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Favorite Druid moment in PvP Follow

#1 Jun 16 2007 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
mine is in Wsg at level 47, scouting the enemy base and seeing 3 horde defenders
45 Shaman, 48 Hunter and 49 warlock (warlock on half health) being the crazy druid i am.. i pounced the warlock doing as much dps as i could before my inevitable death.. which came very soon.. with the lock still alive... 1% lol

i didnt release my spirit.. and waited.. my Rip ticked 70 damage.. and i got myself another killing blow..

pointless and utterly stupid, but it was fun and made my day ^_^
#2 Jun 16 2007 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
mine's gotta be in wsg at 59 runnin round in moonkin sending my trees at everythin that moved when a couple rouges snuck up on me n killed me with no mana =/
#3 Jun 18 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
My fave in WSG was hiding forever in the small room in horde flag room. A hunter even came in with his pet and his pet grunted at me (must have been passive or defenseive), but he didn't notice. With 3 other guards I just waited and waited as noob allies would run in alone versus the 4. The closest thing to a pull happened when an ally tried to run away with the guards giving chase down the tunnel. I creeped up to the flag carrier and pounced, shred, shred... u know the rest. Feral FTW.

Fave in AB is pouncing a higher level flag guard (usually farm because it guarantees regular combat) and then mangling a lower level flag guard while the higher level watches. If it breaks before I can finish the low level off, I always cheetah out of there in time. The icing on the cake is when I'm just about to die because the enemy will not stop chasing, and I switch to cat and stealth. Then I do a couple /wave's and /laugh's.
#4 Jun 19 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Default
I have two:

1. In world PVP seeing a character that is ?? to me and getting away and LOLing at him the whole time. Druids = escape artists

2. In any PVP (WSG is the best) being stealthed and in the enemies territory and /slap, /spit , /no a player while they run around trying to find me. Ahhh prowl FTW!!

#5 Jun 19 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Some of my favorite moments are in AB when some massive battles between the two groups over a flag or a strategic point seem to judge the result of the match. That is the moment I find more appropriate to use the barkskin-Tranquility combo and most of the times it has turned the tides even when we seemed to have no luck.

In WSG, I'll never forget a 5 min win with me running all three flags without any support (poor defence in the horde flag room, still it felt great)

AV. Going round enemy packs and ambushing that annoying healer is one of my favorite tacticks. My best moment though was 3 kills of the same healer in a row without dying - just run away and re-prowled (usually abusing the rare of the enemy is a suicide mission)

Edited, Jun 19th 2007 10:05am by helekin
#6 Jun 19 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I would have to say my fav Druid pvp moment came LONG before i rolled one.
On my once was a main Shammy pre tbc i was in searing gourge. Ran into this Nelf Druid and we went at it. Its been so long that I cant remember specifics, however what i do remember is that I drank twice! lol. Quite honestly this fight probably took about 10-25 minutes. Both were on the ropes many times before a saving grace CD came back up. I won eventually, however i credit that to the glory WF once was. There is in every players mind that one world pvp fight that will never die. This is mine
#7 Jun 19 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
814 posts
I was in AV when I first discovered the might of the treants. Was level 52 (So what if I'm low, I planned on healing), but a level 55 shaman met me on the road. I pulled out the treants and watched the poor guy tried to heal. Nuked his brains out without getting touched, until the final seconds. His buddies were coming so he frostbolted me, thinking I wouldbt be able to get away from his friends. But alas, I am a druid =P
#8 Jun 19 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
in world:

ganking a grey, fury-ravage dead in 1 hit
#9 Jun 19 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default
My favorite moment is when a frost mage tries to kill you using frostbolt and snares. But one time i ran the flag with about 10 health left. Got to love ferel swiftness.
#10 Jun 21 2007 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts
I think my fav moment was when I tried to ambush a draenai shammie in Hillsbrad. He was a level higher than me and 'in fairness' a better PvP player. We both hit eachother pretty hard but in the end I decided that I was out of my depth and would make a break for it. I popped into normal form, used my war stomp, went into travel form and sped away......... He then jumped into ghost wolf and proceeded to chase me for about 5 minutes before I managed (through having to duck and dive out the way of the yeti's, bears, and spiders) to make it back to TM and escape. Was quite funny at the time as I kept trying to get behind trees and then makes feints in different directions to try and extend the gap (which often didn't work and let him close on me a little, lol).

