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need / greed looting opinionsFollow

#1 Jul 14 2007 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
This is not a druid question but I ask it here because there are lot of people here whose opinions I respect. Plus there's way less BS here that most other forums.

I'm GM of a small "family" guild; in it for fun, helping each other lvl, running some instances etc. Recently we have been getting a lot of new members, mostly 65+. Last night some of us ran SL, and one of the new guys, a lvl 70 war, rolls need on a blue boe sword. Said he needed a good tanking sword (he was dps). I let it go, but later he did the same thing on +def trinket. I called him on it, and he got all pissy. Said it was a tank item so he was in the right to need it. He ended up walking out on us halfway through SL. He wanted to walk out earlier because he didn't like the way the rest of us were doing our jobs. I admit it wasn't pretty, but we were doing ok.

We've always rolled greed on everything, but if it's something you really want you ask the group if you can need it. I don't think we have ever said no, and nobody so far has abused it.

Here's my question; how do you handle instance looting in your guild? I know it's probably different in a serious raiding guild, but that's not what we are and he knows that. Was I wrong to expect the courtesy of asking before needing? I guess I'm partly to blame for not spelling out how we do things, but it never occurred to me that I should have to.

<edited typo>

Edited, Jul 14th 2007 5:52pm by Zalophus
#2 Jul 14 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
First off, I'll say that if certain rules were agreed upon, they should be abided by, no matter what.

Having said that: These weird looting rules where everyone has to come to a consensus are just screwy.

If it's an upgrade, you have every right to roll for it,'re there just like the next guy is, and neither of you could have the CHANCE at the item if you weren't working together. It's a fair shot either way.

I could potentially be lenient to the idea that if Players A and B were rolling contested for two separate items, and player A wins one, then player B should get the second as a fair even split; but if the item is uncontested and it's an upgrade for your actual gear and not just vendor/enchanter fodder, then let the people roll for it for crying out loud; it's not going to kill you to lose 3g cash when you vendor it just because "well they already won a roll" or whatever.

Edited, Jul 14th 2007 4:06pm by Norellicus
#3 Jul 14 2007 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Most common thing for me is everyone greeds on ANYTHING BoE. If it's an actual upgrade, they ask first before rolling. BoE epics and rare profession patterns may need more rules though, since they can be worth a LOT of money.
If something BoP drops and the item doesn't support their primary function (like, if I rolled on healing gear, or a healer of DPS), or their armor proficiency (healing druid rolling on cloth healing), they ask the other players if it's alright before proceeding to need, even if it's obvious no one else really needs it.

Maybe the people I run with are just really courteous though >.>
#4 Jul 15 2007 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent

what we always do is; all greens=roll greed(unless it really really is an upgrade)....all blues and bop, everyone passes then we check for need. if no one needs we greed.

so far it has worked well for us.

Edited, Jul 15th 2007 2:13am by Supersteve
#5 Jul 15 2007 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
349 posts
Usually for me is you roll greed unless you can use it, it's an upgrade, you don't already have it and it looks cool on you, then need. No need to ask if you can need it or not.
#6 Jul 15 2007 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Our guild usually just needs if they need it for an upgrade (and plan to use it), otherwise, it's greeded. We don't feel there is a need to ask permission to need on an upgrade. Of course, we have some 'side rules' such as if it's a cloth item, cloth wearers get priority over leather wearers who think they can use it.

#7 Jul 16 2007 at 3:28 AM Rating: Good
1,180 posts
I think in this instance you need to explain how guild rules work, I also tend to do guild rules with very fair people who will ask about needing items that may be a bit off for their current spec (or even great for that current spec, like the holy priest asking to need healing cloth), but quite a few people in this game are out mainly for personal advancement, or don't realise that others may need a particular item.

I don't like people who'd quit a guild group early, but that's another story.

I'd keep an eye on the warrior in question and see if his looting behaviour becomes a bit more polite now you've explained to him (i.e asking about off-spec gear before needing).

generally we run with the assupmtion that if an item is an upgrade for their spec then they can need without asking, if it's an offspec piece or a side-grade then they ask first. We've never actually talked about this, it's just the way we do things.

So in this case I wouldn't expect the warrior to ask about rolling on a dps item, but I would expect him to ask about rolling on a tanking item (assuming he wasn't tanking the run, if he was tanking the run then I'd say he had a right to the tanking loot).

I think the main principle is being polite to others, before need rolling for an item I weigh up how good it will be for me compared to for another group member, if it benefits them more then I'll pass.
#8 Jul 16 2007 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
I believe its mostly common sense.

