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#1 Jul 09 2007 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Note from Azuarc: Going to sticky this for now and try to get a response from Mulgrin, since this project has laid fallow for some time and I've been getting a couple complaints about the FAQ being old.

In updating the sticky thread I encouraged you to update our sticky question by question and already there are some updated parts available.

Before things get messy and we loose control over what has already been adressed, I'd like to give an overview of what is already covered.

Parts we have already updated will be presented as strikethrough text.

So here you'll find the table of contents of our beloved sticky:


General questions

  • What is a hunter good for?
  • Are hunters fun?
  • Do hunters suck at PvP?; What is the dead zone?; How do I jump shot?
  • How do I beat a...?
  • What's the best race?
  • Should I use bows or guns?
  • What about crossbows?
  • Which is better - a 2-hand weapon or dual wield?
  • When do I get...?
  • Where do I learn to use <some weapon type>?
  • What are the most important attributes for hunters?
  • How does attack power, chance to crit, and chance to hit work?; What is DPS?
  • English translation? How should I decide which gear is better?
  • Where do I view my critical rate?
  • What are the best enchants for a hunter?; Why are there no ranged weapon enchants?
  • What is the hunter's role in a group?
  • Why do people not want hunters in their group?
  • What is a hunter weapon?
  • Why do hunters cost so much / use so much room in their bags?
  • What are good tradeskills for a hunter?
  • What's the best weapon?
  • Why does weapon speed matter?; What is normalization?
  • How do I get the epic?
  • What about other slots besides ranged weapon?
  • What are the class sets?
  • I'm level X and I have Y agility. Is my gear any good?
  • Are hunters the best soloists?
  • What is pulling and how do I do it?
  • Can I play a melee hunter?; Where does melee fit in with playing the class?
  • What is feign-trapping?
  • Why do people say hunters suck?
  • Where are some other useful sources of info for hunters?

Explanation of hunter skills
  • Aspects
  • Traps
  • Melee skills
  • Tracking
  • Stings
  • Other shots
  • Range-related skills
  • Other skills
  • And one more…

Pet related questions
  • What’s the best pet
  • What's your favorite pet?; What is your pet?
  • How are pets different?
  • All cats/bears/wolves are the same? What about elite pets?
  • How do I get my pet?
  • Added: Ok, I have to tame my pets, how do I actually do it?
  • Can I only tame beasts?; Why can't I tame a dragon?
  • OK, I've decided what kind of pet I want. Where do I find a XXX my level?
  • What is happiness?; How do I feed my pet?
  • What is loyalty?
  • Do pets gain experience and level?; What determines a pet's size?
  • How do I teach pets abilities?
    • What are training points? Are they reuseable?; Will a pet leveled from 10 to 60 have more or less training points than one tamed at 60?
    • Which skills can pets use?
    • Why am I limited to four active abilities?
    • How should I spec my pet?
    • Why does my pet have negative loyalty points?
  • Oh noes! My pet disappeared/died! Is he gone?
  • How do I feed my pet?
  • You mentioned feeding and training pets, but I don't have those skills...
  • How do I control my pet?
  • My pet isn't holding aggro...
  • My pet still isn't holding aggro.
  • Can I have more than one pet?
  • What else can I do with my pet?
  • How do I use my pet in an instance?
  • Why can't I tame a mount?

  • Wut is teh best talnts?
  • Where can I find what all the hunter talents are?
  • What’s the best hunter tree?
  • Which one does the most damage?
  • Doesn't an LR build outdamage TSA? It should only take 50 more agi to be better than 100 AP!
  • What are the best talents?; Is <xxx> any good?
    • BM
    • MM
    • SV
  • You said you were gonna talk about Aimed Shot...?
  • What are some good talent builds?
  • What build should I use while leveling?
  • Does Humanoid Slaying work in PvP?

In the next 3 posts I'll compile the updated texts into the sticky text. I'll only insert the "finished" parts (and those still up to date, like preface and such), so we can have a look at how much we've already covered and what will be in the updated sticky.

Edited multiple times by Mulgrin

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 3:25pm by Mulgrin

Edited, Oct 27th 2007 12:32pm by Azuarc

Edited, Nov 2nd 2007 12:08pm by Azuarc
#2 Jul 09 2007 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Part one is up to date, please review for any errors

OK, let’s face it. You’re probably here to ask a question. Chances are *somebody* has answered that question in the past, so before you start a whole ‘nother thread, please do everyone a favor and check to see if it has been answered already.

Where do you look? Why, right here!

This is my attempt to compile any and every common, useful question you might have to ask about hunters or otherwise use this forum for. While I am not a thread ****, per se, I do get tired of answering the same questions over and over and over and over and…(get the idea?) At level 70, agi converts to crit percentage at a 40 to 1 ratio.

I don't pretend that this will answer *every* question, as the title indicates, but it should answer all the common ones. If you have a more complicated or unusual question and you don't see it, by all means start a thread for it. However, if you ask a completely blank open-ended question that is answered in this FAQ, like "what's the best pet?" or "what's the best race?" or "what's the best talent build for kicking ***?" or basically any other question that contains the word 'best' with no specific details, you will be mocked and rated-down. Consider yourself warned.

If you know a question that should be on this thread but isn't, post a reply with it. (I wouldn't mind if you also included the answer, assuming you know it. I'm not the single authority on hunter-ing.)

The pre-1.7 version of this FAQ can be found here.


Questions related to specific skills are in the second post on this page.


What is a hunter good for?

Hunters are the ranged combat class in WoW. Since they don't (really) have magic, they have some limited combat abilities for if something does get in their face. They also have beast pets whose primary purpose is to allow them to use ranged combat while soloing.

After level 40, they wear stronger armor than any classes other that warriors or paladins, (but they can not use shields like shamans,) plus other defensive abilities such as a high dodge rate. They can also use all weapons other than maces or wands.
Hunters are excellent soloists and arguably the best pullers in the game. Unfortunately neither of these skills come into play much during most groups.

Are hunters fun?

Yes, hunters are fun. Any class in the game is fun or not fun, depending on who you ask. I personally despise playing warlocks and druids, but other people think they're the best classes in the game.

Hunters are not an in-your-face class like a rogue or warrior. They aren't a powerful healer or AE damage dealer that has a concrete role in a group. But they are fun for being what they are. If the concept of a hunter sounds appealing to you, you will probably have fun playing one.

Do hunters suck at PvP?
What is the dead zone?
How do I jump shot?

Yes and no. The bottom line is that every class has it's strengths and weaknesses. A hunter, on average, can beat some classes easily, like rogues, and have a lot of trouble with others, like druids.

There are plenty of ways hunters are useful in a PvP environment. On a PvP server, Track Humanoid is invaluable, as is Freezing Trap.
The "jump shot" allows a hunters to deal limited damage while outrunning their opponents by jumping, turning 90 dergees shooting an instant shot and turning back.
They do however suffer greatly from the "dead zone" - the region outside of melee reach, but still too close to use a ranged weapon -- between 5 and 8 yards.
Mages and druids in particular are excellent hunter killers because they can root you and stand in this null space where you can't fight back, and nuke you to death.

In battlegrounds, hunters can often have very interesting roles, particularly defensive ones such as guarding the flag in Warsong Gulch or a node in Arathi Basin. Between tracking to see your opponents coming, and being able to put freezing and frost traps down to stop aggressors, hunters make good guardians.

Performing a true jump shot is a complicated mess of pushing buttons on your mouse and keyboard in well-coordinated fashion, so I’m not going to take three paragraphs to explain how to do one. The easier thing to do is simply strafe, since you run just as fast as strafing, and as long as your target is more in front of than in back of you, you can still hit it.

This is as much as I'm prepared to say specifically about PvP.

How do I beat a...?

You'll have to use every trick in the book and think for yourself. There really isn't much anyone can do to magically make you a better player in PvP besides reminding you of what abilities you have.
As the posters at the official boards would say, L2P.

What's the best race?

No race is the single best. They all have advantages. First, let it be said that STARTING STATS DO NOT MATTER. Don't pick a Night Elf over a Dwarf because of the difference in starting agility. My character has around 400 agility, and if I had been a Dwarf rather than a Night Elf, I'd have around 393. Big deal.

As far as racial attributes go...
Night Elves can go unseen with Shadowmeld, which is useful to hide from an enemy.
Dwarves can cleanse poisons using Stone Form, get a +5 bonus to using guns. (Effectively they attack like a character one level higher.)
Draenei have a Heal over time and increase their party members chance to hit with 1%.
Tauren have extra HP, can War Stomp to stun targets in close range to help them get back to range.
Orcs have pets that do greater damage, and a bonus to axes and resistance to stun/knockdown as well as a minor damage boost in the form of enrage that also lowers incoming healing when enraged.
Trolls have a bonus to using bows/thrown weapons, they have minor health regeneration and can give themselves a small haste effect in the form of Berserking every few minutes as well as increased dmg against beasts.
Blood Elfs can drain mana from their opponent and can silence nearby opponents to return mana.

All together racial attributes are not that important as you can see. Not one of those is a real must have, so don't chose a race because of their abilities if you can't stand the looks.

Should I use bows or guns?

Dwarves should favor guns, their +5 gun skill gives them +0.2% hit and 0.2% crit rating.
Trolls have the same for Bows.
Engineers will probably favor guns because they can make their own (improved) ammo.
For anyone else, it doesn't really matter.

At lower levels, guns generally hit a little harder and bows fire a little faster. They have the same quivers/ammo pouches, same store-bought ammunition, and neither really has a distinct advantage over the other, except that engineers can make bullets.
A hunter should know how to use either, and be prepared to use whatever the best weapon is that they can pick up, or whatever they personally prefer. (I don't like the constant noise a gun makes, but I'm also an elf, so it makes sense I would use a bow.)

What about crossbows?

Crossbows are exceedingly rare early in the game. They work just like bows - using arrows out of a quiver - but they have their own separate weapon skill. Crossbows as a general rule are very slow. Before patch 1.10 and "normalization" that took away most of the advantage of picking a weapon just because it was slow, crossbows were extremely popular. Before level 50, you might very well never see a crossbow unless you seek them out (with exception of the Draenei starting lands).

Which is better - a 2-hand weapon or dual wield?

Use whatever has the best stats, and don't worry too much about damage on the weapons. Since a hunter's strength is fighting at range, they do not need to focus on their melee DPS.

Generally speaking, a 2-hander will have better stats, but a pair of 1H weapons offer greater flexibility. At endgame, there are enchants that can add 35 agi(2H), 20 agi (1H), 70 Ap (2H) or 30 Int (any) which come out in favor of 2handers for stats.

In terms of actually meleeing, 2H is better during PvP when you are going to run by with a Raptor Strike and a Wing Clip and go back to ranged, because that one attack you make will be much stronger, but dual wield can do as much autoattack damage.

On that note, don't roll against a rogue or a warrior on a melee weapon that purely does damage and has no stats or other factors. You do *not* need a high DPS dagger with a chance on hit to do extra magic damage. This creates a lot of enmity toward hunters from other classes.

When do I get...?
Pets - level 10
Dual Wield - level 20
Aspect of the Cheetah - level 20
Feign Death - level 30
Mail armor proficiency - level 40
Steady Shot - level 62
Aspect of the Viper - level 64
Kill Command - level 66
Misdirection - level 70
Shields - never.
Plate armor - never.
A well-defined group role - never.

Want to know about another skill? check for yourself at the hunter trainer or at the Hunter Spell List.

Where do I learn to use <some weapon type>?

In every major city, somewhere, there is a weapon trainer. Ask a guard where this person is. The weapon trainer for a city only teaches certain weapons, but if he doesn't teach what you want, he can tell you who (in another city) does.

What are the most important attributes for hunters?

Agility (Attack Power/crit) is number one. No questions asked. That doesn't mean you should switch items because one has a single point of agility more if you are sacrificing other stats, though.

Stamina, Intellect and Mana per 5 seconds(Mp5) are all of some benefit to hunters, although most will favor Stamina over the others.
Some hunters argue that a hunter should not get hit, and thus more HP is irrelevant, but more mana lets them fight longer, so they try to get intellect.
Mp5 helps you keep your mana high while shooting and thus keeps you doing damage for a longer time.

Later in level, you will start seeing other qualities on equipment.
Agility is good because it increases your Attack Power and your chance to crit. There are items that specifically increase one of those two factors, and are important to your damage output.
When you hit Outlands, you will start to see a lot more split stats items will have a lot of AP but no crit and greens with a combination of Ap, Agi and Sta.
There are also +hit% modifiers that make you less likely to miss.

While usually the last thing hunters look at, defensive attributes like armor and chance to dodge are of some limited benefit.
Agility also increases your chance to dodge, as well as your armor.

How does attack power, chance to crit, and chance to hit work?
What is DPS?

Attack Power (AP) and crit chance increase your damage in different ways.

AP increases your basic DPS by 1 DPS per 14 points of AP. Note that DPS stands for damage-per-second, and is a rate, not an amount per hit. So your attack power will scale to give slower weapons the right amount more that they should do. Certain abilities, such as Aimed Shot or Multi-shot, use a preset multiplier (2.8) rather than weapon speed.

Crit chance gives you better odds to get a critical hit.
A crit will deal double damage, or if you have the Mortal Shots talent, x2.3 damage.
A large number of crits creates "spiky" damage that can steal aggro early in the fight, and hunters that focus on "crit gear" will often have lower basic DPS since they lack attack power, but critical chance is another important way to increase your overall damage output.

Note that agility increases your ranged attack power by 1 per point of agility (and 1 for melee), and roughly every 40 points of agility increases a hunter's critical rate by 1%. This crit rate conversion is specific to hunters, and is the worst of all the classes in the game.

Chance to hit affects your accuracy. Loosely speaking, you have a 95% chance to hit an even-level target. (This is actually based on the difference between your weapon skill and the target's defense skill, so higher level creatures and warriors with lots of +defense will be missed more often.) Adding 1% chance to hit adds to this 95%.

English translation? How should I decide which gear is better?

Note: Some of these numbers change with level. Level 70 is assumed here.
Pretty much anything with "rating" changes by level (hit/crit/parry/dodge etc).

In the early levels it's hard to get AP so mostly hunters go for agility and stamina. As you progress you will see a larger variety of items, at which point you will have to do more analysis to figure out what's better.

Here are some basic numbers:

1 (Ranged) attack power = 1/14 tooltip DPS

40 Agility = 1% crit
21 Agility = 1% dodge
1 Agility = 1 Ranged Attack Power
1 Agility = 1 Melee Attack Power
1 Agility = 2 Armor

22 Crit Rating = 1% Crit
1% Crit = 1% of your tooltip DPS, or 1.3% with Mortal Shots
15.75 Hit Rating = 1% Hit
Note: To prevent misses you need 5% hit when fighting opponents of your level, +1.2% for each level above you. So for raid bosses (which are always calculated as your level + 3), you'll want 8.6%.

1 Intelligence = 15 Mana
1 Intelligence = 0.25 Mana per 5 seconds w/ Aspect of the Viper
1 Intelligence = 0.45 Attack Power w/ Careful Aim

Where do I view my critical rate?

Just choose Melee or Ranged from the dropdown menu of your character overview and it'll show the crit rating for each.

What are the best enchants for a hunter?
Why are there no ranged weapon enchants?

The best enchants are the ones that add to the things mentioned in the "best attributes" question. Increased melee damage and weapon procs like Crusader or Mongoose are not worth the expense, although if you like the orange glow of a Demonslaying enchant on your spear, go for it.

Ask your guild enchanter what he can enchant that would be useful. I wouldn’t advise heavily investing in enchanting before 70, because you will replace your gear every couple levels, but at 70, you might consider savagery(+70AP) weapon, +26AP glove, +12 agi boot, +24 AP bracer, and +150 HP or +6 stats chest enchants.

