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List of AOE spots for mageFollow

#52 Aug 27 2006 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
this is what your respec should be. You don't want to have frostbite because it will freeze mobs and ***** your pull over. From there max out frost channeling >> ice block >> imp CC

Would it be best to get shatter 5/5 before frost channeling and artic reach? or whats best?
#53 Aug 27 2006 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
No max out frost channeling and artic reach before you get shatter. to be honest i never got shattered until i respec'd into full frost for pvp/pve raiding. But now actually knowing what shatter does, yes get it but frost channeling and artic reach will be more of a use aoe grinding.
#54 Aug 29 2006 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Yeah, I think Shatter was one of the last talents I picked up. It is a good talent, but it just doesn't directly benefit AoE grinding, whereas Arctic Reach and Frost Channeling will give you immediate benefits when AoE.

Personally, Shatter only helps me in PvP. End-game raids don't really see a lot of shatter crits since stuff won't be frozen. It is still useful if you need to bring down a group of add mobs as quickly as possible in pre-endgame instances though.

P.S. I'm at level 59 and 50% away from 60, I'll probably ding tonight^^ A personal "THANK YOU!" to Kamuii for starting this awesome thread and giving me great advice along the way. I don't think I could have made it to level 60 so quickly without it.
#55 Aug 29 2006 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
Yay gj echou! Thx, im glad that i could help ya out. Welcome to end game XD
#56 Aug 30 2006 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Am almost 32 at the moment, except its going really slow, might be because there's many people here and am just killing grps of 3-5 at a time...

Once i get ice barrier it should go alot better since i can grab over 7 and not get hammered down lol...
#57 Aug 30 2006 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Try to get +STA gear to help you with taking hits. Prior to AoE grinding I had geared up with +INT and +SPI to increase mana regen. But with AoE, you will expend almost all your mana on one pull so SPI is useless. I switched over to +INT and +STA gear. At higher levels, I even gave +STA higher priority than +INT as my mana base was so high already I didn't need the extra INT.

Potions help you survive any adds or bad pulls as well. I never had to buy potions since they dropped regularly from the humanoid mobs. In fact, once you get the routine mastered, you will rarely need a potion. I was selling them on the AH because they kept piling up in my bags :P

Keep working at it, Jizzy, and it will definitely get better. Exciting times for you ahead! ^^

P.S. I dinged 60 last night (YAY!) and had to say "bye bye" to my AoE spec *sniffles*. I'm now Frost/Arcane raid spec'd to go raiding with my guild. I already went to MC once before and will be going again this weekend. The points moved from AoE talents to Arcane hopefully will help with my mana efficiency/regen as I found I was running out of mana much quicker than the other mages in my first MC raid. Our guild will also be attempting Onyxia this Friday :)

Edited, Aug 30th 2006 at 9:29pm EDT by echou
#58 Sep 08 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts

Because people are starting to post new threads asking the same questions about AoE Grinding again.
#59 Sep 09 2006 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
An important place to AoE grind that I don't think has been mentioned is the scorpid camps south of Camp T in the barrens.

(Level: 20-25) Field of Giants (Barrens)

What makes this place so great is that the cash is excellent and the vendor items that the monsters drop all stack to at least 5. Also if you take the time or have already done the quests Tribes of War and Blood Shards of Agamaggan then you can use bloodstones to get Razorhide and Spirit of the Wind. This damage shield and +25 spirit helps out alot with killing these guys.

I leveled from 21 to 25 here in about 3 hours at a leasurely pace and made about 3 gold doing so. The only shortcoming of this place is that green drops are rather rare, especially compared to humanoid AoE spots.

If you can't find the place, it's directly south of Camp T, not quite halfway to Razorfen Kraul.

Edited, Sep 9th 2006 at 12:07pm EDT by JossyB
#60 Sep 12 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
just dinged 41 about 45 min ago and am about 15% into 41...
I am at the location of the mire murlocs that you guys suggested to grind at. Only problem i have is that they spawn slow, and the XP/HR from 40-45k drops to less then 25k since it takes more then 5min for them to spawn...

