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#27 Jul 11 2007 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Basically you are saying that if frenzy procs at the first hit of the fight and crits every 9 sec or so just to keep it up then this is the case? Sorry I am real rusty when it comes to math as I haven't done more than the common x+y+z=A math in the past 4 years. =(
#28 Jul 11 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Suggested Addenda to sticky


/cast Arcane Shot(Rank 1) 
/cast Hunter's Mark 

Pulling for Taming
/cast Concussive Shot 

#29 Jul 11 2007 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
Basically you are saying that if frenzy procs at the first hit of the fight and crits every 9 sec or so just to keep it up then this is the case? Sorry I am real rusty when it comes to math as I haven't done more than the common x+y+z=A math in the past 4 years. =(

Devilsaur Tooth ;)

A BM pet's attack speed is usually much faster than just 1.538, since there's also Cobra Reflexes and Serpent Swiftness. Even if you only received 5 attacks in 8 seconds, a level 70 BM pet should have ~20% crit. This doesn't account for instant attacks like Bite or Claw which can also Crit, thereby reproccing Frenzy.

Also, an added DPS benefit is that since Frenzy increases the number of attacks, it increases the number of possible crits, which increases the likelihood that Ferocious Inspiration will stay active.

The actual damage benefit should be 30% in practice, not just in theory, if not more due to FI.
#30 Jul 11 2007 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Oh I know about devilsaur tooth, I am just saying that the theory is that the first attack coming from your pet "can" crit so it will initiate is more of my question to the regarding.

My pet is at .99 when she procs frenzy. I just never had a chance to sit down and figure out how much benifit to her DPS she was actually getting.

And if Devilsaur Tooth is up before the fight that is the first thing I use. Hell if its up and I am not fighting I will use it even before I mount. If I am mounting though I also cast Intimidate before hopping on. Maybe BW, that way my pet is ready for anything that knocks me off my mount. =D

Edited, Jul 11th 2007 10:48am by HitashLevat
#31 Jul 11 2007 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Suggested Addendum

Taming HOWTO:

Below level 20:

1. Get to the edge of your taming range
2. Retreat back 2 more steps
3. Cast Concussive Shot
4. Start Taming

Above level 20:

1. Lay a Freezing Trap outside your future pet's aggro range
2. Wait 28 seconds
3. Retreat 2 steps
4. Pull with a single shot
5. This is important: make sure autoshot is off
6. Let your future pet hit your trap
7. Now immediately lay a second trap
8. Start taming

Note that this is a practical application of the Chain Trapping technique.

#32 Jul 12 2007 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
And what happens when you get more attacks in a shorter period of time..?

I'm trusting Az's judgment when he says 30% attack speed increase is ~30% damage increase.

Work = rate * time.

Without haste:

1 attack = R rate * T time.

With haste:

1 attack = 1.3*R rate * T/1.3 time.
1.3 attacks = 1.3*R rate * T time.

30% boost across the same span of time.

I'll try to look over the rest of this when I can, since it looks like there's a LOT to read over.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#33 Jul 12 2007 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Updated wrote:

What's the best pet?

This is always the first question out of anyone's mouth. Really, there is no best pet, and there's a lot more to know about pets than just "teh best".

If you're lazy and just want an answer, use a BOAR. This is not standard advice, but boars are good all-around pets, will eat anything, and can use every general skill except Claw.

What's your favorite pet?
What is your pet?

Please don't start another thread on this subject. Honestly, the "favorite pet" threads are getting old and everyone pretty much just the same thing every time. Expect a lot of "cat" answers, a couple "bears", and a few people who try to be original, plus the occasional "I don't like flying pets because they flap in my face," and "I don't like cats because everyone uses a cat."

And I use a cat. A random old generic cat.

How are pets different?

There are three ways pets can differ.

The first is diet. Most beasts eat meat, or meat and fish. Some eat other things. To check a pet's diet, use the Beast Lore ability on it, or if it's already your pet, mouse over the little happiness icon in your pet window.

The second way is abilities. Some pets start with abilities when they are tamed. In fact, this is the only way to learn pet abilities other than growl. Other pets are able to learn skills, but don't start with them. However, not every pet can use every skill. For instance, non-flying pets can't learn to Dive, and flying pets can't learn to Dash. There are now even some family-specific abilities, like Scorpid poison.

The third is their attributes. Pet statistics are only different in three places:
1) Hit points
2) Armor
3) DPS

All beasts will either excel at one of those three, be average in a second, and poor in a third; or they will simply be average all-around. The differences in these categories are not huge, either, but enough to affect your gameplay.

All beasts of a certain type and level will be identical. It doesn't matter if you have a polar bear, I have an elite brown bear, and that guy over there has a rotting bear. If they're all level 50, they are all the same.

