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Defense and MitigationFollow

#1 Mar 23 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Basic Concept:

The basic concept of tanking consists of three parts, maintaining the aggro, mitigating the damage and staying alive. There are three classes considered to be tanking class, the Warrior, the Paladin and the Druid. Though any class has some form to maintain aggro, mitigate damage and staying alive, only Warriors, Paladins and Druids have skills and talents specific for this purpose, as well as items made for them. This guide only talks about Warriors, Paladins and Druids.

Maintaining Aggro:

One aspect of tanking is making sure the mobs attack you, not the other people in your group, since you're made to take the hits where the rest is not. Mitigating your damage is useless if you're not the one getting the damage, and you'll more likely to survive a hit than the other people in your group.

The threat caused by Warriors and Druids scales with stats such as Strength, Agility and Attack Power. The threat caused by Paladins scales with Spell Damage.

Mitigating Damage:

Another aspect of tanking is minimizing the damage you'll be receiving. It's completely useless to keep the aggro from the cloth wearers, if you take as much damage as them. Your healers cannot keep you alive, unless you make sure to take the minimum amount of damage possible. Damage mitigation can be subdivided in two groups.

Damage Reduction means reducing the damage you'll receive when you get hit. The most basic form of damage reduction is Armor. The higher your armor value, the less damage you will take. A Warrior's Defensive Stance provides 10% Damage Reduction. A Paladin's Righteous Fury provides up to 6% Damage Reduction based on talents. These apply after each other. If you have a 60% Damage Reduction from Armor, then Defensive Stance only reduces 10% of the remaining 40% for a total of 64% Damage Reduction. Blessing of Sanctuary provides a flat Damage Reduction (80 at level 70), but before Damage Reduction from Armor and Stance is taken into account, so that Warrior with 64% Damage Reduction would only receive 28.8 less damage thanks to Blessing of Sanctuary. Block Value provides a flat Damage Reduction whenever you Block an attack, after Damage Reduction from Armor and Stance is taken into account.

Damage Avoidance means avoiding a source of damage altogether. Your Miss, Dodge and Parry chance avoid getting damaged altogether. Your Block chance avoids receiving Critical Hits and Crushing Blows, since these are mutually exclusive. Though avoiding getting damaged altogether is a nice thing, it's only a chance, and therefore unreliable. It's chance based, and might or might not happen. It won't do you any good if it doesn't happen. Don't go through great lengths just to boost complete avoidance. It's a little different for Critical Hits and Crushing Blows. With the right talents and gear, these can be avoided completely by Warriors and Paladins, making it something you can rely on. By reducing the chance of Critical Hits and Crushing Blows to zero, you cannot get unlucky.

Staying Alive:

The more Damage Mitigation you have, the less your healers will have to heal you, but you will receive damage. No matter how low the damage you take is, if the healers don't have time to heal you, you will die regardless. Your heath bar is there for the sole purpose to give your healers time to heal you back up before you take the next hits. It does not reduce the damage you take or the healing you need in any way.

If you completely strife for the most health, while disregarding actual damage mitigation, you will take more damage than your healers can keep up with, and you will die. If you completely strife for the most mitigation, while disregarding your health, an unlucky string of hits will kill you.

Damage Reduction from Armor:

Against mobs up to lvl59, the Damage Reduction in % is:
100 * Armor / (Armor + (Moblvl * 85) + 400)

Against mobs of lvl60 and up, the Damage Reduction in % is:
100 * Armor / (Armor + (Moblvl * 467.5) - 22170)

Against lvl73 mobs (Bosses are considered lvl73 for lvl70 player characters):
100 * Armor / (Armor + 11957.5)

The Damage Reduction for Armor is capped to 75%. Any Armor in excess of that becomes useless. For lvl73 mobs, this is 35872.5.

The Attack Table:

When a mob or character physically attacks another mob or character, WoW determines the result with a single roll. It adds all possible values together, using the following attack table:

Critical Hit
Crushing Blow (mobs only)
Regular Hit

There are formulas that determine the a character or mob's chance to Miss, Dodge, Parry, Block, Critical Hit and Crushing Blow in %. Those are placed below each other on a line from 0 to 100%. If the total of those values is less than 100%, the remainder is filled up with Regular Hit. If the total of those values is more than 100%, everything beyond 100% falls off the bottom (first Crushing Blow, then Critical Hit, then Block, etc...).

Example 1: There is a 10% chance a mob will Miss a character, 15% the character will Dodge his attack, 20% the character will Parry his attack, 15% the character wil Block his attack, 5% he will Critically Hit the character and 15% he will place a Crushing Blow on the character. Those values count up to 80%, so the remaining 20% becomes a Regular Hit.

One check is made. A result of 0-10% becomes a Miss. 10-25% becomes a Dodge. 25-45% becomes a Parry. 45-60% becomes a Block. 60-65% becomes a Critical Hit. 65-80% becomes a Crushing Blow. 80-100% becomes a Regular Hit.

Example 2: The character mentioned in Example 1 is a Paladin. He casts Holy Shield, which raises his chance to Block an attack by 30% (for a total Block chance of 45%). The values now count up to 110%, so 10% from the lowest value (10% Crushing Blow) falls off. A result of 45-90% becomes a Block. 90-95% becomes a Critical Hit. 95-100% becomes a Crushing Blow. There is no space for Regular Hits.

Example 3: The character mentioned in Example 1 is a Warrior. He casts Shield Block, which raises his chance to Block an attack by 75% (for a total Block chance of 90%). The values now count up to 155%, so 55% from the lowest values (all 15% Crushing Blow, all 5% Critical Hit, 35% Block) falls off. A result of 45-100% becomes a Block. There is no space for Critical Hits, Crushing Blows or Regular Hits.

Edited, May 31st 2007 1:13pm by ThelsDeKwant
#2 Mar 23 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Preventing Crushing Blow and Regular Hit:

At the above examples, you can see the basic principle of pushing Crushing Blow and Regular Hit off the table. By raising your total Miss, Dodge, Parry and Block chance to 100% or higher, there is not space left for Critical Hit, Crushing Blow and Regular Hit.

A Protection Warrior's Shield Block adds 75% Block chance to 2 blocks per 5 seconds. Protection Warriors only need 25% additional mitigation chance to reach 100%, which they already receive from base values and talents. Warriors without the Improved Shield Block talent can only use Shield Block for 1 block per 5 seconds, which results in it being down often, leaving the Warrior vulnerable to Critical Hit, Crushing Blow and Regular Hit.

A Protection Paladin's Holy Shield adds 30% Block chance to 8 blocks per 10 seconds. The Libram of Repentance raises this by 5.31%. Protection Paladins need 65% additional mitigation chance to reach 100%. They receive around 25% from base values and talents, so about 40% more needs to come from gear (excluding the Libram of Repentance). Protection Paladins also have Redoubt, which adds 30% Block chance to 5 blocks for 10 seconds. However, Redoubt is a chance result of getting hit and cannot be kept up permanently, making it ineffective to reliably prevent Critical Hit, Crushing Blow and Regular Hit.

Druids cannot Parry or Block, so they can only use Miss and Dodge. They have no skills that drastically raise these stats and thus cannot prevent Critical Hit, Crushing Blow and Regular Hit in this way.

The mentioned method is quite situational. There are certain situations where this will not work, leaving you vulnerable to Critical Hit, Crushing Blow and Regular Hit:

- Mobs attack you in the rear.
- Mobs use ranged attacks.
- Mobs attack you more often than Shield Block (2 blocks per 5 seconds) or Holy Shield (8 blocks per 10 seconds) can sustain.
- You get stunned and cannot keep Shield Block or Holy Shield up.
- You get silenced and cannot keep Holy Shield up.
- You do not have enough rage or mana to recast Shield Block or Holy Shield.
- Holy Shield gets dispelled.
- You are disarmed and cannot Parry.
- You are casting and cannot Block.

For Crushing Blows and Regular Hits, nothing else can be done. Raising your total Miss, Dodge, Parry and Block chance to 100% or higher is the only method to prevent them. There is however a different solution for Critical Hits, that is more reliable.

Preventing Critical Hit:

Critical Hit% = 5% + ((Attacker's Weapon Skill) - (Defender's Defense Skill)) * 0,04%

For the average mob or character, both Weapon Skill and Defense Skill are 5*lvl. So if both the attacker and defender are of equal level, without bonuses to Weapon Skill or Defense Skill, the Critical Hit chance is 5%. Bosses are always considered 3 levels higher than you, so their Weapon Skill is 15 higher than your default Defense Skill, which raises the Critical Hit chance by 0.6% (to 5.6%).

By raising the Defense Skill high enough to reduce this chance by 5.6%, the Critical Hit chance from bosses is reduced to 0%. This requires 140 additional Defense Skill (which, at level 70, brings you to 490 Defense Skill). For level 70 characters, 2.4 Defense Rating raises your Defense Skill by 1. 336 Defense Rating raises your Defense Skill by 140.

Warriors and Paladins have a talent called Anticipation that raises their Defense Skill by 20. Characters with this talent only need an additional 120 Defense Skill. 288 Defense Rating raises your Defense Skill by 120.


Druids have a talent called Survival of the Fittest that reduces the Critical Hit chance against them by 3%. Characters with this talent reduce the Critical Hit chance from bosses down to 2.6%. Reducing the Critical Hit chance by 2.6% requires 65 Defense Skill (which, at level 70, brings you to 415 Defense Skill). 156 Defense Rating raises your Defense Skill by 65.

For Druids, every point of Defense Skill:
- Increases the chance to be Missed by 0.04%.
- Increases the chance to Dodge by 0.04%.
- Decreases the chance to receive a Critical Hit by 0.04%.

Once 415 Defense Skill is reached, only complete avoidance helps. To upgrade complete avoidance by 1%, you need:
- 14.7 Agility (Druid)
- 18.9 Dodge Rating
- 30 Defense Rating (Druid)

Edited, May 31st 2007 1:16pm by ThelsDeKwant
#3 Mar 23 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts

As mentioned above, you need 490 Defense Skill to prevent Critical Hits from bosses. In addition, you need to raise the total Miss, Dodge, Parry and Block chance against lvl73 mobs to 100% to prevent Crushing Blows and Regular Hits from bosses. Warriors and Paladins can achieve this. Druids cannot.

For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume you do not have talent points in Deflection, Anticipation or Warrior Shield Specialization.

Base Agility @ lvl70:
Night Elven Warrior - 101
Human Warrior - 96

Human Paladin - 77
Dwarven Paladin - 73
Draenei Paladin - 74
Blood Elven Paladin - 79

Miss chance:

For Warriors and Paladins, every point of Defense Skill:
- Increases the chance to be Missed by 0.04%.
- Increases the chance to Dodge by 0.04%.
- Increases the chance to Parry by 0.04%.
- Increases the chance to Block by 0.04%.
- Decreases the chance to receive a Critical Hit by 0.04%.

