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lower level tanking helpFollow

#1 Jul 11 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
It was my first time being a tank of any class, and I felt like I could have done better. I'm thinking of switching from a feral build, so people won't ask me to tank. I'm more comfortable being a healer. All the flashes from the spell effects go off right in front of you, it's kind of blinding, and difficult to keep track of what's going on elsewhere. Wailing caverns was the instance btw, and I was a decent level at 22.

The pug group wasn't good, but I can't put all the blame on them, I felt like I could have done a better job. But we had a 15 warrior, who I felt was too low, and a 16 druid healing me. He went out of mana once causing me to die (perhaps my fault for moving too fast), and was put to sleep by the druids a second time (we all wiped there). And a hunter not using a pet. I know some people don't like hunters to bring pets in instances, but a hunter is my main. Pets make up a good portion of their dps. Bows don't do as much dps as regular 2 handed weapons (on a meleee class such as paladins, warriors, or shaman)

My biggest problem is aoe threat generation. I don't appear to have any. mages will frost nova, and everyone is attacking different targets it seems. So I resulted in attacking one target a few times, moving to another target, growl, and attack it a few times, then move to a third target. Usually by this time I'll lose the first target.

Does demorilzing roar build any threat? or am I just wasting rage on that? I use the stun move when I can, but it has a long cooldown. I know stun generates good effect. But in the end I had to use that for the runners, as nobody else was slowing them. Hunter should have been using concuss shot on runners, but he wasn't.

warriors get 10% more threat generation, we don't have that do we? Seems like the most I can do is outdamage everyone. So I was moving so fast to try to get in 1 or 2 hits before the fireballs came in, it may have been my fault the other druid healer went out of mana. But if I didn't move, the mages would start attacking without me.

Edited, Jul 11th 2007 4:51pm by thrashering

Edited, Jul 11th 2007 4:52pm by thrashering
#2 Jul 11 2007 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
My biggest problem is aoe threat generation. I don't appear to have any. mages will frost nova, and everyone is attacking different targets it seems. So I resulted in attacking one target a few times, moving to another target, growl, and attack it a few times, then move to a third target. Usually by this time I'll lose the first target.
That's probably the source of most of your frustration. While you are trying to learn to tank, your party members are still learning how to do their jobs as well most likely. Mages should not be using Aoe until you have very well established aggro. Ask them to worry about their sheep targets first and sit back until you can get in some damage. Set up lucky charms so everyone knows which mob to hit. Demo roar and a few swipes should be good enough to keep the mobs on you and off the healers, though you were right that you have to switch around targets a bit as well.

See if you can at least work out something with the healer. Healers should let crazy dpsers die a few times, not to be mean but to help them realize why they should slow down their damage a bit at the start of each pull.
#3 Jul 11 2007 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
You don't need help tanking, you need help knowing when to drop from a group! (Or how to take control of a group.) Dont' write off tanking based on the experience you described, that's a TOTAL worst case scenario and I think you can TOTALLY put most if not ALL of the blame on them. Seriously.

A bad player or habit here or there, that's one thing, but there were WAY too many "deal breakers" in that mix for you to overcome. How did your druid healer get put to sleep by their druids..unless he was in feral form which he shouldn't have been. Hunter not using his pet or concussing runners...lame. Everyone attacking different targets, that's just lack of group leadership and is the single biggest problem you mentioned. And mages hitting mobs with fireballs BEFORE they are tanked...that too stupid to imagine. Instances are about teamwork, and your party had less than none. Who was marking the targets? If nobody was, then you should step up and do it. It's better to have a group of decent players following the instructions/targeting of one leader than to be in a bunch of expert badasses doing their own things. Somebody absolutely has to designate who is main tank target, who dps is supposed to unload on, etc.