See Illyanna's thread at the official boards or Meenachari's Guide to Choosing a Pet for all you could ever want to know about pet families.

All cats/bears/wolves are the same? What about elite pets?

For the mostpart, they are just the same as a non-elite pet. They lose their l33t-ness when they are tamed. There are a few specific pets out there - and not all of them are elite named mobs - that have special qualities to them. Most of the time this affects either their attack speed or their chase speed. Longtooth Runners, wolved from Feralas, run incredibly quickly. Broken Tooth, a particular rare named cat, attacks incredibly fast. A couple other pets, like King Bangalash and swamp cougars are better in both categories.

Yes, in some sense, these special pets defy the "there is no best pet" statement, but they still don't outclass everything at everything, and they are likely to be nerfed with the pending pet customization abilities. (There are more coming, like attack speed alterations.)

For learning which pets have fast attack speeds, use this link.
For a list of "special pets" that break the rules a little, check out Good Intentions, or go to Petopia for a list of popular/superior pet choices.

How do I get my pet?

The first thing you must do is the class quest in your starting area after level 10. Go to Dolanaar/Kharanos/Bloodhoof/Razor Hill and look for your trainer. He will give you a series of lame quests to tame particular creatures in the zone. After you have finished, you will then be able to tame your own pet.

Then go out into the wild, and find a creature that is a "beast", no bigger than a bear, and not above your level, and click "Tame Beast". Your character will stand still while a bar goes by and the beast will run up and start beating you. This represents the creature's resistance to your efforts to tame it.

If you manage to withstand the attacks for 20 seconds without being interrupted, you will tame your target and he will stop attacking you.

You can NOT take any other action while taming or it will fail. Nobody else can interfere by healing you or tanking the beast. You must simply weather the attacks, but there's nothing keeping you from trying to not get hit. To help in taming your pet, make sure nothing else is around that will attack, use Aspect of the Monkey, Freezing Trap if you have it yet, and stand at max distance from your target to buy extra time.

Can I only tame beasts?
Why can't I tame a dragon?

Beasts are the only creatures hunters can tame, and only certain types at that. (See the Allakhazam beast family link under bestiary, or use Beast Lore if you aren't sure.) Dragons are considered to be too intelligent to be tamed as a minion.

OK, I've decided what kind of pet I want. Where do I find a XXX my level?

Go to the side panel here and under Bestiary, click "By Beast Family..." and pick the family type.

What is happiness?
How do I feed my pet?

Happiness is your pet's current disposition. If your pet is happier, he will fight better, and be more inclined to gain loyalty to you. If your pet is unhappy, there is the possibility he might eventually abandon you.

To raise a pet's happiness, you must feed him. After giving the pet a piece of acceptable food, by clicking on the "feed pet" skill and then clicking on the food in your inventory, they will start gaining happiness at a rate of typically 35 per second. This effect lasts for about 10 seconds, and then you will need to feed your pet again. *Do not feed your pet before that, and do not send your pet to attack while he is "digesting" or you will cut short the effect.* (You can also feed your pet by "picking up" the food onto your cursor and clicking on your pet.)

The icon for their happiness will eventually turn from red to yellow, and then to green, with enough feeding. As your pet gains levels, old food will stop being as effective. If you start seeing your pet gain 17 happiness instead of 35, you need to get higher-level food. Unfortunately, this means at high levels you will be nearly forced into using Roasted Quails. At lower levels, vendor costs for food aren't bad, random raw meat works for feeding, and cooking is still meaningful.

What is loyalty?

Loyalty serves two functions. First, each loyalty level provides training points to teach your pet new skills. Second, pets that are more loyal to you become unhappy more slowly, and require less feeding.

Your pet will reach a maximum loyalty level of 6.

Do pets gain experience and level?
What determines a pet's size?

Yes. They gain experience at a slower rate than you, but also take less to level. The pet tab in your character window will show you your pet's experience bar. A pet will not gain experience when it is your level, to keep the pet from outleveling you.

Each level makes your pet an effective level higher, raising stats and increasing their chance to hit and be missed. It also gives the pet a few extra training points and makes them a tiny bit bigger. All pets of a given type and level are the same size. If you tame some huge behemoth, it will shrink as it becomes loyal to you. (Funny and depressing at the same time.)

How do I teach pets abilities?
What are training points? Are they reuseable?
Will a pet leveled from 10 to 70 have more or less training points than one tamed at 70?

To teach pets abilities, first you must know the ability yourself. You learn these skills from a pet trainer or from watching other pets you have had use them. Use Good Intentions' page to find out which pets automatically know skills when you tame them, and that you can learn from.

