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#27 Mar 07 2007 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks a lot, I added your changes.

Great work!
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#28 Mar 07 2007 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Excellent guide, Phoenix. I like the colors, though chartreuse has always been a favorite of mine. Smiley: glare

One thing though: Humans also get the spell Feedback at level 20.

The priest becomes surrounded with anti-magic energy. Any successful spell cast against the priest will burn x of the attacker's Mana, causing y Shadow damage for each point of Mana burned. Lasts 15 seconds.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#29 Mar 08 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for that Maz, updated Smiley: clap
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#30 Mar 22 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
Obviously I am a shadow priest, too. Very nice guide! Only a couple comments. With improved Mind Blast you gave it like a D or an F for raiding. I'm a raiding shadow priest right now, and what I did is I put 4/5 into it, which reduces the CD to 6 seconds. This allows me to get exactly two Mind Flays in before the CD is up. It's not terribly important, I just like the way it fits together nicely.

Also due to the sucky changes of Silent Resolve, I picked up Shadow Affinity and I've noticed a difference. Pre-TBC I could rip aggro on almost any mob, and now I've only done it once since the changes. I found myself with 2 points left over after my build, and I decided to grab imp Fade, which I've never had before. The reason I got this is 'cause I was paranoid about ripping aggro in Kara because almost everything can 1-2 shot me XD. I also got it in case I need to heal; if I heal now, I have no threat redux, and imp fade will give me 6 extra seconds to live in dicy situations. I don't recommend it unless you have nothing better to get, like me. This is my raiding build. I never PvP so I didn't get Silence. As for Shadow Power, the extra crit is not necessary for raiding, but if you're going really deep down the shadow tree it's nice to have. Afterall, I AM a DPS class, and I have about 28% crit for MB and SW:D, I want to maximize my dmg output. Another note you should add under Shadow Fiend or Vamp Touch: since the fiend's dmg IS shadow dmg, it will restore even MORE mana for every time it hits the mob while Vamp Touch is on it. The Shadow Fiend also does more dmg if you're shadow specced. Shadow Fiend for a Shadow Priest is more effective than for a holy priest. So when you're OOM, wait 'til you can throw up Vamp Touch before sending your fiend in. You'll get so much mana

Spirit Tap is useful in BGs, but not Arena. It's probably obsolete now, but I loved getting to regen some mana back for my next fight so I didn't have to drink all the time. But it's probably not worth getting over Blackout. By the way, dunno if you mentioned this but Blackout is not only useless in raiding, but dangerous. Blackout, although most of the mobs are immune to the stun, the stun effect STILL causes extra hate! This fact is why imp Revenge for warriors is still good even in raids, the stun effect causes hate. (If this has changed in the expansion or any patch, please let me know)

Anyway, that's my two cents. Great guide. If any of my friends start a shadow priest I'll tell them to look here.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 4:36pm by SamuraiFox
#31 Mar 23 2007 at 11:17 PM Rating: Default
off topic
SamuraiFox wrote:
...changes of Silent Resolve, I picked up Shadow Affinity...

Threat generated, Mind Blast Damage:
X *2 (Mind Blast) *0.75 (Shadow Affinity) *0.8 (Silent Resolve) = X *1.2
Post 2.0.10
Threat generated, Mind Blast Damage:
X *2(Mind Blast) *0.75 (Shadow Affinity) *0.8 (Silent Resolve) = X *0.75
X *0.75 (Shadow Affinity) = X *0.75

so as you can see *0.75 (patch 2.0.10) is much better then *1.2 (Pre TBC)
I don't think this is the kind of improvement that we really needed to be rioting over.
Patch Notes
o The effectiveness of "Fade:Rank 7" has been increased by approximately 25%.
o The damage absorption of "Power Word: Shield" added by the caster's bonus healing has been increased to 20%.

off topic
SamuraiFox wrote:
...if I heal now, I have no threat redux, and imp fade will...

Did you know that imp fade stacks with Truefaith Vestments, not so good post TBC tho.

