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The history of the Druid classFollow

#27 Mar 30 2007 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
I'd almost forgotten about this topic. Way to bring it back with more!
#28 Apr 25 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
437 posts

This should be stickied. Next update soon please.
#29 Apr 25 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
looks like warlocks were insanely overpowered (50% soul link??!!!)
#30 Apr 25 2007 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
yeah, it was 50% soul link, but it was also a triggered buff with a 30s duration, meaning a stunlocked warlock was a dead warlock.

soul link could also be purged/dispelled. honestly, id take the old SL over the new one just on the basis of its weakness to dispel and on-use mechanic.
#31 Apr 25 2007 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
590 posts
Dear Quor,

You've been knocking my socks off since back when you where schooling us FFXI Warriors. Nice to see some things never change ^^.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to part two.


Rock on!
#32 Jun 21 2007 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
437 posts
Update now... seriously dude
#33 Jun 21 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Update this (perhaps even make a new post) and get this damn thing stickied.
Will show exactly what we druids have had to deal with up through the years, as well as provide a valuable insight into Druids and their roles throughout time. This will help new people understand a bit better why Druids are viewed as they are today.
#34 Jun 28 2007 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
This thread is now also linked in the sticky, right at the beginning.
#35 Jul 03 2007 at 5:37 AM Rating: Default
anyone remember the good old cookie cutter build 9/11/31 =)
#36 Jul 03 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, in fact four different people mentioned it.

Good job reading the thread.
#37 Jul 03 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default

Yeah, in fact four different people mentioned it.

Good job reading the thread.

Sorry i was in a hurry so my post is kinda unclear =P I meant anyone remember what were the talents for that because nearly all of them seem kinda crappy now and I couldn't remember those myself....
#38 Jul 03 2007 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
814 posts
Hurry and update PLEASE!

I want to cherish the moment again when Oomkin became Boomkin/Doomkin and started nuking everyone brains out.

Oh and also when bear form decided to mangle everyone down to size. Not so defenceless and cuddly now am I?!?!?!?! Bleed, *****! Bleed!

Oh, sorry about that. Had a little moment =0

#39 Jan 26 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
437 posts
Are you ever going to update?
#40 Jan 26 2008 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Yes please update I am very interested on the druid history in WoW.
#41 Jan 28 2008 at 9:40 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
ok, ok, ok, i can explain!

college and women are a *****. no offense to any women out there, but if i hear one more "i love you, but not in that way" line outta some girls mouth, ima cut off her tongue. way to rip a guys heart out girls.

and college? two words: masters school.

all right, all right, where was i?

ah yes....

not...much. nothing really momentous here. neat little buff to cat form in the form of an innate threat reduction (removing one of our limits for cat form dps), a new rank of ferocious bite (which is nice), and some tooltip updates to correspond with the new haste descriptions, but nothing major.

all in all, it was really just a matter of waiting for a lot of druids. on the gear side of things, the easing of pvp ranking meant that more druids would see the blue and purple pvp sets, which gave a lot of druids the feral set they needed to succeed in a hybrid role, but overall everyone knew the xpac was coming, and we were all pretty sure what it would bring.

it just had to get here. we just had one more patch to go until we got there.

sadly, i cant seem to find any info on patch 1.13 on wowwiki. essentially, pach 1.13 was the "equalizer" patch for a large amount of the player base. basically, 1.13 did two major things; first, it changed the old pvp honor system into its current, token-based system, thus allowing anyone with the time to get access to high quality gear. secondly, it added the updated expansion pack talent trees to everyones ******** giving access to such goodies as mangle and force of nature.

for a brief period, feral druids were ridiculously overpowered here. mangle was just OMGWOW strong. in a solo fight, nothing could beat a druid reliably. oh, some stuff involving procs and other random stuff had a chance, if things went against the druid, but otherwise there was nothing to stop a druid from just wearing stuff down in bear form, with the odd heal sometimes added (but only if you wanted to really be insulting, cause you didnt really NEED to heal).

it was quite enjoyable really. but it was not to last.