In Outlands, some groups have head enchants for sale if you reach a high enough lvl of reputation.
For hunters you can buy a head enchant from the Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster in Zangarmarshes (revered reputation required 34attack power/16hit rating).
For legs there are several armor kits made by Leatherworkers (+40AP/10crit rating; +50AP/12crit rating or a bit cheaper to push your hit points +30sta/+10agi).
With The Burning Crusade there are also new shoulder enchants. For those you need honored (or exalted) reputation with either the Aldor or the Scryers. The Aldor enchants focus more on attack power while the Scryers enchants are heavier on crit rating.
Aldor honored (26ap)
Aldor exalted (30ap, 10crit rating)
Scryers honored (13crit rating)
Scryers exalted (15crit rating, 20ap)

There are no ranged weapon enchants. I'm not entirely sure why, but this is where engineering comes in. Scopes can modify ranged weapons to add +damage effects the same way +damage enchants modify melee weapons.
There is also a scope that adds 3% chance to hit and a scope that adds 28crit rating. Those scopes only affect ranged attacks (just in case those rogues and warriors ask you where to get those nice scopes).

Once you hit outlands you will also find gear with sockets. In those you will want to add gems which contribute to your main stats. Survival hunters will go for agi (+6/+8 agi) while marksman and beastmasters will mainly go for attack power (+12/+16 AP) gems.

What is the hunter's role in a group?

A hunter's primary role in a group is to safely deal damage. They have other possible roles, but 90% of the time, your group will want you to just stand in the back and shoot.
Note that that means not taking aggro, running into other creatures to get a clear shot, or breaking sheep.

Other things you can do for your group include:
Crowd Control - Freezing Trap will work on nearly every creature in the game. It affects the first target to run across it, and it doesn't work extremely long when the effect isn't broken by someone hitting the frozen target, freeze trap is still a very powerful tool.
While survival hunters are masters of crowd control (due to talents like Wyvern Sting, Readiness and improved traps) all other specs are still very able to do pull their weight.
Also, your pet can sometimes off-tank things in a pinch; at higher levels, this isn't usually recommended, as Fido will not weather too many hits from elites, but better your kitty than your healer!
Pull - hunters can feign death, take one creature out of the fight with freeze trap, designate a target with Hunter's Mark, and are masters of taking and dropping hate.
At level 70 you will also get Misdirection, this ability lets you give someone the threat from your next 3 attacks. (note that you cant abort the pull with FD if you do this)
Scout - hunters can track, meaning they can know if something is nearby without walking up to see it. Hunters can also use their pet with Eyes of the Beast to go exploring; even if the pet aggroes something, as long as he doesn’t bring it back to the party, it doesn’t matter.
Tank - it's a pretty sad day when this happens in a group, but in some cases and with the right talents, your pet can tank single targets. (This is generally a much more acceptable thing to do before level 50 than after.)

What is a hunter weapon?

"Hunter weapon!" is a running joke among players, mostly started by idiotic comments on a site similar to this one called Thottbot. People there like to speculate on which class an item is good for, as if they have nothing better to do.
At some point, it became a nominal standard to call any weapon a hunter weapon, just because hunters *can* use anything but maces, and certain hunters have a tendency to roll on anything they can use.

A true hunter weapon is a decent ranged weapon, or a melee weapon that helps a hunter directly increase their ranged damage or their survivability.

Why do hunters cost so much / use so much room in their bags?

In reality, hunters don’t cost more than other classes, but it sure seems that way after buying ammunition and pet food, plus all their other necessities. The costs of these things add up, but other classes have expenses too. Reagents, armor repairs, food/drink, poisons, etc. Do they compare to buying a stack of food and 18 stacks of Reputation(cenarion Expedition)/crafted Ammo? I dunno, ask a level 70 warrior…and remember you don’t need crafted ammo.

The real kicker is that hunters can typically pick up less stuff before they return to town because of the quiver.
There's really little that can be done about this.
Take tradeskills that don't involve gathering 10 different stacks of herbs or generating more leather than you can pick up if this is an issue for you. However, I can also cite examples of how other classes face this problem as well…just not from level 1.

What are good tradeskills for a hunter?

There are six choices that are considered somewhat normal.

1. Mining/Engineering. This lets you build guns and create ammo so you don't have to pay for it. The irony is that Engineering creates more headaches than it solves, because it takes up massive amounts of bag space, costs a ton of money to save you a little bit on ammo costs, and doesn't create anything you can sell. You do get Targeting Dummies, Goblin Jumper Cables, and scopes out of the deal, though. The main reason most players do engineering is for the “toys” – trinkets like the decombobulator ray and mind control cap.

2. Skinning/Leatherworking. A great choice in the beginning, but later on leatherworking starts to suck because there are very few mail recipes and the ones there are are both hard to make and also more often geared toward a shaman. This will definitely help you before level 40, though, and you can continue to sell stacks of leather later on. A huge upside to skinning is that unlike other collecting skills, it won't interfere with your tracking.
After lvl 60 there are many more mail patterns available and it all ends up with a 3 piece lvl 70 set at 375 leatherworking.

3. Herbalism/Alchemy. Hunters benefit less from alchemy than most classes, but Elixirs of Agility and of the Mongoose are very helpful, and alchemy is one of the few tradeskills you can profit from if you know how, since everyone needs a potion or two at some point. Don’t overlook this one.

4. Mining/Jewelcrafting. lets you make Rings, Necklaces and some Trinkets.
After lvl 300 you can also start to cut gems to put in socketed items.
Downside to Jewelcrafting is that it is new and thus that many people are leveling it, wich make selling your crafted items early on not worth it and buying materials very expensive.

5. Mining(herbalism)/Skinning. This is the standard "collector" tradeskill set for farming items for others. People out to make cash often take this set-up to find things to sell on the AH. Unfortunately, this doesn't work as well with hunters as other classes because they have more limited bag space, but it can still work.

6. Mining(herbalism)/Enchanting. Enchanting helps you Improve your armor but is a huge money pit (and thus needs a gathering skill to keep it up) if you know how to make money, enchanting can get you very rich but i wouldnt recommend that for anyone who is just starting.

Note that First Aid, Fishing, and Cooking are not technically tradeskills, and do not count against your limit of two. All hunters should do First Aid. Fishing and Cooking help feed your pet, but aren't necessary as they can be a huge waste of time. (If Blizzard would add some high-level cooking recipes that don't require fishing, maybe I could do something with my capped Cooking skill!)

What's the best weapon?

Best in what way? there are countless high end weapons in raids.
You can also get epic weapons through Arena PvP at lvl 70 and a few eapons can be obtained through Reputaion.
The problem is that the “best” weapons only come from endlessly raiding high-end dungeons with a group of 25 people, require being very skilled at PvP-ing or an endless rep grind.

Also, there is no best.
It all depends on your talent spec, what you do a lot and what is obtainable for you.

Why does weapon speed matter?
What is a rotation?

At lower levels, weapon speed doesn't really matter at all. You might use up more ammunition with a faster weapon, but overall you will do the same damage either way.

However, at level 62, hunters get Steady Shot, which changes things in situations where they are trying to pound out as much damage as possible. The problem with Steady Shot is that it is a very essential tool to hunters, but it has a 1.5 second cast time. During that cast, autoshot will not go off.

Because hunters generally want to use special shots as much as possible during boss fights, (for example,) and steady shot is the only damage shot without a cooldown, it gets used a lot. And if the timing of your steady shot is blocking your autoshot, you will be losing possible damage output simply because of your weapon speed.

High-level hunters that worry a lot about this plan out exactly the order they fire the shots. If they can get their shot speed to be fast enough, they will just fire one special between every autoshot. (You would think this would be 1.5 seconds, but with server lag and reaction time, this ends up being closer to 2.0 seconds.) Some other hunters try to get 3 special attacks for every 2 auto shots, with the middle one being arcane shot or multi shot. To do this without losing auto damage requires a much slower weapon speed, slower than is available for anyone using a quiver.

As a result, most hunters are trying to get their attack speed to about 2 seconds. Because no epic weapon (past where you would have Steady Shot) has an attack speed under 2.7, Beast Mastery has a huge advantage here. Serpent's Swiftness and a 15% quiver makes a 2.8 speed weapon attack every 2.03 seconds.

So what shot rotation should I use?

The subject of shot rotations is more complicated than is being mentioned here, but the simple answer is if you are a Beast Master, you probably want to just fire Steady Shot after each of your auto shots. Otherwise, you will probably want to incorporate Arcane Shot or Multi Shot immediately after a Steady finishes on occasion. You will use much more mana this way, though.

If you want more information on shot rotations you can find great material at
Please visit those links for further information:
Shot rotation Macro Howto
Shot Rotation Illustrated

What about other slots besides ranged weapon?

Use whatever has the best stats. There is no single simple answer for this. Allakhazam is designed for helping you research items, so just look for items that have agility, attack power, crit rating, and other things that help your performance.

Before you get to Outland, this means mostly looking for random greens that have the stats you want. Afterwards, quest rewards are generally superior and dungeon drops are also very nice.

What are the class sets?

Beaststalker Armor is the basic set from the lvl 55-60 instanced dungeons like Stratholme and Blackrock Spire.
Beastmaster armor is the upgraded version of Beaststalker, sometimes refered to as tier 0.5, or D2.
Giantstalker Armor is the "tier 1" set from the bosses in Molten Core. While awesome items, you will NEED a raid to see any of these items, and chances are, that means you will need to be in a raiding guild.
Dragonstalker Armor is the "tier 2" armor. This comes from even higher level raid bosses like Onyxia, Ragnaros, and the major fights in Blackwing Lair.
Striker's Garb comes from Ahn'qiraj and is generally NOT considered to be tier 3 because it is not a complete set, only having 5 pieces. Also, Ahn'qiraj, while more difficult than Blackwing Lair, generally does not result in significantly better equipment.
Cryptstalker Armor is the 'tier 3' set and comes from bosses in Naxxramas, the toughest most challenging lvl 60 raid instance.
(note: lvl 60 sets are now hard to aquire because the raids arent done often
anymore and also generally useless at lvl 70)

Beast Lord Armor and Desolation Battlegear are known as the Dungeon 3 (D3) set. these are aquired in level 70 instances like Shattered Halls and Steamvaults along with a few pieces from Heroic instances.
Demon Stalker Armor is the "tier 4" set and is aquired in Karazhan, Gruul's Lair and Magtherdion's lair. This is the first of the lvl 70 raid sets and you will most likely need a raiding guild to see any of the setpieces.
Rift Stalker Armor is the "tier 5" set and is aquired in Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye.
Gronnstalker's Armor also known as "tier 6" and aquired in Mt Hyjal and the Black Temple.
This is currently the top end of armor and only very few guilds are strong enough to enter these raids.

Here are the lvl 60 PvP sets:
Horde officer armor
Alliance officer armor
Alliance Field Marshall armor
Horde Warlord Marshall's Armor

and the lvl 70 PvP sets.
High Warlord's Pursuit is the current Battleground set.
Gladiator's Pursuit is the first tier of Arena sets.
Merciless Gladiator's Pursuit is the second tier of Arena armor.

I'm level X and I have Y agility. Is my gear any good?

If X isn't 70, or 19/29 for a battleground twink, who cares? You're just going to replace it all in the next five levels.

Are hunters the best soloists?

No, but they are very good. They can move from target to target with little downtime, and can track to the next target to find it faster. The misconception of a hunter being able to fight while not taking damage making them be the best soloists is an often-repeated myth. Many other classes can solo as well as a hunter, it always depends on what you are fighting. There are so many different things you can (or cannot) solo, it is impossible to say which class is the strongest.

However, a beast master hunter can level on their own extremely well.
While generally not as useful in a group, beast masters are incredible soloists. I was skeptical of this until I finally specced an alt for BM.

What is pulling and how do I do it?

Pulling is the act of taking a creature from where it is to some other place to fight it. Usually that means one person goes off and fetches it to a spot where the rest of the group lies in wait to ambush it. If you want to know about how to pull, NuklearPower's Brian Klevinger has a decent explanation of it here.

I will add my own caveats to his writing, though. Hunter pulling is only more effective with a slow methodical process. While technically it's a more improved method of pulling, it isn't always better because it's sometimes like using a sledge hammer to squish an ant -- your shoe would do just fine. Not only does the group need to listen to you, and stay out of harm's way, but you need to carefully lay a trap, scope the scene, bring the group back, blah blah blah. The point is it is often easier for a random warrior with a gun to pull. Hunter pulling does become important in heroics and raids like Karazhan, where hunters have tools and tricks that allow them to place aggro on the tank so the tank can get into position before the pull

If you are asked to pull for a group, it pays to be thinking about your next pull, or even starting it while the group is still fighting. While I seldom get to pull for an instance group, in Molten Core I knew the pulls and would do my best to “chain pull” – bring another target to the group just as the last one dies. That isn’t something any other class can do very well, mostly because of feign death.

At level 70, hunters get an ability called Misdirection that allows them to make shots and have someone else get the threat for it. At this point, the hunter can out-pull the "random warrior with a gun," but it does have a cooldown, so Misdirection is often reserved for big pulls.

Can I play a melee hunter?
Where does melee fit in with playing the class?

In theory, yes. In reality, no.

Hunters are a ranged-dominant class. If you completely ignore this, that would be like a paladin that wants to deal massive damage in a raid, or a rogue that wants to tank, because hey - they have skills that let them do it, right?

Melee is not something you should be accustomed to doing as a first choice. It's rare that running in and whacking things with an axe is the ideal strategy for you at any given time. You will always do more damage with your ranged. Past level 40 or so, melee can't even compare.

Hunters should be prepared to melee when the circumstances arise, for example, when they can't get to ranged during PvP or in close quarters of an instance. Don't neglect your weapon skills completely. But realize that more often than not, you want to do what you can to get back to range, by Wing Clipping, Counterattacking, Feign-Trapping, Scatter Shotting, Intimidating, or whatever else you can come up with. Notice how many tools we have to get to range, though? And how many do we have for real melee damage? None.

Raptor Strike adds damage to a swing, Mongoose Bite does pathetic damage after a dodge, Counterattack is a defensive move that isn't focused on damage, and Wing Clip is laughable as an offensive move...with one exception: if you have a weapon with a "chance on hit" effect, spam Wing Clip all you want because you might trigger that effect. HOWEVER, any weapon with one of those effects is better off in the hands of an actual melee character, so the odds of this happening aren't too high.

What is chain-trapping?

With the ability to use traps in combat, the CC power of a hunter has greatly increased. To chain trap something, place a trap down before the fight starts. When the mobs are pulled the trap cooldown should be almost up, so after the mob is trapped, move to the side and place a new trap. When the trap wears off the mob will go towards you and get caught in the new trap.
Note that with the proper talents you can extend the trap time to almost cover the trap cooldown, which allows you to control a mob for a long time.

Why do people say hunters suck?

There are a lot of little things wrong with every class. For hunters, some are there because the class was the last to get put in the game and many facets of the game weren't designed with hunters in mind. Some are because Blizzard keeps tweaking the formulas and code used on hunter abilities. Some are bugs that have crept into the code and Blizzard hasn't or won't deal with. Some are just whines for other stupid reasons, like getting owned in a duel.

There are some real hunter issues. You can read the official boards if you dare to sift through the muck for them. However, the most important thing is, every class is playable, and every class is fun. Don't let all the forum whiners get to you.

The truth is, hunters are one of the most versatile classes in the game, with very good survivability, high damage capability, and a decent amount of utility. It's up to you to figure out how to bring all these things to your character, though.

Where are some other useful sources of info for hunters?
Good Intentions
Petopia (top 100 pets)
The official Blizzard hunter boards
talent calculator

Edited several times by Mulgrin

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 11:19am by Mulgrin
#3 Jul 09 2007 at 4:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Part two is also up to date, please review for any errors


Pet-related skills are in the pet section.

Hunters have a series of abilities called Aspects. A hunter can have a single aspect in place at a time, and they each produce a unique effect. A hunter can switch aspects at any time.