My other fav moment was having a lvl 70 hunter try to kill me and I switched into bearform, charged him and then made it into the Ramparts instance that he just came out of. (Charge is a handy way to cover a short distance very fast).
#11 Jun 21 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
At level 60 fighting a level 61 rogue (challenge, not PvP). We beat on each other for a short amount of time and he had the upper hand in damage. I called upon my Force of Nature and my trees began pulling me ahead in damage. He hit me with a finishing move that put me on the brink of death. I shifted from Moonkin and tried to heal, but he hit me before I could and finish. He only had a hair left himself. Well, right after he hit me he knew he had me so he laughed out loud. Well, while he was lauging, one of my trees (while fading away) critically hit him for 248 and dropped him too.

We both agreed that it was a draw and laughed about it.
#12 Jun 22 2007 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
For a while now i really havent had much to comment on my favorite PVP moment. But in a wsg last night i finally got mine. I joined in a wsg at lvl 29, the score was already 0/2 and they had been turtling for a bit with both sides having each others flags. I tried to help out but after about 5 minutes i noticed that no other player on my side(horde) had touched the alliances base at all.
So i started complaining and tried to give them my strategy. Nobody listened and after another min or 2 went by i got yelled at for crying too much.
I tried the whole "fine i'll just sit here thing". Well that lasted for only a few moments before frustration set in and i went charging across the field saying that id do it myself.
The flag was outside their base being held by a drae shammy no less... ~expoit~ he was outside to the left of the flag room entrance uptop along the wall hiding. a hunter and a war were defending. So i ran down and grabbed berserk and blew my dash to get back uptop to have more berserk time. With all 3 beating on me i managed to cap as they capped ours to, somehow got away, grabbed the flag and scored.
A rogue scored our second point no problem, and i carried the 3rd in. On the way up the side ramp to our base i met a 29 mage and powned him, capped our flag he had and scored again.

I got yelled at so much and look what happened. We won
#13 Jun 22 2007 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
Mines gotta be when i first tried my new feral suit at level 58. At the time i was full balance, but wanted to be able to get good cat dps and bear tanking too.

So, i ran in at wsg. sneaked up a lock, pounce, shred crit 800, moonfire, Swarm of insects while walking away, casting some more, and killed him! First lock to take down with both full.

Then some shammy ran in, killed him 90%, then died after a warrior's charge.

Shortly after this, i respecced too moonkin/feral build. It really rocks, and using that now. Like, hey, a rogue! cmon, hit me so i can lock you down at that place. Solo rogues aren't that hard - if you're walking around with 8k armor( 60.75 % blocked) and a 22% dodge chance :P
#14 Jun 30 2007 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
My favourite moment is when as a resto druid i was fighting a feral druid kiting him using entagle roots, but alas he escaped and eventually got my health down to almost zero when i hit my macro for natures switness and healing touch lol i wish i could have seen the look on his face because he turned into travel form and ran like the wind in the opposite direction

Edited, Jun 30th 2007 11:36pm by quozzo
#15 Jul 02 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
My most memorable PVP so far was as a level 33 Feral in cat form, getting ganked by a level 38 druid who proceeded to spam Moonfire and entangle. I popped back into cow form (which broke the entangle) and dropped some quick healing and HoT, back into cat and laid into him. He actually backed up enough that the mob I was fighting disengaged. The NE druid eventually went oom, and started whacking me with his staff. Got him to 4 dots then ferocious bite and the druid went down.

I was annoyed enough that I spit on his corpse before returning to (start again and) finish off my mob. But I think that's proof that there is more to being a druid than rolling one up.

Mynar - Jaedenar - Druid 39 - Guild: Another Darn Drood
#16 Jul 22 2007 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
In Arathi Basin, the enemy has 1 node, farm and they are all moving towards the blacksmith, leaving no D at the farm. Then I ninja the farm and we 5 cap for the win. Definitely the best.