Once you know a skill, you can teach it to your pet with the "Beast Training" ability in the general tab of your spellbook. Each ability will have a cost in points associated with it if your pet can learn it. If your pet can not, it might be a skill that type of pet can't learn, or he just might not be high enough in level. Make sure the first ability you train on a pet is the highest growl they can learn.

Pets gain training points every time they level or increase in loyalty. Overall this works out to the same amount in the end no matter how it happens. (The exact formula is level * loyalty-1.) Training points are now reclaimable like talent points, by visiting a pet trainer and having them reset the training points, so there is no difference in the number of training points you get, or whether you take a level 10 cat to 70 instead of getting one at 70.

Which skills can pets use?

There are passive and activated abilities.

Passive abilities are just that: passive. They provide a boost to some attribute, like armor, stamina, or fire resist. Rather than listing them all, I will simply point you to the pet training calculator and you can see for yourself.

Activated abilities are trained the same way, but a pet can only learn four of them, and not every pet can learn every skill. They include:
Growl is the most important against NPCs. It raises the pet's hate on a particular creature, which lets it tank something for you even though it does much less damage.
Bite, Claw and Gore spend the pet's Focus (which is kinda like rogue energy) to do damage. Claw and Gore uses Focus EXTREMELY quickly, so it is advised you turn it off unless that is all you want your pet to do.
Cower is the exact opposite of Growl. It lets your pet reduce its hate, which is really only useful in group situations where a warrior takes over for something the pet was off-tanking.
Dash and Dive are the same ability with different names. Dash lets your pet run very swiftly for a period of time. Dive is the same ability for flying pets.
Prowl lets a CAT go into stealth. Their next attack deals extra damage.
Screech is a flying pet ability that does some damage and lowers defense, AE.
Scorpid Poison is simply a damage over time effect, that stacks up to 5 times. Individual stings don't do much damage at all.
Furious Howl is a wolf skill that affects all nearby allies, giving them bonus damage on their next single physical attack.

Refer to Illyanna's forum thread (linked earlier) for information about which pet types can learn which skills.

Why am I limited to four active abilities?

We have no idea why they are *now* limited to four. You're going to have to pick and choose, and use multiple pets, if that's not to your liking. Oh, and go rant in the Blizz hunter forum with everyone else.

How should I spec my pet?

I'm not going to even try to answer this one, especially since more abilities are coming with the next patch, and because priorities are very different for different pets and playstyles. Just play with the darn calculator.

Why does my pet have negative loyalty points?

Because at loyalty level 1, your pet has 0 training points earned, but if you tamed a beast that comes with an ability, they are considered to have it trained already.

Oh noes! My pet disappeared/died! Is he gone?

Your pet can disappear for a number of reasons. These include running away, dying, going out of range, being dismissed or abandoned, being stabled, or taking a flight somewhere. In other words, if you don't see your pet, don't panic.

If your pet is not visible, use the Call Pet ability. Unless you were neglecting him, and he ran away, he will always be somewhere even if he isn't out. If he DID run away, I'm calling PETA on you. Try feeding next time.

If your pet dies, he is not gone forever. You have an ability to Revive Pet, that costs a ton of mana. Your pet will come back with low health and much lower happiness. (I tend not to be happy about dying either.) Make sure the first thing you do after rezzing your pet is you feed it.

How do I feed my pet?

Use the feed pet ability, and click on a piece of food that your pet will eat. Refer to the diet comments earlier if your pet "doesn't like that type of food." Your pet should then gain the "feed pet" effect and start gaining happiness, which you would see in the combat log. This leads to two important things:
1) Pets gain less happiness if you feed them food much lower in level than they are. A pet gets maximum happiness - 35 per second - only if the food is less than 20 levels below them. It can drop to 17, then 8, and then 0.
2) MAKE FULL USE OF THE GD FEED PET EFFECT! If your pet is already eating, don't feed him again. This serves NO benefit - not for happiness, not for loyalty, not for anything. Also, note that the pet loses the effect if it enters combat, so don't feed it and then send it off to attack something. Indigestion does not make me happy either. Getting to chew my food does.

You mentioned feeding and training pets, but I don't have those skills...

You have to do a follow-up quest to the 3 taming missions that involves finding the hunter trainers in your capital city. Check to see if the hunter trainer that gave you the taming quests has another one for you.

How do I control my pet?

The pet bar that appears when you call your pet has three sets of commands. The three on the left, Attack, Follow, and Stay, are direct orders. Attack sics your pet on your target, follow tells him to come with you, (or back to you rather than attacking,) and stay is for making sure he doesn't move. I recommend you bind the command for pet attack to an easy-to-reach key like the tilde since you'll be hitting it a lot and pressing ctrl-1 sucks.

