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How do you use Mind Control?Follow

#1 Aug 03 2007 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts

I'm a lvl 48 SPriest and I've never really played around with MC. In fact, I completely forgot about it until a few levels ago. I've tried to use it a couple of times lately, but it seems to me completely useless. The longest MC I've had has been about 6 seconds and then it breaks back to me, and I've got the mob aggro'd to me. Also, for the few seconds I have the mob, my tool bar goes blank, so it seems like all I can do it walk around. Is there something I'm doing or not doing that makes MC seem useless to me?
#2 Aug 03 2007 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
I like to MC the flag runner in WSG, or run other people off cliffs in the basin.
#3 Aug 03 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
Well mind controll has hade a record to brake easily.btw what lvl was this mob try it on a low lvl mob to make sure it isint a bug. Keep the target close to so it dosnt brake as often.
#4 Aug 03 2007 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
It is sometimes broke by moving the mob too far from you as well...
#5 Aug 04 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
420 posts
It can make for decent cc in instances, if the job is given to the shadow priest.
#6 Aug 04 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
1,073 posts
It was mandatory for use in Naxxramas. :P

You DO get control of the mob's abilities, look for additional bars above your normal ones. If you try to use any of your abilities the mob will break. Mobs of higher level than you will break more readily, especially if they have some sort of shadow resistance.

In general, it's mostly for use in trickery. On quests where there's an elite with guards, I MC the elite, beat down his guards with him, then release and zap him for an easy win. And, as mentioned before, it can yield good DPS/CC. Botanica, in particular, can be DESTROYED with tactical use of Mind Control. Back when I had a more even-handed spec I could play as DPS in Botanica and Shad Labs due to blatant abuse of Mind Control (now I'm always the healer). Mobs with area attacks are the best; you can usually do tons of damage to other mobs in the pull and get your MC target killed in the bargain.

A few tips for doing this. 1) Use Mind Soothe to get close, as MC's range is pitiful. 2) Keep the mob relatively close to you to limit breakage. If it breaks, shield and reestablish; don't wait for the tank to get it off of you, MC generates so much aggro he might not be able to.

In PvP you can't use the target's abilities; it's purely for affecting your target's position. The old stand-by, the infamous use of it, was in Blackrock Mountain, where people got tossed into the lava *all the time*. Other possible uses of it:
1) Arathi Basin. Toss someone off the Lumber Mill hill, into the water around the Blacksmith, or down into the gold mine.
2) Alterac Valley. Chuck someone off a tower or bunker to give yourself time to cap it. Very frustrating to your enemies!
3) The bridge in the BEM arena. Tossing someone off is tantamount to taking them out of the battle, at least for ten seconds or so.
4) Anywhere, really, where there's a cliff or bridge.
5) And, for the really malicious... challenge someone to a duel on the docks when the boat gets close, toss them off the pier, and watch them both forfeit the duel as they swim back and miss the boat to boot.
#7 Aug 04 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
MC is the best, but I only use it in BGs(warsong gulch)when I make somebody run of the clift, its just enough to **** him off :)
#8 Aug 04 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Only time I use it is if I have to pass by 2 targets...then I simply have them beat on eachother a while,then finsish them both off :D

Fun to watch ;)
#9 Aug 04 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
I got half way to revered with cenarion by going into Steamvault and MCing the first mob, and using him to kill the 2nd. Then I would be able to finish off the 2nd elite. I'd loot any fel armorments and then go reset the instance.
#10 Aug 05 2007 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Mind control is great, I use it all the time in instances. Being a shadow priest, my role is DPS/utility. In instances with mainly humanoid mobs (like all of them?) mind control also allows a shadow priest to CC...and CC well.

For example, I ran shadow labs a million times to get exalted with lower city for the mace. Mind controlling mobs during the 4 or 5 pulls in the room before inciter makes it ridiculously easy.


