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#52 Jul 14 2007 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
In no particular order:

Azuarc wrote:
Entrapment: (B) As with most of the early survival talents, this one is very much about choice. Entrapment is helpful if you use Frost, Immolation or Explosive traps.
Add Snake Trap. Added to the tooltip in Patch 2.1.0.
Mulgrin wrote:
Ok, I have to tame my pets, how do I actually do it?

To tame a pet you first have to find one you like. Go out into the wild, and find a creature that is a "beast", no bigger than a bear, and not above your level, and click "Tame Beast". Your character will stand still while a bar goes by and the beast will run up and start beating you. This represents the creature's resistance to your efforts to tame it.

If you manage to withstand the attacks for 20 seconds without being interrupted, you will tame your target and he will stop attacking you.

You can NOT take any other action while taming or it will fail. Nobody else can interfere by healing you or tanking the beast. You must simply weather the attacks, but there's nothing keeping you from trying to not get hit.
Is this accurate? It's been a long time passed since 10th level and I soloed the quests, but I have has assistance taming Beasts many times since then. Is this a special restriction of the quest?

#53 Jul 14 2007 at 9:00 PM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
It certainly used to be that way. Maybe it has changed and I've never noticed. I've tamed everything solo for a long long time other than my Sethekk Halls bird.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#54 Jul 14 2007 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Another thing which could be added to the "Below level 20:" portion of the Pet taming guide. I've used both Really Sticky Glue and Slumber Sand to assist in taming at low levels. The quests for both of these items is available under 10th level. Really Sticky Glue lasts up to 10 seconds, Slumber Sand up to 20 seconds.
#55 Jul 15 2007 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
Kompera wrote:
Is this accurate? It's been a long time passed since 10th level and I soloed the quests, but I have has assistance taming Beasts many times since then. Is this a special restriction of the quest?

Assistance is vague... it seems to be based on aggro.

If any player gets above you in aggro, the tame fails. So in a normal situation where you start off with just Conc and Tame, any action from another player (heal, PW: Shield, sleep, attack, etc) after you start will cancel the tame.

If you do damage to the beast before beginning to tame it, you have a little more leeway on aggro, but it doesn't really speed things up. Just something to remember if you really can't finish the tame without a heal.

Edit: I agree with Az that we really don't need a "Below level 20:" taming section.

Edited, Jul 15th 2007 6:37am by Sayis
#56 Jul 20 2007 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
1st: Bump. Don't let the efforts die *g*

2nd: Sorry for the late updates, was a little busy the last days.

3rd: current status...

Added snake trap; taming is indeed depending on aggro. You can get help, but as soon as you loose aggro, taming breaks. So best advice is to do it alone, it is very much manageable. I also will not include those really sticky glue and slumber sand. I believe we can manage without that and it makes things a little complicated.

@Azuarc: Have adressed your concerns and edited the posts. Also included your MM and SV talent description. Thanks again for the input.

Updated the 2nd and 3rd post, so everything until here is included (or I have forgot it *g*).

#57 Jul 22 2007 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
Bumpage for great justice!
Seriously though, thread of win here. Let's have it stay on the first page, mkay?
#58 Jul 22 2007 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Mulgrin wrote:
taming is indeed depending on aggro. You can get help, but as soon as you loose aggro, taming breaks. So best advice is to do it alone, it is very much manageable.
Interesting. I'm not sure I believe that this is accurate, as when I tried to tame Trachela I failed twice. Trachela is immune to Freezing Trap and Scare Beast, and may have a knockdown attack that breaks the Taming channel, but I'm not positive on that last. But I succeeded with a fellow Hunter holding aggro with his Pet. Or at least that's my memory of it. My Hunter guildy was there assisting me, and my memory says that his Pet had the aggro while I tamed, but I was more interested in taming Trachela and wasn't caring so much about who had aggro as long as I was successful.

I'll try another tame or two to be sure I've got the facts straight.
#59 Jul 22 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Most of this is just opinionated ramblings, but I figured I'd put in two bits for the sake of actually correcting an error or two amongst the ramble.

What is a Hunter's Job in Raids?
Are there any pets that are better for Raiding than others?
Does the level of food I feed my pet really matter? (My gorilla wont eat anything under 60 anymore, but I can feed my lvl 20 cat lvl 55 food. Wtf?)
Does diffrent types of food I feed my pet really change their stats?


Note about Pulling;

I dont normally have a lot of issues with how other hunters pull, but I've noticed in the process of leveling that very few hutners really seem to know how to pull a mage target when silence shot is on cooldown, or the ranged targets (like the rifelmen in durnhold for example). Out of roughly 14 hunters in my guild at the moment, I get picked msot for parties due to the fact that when I have to deal with a ranged mob, I dont stop at the party, turn around and shoot, but run PAST the party so I can deposit the mob right in the middle of a few peopel with impliments of doom. I've seen a lot of parties wipe because warrior, rogue, hunters and mages dont pull the mbos back far enough and the ranged mob aggros a patrol or something else and everybody dies.

Bit of a rant, I guess, its been bugging me a lot lately.

Question; Why do people say Hunters suck?
Answer; They probably havnt met a good one.

Feign Death needs to be updated; it was patched and doesnt kill you anymore.

My favorite pet is a gorilla, by the way. Mean little bugger for instances.

