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List of AOE spots for mageFollow

#27 Aug 09 2006 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Nope, I've always used Mage Armor since doing AoE grinding. I think my problem was that I stood TOO still when they were gathering around me. If I kept running/strafing in a circular motion I found that I would take less damage and still be able to group them up.

Before, I would dismount and wait for every mob to get to me while taking the hits. This doesn't work very well because with a pull of 8+ mobs they break my shield and eat up my HP way too fast. But the real killer is that once they start hitting me, there is a good chance that I will get dazed from "Head Crack". Thus when I Nova, I can't get away from them in time to prevent death.

Lately, I've been continuing to move after dismounting and it seems to be doing better.

Still not reaching 40k xp/hr though. Best I've gotten is close to 30k xp/hr and on average only around 25k xp/hr. Sometimes it depends on how many stupid mistakes I make and also if there are other people killing in the area.

I'm level 45 right now so I'm the same level as the pirates. I think as I level past them, although I'll earn less xp per pirate, I'll be able to make bigger pulls. Right now, I'm sticking with pulls of 5 or 6 pirates at a time because I die way too often and it's much better to spend 30 secs drinking than 3 minutes running back to my corpse.
#28 Aug 10 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
I still havent found the camps for the Lost One Muckdwellers. I can find individuals ones though and find tons of camps filled with hunters and spell casters >.<. Is this because there not camped? Do i have to run around and gather them (dont have mount yet >.<, only lvl 36, so does this mean i have to wait until lvl 40 then?), which i dont really want to do because i would probably only be able to get like 3 and when I try to make room after frost nova, i might run into those annoying horde gaurds on patrol...Thanks for any help you can provide, i just really want to try this AoE grinding thing because questing is getting boring.
#29 Aug 10 2006 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Earlier in this thread I posted that I could not find an actual "camp" of muckdwellers either. They seem to be spread out and there are a LOT of ranged mobs around them (some that use bows and others that cast spells).

My advice is to grind the Murlocs in Dustwallow instead. However, this is a very popular spot so there may be competition (see my previous post). Also, it is a rather difficult place to start your grinding career. I had a lot of difficulty with this location due to the patrols and the sheer number of murlocs. If your shield breaks you die REALLY fast because they'll be 8+ murlocs hitting you at once.

Another spot I did, which is much safer and less competition are the Rock Elementals (and Lesser ones too) in Badlands. They are spread out but you can gather groups of 4 or 5 at a time, if you try to gather more, they will run back to their original spots because you're outside of aggro range.

This was slower xp but much safer and a good way to get your feet wet. There are a lot of quests in the area (and several that involves killing rock elementals) so it should supplement your grinding xp very well. I alternated between this area and the Dustwallow Murlocs until I hit lvl 44. Then I headed straight for Lost Rigger Cove.

BTW, I finally hit 40k xp/hr last night. The key (of course) is not dying :P haha. I actually hit 45K xp/hr and am one happy Frost mage.
#30 Aug 10 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
Grats echou, bout damn time :p

The murlocks in dustwallow is a very easy pull system, you can split the top part of the camp into 2 parts. When you go below is a bit more dangerous, but you can do 3 pulls there, its all about experimentation, i've had plenty of deaths
#31 Aug 13 2006 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
#32 Aug 14 2006 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
absolutely amazing and comprehensive. Although some of the spots need descriptions on if they are useable or not, it is still great. I vote for a sticky as well.
#33 Aug 14 2006 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
So stupid question... How does this work? Round up beasts, with mana shield on, frost nova them, blizzard...beasts dead before nova wears?

I am only 28 so I dont have mount yet.

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 12:51pm EDT by thiblariont
#34 Aug 14 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
thiblariont wrote:
So stupid question... How does this work? Round up beasts, with mana shield on, frost nova them, blizzard...beasts dead before nova wears?

I am only 28 so I dont have mount yet.

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 12:51pm EDT by thiblariont;mid=114658131743438810;num=31;page=1;mid=115540430081506245;num=1;page=1;mid=1154997861154049918;num=7;page=1

and there are more...
#35 Aug 14 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Well, I hit level 50 last night and am hoping to hit 52 asap because a lot of mages (and other groups) have started to show up in Rigger Cove lately. I usually play late after i get off work, but even then there is increasing competition.

