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Sick of the whinersFollow

#1 Aug 14 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
I like to browse the PVP and lock forums on the oboards, sometimes theres some nice gems of wisdom in the crap pile. I've learned alot about how to play my class from those forums, followed interesting threads on the lock forum (ie: solo heroic Quag).

But I'm getting so sick of every 2nd thread being nerf locks, I hate locks, locks suck, omg your a warlock you should have a 2200 rating with deathcoil and 3 dots, and all that stuff.

Whats funny is this. If you win- STFU your a warlock, of course you won. If you lose- LOL your a warlock, you suck so hard, how did you lose? Its just ridiculous, 90% of these people are parroting the same crap because its the new flavor of the year to whine about locks.

Anyway this was a pointless rant for my fellow warlocks. /rant.
#2 Aug 14 2007 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
people only want locks to be nerfed b/c they suck at thier class and they think weakening us will help them. gonna love proving that wrong over and over again killing every ally i see will be SO much fun. i have to agree with your if you win stfu ur a lock people think just b/c we are a lock we all have the same skills as one another and that we are a superpowered class designed to kill everything but they don't realize how much time and efort it takes to master everything about a lock from which pet for which situation to placing dots in what specific order etc. if they did that for themselves instead of whining and trying to get locks nerfed they might actually beable to beat us
#3 Aug 14 2007 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
When I first started a lock, the whines were "Locks suck big time! they are the weakest class! Why would anyone ever choose a warlock over Shaman? Everyone knows that Shamans can't die. Nerf Shamans!"

...then came 1.6 and we got out talents redone (and Deathcoil). There have been anti-lock whiners ever since. Warlocks were the first class that had their talents respecced. I think the QQs started from envy rather than inability to play their class. They just wish they were us.
#4 Aug 14 2007 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
I toaly agree n stuff. I lost the desire to duel after some guy told me i was "the worst lock he had ever seen" because i lost to a rogue...
#5 Aug 15 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
206 posts
You'll see me fairly often in the Lock Boards on the O-Boards. under Pwningyou. 90% of my posts on there are making sarcastic responses to ridiculous nerf posts. For christs sake, there was a nerf DRAIN LIFE thread a couple days ago. My question always comes down to, "Why are you angry with us?". I don't understand why 90% of Mages blame Warlocks for Blizzard not fixing the issues with their class. I mean, I know WHY, but I don't understand how they work it out to be our fault.

Also, as if the Drain Life nerf post wasn't enough, it was posted by a WARRIOR complaining about getting ripped in Arena by Locks. Oh, the irony.
#6 Aug 15 2007 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good

As long as there is no class/spec that will absolutely WTFPWN any and all warlocks in their face people will keep complaining.

Albeit BM hunters are already there and with 18 seconds of having uber-damage and being completely un-CC'eable they can wreck almost any class, let alone a measly warlock with cloth armor.
I tried dueling a good BM hunter guildie some time ago when I was full-demo. The only way I could defeat his BW was pre-battle saccing a VW, summoning another one and SL'ing it, and saccing it it later to then insta-summon my Felguard out against him, and going all-out on dps and life draining (this was with SL on both VW and Felguard of course). Still, they were close calls.

So, with a class spec that can already wtfpwn warlocks every 2 minutes, what is the problem ?
Well they all want to do that with their class, and on a lower cooldown, they want an easy win against a resourceful class.

Most people complaining should go cry me a river and see if they can up their fishing skill there.
#7 Aug 15 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
So we are whining about whiners ? ^^


Edited, Aug 15th 2007 12:17:48pm by shoarmakip
#8 Aug 15 2007 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts

I agree entirely.

If someone gets hit by a 3k fireball (that might even crit and be more) - they live with it without any thought. If that same person gets hit by a Curse of Agony - which is dispellable - and takes 24 seconds to deliver it's damage (the front end ticks not being particularly significant) - and can quite easily be countered in many ways, that person cries out "Nerf Locks".

I came to the conclusion that the biggest problem about dots is simply that they sit on the players debuff space, and constantly remind him that he's taking damage. If the player gets hit with that damage instantaneously - they don't even notice it - it;s just part of how the game works.

The other point being that how many of these QQers get to see how we are completely owned by Warriors and Rogus - in scenarios where we don't have succubus - which is most (for me at least), and skilled players trinket out of cc effects these days anyway.

