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To all those ppl getting discouraged with their rogue - ReadFollow

#52 Aug 21 2007 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
Are you retarded? Get to 70 and try to beat a frost mage, hell a frost mage wearin all greens, with your AWESOME/FUN Sub/*** spec and tell me how easy it is. Any frost mage worth anything would be able to kite you. Don't act like you know everything til you've actually fought one at lvl 70. Anybody can beat a squish before then. And by the way, I'm combat mace specced, arguably the BEST lvl 70 PvP spec, with two epic hammers. But, maybe after your post, I think I'll switch to Shadowstep.. you gave some real convincing arguments on why its so good. Dumbass..

A little harsh, but /nod.

#53 Aug 21 2007 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
I WTB a 1900+ arena forum on Alla... sometimes I read threads like this and just cringe.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#54 Aug 21 2007 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
MYteddy wrote:
I WTB a 1900+ arena forum on Alla... sometimes I read threads like this and just cringe.

But then people like you and me wouldn't be able to post there.

Make it 1600, because some people actually know what they're talking about at 1600.
#55 Aug 21 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
I could settle with 1800. Nothing less. It actually takes skill to get there, and yet, isn't that hard. I mean, if my 2v2 and 5v5 can 1500-1690 in one night, then bumping it a little higher is a nice standard.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#56 Aug 21 2007 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Everybody just wants to win everyone, everywhere, everytime.

Rogues are very strong 1v1 (and even 2v2 and 3v3) from lvl 1 to high-end arena.

How many prot warriors, holy priests, enh shammies, balance druids, (etc. etc.) can say the same thing? Different classes and builds have different strengths and purposes.

Duh. You all know this. But then you whine about how nobody wants you in 5v5. 1 rogue at Blizzcon? How about 0 Druids. Only 2 hunters and warlocks (and we all know they're OP, right?).


#57 Aug 21 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zimt wrote:
Everybody just wants to win everyone, everywhere, everytime.

Rogues are very strong 1v1 (and even 2v2 and 3v3) from lvl 1 to high-end arena.

How many prot warriors, holy priests, enh shammies, balance druids, (etc. etc.) can say the same thing? Different classes and builds have different strengths and purposes.

Duh. You all know this. But then you whine about how nobody wants you in 5v5. 1 rogue at Blizzcon? How about 0 Druids. Only 2 hunters and warlocks (and we all know they're OP, right?).


You have no ******* what you're talking about.

No matter what spec you are as a rogue, we're sub-par in 5v5.

We're one of, if not the most played class in WoW. Being represented by 1 rogue at blizzcon, when there should have been at least 2 (there was a rogue that rerolled there as an elemental shaman) says something about how useful we are as a class in 5v5.

A hunter was what won the tournament for MOB Gaming's 4 DPS setup, so really, you should just sit down and shut the **** up.

Smiley: schooled
#58 Aug 21 2007 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
"...we're subpar in 5v5"--you both made my point and missed it.

Dry your tears so you can read my post. Or use MS Sam to listen to me reiterate the point below:

There is only one aspect of pvp in which rogues are not a force to be reckoned with, and that is arena 5v5.

Yet you whine like there's no point to playing a rogue anymore.

You want to be a bigtime gankster, be untouchable in raid dps, win all duels, and basically just rip through everybody (1v1 to 100v100 bring it on!!) like there's no tomorrow, amirite?

Blizzard needs to implement a special arena-only toolbar for all the whiners such as yourself; it would be a 'target dies instantly' insta-cast on a 1s cooldown. That way all classes and specs would be perfectly balanced and able to compete in any pvp setting.


#59 Aug 21 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
You still have no idea what you're talking about, and it makes me laugh.
#60 Aug 22 2007 at 3:14 AM Rating: Default
You want to be a bigtime gankster

Huh? This quote says more about you than it does about rogues.

Translated: You hate being ganked by rogues. Fair. But I could care less if my rogue sucks in World PvP. What's the point anyway? World PvP is dead, non-existant, difunto, hinscheiden, kaput, finito and so on.

be untouchable in raid dps

Yes of course we do. Why else bring a rogue to a raid? We bring !ZERO! utility, and strains the healers too. We NEED to have better dps than the ranged classes in order to justify our raid spot.

win all duels

Uhm, wrong forum. Warlocks ---------> that way.

We are one of the weaker classes 1v1 in TOP pvp. Not scrub pvp, not green pvp, not 39 pvp, not AFK-pvp. But TOP pvp. Meaning FULL S2 gladiator gear, Proper PvP specced and a skilled player behind the keyboard.