Don't worry, you don't need to outdamage everyone else in your'd never be able to, because you're focused on multiple targets and you are, after all, not set up for DPS in bear form. With the right talents you get additional threat generation like the warrior's 10% you mentioned, but ours is 15% with 3/3 in the second tier "Feral Instinct" talent. Yay. Suck it, warriors.

As far as AoE threat, Demoralizing Roar does some, so as long as nobody else whacks the mobs that have been affected you should keep some level of aggro. Swipe is your best's the standard way to hold multiple mobs, as you're actually hitting three at a time (better than warrior's equivalent which hits two) and it causes extra threat. Also, be sure to tab through the mobs and hit them each with Faerie Fire as cooldown allows...there's some more threat on multiple mobs for ya. You shouldn't need to use Growl on a regular basis...I use it maybe once or twice during a big fight to pull some mob off a mage or healer that crits a hit or heal or two and draws aggro. If you find that your Growl cooldown is a problem, something is wrong.

Hell, I'm not even a very experienced tank and I'm 100% sure that your situation was untenable...I'm sure some of the true experts on the board will weigh in with stuff that'll correct or augment this quick overview of the basics.

#4 Jul 11 2007 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't appear to have any. mages will frost nova, and everyone is attacking different targets it seems.

Yep - this is definitely your problem. All DPS should be focused on a single target at a time, even if you are tanking multiple mobs. AOE should be saved for groups of non-elites or the end of fights when you have plenty of agro on EVERY mob left standing.

A lot of people tend to think they know what they are doing when playing alts and don't treat the lower instances like they would the 60-70 instances. This leads to wipes and slower runs. Much better to treat the instance like any other and markt he targets and CC properly. The "dreamteam" I usually run heroics with actually wiped more often when we are running other people through non-heroic (Outland) instances. You tend to get too over-confident and try and go to fast and endup pulling an extra-group or not check to make sure the healer has mana etc.
#5 Jul 11 2007 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
JeeBar wrote:
You don't need help tanking, you need help knowing when to drop from a group! (Or how to take control of a group.) Dont' write off tanking based on the experience you described, that's a TOTAL worst case scenario and I think you can TOTALLY put most if not ALL of the blame on them. Seriously.

A bad player or habit here or there, that's one thing, but there were WAY too many "deal breakers" in that mix for you to overcome. How did your druid healer get put to sleep by their druids..unless he was in feral form which he shouldn't have been. Hunter not using his pet or concussing runners...lame. Everyone attacking different targets, that's just lack of group leadership and is the single biggest problem you mentioned. And mages hitting mobs with fireballs BEFORE they are tanked...that too stupid to imagine. Instances are about teamwork, and your party had less than none. Who was marking the targets? If nobody was, then you should step up and do it. It's better to have a group of decent players following the instructions/targeting of one leader than to be in a bunch of expert badasses doing their own things. Somebody absolutely has to designate who is main tank target, who dps is supposed to unload on, etc.

Don't worry, you don't need to outdamage everyone else in your'd never be able to, because you're focused on multiple targets and you are, after all, not set up for DPS in bear form. With the right talents you get additional threat generation like the warrior's 10% you mentioned, but ours is 15% with 3/3 in the second tier "Feral Instinct" talent. Yay. Suck it, warriors.

As far as AoE threat, Demoralizing Roar does some, so as long as nobody else whacks the mobs that have been affected you should keep some level of aggro. Swipe is your best's the standard way to hold multiple mobs, as you're actually hitting three at a time (better than warrior's equivalent which hits two) and it causes extra threat. Also, be sure to tab through the mobs and hit them each with Faerie Fire as cooldown allows...there's some more threat on multiple mobs for ya. You shouldn't need to use Growl on a regular basis...I use it maybe once or twice during a big fight to pull some mob off a mage or healer that crits a hit or heal or two and draws aggro. If you find that your Growl cooldown is a problem, something is wrong.

Hell, I'm not even a very experienced tank and I'm 100% sure that your situation was untenable...I'm sure some of the true experts on the board will weigh in with stuff that'll correct or augment this quick overview of the basics.