I usually MC the shadow priest in the group of mobs. He puts out amazing DPS. Mc isnt't like sap, sheep, etc in that you actually CC 2 or 3 mobs with it. I usually MC the mob, them immediately attack any extra mobs the tank isn;t tanking, usually casters since they dont run over to the group. In doing this I am DPSing a mob down (the shadow priest can solo any of the other mobs) the guy thats MC'd is taking damage and I am CCing 2 or 3 Mobs, depending on the situation.

Mind control can be used like this in pretty much any instance if there is a lack of CC or you are just bored and want to feel overpowered. Note that since I am a shadow priest I am not healing. Mind controlling as the main healer is a bad idea since when it breaks the mob is on you right away. This brings me to the other use of Mind Control.

You can MC pull to instantly kill one of a group of mobs. Simply tell your group to sit and watch until the MC'd mob dies, MC a mobs, and let the others in the group beat it to a pulp. If your looking for rep break the MC right before its death so you can get credit for the kill. You can do this as a healer too since after the first mob dies everything goes back to normal (although it is dangerous and not recomended unless your group is severely lacking in CC.

Other fun uses of MC include throwing the opposite faction off cliffs, into lava, and under water.

All in all, practice with it and it will become one of your favorite spells (if your shadow) and a usefull spell reguardless of spec.
#11 Aug 05 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
MC + Heroics = wtfpwned. Those mobs do INSANE damage and have insane abilities.

The big problem with Mind Control is the 20-yard range. Much beyond that, and you'll start breaking really really fast. Hit rating helps a lot in keeping mobs MC'ed, but even then, if you drag a mob about 30 yards away it's basically guaranteed to break.

Can be really fun to mess with people as well, either in BG's, random PvP, or duels. Throwing people off zeppelins or cliffs, turning flag runners around, running them into level 60 elite mobs when they're level 35... >:)
#12 Aug 06 2007 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
My favorite use of mind control in PVP is in Alterac Valley. I love to MC the allies' tank when they are engaged with Drek, Galv, a warmaster or a commander. This causes the tank to lose aggro, and sends the NPC tearing into the squishies. Meanwhile, you march the tank out of LOS of the raid healers.

It's just devastating. I don't know why I've never heard of other priests doing this--am I really the first to think of it? Surely not.
#13 Aug 06 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
On the subject of MC there was a note in the 2.1.0 (05/22/2007) Patch notes that read...
Mind control no longer has a 100 yard range limitation in instances.
I must be wrong in reading this as I can control a mob for up to 100 yards. That is no where near the breaking point of MC. 20-30 yards and pop... mob comes running back at me. Am I missing something?

- Azoth
#14 Aug 07 2007 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
According to the Mind Control FAQ on the O-boards, the spell's chance of breaking increases with the distance between the caster and subject.

Some things you can do to reduce the chance of "heartbeat resists" include maximizing your spell hit and your spell penetration. The shadowpriest talent that reduces shadow resistance is handy, as is the PVP trinket that does the same, and having a Warlock cast Curse of Darkness on the target helps immensely.
#15 Aug 07 2007 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
I think Azoth knows that. Hit capped with 108 spell penetration (cloak enchant + CoS), I've yet to get a mob more than 30 or *maybe* 35 yards away. Hardly 100 yard limit. Maybe what the patch means is that, in instances, chance to break based on distance is completely gotten rid of?
#16 Aug 07 2007 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
1,073 posts
No, the patch notes were simply wrong-- the reference is to Mind Vision. There was a problem for a while where if you Mind Visioned a mob, you wouldn't be able to really see as it sees-- any mobs that were outside visual range of you, the caster (i.e. 100 yards) would not be visible even when your perspective changed. This made the spell rather useless for its intended purpose of scouting. It now works properly, back to its old functionality.
#17 Aug 10 2007 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts
Awesome info guys. A followup questions. Can I switch back and forth between being able to control myself and the mob? Like to move the mob, then get me closer to the mob, then continue bashing w/ the mob.
#18 Aug 10 2007 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
561 posts
No. Any action that you do (casting a spell, because you can't move) or damage that you take breaks Mind Control. I wish it were like the Gnomish mind control cap. :) That gives you a pet for 20 seconds.

