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Gear List: lvl 70 and Kara gear check.Follow

#27 Jul 11 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Imo the aldor weap is too hard to get. It is worth to have a slow weapon to switch to for DPS though, since the increased dmg to Devastate.

Imo the instance drops are the easiest things to get (after perhaps Q's) and the exalted rep rewards the hardest. I'd suggest you gear up your tanking gear by doing the instances to get the closest to top knotch gear as possible. That includes heroix. I'd actually run Heroic SH for the fist, just coz it's awesome for Devastate spamming (I know it's PPM, but hello hasteland).

Also note that items with sockets have a really great ability to become better than items with higher item lvl, but no sockets. In heroics you'll get epic gem drops, and some of them are rather sexy!

It would be very hard to find a relevant quest item for each slot. But if you've got suggestions to things that should be on my list then feel free to add them!

What I did when I made this list was to browse WoWHead and apply a filter. After that my common sense and Utar's idiotic halucinations determined which rank the item got. We were most of the time agreeing on what got 1st, 2nd and 3rd however, so I didn't have to let him down too many times ;D
#28 Jul 11 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
I'd grind aldor rep anyways as they have some very nifty things aside from vindicator's brand, which is nice in itself.

The tanking chest piece, the inscriptions, and the blacksmithing patterns all come to mind. Might be forgetting something though.

Not like it's hard to grind that rep anyways. Wrathstalkers at legion hold in SMV are made of paper and have a good drop rate for marks and armorments. Think it took me 2 weeks of one hour a day farming to get exalted. I of course did pretty much every quest though.
#29 Jul 11 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
Xordon wrote:
Imo the aldor weap is too hard to get. It is worth to have a slow weapon to switch to for DPS though, since the increased dmg to Devastate.

Imo the instance drops are the easiest things to get (after perhaps Q's) and the exalted rep rewards the hardest. I'd suggest you gear up your tanking gear by doing the instances to get the closest to top knotch gear as possible. That includes heroics. I'd actually run Heroic SH for the fist, just coz because it's awesome for Devastate spamming (I know it's PPM, but hello hasteland).

Also note that items with sockets have a really great ability to become better than items with higher item level, but no sockets. In heroics you'll get epic gem drops, and some of them are rather sexy!

It would be very hard to find a relevant quest item for each slot. But if you've got suggestions to things that should be on my list then feel free to add them!

What I did when I made this list was to browse WoWHead and apply a filter. After that my common sense and Utar's idiotic hallucinations determined which rank the item got. We were most of the time agreeing on what got 1st, 2nd and 3rd however, so I didn't have to let him down too many times ;D

Too hard to get? It's a rep grind from items dropped that can be traded and drop off easy-to-kill mobs that are in abundant supply. It took me 3 days as a fresh 70 to hit exalted with Scryers. Just running Shadow Labyrinth to hit revered on one character I have picked up 100 marks and 10 armaments. That adds up to 6k rep. The low level marks are oh so easy to pick up as they drop from level 62 mobs as well.

I don't know how it works on your server but it is hard as hell to find a pick up group on mine that can actually finish Shattered Halls in normal mode. I'm in a casual guild which is why I'm leveling a 4th character to 70 as many in my guild don't have a heroic key, much less have all 5 which I would recommend before even attempting a heroic instance in the first place.
#30 Jul 11 2007 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
You're obviously lucky with drops then :P I rarely get an armament. Marks are easy to grind though. I guess I just don't have the patience.

As I said: IMO the aldor reps is hard to get. If you have no problem with it: Fine. It's cheap epix!

Also note that I have many rep requiring items in the list, so I do take into consideration those who rather take a quiet break grinding rather than INSTANZE.
#31 Jul 11 2007 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
I'll take an instance run every chance I can over solo farming.

Every time.

This won't always happen though and as I can't farm much for useful rep in BC solo with the exception of Scryer/Aldor. Also I can have all of the Aldor rep done on one of my other 70's before my warrior even hits 60.
#32 Jul 12 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
great post, although Id like to see a gear check for 70 PvP/Arena if you get the time
#33 Jul 12 2007 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Any chance you could add/compare Thrown items for the ranged slot so we could see how those compare to guns/bows? Would be nice to see how Felsteel Whisper Knives and the like rank.