In our groups everyone can greed on any green items (there usually is no need, however if we do runs to equip someone, he of course will and should roll need on many things).
Some people, who already got stuff during the instance (e.g. a nice upgrade or some plans) pass on every subsequent item to let the others have their share.

On blue/purple BOE everyone rolls greed, except it is an upgrade. Then they can roll need.
Asking is not required, but if one rolls need on an item or plan, he has to equip it / learn it (at least if we do runs with non-guildies, in our guild we trust and know each other enough to not check on this).
However if your run with others you have to show them that you learned the pattern or that you have equiped the BOE, it helps trusting people. Nothing worse than an outsider who feels himself betrayed out of a great item.

Boss loot is even simpler. If it is an upgrade, roll need. Disenchanter rolls greed; all others pass.
If someone already needed an item during the run, he asks first before rolling need again. If nobody has need, he of course can have it.

As we are a raid guild (but a small one, still doing Karazhan and Gruul) we have a loot system for those raids as well. Pre burning crusade we used DKP, but currently we don't feel the need for a full DKP system.
Our loot system is rather simple.
It is basically a round system based on epic drops and instance IDs.
Everyone who needs an item rolls for it. If more than one person want the item, the person who got
1) the fewest items during that ID
2) and of those who got an equal amount of items, has the highest roll
will receive the item. Green items will be distributed between the members of the raid (there simply is no possible need here) for rep bills. blue BOEs are sold by the guild bank.

So, the two systems are rather simliar. The main difference is the master looter who makes sure, that distribution of items stays fair, and keeps an eye on who got how many items during the ID.
#9 Jul 16 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Default
70 posts
Any lvl 70 instance:

BoE items = end loot. If no one got anything by the end of an instance then they can roll on it at the end. Tough cookies if a BoE item is an upgrade. In a PUG if someone rolls need on any money item I will boot them and replace them, and then make sure everyone I know learns that he is a ninja.

BoP items: You get only one per run. If you ahve two DPS items drop, and you get one, you do not get to roll on the second. Give someone else the chance to an item. However paying the price of endloot (ie. a void crystal / large shard) to anyone who is entitled to the item as end loot is fine. I paid the price of a void crystal in a heroic BF run for some shoulders that dropped. I had already won the nether so I did not have rolling rights to the BoP item, even if I was the only one who could equip.

What pisses me off are people who roll on nethers who dont even have a craft leveled. Rant on! Ok, rant off.

#10 Jul 16 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I run more PUGs than guild runs, but in every PUG I have been in, after requesting to need, usually one or more of the other players respond with: "If you need, then need." So this has become my standard, and whenever someone else in the PUG asks the same question, I reply in the same manner.

Now Guild Runs are a bit more tricky because I'm in an all druid guild. However, our levels (and specs) vary enough right now that most Blues are only an upgrade for one or two people. Last night we 3-manned Cath and a very nice blue tanking mace dropped (+17 Stam, +15 spirit), but even though I was tanking, the mace I was using was roughly the same (+18 stam)/slightly better so I took the blue cloth hat which was an upgrade to my healing hat and let the lowest level guild member have the mace.

Of course, because we're an all-druid guild we have the understanding that the role we are playing right now may not be the role we play on the next run, so this sort of co-operation may or may not be standard.

Mynar - Druid 44 - Guild: Another Darn Drood - Jadenar

Edited, Jul 16th 2007 11:11am by Daymer
#11 Jul 16 2007 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Holy crap Mattimer, I lead Kara and assist-lead Gruul's Lair and it isn't that strict O.o

Greens are sometimes needed just as much as blues. It's not just "money loot," ESPECIALLY for certain items (resist gear, "of stamina" gear for a mage tank, and so on). There's been a couple times where a few pieces of green gear have even been an actual "main piece" for a person (mostly "of the bandit" stuff :P).

Also, it seems your rules make it extremely difficult for a healer to be anything but a healer, a tank to be anything but a tank, and so on. They have to put away the time for "extra" runs to get offspec gear, as opposed to picking up the stuff no one else needs (which is usually done).

Just something to think about.
#12 Jul 16 2007 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Mattimer wrote:
Any lvl 70 instance:

BoE items = end loot. If no one got anything by the end of an instance then they can roll on it at the end. Tough cookies if a BoE item is an upgrade. In a PUG if someone rolls need on any money item I will boot them and replace them, and then make sure everyone I know learns that he is a ninja.

BoP items: You get only one per run. If you ahve two DPS items drop, and you get one, you do not get to roll on the second. Give someone else the chance to an item. However paying the price of endloot (ie. a void crystal / large shard) to anyone who is entitled to the item as end loot is fine. I paid the price of a void crystal in a heroic BF run for some shoulders that dropped. I had already won the nether so I did not have rolling rights to the BoP item, even if I was the only one who could equip.

