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heroic black morassFollow

#1 Aug 09 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I'd like to hear from anyone that has completed this successfully.

I'm tired of cookie cutter lvl 70 hunters with Legacy.

The sword that drops off Aeonus, Quantum Blade, is comparable I believe.

It would also look cool to have something different than every other kara-raiding hunter on the server.

So if you've done heroic Black Morass:

Group composition
Add duty
Any differences on bosses you noticed

I've never made it past rift 10 or so on heroic, I'd appreciate some info.
#2REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2007 at 2:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ahh yes heroic morras been there usualy me and my buds group set up usualy like this for me. prot warrior tanking, prot pally off tank/heal,holy priest and me as cc and dps with gorrila, and my friend fire spec mage need anymore info on us contact us i dont use the usual hunter weps i use something with alot of stamina maybe agility altho i have 2481 agility and 2184 ap i use savagry atm im using blasde of the phoenix
#3 Aug 09 2007 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
How much agility?

The highest I've ever seen is 900...
#4 Aug 09 2007 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
Hush hush "feralninja" go back to the place you have hidden for the last weeks.
There is still no need for your gibberish here.
#5 Aug 09 2007 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Smoothrustic wrote:
I'm tired of cookie cutter lvl 70 hunters with Legacy.

The sword that drops off Aeonus, Quantum Blade, is comparable I believe.

Isn't that like saying I believe that 3 > 5? You can believe it if you wish but it doesn't make it so. Now Legacy is butt ugly no doubt, but it is still the superior weapon for hunters no matter how you slice it.
#6 Aug 09 2007 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
Did anyone understand what Feralninja said?
#7 Aug 09 2007 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Did anyone understand what Feralninja said?

I think he is so uber he does not even need to speak english anymore.

I further believe he wanted to tell us that a setup of def warrior, prot pally, holy priest, hunter (of course with gorilla pet) and fire mage is perfect for a DPS heavy instance.
The reason why 2 tanks should help you beating a DPS instance he has not given, but with > 2k agi he surely one-shots everything and the tanks are merely there to protect his ego from exploding before he can kill everything.

I hope this kid has parents and friends who really love him.
I however will always rate him down (not a single post which contained the tiniest bit of information).

BTW he is at 1.5 karma. I believe 1 or 2 ratedowns and his posting karma is sub-default.
#8 Aug 10 2007 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds like a plan. People who have half a page of sig annoys me.
#9 Aug 10 2007 at 2:09 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Feralninja wrote:
ahh yes heroic morras been there usualy me and my buds group set up usualy like this for me. prot warrior tanking, prot pally off tank/heal,holy priest and me as cc and dps with gorrila, and my friend fire spec mage need anymore info on us contact us i dont use the usual hunter weps i use something with alot of stamina maybe agility altho i have 2481 agility and 2184 ap i use savagry atm im using blasde of the phoenix

*Looks for "."'s, "!"'s, or "?"'s... Finds one... Looks closer... Moves on*
North wrote:
Did anyone understand what Feralninja said?

Stupid norwegian girl! Isn't that obvious? *Thinks*


*goes back*

Gief screenshot with more than 1k agi or it didn't happend!

Man, I thought we were rid of this guy :(

TO FERALNINJA: look weve been here longer than u and we know lies when we see them if u think we believe u when u say u have alot of 70s and other overpowered stuff u are stupid lol ure a nub and no one believes u plz go die ke ke thx bye

There... Did my best to do it in his language. Hope he understands.
#10 Aug 10 2007 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
You can still see his post, Xordon? How? I can't see it - I assume because it got rated down so much. I sort of enjoy trying to read his posts...mostly because I'm a *********. And you were really close on his language, but it's still too readable. You have to eliminate more letters. I'd give it a try, but I fear going to the dark side. *cowers*
#11 Aug 10 2007 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
Check above the posts. There's a Filter setting. If you set it to "never filter", you will see Sub-Default posts.
#12 Aug 10 2007 at 2:48 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Yup, north's right. Oh, and for further information on "the dark side" just PM North the following: "I HAVE CHOCOLATE PUDDING U DON'T LOL"

If it has the proper impact, you'll know the full fury of the dark side before sundown.

"When you look at the dark side, careful you must be ... for the dark side looks back."
- Yoda.
#13 Aug 10 2007 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Ah, there it is, in all of its glory. Thanks.
#14 Aug 10 2007 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
Xordon wrote:
Yup, north's right. Oh, and for further information on "the dark side" just PM North the following: "I HAVE CHOCOLATE PUDDING U DON'T LOL"

If it has the proper impact, you'll know the full fury of the dark side before sundown.

