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Human hunterFollow

#1 Aug 16 2007 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
Well I think everyone has noticed that u can't be a human hunter. That bothers me because I'd really enjoy playing one.

Now I see two possible reasons why he isn't included. Either there isn't enough space for another window in the 'Create a new charracter' section (^^) or Blizz forgot about them.

There are rangers in most tales and legends and because of that it would be really nice playing them in WoW.

Does anyone share my thoughts?
#2 Aug 16 2007 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
Not really....Humans cant be Druids either.

Perhaps it's something along the lines that Humans do not possess the affinity to nature required to be these classes.

#3 Aug 16 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
Not really....Humans cant be Druids either.

Perhaps it's something along the lines that Humans do not possess the affinity to nature required to be these classes.

I don't know about that. Then Orcs shouldnt be able to be hunters as well but they are. I dubt Orcs have higher affinity to nature than Humans.
#4 Aug 16 2007 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
If you really want to be a human hunter level up to 70 (if you're not already), and go to Old Hillsbrad Foothills instance. x)

From what I understand you travel back in time when you're in that instance. That only tells me that there were human hunters in the's just that Thrall killed/ate them all! Muhahaha! For the Horde!!!.....sorry -_-;
#5 Aug 16 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
If you're a night elf (or a Horde character) I suppose. I think dwarves stay dwarves.

The one reference to a human hunter is the human "ranger lord" who is now an undead raid boss in the Eastern Plaguelands. But that sort of implies there are human rangers.

I think it's a balance sort of thing. They were going to have blood elf warriors but changed them to hunters, so now it's not possible to have a blood elf warrior - only race that doesn't have warrior as an option.
#6 Aug 16 2007 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
This falls under the heading of Game Balance. Things under this heading are done to make the game work whether or not they make sense.

In the old AD&D game clerics could not use edged weapons because they would draw blood. But they could smash someone’s skull in with a mace, as that of course drew no blood. *rolls eyes*

In this case Blizzard chose to allow only certain races to be certain classes. For whatever reason, this was decided as one of the core elements of the game. In some cases an argument could be made as to why race X could not be class Y. But most of the time there is no real reason other than game balance.

For example, every race in game should be able to pick up a big stick and beat someone over the head with it. Thus every race should be able to be warriors. But blood elves could not do so simply because they could already be too many other classes.

Every race should be able to have a priest/shaman, as I cannot imagine a race evolving without any religion whatsoever. And in a world where the gods are real and passing along spells to their worshipers every race should have a healer. But look at the gnomes. No healing class whatsoever.

Hunters are a similar example. If blood elves, who are presented as an advanced magical society, can become hunters then there is no reason to exclude any race from that class. But game balance rears its ugly head again.

In beta dwarves could be mages. We still even have a Dwarven Magestaff in game (;source=live). But when the game was headed to market the alliance had one more race/class combination than the horde had so Blizzard dropped dwarven mages. If they hadn’t dropped one race/class combo many horde players would have screamed bloody murder. Unfortunately for me, that was the race/class combo I had planned to have as my main. I’ve not enjoyed playing a mage since. *shrugs* Game balance again.
#7 Aug 16 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
gnomes are atheist duh :D
#8 Aug 16 2007 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent

Yeah Calabar guess you're right, but still it would be nice to see human hunters;)
#9 Aug 16 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
1,207 posts
We need gnome hunters... it'd be great to have your pet be taller than you are, lmao.

Edit: (Free mount! XD)

Edited, Aug 16th 2007 11:47:57am by Pinkbullet
#10 Aug 16 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
Not really....Humans cant be Druids either.

Perhaps it's something along the lines that Humans do not possess the affinity to nature required to be these classes.

I don't know about that. Then Orcs shouldnt be able to be hunters as well but they are. I dubt Orcs have higher affinity to nature than Humans.

Go to the offical WoW site and read the lore on Orcs. They were the first Shamans, i.e. high affinity for nature. Just FYI.

Edited, Aug 16th 2007 2:43:17pm by surfriderr
#11 Aug 16 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Holingar wrote:
Not really....Humans cant be Druids either.

Perhaps it's something along the lines that Humans do not possess the affinity to nature required to be these classes.

I don't know about that. Then Orcs shouldnt be able to be hunters as well but they are. I dubt Orcs have higher affinity to nature than Humans.

I think Orcs are more attuned to nature than you give them. More so than than humans are attuned. Shamanism brings them closer to nature and elements.

#12 Aug 16 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah sorry my bad. Didn't really think much before posting it. It should have come to me since I played Warcraft 3 and The Frozen throne :)
#13 Aug 16 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
no reason they can't be hunters, but they can already be so many other classes. You don't want to make it so everyone in the game is a human. You want to see a variety of classes out there. As it its there aren't enough dranei. I just made ad dranei shaman, but I doubt I'll play him as I already have a tauren shaman.

If gnomes didn't have a good racial and bonus int no one would play them. Of course, that's still not enough reason for me to play them. I think you have to be crazy to play a gnome lol.
#14 Aug 16 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
433 posts
As pointed out by several posters: Orcs have nature affinity.

