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Paladin Tanking Strategy CompendiumFollow

#1 Aug 15 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
I created this as a forum for Paladins to discuss their tanking strategies and things they have learned. This will be a good place for Paladins to share ideas and nuances of tanking that they have picked up. The purpose is to boost everyone's tanking knowledge, whether they be a seasoned veteran or a newcomer who is willing to take a few hits and wants to hear from the best. The things I would like people to include/discuss are this.

1. Experience
- What level are you at? What instances are you currently running?

2. Talents
- A link to the talent build that you feel has been the most effective for

3. Gear Stat placement
- A link to the current gear you are using and/or a discussion about
which stats you tend to focus on and why.

4. Instances
a. Favorite healer/party make-up.
b. Pulling strategies
c. Single Mob (boss) tanking.
d. Multi-mob (trash) tanking.
e. Losing aggro, what do you do?
f. Emergency situations (healer oom/dcing, multiple aggro loss, etc...)

5. Miscellaneous
- Anything else you would like to add.
#2 Aug 15 2007 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
I thought I would kick things off with my own strategies.

1. I am currently level 70 and am running non-heroic instances. I have tanked through to the end almost all of the outlands instances with the exception of Arcatraz and Botanica.

2. My Build

Most people ask why I have divine favor over say Avenger's Shield, or going more in prot or ret. My explanation is twofold.

I do arena healing occasionally and I put enough talents to get the pivotal healing talent in my opinion: Divine Favor.

It has helped out IMMENSELY in tanking situations. I can essentially offheal myself if necessary and when a healer goes oom, or a big hit is coming, it often means the difference between a boss kill and a wipe.

3. I am currently following ThelsDeKwant's guide for stats and getting equipment. Although I do have to say this if anyone else is trying for it. He puts a TON of his avoidance in the helm, which requires 50 Badges of Justice. In getting the pieces in his guide, my defense has dropped a bit below 490, so you may want to hold onto some of the pieces to keep your avoidance up until you get that helmet.

a. My favorite healer used to be a priest. But recently I have definately been enjoying shaman healers. They chain heal does help out a lot as a quick fix to meleers around me while also healing me at the same time. They keep my mana up with their totems, and their direct heals are very nice on the armor as well.

b. I always want to pull except for a couple of situations. This lets me mark out the mobs I want dead or cc'd, which I choose based on how easy it is for me to kill them. I always mark casters to be sheeped, melee to be frozen, and healers to be killed first. If no healers then hardest hitting melee to be killed first. When I'm actually pulling I do one of 2 things:

1. There is a caster in the group. I throw out my holy shield, mana tap his *** and run back past the group. Then I run back up, grab all the aggro onto me by judging/taunting, then get in a spot where I wont mess with cc and Consecrate. This is all done in a matter of 10 seconds and keeps all melee mobs on me, and all casters should be cc'd anyway.

2. No caster in group. If it can be done safely, I body pull with my holy shield up. This helps a ton with initial aggro. If it cannot be done safely, I will have someone else pull, have them run past me, hit Holy Shield and throw a consecration down. Once it ticks on them, I taunt the mob he hit back onto me.

c. Bosses, I let everyone know to let him hit me a few times before dpsing. If all I have to do is tank him, no running around then I always have consecrate out, I always have holy shield up and I always judge righteousness and pull it back up again. The amount of healing I receive always keeps me topped off on mana. The amount of threat generation is staggering, and dps can usually let it all fly with no problems.

d. I generally focus on one mob and have only one or maybe 2 consecrations out in a fight. This is usually ample amount of threat in which I do not lose aggro.

e. When I lose aggro and the mob is above say 1/4 health, I immediately check to see if my judgement cd is up. If it is not, I let the person kite/take the hits until it is up. once it is up I taunt/judge as fast as i can. I'll throw out consecration too if it is necessary. If the mob is below 1/4 health I generally dont worry about it and focus my attention on a new mob, since I dont want to lose more mobs in the process of trying to get the one back.

f. If the healer goes oom, I have my last stand trinket that will keep me alive a bit longer. After that I drink any potions/eat any healthstones I might have on me. After that I will start healing myself up after throwing out Concentration aura. By this point I have enough threat on myself that I dont have to worry too much about threat. If I go oom and the boss or whatever is STILL alive, I will LoH myself if it is a boss. Doing all this is usually the difference between a boss kill and a wipe.