Awesome list and very much appreciated!!
#34 Jul 13 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Excellent
May want to add the L70 PvP/Arena rewards in, period. I know that the throwing weapon from Arenas (f'example) is one of the better ones in the game for tanking and even DPS, and is pretty readily available... and the Season 2 Arena BP, if socketed with +STA (and you can hit the DEF cap elsewhere) compares favorably to even the breastplate off of Nightbane. On the whole, they're not very hard to farm (comparable to running instances, at least for the Honor rewards) and a very viable way to gear for PvE raids.
#35 Jul 13 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
I got this stickied! Big gz to me (and a small one to Utar...) ;D

Edit: Ah yes... the PvP rewards... Well, to be honest my first intention wasn't to include those. But I guess they have the same right to be on there as all the other gear... Oh well, back to the drawing board! You'll have to excuse me, though, since I've sent quite some time re-coloring the whole thing (I noticed the Blue color was hurting my eyes, and must've done so for you too. And while I was at it I changed the purple color too...) so I might not update it for a short period. I'll get back to it soon enough though! Rest assured :)

Edited, Jul 13th 2007 11:30pm by Xordon
#36 Jul 20 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Should I add the arena rewards too? =/ It's alot of work, but if you think it's necessary I will.
#37 Jul 20 2007 at 9:01 AM Rating: Excellent

You forgot Iceguard for Frost Resistance gear. Also consider looking up some of the old-world crafted stuff from Naxx or AQ40 - the Glacial Cloak is superb, and Gaea's Embrace for a NR cloak is pretty handy.

About the Arena rewards... meh. It's hard to do properly, since for 99% of the cases it's going to end up blowing away anything pre-Kara by a significant margin. The blue PvP rewards you probably should mention, though...

EDIT: Because I can count to one without bullets.

Edited, Jul 20th 2007 1:11pm by RPZip
#38 Jul 20 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,395 posts
I thought ice guard plans were raid drops... Also, the naxx and AQ stuff isn't pre-raid. New player won't have the rep, only those who had a warrior back when the cap was 60 will.'

I'll get on the blue PvP rewards asap though!
#39 Jul 20 2007 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Utarius wrote:
I thought ice guard plans were raid drops... Also, the naxx and AQ stuff isn't pre-raid. New player won't have the rep, only those who had a warrior back when the cap was 60 will.'

I'll get on the blue PvP rewards asap though!

That was me writing, didn't notice I was logged on Utar after this post, so I went and made another one /nub
#40 Jul 20 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Iceguard plans are sold by the Violet Eye rep vendor. And I didn't mean the old drops, I meant the crafted stuff... Glacial Cloak requires someone who's been to Naxx to make it, but once they have they just need the mats (which are fairly easy iirc). Gaea's Embrace requires Cenarion Circle rep. Not too common for people leveling tailors now, but a lot of people still have them from pre-TBC.
#41 Jul 20 2007 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Ah ok, so basicly everything you asked me to add was BoE crafted? And I'm still arguing with you?


Back to the drawing board :)
#42 Jul 23 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
What do you think about adding this as a 3rd option as a "Ranged" weapon for those who are not up to Heroics yet?

[Recoilless Rocket Ripper X-54] - The Steamvaults (Boss: Mekgineer Steamrigger)
#43 Jul 23 2007 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Ah yes. It's obviously good for TPS, and stam is encouraged with every tanking slot. Thing is, if you add that someone else will some and say "But this one's better than that (doesn't have to, just has to be his opinion. It could happend that it actually is better though)! Add that to the list!" or "This one is just as good! Why don't you add that?"

So the bottom line is I listed the only two weapons I could find that have pure tanking stats, or are upgradable to have so (+8 def rating in the socket, along with the bonus). The rest of the items out there are so similar, and I don't really want a ranged selection of 16 different weapons when that's the slot in your gear you should worry least about :)

Again, I'm not saying your wrong. I'm just explaining why I only have 2 choises there atm. Also trying to paint a picture of why I'd like to keep it that way :P
#44 Jul 23 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent

FYI - Typo in the resistance post.

Feet: [Warlord's Iron-Helm of Fire Protection] - BoE, World Drop.

Iron-Helm = "Sabatons"
#45 Jul 23 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Right you are. And several other misstakes like that. Edited it all now, so it should be correct :P Also added some of RP's stuff.
#46 Jul 25 2007 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
Xordon thanx for the comprehensive list of tanking gear it puts things in perspective for me and allows me to see where i'm @ ..

just a few questions ..

Is a Def. rating 515 over kill .. somewheres i heard that @ lvl 70 a tank like myself would want a Def. rating of 550 .. is this true .. or is it over kill??

also what is a good hit rating to have ??

My def. stats are as follows

Armor 13437
Def. 515
Dodge 19.14%
Parry 15.6%
Block 30.17%

Melee stats are as follows

Wep skill 355
Damage 178-261
Speed 1.60
Atk. Pwr. 736
Hit rating 29

Hp 11654(unbuffed)


Edited, Jul 25th 2007 7:14am by HardTekno
#47 Jul 25 2007 at 3:45 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
You're mixing up defense rating and defense skill. A defense skill of 550 is definatly overkill, since the stat's only optimal up to 490. Sure, it still goves you 0.04% aviodance and mitigation, but I suggest you go for pure avoidance ratings (dodge pref.) after your defense has hit 490.

