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List of AOE spots for mageFollow

#77 Sep 19 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Echou, I meant that when you cast IB, you have to wait a second or two to cast another spell. When I gather them up, FN, then blink away, I have a second or two to notice if one or more mobs resisted my FN. So, from the moment I FN, with no mobs resisting the FN, I have 5-4 seconds left before the mobs break off the ice.

I understand the part about waiting a second to cast a spell after casting Ice Barrier because of the global cooldown on all spells. But that's why I mentioned to cast Ice Barrier before you start rounding up the mobs. If you want to be extra careful, you can cast Ice Barrier and wait until it's cooldown is 15 seconds. That way, by the time you finish rounding up the mobs, it will have fully cooled down and you can recast later if needed.

Now, IF one of the mobs resist, 2 seconds or so are added, so I have 2-3 seconds before the mobs break off the ice. I usually manage to cast blizzard by then, but the mobs will be running out of the blizzard's aoe circle when I still have 3-4 seconds on the blizzard. That's what I meant :P

If Frost Nova was resisted, I would lead the "straggler" back to the frozen group. As I am running I will recast Ice Barrier (if it's finished cooling down) and then Cold Snap. Cast Frost Nova to (re)freeze all mobs and blink. If you recast Frost Nova, the mobs should be re-frozen so it should not decrease the time you have to blink and blizzard (compared to a normal pull where FN was not resisted).

And in general, if you find that mobs are reaching you before your channeling on Blizzard ends, then you did not go to the max distance before casting blizzard. Note that during this whole process, you should be on the move as you do not need to be standing still to cast any of those spells except Blizzard.

You probably already know this but I'll offer up my order of doing things just in case it differs slightly from you.

1) Ice Barrier
2) Mount
3) Gather mobs
4) Dismount and keep running/strafing. You get hit much less if you are constantly on the move.
5) Frost Nova while still moving
6) Blink while still moving
7) Blizzard
8) Second Blizzard
9) Cone of Cold while moving (I like to run towards the group on a slant so that I can hit them with CoC but be angling away from them to avoid hits)
10) Frost Nova while moving
11) Blizzard
12) Cone of Cold or Arcane Explosion if needed

Here's how I would adapt the above if Frost Nova was resisted:

1) Ice Barrier
2) Mount
3) Gather
4) Dismount + strafe
5) Frost Nova (1+ mob resists)
6) Run back to the frozen group. While running, recast Ice Barrier (if cooled down) or just cast Cold Snap and recast Frost Nova (all mobs are re-frozen and you have same time as usual before they break)
7) Run + blink
8) Blizzard, etc. etc.

So you see, there really isn't any point where Ice Barrier decreases the time you have to damage the mobs.

Maybe I'm still misunderstood what you meant though because I'm a bit slow this morning (more so than usual that is :P)

#78 Sep 19 2006 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
Hehe, yes, I already do those steps, though mine vary slightly :P

I have used Cold Snap only about 4 times since I got it. I found it encumbersome to my routine, for some reason.

And in general, if you find that mobs are reaching you before your channeling on Blizzard ends, then you did not go to the max distance before casting blizzard

If I do this, I would've been feared left and right, which would considerably slow down my exp/hour :P I always blink twice during the pulls, except one pull where the mobs does not fear. This gives me a total of 4 blizzard casts.

6) Run back to the frozen group. While running, recast Ice Barrier (if cooled down) or just cast Cold Snap and recast Frost Nova (all mobs are re-frozen and you have same time as usual before they break)

If I do this during the pulls which include the skeletons who fear, I will be feared. Especially so because I cannot cast Blink again for 10 secs. I would use WotF, that'll give me 4-5 secs, so I have around 5-4 secs untill I can recast Blink again.

The reason why I cannot cast Blink again is because my finger automatically presses the short-cut key to Blink after FN. I don't even look at the keyboard or where the spell is in my casting bars. It's like it's a robot programmed for pressing buttons or something lol. I don't stop for a second to see if one of the mobs have resisted or not, because I fear that I will be feared, so... yeah... :P

Anyways, I should try using Cold Snap during my pulls lol. 10 min cooldown sucks :(
#79 Sep 20 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Yup, I always found that I held back on using Cold Snap because of the 10min cooldown. I kept telling myself that I should wait til I really needed it. Of course, that just wastes it. Now, I just use it whenever it would help. The 10mins go by faster than you'd think. Same thing for Ice Block, except to a lesser degree.

