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Theorycrafting, bear with me (Talent Spec)Follow

#1 Jun 12 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Out of boredom from not being able to play the game (I'll install it on my new computer whenever I find my install disc) I've been playing around with builds and such. Since my friend's gonna get the game soon, I was going to make a priest to level with him, so I've been playing around with priest builds. Out of boredom, I wondered if I could make a non-shadow damage-spec, and I came up with this. So I ask these questions:

1) What would you change to give me a better non-shadow damage-spec, or is it good already?
2) How would this spec (or a better one if it's presented) compare to the DPS of a shadow priest or other classes.
3) (Multiple Choice) For making a non-shadow damage-spec, I am _____.
a) retarded b) original c) reinventing the wheel
#2 Jun 12 2007 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
206 posts
4) missing surge of light. Move a point out of holy nova and spirit of redemption to get 2/2 surge.

You're still crazy, but meh. No damage, no utility of shadow priest, definately not the best. Grinding spec+healing I guess.
#3 Jun 13 2007 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
You missed out on the big part of a smiter spec.
Try something like this. Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Holy Nova (remove this point if you don't PvP), Spirit of Redemption (good in instances and for spirit boost), and many of the core healing talents. Possibly move some from Mental Agility to Improved Mana burn, once again mostly for PvP. Good healing efficiency from Disc with most of the perks of Holy, and decent (though not great) damage. It wouldn't compare to most DPS classes, especially in instances and raids, but it would help out solo'ing or duo'ing.
#4 Jun 13 2007 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
- healing focus is very good
- surge of light is good
- inspiration and holy reach are not that good if you wanna do damage
- you may not need 5/5 in Silent Resolve. I can get away with 4 points.
- keep Spirit of Redemption

3. You are reinventing the wheel... :P
#5 Jul 18 2007 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
This is interesting... here are some thoughts:

Spirit of Redemption is nice, but if you are in the group for ranged dps, the point should be used in something more useful to damage.

Silent Resolve is also a waste of 5 points. You are dps. Wait for the tank to grab agro and then hit the target like all other classes. If you pull agro, Fade.

Wand Specialization is a waste in raiding. You should be max dps'ing at all times. Though Unbreakable Will is not awe inspiring, it can actually prove useful at some point.

Mana retention will be an issue. Surge of Light will be key, so focusing on crit rating will be important, but items with spirit and crit rating together are rare. Reduce the cost of any spells you can. Mental Agility, though not all that useful because, aside from Power Infusion and Shadowfiend, instant cast spells will be situational (Renew, Holy Nova, etc.) and I'm not sure DoTs are mana efficient enough for this spec.

Here is what I come up with... though it may still not work unless you are/have a Draeni priest and 2 Pallies for Bleesing of Wisdopm and Kings.
#6 Jul 18 2007 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
2,029 posts
If you're in a group of DPS, and you die, something went wrong. More than likely, that means the little extra healing could be used. Plus, a 5% increase in spirit helps out your +dmg via Spiritual Guidance (albeit not a lot).

You apparently don't know much about other DPS classes, because all of them have threat reduction available and almost all good builds incorporate them.

And actually, a lot of gear that has spirit also has crit. Almost without exception. Those that don't usually have sockets. Spirit-and-crit gear isn't that hard to find at all (of course, whether or not it's the best gear you can get is another matter entirely).
#7 Jul 19 2007 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
You apparently don't know much about other DPS classes, because all of them have threat reduction available and almost all good builds incorporate them.

Are you serious? Why waste talent points in a build when you can just learn to play in a group with your character and not pull agro away? Priests have Fade. Use it when necessary. Save your talent points for dps. You are not a healer that has to keep spamming heals (and agro) to keep the group alive. Play your character correctly. FYI - not all have classes have threat reduction in their talents.

And actually, a lot of gear that has spirit also has crit. Almost without exception. Those that don't usually have sockets. Spirit-and-crit gear isn't that hard to find at all

At 70, it takes 80 points of Intelligence for 1% crit for priests. It takes 22.1 spell crit rating for 1% crit. 600 intellect only gives you 7.5% chance to crit. You have to go after crit rating, but sacrificing spirit for crit rating takes away from the build. As for said gear being hard to find... Pre-Kara/Heroics, between level 60 and 70 you usually have a choice of 3 or 4 items, total for that level range, per slot of armor (half of which aren't worth mentioning and the rest aren't necessarily the best item). There no rings, trinkets, neck-pieces, weapons (including wands) or Held-in-Offhands at all. Though, a couple very good items are available in Heroics and a few in Kara including the beginning of the Tier 4 set.
#8 Jul 19 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
if you can't find your discs im not sure about original wow but you can install burning crusade from in the account management section
#9 Jul 19 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
2,029 posts
Priests have Fade.

