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51 Point Assassination TalentFollow

#1 Jul 30 2007 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,538 posts
Just for fun, no flaming please (hah, sounds hollow coming from me of all people). Blizzard has said they're already thinking/talking amongst themselves about a second expansion, and will have it out long before the 3 year wait for BC (I'd expect an announcement late this year or early next year, and have it launched next summer or around Christmas).

With Expansion number two, I'm sure comes level cap of 80 (they've said that the cap will be raised at some point, specifically that Medivh is a possible future raid boss that would be impossible at the "current level cap"). So, lets think about it. The Assassination tree as it is plays extremely well towards Mutilate. It's reasonable to want something to futher enhance that ability, and reasonable to expect it.

What is the biggest desire for Mutilate? Raid viability. This seems like the biggest desire among Rogues, just to be able to compete in DPS and not have to spec Combat. How would that best be accomplished?

Here's my idea. Vigor increases your maximum energy by 10. How about a similar talent, but instead of increasing energy, increasing maximum CPs? A six CP cap would work very well with Mutilate, allowing it to take advantage of its biggest strength to a greater degree. Longer SnD duration, better Ruptures, harder hitting Eviscerates. In a PvP situation, this wouldn't have such a profound effect (a six point KS would be the only real ramification), but in a raid, it would buff sustained DPS considerably, allowing real competition against Combat.

It would also be easily balanced. The extra CP is only as strong as the bonus it gives its skills. If an extra second on KS is too good, you could make it give half a second instead. Too much extra damage from Rupture? Just shorten the duration to allow higher DPS from reapplications, without giving too much damage per CP.

It would be an interesting talent to see, and could completely change the way the class played based on spec.

What are your thoughts? Any ideas for a talent you'd like to see? Speccable poison, improved Envenom, let's hear all the ideas. Just remember things need to be balanced, no "I am now God" talents please.
#2 Jul 30 2007 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
443 posts
Bleh. I would really not like to see another expansion. I can't even get things set as they are now..>_>.
#3 Jul 30 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Great idea, and like most great rogue talents it wouldn't look like that big of a deal.

I'm all for this lol.

Edited, Jul 30th 2007 10:35pm by Shaolinz
#4 Jul 30 2007 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
459 posts
well, if were talking about 51 point talents ill put in my 2 cents for all three trees:

Assassination- Something that related to CPs... A good CP idea to me would be te ability to have like 10 CPs. Before you say "wtf, 10?!?!" id like to say thatyou still only have 5 CP finishers, it just leaves Every CP over 4 to go to your next finisher, like itd be cool to have like 7 CPs do a KS and then a 2 point evisc. I know this sounds a little powerful, but maybe a quick countdown before you can use the extra CPS, but still build on them like maybe a 5 CP ks, 5 sec cooldown and then a 4 point evisc. If that doesnt throttle it enough, it can be a click ability like CB that allows gaining 10 CPs, and has a 10 min CD. It seems like it would go very well with mutilate burst damage, just my thaught.

Combat- Whenever i look at the combat tree i just think of a person going into a rage and going ape on everything in site so maybe a rage ability that increases all damage caused by a certain percentage maybe 15%. It could definitely make some incredible burst damage if you stack it with BF and AR.
Maybe it can be a recipe in the poisons category thats BoP and requires some reagents that have to be farmed. Thats my take, it can be an ability or a poisons recipe.

Subtlety- The sub tree is my favorite for some reason. Maybe another special stealth ability. Maybe an aura of a watered down version of CB. like, all abilities made while stealthed have an extra 3% critrate or something. If you dont like that then how about a talent like the warlock one (master demonoligist) that adds some special proc to each stealth ability (e.g. CS-chance to add an extra few seconds to the stun, Ambush- chance to cause your enemy to be suprised and decrease their defensive skills by a percentage, Garrote- has a chance to cause enemy to lose blood during actions increasing time between attacks and spells by like 20%). I personally like the proc on stealth abilities.

thats my idea on the 51 point talents, feel free to speek up about anything that i may have overpowered, but remember this is just a rough draft and MY ideas.
#5 Jul 30 2007 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
i thought bout all the 51 pt talents, and what would be fun
heres some ideas i came up with

"Sink in"
your backstab/mutilate/finisher move critical strikes cause your weapon to sink in, causing your target to become fatigued for 5 seconds
(effects: target gets debuff "all stats -20%, movement speed -20%, damage dealt -20%, cast speed -20% // resets your weapon timer // debuff effects stack with all other effects)

