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Since when was i a healer?Follow

#1 Jul 13 2007 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
man, this thought is depressing, but i was healing arca tonight and suddenly the thought hit me, since when was i a healer?

im sure that i used to have a dps class, im sure of it, maaybe even a melee one, yes, yes, but wait, that doesnt sound right for a shaman?

what happened to the GOOD melee dpser i leveled? and since when was i a healer?
oh well, time to roll a rogue,

dunno what this thread is even about, i guess its a 'ye be warned' for all the noob enhancement shamans out there, it wont last! youll find yourself as a healer one day and cry you didnt listen to me, every shaman i know is now either a healer, or regarded as a noob by everyone(enhancement)

boohoo pleaaaase fix enhancement, PLEASE!
#2 Jul 13 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
I hear ya. I am a nOOb i guess cause I leveled my enhance shammy and never respecced him. Now I'm respeccing elem just to be different only to find out that there is almost no loot for elem.....I can feel resto shoving it's cold dead hands up my backside as we speak....
#3 Jul 13 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
250 posts

you were a healer since you had multiple spells that could heal. :P
#4 Jul 13 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Now I'm respeccing elem just to be different only to find out that there is almost no loot for elem....

And you say this under what basis? I cant believe that, when at 67 I already have 397 or so spell damage...

EDIT: And hear hear on the post above...

Edited, Jul 13th 2007 6:07pm by Petay
#5 Jul 13 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
We'll I've been looking over the karazhan drops and other such raid drops and 95% of the mail drops are either geared towards resto shamans or enhance shaman/hunters. I count 2 mail drops and one dagger drop in all of kara for a elem shaman. There are also ring/cape drops for spell casters but you will be fighting all the mages/warlocks/boomkin druids/shadow priests for those as well

Edit: also found one shield drop for elem

Edited, Jul 13th 2007 6:39pm by Dretzel
#6 Jul 13 2007 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
He's right, I couldn't even find that much for elementals in the kara loot lists.
#7 Jul 15 2007 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
We'll I've been looking over the karazhan drops and other such raid drops and 95% of the mail drops are either geared towards resto shamans or enhance shaman/hunters. I count 2 mail drops and one dagger drop in all of kara for a elem shaman. There are also ring/cape drops for spell casters but you will be fighting all the mages/warlocks/boomkin druids/shadow priests for those as well

Edit: also found one shield drop for elem

So that's 2 tier pieces, 1 cloak, 2 rings, 1 shield, 2 mail, 1 dagger.... 9 pieces of gear that's a significant upgrade to the 5 man gear you'll be heading in there with and you're claiming that there are no ele drops??

While compared to every other spec, it does seem like elemental shamans got the shaft in kara, there are still a lot of gear options for you in there.

Edited, Jul 15th 2007 3:18pm by TheMalkavian
#8 Jul 15 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
No, 2 tier pieces that you roll against pally's and rogues for (and most guild give priority to healers and tanks anyway), the cloak and ring that you roll against all the mages, locks and other casters for, same with the dagger, and one piece of mail (helm) that is a downgrade on the engineering one.
#9 Jul 15 2007 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
i feel ur pain bro, as a ret pally i face the same bullocks everyday;

i guess ppl just dont think that hybrid classes can do dmg or something, but clearely we can; yesterday i ran ZF with bounch of ppl, i did 33% dmg and an enchantment shammy did 24%

but yeah i know we are not respected and have no loots, but if u really make some friends and dungen with them, they will acknowledge u and let u look i hope

at least that's what i am trying to do atm, but i still hear the ppl dont respect ret pallies at all and never group with them all da time; and if i'm not runnin with friends, even guild mates expect me to be da healer
#10 Jul 16 2007 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
i guess ppl just dont think that hybrid classes can do dmg or something, but clearely we can; yesterday i ran ZF with bounch of ppl, i did 33% dmg and an enchantment shammy did 24%

You outdamaged an enhancement Shaman as a ret Pally? Wow, he must of sucked, or you must have been 10 or so levels higher than he was...
#11 Jul 16 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
Kara doesn't have much for elementals besides accessories, but there are some really nice drops and rewards from the heroic instances. Kinda backwards if you ask me: heroics still rely heavily on crowd control, which ele isn't really good for.