Is there a better location to AOE grind at for 41-44 (44 ill go to lost ridge cove or something like that) ???

thanks for the help guys...
#61 Sep 12 2006 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Are you talking about the ones in Swamp of Sorrow? If so make sure you go all the way to the right side of the coast and work your way up and down it. I usually went all the way left until i ran into the magic user ones and make my way back to the right side of the beach. It was constant pulls for me usually. You can even do one more level at the ones in dustwallow marsh.
#62 Sep 12 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Jizzy, if you're talking about the murlocs in Dustwallow Marsh, I think you're having the same problem that I ran into initially.

At first I only saw the murloc camp closest to the hut in the swamp, but there is a downward sloping path that leads you to a beach area full of murlocs. There should be more than enough murlocs for you to grind without having to wait for respawns (unless there are other mages grinding at the same time).

If you've only been killing the murlocs in the top grassy area, you're missing out on about 2/3 of the murlocs there. Look for the path that slopes down to the sandy beach area.
#63 Sep 13 2006 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
After seeing the same questions come up on multiple boards, I started updating the WoWWiki mage articles on Blizzard AoE grinding techniques and general AoE spots. Between the old official forum's "Comprehensive" list and yours and my own experience, the list is rather extensive. I sourced this thread, so for as long as it's still on the boards, the WoWWiki list will be linked back here.

Just wanted to let you know and say 'great job on the list'.
-Zougar, happy Frosty-AoE mage from 22-60
#64 Sep 13 2006 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
thx for the help guys, i saw the slope on the map and went and checked it out and found out that it was a great spot aswell, except that sometimes i would aggro too many and have them resist my FN twice in a so i had to take it to smaller pulls but in the end i got 41 and 75% and got the rest in Uldaman last night...

the funny thing is, i read echous post on the 2 mages Stealing his pulls and having adds go to him, and what i surprize, soon as i relogged there were 2 mages, and they kept getting me killed. haha...

owell ill hit some instances today, go to SoS and check it out and see if i can find that AOE area kamuiii, thanks guys.

#65 Sep 14 2006 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
I'm lvl 52 now, and started with Dalson's Tears. My major problem is the disease de-buff, which gets in my way of recovering health. Is there any way to counter this debuff, apart from having a priest friend?
#66 Sep 14 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
the murlocs at teh swamp of sorrows are nice...except for one problem, if i group them up and stop adn FN and blink away, they break off my FN and run back to their positions, seems like their aggro range is very very small..

Edit: i was at the coast of SoS...where the oceans at.
I looked on the map for the Lost One and all i C are hunters / Seers,
am still wondering where you went to Kamuiii....

Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 4:40pm EDT by Jizzyzy
#67 Sep 14 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
The disease debuff from the undead at Dalson's Tears is excruciatingly annoying :P but that is not the worst part of it.

It interrupts your casting as well. So if you get hit with it early on in the pull, you have to time your Blizzard casts so that it won't tick in the middle of channeling it, or else it will cut short your Blizzard. This may cause you to die if you're not careful.

I never looked into a way to counter/cure it. I just learned to time my Blizzard casts so that it won't interrupt it, and kept drinking/eating a new water and bread every 15s after the fight was done.

As for the SoS Lost Ones, I was never able to find a good camp there either. There were always too many ranged mobs near them. I eventually gave up.
#68 Sep 15 2006 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
Sigh* Still 52. Although I know now what to do, I do have some trouble now and then. I hate being in an aoe area at the minimum lvl. It's so troublsome, then 3-4 lvls later, it's too easy.

Btw, when do the skeletons at Dalson's cast the disease/poison debuff?
#69 Sep 15 2006 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I never looked into a way to counter/cure it.

