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Macro Guide 2.0Follow

#1 Mar 24 2007 at 9:43 PM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
This is a continuation of my original thread which recieved a warm welcome.Some of the feedback I recieved from that post was to go into more detail and to add more examples. Also some people asked for better organization as well as some free macros they can simply edit to their own spells. Well it took me all day to finish but here it is. If anyone finds ANYTHING wrong with this guide let me know A.S.A.P so I may correct the mistake.

Hunter Macro Guide

Chapter 1--"Power Words"

There are a total of nine ( 9 ) "Power Words." These are the most basic commands. These start your macro and dictate what it will do. The "Power Words" are:


These words can be used by themselves to perform simpler tasks. One example of this would be:

/cast Fireball (rank 7)

This will of course cast your fireball spell rank seven. These "Power Word" commands are very basic. They are easy to write and easy to understand. Now moving on. These "Power Words" although simple and basic are a necessity for your macro. If you use the wrong word you may create no effect or you may create a very bad effect.

Chapter 2--"Sub Words"

There are many "Sub Words" which are available to you. I will refer to these as "Options" from here on out however because it is easier to remember and may stick with you longer. These words make your macro do more specialized or intricate things that can range from making sure you don't cast fear while in a raid to making sure you don't waste bandages on your pet when you need it instead.
These words are:

help - determines 'true' if your target is friendly
harm - determines 'true' if your target is hostile
combat - determines 'true' if you you are in combat
stance or stance:# - determines 'true' if you are in a stance or a specific stance.
stealth - determines 'true' if you are stealthed.
modifier or modifier:shift|ctr|alt - determines 'true' is the selected key is held down when the command is prompted.
equipped:<item> - determines 'true' if the item is equipped.
target=<unit> - (special option)changes the default of "target" to any valid unitid.
actionbar:<number> - evaluates 'true' if the action bar is the same as the listed one
pet:<pet type 0R name> - evaluates 'true' if the pet exists.You can add names and types (THIS IS HANDY)
mounted,flying swimming - evaluates 'true' if you are mounted swimming or flying.
indoors, outdoors - evaluates 'true' if you are indoors or outdoors.
button<#> - evaluates 'true' if the selected button was used to click/activate the command.
channeling:<spell> - evaluates 'true' if you are channeling the listed spell.
exists, dead - evaluates 'true' if the target is dead or even exists.
party - evaluates 'true' if target is member of your party.
raid- evaluates 'true' if the target is a member of your part or raid.
group - evaluates 'true' if you are in a group
group:party, raid - evaluates 'true' if you are in the specified type of group.

With these "Options" you can do something such as set up one button to do different things in different stances or something as simple as targeting your pet's target so you don't pull aggro from it. As I said before you can also set up macros that will cast fear but only if you are not in a group among many many other things.

If you add the word "NO" to the beginning of an option then the opposite would be 'true.' An example being [nogroup] vs [group]

A few examples as to how these work:

/cast [nogroup] fear (rank 4)
/stopmacro [group]

This is the macro that will cast Fear (rank 4) only if you are not in any kind of group.

/target pet
/castsequence [target=targettarget,harm] serpent sting (rank 1),auto shot

This macro will do two things. The first time you click this macro it will cast serpent sting (rank 1) on whatever your pet has targeted. The second click will then use auto shoton the same target. Each time you click it will perform the next action in a loop. In other words when you click it the third time you will cast serpent sting (rank 1) again.

Chapter 3--"Advanced Macros"

Some macros in the game are by no means simple or easy to put together. Some of these macros change stance for warriors. While some of these will ,with one button, do different attacks depending on whether you are stealthed or not. You can even set up these macros that you will only use certain attacks if you have a certain pet out.

There are easier ways to make macros that will let you do different things depending on circumstance all with the same button. These are the lifesaver macros that save time and wrong clicks from wiping the group or wasting mana rage etc.

The best way to write these more complex macros is to start with one spell then add common situations to the senario.One example would be you are in a boss fight and you want to heak the tank who has aggro. But you do not want to use extra spell slots in order to heal other people.
This is a very nice macro for this particular situation.Just remember to put these ; in between each "scenario."

/cast [target=targettarget, help] Greater Heal; [help] Greater Heal

In order to heal whoever has the boss's aggro you target the boss then click the macro that simple.If you want to heal someone other than the boss's target target them and then click the macro and presto!