2.4 Defense Rating = 1 Defense Skill (@ lvl70)
60 Defense Rating = +1% Miss, +1% Dodge, +1% Parry, +1% Block, -1% Crit (@ lvl70)

Miss% = 5% + ((Defenders Defense Skill) - (Attackers Weapon Skill)) * 0.04%
Miss% = 5% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Dodge chance:

18.9 Dodge Rating = 1% Dodge (@ lvl70)
Night Elves have a 1% Racial Bonus to Dodge%.

Dodge% = Base Dodge% + Racial Bonus + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + ((Defenders Defense Skill) - (Attackers Weapon Skill)) * 0.04% + (Agility / Agility Ratio)%
Dodge% = Base Dodge% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% + (Agility / Agility Ratio)% (+1% for Night Elven Warriors) (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Warriors (Base Dodge% = 0.75%, Agility Ratio = 30):
Dodge% = 0.75% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% + (Agility / 30)% (+1% for Night Elven Warriors) (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Night Elven Warrior (Base Agility = 101, Racial Bonus = 1%):
Dodge% = 4.91% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% + (Agility Bonus / 30)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Human Warrior (Base Agility = 96, other Warriors match this closely):
Dodge% = 3.75% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% + (Agility Bonus / 30)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Paladins (Base Dodge% = 0.65%, Agility Ratio = 25):
Dodge% = 0.65% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% + (Agility / 25)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Human Paladin (Base Agility = 77, other Paladins match this closely):
Dodge% = 3.53% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% + (Agility Bonus / 25)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Parry chance:

22.4 Parry Rating = 1% Parry (@ lvl70)
Deflection gives a 5% Talent Bonus to Parry%.

Parry% = 5% + Talent Bonus + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + ((Defenders Defense Skill) - (Attackers Weapon Skill)) * 0.04%
Parry% = 5% + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (+5% with Deflection) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)

Block chance:

7.9 Block Rating = 1% Block (@ lvl70)
Warrior Shield Specialization gives a 5% Talent Bonus to Block%.

Block% = 5% + Talent Bonus + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + ((Defenders Defense Skill) - (Attackers Weapon Skill)) * 0.04% + Ongoing skill effects
Block% = 5% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (+5% with Warrior Shield Specialization) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs) (+75% with Shield Block) (+30% with Holy Shield (+5.31% with Libram of Repentance)) (+30% with Redoubt)

Block% = 5% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (+5% with Shield Specialization) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs) (+75% with Shield Block)

Block% = 5% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs) (+30% with Holy Shield (+5.31% with Libram of Repentance)) (+30% with Redoubt)

Prevention chance:

Chance to prevent Crushing Blow and Regular Hit:
[Miss%] + [Dodge%] + [Parry%] + [Block%]

[5% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)] + [Base Dodge% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% + (Agility / Agility Ratio)% (+1% for Night Elven Warriors) (+0.8% with Anticipation) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)] + [5% + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (+5% with Deflection) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs)] + [5% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Defense Rating / 60)% (+0.8% with Anticipation) (+5% with Warrior Shield Specialization) (-0.6% against lvl73 mobs) (+75% with Shield Block) (+30% with Holy Shield (+5.31% with Libram of Repentance)) (+30% with Redoubt)]

15% + Base Dodge% + (Defense Rating / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Agility / Agility Ratio)% (+1% for Night Elven Warriors) (+3.2% with Anticipation) (+5% with Deflection) (+5% with Warrior Shield Specialization) (-2.4% against lvl73 mobs) (+75% with Shield Block) (+30% with Holy Shield (+5.31% with Libram of Repentance)) (+30% with Redoubt)

Night Elven Warriors:
19.91% + (Defense Rating / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Agility Bonus / 30)% (+3.2% with Anticipation) (+5% with Deflection) (+5% with Shield Specialization) (-2.4% against lvl73 mobs) (+75% with Shield Block)

Human Warriors (Other Warriors match this closely):
18.75% + (Defense Rating / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Agility Bonus / 30)% (+3.2% with Anticipation) (+5% with Deflection) (+5% with Shield Specialization) (-2.4% against lvl73 mobs) (+75% with Shield Block)

Human Paladins (Other Paladins match this closely):
18.53% + (Defense Rating / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Agility Bonus / 25)% (+3.2% with Anticipation) (+5% with Deflection) (-2.4% against lvl73 mobs) (+30% with Holy Shield (+5.31% with Libram of Repentance)) (+30% with Redoubt)

Edited, May 31st 2007 1:30pm by ThelsDeKwant
#4 Mar 23 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts

Warriors do not have to worry about Crushing Blow and Regular Hit. As long as Shield Block is up, Crushing Blow and Regular Hit cannot happen. Their main priority is to get their Defense Skill up to 490. If they have the Anticipation talent, then this requires 288 Defense Rating, else it takes 336 Defense Rating. Additional Block chance is useless, as it falls of the table. Therefore, once 490 Defense Skill is reached, only complete avoidance helps. To upgrade complete avoidance by 1%, you need:
- 18.9 Dodge Rating
- 20 Defense Rating (Warrior and Paladin)
- 22.4 Parry Rating
- 30 Agility (Warrior)

Of course there are situations where you cannot keep Shield Block up. In these situations Block Chance has an effect. However, keep in mind that Regular Hit is the first value to fall off. The only effect is that you turn Regular Hit into Block. The damage mitigation is equal to [the difference in Block Chance] * [your Block Value].


Unlike Shield Block, Holy Shield does not push Crushing Blows off the table by itself. Additional prevention is required. Their main priority is to get their Defense Skill up to 490. If they have the Anticipation talent, then this requires 288 Defense Rating, else it takes 336 Defense Rating. Human Paladins with Holy Shield up and 490 Defense (with or without Anticipation) have the following Crushing Blow prevention against a level 73 mob:
68.53% + (Defense Rating beyond 490 Defense / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 23.7)% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Agility Bonus / 25)% (+5% with Deflection) (+5.31% with Libram of Repentance) (+30% with Redoubt)

Human Paladins need an additional 31.47% chance to prevent Crushing Blow and Regular Hit. To upgrade Crushing Blow prevention by 1%, you need:
- 7.9 Block Rating
- 15 Defense Rating (Warrior and Paladin)
- 18.9 Dodge Rating
- 22.4 Parry Rating
- 25 Agility (Paladin)

For the sake of simplicity, let's assume you have the Anticipation and Deflection talents maxed out and have the Libram of Repentance equipped (these are mandatory in your early days of fighting Crushing Blow, though you can possibly replace these later on). Since Redoubt is unreliable, I'll stop including it into calculations. If you managed to get 288 Defense Rating from gear, your avoidance will be:
78.84% + (Defense Rating beyond 288 / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 23.7)% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Agility Bonus / 25)%

That is 21.16% short of Crushing Blow immune. To reach 100% prevention of Crushing Blow and Regular hit while remaining immune to Critical Hits, you need:
- 288 Defense Rating + 168 Block Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 318 additional Defense Rating = 606 Defense Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 400 Dodge Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 474 Parry Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 529 Agility Bonus

Of course, you can use a combination of Block Rating, additional Defense Rating, Dodge Rating, Parry Rating and Agility Bonus, as long as the following formula gives a result of 21.16% or higher:
(Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Defense Rating beyond 288 / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 22.4)% + (Agility Bonus / 25)%

Dwarven Paladins need 21.32%. Draenei Paladins need 21.28%. Blood Elven Paladins need 21.08%.

If 100% prevention is reached, additional Block chance becomes useless, as it falls of the table. Therefore, once 490 Defense Skill and 100% prevention are reached, only complete avoidance helps. To upgrade complete avoidance by 1%, you need:
- 18.9 Dodge Rating
- 20 Defense Rating (Warrior and Paladin)
- 22.4 Parry Rating
- 25 Agility (Paladin)

Of course there are situations where you cannot keep Holy Shield up. In these situations Block Chance has an effect. However, keep in mind that Regular Hit is the first value to fall off. When Redoubt is not up, the only effect is that you turn Regular Hit into Block. The damage mitigation is equal to [the difference in Block Chance] * [your Block Value].

When Redoubt is up however, there's a slim chance that you receive a Crushing Blow and no chance that you receive a Regular Hit, as Holy Shield has a slightly higher Block Chance than Redoubt due to the Libram of Repentance. Additional Block Chance would actually turn Crushing Blow into Block in those situations.

Checking immunity to Crushing Blow:

There's a simple method to check if you're immune to Crushing Blow or not. You can calculate this from the Defense tab on either your ingame characters sheet or your armory character sheet. Note that bonuses from buffs affect these values directly, so make sure you are unbuffed before starting the calculation.

Hover your mouse over the Defense line. It lists your Miss chance from Defense.
Add 5% base Miss chance to this value.
Add your Dodge chance.
Add your Parry chance.
Add your Block chance. Note, if you are in game, it's best to cast Shield Block or Holy Shield right before checking your Block chance.
If you cannot do that (for example, you're using the armory), then add the following:
- Warrior: 75% for Shield Block.
- Paladin: 30% for Holy Shield.
- Paladin: 5.31% for Libram of Repentance.

If the total is 102.4% or higher, then you're immune to Crushing Blow (as long as Shield Block or Holy Shield is up of course).

You need to surpass 102.4% instead of 100%, since the character screen assumes you're fighting a lvl 70 mob. A level 73 mob lowers your Miss, Dodge, Parry and Block chance by 0.6% each for a total of 2.4%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 1:48pm by ThelsDeKwant
#5 Mar 23 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Generic Defense Gear:


[link to item] - [item name]
[location and monster that drops the item/profession that crafts the item/cost of the item]
[item stats (If Sockets are mentioned, then it lists the color of the sockets, followed by the socket bonus)]
[Avoidance granted (Miss/Dodge/Parry to push Block/Crit/Crush/Hit off the table, Paladin CB is Miss/Dodge/Parry/Block to push Crit/Crush/Hit off the table), does not include socket bonuses]

Pre-heroic, pre-raid


Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon, outdoor bosses

Serpentshrine Cavern, The Eye

Hyjal Summit, Black Temple

Physical Weapon: - Crystalblade of the Draenei
World drop
1.60 Speed, 62.8 DPS, 195 Armor, 18 Sta, 13 DefR.
Warrior: 0.65%, Paladin: 0.65%, Paladin CB: 0.86%. - Fireguard
Profession (self only): Blacksmithing (20 Primal Shadow, 20 Primal Mana, 14 Felsteel Bar)
1.60 Speed, 84.4 DPS, 23 Sta, 16 Agi, 16 HitR.
Warrior: 0.53%, Paladin: 0.64%, Paladin CB: 0.64%. - Honor's Call
Reputation: Honor Hold exalted
1.80 Speed, 81.1 DPS, 13 Sta, 16 DefR, 8 HitR.
Warrior: 0.80%, Paladin: 0.80%, Paladin CB: 1.06%. - Warbringer
Reputation: Thrallmar exalted
1.80 Speed, 81.1 DPS, 13 Sta, 16 DefR, 7 HitR.
Warrior: 0.80%, Paladin: 0.80%, Paladin CB: 1.06%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Blazeguard
Profession (self only): Blacksmithing (1 Fireguard, 8 Primal Nether, 10 Primal Air)
1.60 Speed, 91.3 DPS, 25 Sta, 17 Agi, 17 HitR.
Warrior: 0.56%, Paladin: 0.68%, Paladin CB: 0.68%. - The Sun Eater
The Mechanar: Pathaleon the Calculator (Heroic)
1.60 Speed, 83.4 DPS, 22 Sta, 13 DefR, 19 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.65%, Paladin: 1.65%, Paladin CB: 1.87%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - King's Defender
Karazhan: Chess event
1.60 Speed, 87.5 DPS, 182 Armor, 28 Sta, 13 DefR, 17 HitR.
Warrior: 0.65%, Paladin: 0.65%, Paladin CB: 0.86%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Blazefury
Profession (self only): Blacksmithing (1 Blazeguard, 5 Nether Vortex)
1.60 Speed, 97.5 DPS, 28 Sta, 19 Agi, 18 HitR.
Warrior: 0.63%, Paladin: 0.76%, Paladin CB: 0.76%. - Mallet of the Tides
Serpentshrine Cavern: The Lurker Below
1.70 Speed, 93.5 DPS, 33 Sta, 15 DefR, 14 MaceSkillR.
Warrior: 0.75%, Paladin: 0.75%, Paladin CB: 1.00%, Druid: 0.50%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - The Unbreakable Will
Hyjal Summit: Anetheron
1.60 Speed, 100.3 DPS, 308 Armor, 33 Sta, 21 DefR.
Warrior: 1.05%, Paladin: 1.05%, Paladin CB: 1.40%. - The Brutalizer
Black Temple: Supremus
1.60 Speed, 100.3 DPS, 33 Sta, 22 DefR, 21 AxeSkillR.
Warrior: 1.10%, Paladin: 1.10%, Paladin CB: 1.46%.