I like to link people to Petopia when they ask about where to find certian pets and let them 'shop' for the animal skins they want. It gives nice info on where the animals can be found, as well as their diets and learnable skills and basic stat info.

"Why am I limited to four active abilities?"
Versatility and the chance to be diffrent, even slightly. Play Pokemon some time. Four is the magic number.

Snake Trap; USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION. Sure, it pops an awesome TEN snakes, all lvl 68 to do your bidding (which is about 12 damage per snake while they stack their poisons which start doing 500 damage every 2 seconds), but I've found drawbacks. Namely, if there's a target within range or in combat with someone else, party or not, they will immediatly go after or ranged poison spit anything nearby when their origional target has died. Additionally, an AoE spell or Thunderstomp will kill all of them immediatly, making them less useful in a PvP situation. As a final warning, for those Karazhan raiders, even one snake being active during the Shade of Aran battle can potentially wipe the raid group.

*Skips down a bit. Frowns*

Speaking as a Marksman hunter, I belive the ratings should be raised or lowered due to a few commentaries on each, as follows;
(I have three points in survival for the ranged bonus. Everything else is in MM.)

Concussive Shot is great for when a loose target is going after a caster. It gives them more time to get away and either use some form of crowd control (ice for mages, fear for locks and priests) or give the DPS that much longer to jog over and catch it. Improved concussive also interrupts spellcasts when it triggers. I find it to be excellent for helping my crowd control at all levels.

Dont actually find Hunters Mark useful for much else than pointing out a target to my parties on their minimaps. The bonuses are small enough that it doesnt make much diffrence usually. (But then, this was one of the talens I never maxxed out, so...)

Aimed Shot; Actually, I still use this on a pretty frequent basis, not so much for its damage (though its kinda sweet to pop out 3k every now and then), but for the three seconds I'm NOT using my shot rotation. It lets me toss up some big numbers and give everyone else in the party a few seconds to build up more threat (KTM threat meter has been facinating to watch at lvl 70). Its not as bad as a C- :p

Rapid Killing; I had this while I was grinding levels, but after a few days at 70, I respecced and put the points into something else. Typically it wears off at 70 before I can effectivly make use of the talent.

Improved Stings; I maxed it out as quickly as I could. Maybe it doesnt make a huge damage diffrence to some people, but keeping a sting on a target with a lot of HP and a lot of damage resistance (like mage bosses that like to sheild themselves and half melee damages), it can make all the diffrence sometimes. Mana drain is laughable in upper levels when your facing off with mages who have over 8000 MP (Or higher) and mobs with unlimited mana bars, but it sure as hell pisses off paladins (muahaha).

Trueshot Aura; No complaints on the commentary, more of a sidenote than anything else... It seems to make Rogues and Warriors all the more giddy when I have it on. I've actually had a few rogues get all sulky when I've forgotten to rebuff my aura after it wears. I think they're just addicted to AP :P

Edited, Jul 22nd 2007 3:42pm by TheLetterD
#60 Jul 22 2007 at 9:21 PM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
but I've noticed in the process of leveling that very few hutners really seem to know how to pull a mage target when silence shot is on cooldown

My silencing shot is permanently on cooldown. I think it'll be a long time before I spec marks again.

Feign Death needs to be updated; it was patched and doesnt kill you anymore.

News to me. Why does it still have a timer then?

My favorite pet is a gorilla, by the way. Mean little bugger for instances.

Is this based on any empirical evidence, or just your gut feelings? I don't think I've ever heard anyone actually recommend a gorilla to others before.

"Why am I limited to four active abilities?"
Versatility and the chance to be diffrent, even slightly. Play Pokemon some time. Four is the magic number.

The question was "Why am I *NOW* limited..." because we weren't always. You used to be able to train a cat with bite, claw, growl, cower, and dash. Versatility and variation are important, but this isn't Pokemon. There are only 6-7 possible choices. Some Pokemon can learn 30+ different skills, so in that game, it's a genuine balance factor.

Concussive Shot is ...

I almost never use Concussive Shot to begin with. Having a 20% chance to interrupt a spellcast as a desperation move isn't too likely to change that.

Dont actually find Hunters Mark useful for much else than pointing out a target to my parties on their minimaps. The bonuses are small enough that it doesnt make much diffrence usually. (But then, this was one of the talens I never maxxed out, so...)

It's more of a raid talent. In a solo or even group setting, it doesn't get a ton of benefit compared to Trueshot Aura.

Aimed Shot

What you say is true, and it is how I use it, but honestly I don't need to. And when I crit on an aimed, the 3 seconds I'm not shooting mean very little. The truth is, if it were a late talent, with no side benefit of taking it (like leading to Mortal Shots,) you probably wouldn't find it that essential.

Improved Stings

PvP talent.

Trueshot Aura; No complaints on the commentary, more of a sidenote than anything else... It seems to make Rogues and Warriors all the more giddy when I have it on. I've actually had a few rogues get all sulky when I've forgotten to rebuff my aura after it wears. I think they're just addicted to AP

Funny thing is those guys never seem to even notice Expose Weakness, though it's adding more AP when it's up.

Anyway, your points are well-taken. I'll let Mulgrin decide how he wants to handle them. Alternate viewpoints are always a good thing, especially when I just kinda threw up the marks and surv ratings based on my opinion alone.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#61 Jul 23 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
978 posts
Azuarc wrote:

Feign Death needs to be updated; it was patched and doesnt kill you anymore.