I really can't see any reason for humans not being hunters, as well as BElfs not being warriors. I realize that the latter has some trumped up lore behind it (actually not really, just something blizz made up to keep whiners shut up) and they have too much magical affinity to play a class without mana. In reality it's **** and bull. The lore reason is completely made up out of convenience reasons, and just the thought of a gnome being able to play warrior, but a Blood Elf not to... It's pretty retarded. A *********** high, pale, fat little humanoid can swing 2h:ers and main-tank huge raid bosses. Yeah, right.

Truth to be told, they could even work out the racials to make warrior BElfs work. Just have ti drain mana the usual way, and when released silence and give 5 rage per charge. Quite easy, but rumours say that it was between hunters and warriors in the end, and the Legolas freaks won. Curses I say, CURSES!!

As far as balance is concearned, I myself wouldn't think this is an issue. As a matter of fact, it's already un-balanced. Now, I'm not the kinda guy that would sit down a ransack all races and make sure each faction have equal avalability to the classes (but more the kinda guy who'd think classes that are obvious to be avalable to a certain race, and vice versa, is a better way to go about it).

Basicly, I think it's just as obvious that dwarves shouldn't be able to be rogues, as it is taurens shouldn't (infact mages would be a better choice for that race...). Kinda obvious that an under-sized, bald, old fart (the image of my steriotypical gnome...) shouldn't be able to be warrior, or involved with anything related to "rage" (I mean seriously... in addition to their appearance, their +5% int racils should be enough to make blizzard scream OH NO FOR ***** SAKE NOT WARRIORS!!!! But that might just be the bear talking there...). Rather, then, a priest, since they seem to have alot of magical affinity. I really think humans should be able to choose hunter, I really do. But they're already able to be all other classes in the game, so it'd be a pick between rogue -> hunter or warlock -> hunter. Imo, humans not being able to be warlocks would be more likely than them not being able to be hunters.

In the end what I'm trying to say here is:

I despise all gnomes. Particularly the warrior ones. I think they're a mockery to their class.
I don't care about blizzards idea of balance. If people have inadequate lives enough to sit and compare which faction is allowed most classes, that's pretty much their own problem.
I hope they'll raise the class-cap to 8, and that you'll be able to start a Death Knight from level 1.
The best pet is a boar.
North is infact a hairy englishman pretending to be a girl for rateups.

That's about it.
#15 Aug 16 2007 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
Xordon wrote:
North is infact a hairy englishman pretending to be a girl for rateups

That would just prove that North is clever enough to take advantage of shallow mindset of others. No fault there.

It would also just suggest that other people are retarded enough to give rateups based on the perceived gender of the poster. That's their fault.


P.S: Gnomes are kind of cute. But that novelty factor wears off kinda quickly and you soon realise that you're playing an overly clever piece of roadkill.
#16 Aug 17 2007 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
*growls* Hairy NORWEGIAN thank you very much! Englishman? We pillaged England...

Anyhow, Humans should not be Hunters. In other games and worlds Humans have had the capacity for it, yes. But here, humans are no longer like that. Humans are... domesticated. They are city and village people now. (Can you say YMCA?) And they have little if anything to do with nature itself. The exceptions are merely confirming the rule. All Hunter races has some kind of connection to the Earthmother, Elune, the Stone or whatever you would like to call her. Nature. Either through Shamanism, Druids or simply through religion, like the Night Elf Elune. (Which is one face of the Tauren Earthmother).

Humans? They worship the "light" like the morons they are, and live in their villages and cities. They farm, and they trade. But they no longer live alongside nature. They wall it out. Either by putting up giant fortifications and towers, or simply with an adorable little picket fence encircling their precious garden. Nature can no longer be nature. It has to be tamed and domesticated.

They could never be Hunters. They would never be able to commune with a beast like Humar or Echeyakee. King Bangalash would rather rip them apart than join them like a servant. They couldn't read the subtle tracks left by the stalker in the wild, and if they saw the burning footprint of a demon, they'd never know what it really was.

Humans are lost. They will never again realize what kind of Power they have scorned when they created their sheltered cities. Dwarves at least, have built their settlement in the very ground they cherish. The humans pound it down, and lay stone on it. The Night Elves make the very trees they adore into their home, with care and love. And even persuades it to take a shape and donate itself to their buildings. The humans cut the trees down and create their dwellings out of dead and maimed wood. The Taurens live in their tents and trees, closer to nature than humans ever was. Orcs, creatures of the land since long before the Burning Legion and Shadow Council ever corrupted them. Trolls? Their lives has always been governed by the cruel forests of Stranglethorn. Blood Elves? At least they have retained some of their connection to nature, even though they have steadily lost it since the separation of the two elven Races.

Humans see my Humar and thinks of him as a pet, a servant. Until the day they see him as my companion and friend, they will never be able to be Hunters.
#17 Aug 17 2007 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
554 posts
pfffttt Stan's dad was a level 2 hunter noob!
#18 Aug 17 2007 at 3:38 AM Rating: Good
423 posts
I feel the need to add some gnome love to the thread. Believe it or not, some people chose to be one because they wanted to. I never chose a race due to abilities (proof: main is a nelf). Sweeping generalisation do no one any favour.

