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Before asking "is my build good" read this. (Shaman edition)Follow

#1 Dec 21 2006 at 1:24 AM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts

We don't really have a lot of advice on builds going around in the Shaman forums, and I made one of these posts in the Rogue forums, and a lot of people have said that it really helped, and I'm bored enough that I'll write one for us Shamans as well.

I'd also like to preface this post with a disclaimer. I do not have a level 60 Shaman. I've played PTR Shamans since patch 1.10, and my own Shaman on Draka. I will be taking input for builds, but where others make take a verbal lashing about knowledge, I will not. I am a veteran MMO player, and I research things quite thoroughly when I am interested in them. As I am very much interested in talent builds, you can rest assured that I have done my homework. It also keeps me from dying of boredom when I'm in classes or at work.

Breakdown of the post:

1) Level 60 builds: this will be a section regarding the 41 point talent trees which are currently in use. I will go through each spec that I'm aware of and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each, along with the general play-style of that build.

2) Level 70 builds: obviously nothing is set in stone yet, but none the less, I can still make some sweeping generalizations, as well as debate on the raid viability of some of the more interesting builds. I will need help for this section, so feel free to submit some info.

Anyway, on to the level 60 builds.

First, we have the Elemental tree. This is the tree that focuses on offensive magic. Builds that are derived from this tree are Elemental Mastery and Totem of Wrath.

Elemental Builds:
Elemental Mastery is a build that plays much like a Mage; you're going to be basically spamming Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning from the back of your PvP group. As far as I know (Ele Shamans feel free to chime in), it doesn't have a whole heck of a lot of raid viability; this could of course change once Paladins are introduced and Shamans can get Blessing of Wisdom (30 m/5). It's indredibly powerful in PvP, and not very gear-reliant. That being said, it's not a leveling build. You need to stop to drink often with this build.

Totem of Wrath is not a build I'm familiar with; everything I've heard about it, though, is bad. It's basically a stationary Moonkin aura with 5 HP. Not very useful at all in PvP, and as said before, I'm not very confident in Elemental Shaman's raid viability.

Second, we have the Enhancement tree. This tree focuses on DPS and melee buffs. This is also my favorite of all the Shaman trees, and the best tree for leveling. This tree will have a heavy reliance on your weapons: either 1h and shield, dual wield, or 2h. There is some pretty heated debate as to whether Enh Shamans will be raid-viable in BC, and I have the opinion that yes, they will be. Taking a look at the talent and some of the gear that will be available just makes it seem like common sense to me.

Enhancement Builds:
Shamanistic Rage is a build with versatility in it's melee damage; you can switch between those hard-hitting 2h weapons or DW for maximum DPS. This is my own personal preference in terms of build, and it does very well in PvP.

5/36/10 is a build that is reliant on shocks--Frost, Earth, and Fire--to deal additional damage. Stormstriking and them Earth Shocking will deal some heavy damage, and will destroy casters in PvP.

You can also spec without DW, without 2h weapons, etc. These are just the two I prefer.

The third and final tree is Resto. This was the raid tree pre-2.0.1, but now is just one of them. Resto Shamans in PvP will be incredibly hard to kill, dish out much less damage than Enh and Ele Shamans, but survive longer, all things equal. For raids, this is still a very much specced-into tree.

Resto Builds:
Earth Shield is an incredibly powerful talent, both in PvP and in raids. with Earth Shield up, even Paladins will think twice about taking you on, as it's very, very hard to outlast a Shaman with Earth Shield up. Raid usefulness is very high with this build too, though I'm not much for being a healbot, so I choose not to spec into this tree. Keep in mind that regardless of spec, if you go more than 30 points into Resto, you will be expected to heal in raids.

Mana Tide is a spec that was very popular before the 41 point trees were introduced, though it's rare to see now after 2.0.1. It's basically a healer that has more offensive capability than a full Resto Shaman, at the cost of some survivability.

Nature's Swiftness is a build that many, many Shamans were fans of before the introduction of DW to the Enhancement tree, as they didn't like Stormstrike too much. This is pretty much the hybrid build; a build that will be able to heal pretty well and melee pretty well. Of course you won't be good at either, but that's what you sacrifice to have both. I don't recommend it for anyone that wants to raid.

41-point talent builds will be coming along shortly, though if you want to build one and submit it to me via PM with a write-up, I'll take a look at it for sure, and probably post it.

Thanks for reading, everyone, and please give me feedback to make this better! This could save our regular posters and new posters alike time when they're looking for help with builds!