News to me. Why does it still have a timer then?

Notes from the patch it was changed are here:

You will no longer die when Feign Death is finished channeling.

Maybe once it's done channeling your character just stands back up? I have no idea, I've never tried letting the timer run out before. I'll try it when I log in today.

Edit: Yes, just tested and after the channeling ends your character just stands back up again.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2007 2:03pm by Khalane
#62 Jul 23 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Heh, I'm not blaming people for going BM, I've been getting around to leveling one on the side, but I'm just passionate about MM. I've been finding Silence shot useful for when Im dealing with a large group of mobs that have one or more healers in them. Silence the healer, pull the mob, kill the healer, deal with everything else quickly. I suppose ultimatly it matters more on who your partied with and how you use it more than anything else.

On the subject of FD, A friend of mine pointed something out to me thats been a dead giveaway in PvP and has been causing me more deaths than anything else apparrently. Bodies dont have buffs. Is there any way I could make a macro to turn off everything I'm buffed with when I use FD to make it more convincing?

Gorilla; I dont have any efidence, actually, I dotn have fancy numbers to show off to people describing why its better or worse than anyone eles pet, but I just got tired of using cats all the time and wanted to see what the other tameble pets had to offer. Ultimatly, despite being MM and with the new changes to Mend Pet, my gorilla frequently acts as an off tank to trash mobs and can buy the party extra time if someone slips up and the main tank dies. Thunderstomp is, honestly, not that great at breaking spells when its on a 60 second cooldown and spellcasters can just whip out whatever it was they were doing after the interrupt, but its a great way to grab a lot of threat quickly, especially when Im doing pet pulls and I need all the aggro on myself or the pet and/or tank to save the healers a little more time.

In the long run, Gorillas have high HP, high armor but low DPS as far as I can tell. Pretty good in my mind for instances and a little crowd control when in a tight spot, but the only PvP situation I've found he has a great impact in has been being stuck on defense at the bridge in AV. After one or two runs of my gorilla rushing through the offensive force in AV and doing his little AoE in the middle of a group of healers/mages, they tend to start focusing on killing the poor thing before me. Every other PvP situation he's little more than a visual distraction and nuisance.

I will say since about two patches ago, I went from being the only gorilla user to suddenly seeing a lot mroe of them from lvl 43 (when you can tame them in STV) and onwards. The only major complaint and drawback I find with the gorilla is there's no Rank 4 of thudnerstomp. There arent any gorillas in Outlands at all, which I think is a shame considering all the other animals they've got grouped up in Netherstorm. *Shrug*

Four Active Abilities;
Okay, so I didnt play long enough to know about the 6-7 skills, but I still belive its part of the 'balence' thing. I think ultimatly I'd have to find out about how often Cower is used on peoples pets these days to really try and make an informed response, as when I picked up the game it was being downplayed as a useless skill and a waste of space. On the other hand, it could be an attempt to keep pets from getting too overpowered and letting hunters have the game engine do all the work for them (Like a friend of mine who used to sit there and cap all the WSG charts every game by placing a bright pink forest stalker in the tunnle and let it solo people while he sat there and read a book, shadowmelded in a bush).

Improved Stings;
Yes, I'm going to touch on this again. Mostly because outside of keeping a rogue from cloaking again, I dont find stings useful in PvP at all. It was a nice effect in the lower level battlegrounds and when I was getting ambushed by equal levels in, say ashenvale (rare, its mostly 65+ attacking the towns these days), but when your facing off with a player that actually knows what he's doing, stings really arent going to be much more than a waste of time and cooldown that could be used for something else.

Further perspective; The only mobs I've found that consistantly resist my poison shots are elementals. Very few bosses have resisted my stings, and they're nice counters for the bosses that like to HoT themselves during fights or are immune to my stuns and silence attempts. The only drawback is a hunter whos using the sting on trash mobs has to be aware that you cant put a poisoned mob in an ice cube or the damage will let it break free immediatly.

Ultimatly its still going to be just a matter of personal opinion, but I have a beleif that if it was completely useless, it woudlnt be in the talent tree at all.

Raid Hunter;
Actually, I'd like to know more about this. I need to spend more time looking through the forums but so far it mostly seems to be personal experinces and viewpoints in the normal instance/BG/farming discussions. I've been running my guild and a few other guilds through ZG for the sake of practicing teamwork and support so we have a better idea how to work together and respond to eachothers needs when we get into Kara and beyond, so I have had my hands full with being the raid Leader rather than just another hunter.

Do other hunters get stuck with the old 'point and shoot' routine? How effective is trapping crowd control in the BC raids? Why are Crosolisks banned from so many raid groups? Do other raid members even pay attention when Im talking about what Im tracking on the radar?

I suppose Im going to be stuck on trial and error for these questions in the long run. I like to think of MM hunter as a scalpel, cutting away at the offenses weak points more than anything else.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2007 1:59pm by TheLetterD
#63 Jul 25 2007 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
A two long posts, so it'l be kind of a long reply *g*.

TheLetterD wrote:
The pull rant

Yes, many players cannot pull and have no concept of LOS pulling, but that is a thing that one has to learn himself, no use to describe this in detail.
Good pulling comes with experience. It should be enough to just say what it is and how it is done on an easy level. The nifty details come with experience.

TheLetterD, Khalane wrote:
Feign Death needs to be updated; it was patched and doesnt kill you anymore.