As for healing, I'm lucky enough to like it. Just be glad you're not still level 60: the gear options were even more limited for the damage-spec'd shaman.
#12 Jul 19 2007 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
stormofnova wrote:
even guild mates expect me to be da healer

Why wouldn't they expect someone with the best single target healing and the lowest DPS in the game to be a healer?
#13 Jul 19 2007 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I ran Slave Pens heroic with my rogue last night and an epic shoulder piece dropped from the last boss that would suit no one other than an elemental shaman. I can't think of another class that has epic shoulders drop from anywhere other than Kara. This gave me some hope for my shammy that I'd like to keep as elemental once he hits the Outlands in a couple of levels.

As for CC, I've run with other shammies that work the kiting technique really well. Yeah, it burns down mana pretty quick, but it works. Also, one method that I've always find to work rather swell is to take advantage of the fact that, as a shaman, you can heal. If you are minus one CC, due to being a DPS'er in a five-man, you can have the tank take two mobs while you trade heals with your main-healer and the other two DPS burn one mob down. Then start spamming LBs or jump in for melee. Of course, watch out for aggro after all those heals.

The CC thing kind of is a drag. I'd like to see Blizz introduce an Air Shock, even if it had very limited CC. Maybe something like a sap, where it would have a short duration stun effect and a cooldown of two or three minutes. That would work great.

As for rolling against others for pieces, big deal. You'd to have to with an class. I have to roll against a feral druid for leather pieces and hunters for rings, cloaks, trinks and necklaces, with my rogue. Look at it like this, when that elemental shammy piece drops, no one else is going to need it. It's yours without question. Hell, that may even be better.

I've been culling over how to continue my shammy, as he is level 51 and the Outlands are right around the corner. I certainly don't mind healing, so going resto shouldn't be so bad. The water totems are 10 times better in the resto tree, but the elemental shammy is a very viable class. I definitely think they're better than retri pallys and they typically can keep up with the DPS dished out by rogues and mages. I really don't think that Blizz left the elemental shammy in the dust with BC. Rather, it's a lot better than before BC.
#14 Jul 19 2007 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
pieeatingtroll wrote:
man, this thought is depressing, but i was healing arca tonight and suddenly the thought hit me, since when was i a healer?

im sure that i used to have a dps class, im sure of it, maaybe even a melee one, yes, yes, but wait, that doesnt sound right for a shaman?

what happened to the GOOD melee dpser i leveled? and since when was i a healer?
oh well, time to roll a rogue,

dunno what this thread is even about, i guess its a 'ye be warned' for all the noob enhancement shamans out there, it wont last! youll find yourself as a healer one day and cry you didnt listen to me, every shaman i know is now either a healer, or regarded as a noob by everyone(enhancement)

boohoo pleaaaase fix enhancement, PLEASE!

elemental shammies don't have that much to worry about in the gear sets as because we have a shield we can drop pieces of other armour to leather/cloth and not hurt ourselves to much

I run an unbuffed dps of 1k ish on boss mobs, which is anything but shabby if you ask me xD

raid buffed and if we get bored and decide to drop ony because we are going off to do prince or one of the bigger guilds on the server requests it ( Fires of Heaven if any of you have heard of them) then they will toss an epic crafting recipe from BT/ the eye if we do the deed for them which is easily ten mannable


Elemental s and it is not hard in the slightest to get well geared for elemental you just have to do some pvp for some awesome boots/belt/bracers or you could instance some heroics to get them and stuff and yeah

QQ gear doesn't drop in your lap
#15 Jul 19 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
The main thing I find is if your enhance try to group yourself with mellee dps or tanks group(for the block and dodge bonus)
Once they start seeing what your enhanced strength and agility totems plus bloodlust and shammy rage (gotta love +10% AP) They suddenly become v. keen for you to stay enhance (at least in the raids I'm involved in).
Your effectively a dpsing buff :P

Maybe I'm just lucky though that my guild/raids like geting there dps up high.
(or there dodge in the case of tanks)
#16 Jul 20 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
My guild loves having me enhancement in the melee group. The buffs we bring to the table are amazing. Enhancement may suck PvP but raids and instances love us.
#17 Jul 24 2007 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Jungabon wrote:
Why wouldn't they expect someone with the best single target healing and the lowest DPS in the game to be a healer?