Spell Weapon: - Blade of the Archmage
Reputation: Honor Hold Exalted
1.80 Speed, 41.3 DPS, 13 Sta, 11 Int, 159 SpellD, 21 SpellCritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Stormcaller
Reputation: Thrallmar Exalted
1.80 Speed, 41.3 DPS, 12 Sta, 12 Int, 159 SpellD, 21 SpellCritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Mana Wrath
The Mechanar: Pathaleon the Calculator
1.80 Speed, 41.4 DPS, 24 Sta, 18 Int, 126 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Continuum Blade
Reputation: Keepers of Time Revered
1.80 Speed, 41.1 DPS, 30 Sta, 11 Int, 121 SpellD, 8 SpellHitR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Crystalforged Sword
Created by: Apexis Crystal Infusion (
1.80 Speed, 41.4 DPS, 30 Sta, 8 Int, 11 BlockR, 121 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 1.39%. - Gladiator's Gavel
Arena points: 3150
1.60 Speed, 41.5 DPS, 28 Sta, 18 Int, 199 SpellD, 18 ResR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

________________________________________________________________________________ - Bloodmaw Magus-Blade
Gruul's Lair: Gruul the Dragonkiller
1.80 Speed, 47.7 DPS, 16 Sta, 15 Int, 203 SpellD, 25 SpellCritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Fang of the Leviathan
Serpentshrine Cavern: Leotheras the Blind
1.80 Speed, 41.3 DPS, 28 Sta, 19 Int, 209 SpellD, 20 SpellCritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Tempest of Chaos
Hyjal Summit: Archimonde
1.80 Speed, 41.0 DPS, 30 Sta, 22 Int, 259 SpellD, 17 SpellHitR, 24 SpellCritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%.

Feral Weapon: - Earthwarden
Reputation: Cenarion Expedition Exalted
3.20 Speed, 65.8 DPS, 500 Armor, 39 Sta, 27 DefR, 24 FeralSkillR, 556 FeralAttackP.
Warrior: 1.35%, Druid: 0.90%.

________________________________________________________________________________ - Terestian's Stranglestaff
Karazhan: Terestian Illhoof
3.00 Speed, 67.2 DPS, 48 Sta, 38 Str, 37 Agi, 25 HitR, 647 FeralAttackP.
Warrior: 1.23%, Druid: 2.51%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Wildfury Greatstaff
Serpentshrine Cavern: Random drop
3.00 Speed, 69.4 DPS, 500 Armor, 70 Sta, 50 DodgeR, 731 FeralAttackP.
Warrior: 2.64%, Druid: 2.64%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Pillar of Ferocity
Hyjal Summit: Anetheron
3.00 Speed, 71.5 DPS, 550 Armor, 96 Sta, 47 Str, 826 FeralAttackP.
Warrior: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 3:35pm by ThelsDeKwant
#6 Mar 23 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Shield: - Shield of the Wayward Footman
World Drop
3329 Armor, 24 Sta, 16 DefR, 18 BlockR, 71 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.80%, Paladin: 0.80%, Paladin CB: 3.34%. - Netherwing Protector's Shield
Quest reward: Ally of the Netherwing (
3615 Armor, 22 Sta, 15 Agi, 15 DefR, 103 BlockV
Warrior: 1.25%, Paladin: 1.35%, Paladin CB: 1.60%. - Netherwing Defender's Shield
Quest reward: Ally of the Netherwing (
3615 Armor, 21 Sta, 13 Int, 13 DefR, 15 SpellD, 99 BlockV
Warrior: 0.65%, Paladin: 0.65%, Paladin CB: 0.86%. - Platinum Shield of the Valorous
Shadow Labyrinth: Ambassador Hellmaw
3711 Armor, 33 Sta, 24 DefR, 83 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.20%, Paladin: 1.20%, Paladin CB: 1.60%. - Aegis of the Sunbird
The Botanica: High Botanist Freywinn
3806 Armor, 27 Sta, 19 DefR, 115 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.95%, Paladin: 0.95%, Paladin CB: 1.26%. - Ogri'la Aegis
Reputation: Ogri'la Revered
3806 Armor, 18 Sta, 23 DefR, 109 BlockV, Sockets: Red, Red, +3 BlockR.
Warrior: 1.15%, Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%. - Crest of the Sha'tar
Reputation: The Sha'tar Exalted
4465 Armor, 19 Sta, 13 DefR, 132 BlockV, Sockets: Blue, Blue, 3 DodgeR.
Warrior: 0.80%, Paladin: 0.80%, Paladin CB: 1.02%. - Gladiator's Shield Wall
Arena points: 1875
5197 Armor, 45 Sta, 29 ResR, 134 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Azure-Shield of Coldarra
Badges of Justice: 33
4668 Armor, 31 Sta, 22 DefR, 148 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.10%, Paladin: 1.10%, Paladin CB: 1.46%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Shield of Impenetrable Darkness
Karazhan: Nightbane
4872 Armor, 33 Sta, 22 DefR, 155 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.10%, Paladin: 1.10%, Paladin CB: 1.46%. - Aldori Legacy Defender
Gruul's Lair: Gruul the Dragonkiller
5279 Armor, 39 Sta, 19 DefR, 15 HitR, 137 BlockV, Sockets: Blue, +2 DefR.
Warrior: 0.95%, Paladin: 0.95%, Paladin CB: 1.26%.

________________________________________________________________________________ - Kaz'rogal's Hardened Heart
Hyjal Summit: Kaz'rogal
5930 Armor, 43 Sta, 28 DefR, 21 HitR, 160 BlockV, Sockets: Yellow, +3 Sta.
Warrior: 1.40%, Paladin: 1.40%, Paladin CB: 1.86%. - Antonidas's Aegis of Rapt Concentration
Hyjal Summit: Archimonde
6336 Armor, 28 Sta, 20 Int, 21 HitR, 42 SpellD, 20 SpellCritR, 174 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%.

Ranged Weapon: - Gyro-balanced Khorium Destroyer
Profession: Engineering (1 Hardened Adamantite Tube, 20 Khorium Bar, 4 Felsteel Stabilizer, 12 Primal Fire, 12 Primal Air, 1 Primal Nether)
2.80 Speed, 75.5 DPS, 27 Sta, Sockets: Yellow, +3 Sta.

________________________________________________________________________________ - Steelhawk Crossbow
Karazhan: Attumen the Huntsman
2.80 Speed, 79.1 DPS, 16 HitR, 30 AP.
Warrior: 0.00%. - Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle
Karazhan: The Big Bad Wolf
2.70 Speed, 79.1 DPS, 15 Agi, 32 AP.
Warrior: 0.50%. - Xavian Stiletto
Karazhan: Terestian Illhoof
1.40 Speed, 78.9 DPS, 12 HitR, 20 CritR.
Warrior: 0.00%. - Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix
Karazhan: Prince Malchezaar
2.90 Speed, 83.3 DPS, 19 Agi, 34 AP.
Warrior: 0.63%. - Shuriken of Negation
Gruul's Lair: Gruul the Dragonkiller
1.20 Speed, 72.9 DPS, 16 Sta, 36 AP.
Warrior: 0.00%.


Libram: - Libram of Hope
Dire Maul East: Isalien
Reduces the base mana cost of your Seal spells by 20.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Libram of Zeal
Mark of Honor Hold/Thrallmar: 15
Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader by 68 and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 47.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Libram of the Eternal Rest
Sethekk Halls: Darkweaver Syth
Increases the damage of your Consecration spell by up to 47.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Libram of Saints Departed
The Blood Furnace: The Maker
Causes your Judgements to heal you for 41 to 49.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Libram of Truth
Blackrock Depths: Magmus
Increases the armor from your Devotion Aura by 110.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Libram of Repentance
Badges of Justice: 15
Increases your block rating by 42 while Holy Shield is active.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 5.31%.



Idol: - Idol of the Wild
Quest reward: Colossal Menace (
Increases the damage dealt by Mangle (Cat) by 24 and the damage dealt by Mangle (Bear) by 51.75.
Druid: 0.00%. - Idol of Brutality
Stratholme: Magistrate Barthilas
Increases the damage dealt by your Maul ability by 50 and Swipe ability by 10.
Druid: 0.00%
________________________________________________________________________________ - Idol of Ursoc
The Underbog: Hungarfen (Heroic)
Increases periodic damage done by Lacerate by 3 per application.
Druid: 0.00%. - Idol of the Raven Goddess
Quest reward: Vanquish the Raven God (
Increases the healing granted by the Tree of Life form aura by 20, adds 9 critical strike rating to the Leader of the Pack aura, and adds 9 spell critical strike rating to the Moonkin form aura.
Druid: 0.00%.



Edited, May 31st 2007 3:15pm by ThelsDeKwant
#7 Mar 23 2007 at 5:16 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Plate Chest: - Breastplate of the Warbringer
Quest reward: Forge Camp: Annihilated (
1048 Armor, 45 Sta, 31 DefR, 30 HitR.
Warrior: 1.55%, Paladin: 1.55%, Paladin CB: 2.06%. - Vindicator's Hauberk
Reputation: Aldor Revered
1164 Armor, 39 Sta, 46 DefR, 19 DodgeR.
Warrior: 3.27%, Paladin: 3.27%, Paladin CB: 4.04%. - Jade-Skull Breastplate
The Mechanar: Nethermancer Sepethrea
1164 Armor, 50 Sta, 30 Str, 25 DefR, 23 BlockR.
Warrior: 1.25%, Paladin: 1.25%, Paladin CB: 4.57%. - Breastplate of the Bold
The Arcatraz: Harbinger Skyriss
1164 Armor, 33 Sta, 23 Str, 21 Agi, 19 DefR, Sockets: Red, Red, Blue, +4 DefR.
Warrior: 1.65%, Paladin: 1.79%, Paladin CB: 2.10%. - Breastplate of the Righteous
The Steamvault: Warlord Kalitresh
1164 Armor, 30 Sta, 28 Int, 20 DefR, 23 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +2 Mana/5.
Warrior: 1.00%, Paladin: 1.00%, Paladin CB: 1.33%.

________________________________________________________________________________ - Panzar'Thar Breastplate
Karazhan: Nightbane
1450 Armor, 51 Sta, 26 DefR, 24 BlockR, 39 BlockV, Blue, Blue, Yellow, +4 BlockR.
Warrior: 1.30%, Paladin: 1.30%, Paladin CB: 4.77%. - Warbringer Chestguard
Magtheridon's Lair: Magtheridon
1510 Armor, 48 Sta, 16 Str, 17 Agi, 22 DefR, 23 BlockR, 45 BlockV, Sockets: Red, Yellow, Yellow, +4 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.66%. - Justicar Chestguard
Magtheridon's Lair: Magtheridon
1510 Armor, 48 Sta, 30 Int, 23 DefR, 23 BlockR, 27 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +4 DefR.
Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 4.44%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Destroyer Chestguard
The Eye: Kael'thas Sunstrider
1668 Armor, 57 Sta, 25 Str, 26 Agi, 27 DefR, 24 DodgeR, 24 HitR, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 3.48% - Crystalforge Chestguard
The Eye: Kael'thas Sunstrider
1668 Armor, 55 Sta, 27 Int, 28 DefR, 51 BlockV, 32 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Yellow, Yellow, +4 DefR.
Warrior: 3.48%
________________________________________________________________________________ - Onslaught Chestguard
1825 Armor, 69 Sta, 37 Agi, 31 DefR, 28 ParryR, 23 BlockR, Sockets: Red, Red, Yellow, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 4.03%. - Lightbringer Chestguard
1825 Armor, 69 Sta, 22 Int, 31 DefR, 23 BlockR, 47 BlockV, 39 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Red, Yellow, +6 Sta.
Paladin 1.55%, Paladin CB: 4.97%.