I'll fix that. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

TheLetterD wrote:
Snake trap stuff

Added a sentence for PvP and a little warning for PvE content. The special example about Arran I've not included. This is a bit to special for a simple trap presentation and pets at Arran have been bugged and fixed several times. So this may not even be the case anymore (furthermore traps are not very useful in that encounter).

As for the MM talent rating.
Improved concussive: I go with Az there. It is much to unreliable to cancel casts. It is ok for kiting/pvp but the proc is not that great to warrant a good grade, there are much better talents out there.

Improved hunters mark. (Nearly) useless for solo PvE; helpful for groups, good to have in raids. It adds a flat 100 AP to your pet, your tank, and every melee DD attacking that mob. So its a 100 AP increase in solo PvE; a 200-300 AP increase in group PvE and a >500AP increase in raids.
Since it always helps I'd rate it better than improved concussive, which is to say the least, highly situationally. Also it is overall less usefull than efficiency, so a rating in between is ok.

Aimed shot: Useless for raids and groups (except when Misdirection is up to start a pull on non-moving mobs); little usage in Solo PvE and PvP (shot that trapped guy), however only nice in 1on1 pvp.
Not essential, and very situational. So basically a C grade. When comparing it to other C- talents like improved stings or improved concussive, I feel like aimed is a little better and so I give it a flat C.

Improved stings. The C- is ok, even think about giving it a plain D. It is not useful at all. Stings on targets make CC impossible, so in PvP it gets complicated. I'd use it only for draining mana or to make other waste their GCDs on decursing. And you don't "need" improved stings for that.
For pure damage it is a waste. Even an improved stings does next to no damage. You loose a GCD while firing it. If you would use that GCD for any other shot you would probably do more damage. Useless talent ==> grade D, since Az sees it as C- and you see it as better than that, I'll stick in the middle and let it remain at C- *g*.

True shot aura. Once the only group buff a hunter could give. Currently it is the worst group buff of those three talent trees, but still rather ok. So A- is ok for that skill. On that thought however I increased the grade of expose weakness from A to A+. I do not see why this talent should be rated worth than the BM Ferocious Inspiration.
Whilst Ferocious Inspiration adds a flat 3% to all players in your group (and thus also affects mages, warlocks, ...) Expose Weakness is a raid wide buff.

To keep this post somewhat readable, I'll answer the next post of TheLetterD in an extra post.
#64 Jul 25 2007 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
TheLetterD wrote:
On the subject of FD, A friend of mine pointed something out to me thats been a dead giveaway in PvP and has been causing me more deaths than anything else apparrently. Bodies dont have buffs. Is there any way I could make a macro to turn off everything I'm buffed with when I use FD to make it more convincing?

FD will not trick most players in PvP.
It is not only buffs. You cannot target an already dead player as far as I know. At least when trying to attack a dead player, I get the message "Target is dead" or something like that. On a feigned hunter I simply shot arrows, so that won't work very well *g*.

TheLetterD wrote:
Gorilla; I dont have any efidence, actually, I dotn have fancy numbers to show off to people describing why its better or worse than anyone eles pet, but I just got tired of using cats all the time and wanted to see what the other tameble pets had to offer. Ultimatly, despite being MM and with the new changes to Mend Pet, my gorilla frequently acts as an off tank to trash mobs and can buy the party extra time if someone slips up and the main tank dies. Thunderstomp is, honestly, not that great at breaking spells when its on a 60 second cooldown and spellcasters can just whip out whatever it was they were doing after the interrupt, but its a great way to grab a lot of threat quickly, especially when Im doing pet pulls and I need all the aggro on myself or the pet and/or tank to save the healers a little more time.

In the long run, Gorillas have high HP, high armor but low DPS as far as I can tell. Pretty good in my mind for instances and a little crowd control when in a tight spot, but the only PvP situation I've found he has a great impact in has been being stuck on defense at the bridge in AV. After one or two runs of my gorilla rushing through the offensive force in AV and doing his little AoE in the middle of a group of healers/mages, they tend to start focusing on killing the poor thing before me. Every other PvP situation he's little more than a visual distraction and nuisance.

I will say since about two patches ago, I went from being the only gorilla user to suddenly seeing a lot mroe of them from lvl 43 (when you can tame them in STV) and onwards. The only major complaint and drawback I find with the gorilla is there's no Rank 4 of thudnerstomp. There arent any gorillas in Outlands at all, which I think is a shame considering all the other animals they've got grouped up in Netherstorm. *Shrug*

Never tried a Gorilla. However they are interesting looking pets and few hunters have one. That might be the reason why so many have one.
As for DPS pets, scorpids are currently highest dps pet due to the extremely good scaling of scorpid poison.
There are other pets doing good dps. Those are mainly wind serpents, ravagers and cats.
But as long as you do not try to max your dps to the last point of damage all pets will do fine.

TheLetterD wrote:
Four Active Abilities;
Okay, so I didnt play long enough to know about the 6-7 skills, but I still belive its part of the 'balence' thing. I think ultimatly I'd have to find out about how often Cower is used on peoples pets these days to really try and make an informed response, as when I picked up the game it was being downplayed as a useless skill and a waste of space. On the other hand, it could be an attempt to keep pets from getting too overpowered and letting hunters have the game engine do all the work for them (Like a friend of mine who used to sit there and cap all the WSG charts every game by placing a bright pink forest stalker in the tunnle and let it solo people while he sat there and read a book, shadowmelded in a bush).