The three on the right are for putting the pet into different attack modes. On aggressive, your pet will chase after anything non-friendly nearby and initiate combat with it. In defensive, the pet will protect itself or you from attackers, but otherwise do nothing. A passive pet will simply moan as it gets hit and let itself be beaten. You should almost never set your pet to aggressive, and strictly use passive in instances so your pet doesn't run off.

The middle slots start off empty, and are for placing trained abilities. All trained abilities can be set to "autocast" by right-clicking them, which will mean the pet will use them whenever possible. If your pet isn't holding aggro, make sure he's growling. If you don't want your pet to tank, (because you're grouped with a warrior,) turn growl off and bite and claw on. You can also left-click the pet abilities to manually command your pet to use them.

My pet isn't holding aggro...

Turn claw or gore off.

My pet still isn't holding aggro.

Make sure growl is on, cower is off, and stop spamming your own abilities. There's no reason to be using multishot or stings in solo 90% of the time. Use disengage if you do happen to take aggro, like if you start with an Aimed Shot crit.

Can I have more than one pet?

Yes and no. You can have one at a time, but you don't have to get rid of your current pet forever to get a new one.

In each town, usually in front of the inn, is a "stable master" who has two slots you can purchase to store your pets like putting items in a bank. This way, you can board your pet while you go looking for something with Bite 3, or just to have different pets for different situations (like having a DPS pet and a tanking pet.)

What else can I do with my pet?

To put your pet away, Dismiss it. To get rid of it forever, right-click it's portrait and select Abandon. Note the difference in these two! A dismissed pet is simply hidden, an abandoned pet is gone for good.

Also by right-clicking your pet, you can choose to rename it. You can only ever rename it once, so be sure to name it what you want.

There is an ability called Eyes of the Beast that lets you take control of your pet for a minute. During this time you can run your pets wherever. When the duration expires, your pet will try to run back to you, and will despawn if he is now out of range. Eyes of the Beast can be a useful tool for very long-distance pulling, since the aggro transfers to the hunter after the pet is gone.

Can also be used for scouting unfamiliar areas without risking yourself, or your party if your in one, if you have a cat with prowl.

How do I use my pet in an instance?


Pets can easily cause wipes. Pets do not always take the same exact route you do, and might run past things you don't if you were to jump off an edge and the pet takes the long route. They also will attack things and chase runners places you don't want them to go. Keep a tight leash on your pet in an instance. They don't aggro things as easily as you do, but they still can.

Your pet will mainly be used for support damage, but you can also use it as an off-tank to protect the casters in the back from angry adds that run up to them. Be sure not to attack something that is otherwise under control, however at least now pets will break off an attack from something that becomes controlled.

Why can't I tame a mount?

Because Blizzard says so. Taming a beast for combat training and taming it to be used as a riding animal are two different things. Hunters learn how to hunt, so that's what they teach their pets to do. Unlike warlocks who have 5 different pets and a mount summon, hunter pets are all the same flavor. (Yeah, I know it's not fair. I'm sorry. I can't make it better.)

I added or fixed the underlined. and striked out that which I knew for a fact didn't apply anymore. Not much to change here.

Edited, Jul 12th 2007 11:09pm by HitashLevat
#34 Jul 12 2007 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
wow... I just spent a while going over that pet's part and it isn't even showing up... I feel stupid now.

*edit* That took a while for it to load. I think the computer at my work is slow or something.

Edited, Jul 12th 2007 11:06pm by HitashLevat
#35 Jul 13 2007 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
Alastaironsiren wrote:
Suggested Addendum

Taming HOWTO:


Added this to the pet question section.

The part about pulling I'd rather not add. There are so many techniques, ever guild, raid, party has their own ways handling this, a macro would not do much good here.
#36 Jul 13 2007 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
So, thanks to all your work the 2nd part is also up to date.
I tried to include all your material and suggestions.
So please have a look at part 2 and see if everything is ok with that part.

Keep up the good pace *g*

edit says linking is hell

Edited, Jul 13th 2007 12:06pm by Mulgrin
#37 Jul 13 2007 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
HitashLevat wrote:
wow... I just spent a while going over that pet's part and it isn't even showing up... I feel stupid now.

*edit* That took a while for it to load. I think the computer at my work is slow or something.