#17 Jul 24 2007 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Now with a big smile on my face to see all those nice story's, i have to give my own. Its was south west of refuge where i was killing some ogres. I was level 45 or so, not that special. As i was fighting with a ogre i pulled a second one. That guy almost killed me so when i wanted to heal. Then blood elf palladin jumped in from behind a rock and stunned me. I was like what? i used my nature swiftness and with just enough mana to put a healing touch on me that critted. I was at full hp. I turned around and smacked the pally with my staff and after getting some mana and rej he decided he would lose. He ran. I tried to entangle him but he was too far away. Because of this very weak action i went in travel form and run after him. Until he came to the orc village south of the horde village. There he stood in the middle of the orcs (that were friendly for him) but not for me. there he laughed, pointed at me and made a rude gesture. My reaction? I laughed and went cat for and went stealth. :) I saw him with a ? above his head and he ran further. i slowly went through the orc village. At the end of the village where i was safe i looked around but he was gone. I decided to wait and yes that fool came back. I sneaked upon him and start bashing him in cat form. He was half way hp when he ran back in the group of orcs of that village. I decided he would not get away this time and changed into normal form. i casted wrath, moonfire and a swarm. When i was running after him i pulled agro and got hit a lot. i was like half hp when i hit him twice with moonfire to finish him. (ok not cool but at that stage that didn't matter for me) He died and i swifted into travel form and escaped with half of the orc village after me and just 80 hp left. What a feeling, sweet sweet victory
#18 Jul 24 2007 at 6:59 AM Rating: Default
Everytime my kickass druid beats the crap outta one of those dorky Nightelf druids is a great momment.Elves should stick to making toys and cookies.
#19 Jul 24 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Well, there was Nelf Druid my exact level challenging Horde to duels outside of ZF. After he disposed of a rogue, he decided to send a challenge my way. What the hey, I'll give it a try.

He went cat-form stealth right away. So did I, but I decided to walk out through the door, past a few elite mobs and up on top of the wall surrounding the entrance to ZF. I guess since he couldn't find me he came out of stealth to lure me out. I decided to take his invitation and turned Boomkin. Disposed of him before he could heal or even touch me. Guess he didn't know where I was shooting from. :D

I avenged your pride, rogue, where ever you are.
#20 Jul 25 2007 at 3:54 AM Rating: Good
I always have good times when Mages Frost Nova, or (rather stupidly) other Druids put entangling roots on me. You'd think after I got out so quick first time, they wouldn't attempt it again. =X
#21 Jul 25 2007 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
Gwynnie, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
I always have good times when Mages Frost Nova, or (rather stupidly) other Druids put entangling roots on me. You'd think after I got out so quick first time, they wouldn't attempt it again. =X

Any smart PVPer will actually continue to try to root you. It forces you to shapeshift, which burns a significant portion of your mana, and wastes a GCD. After 3 or 4 of em, you can't shift anymore; zing, dead Druid. I've always been pretty good at stopping Druid runners in WSG that way; you just have to be quick to recast because they'll get out of range fast once they're back in Travel Form.
#22 Jul 25 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
While that is a valid tactic, you have to use your rank 1 spells to do that, otherwise you burn much mana yourself for a spell that you know will be wasted.

It's like putting level 1 debuffs on a dispel-frenzied Priest or Pally. They use more mana dispelling harmless debuffs than you do putting said debuffs on them.

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 9:45am by Selverein
#23 Jul 25 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
I was level 38 full balance...waiting to get my Doomkin.

A friend was walking me to the Badlands, as I had never been there.

While en route, we come across a ?? pally.

Now it was only ?? to me, as he was lvl 49, and my friend was a 42 shammy.

he runs right at him in Wolf and starts fighting this point I'm thinking to myself "WTF is he doing, we're gonna get owned!!!

Wow was I wrong...

I did burn 75% of my mana healing us and dropping moonfires, but he never had a chance. I was at half health, and my friend near 90%...the pally on his face.

So we continue running, and I'm allowing my spirit to regen my health and mana.

The pally runs us down on his mount, and tries to get his revenge...He starts out on me, so that I wouldn't be able to heal us.

My friend drops a healing totem and starts laying into this pally...while I'm rejuv...regrowth...and now bear form to give me some help on armor.

The pally hadn't fully regenerated from rezzing, (there must be an ally gy nearby to where we dropped him) so he was already at 30% health while my friend is at 60% and I'm at 70%...

Demoralizing roar...Bash...caster...Rejuv...Moonfire...Regrowth on the Shamm...Dead Pally...

Felt really good to dominate a ?? paladin twice in a two minute span.

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