Some doors... are better left closed. What do you find when open them? Different rooms? Truths? Lies? No... What you find when you open doors are consequences. Some doors... are bigger than others. Open them at your peril, mortals.
#15 Aug 10 2007 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
To the OP, that has horrible stats compared to legacy especially for us SV hunters. Yeah,the legacy is the normal weapon of choice (God I hope I get it one day), but you cannot deny its stats. They are amazing! I think even the sonic spear has better stats than that one tbh, but its your toon so make em as you like :)

On a side note, if I ever saw anyone with 2000+ agil, I think I would wet myself. Come on man...even the best raiders have 800 unbuffed agil. 2000 is a retarded number. That would mean that each piece of your gear would have @200 agil on it, and thats including neck/trinkets/rings etc. LAWLZ
#16 Aug 10 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
122 posts
Feralninja wrote:
i use something with alot of stamina maybe agility altho i have 2481 agility and 2184 ap i use savagry atm im using blasde of the phoenix

2.4k agi, less than 2.2k AP... makes as much sense as wearing a snowsuit in the middle of July while jogging.
#17 Aug 10 2007 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
I can see where you would say that, but as an SV it would have a better EW bonus...LAWL I'm sure that would never happen even as the WotLK expan hits, I imagine some numbers close to 1500 agil with T10?! I dunno...just wishfull thinking I guess.
#18 Aug 10 2007 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
Yes, it is comparable, let me actually do the math for you:

Legacy: Quantum Blade:
40 agility 31 stamina
46 stamina 30 crit rating
80 attack power 102 attack power
8 mana/5

The 40 agility from legacy will give you an additional 39 attack power and 0.84% crit chance.

Meanwhile, 30 crit rating for a lvl 70 hunter = 1.35% crit chance

So, if a level 70 hunter uses Quantum Blade instead of Legacy, they will:
15 stamina (150 health)
40 agility (39 attack power, dodge, armor)
8 mana/5
0.5% crit chance

Would it be an upgrade for PvE and raiding over Legacy, no. PvP, yes, definately.

So if you don't have Legacy yet, whether you've been unlucky as hell with the drop (me), or just don't have a guild that has their act together, Quantum Blade would be great.

And you wouldn't look like every other hunter in the whole damn world of warcraft...

*edit spelling*

Edited, Aug 10th 2007 2:54pm by Smoothrustic
#19 Aug 10 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
Aside from the genius with the gorilla, haven't gotten much response on the actual instance.

Someone has to have been successful at it.

Fill us in...
#20 Aug 10 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
Smoothrustic wrote:
So, if a level 70 hunter uses Quantum Blade instead of Legacy, they will:
15 stamina (150 health)
40 agility (39 attack power, dodge, armor)
8 mana/5
0.5% crit chance

Would it be an upgrade for PvE and raiding over Legacy, no. PvP, yes, definately.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I fail to see how Quantum Blade is an upgrade for Legacy in either PvE or PvP. Also, I think your numbers are off for Legacy's AP and crit%.

The only gain with QB is roughly 8 crit rating. 40 Agi on Legacy = 22.08 crit rating = 1% crit. QB with 30 crit rating = 1.36% crit. But you're losing 15 Stam, 18 AP (80AP + 40Agi = 120AP minus 102AP on QB = 18AP difference), over 1% dodge, 80 Armor, and 8 mp5. Last time I checked, all of those are beneficial to both PvE and PvP.

Small consideration, but QB = 108.6 dps, Legacy = 114.0 dps. Both are same speed. Not that you'll probably be doing much melee, but Legacy is better.

Again, maybe I'm missing something, but how is QB an upgrade?

If you want to use QB just so you're different, say so. But, I don't think you can say it's better than Legacy.

Calculations based on info on wowwiki hunter page

Edited, Aug 10th 2007 4:20pm by azwing
#21 Aug 10 2007 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
My math:
I logged into WoW (a good first step)

Looked at my agility, and divided by the crit chance gained from agility.

I get the number 45.91

That's how much agility it takes to get 1% crit, not 40.

Try this yourself, especially the first step. Wowwiki is just someone else's rant on hunters, go look at data from world of warcraft.

My attack power numbers were the same you figured.

So Quantum Blade boosts your crit chance by 0.5% over Legacy.

I agree that I'd use Legacy in PvE situations, but if I can slap on a melee weapon that only lowers my life by 150 points while giving me a half % crit, I'd take it. Who cares about mana/5 in PvP anyway? Not I. Dodge and armor? You're not trying to let people get in melee range...

And yes, I would wear it around to not look like every other hunter.

Now please, let me refer people back to the intent of my OP:

So if you've done heroic Black Morass:

Group composition
Add duty
Any differences on bosses you noticed

I've never made it past rift 10 or so on heroic, I'd appreciate some info.

#22 Aug 11 2007 at 1:44 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Smoothrustic wrote:
My math:
I logged into WoW (a good first step)

Looked at my agility, and divided by the crit chance gained from agility.

