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Survival hunters?Follow

#1 Jul 24 2007 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
Just asking.. is survival hunter recommended? Because i saw quite a few survival hunter in Warsong at low lvl.. Please do not flame at me.. i am just asking a question here
#2 Jul 24 2007 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
recommended for what?
#3 Jul 24 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Cant we just look at the tree ourselves, and decide weather its good or not?

Only reasons i see it being good to start out with is Hawk Eye, Savage Strikes, entrapment, and maybe deterence.

I actually think it is a decent tree till you get lightning reflexes.

Edited, Jul 24th 2007 1:36pm by Petewind
#4 Jul 24 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I've played all 3 trees thoroughly and I would have to say that survival is the most fun. If your looking for dps go marks, if your looking for pve/pvp go beast. If your bored go survival. Survival gives you a lot of different ways to cc. Your traps come up right before the mob breaks free from it, making it possible to hold one mob in place for long periods of time. Wyvern sting is handy but its cooldown isn't quick enough to be relied on every pull. I found that survival is more useful for incorporating into a hybrid build. Master tactician does not proc as much as you could hope so you can save your self the 6 points and stick it somewhere else. Survival is fun to try but I would not recommend it for instances.
#5 Jul 24 2007 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
Survival if built right is better DPS than marks, has much better traps (with 2 pieces of beastlord you have a traps that last 26 seconds and cooldown of 20), and give by far the best raid buff going.

A readiness build is excellent DPS in boss fights and as you can get 3 or 4 rapidfires in per boss fight, as well as have an easy way out of a resisted trap or FD ( which happens rarely as survival).

Survival is by far in my opinion the hunter of choice for instances, in 5 mans control is more important than DPS, the added effectiveness of your traps and still really good DPS make you worth taking.

As a SV hunter you want to stack Agi, i myself have 800 after LR, and i have no complaints with the build. The Agi makes you hard to kill as you will have more armor and dodge due to it. in a raid with the perfect group set up you can sit at 1000+ Agi giving you a huge boost and a 250+ AP raid buff.

One more thing i thought of after i posted is SV has great Mana efficiency as they can grab the lower SV tree TotH nad the upper Marks tree Efficiency, so the higher you get your crit the less your shots cost overall. 25% crit gives you 20% mana reduction on average.

All Builds have their strong points, i happen to love Survival.

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 1:53am by Sturrg
#6 Jul 26 2007 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Sturrg, as a survival man is it tough to start out that way? seems like BM or MM would be easier untill you have gear like t4 and better to support it. The only build I havnt' played though so I dunno.
#7 Jul 26 2007 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Its not real hard to gear yourself for Survival, and you never have to raid to get a gear set that will get you 700+ Agi. There are little pieces in almost every instance, and when ever possible put +8 Agi gems in all slots, regardless of the gem slot color.

The thing you want to concentrate most on is your ability to CC as a SV hunter, if you do it well you will be invited back time and time again. The other night since we were short priests for Moroes i chained trapped a mob in place of the priest shackle, in the opinion of everybody in the group it was more effective than a priest shackle as the mob never once moved in the 4 or 5 minutes the fight lasted.

Your DPS might be a little low untill you finish gearing yourself, but once you hit 700+ agi, roughly 28+ crit and 1600+ AP your DPS will be worth having along for any situation
#8 Jul 27 2007 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
I see your point about the CC especially considering almost every other class has limitations. IE shackle only works on undead whereas a trap works on anything. However, I don't know about how awesome Expose Weakness is. The buff itself is very nice but it also only applies to physical attacks. On the BM side you have Ferocious Inspiration which increases all party members damage (casters included) by 3%. Seems to me that Ferocious Inspiration is more versatile for most raid groups that use casting dps.
#9 Jul 27 2007 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Expose Weakness > Ferocious Inspiration

The reason for this is mainly that EW is a raid wide buff whilst Ferocious inspiration will only affect a group.
But lets fill this a little with math.

Lets assume:
- A raid buffed survival hunter has > 800 agi, so EW gives a raid wide 200 AP debuff on the current mob. As a SV hunter has raid buffed >= 35% crit easily the debuff should be up >= 90% of the time.

- Ferocious inspiration gives a flat 3% of damage increase to the whole group and it is up > 80% of the time.

So how much does FI add to the raid DPS?
Lets say the typical raid caster can dish out 800DPS (sustained). So FI would give the raid 800 * 5 * 0.03 * 0.8 = 96 DPS.