I was in a guild WSG pre-made the other day and one of our hunters on team speak was continually whining about locks and that they should be nerfed - yet he was coming in at #1 on both damage and honorable kills.

The same hunter just yesterday was whining that locks have got alot of instant cast spells which can be cast while running. I pointed out that he has Arcane Shot, Scatter Shot, Silencing Shot, Wing Clip, Traps - all which can be cast while running - in fact he had more abilities that can be cast while running than us. Guess what ? He still didn't get it.

To be honest I would like to see some changes to dots - 1st make them so that they only deliver damage while the warlock is in range (let's say 50 yards or something), and 2nd - make some (or all) of them dispel when the warlock dies.

It's not that I see these changes as fair or equitable (to the contrary they would suck), but the other alternatives are probably that they will just knock some more dps off of of our dots - either through resilience, reduced damage gear co-efficients , scaling back the damage bonuses on future warlock gear, etc etc.

One last thing - I guess this makes me a whiner :D

#9 Aug 16 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
How many of these whiners actually have to think before they strike? Warriors....CHARGE!!!.....Rogues.....sneak-up, SAP, poison....disappear. As a Lock, you have to evaluate every situation, so in many regards it's a "Thinkers" class. We are by no means "Super Human", in fact, it would be interesting to know the stats in regards to which classes visit the graveyard most often.

If these whiners focus on our weaknesses, and not our strengths, they'd be begg'in blizzard to leave things as they are.

#10 Aug 16 2007 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
To be honest I would like to see some changes to dots - 1st make them so that they only deliver damage while the warlock is in range (let's say 50 yards or something), and 2nd - make some (or all) of them dispel when the warlock dies.

Ohh,thats not bad anti lock idea ,not at all
Quick ,delete that post ^^
#11 Aug 16 2007 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
I still havent got to PvP but I had tight situation in BEM today - while attacking 2 wrath corruptors I accidentally pulled patrol of 3 more of those ugly forge camps demons, plus one feared ganarg got me 2 more from nearest apex emanation or whatever that annoying quest place is called.
Then a pig respawned right on my back, making it altogether 8 level 70-72 very angry mobs all trying to get a piece of little me.

I used HS and heal potion, I admit, but I lived and ended the fight with my pet on full health (meaning I could have even taken one more add).
I was amazed with my overpoweredness.
Nerf locks.

#12 Aug 17 2007 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
40 posts
I have both a 51 Frost mage with water elemental and a pvp warrior.

The reason so many people say, "nerf 'locks," is the DOTs and Fear.

Scenario 1

Warrior vs Warlock (Warrior is pvp 39 bracket, so no Mortal Strike, Warlock is Affliction)

Warrior Charges, Bloodlust, Hamstring, then tries to Slam, Warlock DOTs, tries to Fear, Warrior interrupts with Berzerker Rage, breaks fear, white hit, Slam, Whirlwind, Warlock dies. If the Warlock was able to cast enough spells, Warrior dies soon after from DOTs, if not, he doesn't.

This is with a PVP spec Warrior, 39 bracket, Arms/Fury, with a really slow 2-hander.

Scenario 2

Warrior vs Warlock (Warrior is Arms Leveling spec / any non pvp spec OR Berzerker Rage is on cooldown and warrior doesn't have PVP trinket, Warlock is Affliction / anything else)

Warrior Charges, Bloodlust, gets feared, DOTed, Shadow Bolted, almost dead, fear ends, gets refeared / DOTed, Warlock walks away, Warrior dies 10 seconds later.

A skilled PVP Warrior will often destroy a Warlock, but the average warrior can easily be killed by even a poor warlock, that's where the complaint arises, in that a warrior has to be good to kill a 'lock, otherwise they have no chance.

A non PVP warrior has a better chance against a mage than a warlock, at least with spell reflect.

From the Mage perspective, I'm full frost, at 51 I have about +150 spell damage, NOT PVP spec, and 1300 HP. I've been killed (Ice Block on cooldown) by a 'lock riding by in world PVP, dismounts, DOTs 3 times, SB, walks away, remounts, and I die 20 seconds later.