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 10:30pm by Theophany
#2 Dec 21 2006 at 2:49 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
I think you did ok here, but lack of endgame i still think reflex on your statements. Its heavily based on what ppl like to say and complain about. I am sure you know as I know ppl like to complain about everything since ppl are never happy with talent trees always want them better.

Totem of Wrath: This was an attempt to help elemental shaman be more satisfied in pve raiding. Many players complain "Why can't i DPS as hard as a mage or a warlock" Because we are not ment to but we are ment to buff this will help to make elementasl shamans have a use in raids buffing caster groups which we had limited buffs in the past for, aswell as putting some use to our underappreciated fire totems, once the expansion hits elemental shamans will be able to drop a mana spring totem, a dmg and healing totem, and this ToW. This new talent might not give shamans the kick we want but mages and locks cant help heal, and we can, aswell as buff them now to do great dmg. Elemental shamans also have some nice mana regen even if they never become true DDs they will be able to grab a talent to gain mana back based on 10% of your int, so even if all ele is good for is dropping these great totems and then just spot healing it isnt a bad deal and you get some very powerfull pvp talents.

Shamistic Rage: This again was an attempt to make shamans satisfied with being a spec other then resto in our expansion for pve. Ppl have complained they want to dps in raids as shaman, the problem is they want too hit as hard as rogues and warriors, we are still buffer and healer we need mana to do what we are expected to do, we wont hit as hard as warriors or rogues generaly so this will help us keep up some what with our new DW specs to do better damage over time keep our mana up if needed to heal. We also are the best melee buffers and with unleash rage we are even better, helping us become more versitile in a pve setting. The only problem is shamistic rage is terrible in PvP you want to kill enemies as fast as possible and in enh thats burst dmg this talent adds no burst and as a melee in pvp we will eventualy die and get mana back with our limited surviaval abilities in this spec.

Earthen Shield: Does exactly what you said, makes us better outlasters in pvp and better healers in pve. great spec for someone that enjoys being a healer and doesnt mind the loss of dps.

It really makes me laugh, ppl complain so much they want shamans to be better for pve, and we get these better pve abilities and thier pist cvause our new 41s are useless in pvp, for pvp we are fine, and for pve we got a great buff. Now that blizzard has done what we have asked for we are upsetr we dont have powerful new burst dmg abilities in these specs, if you want to be pvp dont get the 41s in any tree our other talents are fine for pvp and offer plenty of burst.

hope this helps and i hope no one is too upset, these are my oppinions, i think blizzard did some good making us more round about and making us better in pve lord knowws we need it for when pallies are added.
#3 Dec 21 2006 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Thanks for the additions. I'll work on adding them in to my OP.
#4 Dec 21 2006 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
304 posts
I like it.

But Resto is still the best Raiding spec.

I'll be sure to link to this thread in the Shammy FAQ
#5 Dec 21 2006 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Warchief Galanda wrote:
But Resto is still the best Raiding spec.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinions, but without presenting proof, please don't present your opinion as fact in a thread that many new players will be reading.
#6 Dec 21 2006 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Good post, however there are a few issues I found. Let me start off by saying I'm a lvl 56 tauren shaman on ysera. So, no I haven't raided, but I have done alot of instances. I do much more pve than pvp.

In a lot of your builds, you have 'Improved Healing Wave' instead of 'Tidal Focus' in the resto tree. When in a battle, most of us use either Lesser Healing Wave or Chain Heal, and save the normal Healing Wave for in between mobs. I prefer to lower the mana cost so you can cast Lesser Healing Wave more often.

Your nature's swiftness build is a build I really like (and will probably end up using once I hit 60) but there are a couple things.. Here's my variation on that build: Nature's Swiftness (0/30/21)

For some reason you dropped a point into Improved Reincarnation, possibly one of our most useless talents, and I also opted out of the Ghost Wolf talent, to take the Improved Enhancing Totems. (Grace of Wind is awesome) I also got out of the Healing Grace to take Tidal Mastery. Overall, I specced it a little more towards DPS.

On the other side of that, is another build I really like, and what I'm working on now. (0/31/14)

Now I know, this build leaves 6 points open. I currently have them specced for dual wield, but I find myself holding a shield, or a 2h mace more and more often, so I'm thinking of dropping dual wield. If you don't carry a shield, drop the Shield Specialization points into anticipation. If you DO use dual wield, get the 3 points in DW specialization, otherwise you'll miss more than you hit (which happens even with DW spec). Then stick the last two points where you please; try to buff your weak points. (For instance, if you're low on mana, put them in Convection. If you use ghost wolf to get out of situations alot, put them in improved GW. If you never run out of mana, put it in Concussion. If your armor is high & you tank, put it in toughness. If your armor is low & you tank, put it in anticipation) OR if you don't use DW, that leaves you with 6 points. I kind of like a 3/3 split in convection & concussion, as I try not to tank too much. (again, if you dont have any problems with mana, put them all in concussion. If you do have problems with running OOM, put them in convection.) If you DO tank, put them in toughness or anticipation.

