or death. If you jump a have a fighting chance and skill plays a big role. If they jump are dead.

Or, you can bash, heal yourself, and continue fighting, or WARSTOMP, heal, continue fighting
for druids it's not all focused on the jump... you CAN heal, and I'd much rather take warstomp because of that

2. Stealthed drinking. I am a hybrid feral player. This means I change forms a lot and use all my abilities in near every fight. This uses mana and I cannot count how many times it has kept me alive.

umm... what? You can rake in a TON more xp if you have no downtime. the thing I love about feral the most is how there's no downtime. I dont get why you would waste your time with using spells which would waste mana. I never, ever have to buy drinks or food, only in instances if I have to off heal or something. The only thing I use mana for is buffing, healing and going into form. I know there's different play styles, but seriously... your mana regenerates while attacking in form. Use that to your advantage. Next rant...

3. is cooler looking and has a smaller profile whilst being darker. Oddly enough I have noticed that I am targeted less as a nelf cat as when tauren. Sometimes I look for a hunter with a dark cat pet and hang with him to further confuse.

What does having a smaller profile and being darker have to do anything? You could be bright pink for all the enemy could care but they couldnt see you if you're stealthed, unless if it's a higher level enemy or those stealth moments where you kinda appear and make that woosh sound, but even then it doesnt really matter. That tiny amount of size difference means nothing. And about your revelation with not being targetted as much, there's no way you can actually know that. And with the huntard pet thing... If it's the enemy, you have a big spanking red name above your head so unless if they're retarded or think it's ub34 1337 h@x, then you're obviously spotted. And with allies... well... you still have a green / blue name above your head so unless if they're retarded as well... Next rant

4. Bear...I like the look of the tauren bear but it has one BIG ***** Being smaller tanking makes life a little easier on others in the party.

Yeah, they do have big butts (and I cannot lie, you otha brothas cant deny... ok enough of that =P) but it doesnt really matter a whole lot. And the bear difference is miniscule. Very miniscule.

The major thing for me is that I have 185 druid levels under my belt and most of them are Horde so Alliance is new to me mostly and I am having fun.

Well I'm glad you enjoy it, but I cant BEAR not to have War Stomp. Well that pun was weak, but anyway, it's a great AoE stun and I dont think we have any AoE stuns?
Entangling Roots
Nature's Grasp (which is pretty much the same for Roots)

Yeah no AoE's, so I <3 War Stomp.

Sorry for the rant, but I dearly love my tauren druid and I cant comprehend not having war stomp. Perfect time for a regrowth and pop a rejuv right after and you're good. Well, unless if the mobs can 2 shot you but even then you shouldn't be going after those. So... yeah

I also hate the night elf racials. I mean give me a break wisp form? and shadowmeld sucks since you cant even move around in it, 1% dodge is PATHETIC, and the nature resistance is the same as a Tauren.
#19 Sep 07 2007 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
I also hate the night elf racials. I mean give me a break wisp form? and shadowmeld sucks since you cant even move around in it, 1% dodge is PATHETIC, and the nature resistance is the same as a Tauren.

shadowmeld has a passive effect,which increases the effective stealthlevel of druids and rogues while prowling/stealthing.

i just cant stand the look of a tauren catform, and my friends play ally's.

easy choice for me....
#20 Sep 08 2007 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
Well I think the Tauren Cat form is awesome.

Lion > Panther.

Edited, Sep 9th 2007 3:11am by BronxSavior
#21 Sep 09 2007 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
i dont really got a problem with the lion itself.

it would be cool, if they removed the horns, but i can live with that.

what i cant live with his jaw, it looks so retarded.

like youre playing a mentally retarded cat...
#22 Sep 09 2007 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
To me the horns are just pure bad *** coolness. But I agree with the whole jaw/face thing. Zoom to your cat form's head and you'll see a horrible outcome of a orgy with pigs, retarded lions and cows. Gives me creeps everytime.
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