I just want to add that the druids in WC will sleep random targets, not only beasts. Also, at level 22 he doesn't have FFF yet. Other than that, the other posts here already said what you need.

One last thing though: Don't be afraid of taking control. Tell the group to make you the leader, and then you start to mark mobs, and explain to the party what the different things mean. At your level there's not many different things to mark. It can be as easy as
Skull - Kill
Moon - Sheep
Cross - Next DPS target

Good luck, don't blame yourself, and have fun with your druid!
#6 Jul 25 2007 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
tanked in wc again. I did much better this time. But I was also a high level (26). I think I can do it if I can get a good party. I still had problems with everyone attacking different targets. The rogue would try to solo a mob, same with the level 18 pally, and the warrior would choose another target. The warrior was high enough to tank, but I was higher, and wanted the practice. So I intentionally pulled mobs from him. I also put 3 points in talents to give me 15% threat increase. That's more than a warrior's 10%, and I don't take the 10% damage reduction. Very cool. I have feral charge, but I keep forgetting to use it. Next time hopefully.

It's really sweet when I have all 3 mobs lined up in front of me, and I just spam swipe. They don't go anywhere. But as I said, my party was doing weird things. I wish the party leader would mark the initial target, and everyone would attack that target. I tried to tell the party to attack the first person I attack, and keep attacking them. Just because I switch targets doesn't mean they should. And they also weren't letting me pull, they kept rushing in. And the lower level chars would pull other nearby mobs. we wiped when fighting 5 mobs. The healer couldn't keep me alive. I was still doing a lot of chasing after mobs, I guess that's life as a tank.

My party sucked, but I still did better. Damn pally wouldn't resurrect the dead druid that was my healer (I was still on cooldown). I refused to go anywhere until she res'd my healer.

Another gripe was the healer would let me get down to around 25% health before starting to heal me. Trying to give me a heart attack. At one point I had to pop out of bear and pop a healing potion and heal myself. I was down to about 2%. Although it makes me think I should wait longer as a healer before starting healing. Problems I had with my paladin and shammy was I heal soon as they start taking damage, then non-aggro'd mobs turn on me. I died 4 times in an instance because mobs pounding on me. No one else though it was a big deal the healer was getting hit. I refuse to attack a mob that is pounding on me as a healer. that will create even more threat.

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 3:39pm by thrashering
#7 Jul 25 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
tanked in wc again. I did much better this time.

Congratulations, glad the second tanking experience went better.

I still had problems with everyone attacking different targets. The rogue would try to solo a mob, same with the level 18 pally, and the warrior would choose another target. Damn pally wouldn't resurrect the dead druid that was my healer (I was still on cooldown). I refused to go anywhere until she res'd my healer.
I don't know if it's your server or bad luck, but your parties ignore the most basic aspects of working together. Maybe I've been lucky but I've NEVER had a party nearly as bad as those you're describing. Man, I woulda dropped that group like a bad habit.

I wish the party leader would mark the initial target, and everyone would attack that target. I tried to tell the party to attack the first person I attack, and keep attacking them. Just because I switch targets doesn't mean they should. And they also weren't letting me pull, they kept rushing in.
You're describing basic Instances 101. As I replied to your original post, your problem is not tanking per se but knowing when to drop from a worthless party.

Every party I join I immediately ask who will be marking targets, making assignments, and giving "go" orders. I make it clear to everybody that as tank I will pull with FF to get initial aggro, and that I will do so only when targets are marked and the party leader says "go." If nobody is already slated to lead and nobody wants to do it, I say I'll do it myself. If they decline my offer and want to go leaderless I leave the party. If they accept my offer and then don't generally follow instructions I will drop from the party. My time (and armor) is too valuable to waste it on groups that'll never make it through the boss.