Anyway, human male casters just look weird.

Oh, and I believe Nathanos Blightcaller, the human ranger turned undead guy was called the last of the human rangers or something, by Bolivar.
#19 Aug 17 2007 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
And remember, Ranger and Hunter are two different things. The differences may be subtle, but they are there. Sylvanas was a Ranger. But she wasn't a Hunter. Don't confuse D&D with WoW.
#20 Aug 21 2007 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
gnomes r athiest lol thats funny
but human hunters just not going to happen because there not nature lovers
#21 Aug 21 2007 at 2:56 AM Rating: Excellent
The whole 'Orc & Nature' issue has somewhat bothered me for a while. People here are saying that they're closer to nature than humans. I don't agree. I've always rationalised Orcs as being more in tune to the elemental spirits than humans, who worship "the Light". However, they are as cruel to nature as Humans.

Why do I say this? Look at the areas that Orcs inhabit. Every building, every tower, is made from trees. Not just any tree, but large and thick trees that have spent decades, even centuries, just growing. They cut down whole forests, sharpening the ends of the trees to pencil-shaped spikes. The areas around them are often barren (hence, the Barrens), with no forests to be seen for miles. When you start as a level 1 Orc, one of your first jobs is to smack peons around to make them work harder at chopping lumber. If you're Alliance and in Ashenvale, you have to do quests that lead you to Warsong Forest, to stop the Orcs that are currently razing that ancient wood.

Thus, I say that Orcs are tribal, and in tune with elemental spirits, but have no love for nature. They're still a fierce race with a great fighting spirit, and live for battle and dominance. They can't dominate the forsts, so they destroy them instead.

Stop the deforestation of Warsong!

Ahem... I got a little too enthusiastc there.

Edited, Aug 21st 2007 7:57:36am by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#22 Aug 21 2007 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Blood Elves? At least they have retained some of their connection to nature, even though they have steadily lost it since the separation of the two elven Races.

If you've ever played a Blood Elf, there's early quests that involve you killing Springpaws, and later, Treeants. In both cases, the questgiver expresses regret at ordering you to kill them. Particularly the Treeants, which are described as "our old friends" in the quest log. So Belfs have retained some of their affinity to nature. At least some of them.
#23 Aug 21 2007 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
And this is why Orcs cannot be Druids, they are not neccessarily attuned to nature. But being "one" with their sorroundings, communicating with mother nature is different than taming a wild beast into a pet, or companion is someone put it. If you've ever read the books based on the events leading up to World of Warcraft, and Burning Crusade, you'll understand that Nagrand was an important place, and Orcs would use the Hunt as a "coming to adult-hood". To remove the Hunter class from the Orc race would be closing an entire history the author was trying to portray. I've never seen a human play a class referred to as a Hunter. Rangers? Sure, Scouts? Sure too. But just because you don't live in a tree, or remove wooded areas to build habitat, does not neccessarily mean you cannot be able to make something your pet. Humans can be pretty much anything that isn't nature-based, because humans are the most destructive force on the planet, and thats probably what Blizzard was implying by not giving the Human race any form of nature-ish class.
#24 Aug 21 2007 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
My insite in this little thread is this, humans can't be hunters because they would look wierd in our tier armor. Well thats not my main reason, but it came to me and i just had to say it. ANYWAY. If you really think about it, humans wouldn't be good hunters anyway. They seem a bit, clumsy. Like the kinda people that would fall over on their wolves tail, or kick their stealthed cat because they forgot it was there.

But on the other hand, Kenny did seem to be some sort of human hunter....
#25 Aug 21 2007 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Balancing issue...

However, it's really something left over from early D&D style thinking that seems to pervade fantasy role playing. The logic lines remain to this day as espoused by previous posters.

World designers set the roles and rules, those of us who 'play' in their worlds are restricted by them. Therefore, it's this way because "Blizzard says so."

Any questions? ^_^
#26 Aug 21 2007 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Xordon wrote:
As pointed out by several posters: Orcs have nature affinity.

I really can't see any reason for humans not being hunters, as well as BElfs not being warriors.

I was about to stop there and say "It's because Warriors don't use Mana" but then I read the rest of your post (all the way down to North being a hair old englishman), and I realized that you and I both forgot one very important **** onto blizzard: Rogues don't use mana either... but Belves can be rogues. BUUUUUUUT I highly doubt that it came down to hunter vs warrior. I'm pretty sure that they originally intended for BEs to be able to be hunters because hunters use Mana and have various Arcane-based attacks. It's more likely that it came down to the decision between rogue and warrior. Rogue won because BEs aren't manly enough to be warriors. And Tauren can't be rogues, so there goes that balance thing again.

Away from Xordon's contribution and on to my own:

I don't think that humans are right for hunters. North (as sarcastic as it seems) has a really good point about humans and their surroundings. Humans raise domesticated cats and sell them in cages. Sure, it would bring balance to the available races for the hunter class, but I just don't think that it'll ever happen.

If they ever want to balance out the available races, they'll just add in another race (doubt they will, actually), and give alliance another hunter, and horde another priest.
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