Patch 2.0.1

this here is the first patch following the expansion pack, but before you really look at it, lets review what happened when the xpac dropped.

druids finally had come into their own. the 51-pt talents (hell, ALL the new talents) were solid and useful in their own way, and overall required minor-to-no tweaking once they were implemented. content now existed where a hybrid style of play was not only encouraged, but in many cases, needed, this giving hybrids in general a much greater chance to actually BE hybrid. finally, items were now available that catered to the needs of classes and specs of all types.

aaaand yeah. turns out im more tired than i thought i was. sorry kids! more to come soon. and by soon i mean like, soon in human time, not geologic time.

ahem. apparently its been quite awhile since old Quor waxed poetic about the history of our class. time flies when youre working and going to school full time. who knew?

anyways, where was i.....ah yes. i think i was just starting to get into the part where feral druids DESTROYED EVERYONES FACE. cause thats pretty much what happened.

seriously! it sounded quite absurd to a number of us old school druids, but it was true. hell, i did it a number of times myself. the truth of the matter was, the 2.0 patch (and the xpac) took feral druids and turned them up to eleven. the technicals of it all revolved around bear form mangle having an obscenely high coefficient of AP contribution. coupled with bear forms inherent survivability, the upgraded gearsets (designed for ferals!) and the ever-present druidic survivability, meant that a bear druid could, in most cases, 2v1 or 3v1 people of the right class.

now, playing a warrior and a druid as my main classes gives me some unique perspective on things, and i can honestly say that i really questioned the efficacy of leveling my warrior to 70 at this point in time. why would i want to waste the time on something like that when i had a better version of a warrior (of all specs) rolled up into one furry, mangling ball of awesomeness?

but it wasnt too last, and the wiser amongst our number knew this to be true. having suffered for so long under the yoke of underpoweredness, it was hard for many druids to accept the fact, but truth be told....we had to be nerfed. hitting as hard as an MS warrior, but maintaining the tankability of a prot warrior, as well as the survivability of having our own heals and was just too much. so something had to give, and that something was the power of bear mangle.

bear mangle now still hits hard, but nowhere near as hard as it did. we can no longer solo someone of any class without shifting out of bear. but, and i know i speak for all of us when i say this... was DAMN fun.

more to come my children. more to come....

Edited, Nov 6th 2008 1:18am by Quor
#42 Jan 29 2008 at 9:57 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Yay little update~!

You've been busy Quor, but your history is well written and fascinating. I hope you do get the chance to finish, otherwise good luck with classes.
#43 Feb 11 2008 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
437 posts
Glad I bumped this. ;)
#44 Feb 13 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
149 posts
Great googly moogly! I really missed out I guess :P I only started playing a druid within the last 6 months, so all the history is pretty much transparent. Props to Blizz for fixing the druid class, I guess. Also, major props and rate-ups to Quor for some VERY interesting reading material. I'll look forward to your next installment with great anticipation!
#45 Mar 06 2008 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
533 posts
I need to stop checking on this thread....
#46 Mar 06 2008 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default
1,419 posts
Very nice info. Gives me something to think about when I'm leveling my wee little 29 druid up. : )

Also, Quor for Guru!
#47 Mar 10 2008 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
533 posts
Damn you Quor and your good topic!

I keep coming back here and have been holding my breath, waiting on an update.

Thank GOD Sea lion form can hold it's breath 4evah!


Edited, Mar 10th 2008 8:09am by RaideroftheBlade
#48 Nov 06 2008 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ahem. edited the previous post to reflect the, er, history of "WHY IS ANIMALS ON MY FACE?!"

more to come later.
#49 Nov 06 2008 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
Thank you.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#50 Nov 06 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Quor, have my illegitimate children for reviving this.
#51 Nov 10 2008 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
Hah, great thread. I played a Druid in beta, and from the day WoW went live. I was full Resto to level 60, because there really was no other choice, if you wanted to get in groups/raids. Healing meant spamming Healing Touch - the HOT's were just exotica. And soloing was brutally hard, and slow. When I came back for Burning Crusade, I quickly realized I could not survive in Hellfire with my old strategies, and discovered Feral for the first time. Fighting in Cat was amazing - who knew that Druids could actually have some DPS? But Feral gear destroyed my mana pool, and there was this whole new paradigm of Druid healing, with the Tree and the HOT's. For someone who played from the start, it was all pretty confusing. And now there's the Moonkins, and even Balance might be an option. Amazing! Its been quite a ride.
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