What pisses me off are people who roll on nethers who dont even have a craft leveled. Rant on! Ok, rant off.

Ok, like I said, I can understand the ideal of wanting to be fair and make sure everyone gets something out of the experience, but that's just unreasonable. If someone's going to sell the damn thing as a result of a 5 way greed roll, when there's someone there who can actually use the item, and you then call THEM a ninja, when YOU (or whoever wins) are doing nothing but capitalizing on their 'loss'...jesus. Go out and farm some primals, or go with friends who all understand what you're going in for.

Kick them if you like for not following your (retarded imo) rules, but you don't have to be the jackass of the server and start throwing ninja flags left and right just because someone wants to improve their damned character.
#13 Jul 17 2007 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
70 posts
Alright brotha check it out. I am not doing instances so random people can get rich off of me and get numerous BoP drops leaving others stranded. If someone gets a BoP item and then gets a money item because it is an 'upgrade' how fair is that to the rest of the people in the group who didnt get anything and can use the money from the sale of the BoE item to get their own upgrade. You may be doing instances / heroics so people can play you and get rich off of you but I don't. I make sure everyone in my group gets a chance at something. I am not going to penalize someone because they don't have a craft leveled or are not currently collecting a card deck. You can get all pre raid upgrades from rep rewards / regular or heroic instance drops. If you want BoE items get off your lazy butt and go farm for it. There is a reason they make things BoP and BoE. If you are among friends, however, that is different as you guys probably wont give a crap over several hundred gold.

Ive seen many a card drop ( 200g+), several random world epic recipe drops (600g+) and some phat staves drop (100g+). All of these in my groups will always be lotted at the end of the run as end loot.

The first thing I do in an instance is set the threshold to Rare. If people need a green item that has dropped they can work it out with whoever got it. Ive done green trades many times when I was still in the 60s.

Last, For hybrid classes that fit multiple roles if the party as a whole does not have a problem with letting someone have more than one BoP then it usually wont be in issue. This is especially true if there is no one in the group to DE. As I said before, however, when I personally got a primal nether, and also a decent epic shoulder dropped, I paid the price of a void crystal for the leather piece. Everyone should get something for going through a long heroic run. The problem comes into play when someone rolls need for an item after he already got an item and the second player hasnt gotten anything yet.

Edited, Jul 17th 2007 11:47am by Mattimer

Edited, Jul 17th 2007 2:59pm by Mattimer
#14 Jul 22 2007 at 4:30 AM Rating: Default
Sounds to me like this is mainly an off-spec item roll situation. It is my personal opinion that if your class can use it, you have an equal right to roll on it regardless of your spec. You have a right to any loot you can use in the future.

However, I feel it's polite but not necessary to give another person first dibs on the 2nd blue. If no one else needs it, it is fine to take it as a 'need' before any greed roll occurs. How often to 2 BOE blues come up anyway? It's a complete rarity.

Many people have multiple sets. They have a complete right to build any set they have, regardless if they are wwaring it at the time.

A few things are certain though: If someone need rolls on BOE blue and their class cannot use it or it's not an upgrade, that's a ninja, plain and simple.

If someone says 'i need that for my other character' and need rolls on it, it's a ninja. They still have time to rectify the situation by rerolling. After all, it's a BOE. This is off topic though.

Hope that helps.
#15 Jul 22 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
If a BOE item drops and someone clearly needs it, they get it, in my party. I
disregard any statement in chat channels when someone is called a 'ninja' because half the time it's a bogus claim anyway.Your analysis on BOE need rolls is incorrect. The vast majority of parties do not follow this method. Make someone equip the item if they win a need roll on it. Then they can sell it for a zillion G on the AH.

Calling people ninjas in chat channels is bad taste and a complete waste of time. You'd be put on ignore by a zillion people 1.2.6.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2007 7:41am by fourwindsoh
#16 Jul 22 2007 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
I'm in a guild that's probably less casual than yours, when we run guild instances the following happens:
- the loot threshold is set to rare, so no rolls on greens necessary
- if a green drops that you'd like you deal with bilaterally with the person who got it (usually after the run)
- if a BoE blue drops everybody greeds and if it's an upgrade for anybody they ask for need and are usually allowed to need
- when BoP blue drops nobody greeds on it. If somebody needs it then they roll need. If everybody has passed then the enchanter in the group grabs it, shards it, and we roll for all shards at end of run. If no enchanter then everybody rolls for sale. Usually we behave like gentlemen and if somebody already had several drops at the end then they don't roll for shards. Also the X highest rolls get a shard (X being the number of shards) so that ppl will usually get at most one shard out of the run. Sometimes if we have enough shards and enough ppl passing we don't even have to roll
- on primal nether only ppl with the relevant professions can roll (need), the others pass, and usually they link the item they want to do. Othwerwise if nobody is interested it usually goes to one of the tailors who can then make thread for other guildmates (in our guild the primal nether bottleneck is mostly for tailors atm)