(18/33/0) Here's a enh/ele build I thought about trying. Very focused towards casting with some melee dps talents thrown in for good measure. Lots of mana conservation.

Anyway, just my two cents, let me know what you guys think.

Ysera, lvl 56
Tauren Shaman, Enh/Res
#7 Dec 21 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
Theophany wrote:

You are, of course, entitled to your opinions, but without presenting proof, please don't present your opinion as fact in a thread that many new players will be reading.

Shaman's main role in end-game raids is to heal and get rid of disease/poison.
Shaman cast a few lightning bolts here and there, but not often enough to warrent speccing full Elemental, and Shaman won't be Dual Wielding in raids, so it's silly to spec Enhancement.

If you're raiding, your guild will expect you to spec Resto (at least up to Nature's Swiftness, and most will want Mana Tide Totem also).

The Restoration tree is set up specifically for Raiding, everything in the Resto tree helps you with what you'll be doing the most of in raids, and that's heal and support.


I also think This is a better Earth Shield build. But that's also my opinion.

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 2:37pm by Galanda

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 2:39pm by Galanda
#8 Dec 21 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
Tinderhoof wrote:
For some reason you dropped a point into Improved Reincarnation, possibly one of our most useless talents, and I also opted out of the Ghost Wolf talent, to take the Improved Enhancing Totems. (Grace of Wind is awesome) I also got out of the Healing Grace to take Tidal Mastery. Overall, I specced it a little more towards DPS.

Ok, first i'd like to note that Imp.Reincarnation is a great talent.
In Raids, one of your most useful abilities is your ability to "Pop" after a wipe.
Imp.Reincarnation shaves off 20 minutes. Which means you can "Pop" more often.
Which is great if you're raiding.

I rarely use Ghost Wolf (Epic Mount FTW) so I never put points into imp.ghostwolf

Imp. Enhancing Totems is good, the totems it effects are used quite often.
(It's Grace of AIR by the way)

Healing Grace is a great talent, less aggro from healing is great for raids.
It's not a good idea to overheal and accidentally pull the mob off the tank.
This talent lessens the chance that that occurs.

#9 Dec 22 2006 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
You may be absolutely correct, Shamans may still be forced into only a healing role in the end, but you dont need to be resto to be a healer, I do it fine better then most and atm i am 0 points resto. Enh shamans may still be good enough for atleast better SoE, GoA, and WF. I am sure tho that in a raid an Enh Shaman can still atleast DPS on trash which we will help alot there. Same goes with Ele shaman, using totems to better caster groups and helping down trash, using thier superior mana regen deffinately will help during boss fights even if they have to be a healer.

We will have to wait untill the expansion, resto makes being a healer easiest and offers some nice abilities, but any shaman can heal alittle know how. NS was one of my favorite talents, but i only ever used it in raids if i pulled hate, in which case i would still die. Mana Tide sounds like a nice totem, but from what i understand a good guild dont really need them, but i am sure it still helps. Earthen shield sounds amazing and would be the only reason I would ever consider resto.

Edited, Dec 22nd 2006 1:34am by jmfmb
#10 Dec 22 2006 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Warchief Galanda wrote:
Theophany wrote:

You are, of course, entitled to your opinions, but without presenting proof, please don't present your opinion as fact in a thread that many new players will be reading.

Shaman's main role in end-game raids is to heal and get rid of disease/poison.
Shaman cast a few lightning bolts here and there, but not often enough to warrent speccing full Elemental, and Shaman won't be Dual Wielding in raids, so it's silly to spec Enhancement.

If you're raiding, your guild will expect you to spec Resto (at least up to Nature's Swiftness, and most will want Mana Tide Totem also).

The Restoration tree is set up specifically for Raiding, everything in the Resto tree helps you with what you'll be doing the most of in raids, and that's heal and support.


I also think This is a better Earth Shield build. But that's also my opinion.