Aspect of the Monkey (level 4) - Increases chance to dodge by 8%. This is the defensive aspect.
Aspect of the Hawk (level 10) - Increases the hunter's ranged attack power. This is the hunter's offensive aspect.
Aspect of the Cheetah (level 20) - Increases the hunter's run speed by 30%, but becomes dazed when hit. Cheetah is mostly only useful in traveling due to the daze component, but it can be used carefully in combat and even PvP where kiting an opponent.
Aspect of the Beast (level 30) - Makes the hunter untrackable. Very helpful in PvP, and nearly useless on a PvE server.
Aspect of the Pack (level 40) - Cheetah for the group. This is of limited use since it comes at the level players get mounts, but it can let your group run through instances and other indoor areas quickly.
Aspect of the Wild (level 46) - Increases the group's Nature Resist. This ability works like a paladin aura.
Aspect of the Viper (level 64) - regenerates mana equal to up to 50% of the hunter's Intellect every 5 sec. The lower the hunter's current mana, the more mana will be regenerated. The best aspect to keep you going in long fights/grinding sessions.

Hunters can place traps any time unless silenced (pre burning crusade it was only possible when out of combat). When an opponent crosses the trap, the trap will detonate, resulting in an effect depending on which trap is used. The traps stay in place, and invisible to anyone outside the hunter's group, for one minute or until used.

Immolation Trap (level 16) - Causes single target damage over time. The normal damage trap for soloing.
Freezing Trap (level 20) - Freezes an opponent for a fixed amount of time. This is a very useful ability because it can affect almost any enemy type in the game, whereas most targeted crowd control is limited that way. Helpful for PvP, pulling, or just dealing with multiple targets.
Frost Trap (level 28) - Don't confuse this with Freeze Trap. When triggered, Frost Trap produces a huge field of ice that makes all opponents nearby run slowly. Has limited usage, but can be very helpful in group PvP or in pulling large groups. There used to be an exploit for breaking linked spawns using Frost Trap.
Explosive Trap (level 34) - Causes AE damage to all enemies nearby when triggered. Most of the damage is instant, but there is a smaller over-time component. Hunters are not known for their AE, but when they need to, this is an ability that should not be forgotten.
Snake Trap (level 68) - Releases a number of snakes that attack any nearby opponent and poison it with various poisons. Great for PvP because of some poisons (slower cast times, poison dots blowing GCD for the guy decursing, crippling poison). However those snakes have very little hp and a single AE spell will get rid of all. In PvE this trap can make crowd control troublesome as those poison dots will break/prevent most forms of crowd control and those snakes target the next enemy in range, so it is hard to "control" this trap.

Hunters have a few skills for close combat. Note that this doesn't make hunters effective at melee combat so much as it makes them not completly worthless at it.

Raptor Strike (level 1) - Increases damage on the next melee hit. This is not an instant attack and only adds a flat amount to the next hit.
Wing Clip (level 12) - For many hunters, this is the most important melee skill because it lets them get out of melee and back to ranged. Wing Clip slows the run speed of a target for 10 seconds so you can get some distance. Note that the tip says slows speed TO 50%, not BY 50%. Higher levels of the skill read smaller numbers, and if not read carefully, actually seem like a downgrade.
Mongoose Bite (level 16) - A strange ability, Mongoose lets you deal a little extra damage immediately after you dodge an attack. It is not terribly effective or efficient, but it can make a difference in a situation where you are forced into melee (which is almost never the case).
Disengage (level 20) - Disengage lowers your threat toward a target on a successful hit, and deals no damage. With luck, the target will then attack someone else instead. The tooltip on Disengage is not clear in what it means by removes from combat. It does not take you out of combat; only feign death and the rogue's vanish do that. It only turns your attack off so you don't accidentally get a crit after it lands and immediately retake aggro.
Counterattack (level 30 min) - See talents. This ability works like Mongoose Bite for parries, except that it also immobilizes a target for 5 seconds.

Hunters gain the ability to see the locations of targets on their minimap. This works essentially the same way Find Minerals or Gather Herbs does, but for enemy types. Hunters eventually learn how to track every enemy type except for mechanical and creatures with no type (like insects.)

It is important to note that only one tracking type can be active at a time, and this includes Find Minerals or Gather Herbs, or the dwarven racial skill of Treasure Finding. This can influence your choice of profession, or at least prove an aggravation.

One particular tracking skill deserves some additional mention. Track Hidden is not a standard tracking skill. It is used to help detect stealth targets, but it does not simply pop up all the stealth targets nearby on the map. Instead, it slightly increases your stealth detection. If a hidden target is *extremely* close to you, it will show it on the map, but by that time it's probably about to attack you anyway. Track Hidden is not a highly-effective ability, but when it comes to detecting stealth rogues, every little bit helps.

Stings are a class of special shots, only one of which can be on a target per hunter at a time. Stings are considered poisons and can be removed by druids, shamans, and paladins.

Serpent Sting (level 4) - Does damage over time. A poison arrow, basically. This damage WILL break freeze traps and polymorph, so don't just fire it blindly. It also helps prevent a rogue from stealthing in PvP.
Scorpid Sting (level 22) - Lowers a target's chance to hit. This is the best sting for bossfights, though it will not stack with another hunter's Scorpid Sting. Why? if it would stack, why would you bring anything else then 20 hunters(+tank) to a raid?. In times where you actually care to spend the mana on a sting in PvE, this is usually the sting you want to use.
Viper Sting (level 36) - Drains mana from the target over time. While Viper Sting works very quickly, it often doesn't work quickly enough. In a PvP battle with a mage, the mage will usually have enough mana to finish the fight anyway, so it is often better to just use Serpent and kill him quickly. Against priests and other healers, this is a different story. In PvE, you will want to Viper Sting any healer you can.
Wyvern Sting (min level 40) - See talents. Puts a target to sleep for 12 seconds, after which it has a dot effect on it larger than that of Serpent Sting.

Autoshot (level 1) - This is your version of attack for ranged. Only hunters get this, and only hunters need it. Caster classes do get an autoshoot for wands. Autoshot will continually fire arrows or bullets at your target so long as you are within range, standing still, and facing the right way.
Arcane Shot (level 6) - Instant attack which does quite ok damage. It has a fixed damage component (15 damage / 25mana rank 1; 273 damage / 230 mana rank 9) and it also scales with your ranged attack power (RAP * 0.15 damage is added to the fixed amount). Keep in mind that it deals non-physical damage, so armor is ignored, but mobs can resist some of the damage or even be immune to it (which is rather seldom).
Concussive Shot (level 8) - Very short-term snare effect. It might help you get another shot or two in on an approaching target or help keep it at bay longer while you are kiting it.
Distracting Shot (level 12) - Ranged growl. Using DS adds hate to your target to possibly get it to chase you instead. In situations where your pet is taking a beating, or in a group to peel a target off a caster, this can be a useful ability, but it doesn't see a great deal of use.
Multishot (level 18) - Fires a free shot at your target that will also hit 2 nearby opponents. This is a big-time sheep breaker. When it is safe to use, it can also be a big addition to your damage and a big drain to your mana at the same time. Multishot ignores your weapon speed (it uses a fixed speed of 2.8), but uses normal shot damage for how much it does. If you use multishot a lot, a slow high-damage weapon may be favorable for you.
Aimed Shot (level 20 min) - See talents. It's a great opener for a battle due to the massive damage it deals in one blow, but isn't nearly as effective over the course of a battle.
Tranquilizing Shot (level 60) - If you don't know what this is, you don't need it. It comes from the first boss in Molten Core (originally) and is available at the hunter trainer at level 60. Its use is restricted to some level 60 raid instances (Molten Core, 2nd Boss; two bosses in Black Wing Lair and in Naxxramas). You will not need this ability in any Burning Crusade instance.
Steady Shot (level 62) - A steady shot that causes [$RAP*0.3+150] damage. Causes an additional 175 against Dazed targets. The bread and butter shot of the hunter's shot rotation. Since it does not reset the autoshot-timer and has no cooldown you can simply add a steady shot after every auto-shot. It is very mana efficient and does good damage.

Hunter's Mark (level 6) - Hunter's Mark does two things. First, it increases ranged attack power of all attackers against that target by 110 and by an additional 11 each time the target is struck by a ranged attack, up to a maximum of 440 (numbers are for rank 4). It's cheap on mana and should be up on every target you focus on (of course only if the target lives for some seconds so that one can benefit from the buff). Second, it adds a huge bobbing red arrow over your target that says "Kill me now!" This causes a target to appear for you on the minimap, even if it is a stealthed rogue, and also lets players nearby know what you are attacking or singling out for them. When playing the role of Main Assist for a group, hunters will usually mark their targets. When pulling, hunters will often mark what they intend on pulling through a freeze trap so players *don't* hit it. Either way, it's a little anti-thematic, but has all kinds of basic utility usage. To rogues: Hunter's Mark is considered magic and can be dispelled, and does not actually prevent you from stealthing or allow anyone other than the hunter to see you. Cry more noob.
Rapid Fire (level 26) - Allows the hunter to fire ranged attacks with 40% increased speed for 15 seconds, basically an extra 6 seconds worth of attack time if it works completely.
Trueshot Aura (level 40 min) - This is a talent skill, and sort of like an aspect. (It can be used with an actual aspect.) If you already have 30 points in marksmanship, it's an excellent one point spend, but that's also an if. More in talent section.

Scare Beast (level 14) - Fear a beast. It doesn't really get used that much except when dueling druids or other hunters.
Eagle Eye (level 14) - Zooms in a hunters view. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone using this skill.
Beast Lore (level 24) - Gives information about a target beast. This ability is almost exclusively used when considering possible pets to tame, since it gives stats on the pet and states explicitly if something is tameable.
Intimidation (level 30 min) - Activated talent that lets your pet stun a target briefly.
Flare (level 32) - More of a PvP ability, Flare will reveal stealth targets in a particular area. There are a few places where using it on rogue NPCs can be helpful, so don't forget about it, but it's not a main row ability for sure.
Misdirection (level 70) - This is a great skill for raids and groups. It basically transfers the hate of your next three attacks (melee or ranged) to another player. It is widely used for helping the tank to build up hate on boss fights (so that healers can start their heals earlier or so that damage dealers can start nuking a little earlier). It is also used for pulling mobs/bosses in some encounters where positioning is important. Be careful when using misdirection. Only one misdirection buff can be on any target at a given time. So when a 2nd hunter casts misdirection on the same tank the 1st hunter's misdirection buff is cancelled and the hate is added to the hunters hate list (which can result in a sudden death of the hunter).

Feign Death (level 30) - Feign Death is an ability I could write a novel about. Here are the important things to know about feign death:
-Causes you to flop on the ground and be removed from all hate lists.
-Can fail, and fails more often against higher level targets and when facing more opponents.
-Removes you from combat, which possibly allows you to drink during a fight, or walk away safely. You can easily return to combat before you are ready by being hit with an AE attack or aggroing something nearby, or if your pet is fighting.
-Will not put you back into combat until you stand up. If you stay lying there until mobs finish off your pet, or if some AE-ing target goes running by and hits you with one as he passes, you will stay face down in the mud.
-After 6 minutes of feigning you will stand up again. You simply cannot lie down and feign your death without end. There are gameplay and RP reasons for this. When you feign death, in theory you slow your heartrate and your breathing so that it can not be ascertained you are alive. The 6min maximum of feign death keeps people from hiding in a spot forever, safely - while not as huge issue an in this game, this creates an ability to 'camp' things that would cause significant problems in other games, as FD often did when monks used it in Everquest.
-While FD *does* work in PvP, players are not fooled. In fact, your opponent doesn't even lose you as a target any more.


What's the best pet?

This is always the first question out of anyone's mouth. Really, there is no best pet, and there's a lot more to know about pets than just "teh best".

If you're lazy and just want an answer, use a BOAR. This is not standard advice, but boars are good all-around pets, will eat anything, and can use every general skill except Claw.

What's your favorite pet?
What is your pet?

Please don't start another thread on this subject. Honestly, the "favorite pet" threads are getting old and everyone pretty much just the same thing every time. Expect a lot of "cat" answers, a couple "bears", and a few people who try to be original, plus the occasional "I don't like flying pets because they flap in my face," and "I don't like cats because everyone uses a cat."

And I use a cat. A random old generic cat.

How are pets different?

There are three ways pets can differ.

The first is diet. Most beasts eat meat, or meat and fish. Some eat other things. To check a pet's diet, use the Beast Lore ability on it, or if it's already your pet, mouse over the little happiness icon in your pet window.

The second way is abilities. Some pets start with abilities when they are tamed. In fact, this is the only way to learn pet abilities other than growl. Other pets are able to learn skills, but don't start with them. However, not every pet can use every skill. For instance, non-flying pets can't learn to Dive, and flying pets can't learn to Dash. There are now even some family-specific abilities, like Scorpid poison.

The third is their attributes. Pet statistics are only different in three places:
1) Hit points
2) Armor
3) DPS

All beasts will either excel at one of those three, be average in a second, and poor in a third; or they will simply be average all-around. The differences in these categories are not huge, either, but enough to affect your gameplay.

All beasts of a certain type and level will be identical. It doesn't matter if you have a polar bear, I have an elite brown bear, and that guy over there has a rotting bear. If they're all level 50, they are all the same.

See Petopia for all you could ever want to know about pets.

All cats/bears/wolves are the same? What about elite pets?

Same answer. Same pet family, same level -> same stats. The one exception is caster pets, which are weaker in all aspects. More about caster pets can be found Here.

How do I get my pet?

The first thing you must do is the class quest in your starting area after level 10. Go to Dolanaar/Kharanos/Bloodhoof/Razor Hill and look for your trainer. He will give you a series of lame quests to tame particular creatures in the zone. After you have finished, you will then be able to tame your own pet.

Ok, I have to tame my pets, how do I actually do it?

To tame a pet you first have to find one you like. Go out into the wild, and find a creature that is a "beast", no bigger than a bear, and not above your level, and click "Tame Beast". Your character will stand still while a bar goes by and the beast will run up and start beating you. This represents the creature's resistance to your efforts to tame it.

If you manage to withstand the attacks for 20 seconds without being interrupted, you will tame your target and he will stop attacking you.

You can NOT take any other action while taming or it will fail. Nobody else can interfere by healing you or tanking the beast. You must simply weather the attacks, but there's nothing keeping you from trying to not get hit.

However you can apply some strategies to survive those 20 seconds.
So make sure nothing else is around that will attack and use Aspect of the Monkey.

To tame a pet follow those steps:

Until level 20:
1. Get to the edge of your taming range
2. Retreat back 2 more steps
3. Cast Concussive Shot
4. Start Taming

After level 20, you might consider laying a freezing trap first so the pet isn't hitting you as much while taming.

Can I only tame beasts?
Why can't I tame a dragon?

Beasts are the only creatures hunters can tame, and only certain types at that. (See the Allakhazam beast family link under bestiary, or use Beast Lore if you aren't sure.) Dragons are considered to be too intelligent to be tamed as a minion.

OK, I've decided what kind of pet I want. Where do I find a XXX my level?

Go to the side panel here and under Bestiary, click "By Beast Family..." and pick the family type.

What is happiness?
How do I feed my pet?

Happiness is your pet's current disposition. If your pet is happier, he will fight better, and be more inclined to gain loyalty to you. If your pet is unhappy, there is the possibility he might eventually abandon you.

To raise a pet's happiness, you must feed him. After giving the pet a piece of acceptable food, by clicking on the "feed pet" skill and then clicking on the food in your inventory, they will start gaining happiness at a rate of typically 35 per second. This effect lasts for about 10 seconds, and then you will need to feed your pet again. *Do not feed your pet before that, and do not send your pet to attack while he is "digesting" or you will cut short the effect.* (You can also feed your pet by "picking up" the food onto your cursor and clicking on your pet.)