If I do this, I would've been feared left and right, which would considerably slow down my exp/hour :P

Yes, that's why you need to anticipate the Fear. I failed to mention that for fear pulls you have to modify your strategy a bit:

1) Ice Barrier
2) Mount
3) Gather
4) Dismount & strafe
5) Frost Nova while strafing/running
6) Blink while strafing/running
7) CONTINUE strafing/running in anticipation of Fear
8) Wait for the Fear and use WoTF/Trinket/Ice Block
9) Re-position yourself (this is the hard part because you will likely be facing the wrong direction. I found using my mouse and right mouse button to reposition the camera was fastest)
10) Blizzard, etc. etc.

On occasion I would run into a VERY bad fear pull. I think my worst one went something like this but it only happened once:

- Fear #1
- Trinket
- Fear #2
- Ice Block
- Fear #3 (WTF?!)
- Cold Snap + Ice Block (heh, stupid skeletons)
- Fear #4 ( !!! )
- Dead mage, shortly after

I think you mentioned you have Will of the Forsaken. Do you have your Rank 3 PvP trinket? Ice Block also clears Fear as well.

I'm a human mage so I only had the trinket + Ice Block to counteract Fear and I still had very little troubles. If you have WotF it should be cake :P

Also, levels 55+ I found that I resisted a lot of the skeleton's fear spells. It becomes a non-issue once you get to level 57+

I always blink twice during the pulls, except one pull where the mobs does not fear. This gives me a total of 4 blizzard casts.

Really? I never needed to blink twice, and I only cast blizzard 3 times (2 after the blink, and then 1 more after the second Frost Nova). I never found a need for a 4th blizzard... that should be overkill and a waste of mana. Do you use Cone of Cold before the second Frost Nova?

simplified version
- Gather mobs
- Frost Nova #1
- Blink
- Blizzard #1
- Blizzard #2
- Cone of Cold #1
- Frost Nova #2
- Blizzard #3
- Cone of Cold #2 (and Arcane Explosion if needed)

I've always found that after the 3rd Blizzard there will be 1 or 2 mobs still alive but close to dead. The last Cone of Cold usually kills them. I may have to follow up with an Arcane Explosion. But definitely, a 4th blizzard will be overkill and wasted mana.

Regarding resisted Frost Novas
If I do this during the pulls which include the skeletons who fear, I will be feared.

Yes, a resisted Frost Nova on a Fear pull usually spells disaster. If all your cooldowns are available, you can try to continue with the pull. But I found in most cases that it's best to just run and lose aggro then go back and try again. Always try to run towards the road and not into the forest as there are spiders and other mobs in there that aren't so nice :P hehe

#80 Sep 21 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
Hey all...

I am currently a level 47 mage. I have placed my talents mainly in Fire and Arcane (in fact I just reached POM at 46). I am thinking about respecing to a Frost/Fire build. I have been reading alot about Shatter and its Crit bonus. I also see that Improved Flamestrike can add an additional 15% crit possibility.

Just for calculation, I am wondering if a build with 5/5 Shatter, 5/5 Ignite and 3/3 Improved Flamestrike would be awesome with AOE Grinding.

Ok this is how I am imagining it.

1. Mount
2. Gather Mobs
3. Dismount
4. Frost Nova (Mobs are frozen)
5. Blink
6. Flamestrike (this is the step that should be freaking deadly. Unless my calculations are just debunked you would get a 65% chance to crit. If you crit you will ignite and add 40% flamestrike damage.)
7. CoC or Blizzard (not sure here... I haven't tested this yet.)
8. Strafe
9. ???? until dead (again this is right now theory and my main focus is what would happen with step 6.)

I am not sure if this method would even work but if anyone has tried it please provide any input.
#81 Sep 21 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
I have no idea which one is the best without healer. I dont want to over aggro and die. LOL
#82 Sep 23 2006 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Echou, no need to do the step-by-step instruction :D I already know them, the hard way... I like to learn on my own, so... I tend to see Jesus a lot. Hehe

Well.. the fourth blizzard I cast would usually be for emergencies, but yes, after the third blizzard, only 1-3 mobs are alive with 2-3% of life left.