Another macro that is useful is a charge/intercept for warriors. It is written as follows:

cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept

These conclude the most "advanced" macros section. Most macros will be simple such as was shown in Chapter 2. However these advanced macros are very very handy sometimes.

Chapter 4--Pre-made macros

First off I would like to tell you to edit these as needed because we do not all use the same spells etc etc and therefor it will be in your own best interest. Also please note these are random macros I had written down because I used to write macros for all my friends so these will not be hunter-specific.

pyro/fireball -- casts pyro if you are in combat fireball otherwise.

/cast [nocombat] Pyroblast; Fireball

Greater Heal on current boss target, or on current target.

/cast [target=targettarget, help] Greater Heal; [help] Greater Heal

Feed/Mend Pet based on combat status.

/cast [combat] Mend Pet; [nocombat] Feed Pet
/use [nocombat] <food item>

This macro will always use Heavy Netherweave Bandages on yourself, regardless of target.

/use [target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage

A resetting Dot macro for locks.

/castsequence reset=combat/target Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony

This will either 1) Cast flash heal if the target is friendly and you are in combat, 2) cast greater heal if the target is friendly and you are NOT in combat, 3) cast Flash Heal on your target's target if you are in combat and that unit is friendly, or if none of those conditions is true, it will cast Greater Heal on yourself.

/cast [help, combat] Flash Heal; [help, nocombat] Greater Heal; [target=targettarget, help, combat] Flash Heal; [target=player] Greater Heal

Chapter 5-- Notes

Remember to separate all scenarios in advanced macros with a ;

Remember that simply by adding "NO" to the beginning of an option will make it work when the opposite condition is met. example- [group] is true if you are in a group [nogroup] is true when not in a group.

Be creative with your macros find uses for them and use them to be faster what casting your spells than your opponents. Or to keep ahead in a raid.

Use memorable pictures for each macro that do not look incredibly similar lest you risk getting confused or mis-clicking.

Always make sure you know how to operate the macro before you go into a raid.


I hope this guide has helped everyone who read it. This took me a while to make and I did check my macros however anyone who could test and re-test them would be highly appreciated as I do not have enough toons in all the right classes to do so.

P.S rateups appreciated the "snipers" have been going to town on my karma lately.

Edited, Mar 25th 2007 5:16pm by dasraserei

Edited, Mar 25th 2007 5:56pm by dasraserei
#2 Mar 24 2007 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
I've been behind since they re-did macros. Thanks!
#3 Mar 25 2007 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Nice Guide! Best guide about macros on the alla furoms I bet. One think though, this guide goes to all classes, so you may consider putting it on the general furom (or whatever they're called, I only stay I class furoms lol).

But otherwise, nice guide, rate up!
#4 Mar 26 2007 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent guide, makes things a lot easier to understand.

One thing I'm confused by though, when casting self buffs via macro is there a way to return your target afterwards?

say if I do /target self then /cast x I will target myself.

Could you use focus?


/focus target
/target self
/cast x
/target focus

#5 Mar 26 2007 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
Kelnoen wrote:
Excellent guide, makes things a lot easier to understand.

One thing I'm confused by though, when casting self buffs via macro is there a way to return your target afterwards?

say if I do /target self then /cast x I will target myself.

Could you use focus?


/focus target
/target self
/cast x
/target focus


Ha! Perfect, just what I needed.

As for your particular question, that should work, but it'd be easier to go to Interface Options and toggle Auto Self Cast -- meaning any time you have an enemy targeted or no target, you'll automatically cast beneficial spells on yourself (but if you target is friendly you'll cast it on them), without losing the target.

But thank you for that question:

/focus target
/target pettarget
/cast Kill Command
/target focus

Now, I can activate Kill Command without losing my target (even when my pet and I are attacking two different targets)!
#6 Mar 26 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Yes that is quite possible. Not to mention it is not all that difficult to do either. I cannot sit down and write that for you at this moment but if i get a chance today I will but as for now I have to take my girl to the movies.

Also if you do write it send it to me in a message and ill put it in the guide.

I am going to add more pre-made macros and I WILL organize them

Edited, Mar 26th 2007 11:26am by dasraserei
#7 Mar 26 2007 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
One macro question im not sure about is about sending your pet to attack. The macro I want to do is cast hunters mark on target then send pet to attack can anyone help me with this im sorta a macro noob. Also would I have to add a stop casting incase im casting autoshot when I want to use this macro.