What about Ice Barrier? I haven't tried it but it seems like it would do the trick.
#70 Sep 15 2006 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
Ice barrier will do the trick, i didn't get poisoned very often though so i usually always had ice barrier up when i did
#71 Sep 15 2006 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
I haven't tested it in a methodical fashion... but yes, now that I think back, the only time the debuff landed on me was when my Ice Barrier was down and I got hit. Maybe you have to get hit for physical damage for the debuff to proc? Not sure.
#72 Sep 17 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Whats an alternative spot for 44-52 grinding?
Rigger Cove is great, but theres like 10+ people all the time...Damn quest areas....................................

Ive been here for like 2hrs and only gained 10% =\
#73 Sep 18 2006 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
hit 55 the as I post this. Yup, Ice Barrier helped, though usually it means i have to give up a few seconds of dmg. I noticed if I stand too long on one spot, or if I don't attack the mob who casts the disease, I will get the poison-debuff.

Jizzy, maybe chaing you're time tables will help. I live on Australia, so whenever I play, most of the populace are sleeping :D

Edited, Sep 18th 2006 at 7:00am EDT by Vrarg
#74 Sep 18 2006 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I know changing when i play would fix that problem...but i have school so i cant stay up past 12am...
at like 10pm or so it got fairly empty, but that would just give me about 2 hrs to somehow manage to gain over 70% to level up.
#75 Sep 18 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Yup, Ice Barrier helped, though usually it means i have to give up a few seconds of dmg.

I'm curious about what you meant by this. I don't understand how Ice Barrier makes you give up a few seconds of damage... you have IB on you before you start the pull and you usually won't need to recast it mid fight.

I noticed if I stand too long on one spot, or if I don't attack the mob who casts the disease, I will get the poison-debuff

I'm not sure what actually triggers them to cast the debuff but yes, I noticed that if my pull is smooth and there are no brief moments of pause when I'm going through the AoE cycle (e.g. trying to target my blizz properly, or having to adjust to an add or a resisted Frost Nova) then I won't get the debuff cast on me.

I know changing when i play would fix that problem...but i have school so i cant stay up past 12am...
at like 10pm or so it got fairly empty, but that would just give me about 2 hrs to somehow manage to gain over 70% to level up

I was also lucky because I am on the west coast and my server is based on eastern time so when I start playing at around 8PM, people are already starting to go to sleep.

I'm not in school, but I usually go home for lunch (my office is 5mins drive from my apartment) so I usually squeezed in an hour's worth of grinding during mid day and that helps too.

I don't think there is any decent alternative to Rigger's Cove. If you can't adjust your play time, then you can just accept that it will take a bit longer to gain your levels. When it gets too crowded, you can also go to some group instances and pickup some gear and experience or do some quests and start building up your reputation. Or even PvP. You can also level a profession/craft. You'll be doing all of those things when you hit level 60 anyway so if you think about it, you're not really losing any time even though you'll get level 60 at a later date.
#76 Sep 19 2006 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
Echou, I meant that when you cast IB, you have to wait a second or two to cast another spell. When I gather them up, FN, then blink away, I have a second or two to notice if one or more mobs resisted my FN. So, from the moment I FN, with no mobs resisting the FN, I have 5-4 seconds left before the mobs break off the ice.

Now, IF one of the mobs resist, 2 seconds or so are added, so I have 2-3 seconds before the mobs break off the ice. I usually manage to cast blizzard by then, but the mobs will be running out of the blizzard's aoe circle when I still have 3-4 seconds on the blizzard. That's what I meant :P

What Echou said about using your playing time (if you can't grind at Tanaris) is what I did when I play on weekday mornings.

Dinged 56 tonight :D I had 60k exp/hour going at first half of my session, then I started dying because of a few alliance questers, but it's all good :D Here's an SS of it to prove the 60k/hour:

The 60k exp/hour was constant till I reached 56. Only 15k of the total exp I gained was rested :D
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