I found it harder to grind at 57 than at 54 >.< the damn mobs won't notice me till I'm on top of him (metaphoricaly speaking).

Chazwall, I tried that setup at 26 (without the mount) at the harpies in the barrens. Didn't work too well. But I don't know if it will work at higher lvls.
#83 Sep 29 2006 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
The Hammerfall Orcs were great! Thats the place where i learned how to Aoe more then 7 of them at once. Started there at lv 37 and ended up at lv 39(close to 40) Right now im still stuck at lv 40 and grinnding at the Mirefin Murlocs. Those Murlocs are they best! You can pull so many of them at once. I usually pull up to 8 or 9 of them at once. The most ever was the entire camp like 18 or 19 of them. But that was with the help of fortitue:43 from a lv 60 priest. But once again the exp of the major pull was awesome. Been thinking about which would kill them faster, froze build or fire built aoe.
like all the ppl who had posted above thats pretty much what i do.

from the vid that i saw, that mage was aoe with fire talents.
-Ice barrie
-Mount and gather up
-cone of cold
-froze nova
-Flame Strike
-Arcane Med
-Flame Strike

and they die so much faster then the blizzard pull. Personelly, i like the blizzard built better but if i ever get enough money to respec =( 10G Then i would try for the fire aoe some day.
#84 Sep 29 2006 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
-Ice barrie
-Mount and gather up
-cone of cold
-froze nova
-Flame Strike
-Arcane Med
-Flame Strike

By "Arcane Med", do you mean Presence of Mind? To get the instant cast Flamestrike?

Anyway, if it was Presence of Mind, you probably saw him use Mana Shield, and not Ice Barrier because it's currently impossible to have both talents.

The problem with this setup is that Presence of Mind is on a 3 minute cooldown. So while the initial pull will die fast... what are you going to do in the 3 mins? LoL

I agree that Fire AoE looks interesting and is indeed quicker. However, it lacks the survivability of a Frost AoE build so gives less room for mistakes or resisted Frost Novas.
#85 Oct 01 2006 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Yet another person having a problem with these! The map puts them along the top of the zone, but area's scattered with hunters and warlocks as well as the warriors - doesn't work :-(

Someone suggested we were looking too far north, that we should be east of Stoneard - well I've mapped the whole zone, and can't find any Lost Ones except in the area indicated on the map (lots of dragonkin, though).

It looks like the Lost Ones *has* been changed and can't be AoE'd any more :-(


#86 Nov 21 2006 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
FYI, would not recommend:

(Level: 45-50) Thistleshrub Elementals (Tanaris)

They root you (very annoying trying to do AOE from 1 spot). Fortunately, I did Ice Barrier, last blizzard on myself and killed the 6 that I had pulled.... but it lead to some OMG type moments!

#87 Nov 27 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
/bump for sticky.
#88 Nov 28 2006 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Leatherpatches' thread on this topic also offers very good info to supplement this thread

Maybe someone has the time to summarize the main points of these two threads? I offered lots of feedback on this topic but simply do not have the time to reorganize all the information. I think it is worthy of a sticky here in the Mage forum because this topic comes up repeatedly.

#89 Dec 03 2006 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
I had the same issue but it was because I had points in Frostbite. Once I respec'd and droped that talent, everything is good. Moving in a circular motion while gathering them helps get the group together. When you are waiting for them to get to you, try moving back, stopping, moving, stopping... They will get close, but them move again before hitting you. You can do this a few times until the rest reach you before you CoC and FN them into place in a nice tight little pile ;) As mentioned, stafing moves quicker thatn "backing up".
#90 Dec 03 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
well it seems to me at lvl 52 that half these places have casters or ranged aand so not viable i been through most of the list for my level and they not doable. have these mobs makeup been altered since the last edit of list?

example dalstons got plenty casters spread around, jade sytrs got casters mixed in nd patrols all over the place, thristle elemtals have shamen dropping earth totems that trap u ... riggers cove u got guns ....i could continue

any suggestions i finding it extremely hard to find a decent spot or its back to fire for me

Edited, Dec 3rd 2006 10:28pm by tarloch
#91 Dec 05 2006 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
I just want to add two spots for alliance to this. On high pop servers or during peak hours these may not be the most viable, but I play really late at night during off hours and these are my results.