Must have been really bad players who loose against a pet. However one never would top the charts by using only his pet and doing nothing else.

TheLetterD wrote:
Improved Stings;
Yes, I'm going to touch on this again. Mostly because outside of keeping a rogue from cloaking again, I dont find stings useful in PvP at all. It was a nice effect in the lower level battlegrounds and when I was getting ambushed by equal levels in, say ashenvale (rare, its mostly 65+ attacking the towns these days), but when your facing off with a player that actually knows what he's doing, stings really arent going to be much more than a waste of time and cooldown that could be used for something else.

Further perspective; The only mobs I've found that consistantly resist my poison shots are elementals. Very few bosses have resisted my stings, and they're nice counters for the bosses that like to HoT themselves during fights or are immune to my stuns and silence attempts. The only drawback is a hunter whos using the sting on trash mobs has to be aware that you cant put a poisoned mob in an ice cube or the damage will let it break free immediatly.

1) Elementals usually are immune against poisons. So your serpent sting will have no effect.
2) In PvP stings are sometimes useful, but not essential, and they can mess up crowd control (like mage trying to sheep a stinged mob)
3) To counter a hot on a boss, you (or your group) either silence/stun the mob beforehand, or you just do damage to him. You do not have to match a hot with a dot. You can simply cover the hot with damage *g*.

TheLetterD wrote:
Ultimatly its still going to be just a matter of personal opinion, but I have a beleif that if it was completely useless, it woudlnt be in the talent tree at all.

Umm, improved stings actually is completely useless. It is not the only example of a useless talent however. Go and visit the priest forums and ask them about useless talents. I'm sure every class has some utter crap talents.
Hunters have improved aspect of the monkey which is next to useless. We also have improved stings...

TheLetterD wrote:
Raid Hunter;
Actually, I'd like to know more about this. I need to spend more time looking through the forums but so far it mostly seems to be personal experinces and viewpoints in the normal instance/BG/farming discussions. I've been running my guild and a few other guilds through ZG for the sake of practicing teamwork and support so we have a better idea how to work together and respond to eachothers needs when we get into Kara and beyond, so I have had my hands full with being the raid Leader rather than just another hunter.

Doing raids is a rather great experience (I really enjoy it). If you look around here you will find quite many like raiding and share with some of their experiences.

TheLetterD wrote:
Do other hunters get stuck with the old 'point and shoot' routine? How effective is trapping crowd control in the BC raids? Why are Crosolisks banned from so many raid groups? Do other raid members even pay attention when Im talking about what Im tracking on the radar?

Crowd control is not an essential for hunters. On some encounters you may do it, but mostly there are other means of crowd control available, and to be honest, crowd control is not that essential for the early raid instances (and unfortunately I do know next to nothing about the higher raid instances).
And no, most players do not want to hear about what you track.
Normally you move from group to group and fight in "secure" areas where you will not draw extra groups into the fight (as that is almost always a wipe). In tight areas, someone coordinates when the group moves, in other situations there is someone responsible for pulling. That one announces incomming groups and stuff, but there is no need to inform the whole raid about roaming mobs.

TheLetterD wrote:
I suppose Im going to be stuck on trial and error for these questions in the long run. I like to think of MM hunter as a scalpel, cutting away at the offenses weak points more than anything else.

I generally view hunters as a great DD class with a lot of potential for kiting/crowd control and other supporting abilities.
In raids they are a deadly DD who can sustain there damage a very long time. Not the top notch dps, but still they have the best abilities to control hate and thus can be excellent in hate sensitive fights.
#65 Jul 25 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
To cover the last few questions of the talents section:

New Sticky wrote:

You said you were gonna talk about Aimed Shot...?

Here’s everything you need to know about Aimed Shot.
-It was key to every shot rotation before Burning Crusade. Now it is not used very often (and never in a shot rotation).
-I mention aimed shot here, because it was once one of the hunter's most important abilities and to optimize damage output shot rotations where build around that ability. Currently aimed shot does reduce the damage output of a hunter when used in a rotation. The reason for this is steady shot which is now woven in between autoshots. So if anyone out there is using aimed shot in there normal damage rotations, please stop it *g*.
-It is the hunter’s strongest single attack, and an aimed crit can be fairly spectacular. If any other class tries to use a >3k aimed crit as the basis of why hunters are overpowered, kindly remind them that this requires a crit, requires the hunter to stand still looking stupid and hope the target stays outside their minimum range in that time, and that a mage can pyroblast or a warlock can shadow bolt for at least as much.
-Starting a battle with Aimed Shot can put a big hole in the opponent. However since it does reset the auto shot timer, it not that much burst damage for PvP as it once has been. However if you fight a single opponent and have him entrapped / in a freeze trap, an aimed shot is can really hurt.

What are some good talent builds?

Note that the order of our trees is Beast Mastery / Marksmanship / Survival.
Common builds include:

41/20/0: Maximum damage. Currently the best build for a raider who is purely looking for dps.

5/20/36: Very high damage, with more utility. Another very good build for a raider. Expose weakness adds a really amazing raid wide buff to all melee classes (including hunters). Since expose weakness does not stack (only the strongest debuff will be up on the mob) you usually do not want more than one survival hunter in your raid.

5/43/13: "The marksman". A common build for everyone who really likes to be a marksman. Rather good damage, some nice utility from surival. Focused a tad more on groups than raids.