"Two-hand weapons"
allows the use for two-handed swords/maces, at the cost of movement
(effects: allows 2H weapon use (sword/mace) // movement speed -8% (minor run speed counters this to 100% speed), stealth speed -50%, weapon speed -5%, dodge chance -15%)

side talent
"Imp. Two-hand weapons"
increases weapon speed and crit chance of 2H weapons by 1%/2%/3%

"Behind the curtains"
dealing damage no longer breaks stealth, but while in stealth your energy regenerates at 50% of normal rate

notes: getting hit still breaks stealth, while in stealth the energy regen is 10 per 2 seconds

(while this seems ZOMG overpowered, this will help make deep sub a full-on pvp tree... as being able to hit and run, to dodge being knocked out of stealth... rogue would be high level 1v1 again... but the downfall? DimReturns stops you from going full out cs->cs->cs->etc etc

so why is this good? well you can chip away, make a hit or two, then re-hide.... making good 'stealth' chances... mobs have good stealth detection so they would hit you out of stealth... the talent syncs up with 'enveloping shadows', and gives rogue the return of fast kills to the un-prepared

premed,'step,ambush,cs,5pt EA, hide a lil, ambush, garrote, whatever whatever

being careless gets you seen and knocked out, might require a cooldown on ambush and some kinda errata(sp?) with vanish and prep

would also require a change of the current 3/5 level 5-rank MOD -> 2/3 level 3-rank MOD


considering some of the other classes 51 points i came up with, none of these are very overpowered... for example of a few of the other ones

warlock, demon tree:
"Demon's embrace"
5min. cooldown
the warlock can summon a second pet, but at the cost of his own life

(effect: allows a second pet to be summoned, can't have 2 of the same pet, drains the warlocks life at a rate of 4% every 4 seconds (life drain cannot kill the warlock, when the warlock doesnt have the life to support this, the second pet gets dispelled and a soul shard returned to the warlock)


priest, holy tree:
"martyr's rebirth"
10% of base mana, 8 minute cooldown
summons a ghostly visage of the priest for 1 minute, to help assist in his healing ways

(effect: summons a humanoid pet (6k hp, 1k armor), casts spells at the same pace of the priest... but using spells 2 ranks lower then the priest (free of mana cost) // the pet can only cast holy spells, cannot cast smite or holy fire (holy nova deals no damage to enemies) // the pet will heal whatever target the priest is targetting (if targetting a enemy, it heals the priest))


i personally think i brainstorm some decent ideas :)

Edited, Jul 31st 2007 12:13am by mongoosexcore

Edited, Jul 31st 2007 2:57am by mongoosexcore
#6 Jul 30 2007 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
443 posts
2 hand wep rogues o_O. That would definetely be interesting and somewhat unfair.
#7 Jul 30 2007 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent

"Improved Mutilate"
Reduce the energy cost of Mutilate by 10 energy. Your mutilate attacks have a %20 chance to add an additional combo point.


Your critical hits have a %10 chance to increase your attack speed by %10. This effect stacks up to 5 times.


"Shadow Sap"
You may use sap on an additional target.
#8 Jul 30 2007 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not sure where this would fit in, but some kind of silencing poison would be pretty cool. It would operate like instant poison, but have the effects of a "kick". For practicality purposes, it's proc rate would be much lower than traditional poisons, say...10%.
#9 Jul 30 2007 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
for the celerity: way overpowered. w/ my current combat stats i'd have a permanent 50% attack speed in raids. not even fair to any class
#10 Jul 30 2007 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
349 posts
To upgrade the subtlety tree:

Shadow Split
Releases your shadow from your body. Shadow lasts 8 seconds. During this time, you have control over your shadow but not over your body. Does not break stealth. Cooldown: 3 minutes.
#11 Jul 31 2007 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
If we ever got that many talent points, I'd get Muti, then go up combat to AR. Can't really think of a better /kill switch.
#12 Jul 31 2007 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I suspect Blizz will give us all a new talent tree. No clue what it will be for us rogues but it would act as way to shut up people about new classes and make it so people can enjoy the benefits without starting a new charatcer. That and it looks like the talent trees really can't be improved besides some minor tinkering!
(blizz adds "sniper" tree so rogues have actual distance attacks, lol)

It's speculation but a new tree would make sense!

Regardless, lvl 80 = 5 pts in dagger specialization (Mutilate gets crit love)
#13 Jul 31 2007 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
Glossu wrote:
If we ever got that many talent points, I'd get Muti, then go up combat to AR. Can't really think of a better /kill switch.

level 80 = 71 talents = 41/30 at most, no AR and Muti.

I would personally go hemo mace spec, my life long dream.

For 51 point talents...