Plate Legs: - Legguards of the Resolute Defender
Quest reward: Destroy Naberius! (
942 Armor, 42 Sta, 23 Agi, 31 DefR, 20 ParryR.
Warrior: 3.20%, Paladin: 3.36%, Paladin CB: 3.87%. - Felsteel Leggings
Profession: Blacksmithing (8 Felsteel Bar)
1257 Armor, 39 Sta, 33 DefR, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +4 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.65%, Paladin: 1.65%, Paladin CB: 2.20%. - Timewarden's Leggings
Reputation: Keepers of Time Revered
1019 Armor, 57 Sta, 18 DefR, 11 DodgeR, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +6 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.46%, Paladin: 1.46%, Paladin CB: 1.76%. - Greaves of the Shatterer
The Shattered Halls: Warchief Kargath Bladefist
1019 Armor, 37 Sta, 25 Str, 25 DefR, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +6 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.25%, Paladin: 1.25%, Paladin CB: 1.66%. - Legplates of the Bold
The Black Morass - Aeonus
1019 Armor, 45 Sta, 31 Str, 19 Agi, 26 DefR.
Warrior: 1.93%, Paladin: 2.06%, Paladin CB: 2.49%. - Legplates of the Righteous
The Black Morass - Aeonus
1019 Armor, 27 Sta, 24 Int, 26 DefR, 28 SpellD, 10 Mana/5.
Warrior: 1.30%, Paladin: 1.30%, Paladin CB: 1.73%.

________________________________________________________________________________ - Wrynn Dynasty Greaves
Karazhan: The Curator
1269 Armor, 24 Str, 48 Sta, 27 DefR, 29 DodgeR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, Yellow, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 2.88%, Paladin: 2.88%, Paladin CB: 3.33%. - Warbringer Legguards
Gruul's Lair: Gruul the Dragonkiller
1322 Armor, 24 Str, 24 Agi, 55 Sta, 33 DefR, 35 DodgeR.
Warrior: 4.30%. - Justicar Legguards
Gruul's Lair: Gruul the Dragonkiller
1322 Armor, 46 Sta, 31 Int, 31 DefR, 31 ParryR, 36 SpellD.
Paladin: 2.93%, Paladin CB: 3.45%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Destroyer Legguards
Serpentshrine Cavern: Fathom-Lord Karathress
1459 Armor, 60 Sta, 18 Str, 28 Agi, 39 DefR, 32 BlockR, 33 BlockV, Sockets: Red, +3 Sta.
Warrior: 2.88%. - Crystalforge Legguards
Serpentshrine Cavern: Fathom-Lord Karathress
1459 Armor, 54 Sta, 27 Int, 35 DefR, 25 BlockR, 35 BlockV, 41 SpellD, Sockets: Yellow, +3 Sta.
Paladin: 1.75%, Paladin CB: 5.49%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Praetorian's Legguards
Black Temple: Shade of Akama
1544 Armor, 75 Sta, 35 DodgeR, 43 ParryR, 18 HitR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, Yellow, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 3.77%, Paladin: 3.77%, Paladin CB: 3.77%. - Onslaught Legguards
1597 Armor, 78 Sta, 24 Agi, 40 DefR, 41 ParryR, 42 BlockV, Sockets: Red, +3 Sta.
Warrior: 4.63%. - Lightbringer Legguards
1597 Armor, 69 Sta, 31 Int, 37 DefR, 37 DodgeR, 46 SpellD, Sockets: Yellow, +2 DefR.
Paladin: 3.80%, Paladin CB: 4.42%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 3:50pm by ThelsDeKwant
#8 Mar 23 2007 at 5:16 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Plate Head: - Myrmidon's Headdress
Quest reward: The Warlord's Hideout (
946 Armor, 33 DefR, 37 Sta, 17 Str, Sockets: Red, Meta, +4 Str.
Warrior: 1.65%, Paladin: 1.65%, Paladin CB: 2.20%. - Felsteel Helm
Profession: Blacksmithing (8 Felsteel Bar)
1284 Armor, 27 Sta, 33 DefR, Sockets: Red, Blue, Blue, +4 HitR.
Warrior: 1.65%, Paladin: 1.65%, Paladin CB: 2.20%. - Greathelm of the Unbreakable
The Shattered Halls: Grand Warlock Nethecurse
922 Armor, 48 Sta, 36 Str, 30 DefR.
Warrior: 1.50%, Paladin: 1.50%, Paladin CB: 2.00%. - Warhelm of the Bold
The Botanica: Warp Splinter
946 Armor, 23 Sta, 24 Str, 22 Agi, 20 DefR, Sockets: Blue, Meta, +4 Str.
Warrior: 1.73%, Paladin: 1.88%, Paladin CB: 2.21%. - Helm of the Righteous
The Mechanar: Pathaleon the Calculator
946 Armor, 30 Sta, 20 Int, 21 DefR, 23 SpellD, 6 Mana/5, Sockets: Yellow, Meta, +4 Int.
Warrior: 1.05%, Paladin: 1.05%, Paladin CB: 1.40%. - Oathkeeper's Helm
Profession: Blacksmithing (8 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 3 Primal Might, 18 Primal Life, 1 Primal Nether)
1080 Armor, 40 Sta, 22 Int, 15 DefR, 26 SpellD, 9 Mana/5, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +4 SpellHitR.
Warrior: 0.75%, Paladin: 0.75%, Paladin CB: 1.00%. - Helm of the Stalward Defender
Profession: Blacksmithing (8 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 22 Primal Earth, 12 Primal Mana, 1 Primal Nether)
1366 Armor, 47 Sta, 23 DefR, 23 ResR, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +4 Str.
Warrior: 1.15%, Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%. - Tankatronic Goggles
Profession (Self Only): Engineering (6 Heavy Knothide Leather, 1 Khorium Power Core, 2 Hardened Adamantite Tube, 4 Felsteel Stabilizer, 1 Primal Nether, 2 Talasite)
1296 Armor, 67 Sta, 38 DefR, 22 DodgeR, 13 HitR, Allows the detection of objects that are slightly out of phase, such as the arcane vortexes of Netherstorm, Slightly increases your stealth detection, Use: Allows you to look far into the distance, Sockets: Yellow, Meta, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 3.06%, Paladin: 3.06%, Paladin CB: 3.69%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Faceguard of Determination
Badges of Justice: 50
1129 Armor, 36 Sta, 32 DefR, 24 DodgeR, 24 BlockR, Sockets: Blue, Meta, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 2.86%, Paladin: 2.86%, Paladin CB: 6.44%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Eternium Greathelm
Karazhan: Opera event
1187 Armor, 31 Str, 48 Sta, 34 DefR, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +4 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.70%, Paladin: 1.70%, Paladin CB: 2.26%. - Faceguard of the Endless Watch
Shadowmoon Valley: Doomwalker
1227 Armor, 49 Sta, 30 DefR, 37 DodgeR, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, Yellow, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 3.45%, Paladin: 3.45%, Paladin CB: 3.95%. - Warbringer Greathelm
Karazhan: Prince Malchezaar
1227 Armor, 15 Str, 17 Agi, 53 Sta, 24 DefR, 19 BlockR, 39 BlockV, Sockets: Yellow, Meta, +4 BlockR.
Warrior: 1.76%. - Justicar Faceguard
Karazhan: Prince Malchezaar
1227 Armor, 43 Sta, 24 Int, 29 DefR, 24 DodgeR, 27 SpellD, Sockets: Yellow, Meta, +4 DodgeR.
Paladin: 2.71%, Paladin CB: 3.20%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Destroyer Greathelm
Serpentshrine Cavern: Lady Vashj
1355 Armor, 48 Sta, 28 Str, 28 Agi, 30 DefR, 33 DodgeR, Sockets: Red, Meta, +4 DodgeR.
Warrior: 4.17%. - Crystalforge Faceguard
Serpentshrine Cavern: Lady Vashj
1355 Armor, 48 Sta, 28 Int, 28 DefR, 19 BlockR, 40 BlockV, 36 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Meta, +6 Sta.
Paladin: 1.40%, Paladin CB: 4.27%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Onslaught Greathelm
Hyjal Summit: Archimonde
1483 Armor, 48 Sta, 23 Str, 28 Agi, 36 DefR, 30 BlockR, 35 BlockV, Sockets: Red, Meta, +6 Sta.
Warrior: 2.73%. - Lightbringer Faceguard
Hyjal Summit: Archimonde
1483 Armor, 67 Sta, 27 Int, 28 DefR, 37 DodgeR, 43 SpellD, Sockets: Yellow, Meta, +4 DodgeR.
Paladin: 3.35%, Paladin CB: 3.82%.