Edited, Mar 24th 2007 10:46pm by Maxzzzz
#32 Apr 22 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
I'm going to have to disagree about SP being the paper and Locks being the shredder. I have a good friend I duel regularly who has both good gear and lots of pvp and pve experience. Right now he's 70 and I'm only 65 - which is a bit of a lvl difference. However I have beaten him in a duel and can get him down to 20% or less hp regularly which pets out. He also changes his spec regularly, so this goes for all specs of locks (this works well for hunters too).
- While fort usually gets all the attention, don't forget about shadow resistance.
- The primary mistakes I see and make when fighting a lock is that I will forget to dispell his dots from myself. Remembering to do so is imperative since thats how you lose a lot of your hp. When you dispell them it usually takes them a moment to notice, giving you time for some more offensive.
- dispell (I think this is key) anything he has on him and spam fear (You can use silence if you have it. But I often consider it to be a waste of time and don't have it).
- when you fear make sure you get him and any pet he has out. Thats imperative.
- Make sure to have SW:P on him at all times
- Despite blackout's drop in popularity, I'm a personal fan: particularly when fighting locks and hunters. Those 3 seconds give you the time to pop a shield or renew as well as fit in MB which usually can crit and knock off a good chunk of their hp. As well as get you some hp back. During which the dots are still doing their job.
-pets are annoying. Just keep them away from you as much as you can with fear. Maby dot them and use VE to use them as a source of hp.
- when seduced or fleeing will of the forsaken is your friend if your undead.

And while shadow form is all the rage, I don't use it in duels (or I start in SF then leave it after 10 or so seconds). Renew and flash heal are pretty useful for when your hp is dropping and you can't pop a sheild because of weakened soul. I rely on PW:S and when I can't pop it I fear or heal myself and add any dots I can to the lock. When I'm sheilded thats when I cast MB and any MFs.

#33 May 15 2007 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
10) Should I stack up on +Crit gear?

+Crit has gone from completely useless, to slightly useful. It's not the primary stat you should look for, but it is moderately useful. MB and SWD both benefit from it, and with the talents in Shadow Power you can easily get around 25% crit for these two spells.

I personally wouldnt take it over +dmg, since SWP, VT and MF are still our primary damage spells, especillay in raids/instances since both MB and SWD cause a lot of threat.

MB doesn't generate added threat these days -- Is it still considered too inefficient to be used between Mind Flays?
#34 May 15 2007 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
#35 May 23 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
Last patch, Shadow Weaving was nerfed to 2% per debuff.

I've been leveling as an SP for awhile now, and about level 60 or so, I respecced to take alot more damage dealing talents, such as Blackout, shadow weaving, misery... and I noticed a tremendous difference in dps'ing ability.

I'm probably going to respec again after viewing this thread, mostly just small things, like getting rid of some minor shadow talents in favor of some holy that will make me slightly more effective when i heal in instances.

The best soloing strategy I have right now is to start off with MB, which has a large range. I follow up with VT before they get to me, then PWP and VE. At that point, i just start wanding them. If their more of a dps type, or my level or higher, I'll hit them with an extra MB mid fight, or just finish them with SW:D. In this way, I usually have enough mana and health left over so that I don't have to drink for upwards of 20+ mobs.

I usually have a crapload of bandages on me, so i tend to let myself get hurt rather than burn mana. Using a bandage is alot faster than sitting down to drink.

Anyway, handy thread. Thanks all :)
#36 May 24 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
thermalnoise: I believe it has less to do with mb and swd having high threat yeilds and more to do with you are hitting with very large numbers in a very short amount of time. Mind flay does its damage over time, instead of in a single burst.

Edited, May 24th 2007 3:17pm by DigitalSocrates
#37 Jun 12 2007 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
MB doesn't generate added threat these days -- Is it still considered too inefficient to be used between Mind Flays?