The icon for their happiness will eventually turn from red to yellow, and then to green, with enough feeding. As your pet gains levels, old food will stop being as effective. If you start seeing your pet gain 17 happiness instead of 35, you need to get higher-level food. Unfortunately, this means at high levels you will be nearly forced into using Roasted Quails. At lower levels, vendor costs for food aren't bad, random raw meat works for feeding, and cooking is still meaningful.

What is loyalty?

Loyalty serves two functions. First, each loyalty level provides training points to teach your pet new skills. Second, pets that are more loyal to you become unhappy more slowly, and require less feeding.

Your pet will reach a maximum loyalty level of 6.

Do pets gain experience and level?
What determines a pet's size?

Yes. They gain experience at a slower rate than you, but also take less to level. The pet tab in your character window will show you your pet's experience bar. A pet will not gain experience when it is your level, to keep the pet from outleveling you.

Each level makes your pet an effective level higher, raising stats and increasing their chance to hit and be missed. It also gives the pet a few extra training points and makes them a tiny bit bigger. All pets of a given type and level are the same size. If you tame some huge behemoth, it will shrink as it becomes loyal to you. (Funny and depressing at the same time.)

How do I teach pets abilities?
What are training points? Are they reuseable?
Will a pet leveled from 10 to 70 have more or less training points than one tamed at 70?

To teach pets abilities, first you must know the ability yourself. You learn these skills from a pet trainer or from watching other pets you have had use them. Use Good Intentions' page to find out which pets automatically know skills when you tame them, and that you can learn from.

Once you know a skill, you can teach it to your pet with the "Beast Training" ability in the general tab of your spellbook. Each ability will have a cost in points associated with it if your pet can learn it. If your pet can not, it might be a skill that type of pet can't learn, or he just might not be high enough in level. Make sure the first ability you train on a pet is the highest growl they can learn.

Pets gain training points every time they level or increase in loyalty. Overall this works out to the same amount in the end no matter how it happens. (The exact formula is level * loyalty-1.) Training points are now reclaimable like talent points, by visiting a pet trainer and having them reset the training points, so there is no difference in the number of training points you get, or whether you take a level 10 cat to 70 instead of getting one at 70.

Which skills can pets use?

There are passive and activated abilities.

Passive abilities are just that: passive. They provide a boost to some attribute, like armor, stamina, or fire resist. Rather than listing them all, I will simply point you to the pet training calculator and you can see for yourself.

Activated abilities are trained the same way, but a pet can only learn four of them, and not every pet can learn every skill. They include:
Growl is the most important against NPCs. It raises the pet's hate on a particular creature, which lets it tank something for you even though it does much less damage.
Avoidance Reduces the damage your pet takes from area of effect attacks by an additional 25% (rank 1) / 50% (rank 2). This skill made pets much more usable in raid encounters, especially boss fights. Increases pet surivability and thus is a must have for every hunter who does raids.
Cobra reflexes increases the pet's attack speed by 30%, but reduces the damage one attack does. Overall this is an increase in your pets damage. A faster attack speed is a great thing in PvP (interrupt casters more often). Beast Masters like cobra reflexes since it helps their pet to stay in frenzy and increases the time ferocious inspiration is up (more attacks = more chances to crit).
Bite, Claw and Gore spend the pet's Focus (which is kinda like rogue energy) to do damage. Claw and Gore uses Focus EXTREMELY quickly, so it is advised you turn it off unless that is all you want your pet to do.
Cower is the exact opposite of Growl. It lets your pet reduce its hate, which is really only useful in group situations where a warrior takes over for something the pet was off-tanking.
Dash and Dive are the same ability with different names. Dash lets your pet run very swiftly for a period of time. Dive is the same ability for flying pets.
Prowl lets a CAT go into stealth. Their next attack deals extra damage.
Screech is a flying pet ability that does some damage and lowers defense, AE.
Scorpid Poison is simply a damage over time effect, that stacks up to 5 times. Individual stings don't do much damage at all. Fully stacked scorpid poison does good damage.
Furious Howl is a wolf skill that affects all nearby allies, giving them bonus damage on their next single physical attack.
Lightning Breath is a ranged attack dealing nature damage. Only wind serpents can have this ability.
Charge Boars can charge an enemy and immobalize it for one second. Although charge adds attack power to the pet's next attack.

There are more pet abilities. Those are mostly abilities of a single pet family. You can find a complete list of pet abilities here.

Why am I limited to four active abilities?

We have no idea why they are *now* limited to four. You're going to have to pick and choose, and use multiple pets, if that's not to your liking. Oh, and go rant in the Blizz hunter forum with everyone else.

How should I spec my pet?

I'm not going to even try to answer this one, especially since more abilities are coming with the next patch, and because priorities are very different for different pets and playstyles. Just play with the darn calculator.

Why does my pet have negative loyalty points?

Because at loyalty level 1, your pet has 0 training points earned, but if you tamed a beast that comes with an ability, they are considered to have it trained already.

Oh noes! My pet disappeared/died! Is he gone?

Your pet can disappear for a number of reasons. These include running away, dying, going out of range, being dismissed or abandoned, being stabled, or taking a flight somewhere. In other words, if you don't see your pet, don't panic.

If your pet is not visible, use the Call Pet ability. Unless you were neglecting him, and he ran away, he will always be somewhere even if he isn't out. If he DID run away, I'm calling PETA on you. Try feeding next time.

If your pet dies, he is not gone forever. You have an ability to Revive Pet, that costs a ton of mana. Your pet will come back with low health and much lower happiness. (I tend not to be happy about dying either.) Make sure the first thing you do after rezzing your pet is you feed it.

How do I feed my pet?

Use the feed pet ability, and click on a piece of food that your pet will eat. Refer to the diet comments earlier if your pet "doesn't like that type of food." Your pet should then gain the "feed pet" effect and start gaining happiness, which you would see in the combat log. This leads to two important things:
1) Pets gain less happiness if you feed them food much lower in level than they are. A pet gets maximum happiness - 35 per second - only if the food is less than 20 levels below them. It can drop to 17, then 8, and then 0.
2) MAKE FULL USE OF THE GD FEED PET EFFECT! If your pet is already eating, don't feed him again. This serves NO benefit - not for happiness, not for loyalty, not for anything. Also, note that the pet loses the effect if it enters combat, so don't feed it and then send it off to attack something. Indigestion does not make me happy either. Getting to chew my food does.

You mentioned feeding and training pets, but I don't have those skills...

You have to do a follow-up quest to the 3 taming missions that involves finding the hunter trainers in your capital city. Check to see if the hunter trainer that gave you the taming quests has another one for you.

How do I control my pet?

The pet bar that appears when you call your pet has three sets of commands. The three on the left, Attack, Follow, and Stay, are direct orders. Attack sics your pet on your target, follow tells him to come with you, (or back to you rather than attacking,) and stay is for making sure he doesn't move. I recommend you bind the command for pet attack to an easy-to-reach key like the tilde since you'll be hitting it a lot and pressing ctrl-1 sucks.

The three on the right are for putting the pet into different attack modes. On aggressive, your pet will chase after anything non-friendly nearby and initiate combat with it. In defensive, the pet will protect itself or you from attackers, but otherwise do nothing. A passive pet will simply moan as it gets hit and let itself be beaten. You should almost never set your pet to aggressive, and strictly use passive in instances so your pet doesn't run off.

The middle slots start off empty, and are for placing trained abilities. All trained abilities can be set to "autocast" by right-clicking them, which will mean the pet will use them whenever possible. If your pet isn't holding aggro, make sure he's growling. If you don't want your pet to tank, (because you're grouped with a warrior,) turn growl off and bite and claw on. You can also left-click the pet abilities to manually command your pet to use them.

My pet isn't holding aggro...

Turn claw or gore off.

My pet still isn't holding aggro.

Make sure growl is on, cower is off, and stop spamming your own abilities.
If your pet constantly has to low focus, consider speccing for Go For the Throat or Bestial Discipline.
There's no reason to be using multishot or stings in solo 90% of the time. Use disengage (or once you hit level 30 use feign death) if you do happen to take aggro, like if you start with an Aimed Shot crit.
Side note: Survival hunters have a MUCH harder time keeping aggro on the pet. There's not much that can be done about this, and it has to do with growl mechanics.

Can I have more than one pet?

Yes and no. You can have one at a time, but you don't have to get rid of your current pet forever to get a new one.

In each town, usually in front of the inn, is a "stable master" who has two slots you can purchase to store your pets like putting items in a bank. This way, you can board your pet while you go looking for something with Bite 3, or just to have different pets for different situations (like having a DPS pet and a tanking pet.)

What else can I do with my pet?

To put your pet away, Dismiss it. To get rid of it forever, right-click it's portrait and select Abandon. Note the difference in these two! A dismissed pet is simply hidden, an abandoned pet is gone for good.

Also by right-clicking your pet, you can choose to rename it. You can only ever rename it once, so be sure to name it what you want.

There is an ability called Eyes of the Beast that lets you take control of your pet for a minute. During this time you can run your pets wherever. When the duration expires, your pet will try to run back to you, and will despawn if he is now out of range. Eyes of the Beast can be a useful tool for very long-distance pulling, since the aggro transfers to the hunter after the pet is gone.
It can also be used for scouting unfamiliar areas without risking yourself, or your party if your in one, if you have a cat with prowl.

How do I use my pet in an instance?


Pets can easily cause wipes. Pets do not always take the same exact route you do, and might run past things you don't if you were to jump off an edge and the pet takes the long route. They also will attack things and chase runners places you don't want them to go. Keep a tight leash on your pet in an instance. They don't aggro things as easily as you do, but they still can.

Your pet will mainly be used for support damage, but you can also use it as an off-tank to protect the casters in the back from angry adds that run up to them. Be sure not to attack something that is otherwise under control, however at least now pets will break off an attack from something that becomes controlled.

Why can't I tame a mount?

Because Blizzard says so. Taming a beast for combat training and taming it to be used as a riding animal are two different things. Hunters learn how to hunt, so that's what they teach their pets to do. Unlike warlocks who have 5 different pets and a mount summon, hunter pets are all the same flavor. (Yeah, I know it's not fair. I'm sorry. I can't make it better.)

Edited several times by Mulgrin

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 10:30am by Mulgrin
#4 Jul 09 2007 at 4:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Part three is up to date, please review for errors


Wut is teh best talnts?
This one.
That's for the brainless. For anyone who cares to actually learn about their class, read on.

Where can I find what all the hunter talents are?

What’s the best hunter tree?

There is never any one distinct "best". Right now, many players will tell you Beast Mastery. Before Burning Crusade, players would argue between Marksmanship and Survival. In another few months it may change again. Each tree is simply different and has its own purposes.

Which one does the most damage?

Again, this is something that changes, but right now the answer is Beast Mastery.

What are the best talents?; Is <xxx> any good?

Beast Mastery

Tier 1
Improved Aspect of the Hawk (B+)
Used by many none beast masters as it gives a good DPS boost. This does stack with Rapid Fire. Good burst DPS, great talent since Hawk will probably be your most-used Aspect. In the late levels, though, Viper may replace Hawk now and then.
Endurance Training (B)
10% extra pet health is a must for a Beast Master, and the extra 5% health for yourself is a nice bonus. If you are not so much into solo playing, you can go for improved hawk instead.

Tier 2
Focused Fire (B+)
Despite it's location low in the tree, this may be one of the later talents you pick up. It's definitely worth the investment, however, especially after you get Kill Command at 66.
Improved Aspect of the Monkey (C-)
This is better for Survival hunters, but AotM is hardly ever used after you get your pet.
Thick Hide (B+)
20% extra armor is great for tanking, and a little extra for yourself is also nice. Highly recommended.
Improved Revive Pet (B-)
If your pet ever dies in the middle of a tough boss battle, being able to call him back can turn the tide. Your Revive Pet will take 4 seconds, cost about a third of your total mana, and brings your pet to life with 45% of his total health. Very good for 2 talent points.

Tier 3
Pathfinding (D)
Loses its usefulness when you can get a mount.
Bestial Swiftness (C)
Useful, especially for pets that can't get Dash/Dive. Recommended but not priority.
Unleashed Fury (A)
20% extra damage? Definitely.

Tier 4
Improved Mend Pet (A-)
Excellent talent if you have the points. Although it takes three times as long to remove debuffs as in the past, the 20% lower mana cost is worth the talent points on its own.
Ferocity (A)
10% extra crit chance is deadly, combined with the tier 6 talent Frenzy.

Tier 5
Spirit Bond (D)
Very minor regen, only once per 10 seconds. Its usefulness is limited, and generally not recommended.
Intimidation (A)
Great ability for protecting casters, catching runaways, extra aggro, and interrupting casting. The stun is not broken by damage, either. Short cooldown. If all that weren't enough, you need it to get Bestial Wrath.
Bestial Discipline (B+)
More focus equals more damage or better aggro control (or both). A must-have talent if you're this high in the tree.

Tier 6
Animal Handler (B+)
The way this talent is worded is misleading. The important part of this talent is the +hit for your pet -- 4% more hits is essentially 4% more damage. The mount speed is just a bonus.
Frenzy (A)
Simply amazing: if you got Ferocity, definitely get this. If you didn't get Ferocity, shame on you. This can reproc multiple times and can proc off of special attack crits, increasing the pet's damage by ~30% while active.

Tier 7
Ferocious Inspiration (A+)
A great little buff, for groups or for solo. Applies to all classes, melee, ranged, and spell.
Bestial Wrath (A)
Incredible DPS talent, cancels out any crowd-control, makes your pet immune to all crowd-controls. Can use it very often with a 2 minute cooldown.
Catlike Reflexes (B-)
Another great tanking talent. The opposite of Animal Handler, 9% fewer hits is basically 9% less damage to heal.

Tier 8
Serpent's Swiftness (A+)
An incredible dps talent, and not one to pass up if you're going all the way.

Tier 9
The Beast Within (A)
Short version: Bestial Wrath affects you, too. The damage bonus is actually rather slight, in the long term, but the CC immunity and mana cost reduction more than make up for it.


Tier 1
Concussive Shot (C-) is an OK tool while leveling or a decent one in PvP, since it truly stuns targets 20% of the time you fire Concussive. This isn't quite as helpful in most PvE since it isn't often you're firing Concussive and 20% simply isn't that reliable.
Lethal Shots (A-) adds 5% to ranged crit rate. Hard to beat this for a tier 1 talent.

Tier 2
Improved Hunters Mark (B-) Improved Hunter's Mark adds up to 100% of the BASE value to melee AP, not the additional bonus AP after you've been shooting a bit. Still, it's handy to have for extra pet output or in a raid.
Efficiency (B+) Often considered an essential talent for the hunter that is running out of mana.

Tier 3
Go For the Throat (A) Ironically, this talent is least useful for marksmen, but it's an excellent talent for anyone. Your pet will seldom run out of focus, even using a draining ability like claw or gore. Effectively, this raises your pet's DPS potential.
Improved Arcane (B-) A solid talent, if unspectacular. Depending on your shot rotation, you might find a point or two here to help considerably, but Arcane Shot is a huge drain on your mana.
Aimed Shot (C) Once a must-have talent, now Aimed Shot is really only a must-have-to-get-to-Mortal-Shots. Don't use this except as an opener, and be careful then in case it crits.
Rapid Killing (B-) Not a great talent when you do the math, but it sure looks neat when grinding and your Aimed Shot does 20% more damage.

Tier 4
Improved Stings (C-) You should very rarely be using Serpent or Viper Sting to begin with, except maybe during PvP. Improving those skills doesn't make them worthwhile.
Mortal Shots (A) This talent is the solid backbone of many hunter's damage output. If you crit 20% of the time, you're effectively adding 5-6% to your damage, and it's more if you crit more frequently. Survival hunters will often see a boost of around 9%!

Tier 5
Concussive Barrage (F) Trash. Complete and utter trash.
Scatter Shot (A+) Another reason most non-marks hunters will go 20-deep into MM. This is the only ranged ability usable inside the dead zone, and is also an essential set-up tool for emergency trapping or simply rescuing a healer from a runaway mob.
Barrage (B-) A good talent if you're using Multi Shot every time it's up, but you might not be.