Edited, Jul 12th 2007 11:06pm by HitashLevat

It's the servers. For some reason Alla is being all retarded lately, swallowing posts with impunity, only to vomit them back up in random places a couple of minutes later.
#38 Jul 13 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
new patch notes wrote:

• Aspect of the Cheetah: This ability will now cause Hunters to become dazed when struck while sitting.
• Aspect of the Pack: This ability will now cause party members to become dazed when struck while sitting.
• Aspect of the Viper: This ability has received a slight redesign. The amount of mana regained will increase as the Hunter’s percentage of mana remaining decreases. At about 60% mana, it is equivalent to the previous version of Aspect of the Viper. Below that margin, it is better (up to twice as much mana as the old version); while above that margin, it will be less effective. The mana regained never drops below 10% of intellect every 5 sec. or goes above 50% of intellect every 5 sec.
• Freezing Trap and Scare Beast duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds.
• Hunter's Mark: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Hunter's Mark after it has been refreshed on a target, and will properly consume mana when recasting it to refresh its duration.
• Kill Command will not charge the hunter mana if their pet is on passive.
• Misdirection: Items used while Misdirection is active will now consume a charge correctly.
• Steady Shot: The tooltip stating the percentage of Attack Power gained by Steady Shot was inaccurate and has been corrected. The damage remains unchanged.
• Volley: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased. It also correctly consumes charges of Misdirection.

I think the main thing we could add to this is the freeze trap, the scare beast and AotV.
#39 Jul 13 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
The patch notes are for patch 2.2
Those changes will not go live within the next few weeks, so I'd rather not include the info now.
Those changes are not even on the PTR (since no PTR are running currently). so it is not sure those changes even will go live.
So I'd suggest to see and wait on what really goes into 2.2
#40 Jul 13 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
No prob. Just figured they most likely will be there. Not that I like those changes... =(

Only thing I saw that I liked was AotV. Which is ok.
#41 Jul 13 2007 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Viper is made useless to have up the whole time now and made awesome to put up when your mana is at ~10-20% to stop going Oom until your pot is ready.
#42 Jul 13 2007 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Question: Do hunters suck at PvP?

Concern: Classes listed might no longer be the best choices to site.

Question: What's the best race?

Concern: Superfluous info. I'm not going to pick a Draenei or Blood Elf because of enhanced Jewelcrafting or Enchanting skills. (Not sure if any of the old stuff in there was mine, like the herbalism boost on Tauren or wisp form on Night Elves, but that really doesn't matter either.)

Question: Should I use bows or guns?

Concern: "and have neither really has" should read "and neither really has"

On the question right after that, "excepetion" is misspelled.

Question: When do I get...?

Concern: Steady Shot is level 62, not 63.

Do people ask about Viper and KC often? I haven't been tracking the threads too much, but I don't see how they're that much more significant than Snake Trap or Misdirection to have up there.

Capitalize the w in the last line.

Question: How does attack power, chance to crit, and chance to hit work?

Concern: The crit rating conversion should also be listed in this question somewhere. Calling it 22 to 1% is good enough. It wasn't there before because all the crit items added "1% crit."

Question: What are the best enchants for a hunter?

Concern: Change Crusader to Mongoose. (Or mention Mongoose at least.)

Might also add a blurb on which gems to socket with.

Question: What is the hunter's role in a group?

Concern: Bump up Crowd Control to the first bullet point in the list, as this is rather important. Not sure how to put this in a brief snippet, but a survival hunter is a CC powerhouse with Wyvern Sting, Readiness or Scatter Shot, and improved traps.

Question: Why do people not want hunters in their group?

Concern: This question is no longer nearly as applicable as it was when the FAQ was first written. (Those of you playing hunters since 2005 know what I'm talking about.) While yes it is still an issue, you might omit it.

Question: Is Hurricane any good?

Concern: Nobody talks about Hurricane any more. You can trash this one.

Question: Why does weapon speed matter?
What is normalization?

Concern: Rewrite as follows.
Why does weapon speed matter?
What is a rotation?

At lower levels, weapon speed doesn't really matter at all. You might use up more ammunition with a faster weapon, but overall you will do the same damage either way.

However, at level 62, hunters get Steady Shot, which changes things in situations where they are trying to pound out as much damage as possible. The problem with Steady Shot is that it is a very essential tool to hunters, but it has a 1.5 second cast time. During that cast, autoshot will not go off.

Because hunters generally want to use special shots as much as possible during boss fights, (for example,) and steady shot is the only damage shot without a cooldown, it gets used a lot. And if the timing of your steady shot is blocking your autoshot, you will be losing possible damage output simply because of your weapon speed.

High-level hunters that worry a lot about this plan out exactly the order they fire the shots. If they can get their shot speed to be fast enough, they will just fire one special between every autoshot. (You would think this would be 1.5 seconds, but with server lag and reaction time, this ends up being closer to 2.0 seconds.) Some other hunters try to get 3 special attacks for every 2 auto shots, with the middle one being arcane shot or multi shot. To do this without losing auto damage requires a much slower weapon speed, slower than is available for anyone using a quiver.

As a result, most hunters are trying to get their attack speed to about 2 seconds. Because no epic weapon (past where you would have Steady Shot) has an attack speed under 2.7, Beast Mastery has a huge advantage here. Serpent's Swiftness and a 15% quiver makes a 2.8 speed weapon attack every 2.03 seconds.