Plate Shoulders: - Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons
Quest reward: Success! (
767 Armor, 27 Sta, 17 Agi, 17 BlockR, 26 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.56%, Paladin: 0.68%, Paladin CB: 2.83%. - Warchief's Mantle
Quest reward: Return to Andormu (
786 Armor, 27 Sta, 23 Str, 18 ParryR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 CritR.
Warrior: 0.80%, Paladin: 0.80%, Paladin CB: 0.80%. - Shoulderguards of the Bold
Shadow Labyrinth - Murmur
873 Armor, 25 Sta, 25 Str, 17 DefR, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.
Warrior: 0.85%, Paladin: 0.85%, Paladin CB: 1.13%. - Spaulders of the Righteous
The Botanica: Laj
873 Armor, 22 Sta, 22 Int, 20 DefR, 15 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 DefR.
Warrior: 1.00%, Paladin: 1.00%, Paladin CB: 1.33%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Fanblade Pauldrons
Auchenai Crypts: Shirrak the Dead Watcher (Heroic)
873 Armor, 22 Sta, 16 Str, 20 DefR, 15 ParryR, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 ParryR.
Warrior: 1.66%, Paladin: 1.66%, Paladin CB: 2.00%. - Spaulders of Dementia
Sethekk Halls: Talon King Ikiss (Heroic)
1042 Armor, 34 Sta, 25 Str, 24 Agi, 23 DefR.
Warrior: 1.95%, Paladin: 2.11%, Paladin CB: 2.49%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Mantle of Abrahmis
Karazhan: Netherspite
1087 Armor, 21 Str, 43 Sta, 23 DefR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.15%, Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%. - Warbringer Shoulderguards
Gruul's Lair: High King Maulgar
1133 Armor, 38 Sta, 14 Str, 15 Agi, 17 DefR, 26 DodgeR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 DefR.
Warrior: 2.72%. - Justicar Shoulderguards
Gruul's Lair: High King Maulgar
1133 Armor, 37 Sta, 14 Int, 15 DefR, 17 BlockR, 26 SpellD, 27 BlockV, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +4 Sta.
Paladin: 0.75%, Paladin CB: 3.15%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Destroyer Shoulderguards
The Eye: Void Reaver
1251 Armor, 44 Sta, 13 Str, 21 Agi, 29 DefR, 32 BlockV, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 BlockR.
Warrior: 1.66%. - Crystalforge Shoulderguards
The Eye: Void Reaver
1251 Armor, 38 Sta, 26 Int, 26 DefR, 19 ParryR, 22 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Red, +4 Sta.
Paladin: 2.14%, Paladin CB: 2.58%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Pauldrons of Abyssal Fury
Black Temple: Supremus
1324 Armor, 72 Sta, 28 DefR, 36 DodgeR.
Warrior: 3.30%, Paladin 3.30%, Paladin CB: 3.77%. - Onslaught Shoulderguards
Black Temple: Mother Shahraz
1369 Armor, 53 Sta, 25 DefR, 31 ParryR, 17 BlockR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.
Warrior: 2.63%. - Lawbringer Shoulderguards
Black Temple: Mother Shahraz
1369 Armor, 50 Sta, 24 Int, 25 DefR, 23 DodgeR, 27 SpellD, Sockets: Yellow, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.
Paladin: 2.46%, Paladin CB: 2.88%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 3:45pm by ThelsDeKwant
#9 Mar 23 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Plate Hands: - Dauntless Handguards
Alliance Quest reward: Fel Embers (
722 Armor, 36 Sta, 25 BlockR, 38 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 3.16%. - Felsteel Gloves
Profession: Blacksmithing (6 Felsteel Bar)
943 Armor, 27 Sta, 25 DefR, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 ParryR.
Warrior: 1.25%, Paladin: 1.25%, Paladin CB: 1.66%. - Gauntlets of the Chosen
Reputation: Scryer revered
728 Armor, 30 Sta, 15 Agi, 35 DefR.
Warrior: 2.25%, Paladin: 2.35%, Paladin CB: 2.93%. - Thatia's Self-Correcting Gauntlets
The Arcatraz: Dalliah the Doomsayer
728 Armor, 35 Sta, 16 Str, 18 DefR, 39 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.90%, Paladin: 0.90%, Paladin CB: 1.20%. - Gauntlets of the Bold
The Steamvault: Warlord Kalitresh
728 Armor, 31 Sta, 17 Str, 16 Agi, 14 DefR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 ParryR.
Warrior: 1.23%, Paladin: 1.34%, Paladin CB: 1.57%. - Gauntlets of the Righteous
Shattered Halls: Warchief Kargath Bladefist
728 Armor, 22 Sta, 20 Int, 19 DefR, 21 SpellD, 7 Mana/5.
Warrior: 0.95%, Paladin: 0.95%, Paladin CB: 1.26%. - Gauntlets of the Iron Tower
Profession: Blacksmithing (10 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 2 Primal Might, 15 Primal Earth, 1 Primal Nether)
831 Armor, 30 Sta, 20 DefR, 26 ResR, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +3 Str.
Warrior: 1.00%, Paladin: 1.00%, Paladin CB: 1.33%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Gauntlets of Dissension
The Botanica: Warp Splinter
868 Armor, 36 Sta, 24 Str, 23 Agi, 24 DefR.
Warrior: 1.96%, Paladin: 2.12%, Paladin CB: 2.52%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden
Karazhan: Maiden of Virtue
906 Armor, 39 Sta, 16 DefR, 17 BlockR, 38 BlockV, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +4 BlockR.
Warrior: 0.80%, Paladin: 0.80%, Paladin CB: 3.21%. - Topaz-Studded Battlegrips
Hellfire Peninsula: Doom Lord Kazzak
944 Armor, 49 Sta, 31 DefR, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +5 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.55%, Paladin: 1.55%, Paladin CB: 2.06%. - Warbringer Handguards
Karazhan: The Curator
944 Armor, 38 Sta, 17 Str, 20 Agi, 23 DefR, 29 ParryR.
Warrior: 3.11%. - Justicar Handguards
Karazhan: The Curator
944 Armor, 34 Sta, 24 Int, 23 DefR, 27 SpellD, 35 BlockV.
Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Destroyer Handguards
Serpentshrine Cavern: Leotheras the Blind
1042 Armor, 44 Sta, 16 Str, 16 Agi, 25 DefR, 23 BlockR, 44 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.78%. - Crystalforge Handguards
Serpentshrine Cavern: Leotheras the Blind
1042 Armor, 40 Sta, 21 Int, 27 DefR, 22 BlockR, 30 BlockV, 29 SpellD.
Paladin: 1.35%, Paladin CB: 4.58%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Gauntlets of Enforcement
Black Temple: Teron Gorefiend
1103 Armor, 70 Sta, 32 DefR, 36 BlockV, 21 SwordR, 21 MaceR, 21 AxeR.
Warrior: 1.60%, Paladin 1.60%, Paladin CB: 2.13%. - Onslaught Handguards
Hyjal Summit: Azgalor
1141 Armor, 50 Sta, 18 Str, 32 DefR, 27 DodgeR, 27 BlockR, Sockets: Red, +3 Sta.
Warrior: 3.02%. - Lightbringer Handguards
Hyjal Summit: Azgalor
1141 Armor, 44 Sta, 28 Int, 30 DefR, 22 DodgeR, 30 ParryR, 34 SpellD, Sockets: Red, +3 Sta.
Paladin: 4.00%, Paladin CB: 4.50%.

Plate Feet: - Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves
Quest reward: Someone Else's Hard Work Pays Off (
680 Armor, 25 Sta, 18 DefR, 28 DodgeR.
Warrior: 2.38%, Paladin: 2.38%, Paladin CB: 2.68%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Boots of the Colossus
Mana-Tombs: Pandemonius (Heroic)
800 Armor, 27 Sta, 22 Str, 19 DefR, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +3 DefR.
Warrior: 0.95%, Paladin: 0.95%, Paladin CB: 1.26%. - Boots of Righteous Fortitude
Sethekk Halls: Anzu (Heroic)
800 Armor, 37 Sta, 14 Int, 19 DefR, 29 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.95%, Paladin: 0.95%, Paladin CB: 1.26%. - Eaglecrest Warboots
The Blood Furnace: Keli'dan the Breaker (Heroic)
955 Armor, 33 Sta, 29 Str, 21 Agi, 24 DefR.
Warrior: 1.90%, Paladin: 2.04%, Paladin CB: 2.44%. - Boots of the Righteous Path
The Arcatraz: Harbinger Skyriss (Heroic)
955 Armor, 34 Sta, 26 Int, 23 DefR, 28 SpellD.
Warrior: 1.15%, Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Boots of Elusion
Karazhan: Random drop
997 Armor, 34 Sta, 23 DefR, 38 DodgeR.
Warrior: 3.16%, Paladin: 3.16%, Paladin CB: 3.54%. - Battlescar Boots
Karazhan: Chess event
997 Armor, 28 Sta, 18 Str, 23 DefR, 21 ParryR, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 ParryR.
Warrior: 2.08%, Paladin: 2.08%, Paladin CB: 2.47%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Red Havoc Boots
Profession (self only): Blacksmithing (2 Primal Nether, 4 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 12 Primal Fire)
1105 Armor, 49 Sta, 32 DefR, 25 BlockR, 30 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.60%, Paladin: 1.60%, Paladin CB: 5.29%. - Boots of the Protector
Profession (self only): Blacksmithing (2 Primal Nether, 4 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 12 Primal Water)
1105 Armor, 48 Sta, 22 Int, 26 DefR, 17 BlockR, 27 SpellD.
Warrior: 1.30%, Paladin: 1.30%, Paladin CB: 3.88%. - Boots of the Resilient
The Eye: High Astromancer Solarian
1105 Armor, 51 Sta, 25 DefR, 25 BlockR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +4 Sta.
Warrior: 1.25%, Paladin: 1.25%, Paladin CB: 4.83%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Tide-stomper's Greaves
Black Temple: High Warlord Naj'entus
1213 Armor, 56 Sta, 19 DefR, 29 DodgeR, 30 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +4 Sta.
Warrior: 2.48%, Paladin: 2.48%, Paladin CB: 2.80%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 3:57pm by ThelsDeKwant
#10 Mar 23 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Plate Waist: - Girdle of the Lost Vindicator
Aldor Quest reward: Aldor No More (
590 Armor, 39 Sta, 18 Str, 18 DefR.
Warrior: 0.90%, Paladin: 0.90%, Paladin CB: 1.20%. - Lightwarden's Girdle
Aldor Quest reward: Deathblow to the Legion (
622 Armor, 30 Sta, 14 Int, 23 DefR, 28 SpellD.
Warrior: 1.15%, Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%. - Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard
Quest reward: How to Break Into the Arcatraz (
655 Armor, 33 Sta, 20 DefR, 24 BlockR, 29 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.00%, Paladin: 1.00%, Paladin CB: 4.37%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Girdle of the Immovable
The Slave Pens: Quagmirran (Heroic)
655 Armor, 33 Sta, 17 Str, 18 DefR, 12 BlockR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.
Warrior: 0.90%, Paladin: 0.90%, Paladin CB: 2.71%. - Lion's Heart Girdle
Hellfire Ramparts: Nazan & Vazruden (Heroic)
782 Armor, 31 Sta, 26 Str, 22 Agi, 23 DefR.
Warrior: 1.88%, Paladin: 2.03%, Paladin CB: 2.41%. - Girdle of Valorous Deeds
The Black Morass: Aeonus (Heroic)
782 Armor, 37 Sta, 22 Int, 24 DefR, 16 BlockR, 20 SpellD.
Warrior: 1.20%, Paladin: 1.20%, Paladin CB: 3.62%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable
Karazhan: Moroes
816 Armor, 36 Sta, 16 Str, 24 DefR, 20 BlockR, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 ParryR.
Warrior: 1.20%, Paladin: 1.20%, Paladin CB: 4.13%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Belt of the Guardian
Profession (self only): Blacksmithing (2 Nether Vortex, 5 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 10 Primal Water, 5 Primal Earth)
904 Armor, 48 Sta, 13 Int, 19 DefR, 33 BlockV, 21 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +4 Sta.
Warrior: 0.95%, Paladin: 0.95%, Paladin CB: 1.26%. - Girdle of the Invulnerable
Serpentshrine Cavern: Leotheras the Blind
904 Armor, 37 Sta, 22 DefR, 19 DodgeR, 29 ParryR, Sockets: Red, Blue, +4 Sta.
Warrior: 3.39%, Paladin: 3.39%, Paladin CB: 3.76%.

Plate Wrists: - Sha'tari Wrought Armguards
Quest reward: The Soul Devices (
509 Armor, 18 Sta, 20 Str, 12 DefR, Sockets: Yellow, +3 Sta.
Warrior: 0.60%, Paladin: 0.60%, Paladin CB: 0.80%. - Bracers of the Green Fortress
Profession: Blacksmithing (6 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 20 Primal Life, 1 Primal Nether)
581 Armor, 39 Sta, 17 DefR, 10 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.37%, Paladin: 1.37%, Paladin CB: 1.66%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Vambraces of Daring
Hellfire Ramparts: Nazan & Vazruden (Heroic)
509 Armor, 26 Sta, 18 Str, 11 DefR, 23 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.55%, Paladin: 0.55%, Paladin CB: 0.73%. - Amber Bands of the Aggressor
The Steamvault: Warlord Kalitresh (Heroic)
608 Armor, 25 Sta, 22 Str, 18 Agi, 15 DefR.
Warrior: 1.35%, Paladin: 1.47%, Paladin CB: 1.72%. - Bracers of Dignity
Mana-Tombs: Nexus-Prince Shaffar (Heroic)
608 Armor, 30 Sta, 12 Int, 21 DefR, 19 SpellD.
Warrior: 1.05%, Paladin: 1.05%, Paladin CB: 1.40%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Vambraces of Courage
Karazhan: Attumen the Huntsman
634 Armor, 33 Sta, 15 Def, 33 BlockV, Sockets: Yellow, +2 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.35%, Paladin: 1.47%, Paladin CB: 1.72%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Wristguards of Determination
The Eye: Void Reaver
703 Armor, 37 Sta, 24 DefR, 19 DodgeR, 13 BlockR.
Warrior: 2.20%, Paladin 2.20%, Paladin CB: 4.25%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Eternium Shell Bracers
Black Temple: High Warlord Naj'entus
772 Armor, 52 Sta, 24 DefR, 26 DodgeR.
Warrior: 2.57%, Paladin: 2.57%, Paladin CB: 2.97%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 3:58pm by ThelsDeKwant
#11 Mar 23 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Leather Gear: - Heavy Clefthoof Vest
Profession: Leatherworking (6 Heavy Knothide Leather, 40 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 4 Primal Earth, 2 Rune Thread)
500 Armor, 45 Sta, 24 DefR, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, Yellow, +4 DodgeR.
Druid: 0.80%. - Heavy Clefthoof Leggings
Profession: Leatherworking (6 Heavy Knothide Leather, 34 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 4 Primal Earth, 2 Rune Thread)
503 Armor, 33 Sta, 29 DefR, Sockets: Blue, Blue, Yellow, +4 DodgeR.
Druid: 0.96%. - Heavy Clefthoof Boots
Profession: Leatherworking (4 Heavy Knothide Leather, 20 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 4 Primal Earth, 2 Rune Thread)
394 Armor, 30 Sta, 21 DefR, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.
Druid: 0.70%.