As a mage, I can kill a warlock, as long as my abilities aren't on cooldown. If they are, it would be virtually impossible to kill a warlock, with or without a pet.

This is why mages cry, "Nerf 'Locks." As the only way for a mage to kill one is by blowing cooldowns. (Arcane/Fire? Arcane Power(3min, +30% damage) Presence of Mind(3min, next cast instant) Pyroblast will destry a warlock, but again, needs cooldowns, just like Rogues Cloak of SKILL)

Don't forget Deathcoil either, it ruins all other classes day.
"I almost killed him!"
Re-DOT, other class now dies.

--Edit-added part about Deathcoil, sorry about the grammar, long day at work.

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 2:34:52am by Akuhime
#13 Aug 17 2007 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
To be honest I would like to see some changes to dots - 1st make them so that they only deliver damage while the warlock is in range (let's say 50 yards or something), and 2nd - make some (or all) of them dispel when the warlock dies.
Wtf? How come you wanna get your own class nerfed?
#14 Aug 17 2007 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
kbd wrote:

To be honest I would like to see some changes to dots - 1st make them so that they only deliver damage while the warlock is in range (let's say 50 yards or something), and 2nd - make some (or all) of them dispel when the warlock dies.

If they gave me a buck for every time my CoD or my DoT's have had a definite say in killing *that* boss after it had killed me, well... I'd have a handful of bucks :)

Now seriously, make that change work only for PVP and for non-curse DoT's and I'd be fine with it. Only thing is that to be fair other DoT's (Sw:pain and others) should be affected by the same change.
Or maybe to be even fairer the effect should be extended to ALL debuffs, I don't think people would like that much :S
#15 Aug 17 2007 at 5:42 AM Rating: Good
478 posts
To be honest I would like to see some changes to dots - 1st make them so that they only deliver damage while the warlock is in range (let's say 50 yards or something), and 2nd - make some (or all) of them dispel when the warlock dies.

What a supremely bad idea. A Warlock spends his mana for the DoT as soon as he casts it. If they disappear when the 'lock then dies or goes out of range, the mana has been spent for nothing. Learn to teamplay and get your team mates to dispell. Unless you have UA on you then you are SOL. 1v1 is not balanced and doesn't count.
#16 Aug 17 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
I completely understand why many of you would be upset over all the recent attacks on warlocks, especially with the criticism that you may receive regardless of whether you win or lose a duel. It is important to note, though, that the game is not balanced as it would be impossible to entirely balance a game with so many interacting variables. I do believe that it takes a great deal of skill to play a warlock well - just as it does to play any class well. What you have to realize, though, is that the complaints are usually not coming from players of the highest caliber. They are coming from average players who find it very difficult to beat an equally skilled warlock. In truth, it IS very difficult for classes like the mage to beat a good warlock, much less one of equal skill. The mage will have to work harder (or have all cooldowns ready) than a warlock to achieve the same result in a duel between the two. Similarly, a warrior will have to work much harder than a mage at the average skill level to win a duel. The game is similar to paper/rock/scissors, each class having its good and bad matchups. Some classes, though, do have more good matchups than others.
#17 Aug 17 2007 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,546 posts
The one class I never actually hear any whining and moaning from are actually BM hunters vs locks.

We're practically their bread and butter food. Pet attacks are crazy damage vs cloth armor. Claw spam makes it impossible to cast anything not insta cast.

running at them solves nothing as they can wingclip you easily and run away, or dump a frost trap and run away. Feign death automatically stops drain life. Everything glowing red and big is way more dps than necessary to kill a warlock in about 8 seconds espically since pet's can dash to you in <1 sec, arcane shot/viper shot w/e all reset their shot timers so they can front load DPS as good as any mage practically, and while it's all glowing and crap you can't CC anything. By the time I can close distance with a hunter, I would at the very minimum get shot at least 6 times and have a pet swinging at me. Usually I'd be at 20% life or just dead even if I manage to close the distance so they can't shoot at me anymore.

MM hunters are slighty easier but silencing shot is pretty annoying. At least you can fear those.
#18 Aug 17 2007 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
821 posts
who the **** said it is hard to beat a warlock as a mage??
-->> iceblock+elemental.
#19 Aug 17 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
kbd wrote:

To be honest I would like to see some changes to dots - 1st make them so that they only deliver damage while the warlock is in range (let's say 50 yards or something),

A pain for when you're fear kiting in PvE, eg Kroshius fight.

and 2nd - make some (or all) of them dispel when the warlock dies.