So what shot rotation should I use?

The subject of shot rotations is more complicated than is being mentioned here, but the simple answer is if you are a Beast Master, you probably want to just fire Steady Shot after each of your auto shots. Otherwise, you will probably want to incorporate Arcane Shot or Multi Shot immediately after a Steady finishes on occasion. You will use much more mana this way, though.

<possibly insert reference to where more detailed information is present>

Question: How do I get the epic?

Concern: Do we still need mention on Rhok'delar?

Question: What about other slots besides ranged weapon?

Use whatever has the best stats. There is no single simple answer for this. Allakhazam is designed for helping you research items, so just look for items that have agility, attack power, crit rating, and other things that help your performance.

Before you get to Outland, this means mostly looking for random greens that have the stats you want. Afterwards, quest rewards are generally superior and dungeon drops are also very nice.

Question: Are hunters the best soloists?

Concern: I dunno if I'd call rogues the best soloists any more.

Question: What is pulling and how do I do it?

At level 70, hunters get an ability called Misdirection that allows them to make shots and have someone else get the threat for it. At this point, the hunter can out-pull the "random warrior with a gun," but it does have a cooldown, so Misdirection is often reserved for big pulls.

Also, make the Molten Core sentence past tense. "In Molten Core, I knew the pulls and would do my best..."

Question: What is feign-trapping?

Concern: Just remove it?

Whew, ok, that's post #1. Don't think I have time to do the rest right now. There were also a few minor grammar things and weird line breaks I didn't call attention to when they were isolated. But that's my initial thoughts.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#43 Jul 13 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
With regards to sets, I think Desolation needs to have some sort of caveat attached.

Desolation Battlegear's 4-piece bonus only works with melee attacks. It appears to be mainly intended for Enhancement Shamans. But individual pieces of the set, and the 2-piece bonus, may be useful to you.
#44 Jul 13 2007 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
Azuarc wrote:
Question: Do hunters suck at PvP?

Concern: Classes listed might no longer be the best choices to site.

I'm no expert on that, so I would need input on that one.

Azuarc wrote:
some stuff

Fixed that.

Azuarc wrote:
Question: When do I get...?

Concern: Steady Shot is level 62, not 63.

Do people ask about Viper and KC often? I haven't been tracking the threads too much, but I don't see how they're that much more significant than Snake Trap or Misdirection to have up there.

I believe those two abilities are more important to the gameplay and are discussed more than snake trap (which is mainly used in PvP about which we don't seem to talk much here).
Misdirection I have added to that list, that skill should not be ignored (at least its the new gurantee for a hunter-raid-spot *g*).

Azuarc wrote:
Some more stuff

Fixed that as well (except linking to a good explanation of shot rotations, I have seen something at tkasomething but I have not found it, probably will add a link later).
#45 Jul 13 2007 at 11:20 PM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts ? ?
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#46 Jul 14 2007 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
Azuarc wrote: ? ?

Congratulations on 5600 posts, slowpoke. You'd better start heading for the OoT and socialize. Might hit 10K sooner than you think.
#47 Jul 14 2007 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
Azuarc wrote: ? ?

Nice, added those links.
I rember having seen the second link in a forum discussion but couldn't find it anymore. I was looking exactly for those illustrations, those a great to explain the topic.
#48 Jul 14 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
NorthAI wrote:
Congratulations on 5600 posts, slowpoke. You'd better start heading for the OoT and socialize. Might hit 10K sooner than you think.


Not that I really care how many posts I have. My intensity on the forums goes in waves. I've been here for a good 5 years though, so I don't think I'll reach 10k any time soon.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#49 Jul 14 2007 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Second post

Steady Shot needs to be listed under Other Shots.
Misdirection should probably be labeled under Other Skills, since it isn't a shot itself.
Aspect of Viper will need to be reworded with the 2.2 changes.

Question: How are pets different?
Concern: Links are outdated. Send em to Petopia.

Question: All cats/bears/wolves are the same? What about elite pets?
Concern: Nothing breaks the rules any more, except that some "caster" pets are weaker.

Question: Ok, I have to tame my pets, how do I actually do it?
Concern: I don't think double-trapping is ever really necessary. Rather than having "before level 20" and "after level 20", just an addendum that says "After level 20, you might consider laying a freezing trap first so the pet isn't hitting you as much while taming."

Question: Which skills can pets use?
Concern: Gore is not a standard ability. Only select families can use it. Although, considering there are three beast types that can use gore, maybe this isn't much of a concern.
Concern 2: There are other unique abilities not listed here. Lightning Breath. Warp. Charge. Shell Shield. Thunderstomp. Poison Spit. Fire Breath. Either each of these also needs a write-up, or a link to Good Intentions is needed.
Concern 3: Also need mention of Avoidance and Cobra Reflexes.