Back: - Thoriumweave Cloak
The Mechanar: Mechano-Lord Capacitus
390 Armor, 35 Sta.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Burnoose of Shifting Ages
The Black Morass: Chrono Lord Deja
216 Armor, 15 Sta, 26 DefR, 29 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.30%, Paladin: 1.30%, Paladin CB: 1.73%, Druid: 0.86%. - Devilshark Cape
The Steamvault: Warlord Kalitresh
78 Armor, 22 Sta, 20 DefR, 18 DodgeR, 29 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.95%, Paladin: 1.95%, Paladin CB: 2.28%, Druid: 0.95%. - Cloak of Eternity
Profession: Tailoring (108 Netherweave Cloth, 12 Arcane Dust, 6 Primal Earth)
76 Armor, 36 Sta, 23 DefR.
Warrior: 1.15%, Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%, Druid: 0.76%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Ironscale War Cloak
The Slave Pens: Rockmar the Crackler (Heroic)
78 Armor, 26 Sta, 19 BlockR, 29 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 2.40%, Druid: 0.00%. - Farstrider Defender's Cloak
Badges of Justice: 25
267 Armor, 30 Sta, 38 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Gilded Thorium Cloak
Karazhan: Terestian Illhoof
385 Armor, 30 Sta, 24 DefR.
Warrior: 1.20%, Paladin: 1.20%, Paladin CB: 1.60%, Druid: 0.80%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Phoenix-Wing Cloak
The Eye: Al'ar
108 Armor, 37 Sta, 22 DefR, 27 DodgeR.
Warrior: 2.52%, Paladin: 2.52%, Paladin CB: 2.89%, Druid: 2.16%.

Neck: - Steam-Hinge Chain of Valor
The Steamvault: Mekgineer Steamrigger
26 Sta, 19 BlockR, 29 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 2.40%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchanted Thorium Torque
The Botanica: High Botanist Freywinn
27 Sta, 21 DodgeR, 16 HitR.
Warrior: 1.11%, Paladin: 1.11%, Paladin CB: 1.11%, Druid: 1.11%. - Thalodien's Charm
Quest reward: Shutting Down Manaforge Ara (
37 Sta, 15 DefR, 15 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.75%, Paladin: 0.75%, Paladin CB: 1.00%, Druid: 0.50%. - Mark of the Ravenguard
Quest reward: Brother Against Brother (
40 Sta, 17 DefR.
Warrior: 0.85%, Paladin: 0.85%, Paladin CB: 1.13%, Druid: 0.56%. - Strength of the Untamed
Reputation: Cenarion Expedition revered
27 Sta, 19 DefR, 18 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.90%, Paladin: 1.90%, Paladin CB: 2.21%, Druid: 1.58%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Maladaar's Blessed Chaplet
Auchenai Crypts: Exarch Maladaar (Heroic)
30 Sta, 20 DefR, 12 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.63%, Paladin: 1.63%, Paladin CB: 1.96%, Druid: 1.30%. - Necklace of the Juggernaut
Badges of Justice: 25
33 Sta, 19 Agi, 22 DefR.
Warrior: 1.73%, Paladin: 1.86%, Paladin CB: 2.22%, Druid: 2.02%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Barbed Choker of Discipline
Karazhan: Maiden of Virtue
39 Sta, 16 DefR, 21 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.91%, Paladin: 1.91%, Paladin CB: 2.17%, Druid: 1.11%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Frayed Tether of the Drowned
Serpentshrine Cavern: Fathom-Lord Karathress
45 Sta, 24 DefR, 18 HitR.
Warrior: 1.20%, Paladin: 1.20%, Paladin CB: 1.60%, Druid: 0.80%. - The Darkener's Grasp
Quest reward: Unknown (
40 Sta, 27 DefR, 23 DodgeR, 14 BlockR.
Warrior: 2.56%, Paladin: 2.56%, Paladin CB: 4.78%, Druid: 2.11%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 4:11pm by ThelsDeKwant
#12 Mar 23 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Fingers: - Dath'Remar's Ring of Defense
The Mechanar: Pathaleon the Calculator
15 Sta, 15 BlockR, 39 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 1.89%, Druid: 0.00%. - Andormu's Tear
Quest reward: Hero of the Brood (
10 DefR, 26 DodgeR, 15 BlockR.
Warrior: 1.87%, Paladin: 1.87%, Paladin CB: 3.94%, Druid: 1.70%. - Delicate Eternium Ring
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Eternium Bar, 5 Mercurial Adamantite)
15 Sta, 25 Agi, 16 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.67%, Paladin: 1.84%, Paladin CB: 1.84%, Druid: 2.54%. - Iron Band of the Unbreakable
Old Hillsbrad Foothills: Lieutenant Drake
170 Armor, 27 Sta, 17 DefR.
Warrior: 0.85%, Paladin: 0.85%, Paladin CB: 1.13%, Druid: 0.56%. - Protector's Mark of the Redemption
Quest reward: Dissention Amongst the Ranks... (
22 Sta, 25 DefR, 15 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.25%, Paladin: 1.25%, Paladin CB: 1.66%, Druid: 0.83%. - Crystal Band of Valor
Mana-Tombs: Tavarok
27 Sta, 22 DefR, 16 HitR.
Warrior: 1.10%, Paladin: 1.10%, Paladin CB: 1.46%, Druid: 0.73%. - Elementium Band of the Sentry
The Arcatraz: Harbinger Skyriss
24 Sta, 20 DefR, 19 DodgeR.
Warrior: 2.00%, Paladin: 2.00%, Paladin CB: 2.33%, Druid: 1.67%. - Band of Impenetrable Defenses
World drop
36 Sta, 26 DefR.
Warrior: 1.30%, Paladin: 1.30%, Paladin CB: 1.73%, Druid: 1.86%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Lieutenant's Signet of Lordaeron
Old Hillsbrad Foothills: Lieutenant Drake (Heroic)
143 Armor, 30 Sta, 21 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.11%, Paladin: 1.11%, Paladin CB: 1.11%, Druid: 1.11%. - Yor's Revenge
Mana-Tombs: Yor (Heroic)
190 Armor, 30 Sta, 20 DefR.
Warrior: 1.00%, Paladin: 1.00%, Paladin CB: 1.33%, Druid: 0.66%. - Ring of Unyielding Force
Badges of Justice: 25
294 Armor, 31 Sta, 22 DefR.
Warrior: 1.10%, Paladin: 1.10%, Paladin CB: 1.46%, Druid: 0.73%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Phoenix-fire Band
Quest reward: Trial of the Naaru: Magtheridon (
24 Sta, 30 FireRes.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - A'dal's Signet of Defense
Quest reward: The Fall of Magtheridon (
367 Armor, 34 Sta, 20 DefR.
Warrior: 1.00%, Paladin: 1.00%, Paladin CB: 1.33%, Druid: 0.66%. - Violet Signet of the Great Protector
Quest reward: Eminence Among the Violet Eye (
392 Armor, 37 Sta, 19 DefR.
Warrior: 0.95%, Paladin: 0.95%, Paladin CB: 1.26%, Druid: 0.63%. - Shermanar Great-Ring
Karazhan: Shade of Aran
223 Armor, 36 Sta, 23 DefR.
Warrior: 1.15%, Paladin: 1.15%, Paladin CB: 1.53%, Druid: 0.76%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Ring of Sundered Souls
Serpentshrine Cavern: Morogrim Tidewalker
45 Sta, 18 DefR, 25 DodgeR.
Warrior: 2.22%, Paladin: 2.22%, Paladin CB: 2.52%, Druid: 1.92%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Band of Eternity
Reputation: The Scale of the Sands honored
40 Sta, 28 DefR, 40 BlockV.
Warrior: 1.40%, Paladin: 1.40%, Paladin CB: 1.86%, Druid: 0.93%. - Band of the Abyssal Lord
Black Temple: Supremus
53 Sta, 27 DefR, 21 HitR.
Warrior: 1.35%, Paladin: 1.35%, Paladin CB: 1.80%, Druid: 0.90%.

