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Human hunterFollow

#27 Aug 22 2007 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
Hunters are the most popular class.

Humans are the most popular race.

If Blizz allowed Human Hunters they would soon make up 50% of the server population.
#28 Aug 23 2007 at 4:30 AM Rating: Default
I Own a orc, hes Cool. He a Hunter. Hes green and manly.
I Own a Human, Hes cool. he a Paladin. Hes White and manly.
#29 Aug 26 2007 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
I know why human's aren't hunters...they look dumb in leather and mail gear...and wow they look horrible in any Dungeon or Tier gear... to prove my point i made a lvl 1 human mage and opened atlas is my thoughts on humans in the various hunter sets...enjoy! :p

T1 Giant stalkers:Fat,Goofy Helm,Short shorts make them look like pedophiles

T2 Dragon Stalkers:Gay,Feminine,Like a home decorator on TLC

T3 Crypt Stalkers:They kinda look like a autistic creature from the black lagoon

T4 Demon Stalkers:bahaha they look like a jack-o-lantern

T5 Rift Stalkers:I cant think of anything witty for just looks dumb

T6 Gronn Stalkers:They look like a monster from a cheasy slasher film

note: T 2.5 (the AQ40 set) Strikers Diadrem:Same description as T2 gay fashion designer vibe going

#30 Sep 15 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Default
if humans get hunters
undeads should get druids
taurens should get rogus
blood elves shhould get........ removed :]
#31 Sep 15 2007 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Bigest thing I would like to see is a gnomish hunter, only thing with that, is with their ifinity belonging to machines not nature, therfore they would have too make their own pets. Which decidedly owuld be the coolest thing available!
#32 Sep 15 2007 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
365 posts
By far one of the most intellectual/uplifting discussions I've ever seen about WoW.

*growls* Hairy NORWEGIAN thank you very much! Englishman? We pillaged England...

Woot! Viking blood besides me on the forum!

Great point about Humans mastery of everything.

I play a dwarf hunter and now that I think of it, that doesn't make sense either. Dwarfs are in a way more elemental (Elements, like as in the Table of Elements, not earth wind and fire) than natural things. Think every great work of metal and stone in many fantasy things have been dwarven make. But back to my training in D&D dwarves have their own hunter type class that uses subterranean creatures as cohorts to help keep tunnels safe. But watch the trailer for WoW, it just seems so natural. A dwarf and his bear, effen people up wherever they go, and dwarves provide that nice contrast between the nelfs on the alliance.

Now I love taurens, but I absolutely hate the barrens and when they run it feels slower than normal. If blizzard found it in their large kind hearts (sarcasm) to create a tauren rouge I would play a tauren.
#33 Sep 16 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
i think BE shouldn't be rogues, crouching just doesnt fit them :D

but anyway wanting human hunters are a dream as much as wanting night elf death knights with the next expansion :D
#34 Sep 16 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
365 posts
Hmmm since we are talking bout bloodelfs a lil, I think there should be an all BE Paladin guild called Final WoWtsy and they all are named Sephiroth or Sefiroth or Sefhiroth etc.
They would be the most original BEs ever!
#35 Sep 17 2007 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
The 3 natural Hunter races (IMO) are Night Elf, Tauren and Troll because they're definitely the most primitive races in Warcraft due to their histories and cultures.

Despite the Warsong Lumber Camp, I think Orc hunters are trying to reclaim an aspect of their heritage from before they were corrupted my Mannoroth, and despite Thrall's noble nature, he is somewhat naive and I'm sure he's not completely aware of how some of the Horde's industrial operations are working. Despite that, I think the majority of their operations go towards the construction of cities and outposts as opposed to instruments of war.

The general concept of a Dwarf Hunter is appealing but their actions are the least in tune with what a Hunter represents. Everyone up to King Magni himself is aware of the excavation and mining operations going on across Azeroth, and they seem to have little regard for the territory of other races (again, the same can be applied to the orcs with WSG as well).
#36 Sep 18 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
365 posts
Dwarves are excavating everywhere because they are searching for their heritage. I'm sure if Thrall knew there was some secret behind the orc race hidden in SW I'm sure he would bust in like a swat team kicking in a door. If I am correct the Dwarves are the only race in WoW that don't know their heritage.
#37 Sep 20 2007 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
Because Humans have like McDonalds, Burger King & Pizza Hut. Duh!
#38 Sep 20 2007 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
animalmutha wrote:
Because Humans have like McDonalds, Burger King & Pizza Hut. Duh!