Edited, Mar 26th 2007 8:21pm by XswitchfootX
#8 Mar 27 2007 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
RPZip has put together a fantastic macro guide, posted on the main WoW forum.

RPZip's Macro Guide

I am not trying to denigrate your effort here, but his guide is very comprehensive and it's already out there and complete so to speak.

BTW, to make your Pet Attack after casting Hunter's Mark:
/cast Hunter's Mark

Not sure why you need to add a stop casting clause due to Auto Shot. I use this macro while Auto Shooting.

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 12:30pm by thermalnoise
#9 Mar 27 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Here's a question for you. I've been trying to figure out a way to do this but couldn't find out how. I want to make a macro that would use Arcane Shot if I'm in the proper range, or Wing Clip if I'm in melee range.

The only way I think it would be possible would be to use two /cast and always get an error message for the one that's in the incorrect range, but that would be rather annoying.

Is there any way to use range as a factor?

Thanks ^^

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#10 Mar 27 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
57 posts
There is no way to create a macro that will make a distiction between moves due to range sorry. However although I do not use them there is ways to get it to do that. The easiest way is to make a /castsequence macro. If it cannot fire arcane shot because you are too close next click will fire the raptor/wing clip moves.
Try that and if it does not work simply experiment with what works best because some things just do not work out while others will.

#11 Mar 27 2007 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
That's what I was afraid of, but thanks for the suggestions :)

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#12 Mar 27 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
If you can learn to ignore error messages, you can make a macro that casts one or the other - at least I used to do that in the old system. I would assume it still works (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

/cast wingclip
/cast arcane shot

The way that macro worked in the old system was, if target was in range, it would do wingclip - and then arcane would be lost in the cooldown.

If target was at range, you'd get a red message about that - but then it'd cast arcane shot, because first step didn't work and no cooldown was active.

It's a sloppy, messy way of doing things, but I used to use several macros like that - I just made them in a pinch, not really knowing what I was doing - and they worked. I learned to ignore the constant error messages.

I've been bad about relearning macros since the changes. In part I was sort of mad they pulled the rug out from under us. I'd finally learned how to use the old ones, had gotten some really nice ones from here and other sites - and poof, gone. The new system at first seemed awkward and awful.

But I've come to realize it's not that bad, and you can do tons of useful things with it. It's hard for some of us, who aren't grounding in programming languages, to "grasp" the primitive communication structure of this new macro language. A lot of it is boolean or somewhat "booleanesque" -- iow it's not a more intuitive language structure like some of the old "basic" languages had -- it's very bare bones. Just study macros - Google "world of warcraft macros" and go to the various sites - wowwiki or wikipedia has a good one, e.g. Study them, and you'll pick up good premade macros and you'll learn how to make your own. GL! Great thread, OP - I rated you up already. Thanks!
#13 Mar 27 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
57 posts
Anytime Iponema I'm just glad I could help some people out here. I was aware that most people did not have the basic knowledge in scripting / programming to make efficient macros so I wrote this so they could get a better understanding of it.

The fact tat this macro system is so bareboned is what makes it great for this game. It is simple and intuative if you have a clue as to what you are doing.

BTW Ipone I rated you up as well I truly enjoy compliments lol.
#14 Mar 27 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Thanks Iponema :)
I'll try that and see how it goes.
Rateups from me all round as well!

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#15 Mar 29 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I forgot two words in the original post damn! Oh well they have been added as of now. Anyways keep this bumped up. You never know it may help somebody =)
#16 Apr 16 2007 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Someone asked a macro question again so...
Btw, I really didn't get around to saying this, but I think this deserves some glue on the general boards.
#17 Aug 13 2007 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Hay I am having a problem with this macro I know it is a rather big one but I would be a nice thing to have for later on. I tryed making it two different ways if you don't mind help me work the bugs out of it or show me why thew aren't working.

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast [target=Beast] Track Beasts
/cast [target=Humanoid] Track Humanoids
/cast [target=Undead] Track Undead
/cast [target=Elemental] Track Elementals

/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence [target=Beast] Track Beasts; [target=Humanoid] Track Humanoids; [target=Undead] Track Undead; [target=Elemental] Track Elementals

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