I do have some good news for you though. You seem to be able to get 495 defense skill from gear only. This is extremly good, since you'll be able to drop 5/5 in anticipation and put those elsewhere. Now, your talent build is a little too much all-out-prot for my taste. You're neglecting most talents that give you TPS (not to mention not getting 1h spec. :o ).

This is a very viable tanking build once you've got > 490 defense skill from gear only. This is also directed more towards kara and not so much towards heroics and such. This might also not be an optimal build for the 25-mans post-kara.

For heroics something like this comes to mind. And for post-kara something like this.

That being said you are very well-geared. For the hit rating: It's recommended to have 3-5% hit when raiding. If you want the optimal number however, you'll be aiming at 8.6%. That's 136 hit rating. It shouldn't be very hard to get, but it will be at the expence of your other stats. These are the stats that should be the aim for any tank pre-kara :

- Minimum of 12k HP unbuffed. Preferably 14k selfbuffed.
- 490-500 defense skill.
- 30% avoidance (Parry + dodge).
- 12-13k armour unbuffed.

These are the stats that should be the aim for any tank post-kara:

- Minimum of 14k HP unbuffed. Preferably 16k selfbuffed.
- 490-500 defense skill (Still, even with 0/5 in anticipation your gear will probably push your defense to over 500. Don't worry though, it's not a BAD stat by any means, and shouldn't be avioded. Rather, you should just aim for other stats that serve your tanking better).
- +8.6% hit (136 hit rating).
- 40% avoidance (Parry + dodge).
- 14-15k armour unbuffed.

Hope it helps.

Edit: Oh look! A furry, bear-looking Furbolg!

Edited, Oct 29th 2007 12:46am by Xordon
#48 Jul 26 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Just took a quick look and you forgot felsteel whisper knives for dual wield dps ranged slot. Very nice and very cheap as well.
#49 Jul 26 2007 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
What are you using to rank these items?

It might have been mentioned and I'm just too tired to notice it as I'm looking at the screen, and if that is the case, I apologize.

The main thing I have a question on is that it seems that the rankings for all items are PRE socket (just like the ones on the official wow warrior forums, I think it would help a lot if you would put the total tank/dps points of the items after the item itself , and if they have gem slots, maybe put a number for pre-socketing, and the max number after socketing these gems?)

once again, sorry if this has been addressed already or if I'm just too blind to notice that they are in fact, post socket...

edit: this is what i mean

This is an older DW fury gear list

after the item, it shows how much the item is worth in *points* and if it has sockets, it has an additional number in parenthesis which show the max points that item can be worth. and even though this list is outdated, it's still very good to look at gear in general for aspiring DW'ing warriors.

Edited, Jul 26th 2007 11:29pm by russki

edit #2:

For DW'ing, I have another question, 99% of people who go full DW fury to do dps in instances don't get hit, and thusly I must ask why you are not adding leather gear to your guide, as many, MANY leather pieces are vastly superior to dw'ing as most of them add hit, such as which are widely regarded as def. the top 2, if not the best straight dps pants available for fury warriors before kara.

Edited, Jul 26th 2007 11:36pm by russki

Edited, Jul 26th 2007 11:40pm by russki
#50 Jul 27 2007 at 3:39 AM Rating: Excellent
433 posts
Jim: I'll try to add more items (including PvP rewards) asap. Just havn't got the time recently.

Russ: I list the items based on what I think is best. I don't use tank points, since I might not agree with it. As for sockets: If an item is socketable I'll put uncommon gems in it and if it's better than an unsocketable item I'll put it above it on the list. Ofc many socketable items have to upper hand since you can put epic gems in them and make them better than pretty much everything pre-kara, but I don't think that's a fair comparison. Now, I might have missed something, so if you've got and example for me I'll try to justify my desition.

Also, why I'm not advising leather: Firstly I don't want people using this thread as justification of needing a leather epic over a rogue. Secondly, the only leather I really do advise is 2/5 of the Wastewalker (Including the chest and putting 3x +hit gems in it) set. And again, that's not needing over a rogue.

Now, imo assuming you're not gonna get hit as a fury warrior is wrong. Most people take great pride in being "rogues in plate" (god I hate that expression...), so wearing leather and making you no more ressistant vs. physical than actual rogues makes me question our role.
#51 Jul 27 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
I wouldn't look down on a warrior for wearing leather in a dps set. Hell I had a couple of leather pieces pre-BC in my dps set. Eye patch from blackhand rings a bell.

If a raid boss smacks you that dps plate your wearing might as well be leather. Your still going to be a greasy spot on the floor. On the non-elite trash in kara it makes a difference but that is a very uncommon situation.

But the fact remains that there is so much better itemization in TBC. DPS plate is pretty common, not as common as tank plate, but you get the idea.

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