Yes you heard it first here. Rogues are WEAK 1v1 where it counts.

And basically just rip through everybody (1v1 to 100v100 bring it on!!) like there's no tomorrow, amirite?

We just want to be a viable class in top rated arena. Is that really too much to ask?

PvP is revolving around the arena now, so giving us the title as "WURLD PVP KINGZ0RZ" is just buying a pig in a poke.

We know other classes also needs some love (hunters and druids in particular) but that isn't an argument to asking for a fix where a fix is due.

According to your logic, we'd be better off stop asking for a fix/buff to rogues and thus leave ALL classes broken, instead of fixing where fixing is needed, amirite?
#61 Aug 22 2007 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
362 posts
So much passion !!!

I will visit rogue forum more often.
/grabs popcorn
#62 Aug 22 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
There is only one aspect of pvp in which rogues are not a force to be reckoned with, and that is arena 5v5.

Yea, I disagree with that. Personally I don't think there's a single class in WoW that is worried about rogues at lvl 70.

Are there some classes that rogues can handle? Yes.
Are some of those classes easier than others? Yes.
Are there classes that are terrified of rogues like they once were? Not in my opinion.

Every time this subject comes up, there's a flood of "L2P" comments.

Look at rogues on BG leaderboards. In any bracket before Outlands, rogues made up a nice percentage of the top of the leaderboard. Now finding a rogue in the top 10 is fairly rare. Think that KBs aren't an accurate indicator? Sort by damage and you'll get an even clearer picture. The suggestion that rogues bemoaning a drop in effectiveness are simply unskilled players either suggests that a huge portion of the rogues that played the game well up until lvl 60 suddenly became incapable of playing their class well once they hit Outlands, or at the very least suggests that all the people that play other classes suddenly got much better while rogue players idled.

Regardless of my skill level, the rogue's effectiveness has not scaled at the same rate as other classes. It's demonstarted in every measurable that PvP provides.
#63 Aug 22 2007 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Darn it. Flagermusen and Grollog would have to spoil the fun with calm and lucid answers. Oh well.

/agree there are certainly some rogue bugs & issues that need to be addressed.

/disagree with most everything else.

Here's an ideological question that sums up what I'm getting at, and a thoughtful response from elder Theo would be appreciated:

Do you think that every class and spec should have equal viability in pvp?
#64 Aug 22 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Do you think that every class and spec should have equal viability in pvp?

Every Spec? No.

Every class? Yes, sort of.

Personally, I think an ideal world would be every class, assuming equivalent skill and gear, evenly matched. If class A and class Z are both played by equally skilled players, and have equal gear, the outcome of their battles would be relatively equal.

Since the likelihood of developers ever being able to accomplish perfect equality is remote, I think another viable approach is the rock paper scissors type of equality. Every class gets a few classes that they will generally have an advantage over, assuming all other things being equal.

There shouldn't be classes that are consistently at a disadvantage in BGs. One of those classes used to be the warrior. It was rare they excelled in BGs without a pocket healer and/or uber gear, and often not only did they not top the boards, they outright sucked. IMO Blizzard did a pretty decent job changing that recently. It took them a long time, but they have implemented small changes to the warrior class in a way that a properly specced warrior can enjoy BGs, and a well-geared, skilled warrior can tear it up.

For me, it's not so much about wanting class X to be really good. It's about wanting to see all the classes have somewhat even footing.
#65 Aug 22 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Default
Am I reading this thread right? People are ******** because rogues suck in a specific PvP type (mainly 5v5)? Get over it. If 5v5 is so damn hard then don't do it. Can you imagine how hard it is for Blizzard to balance all of those classes with all of those races in all of those general and then specific environments?

And next time you're pissing and moaning about your crappy 5v5 build sit back an relax thinking about the 10,000 times you've killed my hunter in every other situation. Any class that can take me down to 25% health before I can even push a button is messed up.
#66 Aug 22 2007 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
bemyers wrote:
Am I reading this thread right? People are ******** because rogues suck in a specific PvP type (mainly 5v5)? Get over it. If 5v5 is so damn hard then don't do it. Can you imagine how hard it is for Blizzard to balance all of those classes with all of those races in all of those general and then specific environments?

So we shouldn't be pissed because our class is horrible in the Arena setting which Blizzard balances classes around?

And next time you're pissing and moaning about your crappy 5v5 build sit back an relax thinking about the 10,000 times you've killed my hunter in every other situation.