Tier 6
Combat Experience (C+) 2% to agility. Woot. But it does add 6% to your intellect as well, which a marksmanship hunter will actually want to look for for other reasons.
Ranged Weapon Spec (A) 5% damage for 5 points is an excellent gain to your DPS. This is the standard other talents are usually compared against.

Tier 7
Careful Aim (B+) A modest gain to your attack power for 3 points, even if it compels you to start stacking intellect as well as everything else you need.
Trueshot Aura (A-) A superb talent for an undergeared hunter, but the 125 AP starts looking less and less impressive as gear improves. Nonetheless, very handy and fairly unconditional damage boost, unlike Ferocious Inspiration or Expose Weakness.
Improved Barrage (B) If you picked up Barrage, chances are you'll grab this as well. The extra crit on multi is nice, and so is being able to use Volley uninterrupted.

Tier 8
Master Marksman (B+) At 2000 AP, you'll get about 40 AP per point. That's about 3 basic DPS on your autoshot, so overall it's a good bit more than that.
Silencing Shot (B+) A heavily underrated talent, the ability to simply have a distant spell interrupt is great in its own right, as well as making certain pulls a lot more manageable. It's only real drawback is that it typically doesn't work on bosses.


Tier 1
Monster Slaying (B-), ok. So 3% to non-humanoid targets. Unless they're an elemental, or a demon, or non-typed, or mechanical...
Humanoid Slaying]/b] (B+) With as many humanoids as there are in end-level dungeons, this talent ends up being pretty handy...and yes, it does work in PvP.
(A) A talent that doesn't really *do* much, but is so extremely handy. Essential for anyone who has points to spare, but not an absolute requirement.
Savage Strikes (C+) is the only melee damage boost in the tree, and mainly serves as extra damage on the "drive-by" strike-and-clip maneuver.

Tier 2
Entrapment (B) As with most of the early survival talents, this one is very much about choice. Entrapment is helpful if you use Frost, Immolation, Snake or Explosive traps.
Deflection (B) This is about your only means of improving your Parry rate. Some argue it is a 5% chance to not die against high-level targets that will or will nearly kill you in one blow. Others maintain that hunters should never get hit.
Improved Wing Clip (B-) Almost a strictly PvP talent, the usefulness of Wing Clip in general is diminished noticeably by the fact that anyone you would want to snare can snare you, too.

Tier 3
Clever Traps (A-) Freezing traps normally last 20 seconds with a cooldown of 30, making it very hard to re-trap targets. Your traps will last 26 seconds with this talent. Oh yeah, and it helps your other traps as well.
Survivalist (B-) Extra HP are great, but this talent most often gets used as a point dump to get further into the tree.
Deterrence (A-) A heavily underrated ability by those who don't have it. Any time you get stuck in melee, Deterrence is a great answer to not getting whalloped as it reduced your chance to be hit by 50%.

Tier 4
Trap Mastery (B-) A vital talent if you want to be able to depend on your traps. For those on CC duty, you want to be able to depend on your traps.
Surefooted (B) Extra chance to hit is great while leveling, and debatable at higher levels where there is a lot of hit rating gear. The chance to avoid resisting snares and roots is just a minor bonus.
Improved Feign Death (C) This talent is a 4% chance to save your life when you are using FD to get out of trouble. Other than that, not too significant considering there are many other choices in the survival tree.

Tier 5
Survival Instincts (A-) The combination of effects makes this talent essential to anyone who is going deeper in the tree.
Killer Instinct (A-) Talents deeper in the tree are based on your crit rate, and it is how Survival does a large part of its damage. 3% crit for 3 points is a good exchange.
Counterattack (C+) A fun talent, but generally relegated to PvP or for combining with Deflection and/or Deterrence. Still, you parry more often than you might think.

Tier 6
Resourcefulness (B) A good talent for the trap cooldown reduction that often gets overlooked due to competition this deep in the tree.
Lightning Reflexes (A-) Stacking agility is no longer quite as good as it was before Burning Crusade, but stockpiling considerable amounts of agility and then adding 15% more to that is a handsome gain. 533 agility is enough to get 80 bonus agility, providing 80 AP, 2% crit, and about 4% dodge.

Tier 7
Thrill of the Hunt (B+) At a crit rate of 25%, you will conserve about 10% of your mana, the same as Efficiency. With more crit, and a survival hunter will often have more, this leads to greater savings.
Wyvern Sting (C+) Each tree has a disabling move. Survival's has the longest duration, but suffers from quite a few drawbacks such as a cast time and leaving a poison DoT afterwards that makes it hard to put other CC on that target. It's not a bad one point pick-up, but curiously many people ignore it anyway because points are so tight at the end of the tree.
Expose Weakness (A+) Agility used to add 2 ranged attack power per point. Now it's just 1. But while this talent is active, that becomes effectively 1.25, and also adds that bonus to anyone else attacking your target. It does only activate after a crit, and only on your target, but it's an extremely potent raid buff and can easily outdo Trueshot Aura in just a group setting.

Tier 8
Master Tactician (C) This talent looks good on paper, but it's just not active often enough to be useful. You'll be lucky to average 3% crit from it. The worst part of this talent is that it becomes a 5-point anchor for Readiness.

Tier 9
Readiness (A-) An absolutely amazing emergency tool that is heavily bogged down by its placement in the tree. Most survival hunters want Mortal Shots, which makes it extremely challenging to get the other end survival talents and Readiness as well. Still a hunter that knows how to use this tool effectively can be extremely potent with extra traps and wyvern stings active at once, or simply resetting Deterrence and Feign Death to try to keep yourself alive a bit longer.

You said you were gonna talk about Aimed Shot...?

Here’s everything you need to know about Aimed Shot.
-It was key to every shot rotation before Burning Crusade. Now it is not used very often (and never in a shot rotation).
-I mention aimed shot here, because it was once one of the hunter's most important abilities and to optimize damage output shot rotations where build around that ability. Currently aimed shot does reduce the damage output of a hunter when used in a rotation. The reason for this is steady shot which is now woven in between autoshots. So if anyone out there is using aimed shot in there normal damage rotations, please stop it *g*.
-It is the hunter’s strongest single attack, and an aimed crit can be fairly spectacular. If any other class tries to use a >3k aimed crit as the basis of why hunters are overpowered, kindly remind them that this requires a crit, requires the hunter to stand still looking stupid and hope the target stays outside their minimum range in that time, and that a mage can pyroblast or a warlock can shadow bolt for at least as much.
-Starting a battle with Aimed Shot can put a big hole in the opponent. However since it does reset the auto shot timer, it not that much burst damage for PvP as it once has been. However if you fight a single opponent and have him entrapped / in a freeze trap, an aimed shot is can really hurt.

What are some good talent builds?

Note that the order of our trees is Beast Mastery / Marksmanship / Survival.
Common builds include:

Mainly for raids (pure DPS):

41/20/0: Maximum damage. Currently the best build for a raider who is purely looking for dps.

5/20/36: Very high damage, with more utility. Another very good build for a raider. Expose weakness adds a really amazing raid wide buff to all melee classes (including hunters). Since expose weakness does not stack (only the strongest debuff will be up on the mob) you usually do not want more than one survival hunter in your raid.

0/20/41 Survival. This for those really in love with readiness. A very high damage build, but it takes master tactician instead of improved aspect of the hawk to get the 41 point survival talent readiness.

Mainly for groups (DPS and crowd control):

0/21/40 A build focusing on crowd control and DPS. Wyvern sting as additional crowd control, shorter trap cooldown for endless retrapping, scatter shot as an additional life safer. A good build for hunters who like to play around with crowd control in groups. (For more crowd control you can move points from Survivalist into clever traps and trap mastery, making you a tad more vulnerable, but further buffing your traps.)

5/43/13: "The marksman". A common build for everyone who really likes to be a marksman. Rather good damage, some nice utility from surival. Focused a tad more on groups than raids.

Mainly for soloing (buffed pet and crowd control):

41/0/20 Solo PvE. Makes your pet a great tank and gives the hunter nice crowd control.

When you spend your points while leveling you usually want to max out your main tree first and after that fill the remaining points in your second tree. That is because talents usually get better the deeper they are in the tree.

Also, keep in mind that very close variations of these trees are not uncommon. Some want to have improved hunters mark (at least one per raid group will spec this), other always have a shadow priest in their group and thus do not need efficiency.

What build should I use while leveling?

I dunno. Just pick something and stick to it. If you really want to focus on efficiency, go straight up the Beast Mastery tree to Bestial Wrath. Having Intimidate at 30 and Bestial Wrath at 40 is a huge benefit in that level range, and your pet will require less maintenance as well. Furthermore BM remains a strong tree after bestial wrath as serpent swiftness is another great damage boost.

Does Humanoid Slaying work in PvP?


Edited several times by Mulgrin

Edited, Jul 30th 2007 10:37am by Mulgrin
#5 Jul 09 2007 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
Something else to think about.. not only do we want to take Azuarc's work and tweak the words to make them accurate again...

We need to come up with a list of those questions that weren't answered and could be added.
#6 Jul 09 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Good
Sayis wrote:
Something else to think about.. not only do we want to take Azuarc's work and tweak the words to make them accurate again...

Yes, but it'll be a first step, and I love keeping tasks simple and manageable.

Sayis wrote:
We need to come up with a list of those questions that weren't answered and could be added.

I totally agree.
If we can get good material for additional questions, those will be good additions to the sticky.
#7 Jul 09 2007 at 6:47 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
new sticky wrote:

What is a hunter good for?

Hunters are the ranged combat class in WoW. Since they don't (really) have magic, they have some limited combat abilities for if something does get in their face. They also have beast pets whose primary purpose is to allow them to use ranged combat while soloing.

After level 40, they wear stronger armor than any classes other that warriors or paladins, (but they can not use shields like shamans,) plus other defensive abilities such as a high dodge rate. They can also use all weapons other than maces or wands.
Hunters are excellent soloists and arguably the best pullers in the game. Unfortunately neither of these skills come into play much during most groups.

Are hunters fun?

Yes, hunters are fun. Any class in the game is fun or not fun, depending on who you ask. I personally despise playing warlocks and druids, but other people think they're the best classes in the game.

Hunters are not an in-your-face class like a rogue or warrior. They aren't a powerful healer or AE damage dealer that has a concrete role in a group. But they are fun for being what they are. If the concept of a hunter sounds appealing to you, you will probably have fun playing one.

Do hunters suck at PvP?
What is the dead zone?
How do I jump shot?

Yes and no. The bottom line is that every class has it's strengths and weaknesses. A hunter, on average, can beat some classes easily, like rogues, and have a lot of trouble with others, like druids.

There are plenty of ways hunters are useful in a PvP environment. On a PvP server, Track Humanoid is invaluable, as is Freezing Trap.
The "jump shot" allows a hunters to deal limited damage while outrunning their opponents by jumping, turning 90 dergees shooting an instant shot and turning back.
They do however suffer greatly from the "dead zone" - the region outside of melee reach, but still too close to use a ranged weapon -- between 5 and 8 yards.
Mages and druids in particular are excellent hunter killers because they can root you and stand in this null space where you can't fight back, and nuke you to death.

In battlegrounds, hunters can often have very interesting roles, particularly defensive ones such as guarding the flag in Warsong Gulch or a node in Arathi Basin. Between tracking to see your opponents coming, and being able to put freezing and frost traps down to stop aggressors, hunters make good guardians.

Performing a true jump shot is a complicated mess of pushing buttons on your mouse and keyboard in well-coordinated fashion, so I’m not going to take three paragraphs to explain how to do one. The easier thing to do is simply strafe, since you run just as fast as strafing, and as long as your target is more in front of than in back of you, you can still hit it.

This is as much as I'm prepared to say specifically about PvP.

How do I beat a...?

You'll have to use every trick in the book and think for yourself. There really isn't much anyone can do to magically make you a better player in PvP besides reminding you of what abilities you have.
As the posters at the official boards would say, L2P.

not much editing needed.

Edited, Jul 9th 2007 4:57pm by Aethien
#8 Jul 09 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
new sticky wrote:
Should I use bows or guns?

Dwarves should favor guns, their +5 gun skill gives them +0.2% hit and 0.2% crit rating.
Trolls have the same for Bows.
Engineers will probably favor guns because they can make their own (improved) ammo.
For anyone else, it doesn't really matter.

At lower levels, guns generally hit a little harder and bows fire a little faster. They have the same quivers/ammo pouches, same store-bought ammunition, and have neither really has a distinct advantage over the other, except that engineers can make bullets.
A hunter should know how to use either, and be prepared to use whatever the best weapon is that they can pick up, or whatever they personally prefer. (I don't like the constant noise a gun makes, but I'm also an elf, so it makes sense I would use a bow.)

and thats another part.

Edited, Jul 9th 2007 5:11pm by Aethien

Edited, Jul 9th 2007 5:37pm by Aethien
#9 Jul 09 2007 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
new sticky wrote:
When do I get...?
Pets - level 10
Dual Wield - level 20
Aspect of the Cheetah - level 20
Feign Death - level 30
Mail armor proficiency - level 40
Steady Shot - level 63
Aspect of the Viper - level 64
Shields - never.
Plate armor - never.
A well-defined group role - never.

want to know about another skill? check for yourself at the hunter trainer.

Where do I learn to use <some weapon type>?

In every major city, somewhere, there is a weapon trainer. Ask a guard where this person is. The weapon trainer for a city only teaches certain weapons, but if he doesn't teach what you want, he can tell you who (in another city) does.

What are the most important attributes for hunters?

Agility (Attack Power/crit) is number one. No questions asked. That doesn't mean you should switch items because one has a single point of agility more if you are sacrificing other stats, though.

Stamina, Intellect and Mana per 5 seconds(Mp5) are all of some benefit to hunters, although most will favor Stamina over the others.
Some hunters argue that a hunter should not get hit, and thus more HP is irrelevant, but more mana lets them fight longer, so they try to get intellect.
Mp5 helps you keep your mana high while shooting and thus keeps you doing damage for a longer time.

Later in level, you will start seeing other qualities on equipment.
Agility is good because it increases your Attack Power and your chance to crit. There are items that specifically increase one of those two factors, and are important to your damage output.
When you hit Outlands, you will start to see a lot more split stats items will have a lot of AP but no crit and greens with a combination of Ap, Agi and Sta.
There are also +hit% modifiers that make you less likely to miss.

While usually the last thing hunters look at, defensive attributes like armor and chance to dodge are of some limited benefit.
Agility also increases your chance to dodge, as well as your armor.

How does attack power, chance to crit, and chance to hit work?
What is DPS?

Attack Power (AP) and crit chance increase your damage in different ways.

AP increases your basic DPS by 1 DPS per 14 points of AP. Note that DPS stands for damage-per-second, and is a rate, not an amount per hit. So your attack power will scale to give slower weapons the right amount more that they should do. This has some ramifications regarding abilities that use weapon damage after these modifiers, such as Aimed Shot and Multishot.

Crit chance gives you better odds to get a critical hit.
A crit will deal double damage, or if you have the Mortal Shots talent, x2.3 damage.
A large number of crits creates "spiky" damage that can steal aggro early in the fight, and hunters that focus on "crit gear" will often have lower basic DPS since they lack attack power, but critical chance is another important way to increase your overall damage output.

Note that agility increases your ranged attack power by 1 per point of agility (and 1 for melee), and roughly every 53 points of agility increases a hunter's critical rate by 1%. This crit rate conversion is specific to hunters, and is the worst of all the classes in the game. People speculate why, but nobody has come up with a reason that really satisfies why it is nearly double (or half) that of any other class. (Rogues are 29, other classes are 20.)

Chance to hit affects your accuracy. Loosely speaking, you have a 95% chance to hit an even-level target. (This is actually based on the difference between your weapon skill and the target's defense skill, so higher level creatures and warriors with lots of +defense will be missed more often.) Adding 1% chance to hit adds to this 95%. There is some cap on your hit rate; you can not get 100% chance to hit.