Yea, and about all it's good at is wasting 1.5 seconds of time to let the tanks get more aggro. If you're pulling aggro at high levels, Fade will NOT, EVER save you, unless you've only been fighting for about 10 seconds.

FYI - not all have classes have threat reduction in their talents.

Balance druids, all major mage builds, elemental and enhancement shammies, the major warlock builds, shadow priests, and smiter priests all have threat-reducing talents. The only that don't are warriors, kitty druids, rogues (vanish), and hunters (feign death). Besides, your options for 6 points are Fort, Shield, Martydom, and Silent Resolve - Shield is a waste of talents and Martyrdom is useless outside PvP.

There no rings, trinkets, neck-pieces, weapons (including wands) or Held-in-Offhands at all.

Whoop-dee-doo. There's also no head piece, cloak, gloves, waist, legs, or weapon perfectly tailored to my shadow priest either. However, to say crit/spirit gear (or spirit gear with sockets for crit) is rare is NOT true. Will ever slot have it? Of course not. But it's not rare.
#10 Jul 24 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
Yea, and about all it's good at is wasting 1.5 seconds of time to let the tanks get more aggro. If you're pulling aggro at high levels, Fade will NOT, EVER save you, unless you've only been fighting for about 10 seconds.

Use a threat meter. You are wasting talent points when you can control your dps before you even pull the agro off the tank. If your threat gets high? Fade, stop dps-ing for 1.5 seconds... whatever.

Balance druids, all major mage builds, elemental and enhancement shammies, the major warlock builds, shadow priests, and smiter priests all have threat-reducing talents. The only that don't are warriors, kitty druids, rogues (vanish), and hunters (feign death).

Wow. 1) So you agree that all classes do not have threat reduction in their talents?

2) Shamans - The enhancement shaman threat reduction is a joke. By the time you parry, you are dead. Spirit Weapons is necessary to get to dual-wielding. Period. The Elemental Precision gives you 6% chance to hit with your spells. Coupled with Nature's Guidance, you can have 9% chance to hit (10% if you are Draeni) before you even look at spell hit rating. Threat reduction is a bonus.

Mages and Warlocks - as with Elemental Precision, each threat reducing talent is bundled with another appealing talent bonus: mana cost reduction, spell reach, etc. It becomes worth pursuing... especially when its only 2 or 3 points.

Both Silent Resolve and Subtlety (Druid Resto talent) Reduce threat and the chance that your spells will be dispelled. Both are 5 points to max. Its too much for basically threat reduction. On a smite priest Decreasing the chance to have spells dispelled is only really helpful with shackle (assuming you are not cursing). I know plenty of Balance druids that do not use Subtlety because they learned to control their agro before Subtlety affected all spells. Why can't smite priests do the same? The other options for points aren't great (though I think you are wrong about Power Word: Shield), but 5 points is lot to waste on threat reduction when you can learn to dps around it.

3)Rogues have threat reduction in their talent trees.

Whoop-dee-doo. There's also no head piece, cloak, gloves, waist, legs, or weapon perfectly tailored to my shadow priest either. However, to say crit/spirit gear (or spirit gear with sockets for crit) is rare is NOT true. Will ever slot have it? Of course not. But it's not rare.

K, items with spirt and sockets... you added 5 items pre-Kara... and one if Aldor only. Are you looking before you type?
#11 Jul 24 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
worst build of all time lol. i dont understand what youre going for exactly. its not good for pve and not good for pve.
a PVE only holy dmg spec, thats why wand spec is in there lmfao, you could switch out wand for unbreakable will for pvp.

thats about as much dps as you can get without going shadow. alot of ppl tell you it wont work out well, but when you pass 60 holy dmg comes more into the light and shadow dmg starts to dwindle down (most groups take SPs because of VE and VT, not cause they own the dps charts). ive been messing with a disc/holy build that focuses more on battle surviving not JUST healing. as of now im shadow, lvl 70, 450 spell highest MB crit was 2200. as disc holy dmg when i DIDNT have spiritual guidance, my best crit with holy fire was 1800...but at the same time you can spam POM and for burst dmg and keeping yourself alive 1 on 1 holy dps is the way to go.

alot of ppl go shadow for instancing, not pvp your idea is fine for pvp, but in pve youll never get a group. in my experience shadow is the second best for pvp, nothing beats a hard as a rock disc priest.