How much does EW add to the raid?
Thats a little more tricky to answer since you have to calculate the dps increase of different classes (and I'm not sure how well everyone scales with AP).

So lets further assume a typical 25man raid. So 2 hunters (incl 2 pets), 2 rogues, 4 warriors.
So that is 8 players and 2 pets who benefit from 200 extra RAP.
But lets calculate it the very safe way. 1AP/14 = 1 DPS (before crit and special abilities.
So from white damage (without calculating crit and special attacks) EW gives the raid 2000/14 * 0.9 ~= 129 DPS.
A tank will not benefit by much more than that and pets will not benefit much more either. Rogues, hunters as well as arms/fury warriors will get a ton more out of 200 AP. Additionally those classes usually have > 25% crit which also adds to DPS.
I assume EW will add > 200 DPS to a raid group (when including crit chance, specials, armor and things like that).
I'll not go deeper into calculating the benefits, but to me it is obvious that EW is a lot stronger than FI for a raid group.
However a good raid group will have both. Since EW does not stack, it does not make sense to have more than one survival hunter in your raid.
#10 Jul 27 2007 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
Let me tell you why Survival is the best specc u can have m8.... in BM u get a good pet and a slightly improved character, MM is For ranged atack power but surv boosts your character generaly , the lighting reflexes is just awesome while u dont have to totaly focus on agility with your gear but can give it up for crit rating (for example) same thing with survivalist where you get 10% more HP... you dont have to focus on stamina either, the killer instinct is just totaly imbah with 3% extra crit chance with all atacks, the resourcefulness where you dont have to go OOM after a few wingclips or raptorstrikes, deterence has saved me more than once and savage strikes is just awsome, i got a 54% crit chance with raptor strike at lvl 64 and i crit around 1,2k with it on mail, i havnt told about all survial talents here but most of them is generaly good. now i would not recomend a Survival only hunter, that would suck, go for a Surv/MM specc... thats a good all-around specc where u have both scatter-shot and wyvern-sting. thing is that to play good as survival hunter you have to know your class good, no idea if u just started playing hunter... thx for reading.

Edited, Jul 27th 2007 8:30am by kamphundarna
#11 Jul 27 2007 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
Oh im sorry forgot, the survial instincts isnt good at all... i meant survivalist
BTW heres my specc atm.
#12 Jul 27 2007 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
You don't have to concentrate on Agi but i would recommend it, i stack agi first then crit and AP. Currently6 sitting at 800 agi 1730 AP and 30.6% crit, now when looking at that you might think that 1700 AP is a little weak. But thats deceiving as it may say 1730 on the paper doll but since you crit so much as a SV hunter its almost always 1930 AP, and the reason to try to stack Agi is it helps you in so many ways it put straight AP or Crit to shame.

This is my char, critique if you want, i love my build i enjoy it very much and it fits my style like a glove. its currently not a readiness build tho :(

i have a few pieces of Beastlord on sometimes for doing 5 mans as the 2 piece set bonus is just to good to pass up.
#13 Jul 27 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Survival is not a good leveling tree compared to the other two. It is only at later levels with very good gear that it comes into its own.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#14 Jul 27 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
i would agree 100% Azuarc BM is easiest to level with if you are primarily questing and or grinding, Survival really only shines in 5 mans and raids.

Which at 70 is 90% of the game.

And your are right in a DPS sense, until you are geared properly your DPS will be lackluster, after you are geared you put out better DPS than MM imo and still slightly less than BM.

Survival is about actually being consistently useful in groups, i know given time before pulls any hunter can trap 2 mobs for 20 seconds or keep a single mob trapped for up to a minute (with no talents). Which is all well and good if your party doesn't suck and ignore you when you ask for time to set up, a survivalist can take a mob out of the fight indefinitly and 2 mobs for up to a minute (with gear and brains). All that fancy crap with CCing 5 mobs is exactly that, impressive sure but 100% useless.

Edited, Jul 27th 2007 6:30pm by Sturrg
#15 Jul 27 2007 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Mulgrin wrote:
Expose Weakness > Ferocious Inspiration

The reason for this is mainly that EW is a raid wide buff whilst Ferocious inspiration will only affect a group.

I'm not going to argue the particulars, you're quite right in the range of effect of EW vs. FI.
But you're comparing two talents against each other in a vacuum, and this theory doesn't convey to practice.
If you've got FI, you're very likely to have 5/5 SS. And thus you'll be doing more damage overall than the SV spec Hunter, regardless of his other talent selections and despite any damage contributions from the group or raid members from both EW and FI.