41/0/20 Solo PvE. Makes your pet a great tank and gives the hunter nice crowd control.

0/20/41 Survival. This for those really in love with readiness. A very high damage build, but it takes master tactician instead of improved aspect of the hawk to get the 41 point survival talent readiness.

When you spend your points while leveling you usually want to max out your main tree first and after that fill the remaining points in your second tree. That is because talents usually get better the deeper they are in the tree.

Also, keep in mind that very close variations of these trees are not uncommon. Some want to have improved hunters mark (at least one per raid group will spec this), other always have a shadow priest in their group and thus do not need efficiency.

What build should I use while leveling?

I dunno. Just pick something and stick to it. If you really want to focus on efficiency, go straight up the Beast Mastery tree to Bestial Wrath. Having Intimidate at 30 and Bestial Wrath at 40 is a huge benefit in that level range, and your pet will require less maintenance as well. Furthermore BM remains a strong tree after bestial wrath as serpent swiftness is another great damage boost.

Does Humanoid Slaying work in PvP?

#66 Jul 25 2007 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
I'll be happy to announce that the 1st step of updating the sticky has been done.

All parts of the old sticky have been reviewed and updated.
You can view the results in the first four posts of this thread.

So please review the whole thing (or any part you are interested in) and check if for errors.

I'll do my best to remove those errors from the texts.

In the next step I want to rearrange some questions and want to add some sort of table of contents with links to the different parts.

After that I'll repost the whole thing in the new format. If you all like it, we can then make it our new sticky.

So please review and give me your feedback.

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 3:34pm by Mulgrin
#67 Jul 27 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Regarding your talent builds, I'd rather use a 0/21/40 than a 5/20/36. Improved Hawk is nice, but not worth losing Scatter Shot, Wyvern Sting, Resourcefulness, and possibly Counterattack. My actual build is a 21/40, although I have the points in slightly different places. OTOH, I guess you could argue 5/20/36 is more different from the 20/41 you already have included, but many hunters consider Scatter Shot an essential talent, so something non-marks-centric with 21 in marks is probably a good idea.

The builds I think should be there, in general, are:

41/20/0 (duh)
5/43/13 (or some variation. I like 7/41/13.)

I'd say those three are the baseline builds for each tree. After that, you can get into some variations like 0/31/30, and a very deep BM and surv build. (Silly people with 50+ in marks.)

I have to unfortunately assert that a BM/surv or surv/BM build is not exactly good advice for others. I'm aware a few people (read: Sayis) use such a build, but it's a bit more abnormal and doesn't serve the same sorts of purposes most people are going to look to the guide for for help. Would you suggest a 21/21/19 build? Probably not. Even though it has some good talents, there's just no cohesion.

I'm really just rambling, so take from this what you will.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#68 Jul 27 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
Azuarc wrote:
I have to unfortunately assert that a BM/surv or surv/BM build is not exactly good advice for others. I'm aware a few people (read: Sayis) use such a build, but it's a bit more abnormal and doesn't serve the same sorts of purposes most people are going to look to the guide for for help. Would you suggest a 21/21/19 build? Probably not. Even though it has some good talents, there's just no cohesion.

That would depend on what sort of purpose most people are going to look to the guide for, wouldn't it? Since we can't assume that "EVERY QUESTION" asked is going to be, "What build gives me the most raw DPS?" you shouldn't dismiss these alternates builds right off the bat.

I'll admit that the BM/SV build isn't the 100% focus on DPS that many people can't see past, but it still provides very significant DPS and a wider utility in both solo and grouping. In other words, it's still very effective without becoming a monotonous shot cycle. It's actually an all-around effective build, good at solo, grouping, PvP, and dueling. Cohesion is far from an issue in such a build, since the talents actually sync quite well with one another.
#69 Jul 27 2007 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
I have to agree with Sayis here. A BM/Surv or Surv/BM build has just as much merit as other builds. Why? Because they serve their purpose. A BM/Surv build would be the ultimate survival Hunter ever created, and almost impossible to kill off in PvE. At 70, I have now respecced so many times I have now hit the 50g limit. I have tried all builds. And outside of the lvl 70 instances, and in some cases inside them, I preferred my BM/Surv.

I did more than enough damage. I had absolutely NO downtime ever unless I pulled so many mobs after another that I went out of mana. That alone would take me 20 minutes of continuous fighting and trapping. I had all the advantages of a Surv hunter when it came to utility in an instance, and added a fairly ferocious pet as both Offtank, DPS and Buffer. While still doing my fair share of DPS.

I agree that it may not be a raiding build. Most raids would require a more specialized build, with DPS as the goal. This comes mostly from a narrowminded view of the class by other classes, as well as too many twats within the class that only see the big numbers and Damage Meter positions. But that is still how it works today. If you want to raid, you have to max your damage.

Then a BM/Surv build may not be valid. But until raids, BM/Surv will actually be the BEST build for the kind of Hunter who does everything outside an instance solo.

I bloody hate it when people dismiss things because they aren't cookie cutter. Sheesh.
#70 Jul 29 2007 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I agree. I also play a BM/SV build. I thought it may be a little challenging but once I started it I realized it makes my life a whole lot easier.

I am not going the 41/0/20 but instead 45/0/16 or something like that. I find it more fun that my BM/MM build I was working with.