While I'm a month too late, I'd just like to say that shadow priests tend to get enough aggro without touching these. With -58% to threat (talents, BoS, Tranquil Air), I can out-aggro the tank on the early Kara bosses with just VT/SWP/Flay. Shadow priest = aggro ***** :P
On later bosses, where the fights become more complex and tanks have an easier time getting aggro (bosses hit a lot harder), Blast and Death become more useable but still inefficient - if you work them into your boss rotations, be ready to pop potions more often than the other DPS for sure. Oh, and be careful of Death, I've killed myself three times on accident with that thing >.> (Crit during evocate + recently hit with Hateful Bolt on Curator, hit Death and then got nailed by Arcane Missiles from Shade of Aran, cast Death just as I got Enfeebled on Prince).
#38 Jun 21 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
One thing I found is that alot of people tend to put points into Disc for the Inner Focus Move.. I dont know if its worth it but I dont use it on my Shadow Priest
#39 Jun 21 2007 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
One thing I found is that alot of people tend to put points into Disc for the Inner Focus Move.. I dont know if its worth it but I dont use it on my Shadow Priest

You should :P A free 575 every 3 minutes? Awesome. Well, at least it's awesome in raids. Helps out while solo'ing and 5-manning a bit as well, though not nearly as much.
#40 Aug 02 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
This is in regards to ranking the talents for raiding. I used to be of the school of thought along the lines of Dots and Mind Flay only. However, now that our guild tanks have better gear and are pumping out more threat I feel as though I'm not doing enough anymore. They have a HUGE threat lead if I only DoT and Flay these days.

On the other hand, using too much Mind Blast and Death can cause mana issues, and can put your health dangerously low.

Therefor I would have to say that Imp. Mind Blast and Shadow Power are not useless raiding talents, however they are not useful for every shadow priest.

For example, if your guild is well progressed (ie your tanks are great at generating threat) you can use Mind Blast pretty freely. And, lets just say you don't pvp or instance much so Imp. Psychic Scream and Silence don't appeal much to you. Why not put 2 points in Imp. Mind blast to reduce the cooldown by 1 second? With most people's latency this allows for two mind flays in between each mind blast. Personally I tend to forget to drink mana potions often enough so I didn't choose to reduce the cooldown on Mind Blast for that reason only. I did stick 3 points into Shadow Power though so that when I do use Mind Blast the extra chance to crit gives a nice mana return when it does happen.

Another question that I see asked a lot is: What spell rotation do you use in raids?!

Answer: There is no set spell rotation. What you need to do is set an order of spell priority.

When just starting Kara I was geared in all tailored epics so my +shadow dmg was pretty good compared to the gear of the tanks. So, my spell priority would be something like:
1. VT
2. SW:P
3. MF
4. MB if enough threat room

I would generally leave out VE unless the healers would have a hard time keeping up without it. I find it helps on the Aran fight, or curator for example.

Now that our tanks are better geared, I tend to go for a more aggressive cycle on the High King Maulgar fight, or Gruul himself.
1. VT
2. SW:P
3. MB
4. VE
5. SW:D if my health level is safe (if it is, I tend to use Death and then Mind Blast right after to get a good chunk of the health back)
6. Mind Flay

Of course, keep an eye on the threat meter and drop back to the first cycle if you're doing too much or if you need to conserve mana. The major key to learning how to pump out more damage is learning when to chug your first mana potion and when to use your Shadowfied to get the most out of it.

P.S. Note: if there is no paladin in the raid and you do not have Salvation, it is probably a good idea to stick to DoTs and Flays only. Make friends with your paladins and love them! :D

Edited, Aug 3rd 2007 2:33am by Khalane
#41 Aug 02 2007 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
Just noticed this, and it deserves it's own post so as to be seen.

Your raiding build for Shadow Priests includes 5/5 Silent Resolve in the Discipline Tree. /boggle

It doesn't affect shadow spells anymore so is essentially useless. Take 2/2 Imp. Fort (you never know when you might be the only priest in a raid, and it's nice to help out your holy priests buffing groups in 25 mans!) and stick 3 talent points anywhere else and they will be more useful.