Your critical strikes from abilities have a 25% chance to return the energy cost of the ability.
(Illumination for rogues! '25%' might be a bit high wishful thinking)


20 Energy
1 min cooldown

Immobilizes target for 6 seconds. While shadowbound, target's armor is reduced 50% and chance to resist spells is reduced 80%. Does not break stealth. Using this ability while stealthed will not start the cooldown.

#14 Jul 31 2007 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
I would love to see a talent deep in the combat tree that enhances Adrenaline Rush. Either to reduce the cooldown, increase the duration, or a combination of both. Wish I could use it some more then once every 5 mins.

I know, imba imba....
#15 Aug 01 2007 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
I rly don't want next expansion coming so soon and also I have bad feeling about Zul'Aman as another "change all your gear for 0.0001% better" timewasting cycle, and no1 will see real endgame content, after wasting ALOT of time in it we will have to gear in new quest green rewards and see BT only as retro raid "Plx plx who for Illidan fun-run LFM!!"

About abilities... I really want to deal some shadow damage, perhaps as upgraded version of Sinister Strike.
#16 Aug 01 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
I have plenty of ideas for 51 point talents......but at this point I just want Blizz to replace ShS with something that's actually useful for PVP rogues.
#17 Aug 01 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
the only change they need to do to make shadowstep useful is

a: 2 second sprint tied into the ability, so you can catch your target
b: 1 second stun/immobilize (circa charge) so you appear behind them in the same place as when you hit the move's button

granted the ability is still low strength-wise, maybe stack in a higher crit chance / more % bonus / makes the opener costs less energy.... but making it so you can always hit with it would help it a lot
#18 Aug 01 2007 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
I read some about that players will not gain talentpoints lvling from 70-80, but introducing a new skill system on the side with talenttrees, to specialize in certain areas. I believe it was called "Hero Classes", but these are only rumors and I guess we can expect anything :)
#19 Aug 01 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
For the people that don't want to see another expansion:

What's the matter with you? That's more content available to us, more gear, more abilities, and more fun in general. Not to mention that Blizzard already hauls in a massive profit from current subscribers, and they intend to continue doing so. They do that by adding more to their games in the form of an expansion. We see it as a chance to do new things and explore new content, but to most of Blizzard, it's another viable money-making product. If they don't make money from WoW and its expansions, we wouldn't be seeing it for much longer. Expansions are a natural (and necessary) step in the progression and development of this game.

Also, I love these ideas for the 51 point talent specs. Maybe by the time the new expansion comes out, my rogue will be ready.
#20 Aug 02 2007 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
Ofc expansions are great, but need more time to explore content of it before going next continent/world etc.

Ofc MC/AQ/BWL/Naxx are still opened, and anyone can enter, but what the point going there after TBC release
#21 Aug 02 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
I think I will quit before the next expansion. If I have to start everything almost from scratch again, I can as well do that with a completely different game. I think it will be more fun.
#22 Aug 02 2007 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
From what I can understand they are doing new hero classes for the next expansion?

Of course after SC2, I really don't know what to expect from Blizzard in terms of announcements.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2007 11:49am by ElementHuman
#23 Aug 02 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Wytryszek wrote:
I think I will quit before the next expansion. If I have to start everything almost from scratch again, I can as well do that with a completely different game. I think it will be more fun.

The new expansion won't be out for some time. They still have to implement Zul'Aman, and there are only what, 20 guilds in the world that have completed BT?

They're announcing it now. That doesn't mean it's coming out any time soon.

My guess is--at earliest--the end of '08.
#24 Aug 03 2007 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
This isn't a new 51-point talent, but rather an improvement to an exsisting talent: Imp. Kick will now remove 1/2 magic effects, much like Purge or Dispell. Tell me if that's too OP though.

As for new content from Blizzard, did SC:G get canceled? I was really looking forward to that.
#25 Aug 05 2007 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Sinister Throw
120dmg, 1 sec CD, 45 energy.
Adds one combo point.
-something to build cp's at a distance

-tanking tree
-more avoidance for aoe - raids like gruul's make rogues more of a liability than an asset
-improvement of subtlety for pvp, mutilate for raids
#26 Aug 07 2007 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
I was laying in bed last night thinking about god knows what, and i thought of this:

After being within a certain range of your enemy for X amount of seconds your next attack made from stealth is increased by X%

The reason why I use X's is because I don't know what numbers to go in there without making it OP.
So tell me, does that sound good, because I basically exclaimed "Eureka" when i thought of it.

EDIT: This would go in the sub tree.

Edited, Aug 7th 2007 5:33am by Turkwise
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