Edited, Aug 15th 2007 3:56:39pm by CapJack
#3 Aug 15 2007 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
So, I decided this was a good idea, so I want to share my thoughts on the matter :)

1. Experience
- I am a level 70 Tankadin. Before the big Prot changes I was a Ret/Holy hybrid, yet still what I did most often was tank. Since those changes, I have been nearly full Protection the whole time. My guild has cleared Karazhan and is working on getting a team geared enough to kill Maulgar (3 of the 5 mobs killed on our last attempt). Personally: I am the off/second tank for one of our Kara teams, but have MT through Curator and also Aran and Illhoof.

I am working on the various Heroics, but due to the odd time at which I can play, have not been able to do them as frequently as I would like.

2. Talents
- Link in sig.

3. Gear Stat placement
- Link in sig. Currently I have over the 102.4% avoidance required to be immune to crushing blows on boss mobs, as well as the 490 Defense for being immune to critical hits. I switch between Continuum Blade/Justicar Handguards and King's Defender/Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden depending on what I am fighting, whether the extra spell damage is more important or the extra mitigation. For regular 5-mans I tend to swap in my full Righteous Armor so that I get hit more. Why? I find that I have too many mana issues because I'm not taking enough damage thus regaining my mana from being healed. The difference is enough to keep my mana pool up, but not great enough to make the task in any way difficult.

4. Instances
a. Shaman healers. I love the extra mana regen from their totem, the Chain Heal, the fact that Alliance Shamans are all Draenei so they have Gift of the Naruu ;) And they are generally a bit more durable in case something goes wrong. For the rest of the group: I love having a Shadow Priest for obvious reasons. I don't like having Rogues for the simple reason I rarely use their sap (Avenger's Shield often breaks it ...). I'd rather fill that DPS slot with something can can CC after the pull is made. So ideal party for me is Resto Shaman, Shadow Priest, Mage, Hunter.
b. Pulling strategies: whenever possible I pull using Avenger's Shield. That's a lot of front end aggro. When I can't I let the Hunter Misdirect, or if no Hunter I get close to body pull and Judge SoR right away, back up, then Consecrate.
c. Single Mob (boss) tanking: use Avenger's Shield, even though there's one target. Holy Shield, then put up SoV. Judge as soon as you can, or as soon as you get a proc up, whichever comes later, then spam Judgement from then on. I don't Consecrate on single targets unless they are casters primarily so they are not meleeing me causing Holy Shield to proc.
d. Multi-mob (trash) tanking: pull away from any CC and Consecrate. Generally 1, maybe 2 is plenty to hold threat on all targets while remaining focused on the main target. If my AOEers want to go nuts, I'll use SoR and change targets from time to time, Judge Righteousness on that target, then go back to the primary.
e. Losing aggro, what do you do? Most classes I'll taunt, but I try to save it for when my Judgement CD is over so I can Judge right away. Our Taunt needs to be followed up with something unlike a Warrior's Taunt, so this is important to do. If I've lost multiple targets, Consecrate. If the one pulling threat from me is a Hunter/Rogue/DPS Warrior I let the mobs go for them, except in Heroics/Raids. Hunters can FD, Rogues can Vanish/Evasion tank as needed, Warriors are in plate so can just swap weapons and change to Defensive Stance if need be. If I have a Druid NOT healing, I may let mobs go to them and they can change to Bear Form. After all is said and done, I have a nice chat telling the group to actually wait a second or 2 longer for me to get the mobs attention firm, then DPS.
f. Emergency situations (healer oom/dcing, multiple aggro loss, etc...): If the healer is oom I will try to get in a heal on myself as often as possible, but chances are we gonna be dead soon anyway. Same with them DCing. Most of these "OH SNAP" circumstances I don't change much except I may Consecrate more often to hold aggro, and run around like a chicken with my head cut off ;)

5. Miscellaneous
- Anything else you would like to add: eh, unless someone asks me a question, can't think of anything off the top of my head. Feel free to ask any questions :)
#4 Aug 16 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
1. Experience
- 64 last night ran both slave pens and under bog. But appropriate outland instances.
--made 67 this weekend

2. Talents] Current build going for the classic 0/49/12 Tankadin build. Currently I love the Avenger's Shield.

3. Gear Stat placement
Well depends on role in 5 man, group composition and what we are fighting. Still building my various sets.