I get the number 45.91

That's how much agility it takes to get 1% crit, not 40.

Erm... 1 agi gives 0.025% chance to crit. 1 agi also gives 1 attack power. So, 40 agi = +1% chance to crit and 40 AP. No more, no less. This is how it's been since TBC patch.

So, Legacy vs. QB:
AP: 120 vs. 102.
Stam: 46 vs. 31.
Crit %: 1 vs. ~1.36.
MP5: 8 vs. 0.

So, if you pick Legacy over QB, you gain: 18 AP, 15 Stam and 8 MP5. You loose 0.36 crit chance. So, obviously, Legacy is the way to go both PvP and PvE, since resilience kills crits dead (and you benefit more from hitting harder regularly rather than bursty).

Smoothrustic wrote:
I agree that I'd use Legacy in PvE situations, but if I can slap on a melee weapon that only lowers my life by 150 points while giving me a half % crit, I'd take it. Who cares about mana/5 in PvP anyway? Not I. Dodge and armor? You're not trying to let people get in melee range...

Well, it's 150 HP for 0.36 crit, and needless to say I'd go with HP. Anything to get past the 10k line. Oh, and MP5 is essencial in PvP, unless you assume you die to ress with full mana. Dying should never be prerequisite for being able to PvP. Also, if you dodge a Hamstring and get out of melee range before GCD on Overpower, you've got yourself one sad warrior. If not, and the Hamstring hits, you've got a very dead you.

Smoothrustic wrote:
So if you've done heroic Black Morass:

Group composition
Add duty
Any differences on bosses you noticed

I've never made it past rift 10 or so on heroic, I'd appreciate some info.

Sadly I've never done heroic BM. I've been told that it's too hard (hence no PUG:s) and my guildies have raids or PvP to do. If I did go, though, it'd be for getting QB on my warrior.

My guess at the "best" group combo on this one would be:
Tank: Prot Warrior.
Healer: Resto Druid.
DPS 1: Affliction Warlcock.
DPS 2: Frost or Arcane Mage (Fire is overaggro deluxe).
DPS 3: Any. Hunter in this case.

Plan of action: Basicly ask the lock to keep DoT's up on the mini-bosses, and shadowbolt spamming. When the adds come, have the mage AoE them and the lock throw SoC (I'm not sure whether they die before SoC has any effect, but I'm going to assume otherwise). Druids for president as always. Just keep tank and the one that's got aggro on the adds HoT:ed. To break down the DPS, you've basicly got:
1 - Helps with adds and nukes boss.
2 - Nukes adds.
3 - Nukes boss.
A BM hunter would do "3" very well, since you can have the pet constantly attacking the boss, and WTF-nuke yourself. You can also try to keep Frost Trap down, so that the mage only has to pull the adds inside to get easier kiting.

I have no idea about the bosses, but your best bet is WoWwiki. That's where you get all the info. If the heroic bosses are anything like the normal, the 2nd will be the hardest. Your tank will need to go all out TPS, so that the DPS can go all out DPS. Burst him down, or you're gonna have a dead tank with all those healing debuffs. A good trick on the last boss (at least it works on normal mode) is for the tank to reflect the stun. Now, the boss is immune to stun, so it won't get stunned. Point is you've bought your tank some time. Also, druids are awesome here, since they loose little healing while being stunned or moving around (heroic mech 2nd boss, and arca 1st boss).

That's about all I can come up with.
#23 Aug 11 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
97 posts
Smoothrustic wrote:
My math:
I logged into WoW (a good first step)

Looked at my agility, and divided by the crit chance gained from agility.

I get the number 45.91

That's how much agility it takes to get 1% crit, not 40.

The agility stat only adds to your crit chance from 61 agility, meaning that:

(Total agility - 61) / crit chance = 40

When you add 40 agility you increase chance to crit by 1%.
#24 Aug 13 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
Adds if left untouched will go straight for the shield. I've found in normal that what works best is if only one person deals with adds(hunter or frost mage seem to work best for this). They should stand nearer the shield and then kite/nuke/CC the adds down. As soon as the miniboss/boss is down the dps nukes down the remaining adds, and gets ready for the next boss.

I don't really see any alternative to this, as if you have less dps on the miniboss/boss more adds will get out. I assume taking down the bosses fast is even more important in heroic.

It's really important that no one else touch the adds though.

This lets you get the bosses down asap. While on normal we don't use a beacon for the 2nd boss, it would probably be good on heroic.

Sadly I'm also speaking from a lack of experience in heroic, but I've found that multiple people on adds just causes trouble.
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#25 Aug 13 2007 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
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Forgive my lack of knowledge but how do you rate posts?
#26 Aug 13 2007 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
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You have to be logged in - which I'm assuming you are, since your name is showing up by your post. All you have to do is click on the up or down arrow under the name of whomever you want to rate.
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