I disagree, unless we can get part of our health back from that big pyro crit when the mage dies within 24 seconds.

I think if they threw the mages a bone in the form of even one single new tool which didn't make fights against locks so lopsided, there would be 1.5 million less people crying for nerf locks.
#20 Aug 17 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,546 posts
I think if they threw the mages a bone in the form of even one single new tool which didn't make fights against locks so lopsided, there would be 1.5 million less people crying for nerf locks.

if they did that, I demand that warlocks get something against BM hunters too then. Cause that match up is even worse than mage vs lock.
#21 Aug 17 2007 at 11:07 PM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
sudojoe wrote:

if they did that, I demand that warlocks get something against BM hunters too then. Cause that match up is even worse than mage vs lock.

Nah, first order of priority is crying for nerf stunlocking, just to compensate 2 years of nerfing fear while rogues have their merry way killing you while you're helpless for the whole fight. They sure need some "balancing" thrown their way.
#22 Aug 18 2007 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
Lets just take it to the perfect nerf.

Nerf every dam little thing in the game so pvp is set at 3 second swings, no pets, and only 1 hp damage per swing in pvp.

Then we can all go to Mc'donalds and cry in our milkshakes.

As a warlock, i dont see how we need nerfed. I've died a billion times. I've watched my dot's kill someone AFTER im dead a billion times. He/She/It got the honor, not me. I'd like to see us get honor for kills after we die!

Any kid that cry's about locks being OP.. just simple should reroll a lock, and see how many times he dies at the hands of other players.

Nerf Fear?? Bliz did a nice job of it already, its less than 3k honor.
If your level 39.. so what? IF your in a BG at that level, long enough to even care about what a lock can and cant do, and what you can and cant do, GO GET THE DAM TRINKET. If your not, STFU, and level.

Now, as a Druid.

I dont think locks need to be nerfed, their quite squishy and tasty. Especially dipped in Taco Bell Hot Sauce.

Sometimes i win, sometimes i loose, but i dont cry, cuz i know what the class is capable of, and have LEARNED how to change strategies to beat the type of lock im in a battle with. (and yes im smart enough to have gotten the trinket ASAP, as its useful for more than just locks)

They think every lock plays and is specced the SAME way, so they try the same old tactics over and over, and then /cry cuz it didnt work but once in 30 tries...

anyway, AMEN to most of the posters here, Good venting Post Mikelolol
#23 Aug 18 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,546 posts
lol I wonder how much of the QQ'ing is due to other people thinking that we get the same honor for them dying after killing us.
#24 Aug 18 2007 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
I think if they threw the mages a bone in the form of even one single new tool which didn't make fights against locks so lopsided, there would be 1.5 million less people crying for nerf locks.

No, the game is fine as it is. We get stunlocked by a rogue? Good, stop whining about it. Mage gets pwned by a warlock? Good, stop whining. Warrior gets kited by a mage with rank 1 frostbolt? Good, quit complaining.

Us whining about rogues is just as bad as other classes whining about us, so the first step is - stop whining about rogues. Figure out how to beat them. And if you lose, well dont complain anyway. Find another person and kill it. Run with a warrior who will destroy that rogue. The warrior will be happy because you'll destroy the rank 1 frostbolt spammers for him. This games about teamwork, not 1 on 1 open field duels.
#25 Aug 18 2007 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,546 posts
so how do you kill a BM hunter anyway? If both sides see eachother comming and have both targeted eachother and neither has someone else to help them kill the other guy?

I'm stumped, as afflict lock, that's my worst matchup and besides running away (get shot in the back usually for doing it), I don't see what I can do to win. What strats you guys got to deal with the hunters? BM spec 50+ scenario only please
#26 Aug 18 2007 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
Drop Siphon life on the pet, put your DoTs on the hunter and just drain him. It helps to use curse of shadows instead of curse of agony. When you get low pop a HS and then drain some more. As soon as he turns white you have to Death coil him and iHoT the pet. Then it's drain, drain, drain some more. Curse of shadows is clutch though because you get more out of that than anything else when it comes to HP returns on drain.
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