WTF are you on?
#18 Jul 25 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
Jungabon wrote:
stormofnova wrote:
even guild mates expect me to be da healer

Why wouldn't they expect someone with the best single target healing and the lowest DPS in the game to be a healer?

Um...have you played World of Warcraft before?
#19 Jul 25 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
^^ to the two above posts. I don't think he has. And if he has he is clearly miss guided from spending all his time fishing.
#20 Jul 25 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
stormofnova wrote:
even guild mates expect me to be da healer
Jungabon wrote:
Why wouldn't they expect someone with the best single target healing and the lowest DPS in the game to be a healer?

T'was in refrence to the ret pally. Ewwww pallies. Though I agree they do have great single-target heals.
#21 Jul 25 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Ohhhhh he was talking about a pally. Well that makes way more sense then. Apologies thought he was talking about a Shaman.
#22 Jul 25 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
If you have a heal key, then you will eventually be asked to heal. Thats at the top of the list for all rules of this game.

IF you dont like it, re-roll - for the millionth time. Im sick of saying it. Someone needs to sticky a thread saying:

You are a shaman, you have a heal button, and someday you will be asked to use it. TOUGH!

Feel privledged to have that button, not every class has one.
#23 Jul 25 2007 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
pieeatingtroll wrote:
boohoo pleaaaase fix enhancement, PLEASE!

What exactly needs fixed?

I mean, we have 3 viable PvE specs. That's right I said it. All 3 specs are fine for PvE. Minor inconviences for all 3 but it's not like any other class doesn't have those as well.

Nobody is making you spec resto, holding a proverbial gun to your head and forcing you to do anything. Much less even pick up the Mail healing gear drops i'm sure you've all picked up regardless of your current spec.

I leveled up 69 times as enhancement too, doesn't mean I never healed a group or healed myself. I'm no rogue, what makes you think re-rolling one is going to make your life easier in some way?

Realize, please, that we are all shamans. We've all been there, we've all tried this that and the other. And then some. No problem you face is different from the problems we face.

It is no surprise that most shamans spec resto, it is by far the strongest talent tree we have. And no it doesn't make you a worse shaman if you're not resto. But being mad about the fact that our healing tree is better than our dps trees is just plain ignorance. Period.

If you're being called a noob maybe it's because you suck at your class not because that certain class spec sucks.


In reference to the other stuff, yeah elemental loot tables suck. Yes some of the PvP Arena gear is better than Tier 4 and it's easier to get in some cases.


And yeah, we need an updated FAQ
#25 Jul 27 2007 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
T'was in refrence to the ret pally. Ewwww pallies. Though I agree they do have great single-target heals.

It was too, my apologies to Jungabon for my snappish response.

If you have a heal key, then you will eventually be asked to heal. Thats at the top of the list for all rules of this game.

IF you dont like it, re-roll - for the millionth time. Im sick of saying it. Someone needs to sticky a thread saying:

You are a shaman, you have a heal button, and someday you will be asked to use it. TOUGH!

Obviously, but there is a difference between throwing spot heals and occasionally main healing an instance and suddenly finding that healing is all you get to do.

I am liked and respected by my guild as an enhancement shaman, but it took a lot of work to prove my viability in that role. I know a lot of shaman's who have been "forced" into the resto role and I sympathise with them, but at the end of the day if you want your guild to take you seriously in a DPS role at 70 you need to work overtime to prove that you can bring it.

Feel privledged to have that button, not every class has one.

Agreed 110%.

What exactly needs fixed?

Itemization for a start, but let's not get into that right now :-)
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