So in a vacuum EW may be better than FI, but that ignores the larger picture: Currently BM is the best damage dealing tree. Picking a Talent from SV that is 'better' than a Talent from BM is a bit too narrowly focused to be a fair assessment.

To try to put it in perspective, I could say that Master Marksman (MM) is better than Master Tactician (SV), and back that up with facts and figures. But it wouldn't make a MM build better than a SV build, on that comparison alone.
#16 Jul 27 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
So in a vacuum EW may be better than FI, but that ignores the larger picture: Currently BM is the best damage dealing tree. Picking a Talent from SV that is 'better' than a Talent from BM is a bit too narrowly focused to be a fair assessment.

In my opinion, you're the one ignoring the bigger picture. Its not about the hunters damage being maximized, its about maximizing a raids damage.

Here is a reason to have EW to buff all the melee in a raid as opposed to buffing just five people in a given group. Unless of course you bring 5 BM hunters to your raids, but thats just retarded since a similarly gear warlock/shadow priest/mage will destroy any hunters damage.

Ignore the warlocks damage in that picture, they suck *** and fail at life.

Edited, Jul 28th 2007 2:10am by SillyTroll
#17 Jul 27 2007 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
[offtopic]Unless they died really early, your shadow priests fail. FAIL. :P[/offtopic]

The main raiding hunter in my guild decided to completely respec and partially regear from deep MM to Surv/MM in order to help out the raid more. Fully buffed he's sitting at a little over 2k AP, 36% crit, and just over 930 agility. Unfortunately, we've only had one or two melee DPS that were actually specced for melee those fights, so the returns aren't as much as they could have been.

The AP bonus helps out the whole raid in another way as well: since so much of a warrior's and druid's threat comes from damage, it gives a higher aggro ceiling and (if your DPS is up to it) that means the boss can be downed faster.
#18 Jul 27 2007 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
[offtopic]Unless they died really early, your shadow priests fail. FAIL. :P[/offtopic]

Emopriest just had ****** shadow gear (He's got full epic healing gear though). And Drazan just fails, it seems like all our casters fail and our melee is the ****, I dunno.

The main raiding hunter in my guild decided to completely respec and partially regear from deep MM to Surv/MM in order to help out the raid more. Fully buffed he's sitting at a little over 2k AP, 36% crit, and just over 930 agility. Unfortunately, we've only had one or two melee DPS that were actually specced for melee those fights, so the returns aren't as much as they could have been.

And I'm deep marks, when I'm fully raid buffed I'm sitting on just over 2600 ap, ~630 agi, and 26% crit (Unless I have LoP and a GoA totem..then I have ~32-33%). Maybe if we had more epic melee and less sucky casters I'd be more inclined to spec SV. =P
#19 Jul 30 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
BM is for leveling, MM is for PvP and Surv is for PvE.

This may sound weird, but in MM you have scatter/silencing shoot wich is imba in PvP.

Surv benefits the whole raid.

In out guild we have mostly MM, 2 BM and me as Surv, all with the same gear(Tier4 and some Kara gear), and latly I find my self over the other hunters in the damagemeter!
#20 Jul 31 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
Once again depends on what you wish to do with the hunter..Marksmanship is good for it has the highest dps,Beast Mastery is what you go for if you want to twink out your pet...but if your like me..and you like to get in melee range and hit stuff...survival is what you go for...survival increases your melee abilities and trap effects, so it helps take a load off you when your in melee range,but if you wanna go marksmanship..then you'll probably have the highest DPS..because it improves your marksmanship abilities and gives you new one's(also,if you want to be marksmanship,i highly reccomend teaching your pet growl,that way it can keep PvE targets at bay while you fire away)...and beast mastery has various abilities for twinking out your pet,such as things from improved pet's damage/armor, to talents that make your pet move faster,

In conclusion, I think you should go for : beast mastery for a good pet,marksmanship for high damage/pvp,and survival for melee or pve

this is just my opinion,but i hope it helps
#21 Jul 31 2007 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
If your talking about personal DPS excluding pets, i would have to say that SV may have a slight edge over MM and decent edge over BM. But over all DPS BM wins and SV and MM are about the same, I have played a hunter for 3 years and have been every spec under the sun. I myself currently prefer SV it doesnt give you the huge crit numbers that MM does but it gives you allot more smaller ones and the utility makes it worth taking.