Question: My pet still isn't holding aggro.
Concern: Use disengage? Did I write that? I do use disengage, but I would think FD would be the better choice. Also, mention that speccing for Go For the Throat or Bestial Discipline might be in order, since the reason the pet can't hold aggro is a lack of focus to growl.
Side note: Survival hunters have a MUCH harder time keeping aggro on the pet. There's not much that can be done about this, and it has to do with growl mechanics.

Question: What else can I do with my pet?
Concern: Last paragraph has one sentence that isn't actually a complete sentence. Add the word 'It' to the beginning and I think it'll be fine.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#50 Jul 14 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Third post:

Wut is teh best talnts?

This one. That's if you don't feel like thinking or learning. blah blah blah whatever I said before.

Where can I find what all the hunter talents are?

What’s the best hunter tree?

There is never any one distinct "best". Right now, many players will tell you Beast Mastery. Before Burning Crusade, players would argue between Marksmanship and Survival. In another few months it may change again. Each tree is simply different and has its own purposes.

Which one does the most damage?

Again, this is something that changes, but right now the answer is Beast Mastery.

Doesn't an LR build outdamage TSA? It should only take 50 more agi to be better than 100 AP!

Drop this question. Players should not compare LR to TSA, especially not any more.


Your grading system is clearly based on the grades you got in high school. I got straight A's for doing jack in high school because I did well on tests.

C is average. B is above average. A is excellent. Just because a talent is useful doesn't mean it automatically gets an A or a B+.

My opinions on grades:
Imp Hawk: B+ (very good talent for non-Beast Masters, in row 1)
Endurance Training: B
Focused Fire: B+
Imp Monkey: C-
Thick Hide: B+
Imp Revive: B-
Pathfinding: D
Bestial Swiftness: C
Unleashed Fury: A-
Imp Mend: A-
Ferocity: A-
Spirit Bond: D
Intimidation: A
Bestial Discipline: B+
Animal Handler: B+
Frenzy: A
Ferocious Inspiration: A+
Bestial Wrath: A
Catlike Reflexes: B
Serpent's Swiftness: A+
TBW: I can't comment; never had it and I don't PvP.


Use original description unless otherwise indicated.

Concussive Shot: C-
Lethal Shots: A-

Imp HM: (B-) Improved Hunter's Mark adds up to 100% of the BASE value to melee AP, not the additional bonus AP after you've been shooting a bit. Still, it's handy to have for extra pet output or in a raid.
Efficiency: (B+) Often considered an essential talent for the hunter that is running out of mana.

Go For the Throat: (A) Ironically, this talent is least useful for marksmen, but it's an excellent talent for anyone. Your pet will seldom run out of focus, even using a draining ability like claw or gore. Effectively, this raises your pet's DPS potential.
Improved Arcane: (B-) A solid talent, if unspectacular. Depending on your shot rotation, you might find a point or two here to help considerably, but Arcane Shot is a huge drain on your mana.
Aimed Shot: (C-) Once a must-have talent, now Aimed Shot is really only a must-have-to-get-to-Mortal-Shots. Don't use this except as an opener, and be careful then in case it crits.
Rapid Killing: (B-) Not a great talent when you do the math, but it sure looks neat when grinding and your Aimed Shot does 20% more damage.

Improved Stings: (C-) You should very rarely be using Serpent or Viper Sting to begin with, except maybe during PvP. Improving those skills doesn't make them worthwhile.
Mortal Shots: (A) This talent is the solid backbone of many hunter's damage output. If you crit 20% of the time, you're effectively adding 5-6% to your damage, and it's more if you crit more frequently. Survival hunters will often see a boost of around 9%!

Concussive Barrage: (F) Trash. Complete and utter trash.
Scatter Shot: (A+) Another reason most non-marks hunters will go 20-deep into MM. This is the only ranged ability usable inside the dead zone, and is also an essential set-up tool for emergency trapping or simply rescuing a healer from a runaway mob.
Barrage: (B-) A good talent if you're using Multi Shot every time it's up, but you might not be.

Combat Experience: (C+) 2% to agility. Woot. But it does add 6% to your intellect as well, which a marksmanship hunter will actually want to look for for other reasons.
Ranged Weapon Spec: (A) 5% damage for 5 points is an excellent gain to your DPS. This is the standard other talents are usually compared against.

Careful Aim: (B+) A modest gain to your attack power for 3 points, even if it compels you to start stacking intellect as well as everything else you need.
Trueshot Aura: (A-) A superb talent for an undergeared hunter, but the 125 AP starts looking less and less impressive as gear improves. Nonetheless, very handy and fairly unconditional damage boost, unlike Ferocious Inspiration or Expose Weakness.
Improved Barrage: (B) If you picked up Barrage, chances are you'll grab this as well. The extra crit on multi is nice, and so is being able to use Volley uninterrupted.