While I wouldn't recommend it to people who are mainstream "DPS" oriented only I would say this build does have its merit.

Just my 2 cents.
#71 Jul 29 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
I bloody hate it when people dismiss things because they aren't cookie cutter. Sheesh.

I find it amusing someone is directing that statement at me.

There's cookie cutter, there's alternative, and then there's...creative. If you can make a BM-SV spec work, in whatever variation, great. But I honestly don't see a whole lot of benefit, and I am usually very open-minded to trying different things. When hunters before BC were trying to make the "gunmage" character, specializing in +spell damage for Arcane Shot and Serpent Sting, I cheered them on.

However, there is a line to be drawn between telling them what can be, and what is recommended. I would never have recommended to a player coming here for advice to try to collect spell damage items from the hands of casters to make a gunmage build. It could be done, it could even be viable with the right level of determination, but it was really only for people who knew exactly what they wanted and were willing to make sacrifices for that.

An FAQ, by nature, can accede alternatives, but does need to cater overall to the mainstream. In a guide for beginners I wrote, explaining class roles, (mind you this was written in 2004,) I indicated that the best choice for group puller was the tank. I did mention the Zone of Perfect Safety article, or whatever it was called, but someone called me out and said "hey, hunters are the pullers." I had to explain to them that the player body generally feels that it's usually easier to just let the warrior pull and why, even though hunters do have good tools for pulling, and that I can't make a guide for brand new players that doesn't acknowledge the way players view the game. The person conceded the point.

Now, you're welcome to argue that BM-SV is a great build. I'm afraid I just don't see it, unless you're simply trying to make an undying hunter that picks up Improved Monkey and the 8 pet defensive talents, and then focuses on defensive skills to have ridiculous dodge rates. But for the amount of effort that has to be invested in such an endeavor, I just don't see the RoI.

By all means, play how you want to play. You know how it works for you, and that it's what you like. But I also played my hunter to about level 50 as a melee hunter because it was fun and interesting, and I knew the risks and potential stigma involved...and I'm certainly not about to try recommending that to others.

Edited, Jul 29th 2007 1:18pm by Azuarc
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#72 Jul 29 2007 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Azuarc wrote:
[snipped]An FAQ, by nature, can accede alternatives, but does need to cater overall to the mainstream.

Now, you're welcome to argue that BM-SV is a great build. I'm afraid I just don't see it, unless you're simply trying to make an undying hunter that picks up Improved Monkey and the 8 pet defensive talents, and then focuses on defensive skills to have ridiculous dodge rates. But for the amount of effort that has to be invested in such an endeavor, I just don't see the RoI.

The question here becomes "what is the mainstream?"

If raiding Hunters are the mainstream, then suggesting BM/mm builds has the most value. But a great majority of the player base will never see the inside of Gruul's lair. That's the point at which Hunter CC skills and Talents become less valuable, or even useless as the mobs are CC immune. Before then, working on Kara and 5 person Heroics, CC skills are not only desirable but I would argue that they are essential to the value a Hunter brings to such an Instance. And the "before then" play field is very broad and includes a very large amount of Hunters. This is the very definition of 'mainstream'.

With a 41/8/12 Talent build and 2 pieces of Beast Lord I am highly capable in the CC arena. And this is completely without IAotM or any other 'melee' Talent. I have items for both slots in which I wear Beast Lord pieces which are 'better' overall for my DPS, but the 2 piece set bonus is very valuable to me, and worth a little loss of DPS.

If I was only interested in bringing massive DPS to the table, I would respec to BM/mm, but right now my raid and Instance partners need my CC abilities, and so I remain at my current spec happily.
#73 Jul 30 2007 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks a lot for the discussion, it gives me some ideas of what is missing.

The builds I have posted are mainly DPS/Raiding builds. I believe most players will at least do Karazhan and thus need some DPS-heavy builds.

However not everyone is focussing on raids and I understand that.
Thats the main reason why I have included the Solo-PvE build (41/0/20). The build in itself has its merits, but is not very good for DPSing. Since you can get stronger traps and 3% hit it still might be a good build for a hunter who is somewhat undergeared and focuses more on playing solo and occasionally in groups. If you want to play beast master and still want to have stronger traps, you have to forego those 5% crit and 30% extra crit damage.

I think including the 0/21/40 build Azuarc mentioned is a good idea. On the 1st glance it sounds very close to the 0/20/41, however the points are spread rather different. Focus is a lot more on crowd control which makes it an excellent build for groups.

I also think it is valid to post several builds. It is not the 5/31/15 or 0/20/31 anymore. At the moment the trees are balanced quite good and a hunter has many good options of how to spend his talent points.

To make things a bit more readable I'll also group the builds a little. That is I will post three builds mainly for raids, two mainly for groups and 1 mainly for soloing (and if someone experienced with PvP wants to add some good builds, please post them here).

Edited, Jul 30th 2007 10:39am by Mulgrin
#74 Jul 30 2007 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
Azuarc wrote:
Now, you're welcome to argue that BM-SV is a great build. I'm afraid I just don't see it, unless you're simply trying to make an undying hunter that picks up Improved Monkey and the 8 pet defensive talents, and then focuses on defensive skills to have ridiculous dodge rates. But for the amount of effort that has to be invested in such an endeavor, I just don't see the RoI.