22-28 Wetlands. There are quite a few AOE spots here that also have decent quests, murlocs near Menethil (also a quest for these that give the Icicle Staff +4 int +10 frost dmg, some casters mixed in), the oozes at iron beards tomb (fully rested I went from 28-29 in 1 hr on these, quest for a 10 slot bag as well), and lastly the Excavation site raptors (quests for a wand and some coins).

24-30 Ravenhill Graveyard. There are multiple quests for the undead here as well. I did 29-30 in 2 hrs on the ghouls here. The drop coin, cloth, and the occasional green/blue.

Those are two decent alliance grind spots that I've used to great success at those levels as a frost mage.
#92 Dec 05 2006 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
well it seems to me at lvl 52 that half these places have casters or ranged aand so not viable i been through most of the list for my level and they not doable. have these mobs makeup been altered since the last edit of list?



example dalstons got plenty casters spread around

I think you are in the wrong place. There are no casters in Dalson's Tears; only certain undead (forgot the name) that will cast Fear on you as was discussed in detail in this thread. The tloc is around 45,54 (cauldron loc).

For how to group the pulls, refer to the earlier posts by Kamuii. I asked him and he posted an image of the mob groups.

jade sytrs got casters mixed in nd patrols all over the place

Yes, the satyrs are not a good location. I tried them myself. Not doable. Please read the entire thread as there are posts with feedback on which locations are good and not.

thristle elemtals have shamen dropping earth totems that trap u

Roots were not so much a problem for me. Main problem was gathering a large enough group to make it worthwhile. Not a great location. Again, read feedback from myself and others in this thread.

riggers cove u got guns

No. You are not pulling the correct groups. Watch the following videos:

Pull 1
Pull 2
Pull 3
Pull 4

Hope you haven't specc'd fire yet. But if you have, you get a free respec after patch today :P
#93 Dec 05 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
well it seems to me at lvl 52 that half these places have casters or ranged aand so not viable i been through most of the list for my level and they not doable. have these mobs makeup been altered since the last edit of list?

At lvl 52, the Dunemaul Ogres in Tanaris are not so bad. You can pick up around 6 of them at a time in a few select spots (make sure to, as always, kill casters first, but there are only a few of them). Not bad for exp (not great), but easy to do. They tend to hammer the ground pretty hard when they get close, so modify your tactics a bit (you won't get through 2 full blizzards), but I was finding that I could still get enough of them for my mana pool.

Good Luck.
#94 Dec 05 2006 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
I think I mentioned it earlier in this thread (or maybe some other thread that's been long since buried) but levels 52 to 54 is one of those transition points where you are too strong for your previous grind location (tanaris pirates) but a bit weak for the next location (Dalson's Tears). You'll have to face more deaths than regular until you hit around level 54 at which point you should be able to consistently grind at Dalson's Tears without death.
#95 Dec 12 2006 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
#96 Dec 14 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I thought that field of giants (s. barrens) would be good for level 20ish as someone posted earlier on this page, but found that the scorpids spawn these little bugs that rush at me and disrupt my cast. I would recomend Bael Modan excavation site just to the north. I have successfully leved 20-24 in there without much trouble and quickly.

P.s. the dwarfes with the torches do through the torches at you but only once so wand them to get them to chunk the thing at you then round as normal.
P.s.s. there is a npc on the road to the site that has quests for this area as well so as you AOE grind through mobs you are completing quests as well...YAY!...bonus.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 11:26am by Eatingualive
#97 Dec 18 2006 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
I just hit 37 yesterday i'm trying to find good spot for aoe and i try syndicate camp in alterac but i have to wait for respawn and the lost one in SoS but can't find good spot without caster or hunter... What's the lvl requirement for murlac in dustwallow march?

#98 Dec 18 2006 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
I just hit 37 yesterday i'm trying to find good spot for aoe and i try syndicate camp in alterac but i have to wait for respawn and the lost one in SoS but can't find good spot without caster or hunter... What's the lvl requirement for murloc in dustwallow march?

#99 Dec 18 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
I'd recommend 39+ for murlocs. I found that I died a lot earlier than that but some people who are better AoE grinders can do it around level 38.
#100 Dec 29 2006 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
this needs a bump ^ ^
#101 Jan 10 2007 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
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