I hope moving onto Western Plaguelands will continue the 40k+ xp/hr. Although, I'm a Human; not Undead so don't have WoTF... I hope it won't be too much of an issue.

Is there another way to combat fear?

Thanks :)
#36 Aug 14 2006 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
You can use ice block to negate fear. I'd advise to get your insignia because being able to ward off fear is key. In dalson's theres three pulls in which you need it, 2 depending on the rotation of the field you do. I'd suggest just trying it and figuring out which pulls work best for you, its kinda a personal pref at dalson's. Gl echou
#37 Aug 15 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Dang... my insignia... maybe I should have went to BGs when I was still lvl 49 and top of the bracket XD

Now I'm at 50 and I'm gonna get my rear end handed to me hahahaha... oh well, it's probably the best way to go since I tried a couple of other places listed and they were pretty bad.

I'll just have to honor grind a bit on the weekends and stuff I guess.
#38 Aug 16 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Anyone have an idea how to AoE grind on a mage at lvl 21?
By the time I frost nova and blink away...the frost nova wears out in like my blizzard doesnt do much damage. Not only that, but the mobs come charging at me and my frost nova isnt recharged so they just sit there beating me down or my mana gets eaten away if i mana shield...

anyone got any tips?
if it helps, my build so far is:
imp. frostbolt - 5/5
Frostbite - 3/3
cold snap - 1/1
Ice shards 2/5 got 1 spare talent point right lvl 21 oO
#39 Aug 16 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
There was a thread a while back with a quick guide on AOE at around 20ish. Basically, you can't use the same frost method because you don't have enough frost talents to slow the mobs enough.

I can't remember the exact sequence but I remember the guy who posted the 20ish guide said he used Flamestrike and Arcane Explosion instead of Blizzard. This makes sense because without your frost talents, you're not slowing the mobs down enough to use blizz effectively.

IMO, AoE before lvl 30 is too tough to be worth it.
#40 Aug 21 2006 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
746 posts
Still waiting for my PvP trinket to try Dalson's Tears. Hopefully, I did enough AV runs to get me to Corporal come Tuesday XD

Anyway, I thought I'd post some feedback on the other locations that were on the master list. I tried some of these, and found the following:

(Level: 42-48) Dunemaul Ogres (Tanaris)
- Almost no one kills them so there are plenty to go around
- Not very hard to get to, but still kinda far from Gadgetzan
- Hard to gather a good number of them. Usually max 3 or 4 per pull.
- Lots of wandering lizards and scorpions around. You might blink into one and get an add.
- Approx. XP/HR ~ 20k-25k, unimpressive

(Level: 45-50) Thistleshrub Elementals (Tanaris)
- Umm... nothing worth mentioning
- Very far from Gadgetzan; bottom left corner of Tanaris
- They use Entangling Roots on you, so you have to be ready to Blink, else you die. (I don't have PvP trinket and I'm not Undead)
- Also cannot gather more than 3 or 4 of them at a time
- Usually at least one other person there grinding them 1-on-1 so they'll mess up your 3-4 groups
- Approx. XP/HR ~ 20k-25k, also unimpressive

(Level: 47-50) Ravasaur Raptors (Un'goro Crater)
- No one kills them, plenty to go around
- Can skin for leather and also drops Un'goro Soil for quest from Arch Druid in Darnassus
- These mobs are huge, like T-rex huge so can block your view
- Very large wandering distance. What appears to be a clean pull of 4 to 5 may in fact have 1 or more adds just outside of your field of view. They will add and you'll be in trouble. A lot of trouble, because of the large number of them, running will often lead you into even MORE adds XD
- Also because of wandering distance, they can sometimes be too spread out
- Approx. XP/HR ~ 30k-33k, better but not great

(Level: 47-50) Deadwood Furbolgs (Felwood)
- very close to Alliance flight point in Felwood, directly north of it
- increases your Timbermaw reputation
- can kill for Timbermaw quests
- too many casters, at least 2 to 3 Shamans per camp
- lots of people grinding them for reputation
- Approx. XP/HR ~ not good, too many casters and competition, maybe viable if you had a healer willing to help