If you're getting frequently killed by rogues, you must be a really bad hunter. Here's a hint: don't try to melee with them.

Any class that can take me down to 25% health before I can even push a button is messed up.

Somebody had to say it. "OMG OP!"

Go play in traffic, you ignorant ****.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#67 Aug 22 2007 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Go play in traffic, you ignorant ****.

I lol'd irl.

Not because it was mean or anything, but because I pictured your avatar saying it with that same goofy grin on it.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#68 Aug 22 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
Alright! Another 'stfu you ignorant ****' poster! This thread is fun again.

Guru Demea, pop-quiz (and maybe Theo can help you with this):

Q1) If Blizz is balancing classes around arenas (at least in terms of pvp), should all classes have both a pve spec and a pvp spec (remember not long ago the whole issue of rogue viability in raids)?

Q2) Where is pvp balance most important: battlegrounds at the various brackets, >1900 5v5 arenas, >1900 3v3 arenas, or >1900 2v2 arenas? Or should Blizz base it on where-ever the majority of players spend their time pvp'ing?

Q3) Would you be happier if they had a 9v9 arena that had to have every class represented?

Bottom-line (for those that don't have Grollog's ability to think things through): thanks to rock/paper/scissors, certain situations and setups will be more favorable than others. Hence the spectrum of pvp environments that Blizzard has implemented.

Rogues may be gimped in high-end 5v5, but they're not exactly dead-and-gone elsewhere, despite what some whiners here would have you believe. Take what you can get and hope they make you viable everywhere, but don't sob and whine when you finally get some 5v5 utility only to find something else nerfed in order to balance it.

BTW Demea, I used to play on SWC, I'd expect a little more from someone on that server--not to mention you're a Guru here, and you posted like that??

#69 Aug 22 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
BTW Demea, I used to play on SWC, I'd expect a little more from someone on that server--not to mention you're a Guru here, and you posted like that??

Quite obviously, you have no idea what it takes to become a Guru on these forums. Smiley: lol

Now let me ask you a question: Do you honestly think that asking a bunch of questions that warrant long, detailed responses full of potential disagreement points makes you seem smarter or somehow more credible pertaining to the subject material?
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#70 Aug 22 2007 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zimt wrote:
Alright! Another 'stfu you ignorant ****' poster! This thread is fun again.

Guru Demea, pop-quiz (and maybe Theo can help you with this):

Q1) If Blizz is balancing classes around arenas (at least in terms of pvp), should all classes have both a pve spec and a pvp spec (remember not long ago the whole issue of rogue viability in raids)?

Q2) Where is pvp balance most important: battlegrounds at the various brackets, >1900 5v5 arenas, >1900 3v3 arenas, or >1900 2v2 arenas? Or should Blizz base it on where-ever the majority of players spend their time pvp'ing?

Q3) Would you be happier if they had a 9v9 arena that had to have every class represented?

Bottom-line (for those that don't have Grollog's ability to think things through): thanks to rock/paper/scissors, certain situations and setups will be more favorable than others. Hence the spectrum of pvp environments that Blizzard has implemented.

Rogues may be gimped in high-end 5v5, but they're not exactly dead-and-gone elsewhere, despite what some whiners here would have you believe. Take what you can get and hope they make you viable everywhere, but don't sob and whine when you finally get some 5v5 utility only to find something else nerfed in order to balance it.

BTW Demea, I used to play on SWC, I'd expect a little more from someone on that server--not to mention you're a Guru here, and you posted like that??

1) Yes. Though multiple builds should be viable for arena and PvE.

2) 5v5, especially if Blizz is trying to get serious about WoW being in the WSVG.

3) No. That would require much less strategy. As it is we get 3 DPS 2 healer or 4 DPS 1 healer teams and it's interesting to see the strategy teams are using, because even at high ratings people use different strategies. Rogues would be useful in arena--as useful as warriors--if we didn't have mobility issues and we had some utility. As it is, a warrior is better because they can use Commanding Shout to give everyone another 1k+ HP, and they have a 15 sec Intercept.
#71 Aug 22 2007 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Guru Demea, I'll answer your question thoughtfully, something you neglected to do with my questions: No.

You are smart enough to see where answering my questions would take you, but you don't have the balls to go there anyways. Grollog's got both brains and balls--so far all I've seen from you are weak insults.

Kindly answer my questions.

Edited, Aug 22nd 2007 2:25:19pm by Zimt
#72 Aug 22 2007 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Theo, thanks for the response. I apologize for my earlier hostility towards you.