Edit: Also, if you would like to link to my post in this forum pertaining to Shadow Priest gear please feel free:;mid=118426558746012720;num=19;page=1

Edited, Aug 3rd 2007 2:41am by Khalane
#42 Aug 05 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
As I've started doing 25-mans I've found it much easier to weave Blast and Death into a rotation. I usually keep Death on cooldown, unless I know some damage is coming (Ground Slam/Shatter), and then follow up with Blast (if threat is an issue, I do Death and not Blast). More damage, more mana return, and you will often have enough of a threat margin that you won't pull aggro (just watch out for aggro wipes). Once my tank's threat generation gets higher, I'll probably start using Blast more and more often, to the point where they're both always on cooldown (which, as I understand it, tends to be what most Hyjal/Temple spriests do - keep Blast and Death on cooldown, Flay when you have a break, stop it early for higher DPS if you need to).
#43 Aug 14 2007 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the posts, I hadn't updated it in a while.

I put a note on Silent resolve, and put the link you provided.

Cheers Smiley: thumbsup

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#44 Aug 27 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
Hey, another picky note :) I noticed this when I was writing something up for my guild forums. Shadow Weaving is now a 2% vulnerability per stack, for a total of 10% (rather than 3% and 15% total as it is written now).

#45 Oct 24 2007 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
+30% crit chance on MB and SW:D. +430 damage. Just dinged 70. Also, none of the spells have increased aggro. MB does not cause more threat now. I dps'ed in black morass yesterday, and could not take aggro off the tank. I also have no threat reduction talents...

Pretty easy to tell you why you don't have aggro problems mate xD
Your +Shadow damage is too low to cause much aggro. I wouldn't try your build/way of playing when you get around 1000+ Shadow damage cause you'll most likely be having aggro issues then. xD

*huggles Omen* <- Warns me when I'm going too crazy!!!
#46 Oct 24 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
As I've started doing 25-mans I've found it much easier to weave Blast and Death into a rotation. I usually keep Death on cooldown, unless I know some damage is coming (Ground Slam/Shatter), and then follow up with Blast (if threat is an issue, I do Death and not Blast). More damage, more mana return, and you will often have enough of a threat margin that you won't pull aggro (just watch out for aggro wipes). Once my tank's threat generation gets higher, I'll probably start using Blast more and more often, to the point where they're both always on cooldown (which, as I understand it, tends to be what most Hyjal/Temple spriests do - keep Blast and Death on cooldown, Flay when you have a break, stop it early for higher DPS if you need to).

Indeed a good way of playing but I've found it less stressing on the healers to leave out SW:D on some bosses. Many BT bosses are unforgiving if you do a SW:D spell and some random elements hit you and your dead before you know it.

If you're lucky, only your group will whine at you but you getting yourself killed usually means the entire raid whining due to loss in DPS/mana regen for ure group and a DPS loss for the other casters in your raid!!

You're better off rotating VT, SW:P,MB, (SW:D if HP/threat allows) and do mind flay till MB is off of CD keeping your DoT's up (which goes without saying).
#47 Dec 10 2007 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks alot for the guide, I just rolled a priest and a NE one at that! However useless as a priest I think the NE arent that bad.
#48 Dec 10 2007 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
Forsaken shadow priests rule :)!! 3 dots and one of em heals us >:)

FOR THE FoRSAKEN!!!!!...oh yah...and the horde...
#49 Dec 13 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
This is probably elsewhere but the 2.3 patch changed the useless NE racials to quite useful.

>> Night Elves have one decent talent, Shadowmeld, and many useless ones, including Elune's Grace (useless), Starshards (useless in 99% of situations) and Imporved death aka Wisp form. You roll an NE for the look, not for the racials.

Starshards is now a nice mana free instant cast DoT on a 30 second re-use timer.
Elune's Grace is a 20% damage reduction for 15 seconds on the same 3 minute re-use timer. Very nice for when you get an add from extra aggro as well as PVE.

From useless racials that made me regret rolling an NE to ones that I use constantly.

#50 Dec 27 2007 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
im stoked about the changes too the priest skills, i leveled as a pure disc priest, and starshards happened to be a useful skill for me, sucked to be channeled, but i could just throw on more shields, which was also very useful with my reflective shield.

since respeced to shadow, and now i throw it on whenever i can because its free damage, and its a racial so i can still use it when silenced, which is a big bonus. if only it was some shadow damage for my VE and VT

shadowmeld is a very kick *** skill defending in PvP, nuff said
#51 Jan 02 2008 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Human Spirit is +10%spi, not +5%spi.
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