IMO your spec is the least of your troubles anymore for DPS(Blizzard has come along way with the hunter trees balance issues), first learn how to use a proper shot rotation and how to change it for certain situations, then work on gear, and last is your spec. Your spec is just tweaking and it wont make or break your character.

Edited, Jul 31st 2007 6:06pm by Sturrg
#22 Jul 31 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
What the hell are you talking about?
also,if you want to be marksmanship,i highly reccomend teaching your pet growl,that way it can keep PvE targets at bay while you fire away

Is there any reason to NOT teach growl?
Its not like it cost any points, so wy on earth shouldnt you get it???

Dont think you know jack about what your talking about.

Just like MM having the best damage, thats might be on paper, but with all the crits a Surv hunter do more DPS then a MM!
Belive me, I tried all the trees at level 70 with decent gear!
#23 Jul 31 2007 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
SillyTroll wrote:
So in a vacuum EW may be better than FI, but that ignores the larger picture: Currently BM is the best damage dealing tree. Picking a Talent from SV that is 'better' than a Talent from BM is a bit too narrowly focused to be a fair assessment.

In my opinion, you're the one ignoring the bigger picture. Its not about the hunters damage being maximized, its about maximizing a raids damage.

Here is a reason to have EW to buff all the melee in a raid as opposed to buffing just five people in a given group.

The point being that it only takes a single, low DPS SV spec Hunter to provide the EW buff to the melee only, while a BM Hunter in a group of DPS casters will give pretty much the same benefit and also provides what is in today's game the best DPS of the Hunter specs.

If your raid is melee heavy, that single SV Hunter can provide a decent DPS boost to the raid proper, but any BM Hunter provides superior DPS as well as the FI buff to all of the members of her group.

Me, I'll vote for +3% damage to the ranged DPS who typically lead the boards, rather than less target mitigation for the melee DPS who typically trail the boards.

And in my Guilds raids we have a Rogue who consistently tops the WWS charts. But he's only one contributor.


Edited, Jul 31st 2007 11:02pm by Kompera

Edited, Jul 31st 2007 11:12pm by Kompera
#24 Jul 31 2007 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
Kompera wrote:

The point being that it only takes a single, low DPS SV spec Hunter to provide the EW buff to the melee only, while a BM Hunter in a group of DPS casters will give pretty much the same benefit and also provides what is in today's game the best DPS of the Hunter specs.

What are you smoking? SV spec is not a low DPS spec. The difference is not that big, you only have to gear differently to make SV work quite well.
Yes, SV does a few percent less damage, but one survival hunter is well worth it for every raid group as it gives a very strong buff.

But hey, if you don't want SV hunters in your raid thats fine with me, just another 200 AP less for you, your pet and all your BM hunters.

Yesterday we had 1 rogue, 1 shaman (melee specced), 4 warriors and 4 hunters in our raid group. With raid buffed ~870 agi and 37% crit (effective crit during the fight) EW netted everyone of the above ~217 attack power (and yes, including 4 pets) almost all of the time.
On Maulgar I was 2nd highest on DPS charts on Gruul I was at 3rd position (without my pet *g*, 1st with pet).
Our two MM hunters where somewhere around 8 to 10th position, the BM hunter (yes a bit less geared then my toon) was 5th (including pet).

Of courese with the same gear the BM hunter would have done more damage. However I am sure the raid dps would have been a lot lower without EW.
I would probably have been on 1st place on damagemeters as a BM spec, but the total DPS would have been lower.

That of course does not make SV the best spec, but it is by no means so bad as you Kompera want to make it. It is a very viable spec in raids as long as you don't have more than one survival hunter and also great for groups.
#25 Aug 01 2007 at 12:30 AM Rating: Default
1,292 posts
Mulgrin wrote:

What are you smoking? SV spec is not a low DPS spec.

You can assert whatever you chose to assert. But the facts will remain: SV builds are low DPS compared to BM builds. Period, end of sentence, please play again. No amount of ranting and railing will change this, if you are comparing two Hunters in eqivalent (not necessarily exactly equal) gear against the same opponents.

That's what I'm smoking.
#26 Aug 01 2007 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
Kompera wrote:
But the facts will remain: SV builds are low DPS compared to BM builds.

Prove your "facts"!

Edit: spelling

Edited, Aug 1st 2007 11:12am by Mulgrin
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