Edited, Jul 24th 2007 3:51pm by gofudgeyourself

Edited, Jul 24th 2007 3:52pm by gofudgeyourself
#12 Jul 24 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
As for Isfreak and ArcandCB's little feud -

I don't think I've ever seen a shadow build without shadow affinity, so why would it be so unreasonable for a holy DPSer to have a similar talent in the their build? The less aggro you're generating, the more damage you can spit out.

Anyone who argues for fade certainly hasn't ventured into the realm of doing high DPS. With the +1027 unbuffed spell dam I have (which is only slightly above average for a raiding shadow priest), fade won't even get rid of the aggro of one mind flay. Not to mention, after fade has expired, you get all that aggro back anyway.

While I do agree that aggro management on the part of the priest is key (thus not pulling aggro), fade won't ever save you, and you'd be better off generating less aggro from the onset. This way you won't be sitting around during the middle of a fight waiting for the tank to build more aggro.
#13 Jul 25 2007 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
Threat reducing talents (or increasing if you are a tank) are the most important talents around. Everything in group PvE fights is about threat management. If the group can't manage threat, it is going nowhere.

This is probably the main reason PuGs can be such a pain - people don't understand threat well enough.
#14 Jul 25 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
First of all, Smiter Priests' damage sucks. Even at its best it's one of the few builds that can actually compete with a Retribution Paladin for worst sustained DPS in a group situation. So how much threat you're not generating really shouldn't be any issue if your tank is worth his salt.

Now, secondly. You all seem to be slightly misinformed to various degrees concerning threat.

There is more to threat than just click-to-reduce-threat spells and abilities, flat threat percent reduction talents, or restraint on the part of the player. Most DPS classes have naturally built in threat reduction modifiers that allow them to pour on more damage without holding back. I don't have the exact numbers on me and I'm too lazy to look them up, but consider this hypothetical example:

First, let's assume 1 DPS = 1 Threat.

A tanking Warrior is never going to be able to match the DPS output of a Rogue and taunt can only do so much. So how does he hold aggro? Well, in Defensive Stance Warriors generate 30% additional threat. That means the Warrior now has a threat multiplier of 1.30. So in the case of a Warrior, 1 DPS = 1.30 Threat. A Warrior doing roughly 100 DPS is actually generating threat equal to 130 DPS, not counting his extra threat generating abilities.

Rogues, even without talents, have a lower base threat multiplier. I think they're at something like .80 threat per point of DPS. So for Rogues, 1 DPS = .80 threat. A Rogue can put out 100 DPS and only generate threat equal to 80 DPS.

So a Rogue with 200 DPS x .80 Threat = 160 (let's call this Actual Threat Level or ATL).

A Warrior with 125 DPS x 1.30 Threat = 162.5 ATL.

That's a difference of 75 DPS, yet the Warrior can hold the mobs' attention over the Rogue in defensive stance because of the modifiers on their actual threat levels. Now... Why is this important?

Priests, as I understand it, lack any sort of threat-lowering modifiers on their Shadow spells outside of talents. Shaman lack this as well, which is why it's nearly impossible to keep hate off of them when they're Enhancement and going all out, not because of their damage. Of course, their damage is really high anyways, much like a Shadow Priest, and the 15% reduction from Spirit Weapons just doesn't cut it most of the time which is why they still have to hold back.

Some of the classes you listed, Isfreak, do, in fact, have threat reduction. It's just naturally built in instead of more obvious from talents and abilities. Rogues, Hunters, and Warriors in Berserker Stance are all at natural threat modifiers under 1.00 before talents ever come into play. Not sure about Cat Form Druids. I know Balance Druids don't have any without talents.

Anyways... just something for you all to consider.

Edited, Jul 27th 2007 11:46am by Gaudion
#15 Jul 25 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
I remembered the natural threat reductions *long* after I posted that, so I just ignored it :P

Kitty druids get the same multiplier as rogues. It's a slightly double-edged sword, however, as threat reducers also reduce the effectiveness of such abilities and Feint, Disengage, and Fade. As we're already been over, though, these abilities are basically crap once you're level 60+, if not before, and once you get to endgame it's better to stand there and do white damage than waste mana/energy on those abilities.

P.S. WTT Devouring Plague for Soulshatter with Demonic Figurine reagent >.>
#16 Jul 25 2007 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
lsfreak wrote:
I remembered the natural threat reductions *long* after I posted that, so I just ignored it :P

Uh huh... Well, that's awfully convenient for you.
#17 Jul 26 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
To Gaudion...