Trinkets: - Badge of Tenacity
Created by: Apexis Crystal Infusion (
308 Armor, Use: Increases agility by 150 for 20 sec.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Figurine of the Colossus
The Shattered Halls: Warchief Kargath Bladefist
32 BlockR, Use: Each successful block heals you for 120. Effect lasts 20 seconds.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 4.05%, Druid: 0.00%. - Adamantine Figurine
Shadow Labyrinth: Blackheart the Inciter
32 DefR, Use: Increases armor by 1280 for 20 seconds.
Warrior: 1.60%, Paladin: 1.60%, Paladin CB: 2.13%, Druid: 1.06%. - Brooch of the Immortal King
Terokkar Forest: Terokk
32 DefR, Use: Increases maximum health by 1250 for 15 sec.
Warrior: 1.60%, Paladin: 1.60%, Paladin CB: 2.13%, Druid: 1.06%. - Timelapse Shard
Reputation: Keepers of Time exalted
27 Sta, 24 ResR, Use: Reduces your threat to enemy targets within 30 yards, making them less likely to attack you.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Commander's Badge
Reputation: Netherwing revered
45 Sta, Use: Calls forth a Netherwing Ally to fight at your side.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Alchemist's Stone
Profession (self only): Alchemy (1 Philosopher's Stone, 1 Earthstorm Diamond, 1 Skyfire Diamond, 2 Fel Lotus, 5 Primal Might)
15 Sta, 15 Str, 15 Agi, 15 Int, 15 Spi, Increases the effect that healing and mana potions have on the wearer by 40%.
Warrior: 0.50%, Paladin: 0.60%, Paladin CB: 0.60%, Druid: 1.02%. - Gnomish Poultryizer
Profession (self only): Gnomish Engineering (2 Hardened Adamantite Tube, 2 Khorium Power Core, 10 Arcane Dust, 2 Large Prismatic Shard)
45 Sta, Use: Turns the target into a chicken for 15 seconds. Well, that is assuming the transmogrification polarity has not been reversed...
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Goblin Rocket Launcher
Profession (self only): Goblin Engineering (2 Hardened Adamantite Tube, 1 Khorium Power Core, 2 Felsteel Stabilizer, 6 Primal Fire, 6 Primal Earth, 2 Delicate Arcanite Converter)
45 Sta, Use: Fire a powerful rocket at the enemy that does 960 to 1440 damage and stuns them for 3 seconds. This thing has quite a kick though...
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Figurine - Living Ruby Serpent
Profession (self only): Jewelcrafting (2 Felsteel Bar, 2 Living Ruby, 4 Primal Fire)
33 Sta, 23 Int, Use: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 150 for 20 seconds.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Figurine - Dawnstone Crab
Profession (self only): Jewelcrafting (4 Khorium Bar, 2 Dawnstone, 4 Golden Draenite)
32 DefR, Use: Increases dodge rating by 125 for 20 seconds.
Warrior: 1.60%, Paladin: 1.60%, Paladin CB: 2.13%, Druid: 1.06%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Argussian Compass
The Underbog: The Black Stalker (Heroic)
36 Sta, Use: Reduces damage from each attack by 68, up to a total of 1150 damage absorbed. Lasts 20 seconds.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Gnomeregan Autoblocker
Badges of Justice: 41
59 BlockV, Use: Increases the block value of your shield by 200 for 20 sec.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - The Violet Badge
Quest reward: The New Directive (
36 Sta, 45 ArcaneRes.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch
Karazhan: Moroes
38 DodgeR, Use: Increases dodge rating by 300 for 10 sec.
Warrior: 2.01%, Paladin: 2.01%, Paladin CB: 2.01%, Druid: 2.01%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet
Serpentshrine Cavern: Random drop
40 Sta, Use: Heals 1300 damage over 12 sec.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Scarab of Displacement
Serpentshrine Cavern: Hydross the Unstable
42 DefR, Use: Increases your defense rating by 165, but decreases your melee and ranged attack power by 330. Effect lasts for 15 sec.
Warrior: 2.10%, Paladin: 2.10%, Paladin CB: 2.80%, Druid: 1.40%. - Solarian's Sapphire
The Eye: High Astromancer Solarian
30 Sta, Your Battle Shout ability grants an additional 70 attack power.
Warrior: 0.00%. - Tome of Fiery Redemption
The Eye: Al'ar
Each time you cast a spell, there is chance you will gain up to 290 spell damage and healing.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Living Root of the Wildheart
Serpentshrine Cavern: Hydross the Unstable
Your spells and attacks in each form have a chance to grant you a blessing for 15 sec.
Druid: 0.00%.
________________________________________________________________________________ - Shadowmoon Insignia
Black Temple: Gurtogg Bloodboil
36 DefR, 32 DodgeR, Use: Increases your maximum health by 1750 for 20 sec.
Warrior: 3.49%, Paladin: 3.49%, Paladin CB: 4.09%, Druid: 2.89%. - Ashtongue Talisman of Valor
Reputation: Ashtongue Deathsworn exalted
Your Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, and Shield Slam attacks have a 25% chance to heal you for 330 and grant 55 Strength for 12 sec.
Warrior: 0.00%. - Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal
Reputation: Ashtongue Deathsworn exalted
Flash of Light and Holy Light have a 15% chance to grant your target 760 healing over 12 sec, and your Judgements have a 50% chance to inflict 480 damage on their target over 12 sec.
Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%. - Ashtongue Talisman of Equilibrium
Reputation: Ashtongue Deathsworn exalted
Mangle has a 40% chance to grant 140 Strength for 8 sec, Starfire has a 25% chance to grant up to 150 spell damage for 8 sec, and Rejuvenation has a 25% chance to grant up to 210 healing for 8 sec.
Druid: 0.00%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 4:11pm by ThelsDeKwant
#13 Mar 23 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Tanking Enchantments:

Weapon: - Enchant Weapon - Agility
Profession: Enchanting (6 Large Brilliant Shard, 6 Greater Eternal Essence, 4 Illusion Dust, 2 Essence of Air)
15 Agi.
Warrior: 0.50%, Paladin: 0.60%, Paladin CB: 0.60%, Druid: 1.02%. - Enchant Weapon - Potency
Profession: Enchanting (4 Large Prismatic Shard, 5 Greater Planar Essence, 20 Arcane Dust)
20 Str.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Weapon - Major Striking
Profession: Enchanting (2 Large Prismatic Shard, 6 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Arcane Dust)
7 WeaponD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower
Profession: Enchanting (8 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Greater Planar Essence)
40 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Weapon - Mongoose
Profession: Enchanting (6 Void Crystal, 10 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Greater Planar Essence, 40 Arcane Dust)
Occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Weapon - Crusader
Profession: Enchanting (4 Large Brilliant Shard, 2 Righteous Orb)
Often when attacking in melee it heals for 75 to 125 and increases Strength by 100 for 15 sec. Has a reduced effect for players above level 60.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster
Profession: Enchanting (2 Void Crystal, 8 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Primal Water)
Occasionaly heal nearby party members of 180 to 300 health when an enemy is struck.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge
Profession: Enchanting (12 Large Prismatic Shard, 10 Greater Planar Essense, 20 Arcane Dust)
3% chance on spellcast to restore 100 mana to all party members over 10 seconds.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Steel Weapon Chain
Profession: Blacksmithing (8 Steel Bar, 2 Heavy Grinding Stone, 4 Heavy Leather)
Attaches a chain to your weapon, making it impossible to disarm.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Shield: - Enchant Shield - Major Stamina
Profession: Enchanting (15 Arcane Dust)
18 Sta.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Shield - Shield Block
Profession: Enchanting (12 Arcane Dust, 4 Greater Planar Essence, 10 Primal Earth)
15 BlockR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 1.89%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Shield - Tough Shield
Profession: Enchanting (6 Arcane Dust, 10 Primal Earth)
18 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection
Profession: Enchanting (1 Lesser Astral Essense, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Small Glimmering Shard)
30 Armor.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Felsteel Shield Spike (26-38 Block Damage)
Profession: Blacksmithing (4 Felsteel Bar, 4 Primal Fire, 4 Primal Earth)
Attaches a Felsteel Spike to your shield that deals 26-38 damage every time you block with it.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Chest: - Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health
Profession: Enchanting (8 Arcane Dust, 4 Major Healing Potion, 2 Large Brilliant Shard)
150 Health.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats
Profession: Enchanting (4 Large Prismatic Shard, 4 Arcane Dust, 4 Greater Planar Essence)
6 Sta, 6 Str, 6 Agi, 6 Int, 6 Spi.
Warrior: 0.20%, Paladin: 0.24%, Paladin CB: 0.24%, Druid: 0.40%. - Vindicator's Armor Kit
Profession: Leatherworking (3 Heavy Knothide Leather, 1 Primal Earth)
8 DefR.
Warrior: 0.40%, Paladin: 0.40%, Paladin CB: 0.53%, Druid: 0.26%. - Rugged Armor Kit
Profession: Leatherworking (5 Rugged Leather)
40 Armor.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Legs: - Nethercleft Leg Armor
Profession: Leatherworking (4 Heavy Knothide Leather, 16 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 8 Primal Earth, 1 Primal Nether)
40 Sta, 12 Agi.
Warrior: 0.40%, Paladin: 0.48%, Paladin CB: 0.48%, Druid: 0.81%. - Presence of Might
Warrior Quest reward: Presence of Might (
10 Sta, 10 DefR, 15 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.50%. - Syncretist's Sigil
Paladin Quest reward: Syncretist's Sigil (
10 Sta, 10 DefR, 24 Healing.
Paladin: 0.50%, Paladin CB: 0.66%. - Arcanum of Protection
Quest Reward: Libram of Protection (
12 DodgeR.
Warrior: 0.63%, Paladin: 0.63%, Paladin CB: 0.63%, Druid: 0.63%. - Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity
Quest Reward: Libram of Tenacity (
125 Armor.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Nethercobra Leg Armor
Profession: Leatherworking (4 Heavy Knothide Leather, 4 Cobra Scales, 8 Primal Air, 1 Primal Nether)
50 AttackP, 12 CritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
Quest Reward: Libram of Voracity (
8 Str.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Runic Spellthread
Profession: Tailoring (1 Rune Thread, 10 Primal Mana, 1 Primal Nether)
20 Sta, 35 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Head: - Presence of Might
Warrior Quest reward: Presence of Might (
10 Sta, 10 DefR, 15 BlockV.
Warrior: 0.50%. - Syncretist's Sigil
Paladin Quest reward: Syncretist's Sigil (
10 Sta, 10 DefR, 24 Healing.
Paladin: 0.50%, Paladin CB: 0.66%. - Animist's Caress
Druid Quest reward: Animist's Caress (
10 Sta, 10 Int, 24 Healing.
Druid: 0.00%. - Glyph of the Defender
Reputation: Keepers of Time revered
16 DefR, 17 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.69%, Paladin: 1.69%, Paladin CB: 1.96%, Druid: 1.43%. - Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
Quest Reward: Libram of Voracity (
8 Agi.
Warrior: 0.26%, Paladin: 0.32%, Paladin CB: 0.32%, Druid: 0.54%. - Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity
Quest Reward: Libram of Tenacity (
125 Armor.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Glyph of Ferocity
Reputation: Cenarion Expedition revered
34 AP, 16 HitR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Glyph of the Outcast
Reputation: Lower City revered
17 Str, 16 Int.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Glyph of Power
Reputation: The Sha'tar revered
22 SpellD, 14 SpellHitR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Shoulders: - Greater Inscription of Warding
Reputation: The Aldor exalted
10 DefR, 15 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.29%, Paladin: 1.29%, Paladin CB: 1.46%, Druid: 1.12%. - Greater Inscription of the Knight
Reputation: The Scryers exalted
15 DefR, 10 DodgeR.
Warrior: 1.27%, Paladin: 1.27%, Paladin CB: 1.52%, Druid: 1.02%. - Greater Inscription of Vengeance
Reputation: The Aldor exalted
30 AP, 10 CritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Greater Inscription of the Blade
Reputation: The Scryers exalted
22 AP, 15 CritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Greater Inscription of Discipline
Reputation: The Aldor exalted
18 SpellD, 10 SpellCritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Greater Inscription of the Orb
Reputation: The Scryers exalted
12 SpellD, 15 SpellCritR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Edited, May 31st 2007 4:21pm by ThelsDeKwant
#14 Mar 23 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Hands: - Knothide Armor Kit
Profession: Leatherworking (4 Knothide Leather)
8 Sta.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility
Profession: Enchanting (3 Nexus Crystal, 8 Large Brilliant Shard, 4 Essence of Air)
15 Agi.
Warrior: 0.50%, Paladin: 0.60%, Paladin CB: 0.60%, Druid: 1.02%. - Vindicator's Armor Kit
Profession: Leatherworking (3 Heavy Knothide Leather, 1 Primal Earth)
8 DefR.
Warrior: 0.40%, Paladin: 0.40%, Paladin CB: 0.53%, Druid: 0.26%. - Rugged Armor Kit
Profession: Leatherworking (5 Rugged Leather)
40 Armor.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Gloves - Major Strength
Profession: Enchanting (12 Arcane Dust, 1 Greater Planar Essence)
15 Str.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower
Profession: Enchanting (6 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Large Prismatic Shard, 6 Primal Mana)
20 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike
Profession: Enchanting (8 Greater Planar Essence, 2 Arcane Dust, 2 Large Prismatic Shard)
15 SpellHitR.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Gloves - Threat
Profession: Enchanting (4 Nexus Crystal, 6 Large Brilliant Shard, 8 Larval Acid)
Increase threat from all attacks and spells by 2%.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Feet: - Enchant Boots - Fortitude
Profession: Enchanting (12 Arcane Dust)
12 Sta.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed
Profession: Enchanting (8 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Primal Earth)
9 Sta, 8% Speed.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Boots - Dexterity
Profession: Enchanting (8 Greater Planar Essense, 8 Arcane Dust)
12 Agi.
Warrior: 0.40%, Paladin: 0.48%, Paladin CB: 0.48%, Druid: 0.81%. - Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness
Profession: Enchanting (8 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Primal Air)
6 Agi, 8% Speed.
Warrior: 0.20%, Paladin: 0.24%, Paladin CB: 0.24%, Druid: 0.40%. - Vindicator's Armor Kit
Profession: Leatherworking (3 Heavy Knothide Leather, 1 Primal Earth)
8 DefR.
Warrior: 0.40%, Paladin: 0.40%, Paladin CB: 0.53%, Druid: 0.26%. - Rugged Armor Kit
Profession: Leatherworking (5 Rugged Leather)
40 Armor.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Wrists: - Enchant Bracer - Fortitude
Profession: Enchanting (1 Large Prismatic Shard, 10 Greater Planar Essence, 20 Arcane Dust)
12 Sta.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Bracer - Stats
Profession: Enchanting (6 Arcane Dust, 6 Lesser Planar Essence)
4 Sta, 4 Str, 4 Agi, 4 Int, 4 Spi.
Warrior: 0.13%, Paladin: 0.16%, Paladin CB: 0.16%, Druid: 0.27%. - Enchant Bracer - Major Defense
Profession: Enchanting (2 Small Prismatic Shard, 10 Arcane Dust)
12 DefR.
Warrior: 0.60%, Paladin: 0.60%, Paladin CB: 0.80%, Druid: 0.40%. - Enchant Bracer - Brawn
Profession: Enchanting (6 Arcane Dust)
12 Str.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Bracer - Spellpower
Profession: Enchanting (6 Large Prismatic Shard, 6 Primal Fire, 6 Primal Water)
15 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Back: - Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility
Profession: Enchanting (1 Greater Planar Essence, 4 Arcane Dust, 1 Primal Air)
12 Agi.
Warrior: 0.40%, Paladin: 0.48%, Paladin CB: 0.48%, Druid: 0.81%. - Enchant Cloak - Major Armor
Profession: Enchanting (8 Arcane Dust)
12 Armor.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Cloak - Dodge
Profession: Enchanting (3 Nexus Crystal, 8 Large Brilliant Shard, 8 Guardian Stone)
12 DodgeR.
Warrior: 0.63%, Paladin: 0.63%, Paladin CB: 0.63%, Druid: 0.63%.