Two all-tauren patties, goblin sauce, lettuce, cheese, mild spices, onions on a sesame seed bun.

What level skill would we need to make that beauty?
#39 Sep 20 2007 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Personally, I see no reason that any race shouldn't be able to be any class.

All the differences people are mentioning here are cultural differences. In WoW, races tend to stick together in unique cultures, but that doesn't mean for instance, that a human couldn't have been raised by night elves and learn the secret of druidism, or a tauren be raised by the forsaken and understand the secrets of the warlock....

there are of course a few exceptions because of circumstance (not race) such as the forsaken. They're humans with strange circumstances, i.e. being undead, but heck, if they can be priests, they should be able to be paladins even. They're really the only 'race' with built in restrictions though (i.e. their circumstances formulated their racial identity in such a way they may not be able to do certain things) and Blizzard already ignored that :P

While blood elves- as a governmental entity- allied with the horde (and many with illidan) it's not tied to their race, some didn't even become blood elves and stayed with the alliance. WoW is full of these cross faction examples, from humans the likes of the Ravenholdt rogues to the undead Argent dawn member.

(And when I first bought the game, I wanted to be a goblin hunter ; ;)

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 11:49am by digitalcraft
#40 Sep 20 2007 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
WoWwiki wrote:
Many orcs find the path appealing due to their increasing closeness with the wilds.WoWRPG 73 Orcs of the Horde first learned the ways of the hunter from forest trolls on Lordaeron.WRPG 80 Although many orcs had held hunter profession back on Draenor.
#41 Sep 20 2007 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
digitalcraft wrote:
Personally, I see no reason that any race shouldn't be able to be any class.

I think there's a fairly good reason that tauren's can't be rogues. Have you ever seen a big bull stealth its way up to anything and remain completely unseen? Try ambushing someone when they saw you coming a mile away.

there are of course a few exceptions because of circumstance (not race) such as the forsaken. They're humans with strange circumstances, i.e. being undead, but heck, if they can be priests, they should be able to be paladins even

Many different cultures each have their priests. They're a commonplace type of figure to find among people (especially old style cultures like WoW ones) where people are at war.

Paladins are a more specific order though. It's possibly true that, since the BC expansion, with the Blood Elves finding their way to tap into divine powers to fuel their own paladin units, the Forsaken could possibly be taught how to share that. The Blood Elves might be unwilling to do so, though... And the Forsaken might not even be interested. Run around the Undead starting areas and many people will say to you "embrace the shadow!"

Their culture seems to like the darker things. Warlock magic, shadow priest abilities, ninja-looting as a rogue. I think it's a matter of providing priest in so far as to provide a healer class. A priest can use their powers to fit their ideals, to a certain extent. But to add paladin would be to, essentially, bind them to the light. I don't know if they'd like that.

In terms of game balance, the other Horde races that can be priests (other than Undead) are Trolls and Blood Elves. So, before the expansion, you had two races. While the Alliance have Human, Dwarf, Night Elf (and now Draenei).

The idea of a person from one species being raised among another is interesting, since it's fairly common in fantasy literature. But how do you make it work in-game? Role-players surely decide details like that in their playstyle. How does a straight numbers gamer get that incorporated though?


Choose Race...

Choose Capital city your character was born in...

Choose the secondary people your character was raised by...

Choose the years they were raised from (e.g age 11-17)...

Choose which class they wish to learn but will, undoubtably fail at due to their clumsy Human/overzealous Dwarvish/snooty Night Elf ways...

Choose which race (the one they were born from or the one they were raised among) your character will be sexually attracted to...

What a setup that could be.
#42 Sep 21 2007 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
365 posts
hehehe dwarf on night elf action.

With the cross racing you get problems though, a human can't learn stone form or frost resistance because thoes are things dwarf race was imbued with by the gods. But a human could learn gun specialization because that is learn able.
A gnome cant become a whisp or use shadow form.

Instead of cross racing I would rather have racial classes.