(Level: 48-54) Jadefire Saytrs [Various Locations] (Felwood)
- relatively close to Alliance flight point in Felwood
- nice isolated area with only the Satyrs. They're on an elevated plateau reached by an uphill slope
- die relatively quickly
- There are casters among them and the Tricksters will use fear
- Moreover, after using Fear the Tricksters tend to return to their original spot and will have full health again
- Approx. XP/HR ~ not viable due to Fear

(Level: 49-50) Saltwater Snapjaw- East Coast (Hinterlands)
- none
- They are FRIENDLY towards Alliance XD I didn't know that til I got there
- You can use Arcane Explosion to gather around 3 of them, but there are too few and too sparse
- Approx. XP/HR ~ not viable

(Level: 49-54) Thunderhead Hippogryphs - Northern Peninsula (Azshara)
- Nobody kills them
- Too few and too sparse
- Slopey terrain makes it difficult to judge distance and blizzard area
- Approx. XP/HR ~ 20k to 25k, unimpressive

(Level: 50-54) Warpwood Elementals (Felwood)
- Nobody kills them
- They die relatively quickly
- Too few of them and takes too long to respawn
- Approx. XP/HR ~ 35k to 40k initially but slows down as soon as you've killed them all and they take too long to respawn

(Level: 52-56) Sorrow Hill [SE of Anderhol] (Western Plaguelands)
- Very close to Alliance flight point at Chillwind Camp
- Increases reputation with Argent Dawn
- 1 "normal" quest to kill them and a repeatable quest for Argent Dawn rep
- Natural groups of 4 to 5 for clean pulls
- Relatively quick respawn time
- Good gray quality drops, some of which sell for 1G+ to vendor
- WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE grinding for Argent Dawn reputation

Ok, Sorrow Hill was my favorite out of all the ones I tried. This would be such an awesome place to AoE if there weren't so many dang people competing. One night, i stayed up very late and there was no one else but me. I could finally pull in 40k+ xp/hr since Rigger Cove. And the respawn was so fast when it was just me killing. But unless you play very late or very early, this is not viable. And even at odd hours of the night, there may still be 1 or 2 people killing them.

So in the end... still no suitable AoE grinding spot at level 52+
I've been slowly getting xp via instances and quests here and there. Hopefully, I'll have my PvP trinket by tomorrow and can try the recommended Dalson's Tears area.

Edited, Aug 21st 2006 at 8:37pm EDT by echou
#41 Aug 21 2006 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
Heres a strategy you can use when doing dalson's tears without the trinket, a bit more risky but it works all the same.

Normal aoe start fn > 2x blizzard. After the 2nd FN run back a few and wait for the fear by the skeletons. They always fear after the 2nd FN. The fear will last 3 seconds and by that time you will be a good distance away. Ice Barrier up again and wait for them to break. When they come at you CoC >> FN>>> AE them to death. You should be fine with this strategy, just be careful of the resist :p
#42 Aug 23 2006 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
am 26 now and I tried AOEing once again...big difference and it was a success...though am still bad at it (I end up with no mana and barely any health, or death)

I dont have full imp frost nova or perma frost...
I have 2 talent points to use,that would give me 2/3 on perma or full imp frost..simply because i got 2 points into ice shards...

I was also thinkin of respeccin to put those 2 useless wasted points from ice shards into a full imp frost and a full perma frost, that way I can increase my success rate in AOEing to an even higher percentage rate, until ofcourse, i get the full AOE build.

once i 26 my build should look like
instead of

any other tips greatly appreciated...

#43 Aug 23 2006 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
I would actually put the two points from frost ward into improved frost bolt, as a mage you shouldn't be getting hit much and it would be pretty helpful outside of AoE grinding. I find that ice shards is a great thing to have, especially im combination with shatter that increases your chance to crit strike in the first place (perfect for PvP so you FN the person then either FB or CoC (with improved CoC = /drool).

oh and the two links are the same that you posted.
#44 Aug 23 2006 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
haha i meant to change the link, was at school and had to find a link that worked to the talent calc...haha

heres what i meant...
once i respecc
and if i dont respecc...

sorry haha =]
#45 Aug 23 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
for aoe grinding you really dont need imp frost bolt, for runner mobs you can just AE etc. Personally I didn't start aoe grinding until 31 when i had the proper amount of points to start it off. I would suggest a spot for you but im clueless pre 30, best of luck to you though.