4. Instances
a. Favorite healer/party make-up. Well I like groups that have some flexibility. For the two instance runs mentioned above we had holy mage, feral druid, frost mage, fire mage and me. Another group I was in blood furnace with was holy priest, shadow priest, arms warrior, hunter and myself.

b. Pulling strategies - Depends on group but favorite is avenger's shield (AS), holy shield while they advance and seal and judge. Mages sheep after AS, Hunter misdirects to add additional aggro on me if one is in the group,

c. Single Mob (boss) tanking. same as b
d. Multi-mob (trash) tanking. same as b
e. Losing aggro, what do you do? Depends on who pulled aggro. If it's the healer I try and get it back. Otherwise it depends on health remaining and who pulled. Otherwise I either stun or taunt and attack.
f. Emergency situations (healer oom/dcing, multiple aggro loss, etc...) Depends on group. If someone else can tank and I'm the only remaining healer hybrid I heal and they take over tanking.

5. Miscellaneous
- not unless someone asks something.

Dropped from one group when they wanted me tanking but not using Avenger Shield to pull to grab the initial aggro and then were complaining when I Blessed the mages with Salvation and still couldn't maintain aggro away from the lvl 70 mages. I was 66/67 at the time.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 9:50:14am by cbadger
#5 Aug 16 2007 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
To the OP, you should really get Improved SoR, it's your tanking resource.
#6 Aug 16 2007 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
To the OP, you should really get Improved SoR, it's your tanking resource.
#7 Aug 17 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
BronxSavior wrote:
To the OP, you should really get Improved SoR, it's your tanking resource.

I've tanked numerous instances without it with little to no threat problems. I would MUCH rather have the uninterruptable heals, because it has saved many would-be wipes by allowing me to offheal myself if needed.
#8 Aug 17 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1) Level 60 prot pally, running hellfire ramparts


3) see above link....spec stam, then defense, then int. (for now just trying to get full outlands gear)

4) A - best instance run ever i had two shammy MH and the other DPSed with some OH too. i like mages for dps, rogues second. one thing i hate when forced to heal is druid tanks...they cant hold multitarget aggro
B - pull with AS, judge SoR if only one mob
C - judge SoR, reseal, judge SoR, etc
D - AS, holy shield, consecrate, use trinkets if not on cd, seal righteosness and judge, reseal, etc.
E - taunt, judge SoR, maybe consecrate
F - try to stay alive...if i kill all the mobs and stay alive i can rez and we dont completely wipe
#9 Aug 23 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
152 posts
1. Experience
- Lvl70, Completed Hellfire Ramparts, Blood Furnace, UnderBog, Slave Pens, Steam Vaults, Mana Tombs, Shadow Labs, Durnholde Keep. Have yet to tank Shattered Halls, Tempest keep, Black Morass.

I do normal instances but I do have my Coilfang Heroic key.

2. Talents

Benidiction is nice to have when you don't have much intellect to use.
Divine intel for the extra intel.

3. Gear Stat placement
(Please note, I often RP so I will sometimes be in crappy gear :P)

Gearing up to get stamina at a resonable number and also looking for avoidance now I have the holy 490 number.

4. Instances
a. Healer and party setup
Healer - I work best with my Holydin best friend. But in PUG's I do like Shamans.
DPS - Shadow priests are very welcome in my groups! CC I'm not too fond of. Warlocks are nice to have.

b. Pulling strategies
Avengers sheild. Then holy sheild, concecrate and start smacking with seal of righteousness.

c. Single Mob (boss) tanking.
Avengers sheild pull. Holy sheild and concecrate. Judge wisdom on the boss to keep my mana topped up and spam Seal of Vengance. Avenging Wrath about 1/4 the way through so I can have a quick burst of Threat and be able to Bubble if all goes wrong.

d. Multi-mob (trash) tanking.
Seal of Righteousness, holy sheild, concecrate and smackage.

e. Losing aggro, what do you do?
Use Hammer of Justice until my Judgement cools down and then Righeous defence and judge.
f. Emergency situations (healer oom/dcing, multiple aggro loss, etc...)
Heal myself, use trinkets, pots and everything I can to keep things okay. DI if all hope is lost.

5. Miscellaneous
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