Fingers - Enchant Ring - Stats
Profession: Enchanting (6 Void Crystal, 6 Large Prismatic Shard)
4 Sta, 4 Str, 4 Agi, 4 Int, 4 Spi.
Warrior: 0.13%, Paladin: 0.16%, Paladin CB: 0.16%, Druid: 0.27%. - Enchant Ring - Striking
Profession: Enchanting (8 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Greater Planar Essence)
2 WeaponD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%. - Enchant Ring - Spellpower
Profession: Enchanting (8 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Greater Planar Essence)
12 SpellD.
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%.

Tanking Jewels:

Highly incomplete list! - Glowing Nightseye (Red/Blue, 6 Sta, 5 SpellD)
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Nightseye)
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00% - Solid Star of Elune (Blue, 12 Sta)
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune)
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00% - Enduring Talasite (Blue/Yellow, 4 DefR, 6 Sta)
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Talasite)
Warrior: 0.20%, Paladin: 0.20%, Paladin CB: 0.26%, Druid: 0.13% - Powerful Earthstorm Diamond (Meta, 18 Sta, 5% Stun Resist)
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Earthstorm Diamond)
Warrior: 0.00%, Paladin: 0.00%, Paladin CB: 0.00%, Druid: 0.00%

Edited, May 31st 2007 4:21pm by ThelsDeKwant

Edited, May 31st 2007 4:22pm by ThelsDeKwant
#15 Mar 23 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Protection Paladin Advised Gear:

This set is combined with the idea to reach 100% Miss/Dodge/Parry/Block chance against lvl73 mobs while Holy Shield is up. The weapon is the major source of spelldamage, accented a little with enchants. All other itemization went into getting as much stamina as possible.

Weapon: 0.00% - Gladiator's Gavel
Arena points: 3150
1.60 Speed, 41.5 DPS, 28 Sta, 18 Int, 239 SpellD, 18 ResR. - Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower
Profession: Enchanting (8 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Greater Planar Essence)

Shield: 0.00% - Gladiator's Shield Wall
Arena points: 1875
5197 Armor, 63 Sta, 29 ResR, 134 BlockV. - Enchant Shield - Major Stamina
Profession: Enchanting (15 Arcane Dust)

Libram: 5.31% - Libram of Repentance
Badges of Justice: 15
Increases your block rating by 42 while Holy Shield is active.

Chest: 4.57% - Jade-Skull Breastplate
The Mechanar: Nethermancer Sepethrea
1164 Armor, 50 Sta, 30 Str, 25 DefR, 23 BlockR, 150 Health. - Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health
Profession: Enchanting (8 Arcane Dust, 4 Major Healing Potion, 2 Large Brilliant Shard)

Legs: 2.26% - Timewarden's Leggings
Reputation: Keepers of Time Revered
1019 Armor, 133 Sta, 12 Agi, 18 DefR, 11 DodgeR. - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Nethercleft Leg Armor
Profession: Leatherworking (4 Heavy Knothide Leather, 16 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 8 Primal Earth, 1 Primal Nether)

Head: 8.40% - Faceguard of Determination
Badges of Justice: 50
1129 Armor, 72 Sta, 48 DefR, 41 DodgeR, 24 BlockR, 5% Stun Resist. - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Powerful Earthstorm Diamond
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Earthstorm Diamond) - Glyph of the Defender
Reputation: Keepers of Time revered

Shoulders: 3.46% - Fanblade Pauldrons
Auchenai Crypts: Shirrak the Dead Watcher (Heroic)
873 Armor, 46 Sta, 16 Str, 30 DefR, 15 DodgeR, 15 ParryR. - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Greater Inscription of Warding
Reputation: The Aldor exalted

Hands: 1.57% - Gauntlets of the Bold
The Steamvault: Warlord Kalitresh
728 Armor, 55 Sta, 17 Str, 16 Agi, 14 DefR, 20 SpellD. - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower
Profession: Enchanting (6 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Large Prismatic Shard, 6 Primal Mana)

Feet: 1.73% - Boots of the Colossus
Mana-Tombs: Pandemonius (Heroic)
800 Armor, 57 Sta, 22 Str, 26 DefR. - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Enduring Talasite
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Talasite) - Enchant Boots - Fortitude
Profession: Enchanting (12 Arcane Dust)

Waist: 2.71% - Girdle of the Immovable
The Slave Pens: Quagmirran (Heroic)
655 Armor, 57 Sta, 17 Str, 18 DefR, 12 BlockR. - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune) - Solid Star of Elune
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Star of Elune)

Wrists: 1.66% - Bracers of the Green Fortress
Profession: Blacksmithing (6 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 20 Primal Life, 1 Primal Nether)
581 Armor, 51 Sta, 17 DefR, 10 DodgeR. - Enchant Bracer - Fortitude
Profession: Enchanting (1 Large Prismatic Shard, 10 Greater Planar Essence, 20 Arcane Dust)

Back: 2.16% - Cloak of Eternity
Profession: Tailoring (108 Netherweave Cloth, 12 Arcane Dust, 6 Primal Earth)
76 Armor, 36 Sta, 23 DefR, 12 DodgeR. - Enchant Cloak - Dodge
Profession: Enchanting (3 Nexus Crystal, 8 Large Brilliant Shard, 8 Guardian Stone)

Neck: 2.22% - Necklace of the Juggernaut
Badges of Justice: 25
33 Sta, 19 Agi, 22 DefR.

Fingers: 4.18% - Elementium Band of the Sentry
The Arcatraz: Harbinger Skyriss
24 Sta, 20 DefR, 19 DodgeR. - Delicate Eternium Ring
Profession: Jewelcrafting (1 Eternium Bar, 5 Mercurial Adamantite)
15 Sta, 25 Agi, 16 DodgeR.

Trinkets: 4.05% - Commander's Badge
Reputation: Netherwing revered
45 Sta, Use: Calls forth a Netherwing Ally to fight at your side. - Figurine of the Colossus
The Shattered Halls: Warchief Kargath Bladefist
32 BlockR, Use: Each successful block heals you for 120. Effect lasts 20 seconds.

Edited, May 31st 2007 5:34pm by ThelsDeKwant
#16 Mar 23 2007 at 5:42 AM Rating: Good
468 posts
Excellant post, very informative.

One correction though. It's Mitigate, not Migitate.

Sorry, I hate to correct things as trivial as spelling but it's the only thing keeping this from being perfect.

Thanks for your efforts.
#17 Mar 23 2007 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Oh god, do you realize how many posts we have to rate up? :-) Excellent work.
#18 Mar 23 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
chood wrote:
One correction though. It's Mitigate, not Migitate.

NOW someone tells me! I've checked and Migitate indeed ain't an official word, but it seems to be used at least as often as Mitigate. Guess I got something to fix.

Alastaironsiren wrote:
Oh god, do you realize how many posts we have to rate up?

I don't care about my rank. I don't use my Scholar rank at all. You might want to rate my 1st post, so it looks useful on the thread list, but don't bother for any of the replies.
#19 Mar 23 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Something that you alluded to but didn't directly state is that for Paladins your best bet is almost always going to be stacking +DEF and Stamina over any direct avoidance (Dodge/Parry). Each point of Combat Rating 'costs' the same in terms of item values - so an item is just as like to have 20 Defense Rating as 20 Dodge Rating - and you'll get massively more benefit out of Defense than other avoidance stats until you've pushed Crushing Blows off the table. So... get Defense. A lot of Defense.
#20 Mar 23 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
RPZip wrote:
Something that you alluded to but didn't directly state is that for Paladins your best bet is almost always going to be stacking +DEF and Stamina over any direct avoidance (Dodge/Parry). Each point of Combat Rating 'costs' the same in terms of item values - so an item is just as like to have 20 Defense Rating as 20 Dodge Rating - and you'll get massively more benefit out of Defense than other avoidance stats until you've pushed Crushing Blows off the table. So... get Defense. A lot of Defense.

I've included a comparison between the different ratings and their assistance in preventing Crushing Blows. Defense is better than Dodge, but not so much. Yes, for items with the same amount of Defense and Dodge, Defense is better.

ThelsDeKwant wrote:
Human Paladins need an additional 21,21% chance to prevent Crushing Blow and Regular Hit. To upgrade prevention by 1%, you need:
- 7.9 Block Rating
- 15 Defense Rating (Warrior and Paladin)
- 18.9 Dodge Rating
- 25 Agility (Paladin)
- 31.5 Parry Rating

To reach 100% prevention of Crushing Blow and Regular hit while remaining immune to Critical Hits, you need:
- 288 Defense Rating + 168 Block Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 318 additional Defense Rating = 606 Defense Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 401 Dodge Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 530 Agility Bonus
- 288 Defense Rating + 668 Parry Rating

Actually, when I did the maths and combined a set of items that should prevent Crushing Blow while keeping stamina as high as possible, I found myself not on +120 Defense Skill yet. I had to swap some Dodge items for Defense items with slightly lesser Stamina to reach the Crit Immune cap.
#21 Mar 23 2007 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
Excellent post, very very informative for a tankadin like me.

Rate up for sure
#22 Mar 23 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
Just a small correction. Imp Shield block is 2 blocks per 6 seconds as imp shield block also adds a second to the duration of sheild block as well as an extra block.

Great post though, I'd rate you up if I could.
#23 Mar 23 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
I didn't see it listed, but a good tanking weapon is Crystalblade of the Draenai (BoE, around 100g on AH).

Also the Kopesh from the Group Quest in Nagrand (to kill the Gronn) is a decent one.

Great post.
#25 Mar 23 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
1,233 posts
Oh my.

Nice job.

And Onenine sounds jealous.
#26 Mar 23 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Sweet mother of God.

You make my guide not only pale, but crumble up and die from embarassment. I'll have to overuse the color tag to compensate!

Very nice guide, Thels.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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