and i just looked at your respec

this is what your respec should be. You don't want to have frostbite because it will freeze mobs and ***** your pull over. From there max out frost channeling >> ice block >> imp CC
#46 Aug 23 2006 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
So, yesterday was Tuesday which means honor was tabulated on server and I'm happy to report that I finally got my Insignia of the Alliance (at level 53, noobness ftw! lol). Actually, I only wanted to go from Private to Corporal but I overshot and went straight to Sergeant haha, a pleasant surprise... guess I didn't have to stay up Monday night squeezing in those last 2 runs in Alterac Valley ^^

Anywho, Dalson's Tears is great. I probably should have tried it (minus the fear pulls) earlier as there are still a good number of pulls that do not involve fear at all. But now that I have my trinket, the fear pulls are viable as well. Sometimes, they still go horribly wrong. One time, I trinketed out of the fear and was about to Blizz when a second skeleton decided to shoot off ANOTHER fear X_X

Fortunately, I didn't have cooldown on my Ice Block so that saved my rear end. Another thing I noticed that Kamuii already warned me about is their resistance to Frost Nova. Every now and then, one will resist. And it usually means I need to run and restart. Sometimes, I can wait out the cooldown on my nova and re-nova the group, and other times I can use Cold Snap to recover. I also noticed that the undead here tend to break out of Nova quicker than other mobs. Maybe they have some inherent resistance to Frost?

One thing I wanted to ask... I noticed that there are some Scarlet Invokers near the barn. Do I pull those guys as well? I've been staying away from that area.

All in all, this is a great location and I hope I can make it to level 60 in a reasonable amount of time ^_^

NOTE: I actually grinded from level 53 to 54 last night without going to Dalson's Tears. I went to Sorrow Hill. The place was DESERTED! I guess all the reputation grinders were too busy playing in the buggy cross-realm BGs :P Now that I'm level 54 though, I noticed the undead at Dalson's Tears do not resist my nova as much so I'll stick to this area and let those rep grinders duke it out amongst themselves :)

Edited, Aug 23rd 2006 at 6:47pm EDT by echou
#47 Aug 23 2006 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
Yea i did notice that they would break out of FN before the skeletons, but usually i had clean breaks. I would not dare pull those stupid evokers, unless you wanna get owned lol. There arcane missles are not very fun to play with. If dalson's is deserted you will level to 60 very very quickly. I was able to do 56-57 57-58 in 3 hours each. Imma try to find a picture of a map of dalson's and mark which aoe pulls i did so you can compare them to yours.
#48 Aug 23 2006 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good

It's a very rough sketch of dalson's lol, if you know it well enough though it will make sense to you. I would do a better job but i got lots of hw to do :(. hope it helps
#49 Aug 24 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Thanks for the image, Kamuii. Don't worry I understood it well enough :)
Yup, that's about the same areas I pulled... but I missed the ones behind the top two buildings. I'll have to try pulling those too. I think I'll have to find and adjust the best order and groupings for the fear pulls because I don't have Will of the Forsaken (2 min cooldown, oh how I want thee :P) and my trinket is 5 min cooldown. I can use Ice Block instead... but it's more clumsy as I have to ice block then right-click to cancel before frost nova breaks.

I'll have to experiment some more. Thanks again Kamuii ^^

P.S. I dinged 55 last night woot woot! Aiming for 56 tonight... but depends on how much time I can stay online heh.
#50 Aug 26 2006 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
are there any good areas for allience for 30+seemms that all these areas are for horde...=\ Farmers=horde etc?

sorry if i over looked and missed something lol...

i should hit 30 soon after wasting a whole week trying to get a new graphics card just to find out i gotta update pretty much everything on my pc...haha
#51 Aug 26 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Dabyrie Humans and Hammerfall Orcs in Arathi Highlands (see first post for links to map) are good. But they are level 33-35 so you may want to wait until you hit level 34+ to try them.

Personally, I tried the Hammerfall Orcs at level 40 to learn how to AoE. It's a great spot. Hardly anyone goes there, it's completely flat, and the Orcs are separated onto two fields.

Just need to watch out for the orcs patrolling the perimeter. To be safe, you could kill these one-on-one first, but watchout for respawns.

P.S. I dinged 57 last night woot woot ^^ aiming for 60 by the coming Wednesday.
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