I know you're trying to make a point of just the DPS, but it could be easy for some one to missunderstand what you wrote if all you're mentioning is a warriors DPS. No warrior is going to rely much at all on DPS for his threat, but the many talents and attacks he has that is far more effective to hold aggro. So it's not as if a Rogue doing more than double the actual DPS of a warrior will pull aggro from the tank, and I would really hope my rogue were doing way over that. Not to mention rogues have the best threat dumps out of any melee class I can think of. Feint can help a ton if any rogue actually wants to use it (can help a lot even with the most careful rogues if they get a string of crits) and they of course have vanish as a last resort. You didn't even mention the fact that rogues naturally only do .70 or so threat to most other classes. So by your whole thing, that 100DPS by a warrior would match 130 or so of the rogues DPS. So you could add some more to that since the warrior does do 30% more threat.

I use the rogue a lot there since you did. As I recall, casters get a some what reduced amount of threat due to range and other factors as well - I don't have all that information handy though, and wouldn't want to give out any misinformation, but I do believe that to be the case.
#18 Jul 26 2007 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Try actually reading my posts before you try to take them apart.

UltimateMonky wrote:
I know you're trying to make a point of just the DPS, but it could be easy for some one to missunderstand what you wrote if all you're mentioning is a warriors DPS. No warrior is going to rely much at all on DPS for his threat, but the many talents and attacks he has that is far more effective to hold aggro.

If you'll note, I did say:
Gaudion wrote:
A Prot Warrior doing roughly 100 DPS is actually generating threat equal to 130 DPS, not counting his extra threat generating abilities.

Learn to read the posts you critique.

Also, have you ever actually played a Prot Warrior? If you're not intimately familiar with them then you might be surprised just how much of their threat actually comes straight from their DPS. They don't hit for much, sure, but at a 1.30 modifier, it's still a substantial amount of threat generated over time.

EDIT: Actually, I should say just "Warrior" here. Prot Warriors can actually achieve a modifier even higher than 1.30 through talents, but my point still remains the same as I'm only talking about natural non-talented threat modifiers.

UltimateMonky wrote:
So it's not as if a Rogue doing more than double the actual DPS of a warrior will pull aggro from the tank, and I would really hope my rogue were doing way over that. Not to mention rogues have the best threat dumps out of any melee class I can think of. Feint can help a ton if any rogue actually wants to use it (can help a lot even with the most careful rogues if they get a string of crits) and they of course have vanish as a last resort.

I'm sorry, did you somehow miss me clearly and concisely stating that everything I was about to write was a hypothetical example? I wasn't trying to run a play-by-play here, I was just trying to explain how threat modifiers work. Learn to read the posts you critique.

UltimateMonky wrote:
You didn't even mention the fact that rogues naturally only do .70 or so threat to most other classes.

Really? I didn't? That's funny... I'm pretty sure I did. Let's see...
Gaudion wrote:
Rogues, even without talents, have a lower base threat multiplier. I think they're at something like .80 threat per point of DPS.

Yup. Like I said... I didn't have the exact numbers on me and I was too lazy to look them up at the time, but I don't see how I could have any more obviously stated that Rogues are using a modifier under the 1.00. Learn to read the posts you critique.

Edited, Jul 27th 2007 1:18am by Gaudion
#19 Jul 26 2007 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Uh huh... Well, that's awfully convenient for you.

I fail to see how leaving out facts that supported my argument further was "convenient" in the undoubtedly malicious way you inferred.
#20 Jul 26 2007 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
lsfreak wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
Uh huh... Well, that's awfully convenient for you.

I fail to see how leaving out facts that supported my argument further was "convenient" in the undoubtedly malicious way you inferred.

Well, you know... I'm just saying. I calls 'em like I sees 'em.
#21 Jul 27 2007 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
Just a real life example about threat reduction talents - we were in a group with a 68lvl shadow priest. She was constantly pulling aggro from a pretty good lvl70 tank. In the end it was easier to let her die than heal her.
Of course a bad player can always pull aggro by doing stupid things, but I just checked her talents, and guess what - only 1 point in shadow affinity...
#22 Jul 30 2007 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
guess what! SP's put the last 3 points in shadow affinity as they level. So those points will be filled by the time she gets to 70.
#23 Jul 30 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
That only proves my point that threat reduction talents are important - doesn't it?
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