Like I said, you're always able to voice your opinions; I've heard of Shamans in Naxx guilds that have been in the top 5 in terms of DPS in the raid. That's pretty ridiculous if you stop and think about it for a second; they're dropping totems, keeping up Unleashed Rage and probably spot-healing their group and maybe even putting on a full healing set to help backup heal in some of the more healing-intensive encounters in Naxx.

Don't limit Shamans to one roll when it's perfectly viable for us to serve two, or maybe even three. That'd be like telling a Warrior they can only tank.

Also, no Healing Way in your Resto spec 4tl.
#11 Dec 22 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
304 posts
I'm not trying to pigeonhole Shammy into a healing role.
All i'm saying is that Shammy just end up healing in end-game raids.
And i'm not saying that Resto is the ONLY spec you can take to raid, i'm simply stating that (IMO) it is the best possible spec for you to take in a raid because it helps improve your role in the raid, thus helping the raid overall.

And Theo, Healing Way is overrated IMO.
It only effects Healing Wave, not Lesser Healing or Chain Heal.
I use Chain Heal and Lesser Healing more often in raids than Healing Wave.
And it only effects the one target.
So if it procs, it will only work for the person you last targetted.
And the proc ends up getting wasted (wears off) if you heal someone else (Because the targetted person doesnt need any more healing for example).
It's a situational bonus, and the times it would truly be effective are rare.
#12 Dec 22 2006 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Healing wave is Ok but i must agree I often use lesser healing wave and Chain heal alot more. And if your resto you will generaly use NS with Healing wave more then anything, making the 5 points to improve it alil weak. Now if they added something else to improved healing wave like also increasing its healing by 5% or reducing threat by 5% aswell it woulod be worth the points, but as it is I will say it is slitly gimped. Altho grabbing Healing Way may just make it more worth the points invested to shave off .5 seconds.
#13 Dec 22 2006 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent

Well, thanks for the post Teophany, I hope it'll help me with my shaman alt (as I am quite a newb shaman player :P).

Now I am quite surprised at the thought of resto shamans being really useful in pvp, is it true they can stand their ground 1vs1 ?

Also, about the enhancement-shock shaman, what do you think about dropping the 10 resto points and some off enhancement to make a (18/33/0) build ? to get elemental devastation, something similar to this:
#14 Dec 22 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Nice thought on the clearcasting; I'm a casting noob when it comers to Shaman, so I hadn't even thought about that. Smiley: schooled
#15 Dec 22 2006 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
Here's my stab at an Unrelenting Storm/Nature's Swiftness Raid build. Keep in mind my Shaman is only 35 right now but similar to the original poster, I do have a brain and have been playing MMOs and skill-build based RPGs and action RPGs for a good ten years now, (Fallout!) so my opinion isn't totally invalid.

The build focuses on a few things, namely getting mp/5 via Unrelenting Storm, reducing the casting cost and threat of every spell you could possibly cast, and having something to do with your mana pool if you have a lot (which for a shaman, if you want a lot of mana all the time instead of a 3 minute refresh as per Mana Tide Totem, this is pretty much how you'd go about it) since mana, being an infinitely renewable resource, is going to waste if it's full and when you're not actively healing you're dropping totems and have the option to also nuke for some better than average damage. It also has nature's swiftness onboard which is IMO a life saver. 5 points can be taken from somewhere and put into Ancestral Knowledge but I think that would weaken the utility of the build somewhat.

The build more or less assumes that the shaman won't be generating that much threat via spellcasting due to all talents in place that affect threat gain, and is strictly PVE oriented so isn't concerned with the safety of the shaman per se, since any situation in which this build does what it's supposed to has a tank involved.
#16 Dec 22 2006 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
DP my bad ><; When this happened there was horrendous lag involved between when I hit the "Post Message" button and when it appeared, so I hit it a second time.

Edited, Dec 26th 2006 9:50pm by Infares
#17 Dec 23 2006 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
for healing purposes you will prolly get more benefit just going deeper into resto tree, and for nuking deeper into the element tree. But atleast as a resto shaman you can still have some of a healing edge, once we are 70 an elmental shaman can heal pretty well as a makeing this shaman still a good pvp dps and possibly a trash dps in raids. This will give him 9%hit 14% crit just from talents aswell as cheaper nukes and heals, and when this shaman crit heals with its 8% extra crits to heals from talents he can increase armor wich will happen often.
#18 Dec 23 2006 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
also i forgot whenever making a caster type shaman, or any type shaman you should always invest in healing focus or eye of the storm, this will help you heal under fire which is very important since we dont have bubbles to aid us in these situations.
#19 Dec 24 2006 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent

About clearcasting Teophany I think of it as a way to cast some shocks for free, at least in the (18/33/0) type of build.