Another gripe was the healer would let me get down to around 25% health before starting to heal me.
It makes me think I should wait longer as a healer before starting healing. Problems I had with my paladin and shammy was I heal soon as they start taking damage, then non-aggro'd mobs turn on me.
I'd split the difference between how you've been healing (early and often) and how this crap-party's healer was doing it (death's door.)

I died 4 times in an instance because mobs pounding on me. No one else though it was a big deal the healer was getting hit. I refuse to attack a mob that is pounding on me as a healer. that will create even more threat.
Hmm, another crappy party that you stuck with.
Guess what I woulda done...yup, leave that weakass group.

You have a solid grasp of how to play the game...stop wasting your time and racking up repair bills playing with people who don't.
#8 Jul 25 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I hated tanking at low levels because players, as was stated above, are still learning to do their jobs. They are still learning what kill orders are. They are learning that battle royales do NOT win instances. Tanking will always be frustrating in early PUGS.


Tanking at 50-60+ is a different story. It is actually fun. People know how to crowd control. If you have to tak 2-5 at a time, they UDNERSTAND what it means to have a kill order ( skul, cross, etc ) and they will follow it most of the time.

Quick tip though:

Always keep thorns up. The damage you cause them when they hit YOU will help a bit with keeping AoE aggro.

Demoralizing Roar when used against groups doesn't do much to generate threat, but helps a LOT to keep you alive longer. Against a single target you should not use it until after 1 maul and one faeri fire. After that just keep spamming Maul.

I tried to explain to parties early on how they can help me tank but most of the time it just confused them more than anything so I just skipped instances for lvls 20-30, did SM runs, then Uldaman / Mauradon. After that I only really did a few BRD runs but mainly waited until Outlands where people are better at their jobs.

If you don't like tanking then you don't like tanking. You can still have feral gear and kill stuff specced heally in kitty form, just slower. Do what you like, above anything else, as you are paying for it. :)

( if you like DPS and Healing, but want a combo of both, try Balance out. You will be more magic DPS but will still have some healing gear equipped all the time. Maybe it would be more your thing.
#9 Jul 25 2007 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
755 posts
Apologies, my retarded computer double posted. Always, always blame the computer for your own #$*@ up! :D

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 4:04pm by vyodar
#10 Jul 25 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
755 posts
Like the OP I recently started playing my Druid, only up to around 16 or so. Plus or minus. And I appreciate the advice I have read here as well, it gives me a better idea for how to tank.

My question is: Priorities.

I've played a Warlock up to mid-forties, and still play him, and as he's Affliction he's more DoT than Tank like my Feral Druid is. Utterly different priorities, obviously. My 'lock I DOT, DOT, DOT... wait. In Instances anyway. Fear BAD.

My Druid, if I have successfully pulled three mobs with Swipe spamming, and say our Healer drops a spell that somehow or other draws one of said mobs - or a fourth one - and the healer is attacked, is it my duty as the tank to break off and try to draw that mob back or should one of the DPSer's be doing that?

I know when I play my Warlock if I see our healer being attacked I'll drop something high aggro to draw the mob from the healer to me, as swith the various life draining spells I can hold my own long enough for a tank or higher DPS'er to come rescue me... but I am curious, what is the normal 'etiquette' for tanking? Focus on the most, or bail the healer?
#11 Jul 25 2007 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
538 posts

I think the etiquette is to go and help the healer. Because he's the only one who is keeping the party alive most of the time.

Usually if a dps pulls aggro it's because they've been doing something wrong (assuming you are marking pulls, etc.) If the healer pulls aggro he was probably trying to heal you and then it's your duty to help him. Remember that it's pretty hard for a healer to heal if a mob is beating on him.

As a tank I prefer if dps classes stick to a) the mob they are supposed to CC and b) the kill order. If they follow the kill order and watch their threat meter they should never pull aggro. Then I can focus on my own rotation, and I don't have to compete with anybody on loose mobs.