English translation? How should I decide which gear is better?

1 AP = 1/14 DPS (pre-crit)
1% crit = 1% of your tooltip DPS, or 1.3% with Mortal Shots
1% hit = 1% of your tooltip DPS, until you add 5 or 6%. (8.6% for raid bosses)
1 agi = 1/14 DPS + 1/53 of the crit line

By tooltip DPS, I mean go to your character window and mouse over your damage and use the number that gives you. So if you had 150 DPS listed and no Mortal Shots, 1% crit and 1% hit would add 1.5 DPS...which would take about 21 AP or 10 agility to equal.

1 agi is also good for 2 armor and about 26 agi is 1% dodge.
1 int is 15 mana.
1 sta is 10 HP.
20 crit rating is 1% crit

Where do I view my critical rate?

If you mouse over your "attack" ability in your spellbook, it will give you your melee crit rate. There is nowhere to directly see your ranged crit rate, but a hunter's ranged crit rate will be the same as the melee, except if the skill of your current melee weapon is lower or if you have the Lethal Shots/killer instinct talent that will raise it by 1% per talent point.
A 1 point difference in the weapon skills makes a noticeable difference in the end result, so make sure they are *equal*.

oi, a total of 11 points updated.

and thanks to Azuarc that i didnt have to write it all myself ;)

Edited, Jul 9th 2007 5:39pm by Aethien
#10 Jul 09 2007 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
new sticky wrote:
What are the best enchants for a hunter?
Why are there no ranged weapon enchants?

The best enchants are the ones that add to the things mentioned in the "best attributes" question. Increased melee damage and weapon procs like Crusader are not worth the expense, although if you like the orange glow of a Demonslaying enchant on your spear, go for it.

Ask your guild enchanter what he can enchant that would be useful. I wouldn’t advise heavily investing in enchanting before 70, because you will replace your gear every couple levels, but at 70, you might consider savagery(+70AP) weapon, +26AP glove, +12 agi boot, +24 AP bracer, and +150 HP or +6 stats chest enchants.

For head and legs, you will need special items called librams, that involve doing a small repeatable quest.
There are librams that, among other things, add 100 HP, 1% haste, 1% dodge, 20 points of fire resistance, or 8 points to an attribute of your choice - to either head or legs.
In Outlands, some groups have head enchants for sale if you reach a high enough lvl of reputaion.
There are also new leg enchants made by Leatherworkers.

There are no ranged weapon enchants. I'm not entirely sure why, but this is where engineering comes in. Scopes can modify ranged weapons to add +damage effects the same way +damage enchants modify melee weapons.
There is also a scope that adds 3% chance to hit and a scope that adds +2% to crit.

What is the hunter's role in a group?

A hunter's primary role in a group is to safely deal damage. They have other possible roles, but 90% of the time, your group will want you to just stand in the back and shoot.
Note that that means not taking aggro, running into other creatures to get a clear shot, or breaking sheep.

Other things you can do for your group include:
# Pull - hunters can feign death, take one creature out of the fight with freeze trap, designate a target with Hunter's Mark, and are masters of taking and dropping hate.
at level 70 you will also get Misdirection, this ability lets you give someone the threat from your next 3 attacks. (note that you cant abort the pull with FD if you do this)
Crowd Control - Freezing Trap will work on nearly every creature in the game. It affects the first target to run across it, and it doesn't work extremely long when the effect isn't broken by someone hitting the frozen target, freeze trap is still a very powerful tool.
Also, your pet can sometimes off-tank things in a pinch; at higher levels, this isn't usually recommended, as Fido will not weather too many hits from elites, but better your kitty than your healer!
Scout - hunters can track, meaning they can know if something is nearby without walking up to see it. Hunters can also use their pet with Eyes of the Beast to go exploring; even if the pet aggroes something, as long as he doesn’t bring it back to the party, it doesn’t matter.
Tank - it's a pretty sad day when this happens in a group, but in some cases and with the right talents, your pet can tank single targets. (This is generally a much more acceptable thing to do before level 50 than after.)

Why do people not want hunters in their group?

Some people like to make generalizations about members of a class based on one bad experience, or what others tell them. Here are a few reasons why people have bad opinions of hunters.
1) The idiot total. There are too many of us altogether. This can be a direct issue, (rarely room in a group for one,) but also this is a byproduct of it being a perceived "cool" class and a "1337 soloist", and so hunters have an overabundance of dipsh*ts.
2) No clear-cut group role other than damage, which other classes can out-perform. Hunters don't really do anything in a group nobody else can do, and they do NOT outdamage rogues or mages, contrary to what someone will inevitably reply and try to contradict.
Damage meters don't prove anything, and neither do poorly-equipped rogues or clueless mages. Further, because it is rare for some hunters to get into a pick-up group, they often don't know what they're doing and mess up, which leads to other people wanting hunters in their group even less.
3) The melee weapon myth. Rogues and warriors always complain that "this one time in band camp, a hunter rolled on my Dal'Rend's weapon. WTF is up with that?" There are times when a hunter should *not* roll on a melee weapon, but for every time that has happened, there has been another where a hunter was rolling on a weapon that would help him and a rogue declared that because it was a melee weapon he could use, clearly he was entitled to it because he deals primarily melee damage, so he needs it more.
A valid argument, until the agility and attack power of the weapon come into play, which also help the hunter's ranged damage. There is also the added myth that hunters are the most common ninja looters, which is bull, cause everyone knows rogues are the thieves in this game. (Literally!)

What is a hunter weapon?

"Hunter weapon!" is a running joke among players, mostly started by idiotic comments on a site similar to this one called Thottbot. People there like to speculate on which class an item is good for, as if they have nothing better to do.
At some point, it became a nominal standard to call any weapon a hunter weapon, just because hunters *can* use anything but maces, and certain hunters have a tendency to roll on anything they can use.

A true hunter weapon is a decent ranged weapon, or a melee weapon that helps a hunter directly increase their ranged damage or their survivability.

Why do hunters cost so much / use so much room in their bags?

In reality, hunters don’t cost more than other classes, but it sure seems that way after buying ammunition and pet food, plus all their other necessities. The costs of these things add up, but other classes have expenses too. Reagents, armor repairs, food/drink, poisons, etc. Do they compare to buying a stack of food and 18 stacks of Reputation(cenarion Expedition)/crafted Ammo? I dunno, ask a level 70 warrior…and remember you don’t need crafted ammo.

The real kicker is that hunters can typically pick up less stuff before they return to town because of the quiver.
There's really little that can be done about this.
Take tradeskills that don't involve gathering 10 different stacks of herbs or generating more leather than you can pick up if this is an issue for you. However, I can also cite examples of how other classes face this problem as well…just not from level 1.

What are good tradeskills for a hunter?

There are six choices that are considered somewhat normal.

1. Mining/Engineering. This lets you build guns and create ammo so you don't have to pay for it. The irony is that Engineering creates more headaches than it solves, because it takes up massive amounts of bag space, costs a ton of money to save you a little bit on ammo costs, and doesn't create anything you can sell. You do get Targeting Dummies, Goblin Jumper Cables, and scopes out of the deal, though. The main reason most players do engineering is for the “toys” – trinkets like the decombobulator ray and mind control cap.

2. Skinning/Leatherworking. A great choice in the beginning, but later on leatherworking starts to suck because there are very few mail recipes and the ones there are are both hard to make and also more often geared toward a shaman. This will definitely help you before level 40, though, and you can continue to sell stacks of leather later on. A huge upside to skinning is that unlike other collecting skills, it won't interfere with your tracking.
After lvl 60 there are many more mail patterns available and it all ends up with a 3 piece lvl 70 set at 375 leatherworking.

3. Herbalism/Alchemy. Hunters benefit less from alchemy than most classes, but Elixirs of Agility and of the Mongoose are very helpful, and alchemy is one of the few tradeskills you can profit from if you know how, since everyone needs a potion or two at some point. Don’t overlook this one.

4. Mining/Jewelcrafting. lets you make Rings, Necklaces and some Trinkets.
After lvl 300 you can also start to cut gems to put in socketed items.
Downside to Jewelcrafting is that it is new and thus that many people are leveling it, wich make selling your crafted items early on not worth it and buying materials very expensive.

5. Mining(herbalism)/Skinning. This is the standard "collector" tradeskill set for farming items for others. People out to make cash often take this set-up to find things to sell on the AH. Unfortunately, this doesn't work as well with hunters as other classes because they have more limited bag space, but it can still work.

6. Mining(herbalism)/Enchanting. Enchanting helps you Improve your armor but is a huge money pit (and thus needs a gathering skill to keep it up) if you know how to make money, enchanting can get you very rich but i wouldnt recommend that for anyone who is just starting.

Note that First Aid, Fishing, and Cooking are not technically tradeskills, and do not count against your limit of two. All hunters should do First Aid. Fishing and Cooking help feed your pet, but aren't necessary as they can be a huge waste of time. (If Blizzard would add some high-level cooking recipes that don't require fishing, maybe I could do something with my capped Cooking skill!)

What's the best weapon?

Best in what way? there are countless high end weapons in raids.
You can also get epic weapons through Arena PvP at lvl 70 and a few eapons can be obtained through Reputaion.
The problem is that the “best” weapons only come from endlessly raiding high-end dungeons with a group of 25 people, require being very skilled at PvP-ing or an endless rep grind.

Also, there is no best.
It all depends on your talent spec, what you do a lot and what is obtainable for you.

Is Hurricane any good?

This particular item gets enough attention to merit its own question. The Hurricane is an exceptionally fast weapon with very good DPS for its level. This makes it useful in PvE, where steady damage from autoshot rules.
However, the ammo consumption is very high, and by the time you hit 60, there are some much better weapons out there.
In general, selling it on AH is a much better option then using it.

Why does weapon speed matter?
What is normalization?

Your attack power gives a direct bonus to your damage per second. So for autoshot, weapon speed doesn't matter one bit. If you have 700 attack power, which is a bonus of 50 DPS, and go from a weapon that has a delay of 2.0 to a weapon with a delay of 3.0, your attack power will change from adding 100 to each shot to 150 to each shot. After 6 seconds, it will be 300 damage either way.

However, it used to be that Aimed Shot and Multishot didn't use the weapon's delay for how often they could fire, but used the per-shot damage. Because of this, slow crossbows were extremely overpowering next to faster bows. In patch 1.10, Blizzard introduced a change to these abilities by normalizing their weapon delay to 2.8 -- in other words, when the game decides how much damage they do, it pretends like your weapon has a delay of 2.8. This way, an Aimed Shot will not do fully twice as much damage coming from a crossbow like Bloodseeker than from a bow like Hurricane.

So as it stands now, the biggest differences in weapon speed have been removed from the game. However, there are a few other, less significant differences. Fast weapons use ammunition faster, but they receive a slightly better bonus from the addition of a scope and will trigger Quick Shots from Improved Aspect of the Hawk more frequently. Slow weapons still technically do more damage per shot, and are probably still preferable in PvP. But weapon speed ultimately doesn't matter anywhere near as much as it once did.

Instead, people who raid will often focus on the delays in terms of shot cycles.
a shooting cycle at 70 basically comes down to autoshot > steady shot > auto shot > steady shot etc.
Wether a weapon is good or not depends on how well Steady shot fits in between auto shots.

How do I get the epic?

The "epic" quest for Rhok'delar begins in the Molten Core, off the second-to-last boss. Majordomo Executus will always leave behind the start for the hunter or for the priest "epic" quests. Take the item you find to Felwood, in the Irontree Woods, and you will need to kill four demons all by yourself. And that means completely alone - not even your pet can help, or it messes up the quest.

The battles are not easy, although they can be made much easier with certain potions, and can basically only be won in certain ways, mostly involving kiting.
note: this is for a lvl 60, the weapon itself is useless at lvl 70.

What about other slots besides ranged weapon?

For the mostpart, the best items are the ones from our class sets. There isn’t a whole lot else that competes. Rings, cloaks and neckpieces are in fairly short supply.

Bear in mind, that's with regard to the "endgame". While you're leveling, just take whatever piece of green junk "of the monkey"/"of the falcon" or that otherwise helps your stats that you can find.
and a few more done.
#11 Jul 09 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
new sticky wrote:
What are the class sets?

Beaststalker Armor is the basic set from the lvl 55-60 instanced dungeons like Stratholme and Blackrock Spire.
Beastmaster armor is the upgraded version of Beaststalker, sometimes refered to as tier 0.5, or D2.
Giantstalker Armor is the "tier 1" set from the bosses in Molten Core. While awesome items, you will NEED a raid to see any of these items, and chances are, that means you will need to be in a raiding guild.
Dragonstalker Armor is the "tier 2" armor. This comes from even higher level raid bosses like Onyxia, Ragnaros, and the major fights in Blackwing Lair.
Striker's Garb comes from Ahn'qiraj and is generally NOT considered to be tier 3 because it is not a complete set, only having 5 pieces. Also, Ahn'qiraj, while more difficult than Blackwing Lair, generally does not result in significantly better equipment.
Cryptstalker Armor is the 'tier 3' set and comes from bosses in Naxxramas, the toughest most challenging lvl 60 raid instance.
(note: lvl 60 sets are now hard to aquire because the raids arent done often
anymore and also generally useless at lvl 70)

Beast Lord Armor and Desolation Battlegear are known as the Dungeon 3 (D3) set. these are aquired in level 70 instances like Shattered Halls and Steamvaults along with a few pieces from Heroic instances.
Demon Stalker Armor is the "tier 4" set and is aquired in Karazhan, Gruul's Lair and Magtherdion's lair. This is the first of the lvl 70 raid sets and you will most likely need a raiding guild to see any of the setpieces.
Rift Stalker Armor is the "tier 5" set and is aquired in Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye.
Gronnstalker's Armor also known as "tier 6" and aquired in Mt Hyjal and the Black Temple.
This is currently the top end of armor and only very few guilds are strong enough to enter these raids.

Here are the lvl 60 PvP sets:
Horde officer armor
Alliance officer armor
Alliance Field Marshall armor
Horde Warlord Marshall's Armor

and the lvl 70 PvP sets.
High Warlord's Pursuit is the current Battleground set.
Gladiator's Pursuit is the first tier of Arena sets.
Merciless Gladiator's Pursuit is the second tier of Arena armor.

I'm level X and I have Y agility. Is my gear any good?

If X isn't 70, or 19/29 for a battleground twink, who cares? You're just going to replace it all in the next five levels.

Are hunters the best soloists?

No, but they are very good. They can move from target to target with little downtime, and can track to the next target to find it faster. The misconception of a hunter being able to fight while not taking damage making them be the best soloists is an often-repeated myth. Rogues are the best soloists, and many other classes can solo as well as a hunter.

However, a beast master hunter can level on their own extremely well.
While generally not as useful in a group, beast masters are incredible soloists. I was skeptical of this until I finally specced an alt for BM.

What is pulling and how do I do it?

Pulling is the act of taking a creature from where it is to some other place to fight it. Usually that means one person goes off and fetches it to a spot where the rest of the group lies in wait to ambush it. If you want to know about how to pull, NuklearPower's Brian Klevinger has a decent explanation of it here.

I will add my own caveats to his writing, though. Hunter pulling is only more effective with a slow methodical process. While technically it's a more improved method of pulling, it isn't always better because it's sometimes like using a sledge hammer to squish an ant -- your shoe would do just fine. Not only does the group need to listen to you, and stay out of harm's way, but you need to carefully lay a trap, scope the scene, bring the group back, blah blah blah. The point is it is often easier for a random warrior with a gun to pull. Hunter pulling does become important in heroics and raids like Karazhan, where hunters have tools and tricks that allow them to place aggro on the tank so the tank can get into position before the pull

If you are asked to pull for a group, it pays to be thinking about your next pull, or even starting it while the group is still fighting. While I seldom get to pull for an instance group, in Molten Core I know the pulls and do my best to “chain pull” – bring another target to the group just as the last one dies. That isn’t something any other class can do very well, mostly because of feign death.