One more use: When i pass lower level zones, I MC allies and buff them with Fortitude and Divine Spirit. They are instant cast so they get on target before MC breaks. :)

Edited, Aug 11th 2007 9:40am by PilgrimFX
#19 Aug 13 2007 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
162 posts
Yeah, I was kinda thinking the whole "Pet" thing myself. Oh well.

What do you mean you MC allies and then buff them up? Why not just buff them upo as they run by? I don't think I'm reading you correctly.
#20 Aug 13 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
What he means is that you can actually give buffs to members of the opposite faction by mind controlling them and then hitting an instant cast buff (i.e. Troll buffing a Human). The spell will hit before your MC breaks.

Typically viewed as a gesture of good will.
#21 Aug 13 2007 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
162 posts
Oh, doh, didn't realize he was Horde. I don't live on a PvP server. Can you MC someone who isn't flagged on a non-PvP server? That's useful info, though, always bugs me when I'm buffing everyone on the ship I'm on and run across a Hordie. Leaves my OCD feeling incomplete.
#22 Aug 13 2007 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
Caeremonia wrote:
Can you MC someone who isn't flagged on a non-PvP server? That's useful info, though, always bugs me when I'm buffing everyone on the ship I'm on and run across a Hordie.

Just keep in mind that guards will *not* understand you're being nice, and will attack you if you MC people in their aggro range, despite your benevolent intentions. In other words, don't do it until you're away from the docks.
#23 Aug 14 2007 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
162 posts
Just keep in mind that guards will *not* understand you're being nice, and will attack you if you MC people in their aggro range, despite your benevolent intentions. In other words, don't do it until you're away from the docks.

I was on last night, and the boat had just left the dock, had two hordies with me, no Allies. Noticed they were both flagged. Thought I'd do a quick favor and MC/Buff up. Lol, yeah, dock workers aren't the only ones who don't realize you're trying to be nice. They both started wailing on me after I buffed one up. So I'm running around the boat thinking maybe they'll realize what I did wasn't attacking them. No, luck, I had to kill one and then, in fitting justice, MC'd the other and ran her off the boat.
#24 Aug 14 2007 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
It's a fantastic PvP tool for healing priests as well, since it's very threatening (nothing like MCing a healer off the bridge in Blade's Edge and isolating them from their group) and if they interrupt it, you're home free to cast healing spells. It's very nice in solo PvP as well for much this reason.
#25 Aug 14 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Here's my question about MC as it relates to my experience with it so far. I will get close, Mind Soothe and then MC a mob. I'll run it towards another mob and have it attack it. Eventually, the MC breaks and then both mobs come at me. Then I Power Word Shield myself and re-cast the MC on the same mob as before.

Now, here's where I'm having a problem. Once the MC is back on the mob, I'll have him re-attack the other mob...the problem is he can't pull the other mob off me in time and the other mob hits me for damage and then the mind control breaks and both the mobs are after me.

Am I missing something here? Because this is happening I only ever get the Mind Control on the first cast, I'm unable to re-cast it.

#26 Aug 14 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Now, here's where I'm having a problem. Once the MC is back on the mob, I'll have him re-attack the other mob...the problem is he can't pull the other mob off me in time and the other mob hits me for damage and then the mind control breaks and both the mobs are after me.

The only thing you can really do with MC while soloing is to MC a mob and let it beat on another mob, or get killed if its in a group. The only purpose of this really is to weaken multiple mobs or even kill one and not waste much mana. Usually once the mind control breaks you will never cast it again while soloing or else, like you said, it will just break right away.

So its a neat trick to make groups of mobs easier to handle by weakening multiple mobs with great mana efficiency and not taking damage.

In groups, on the other hand, the tank can easily agro all the other mobs so none will hit you even when your MC breaks (it's a little trickier getting the MCed mob off you).
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