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 6:15pm by anathor
#12 Jul 25 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
755 posts
Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Keeep the healer alive. Final question then: What _is_ a good threat meter so I can keep an eye on my aggro versus the rest of the party?
#13 Jul 25 2007 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
817 posts
Anathor wrote:
I think the etiquette is to go and help the healer. Because he's the only one who is keeping the party alive most of the time.

Just reiterating this, in my opinion this is beyond etiquette and into the realm of mandatory dungeon fundamentals. As a tank I actually think of protecting healers as my highest priority in the universe of things related to drawing all enemy damage onto my own furry ***** DPSers have their drawing-of-aggro fates in their hands, but my healers generates threat every time they boost my little green bar which is something I value very very much. I cherish them like delicate flowers. (Pallies being less delicate in their plate armor of course, lol) I pull mobs off of DPSers that draw aggro too, but healers...I swear I get a rush every time I pull a mob off a healer.

vyodar wrote:
What _is_ a good threat meter so I can keep an eye on my aggro versus the rest of the party?


Edited, Jul 25th 2007 5:25pm by JeeBar

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 5:26pm by JeeBar
#14 Jul 25 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
443 posts
Final question then: What _is_ a good threat meter so I can keep an eye on my aggro versus the rest of the party?

I like Omen and Threat-1.0 over KTM. But its still a beta so it has a few bugs here and there.

Also as a warning, you won't see any of your party members on the threat meters if they don't have one installed.
#15 Jul 25 2007 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
Something everyone should keep in mind :-

If the tank dies it is the healers fault.
If the healer dies it is the tanks fault.
If anyone else dies it is their own fault.

There are always exceptions, but it gives you a basis on how things should work. The tank needs enough agro not to stay above the DPS, but to stay above the healer in threat. The healers job is to keep the tank up (and themselves) and lastly to heal DPS if able. DPS job is to kill the mob without pulling agro.
#16 Jul 26 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
If the tank dies it is the healers fault.
If the healer dies it is the tanks fault.
If anyone else dies it is their own fault.

QTF. So true, yet so hard to apply in a PuG. -_-

As a healer myself, I find many DPSers who just don't know when to Feign Death/Vanish/stop f'ing casting. I do my best to heal them all cause I've had many experiences of "Omg you n00b healer" after I let them die. I don't mind that so much cause I just ignore them (and luckily the rest of the group usually agrees) but sometimes they also leave and so we have to find replacement and my server has a rather low population so it's not always easy.

But yeah, ranting aside, one of the best thing to do is remind DPS to use their abilities to lower threat as needed.
#17 Jul 26 2007 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
Another problem with your original group: GTFO WC before 18.

People try to stretch instances to lower and lower level ranges, and wonder why they fail miserably...there's a reason raid bosses are only three (3! That's it!) levels above you, any more and you just can't handle the penalties to the combat formulas.

btw, our Bear Form has the same base threat modifier that Warrior's Defensive Stance does: 1.3x. Feral Instinct sends that up to 1.35/1.4/1.45x. Defiance does the same for Defensive Stance, though Warrior gets an edge in that it shoots it up to 1.495x for 3/3 on the talent.
#18 Jul 26 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
755 posts
Thanks for the tip(s). Like I said my other toon is a DPSer, Affliction Warlock, and that is an entirely different game from playing a tank or healer. Granted as Afflic I _can_ tank, but with my Druid my role in parties at my level (low) seems to be either Tank or Healer. This thread has, fortunately, given me tips for playing both.

Heal the tank.
Save the healer.
If you are DPS and draw aggro away from my tank, that's your problem. I can and will _try_ to get aggro back, but if I fail - I do apologize for the inconvieniance.

I am going to try out those different threat meters. Last night I put on X-Frames, CTMod and Outfitter. All three I <3. A good threat meter will be an added bonus. And if they show threat for the entire party so much the better, since then I can use it with my Warlock also to make sure I don't outaggro the tank. Which is always a risk with high DOT if you're running with a lower level tank.

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