Re: your specific situation, although I would personally have asked before rolling need, in the absence of rules the guy had every right to roll need on an items that he's going to use - both items seemed to qualify.
#17 Jul 22 2007 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
What about BoE random world drop epic patterns that is worth 500g-1000g?
#18 Jul 22 2007 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
538 posts
Mattimer wrote:
What about BoE random world drop epic patterns that is worth 500g-1000g?

Well let's say that's the positive side of playing who have accumulated over 10k gold: they aren't so much into gold any longer.

The BoE epic pattern would be rolled between those with the profession and would be learned on the spot. If nobody with the relevant prof, the group rolls.

In other words the approach in instances (but not raid, unfortunately) is some kind of loot "group council", which can be summed up as "if you need, need, if you want to sell, greed".
#19 Jul 23 2007 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
In my humble opinion, if you use any rules above mundane need/greed you have to announce it prior to the run. In the posts above I can see a lot of various loot rules I would consider as limiting without valid reason or plain "wierd".

Personally, for guild runs I encourage people to gear up, DE and greed must be minimized.

Yes, that includes minor upgrades/sidegrades/off-specs and BoE. Tomorrow dps-warrior could be asked to tank (and even re-spec to prot), so I want them to be geared. Healers must have DPS-gear to grind on their own to get enough consumables, and do not cheapskate about burning 4 stacks of manapots during SSC wipe-raid. Also I prefer BoE recipes to end up with a guildie, so everyone could make this item/enchant/gem and whatnot rather than pay some outsider.

Regarding cross-class loot, in my runs everyone has the same right to roll on it, considering that "primary" classes usually have a priority on this kind of gear during raids. I dont see any reason to limit a priest from rolling on dungeon set head piece, when a mage will get T4 soonish.

I do expect common decency from people however - such as discussing contested item. To summarize my point of view - instances are for gear, elemental plateu is for money.
#20 Jul 23 2007 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
Earthmender wrote:
To summarize my point of view - instances are for gear, elemental plateu is for money.

#21 Jul 23 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
I somehow feel different from the rest of this thread..The norm on my server (For pugs, that is) is this:

We're all too lazy to bother with setting the loot threshold, so its always on uncommon.

BoE's are needed on so you can't possibly claim it was ninja'd unless you belive the built in rolling system is a ninja.

BoP's are all passed on unless you need it, in which case you need on it.

As for BoP's that no one needs, we find out if theres an enchanter in the group, if there is, they loot said unwanted BoP and DE it and we all /roll for the shard.

If there is no enchanter, we all /roll for the item to vendor it.

Thus is pug looting on Azgalor.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2007 10:29am by SillyTroll
#22 Jul 23 2007 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
For Kara, we have master loot set up for greens & up. This is mainly to stop the pop-ups mid-combat casuing problems. For greens, the master looter rolls 1-10 the sends it to that person. If you see something you need, you can deal with the recipient later & swap or buy it. This includes BOE blues as a rule, because most of us are geared enough for them not to be upgrades. Enchants & recipes will go to the guild enchanter/tailor etc first then others can roll if they need it if he doesn't.

Purples are rolled on by anyone who needs it for their "main-spec" used in raids. If not needed, then others can rollon it as well - i'm starting to pick up some nice healing & balance gear :)

In 5 mans, simple greed BOE's , need BOP's if they are un upgrade (use some judgement yourself though - don't role on healing leather if you are with a resto druid and he needs it and you are feral). The enchanter greeds it - if everyone else passes, it goes to him to DE and we roll for the shard.
#23 Jul 24 2007 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
538 posts
SillyTroll wrote:
I somehow feel different from the rest of this thread..The norm on my server (For pugs, that is)

Maybe the reason why you feel different is that everybody is talking about guild loot policy and you're talking about PUG loot policy? :-)
#24 Jul 25 2007 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
I was talking about PuG, though trash in Kara is similar (greed on any greens or blues BoE epics, unless it's a recipe you can use or a significant upgrade), BoP trash epics are passed on unless someone needs them in any fashion (healer for farming? great, better them use it than sharding it). Bosses and 25-mans are on master loot, and gear is /rolled on (with raid leaders watching to make sure people don't roll when it's not much of an upgrade).
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