Can I play a melee hunter?
Where does melee fit in with playing the class?

In theory, yes. In reality, no.

Hunters are a ranged-dominant class. If you completely ignore this, that would be like a paladin that wants to deal massive damage in a raid, or a rogue that wants to tank, because hey - they have skills that let them do it, right?

Melee is not something you should be accustomed to doing as a first choice. It's rare that running in and whacking things with an axe is the ideal strategy for you at any given time. You will always do more damage with your ranged. Past level 40 or so, melee can't even compare.

Hunters should be prepared to melee when the circumstances arise, for example, when they can't get to ranged during PvP or in close quarters of an instance. Don't neglect your weapon skills completely. But realize that more often than not, you want to do what you can to get back to range, by Wing Clipping, Counterattacking, Feign-Trapping, Scatter Shotting, Intimidating, or whatever else you can come up with. Notice how many tools we have to get to range, though? And how many do we have for real melee damage? None.

Raptor Strike adds damage to a swing, Mongoose Bite does pathetic damage after a dodge, Counterattack is a defensive move that isn't focused on damage, and Wing Clip is laughable as an offensive move...with one exception: if you have a weapon with a "chance on hit" effect, spam Wing Clip all you want because you might trigger that effect. HOWEVER, any weapon with one of those effects is better off in the hands of an actual melee character, so the odds of this happening aren't too high.

What is feign-trapping?

Feign-trapping is a way to use your crowd control effects by taking a target out of the fight for a bit. Feign death, and lay a freeze trap at your opponent's feet. It's almost impossible to do successfully with your pet attacking something because your pet will put you back in combat as soon as you feign, so put your pet on passive if you try to do this. The odds of being able to do this in solo are still somewhat stacked against you. Try doing it in PvP or in an instance group, though, and it works wonders.

Other classes REALLY hate it when you do this to them in PvP, and have called for the nerf of this move countless times. The latest official word from Blue is that it's a perfectly legitimate tactic.
Note: as of patch 2.0 traps can be laid in combat.
Feigning death in combat can still help to a:) reset your aggro or b:) drink/eat during long bossfights.

Why do people say hunters suck?

There are a lot of little things wrong with every class. For hunters, some are there because the class was the last to get put in the game and many facets of the game weren't designed with hunters in mind. Some are because Blizzard keeps tweaking the formulas and code used on hunter abilities. Some are bugs that have crept into the code and Blizzard hasn't or won't deal with. Some are just whines for other stupid reasons, like getting owned in a duel.

There are some real hunter issues. You can read the official boards if you dare to sift through the muck for them. However, the most important thing is, every class is playable, and every class is fun. Don't let all the forum whiners get to you.

The truth is, hunters are one of the most versatile classes in the game, with very good survivability, high damage capability, and a decent amount of utility. It's up to you to figure out how to bring all these things to your character, though.

Where are some other useful sources of info for hunters?
Good Intentions
Petopia (top 100 pets)
The official Blizzard hunter boards
talent calculator

that wraps up the first post... on to the next few pages oO

Edited, Jul 9th 2007 7:22pm by Aethien
#12 Jul 09 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
new sticky wrote:

Pet-related skills are in the pet section.

Hunters have a series of abilities called Aspects. A hunter can have a single aspect in place at a time, and they each produce a unique effect. A hunter can switch aspects at any time.

Aspect of the Monkey (level 4) - Increases chance to dodge by 8%. This is the defensive aspect.
Aspect of the Hawk (level 10) - Increases the hunter's ranged attack power. This is the hunter's offensive aspect.
Aspect of the Cheetah (level 20) - Increases the hunter's run speed by 30%, but becomes dazed when hit. Cheetah is mostly only useful in traveling due to the daze component, but it can be used carefully in combat and even PvP where kiting an opponent.
Aspect of the Beast (level 30) - Makes the hunter untrackable. Very helpful in PvP, and nearly useless on a PvE server.
Aspect of the Pack (level 40) - Cheetah for the group. This is of limited use since it comes at the level players get mounts, but it can let your group run through instances and other indoor areas quickly.
Aspect of the Wild (level 46) - Increases the group's Nature Resist. This ability works like a paladin aura.
Aspect of the Viper (level 64) - returns mana equal to 25% of your intellect every 5 seconds. the best aspect to keep you going in long fights/grinding sessions.

Hunters can place traps while out-of-combat. When an opponent crosses the trap, the trap will detonate, resulting in an effect depending on which trap is used. The traps stay in place, and invisible to anyone outside the hunter's group, for one minute or until used.

Immolation Trap (level 16) - Causes single target damage over time. The normal damage trap for soloing.
Freezing Trap (level 20) - Freezes an opponent for a fixed amount of time. This is a very useful ability because it can affect almost any enemy type in the game, whereas most targeted crowd control is limited that way. Helpful for PvP, pulling, or just dealing with multiple targets.
Frost Trap (level 28) - Don't confuse this with Freeze Trap. When triggered, Frost Trap produces a huge field of ice that makes all opponents nearby run slowly. Has limited usage, but can be very helpful in group PvP or in pulling large groups. There used to be an exploit for breaking linked spawns using Frost Trap.
Explosive Trap (level 34) - Causes AE damage to all enemies nearby when triggered. Most of the damage is instant, but there is a smaller over-time component. Hunters are not known for their AE, but when they need to, this is an ability that should not be forgotten.
Snake Trap (level 68) - Releases a number of snakes that attack any nearby opponent and poison it with various poisons.

Hunters have a few skills for close combat. Note that this doesn't make hunters effective at melee combat so much as it makes them not completly worthless at it.

Raptor Strike (level 1) - Increases damage on the next melee hit. This is not an instant attack and only adds a flat amount to the next hit.
Wing Clip (level 12) - For many hunters, this is the most important melee skill because it lets them get out of melee and back to ranged. Wing Clip slows the run speed of a target for 10 seconds so you can get some distance. Note that the tip says slows speed TO 50%, not BY 50%. Higher levels of the skill read smaller numbers, and if not read carefully, actually seem like a downgrade.
Mongoose Bite (level 16) - A strange ability, Mongoose lets you deal a little extra damage immediately after you dodge an attack. It is not terribly effective or efficient, but it can make a difference in a situation where you are forced into melee.
Disengage (level 20) - Disengage lowers your threat toward a target on a successful hit, and deals no damage. With luck, the target will then attack someone else instead. The tooltip on Disengage is not clear in what it means by removes from combat. It does not take you out of combat; only feign death and the rogue's vanish do that. It only turns your attack off so you don't accidentally get a crit after it lands and immediately retake aggro.
Counterattack (level 30 min) - See talents. This ability works like Mongoose Bite for parries, except that it also immobilizes a target for 5 seconds.

Hunters gain the ability to see the locations of targets on their minimap. This works essentially the same way Find Minerals or Gather Herbs does, but for enemy types. Hunters eventually learn how to track every enemy type except for mechanical and creatures with no type (like insects.)

It is important to note that only one tracking type can be active at a time, and this includes Find Minerals or Gather Herbs, or the dwarven racial skill of Treasure Finding. This can influence your choice of profession, or at least prove an aggravation.

One particular tracking skill deserves some additional mention. Track Hidden is not a standard tracking skill. It is used to help detect stealth targets, but it does not simply pop up all the stealth targets nearby on the map. Instead, it slightly increases your stealth detection. If a hidden target is *extremely* close to you, it will show it on the map, but by that time it's probably about to attack you anyway. Track Hidden is not a highly-effective ability, but when it comes to detecting stealth rogues, every little bit helps.

Stings are a class of special shots, only one of which can be on a target per hunter at a time. Stings are considered poisons and can be removed by druids, shamans, and paladins.

Serpent Sting (level 4) - Does damage over time. A poison arrow, basically. This damage WILL break freeze traps and polymorph, so don't just fire it blindly. It also helps prevent a rogue from stealthing in PvP.
Scorpid Sting (level 22) - Lowers a target's chance to hit. This is the best sting for bossfights, though it will not stack with another hunter's Scorpid Sting. Why? if it would stack, why would you bring anything else then 20 hunters(+tank) to a raid?. In times where you actually care to spend the mana on a sting in PvE, this is usually the sting you want to use.
Viper Sting (level 36) - Drains mana from the target over time. While Viper Sting works very quickly, it often doesn't work quickly enough. In a PvP battle with a mage, the mage will usually have enough mana to finish the fight anyway, so it is often better to just use Serpent and kill him quickly. Against priests and other healers, this is a different story. In PvE, you will want to Viper Sting any healer you can.
Wyvern Sting (min level 40) - See talents. Puts a target to sleep for 12 seconds, after which it has a dot effect on it larger than that of Serpent Sting.

and now i'm tired =P
#13 Jul 09 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
3,043 posts
Aethien wrote:

oi, a total of 11 points updated.

and thanks to Azuarc that i didnt have to write it all myself ;)

Several mistakes in here, though. I would also add Kill Command to the "when do I get" list.

How does attack power, chance to crit, and chance to hit work?
What is DPS?

Attack Power (AP) and crit chance increase your damage in different ways.

AP increases your basic DPS by 1 DPS per 14 points of AP. Note that DPS stands for damage-per-second, and is a rate, not an amount per hit. So your attack power will scale to give slower weapons the right amount more that they should do. This has some ramifications regarding abilities that use weapon damage after these modifiers, such as Aimed Shot and Multishot.Certain abilities, such as Aimed Shot or Multi-shot, use a preset multiplier rather than weapon speed.

Crit chance gives you better odds to get a critical hit.
A crit will deal double damage, or if you have the Mortal Shots talent, x2.3 damage.
A large number of crits creates "spiky" damage that can steal aggro early in the fight, and hunters that focus on "crit gear" will often have lower basic DPS since they lack attack power, but critical chance is another important way to increase your overall damage output.

Note that agility increases your ranged attack power by 1 per point of agility (and 1 for melee), and roughly every 53 40 points of agility increases a hunter's critical rate by 1%. This crit rate conversion is specific to hunters, and is the worst of all the classes in the game. People speculate why, but nobody has come up with a reason that really satisfies why it is nearly double (or half) that of any other class. (Rogues are 29, other classes are 20.)

Chance to hit affects your accuracy. Loosely speaking, you have a 95% chance to hit an even-level target. (This is actually based on the difference between your weapon skill and the target's defense skill, so higher level creatures and warriors with lots of +defense will be missed more often.) Adding 1% chance to hit adds to this 95%. There is some cap on your hit rate; you can not get 100% chance to hit. {This was disproved by Cheyenne's testing} It is possible to achieve a 100% hit rate.

English translation? How should I decide which gear is better?

1 AP = 1/14 DPS (pre-crit)
1% crit = 1% of your tooltip DPS, or 1.3% with Mortal Shots
1% hit = 1% of your tooltip DPS, until you add 5 or 6%. (8.6% for raid bosses)
1 agi = 1/14 DPS + 1/53 1/40 of the crit line

By tooltip DPS, I mean go to your character window and mouse over your damage and use the number that gives you. So if you had 150 DPS listed and no Mortal Shots, 1% crit and 1% hit would add 1.5 DPS...which would take about 21 AP or 10 agility to equal.

1 agi is also good for 2 armor and about 26 21 agi is 1% dodge.
1 int is 15 mana.
1 sta is 10 HP.
20 22 crit rating is 1% crit

Where do I view my critical rate?

If you mouse over your "attack" ability in your spellbook, it will give you your melee crit rate. There is nowhere to directly see your ranged crit rate, but a hunter's ranged crit rate will be the same as the melee, except if the skill of your current melee weapon is lower or if you have the Lethal Shots/killer instinct talent that will raise it by 1% per talent point.
A 1 point difference in the weapon skills makes a noticeable difference in the end result, so make sure they are *equal*.

The new paperdoll is much more intuitive. You just choose Melee or Ranged from the dropdown menu and it'll show the crit rating for each.

Edited, Jul 10th 2007 7:07am by Sayis
#14 Jul 09 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Aethien wrote:
new sticky wrote:

Pet-related skills are in the pet section.

Hunters have a series of abilities called Aspects. A hunter can have a single aspect in place at a time, and they each produce a unique effect. A hunter can switch aspects at any time.

Aspect of the Monkey (level 4) - Increases chance to dodge by 8%. This is the defensive aspect.
Aspect of the Hawk (level 10) - Increases the hunter's ranged attack power. This is the hunter's offensive aspect.
Aspect of the Cheetah (level 20) - Increases the hunter's run speed by 30%, but becomes dazed when hit. Cheetah is mostly only useful in traveling due to the daze component, but it can be used carefully in combat and even PvP where kiting an opponent.
Aspect of the Beast (level 30) - Makes the hunter untrackable. Very helpful in PvP, and nearly useless on a PvE server.
Aspect of the Pack (level 40) - Cheetah for the group. This is of limited use since it comes at the level players get mounts, but it can let your group run through instances and other indoor areas quickly.
Aspect of the Wild (level 46) - Increases the group's Nature Resist. This ability works like a paladin aura.
Aspect of the Viper (level 64) - returns mana equal to 25% of your intellect every 5 seconds. the best aspect to keep you going in long fights/grinding sessions.

Hunters can place traps at any time unless silenced. When an opponent crosses the trap, the trap will detonate, resulting in an effect depending on which trap is used. The traps stay in place, and invisible to anyone outside the hunter's group, for one minute or until used.

Immolation Trap (level 16) - Causes single target damage over time. The normal damage trap for soloing.
Freezing Trap (level 20) - Freezes an opponent for a fixed amount of time. This is a very useful ability because it can affect almost any enemy type in the game, whereas most targeted crowd control is limited that way. Helpful for PvP, pulling, or just dealing with multiple targets.
Frost Trap (level 28) - Don't confuse this with Freeze Trap. When triggered, Frost Trap produces a huge field of ice that makes all opponents nearby run slowly. Has limited usage, but can be very helpful in group PvP or in pulling large groups. There used to be an exploit for breaking linked spawns using Frost Trap.
Explosive Trap (level 34) - Causes AE damage to all enemies nearby when triggered. Most of the damage is instant, but there is a smaller over-time component. Hunters are not known for their AE, but when they need to, this is an ability that should not be forgotten.
Snake Trap (level 68) - Releases a number of snakes that attack any nearby opponent and poison it with various poisons.

Hunters have a few skills for close combat. Note that this doesn't make hunters effective at melee combat so much as it makes them not completly worthless at it.

Raptor Strike (level 1) - Increases damage on the next melee hit. This is not an instant attack and only adds a flat amount to the next hit.
Wing Clip (level 12) - For many hunters, this is the most important melee skill because it lets them get out of melee and back to ranged. Wing Clip slows the run speed of a target for 10 seconds so you can get some distance. Note that the tip says slows speed TO 50%, not BY 50%. Higher levels of the skill read smaller numbers, and if not read carefully, actually seem like a downgrade.
Mongoose Bite (level 16) - A strange ability, Mongoose lets you deal a little extra damage immediately after you dodge an attack. It is not terribly effective or efficient, but it can make a difference in a situation where you are forced into melee.
Disengage (level 20) - Disengage lowers your threat toward a target on a successful hit, and deals no damage. With luck, the target will then attack someone else instead. The tooltip on Disengage is not clear in what it means by removes from combat. It does not take you out of combat; only feign death and the rogue's vanish do that. It only turns your attack off so you don't accidentally get a crit after it lands and immediately retake aggro.
Counterattack (level 30 min) - See talents. This ability works like Mongoose Bite for parries, except that it also immobilizes a target for 5 seconds.

Hunters gain the ability to see the locations of targets on their minimap. This works essentially the same way Find Minerals or Gather Herbs does, but for enemy types. Hunters eventually learn how to track every enemy type except for mechanical and creatures with no type (like insects.)