Dwarf - Dwarven Defender (uber tank)

NE - Priest/ess of the Moon (druid/priest)Demon Hunter (Shadow melee), Warden

Human - Avenger (Super paladin) (Don't have a clue for humans)

Gnome - Gadgeteer (Duelist + Engineer stuff) Tinkerer (Engineer fun)(Combine magic skills, Duelist/fencing type skills, and engineering)

Draeni - Liberator (Paladin + Shaman) (No idea)

Orc - Berserker (melee dps) Far Seer (Druid + shaman) Blade Master (Dps warrior + rouge)

Taueren - Brave (shaman + warrior, maybe ranged) (Skalping any one?) Spirit Walker

Troll - Headhunter (Hunter + shadow priest) Voodoo Priest (Curses curses curses)

Undead - Deathknight (you know) Necromancer (Lich, warlock with shadow spells and necromancery) Dark Ranger (Hunter + Warlock)

BE - Sephiroth (just kidding) Blood Mage, Spell Breaker (melee mage)

Most of these ideas are from [link=Warcraft II][/link]
#43 Sep 21 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
The link work the other way around, Darigraz. url inside the tag, linkname between the tags.
#44 Sep 21 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Interesting Ideas, but isn't that how FFXI went? (god I hate that game now!)
#45 Sep 22 2007 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
In the old AD&D game clerics could not use edged weapons because they would draw blood. But they could smash someone’s skull in with a mace, as that of course drew no blood. *rolls eyes*

Hang on - don't roll your eyes. Or watch out that they don't roll out of your sockets!

Why? The above stuff is REAL! Real Christian warriors believed they could use blunt weapons and evade Scripture that said something about "thou shalt not draw blood" (I'm paraphrasing, if I'm even doing that).

I believe certain Templars and other Holy monks/clerics fighting in the Middle East were mostly the ones behind this. Oh, and the Inquisition - which prided itself (at certain times, obviously not all periods - it lasted a long time and took place over a vast region) in torturing people w/out drawing blood (again for reasons of Scripture and possibly to avoid public outcry).

Now, we can see how absurd this is - and they should have, too - esp. in light of the many places in the Bible where Jesus pointed out that God can see through phony, sham tricks and isn't going to be duped. But the BIble in those days was in Latin, so maybe we should cut them some slack.

Game balance is the real reason, as Cala says, for the WoW choices. Also remember that WoW player hunters are "magic" hunters (they use mana and cast "spells" via their shots - can heal pet - etc etc.). Humans maybe can't get that mojo working for them.
#46 Sep 22 2007 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
Iponema, two things:
Templars used blades in almost every encounter. They even had access to quite advanced metallurgy and weaponsmithing knowledge, that produced quite superior blades compared to the norm of those days. The rest, I don't know about, but Templars were swordsmen.

And Humans can get Mages, Priests and Warlock juju working for them, so I doubt it is the magical aspect of it. I think it is quite simply that humanity has moved itself so far away from Nature that they can't become Hunters anymore. If they added Rangers, perhaps. But not Hunters. Two different things, even when compared with D&D.
#47 Sep 22 2007 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
Not all Teplars. The knights used whatever - it was ... gah, I can't even remember where to look it up. It was priests and/or monks - whether Templars, Hospitallers or other - who had the blunt weapon thing. Not the Knights.

Edit - also, I'm not sure humans are "farther away from nature" than WoW Dwarves are. They're digging up everything - ruining the Barrens - and they keep about a million tons of iron melted at any given time in their city - wanna talk about a pollution nightmare!

In SW where is the - COUGH COUGH - smoke? It's in the Dwarven District!

No, I think Humans in WoW are much closer to Nature than Dwarves. I wouldn't try to make sense of Blizzard's decision here. It's purely for game balance reasons - not any "real" sense.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2007 12:59am by IponemaGirl
#48 Sep 22 2007 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
365 posts
Two different things, even when compared with D&D.

^how do I get it to say "... said,"^

I never played a ranger in D&D but it was my understanding that they were very close to nature, they had pets, and other stuff (Im to lazy to get my 3.5 handbook even though its 5 feet next to me). But they couldn't/didn't use/have magic.

So for those that aren't literate in D&D here is how it would look in WoW:

Ranger: Would run with HP and Energy, still have a pet, have no magic shots, could multi shot but would be like reg damage as oposed to the arcane shot type damage, maybe have steady/aimed shot. (Any druid type restrictions (no metal) i don't remember?)

By the way any one try the D&D MMORPG?
It was ok, quite innovative (Shield bashing ftw), but made me realize just how loose me and my friends played D&D...
With friends: my full plate wearing tower shield carrying, tommygun magic crossbow using, dual Mjolnir hammer wielding, dwarf warrior could not only carry all that + backpack full of firewood and a Taj Ma Hall tent + supplies, but run normal speed, jump 4 feet high, and ride full speed on his dire wolf, gryphon, and horse.
In the MMORPG:My full plate wearing, tower wielding, hammer carrying, dwarf warrior couldnt jump 4 inches and when I fell in a puddle I drowned (I actualy wasnt paying attention and fell in the sewer and sank).

I hat when things question my reality.
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