By all means, play how you want to play. You know how it works for you, and that it's what you like. But I also played my hunter to about level 50 as a melee hunter because it was fun and interesting, and I knew the risks and potential stigma involved...and I'm certainly not about to try recommending that to others.

To clarify: I didn't have a single point in the "omg mellei rox" talents that seem to come with half the Melee Hunter builds. Hawk Eye, Slaying, various Trap talents and Deterrence for those sticky spots.

The reason it should be considered a viable alternative for any level 70 is that it provides utility and safety. You will be an unstoppable trapper, and your pet will be nigh immortal. In instances you have all the dps tools of a Beastmaster, but you won't be doing quite as much as a BM/mm build. But you have utility to make up for it. You don't have quite as much utility as a pure Surv build. But you have all the lovely BM talents to make up for it.

It is a good build for those who aren't so damned focused on the Damage Meters. Hunters are so much more than DPS.

It should be mandatory for a Hunter to play with all variations of talents. Playing with a BM/Surv build will allow you to do so much NO OTHER BUILD can do. So go "mainstream" in this sticky if you want. But you are neglecting half the class if you don't see a BM/Surv build as viable.
#75 Jul 30 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Kompera wrote:
The question here becomes "what is the mainstream?"

If raiding Hunters are the mainstream, then suggesting BM/mm builds has the most value. But a great majority of the player base will never see the inside of Gruul's lair.

Mainstream, to me in this case, is players at level 70 who are doing things with other players rather than on perma-solo mode. When you are soloing you can pretty much do whatever you want.

With a 41/8/12 Talent build and 2 pieces of Beast Lord I am highly capable in the CC arena. And this is completely without IAotM or any other 'melee' Talent.

Just because 12 is greater than 8 doesn't make this a "BM-SV" build to me. I'd simply call it BM since there isn't a strong focus on either of the other two trees. Make it 41/5/15 and I'd give it to you.

The melee talents were more for what would make SV-BM useful, rather than BM-SV. I wasn't explicit in that, I realize.

NorthAI wrote:
The reason it should be considered a viable alternative for any level 70 is that it provides utility and safety. You will be an unstoppable trapper, and your pet will be nigh immortal.

I'm assuming you're going with a BM-dominant build here. An unstoppable trapper is one that goes 41+ in survival. Trap resist talents and reduced cooldown are vital, and Readiness for those "oops" moments. Even with 2/5 Beast Lord, you're looking at 26 freeze for 26 cooldown. Sure, you can say "but I won't die during the arming time"...and sometimes that's acceptable, but sometimes you need an answer, and Intimidate won't always be available.

It is a good build for those who aren't so damned focused on the Damage Meters. Hunters are so much more than DPS.

It should be mandatory for a Hunter to play with all variations of talents. Playing with a BM/Surv build will allow you to do so much NO OTHER BUILD can do. So go "mainstream" in this sticky if you want. But you are neglecting half the class if you don't see a BM/Surv build as viable.

I'm not BM spec. You can stop jabbing at me regarding damage meters. I find ways to maximize my DPS through gear and playstyle, not through talents alone. My character is more focused on support, whatwith 40 points in surv. But they do also need me to do *some* damage, which is why I need to put my other 20 into marks. Doing so allows me to forego wasting points on Master Tactician and get all of {Thrill of the Hunt, Expose Weakness, Resourcefulness, Wyvern Sting, Counterattack}. And I only have 2 points in slaying talents to reach the next yes, I'm well aware that the game is not damage uber alles. Stop attacking the person.

As for playing every variation of thanks. I'll pass on playing a 21/21/19, or a 0/0/61 (in whatever order). I have played with a focus on all three trees, albeit not at 70 with Beast Mastery. That's enough for me to be able to speak somewhat intelligently about each actual talent. However, overall I think it's more important to decide what is important to you as a player, and work toward that. People who decide one day "I'm not going to be a marksman any more; I'm going to take up Beast Mastery," and have a respec cost of 50 gold, are completely missing the point of the talent system and the ability to respec. It's a specialization, and someone coming to an FAQ asking about builds is either looking for very generalist advice on what they should specialize on, or they are looking for optimization and tweaking.

Neglecting half the class? Please. Now you're the one that is being over-important. You and your off-spec build certainly do not represent 50% of the hunter class, or even 5%.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#76 Jul 30 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I agree with North. Before I went BM/SV I didn't even consider SV a good match with BM. It seems to be neglected as far as viable in the mainstream.

I switched up to BM/SV and was suprized at how good it was. I don't pull mobs off my pet anymore, I still kill mobs almost as fast as I did before. I have the Imp traps, and to top all this off I survive a whole lot better than I did before, specially when entrapment Procs while I am trying to flee.

I am just trying to say that the people who are always trying to stay with the fad will never consider this even viable option unless it is put up as something that is.

Basically we should show it to them and let them know the ups and downs to it.

I may not make much sense but I know what I am trying to say =P

Please hear me out on this.

Also commenting about the people who want to be top of DPS meters... I am glad I don't usually group with those people. The ones I have grouped with always randomly pop their DPS Stats and I am like... STFU N00b. Wait till the end of the instance to show that crap.

The Hunters in the group that try to top mages and rogues don't seem to ever try to save the healer.

I changed someones views on hunters because I always kept my eye on her and laid traps next to her every time it was up and the other one was either used or timed out.

It's the little stuff that gets the apreciation from the healer that makes them want to group with ya, and I think the BM/SV brings that to a more firm stand.

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