It is important to note that only one tracking type can be active at a time, and this includes Find Minerals or Gather Herbs, or the dwarven racial skill of Treasure Finding. This can influence your choice of profession, or at least prove an aggravation.

One particular tracking skill deserves some additional mention. Track Hidden is not a standard tracking skill. It is used to help detect stealth targets, but it does not simply pop up all the stealth targets nearby on the map. Instead, it slightly increases your stealth detection. If a hidden target is *extremely* close to you, it will show it on the map, but by that time it's probably about to attack you anyway. Track Hidden is not a highly-effective ability, but when it comes to detecting stealth rogues, every little bit helps.

Stings are a class of special shots, only one of which can be on a target per hunter at a time. Stings are considered poisons and can be removed by druids, shamans, and paladins.

Serpent Sting (level 4) - Does damage over time. A poison arrow, basically. This damage WILL break freeze traps and polymorph, so don't just fire it blindly. It also helps prevent a rogue from stealthing in PvP.
Scorpid Sting (level 22) - Lowers a target's chance to hit. This is the best sting for bossfights, though it will not stack with another hunter's Scorpid Sting. Why? if it would stack, why would you bring anything else then 20 hunters(+tank) to a raid?. In times where you actually care to spend the mana on a sting in PvE, this is usually the sting you want to use.
Viper Sting (level 36) - Drains mana from the target over time. While Viper Sting works very quickly, it often doesn't work quickly enough. In a PvP battle with a mage, the mage will usually have enough mana to finish the fight anyway, so it is often better to just use Serpent and kill him quickly. Against priests and other healers, this is a different story. In PvE, you will want to Viper Sting any healer you can.
Wyvern Sting (min level 40) - See talents. Puts a target to sleep for 12 seconds, after which it has a dot effect on it larger than that of Serpent Sting.

Fixed something you missed. =P

Edited, Jul 9th 2007 3:37pm by HitashLevat
#15 Jul 10 2007 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks a lot for all those updates. There is already a ton of stuff covered, I'm impressed.

I have included all updates (including the fixes done by sayis and hitashlevat) into the 2nd and 3rd post.

When we have everything up to date I plan on inserting a lot more links to get this text more readable and accessable (sayis gave me some good ideas for this).

Keep those posts flowing in.
#16 Jul 10 2007 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
3,043 posts
There was one fix I forgot to mark in that post (near the bottom, it says 21 AP or 10 Agi... should just say 21 AP or Agi).

Also, here's my revision for the BM talents. Mostly a straight rip from my guide (sorry), but trimming out the tooltips and adding letter grades.

Beast Mastery

Tier 1
Improved Aspect of the Hawk - B
This does stack with Rapid Fire. Good burst DPS, great talent since Hawk will probably be your most-used Aspect. In the late levels, though, Viper may replace Hawk as the most-used Aspect.
Endurance Training - A
10% extra pet health is a must for a Beast Master, and the extra 5% health for yourself is a nice bonus.

Tier 2
Focused Fire - B+
Despite it's location low in the tree, this may be one of the later talents you pick up. It's definitely worth the investment, however, especially after you get Kill Command at 66.
Improved Aspect of the Monkey - C-
This is better for Survival hunters, but AotM is hardly ever used after you get your pet.
Thick Hide - A
20% extra armor is great for tanking, and a little extra for yourself is also nice. Highly recommended.
Improved Revive Pet - B
If your pet ever dies in the middle of a tough boss battle, being able to call him back can turn the tide. Your Revive Pet will take 4 seconds, cost about a third of your total mana, and brings your pet to life with 45% of his total health. Very good for 2 talent points.

Tier 3
Pathfinding - D
Loses its usefulness when you can get a mount.
Bestial Swiftness - C
Useful, especially for pets that can't get Dash/Dive. Recommended but not priority.
Unleashed Fury - A
20% extra damage? Definitely.

Tier 4
Improved Mend Pet - A
Excellent talent if you have the points. Although it takes three times as long to remove debuffs as in the past, the 20% lower mana cost is worth the talent points on its own.
Ferocity - A
10% extra crit chance is deadly, combined with the tier 6 talent Frenzy.

Tier 5
Spirit Bond - D
Very minor regen, only once per 10 seconds. Its usefulness is limited, and generally not recommended.
Intimidation - A+
Great ability for protecting casters, catching runaways, extra aggro, and interrupting casting. The stun is not broken by damage, either. Short cooldown. If all that weren't enough, you need it to get Bestial Wrath.
Bestial Discipline - B+
More focus equals more damage or better aggro control (or both). A must-have talent if you're this high in the tree.

Tier 6
Animal Handler - B+
The way this talent is worded is misleading. The important part of this talent is the +hit for your pet -- 4% more hits is essentially 4% more damage. The mount speed is just a bonus.
Frenzy - A
Simply amazing: if you got Ferocity, definitely get this. If you didn't get Ferocity, shame on you. This can reproc multiple times and can proc off of special attack crits, increasing the pet's damage by ~30% while active.

Tier 7
Ferocious Inspiration - A+
A great little buff, for groups or for solo. Applies to all classes, melee, ranged, and spell.
Bestial Wrath - A
Incredible DPS talent, cancels out any crowd-control, makes your pet immune to all crowd-controls. Can use it very often with a 2 minute cooldown.
Catlike Reflexes - B-
Another great tanking talent. The opposite of Animal Handler, 9% fewer hits is basically 9% less damage to heal.

Tier 8
Serpent's Swiftness - A
An incredible dps talent, and not one to pass up if you're going all the way.

Tier 9
The Beast Within - A
Short version: Bestial Wrath affects you, too. The damage bonus is actually rather slight, in the long term, but the CC immunity and mana cost reduction more than make up for it.
#17 Jul 10 2007 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
Sayis wrote:
There was one fix I forgot to mark in that post (near the bottom, it says 21 AP or 10 Agi... should just say 21 AP or Agi).


Sayis wrote:

Also, here's my revision for the BM talents. Mostly a straight rip from my guide (sorry), but trimming out the tooltips and adding letter grades.


Included. No reason to be sorry, it is fine you took those from your guide. There is no reason we should include something different here.
#18 Jul 10 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Wait. I think you are slightly off about frenzy. It doesn't increase damage, it increases your pets attack speed by 30%.

Ill go pull up tool tips to make sure but I know it increases your pets attack speed by 30% when it procs. cause my pet goes from 1.28 to .99 as soon as frenzy procs.
Tooltip wrote:

Rank 1
Gives your pet a 20% chance to gain a 30% attack speed increase for 8 seconds after dealing a critical strike.

obviously theres 5 ranks so rank 2 would be 40% rank 3 would be 60% rank 4 would be 80% and rank 5 would be 100% chance to proc.

Edited, Jul 10th 2007 8:08am by HitashLevat

Edited, Jul 10th 2007 8:17am by HitashLevat
#19 Jul 10 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
3,043 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
Wait. I think you are slightly off about frenzy. It doesn't increase damage, it increases your pets attack speed by 30%.

Ill go pull up tool tips to make sure but I know it increases your pets attack speed by 30% when it procs. cause my pet goes from 1.28 to .99 as soon as frenzy procs.
Tooltip wrote:

Rank 1
Gives your pet a 20% chance to gain a 30% attack speed increase for 8 seconds after dealing a critical strike.

obviously theres 5 ranks so rank 2 would be 40% rank 3 would be 60% rank 4 would be 80% and rank 5 would be 100% chance to proc.


And what happens when you get more attacks in a shorter period of time..?

I'm trusting Az's judgment when he says 30% attack speed increase is ~30% damage increase.

I also related the +hit in the same way. More hits = More damage. Crits are the same way.

#20 Jul 10 2007 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I know it will increase DPS but the math just doesn't add up. I am not the best at math but just cause you speed yourself up by 30% doesn't mean your gonna increase your damage by 30%. I am merely stating that it might be part of the old tooltip.

Which is not there. I think we should put that it increases your pets attack speed by 30% adding more overall damage from your pet.
#21 Jul 10 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
I know it will increase DPS but the math just doesn't add up. I am not the best at math but just cause you speed yourself up by 30% doesn't mean your gonna increase your damage by 30%. I am merely stating that it might be part of the old tooltip.

Which is not there. I think we should put that it increases your pets attack speed by 30% adding more overall damage from your pet.

No, the tooltip has not changed since 1.7. Frenzy is one of the few constants in the Hunter talent tree.

Probably right about the numbers, but I was being lazy and snatched that out of the original sticky.
#22 Jul 11 2007 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
Explanation of hunter skills part 2

new Sticky text wrote:

Autoshot (level 1) - This is your version of attack for ranged. Only hunters get this, and only hunters need it. Caster classes do get an autoshoot for wands. Autoshot will continually fire arrows or bullets at your target so long as you are within range, standing still, and facing the right way.
Arcane Shot (level 6) - Instant attack which does quite ok damage. It has a fixed damage component (15 damage / 25mana rank 1; 273 damage / 230 mana rank 9) and it also scales with your ranged attack power (RAP * 0.15 damage is added to the fixed amount). Keep in mind that it deals non-physical damage, so armor is ignored, but mobs can resist some of the damage or even be immune to it (which is rather seldom).
Concussive Shot (level 8) - Very short-term snare effect. It might help you get another shot or two in on an approaching target or help keep it at bay longer while you are kiting it.
Distracting Shot (level 12) - Ranged growl. Using DS adds hate to your target to possibly get it to chase you instead. In situations where your pet is taking a beating, or in a group to peel a target off a caster, this can be a useful ability, but it doesn't see a great deal of use.
Multishot (level 18) - Fires a free shot at your target that will also hit 2 nearby opponents. This is a big-time sheep breaker. When it is safe to use, it can also be a big addition to your damage and a big drain to your mana at the same time. Multishot ignores your weapon speed (it uses a fixed speed of 2.8), but uses normal shot damage for how much it does. If you use multishot a lot, a slow high-damage weapon may be favorable for you.
Aimed Shot (level 20 min) - See talents. It's a great opener for a battle due to the massive damage it deals in one blow, but isn't nearly as effective over the course of a battle.
Tranquilizing Shot (level 60) - If you don't know what this is, you don't need it. It comes from the first boss in Molten Core (originally) and is available at the hunter trainer at level 60. Its use is restricted to some level 60 raid instances (Molten Core, 2nd Boss; two bosses in Black Wing Lair and in Naxxramas). You will not need this ability in any Burning Crusade instance.
Misdirection (level 70) - This is a great skill for raids and groups. It basically transfers the hate of your next three attacks (melee or ranged) to another player. It is widely used for helping the tank to build up hate on boss fights (so that healers can start their heals earlier or so that damage dealers can start nuking a little earlier). It is also used for pulling mobs/bosses in some encounters where positioning is important. Be careful when using misdirection. Only one misdirection buff can be on any target at a given time. So when a 2nd hunter casts misdirection on the same tank the 1st hunter's misdirection buff is cancelled and the hate is added to the hunters hate list (which can result in a sudden death of the hunter).

Hunter's Mark (level 6) - Hunter's Mark does two things. First, it increases ranged attack power of all attackers against that target by 110 and by an additional 11 each time the target is struck by a ranged attack, up to a maximum of 440 (numbers are for rank 4). It's cheap on mana and should be up on every target you focus on (of course only if the target lives for some seconds so that one can benefit from the buff). Second, it adds a huge bobbing red arrow over your target that says "Kill me now!" This causes a target to appear for you on the minimap, even if it is a stealthed rogue, and also lets players nearby know what you are attacking or singling out for them. When playing the role of Main Assist for a group, hunters will usually mark their targets. When pulling, hunters will often mark what they intend on pulling through a freeze trap so players *don't* hit it. Either way, it's a little anti-thematic, but has all kinds of basic utility usage. To rogues: Hunter's Mark is considered magic and can be dispelled, and does not actually prevent you from stealthing or allow anyone other than the hunter to see you. Cry more noob.
Rapid Fire (level 26) - Allows the hunter to fire ranged attacks with 40% increased speed for 15 seconds, basically an extra 6 seconds worth of attack time if it works completely.
Trueshot Aura (level 40 min) - This is a talent skill, and sort of like an aspect. (It can be used with an actual aspect.) If you already have 30 points in marksmanship, it's an excellent one point spend, but that's also an if. More in talent section.

Scare Beast (level 14) - Fear a beast. It doesn't really get used that much except when dueling druids or other hunters.
Eagle Eye (level 14) - Zooms in a hunters view. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone using this skill.
Beast Lore (level 24) - Gives information about a target beast. This ability is almost exclusively used when considering possible pets to tame, since it gives stats on the pet and states explicitly if something is tameable.
Intimidation (level 30 min) - Activated talent that lets your pet stun a target briefly.
Flare (level 32) - More of a PvP ability, Flare will reveal stealth targets in a particular area. There are a few places where using it on rogue NPCs can be helpful, so don't forget about it, but it's not a main row ability for sure.

Feign Death (level 30) - Feign Death is an ability I could write a novel about. Here are the important things to know about feign death:
-Causes you to flop on the ground and be removed from all hate lists.
-Can fail, and fails more often against higher level targets and when facing more opponents.
-Removes you from combat, which possibly allows you to drink during a fight, or walk away safely. You can easily return to combat before you are ready by being hit with an AE attack or aggroing something nearby, or if your pet is fighting.
-Will not put you back into combat until you stand up. If you stay lying there until mobs finish off your pet, or if some AE-ing target goes running by and hits you with one as he passes, you will stay face down in the mud.
-Will kill you after 6 minutes of feigning. There are gameplay and RP reasons for this. When you feign death, in theory you slow your heartrate and your breathing so that it can not be ascertained you are alive. If you do this long enough, it could kill you. More to the point, it keeps people from hiding in a spot forever, safely - while not as huge issue an in this game, this creates an ability to 'camp' things that would cause significant problems in other games, as FD often did when monks used it in Everquest.
-While FD *does* work in PvP, players are not fooled. In fact, your opponent doesn't even lose you as a target any more.
#23 Jul 11 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
for the frenzy math question. Assume attacks of 100 damage. Do 1000 attacks

100*1000 = 100,000 damage

with a 30% bonus you will attack 1300 times at 100 damage

100*1300 = 130,000 damage

130,000/100,000 = 1.3 --> this is a 30% damage increase.

In english you have 30% more attacks, which means 30% more damage. :)
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#24 Jul 11 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Xsarus wrote:
for the frenzy math question. Assume attacks of 100 damage. Do 1000 attacks

100*1000 = 100,000 damage

with a 30% bonus you will attack 1300 times at 100 damage

100*1300 = 130,000 damage

130,000/100,000 = 1.3 --> this is a 30% damage increase.

In english you have 30% more attacks, which means 30% more damage. :)

But what I am saying is that there is a lot more to the math than just this. Take into effect how long each attack would be. How much damage each hit is. Then do it again only for the 30% increase in speed.

All I am saying is that 30% more damage in the amount of time that it would take to get the original 100% is not really likely. You shouldn't tell someone something that isn't there already due to the fact some twit is gonna believe it and then ask why their pet doesn't hit harder now that they have frenzy.
#25 Jul 11 2007 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
*sigh* Time to stop being lazy and do the math.

Assume 100 damage, 2.0 attack speed. 50 DPS

2.0 / 1.3 = 1.538
Assume 100 damage, 1.538 attack speed. 65.02 DPS

65.02 / 50 = 1.30

Frenzy increases your pet's dps by 30%
#26 Jul 11 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
And just to forestall the "but you won't have the same amount of attacks during that timespan" argument:

8 seconds / 2.0 speed = 4 attacks
8" / 1.538 speed = 5.2 attacks

Now if your pet doesn't crit again within those 8 seconds, it will deal 5 attacks, which gives us the worst case scenario of 5/4 = 1.25 ratio, in other words Frenzy boosts your pet damage by 25%. If the pet crits again, however, you will trend towards 5.2/4 = 1.3, so no matter how, Frenzy will boost your pet's damage output by 25% to 30%, and that's about as precise as you will get.
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