Master Marksman: (B+) At 2000 AP, you'll get about 40 AP per point. That's about 3 basic DPS on your autoshot, so overall it's a good bit more than that.
Silencing Shot: (B+) A heavily underrated talent, the ability to simply have a distant spell interrupt is great in its own right, as well as making certain pulls a lot more manageable. It's only real drawback is that it typically doesn't work on bosses.

I'll get to survival in a little bit, but have to do some stuff.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#51 Jul 14 2007 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Monster Slaying: B-
Humanoid Slaying: (B+) With as many humanoids as there are in end-level dungeons, this talent ends up being pretty handy...and yes, it does work in PvP.
Hawkeye: (A) A talent that doesn't really *do* much, but is so extremely handy. Essential for anyone who has points to spare, but not an absolute requirement.
Savage Strikes: C+

Entrapment: (B) As with most of the early survival talents, this one is very much about choice. Entrapment is helpful if you use Frost, Immolation or Explosive traps.
Deflection: (B) This is about your only means of improving your Parry rate. Some argue it is a 5% chance to not die against high-level targets that will or will nearly kill you in one blow. Others maintain that hunters should never get hit.
Improved Wing Clip: (B-) Almost a strictly PvP talent, the usefulness of Wing Clip in general is diminished noticeably by the fact that anyone you would want to snare can snare you, too.

Clever Traps: (A-) Freezing traps normally last 20 seconds with a cooldown of 30, making it very hard to re-trap targets. Your traps will last 26 seconds with this talent. Oh yeah, and it helps your other traps as well.
Survivalist: (B-) Extra HP are great, but this talent most often gets used as a point dump to get further into the tree.
Deterrence: (A-) A heavily underrated ability by those who don't have it. Any time you get stuck in melee, Deterrence is a great answer to not getting whalloped as it reduced your chance to be hit by 50%.

Trap Mastery: (B-) A vital talent if you want to be able to depend on your traps. For those on CC duty, you want to be able to depend on your traps.
Surefooted: (B) Extra chance to hit is great while leveling, and debatable at higher levels where there is a lot of hit rating gear. The chance to avoid resisting snares and roots is just a minor bonus.
Improved Feign Death: (C) This talent is a 4% chance to save your life when you are using FD to get out of trouble. Other than that, not too significant considering there are many other choices in the survival tree.

Survival Instincts: (A-) The combination of effects makes this talent essential to anyone who is going deeper in the tree.
Killer Instinct: (A-) Talents deeper in the tree are based on your crit rate, and it is how Survival does a large part of its damage. 3% crit for 3 points is a good exchange.
Counterattack: (C+) A fun talent, but generally relegated to PvP or for combining with Deflection and/or Deterrence. Still, you parry more often than you might think.

Resourcefulness: (B) A good talent for the trap cooldown reduction that often gets overlooked due to competition this deep in the tree.
Lightning Reflexes: (A-) Stacking agility is no longer quite as good as it was before Burning Crusade, but stockpiling considerable amounts of agility and then adding 15% more to that is a handsome gain. 533 agility is enough to get 80 bonus agility, providing 80 AP, 2% crit, and about 4% dodge.

Thrill of the Hunt: (B+) At a crit rate of 25%, you will conserve about 10% of your mana, the same as Efficiency. With more crit, and a survival hunter will often have more, this leads to greater savings.
Wyvern Sting: (C+) Each tree has a disabling move. Survival's has the longest duration, but suffers from quite a few drawbacks such as a cast time and leaving a poison DoT afterwards that makes it hard to put other CC on that target. It's not a bad one point pick-up, but curiously many people ignore it anyway because points are so tight at the end of the tree.
Expose Weakness: (A) Agility used to add 2 ranged attack power per point. Now it's just 1. But while this talent is active, that becomes effectively 1.25, and also adds that bonus to anyone else attacking your target. It does only activate after a crit, and only on your target, but it's an extremely potent raid buff and can easily outdo Trueshot Aura in just a group setting.

Master Tactician: (C) This talent looks good on paper, but it's just not active often enough to be useful. You'll be lucky to average 3% crit from it. The worst part of this talent is that it becomes a 5-point anchor for Readiness.

Readiness: (A-) An absolutely amazing emergency tool that is heavily bogged down by its placement in the tree. Most survival hunters want Mortal Shots, which makes it extremely challenging to get the other end survival talents and Readiness as well. Still a hunter that knows how to use this tool effectively can be extremely potent with extra traps and wyvern stings active at once, or simply resetting Deterrence and Feign Death to try to keep yourself alive a bit longer.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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