Q1) We've all heard the pve group complain that Blizz is making changes that affect them based on pvp, which they feel is unjust. i.e. the warlocks complaining that a more fragile fear would hurt them pve. Granted, many of the complainers are just whining, but what can you do? I'm with you on the whole multiple builds thing; perhaps the sub tree could be beefed up more for utility, and up combat's damage (at least imo, rogues need to return to being the undisputed dps champs).

Q2) Points-wise that seems a sensible choice. This would be a hard one to get consensus on, though. And this might be where some of the slowness on Blizz's part is coming from. Strengthening rogues in 5v5 might imbalance them in the others, where I personally feel rogues are mostly balanced.

Q3) I'm with you on #3, though it seems like it might be fun.

#73 Aug 22 2007 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts

Marry me
#74 Aug 22 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
73 posts
wow....sounds like alot of fun in!! :D

To start simple out...Arena sucks...i hate it, its annoying. Why? Because all people think that they can be the best and they will attack/flame anyone who says anything against them. I mean just look at you now people...this is not the rogues from alla i used to read there post is a big time kindergarden where kids is complaing about who got the smallest and biggest size of cake.

I only have one rule when it comes for a duel: No potions..Which means that i will use any other dirty tricks i have to win a fight and im a engineer. Sounds unfair?? That is my point, Im a rogue and rogues has never been fighting fair. Dont believe me? Then start reading some books and learn from it or try play some good rpg games. In a arena, most of the engineer stuff i can make is useless because they dont allow it. Sure its because to make the fights a little more fair..otherwise warlocks would be able to use soulstones and healthstone..and all the other classes could use there things. But stil it sucks.

One rule of thump an old Diablo 2 player told me was that every class can be beaten, you just need to how to do it. So dont come and say to me that a well played frost mage cant be beaten...With that attitude its no wonder why you lose to a frost mage.

Now about should blizz improve them?? give them some debuffs...i dont care that i cant buff my group up, why? Because im a rogue thats why.

That is all for this mad one. Ever the optimist

edit changed: thx MYteddy for correcting some of my bad spelling, will try to do my best.

Edited, Aug 23rd 2007 8:50:35am by Livies
#75 Aug 22 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Zimt wrote:
Q2) Points-wise that seems a sensible choice. This would be a hard one to get consensus on, though. And this might be where some of the slowness on Blizz's part is coming from. Strengthening rogues in 5v5 might imbalance them in the others, where I personally feel rogues are mostly balanced.

This is the main thing I want to address, really.

We're not asking for damage buffs; we're asking for incresed utility (i.e., a group buff or a unique debuff) and increased mobility. Those in no way are going to imbalance us in PvE.

Let me give you an example of group utility:

Expose armor now reduces armor by percentage per combo point.

1 CP - 10% armor
2 CP - 20% armor
3 CP - 30% armor
4 CP - 40% armor
5 CP - 50% armor

That's not an imbalanced suggestion at all; in fact, it helps out casters who are at the moment getting raped by having an EA on them, but will actually help melee-oriented groups on classes with huge amounts of armor, i.e. warriors, shamans, and paladins.

For mobility:

Sprint on a 60 second cooldown, 5 sec duration. Snares are superceded by using Sprint, and are still there when Sprint wears off. Imp Sprint would of course remove the snares, and Endurance would reduce the cooldown by 5/15 seconds.

There are other ways to do it, but to me, those seem the most likely. A buff to the sub tree is needed, but I doubt we'll see it before 2.3.
#76 Aug 22 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts

To start simple out...Arena sucks...i hate it, its annoying. Why? Because all people think that they can be the best and they will attack/flame anyone who says anything against them. If you really wanna fight unfair, go ahead and use potions, thats your choice, not mine.

I'm gonna touch on that bolded part here in a second. You'll get a kick out of it.

In a arena, most of the engineer stuff i can make is useless because they dont allow it. Sure its because to make the fights a little more fair..otherwise warlocks would be able to use soulstones and healthstone..and all the other classes could use there things. But stil it sucks.

Warlocks and thier party members can use healthstones in Arena. Strike one.

One rule of thump an old Diablo 2 player learned me was that every class can be beated, you just need to how to do it.

Your english is ******* terrible. Strike two.

So dont come and say to me that a well played frost mage cant be beaten...With that attitude its no wonder why you lose to a frost mage.

Assuming equal gear, and IDENTICAL skill, a frost mage is a rogue's counter. Strike three.

Now Mr. Terribad, gtfo.

CoS out of that.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
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