I was also thinking about a build similar to Infares for raiding, but then of course I don't know much about raiding shamans, however I think it is a pretty nice hybrid build that'll help you do a little Dps and heal away as usually expected.

I don't know much about elementalist shaman's, apart from partying with one yesterday and going to ZF, he had Totem of Wrath but seemed to think he was an enhancement shaman as he would never, ever, stop to cast a lightning bolt, except to make a pull. On top of that he, the warrior and the mage (all from the same guild btw) stopped to SLOWLY read the description of "the hand of Antu'Sul" letting the basilisk mobs eat away happily at out priest (I was able to SP two off him but... :S) at which point he got pissed and somewhat logically left the party, I did not trust the melee fighting elementalist shaman at healing in the least yet I stayed a bit more, sure enough, he sucked and kept charging into melee, I was already feeling staying in the party would be an utter waste of my time so I soon decided to leave on the pretext of having dinner waiting for me, sighs.

Some people have yet to understand how specialization helps determine their role in a group, when that person is a Hybrid class, as in a shaman, I find it to be quite a mispurpose. The stupid shaman should've rolled a warrior.
#20 Dec 24 2006 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent

It screams at me, and it appears to be good for BGs / farming bots. It's boom damage, and looks like a lot of fun, especially for defending the Crossroads...

I can chew through three people easily on my shaman at 60, and I hope I'll be able to chew through five at 70...


Elemental raiding spec, so you can DPS then heal when you need to.

Edited, Dec 25th 2006 4:22am by Vitos
#21 Dec 24 2006 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent

Ah, I like the look of that one Vitos :D
#22 Dec 25 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
Hi Everyone! I am new shaman in WoW. Can you tell me a one, good build of talents? I want to fight with one-hand weapon and shield. I have lvl 12. I don't know what tallents is the best for me... I want be good in character in PvP and PvE. If you can help... write it. plz
#23 Dec 26 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
jmfmb wrote:
for healing purposes you will prolly get more benefit just going deeper into resto tree, and for nuking deeper into the element tree. But atleast as a resto shaman you can still have some of a healing edge, once we are 70 an elmental shaman can heal pretty well as a makeing this shaman still a good pvp dps and possibly a trash dps in raids. This will give him 9%hit 14% crit just from talents aswell as cheaper nukes and heals, and when this shaman crit heals with its 8% extra crits to heals from talents he can increase armor wich will happen often.

I think mana management will come into the forefront now that blizzard has nerfed Downranking healing and attack spells. This is the concept of getting enough +heal gear to cast lower ranked healing spells than the maximum and still healing efficiently for the mana spent. As of now, it's going to become difficult to keep your mana in longer raids and instances and will result in a lot more downtime, in addition the healer running out of mana can be fatal in longer fights, and you can't drink water while in combat.

Assuming 300+ Intellect at level 60, Unrelenting Storm gives you 15 mana every 2.5 seconds, which could lead you to equip more intellect gear in the first place and by extension increase your total mana pool while generating even more mana/5. While going more deeply into resto makes you a better healer, it doesn't necessarily make you a longer healer.

[Edit: Blah signature ><]

Edited, Dec 26th 2006 10:09pm by Infares
#24 Dec 26 2006 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I dont at all believe resto will be gimped at all in the expansion even with mana inefficient heals. Blizard has added quested tier sets that allow you to choose based on you spec, it is safe to assume our resto spec set will be better for heaking with mana regen aswell as +healing an mana, blizard does many odd things but blizard seems to really be improving all specs for every class to make themmuch better at what you are ment to do.
#25 Dec 26 2006 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
Yah, I just saw the gear for all 3 specs, some pretty good stuff, although I think adding Unrelenting Storm to the vast INT bonus and mp/5 found in the Resto spec build would be a great thing, and even if you just go 25 deep into Elemental just for Unrelenting Storm, you can still go 36 into Resto by level 70, while you are missing out on the 41 point talent in the resto tree you're still gaining a bunch of mana in return for the sacrifice even if you're otherwise full resto, Unrelenting Storm is actually better for resto than it is for enhancement or even elemental.
#26 Dec 28 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
I'm not a very big on Shaman knowledge as well. I've been fancying shamans recently and looking at a lot of shaman threads. As far as all I've seen elemental devastation is not viable for caster shamans because gear issues with melee and casting do not provide coverage over both aspects. I also think thoses 3 points could from elemental dev could be placed in other talents.
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