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List of AOE spots for mageFollow

#1 Jul 18 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
There is one on and heres a list of some spots to aoe, contributed by mardy.

(Level: 14-15) Savannah Lions - SW of Sludge Fen (Barrens)

(Level: 16-18) Venture Co. - Boulderlode Mine (Barrens)

(Level: 16-22) Rot Hide Gnolls - Fenris Isle\Keep (Silverpine Forest)

(Level: 17-19) Stonesplinter Troggs - Ironband Excavation Site (Loch Modan)

(Level: 17-23) Mosshide Gnolls - Near Loch Modan Entrance [Few Casters] (Wetlands)

(Level: 19-21) Ravenclaw Undead - Beren's Peri (Silverpine Forest)

(Level: 19-29) Skeletal Undead - Raven Hill Cemetary (Duskwood)

(Level: 21-23) Bael'dun Dwarves - Bael'Dun Dig Site (Barrens)

(Level: 21-25) Foulweald Furbolgs [Bring a Healer] (Ashenvale)

(Level: 21-26) Shadowhide Gnolls (Redridge Mountains)

(Level: 22-25) Hillsbrad Farmers/Peasants - Hillsbrad Fields (Hillsbrad Foothills)

(Level: 23-31) Highperch Wyverns (Thousand Needles)

(Level: 25-32) Dragonmaw Orcs - Angerfang Encampment [Few Casters/Bring Healer] (Wetlands)

(Level: 26-28) Plague Spreaders - Raven Hill Tomb (Duskwood)

(Level: 26-28) Hillsbrad Miners/Sentrys- Azureload Mine (Hillsbrad Foothills)

(Level: 28-30) Nightbane Worgens - Near Rotting Orchard (Duskwood)

(Level: 29-33) Syndicate Humans - North of Tarren Mill (Alterac Mountains)

(Level: 29-35) Sparkleshell Turtles - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)

(Level: 30-32) Cave Yeti's (Hillsbrad Foothills)

(Level: 30-33) Mountain Yeti's (Alterac Mountains)

(Level: 30-34) Salt Flats Vultures/Scavengers - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)

(Level: 32-36) Witherbark Trolls [Some Casters] (Arathi Highlands)

(Level: 33-35) Dabyrie Humans - Dabryie's Farmstead (Arathi Highlands
This spot is amazing, I would advise doing this area until 37-38

(Level: 33-35) Hammerfall Orcs - Go'shek Farm (Arathi Highlands)

(Level: 33-36) Silithids - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)
Shimmering flats is to spread out i never did it

(Level: 33-36) Crushridge Ogres (Alterac Mountains)
I've ran through here, I never personally grinded here but it is a viable spot, the mobs are kinda spread out though

(Level: 33-36) Scorpid Reavers/Terrors - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)
same as before

(Level: 33-40) Saltstone Basilisks - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)
The Basilisks are grouped nicely but personally there are not enough to make it worthwhile

(Level: 33-38) Lost One Muckdwellers (Swamp of Sorrows)
Now this spot is amazing. I catagorized this spot into 5 pulls. 2 up at the top camp and three down at the camp below. I did this area until level 41-42

(Level: 35-38) Mirefin Murlocs - NE of Zone (Dustwallow Marsh)
The next best spot, For a frost mage i'd advise doing this spot until 44, just a filler until you get your next blizzard

(Level: 35-38) Syndicate Humans - North of Zone [One Caster per Camp] (Alterac Mountains)
Never liked it, tried it a little bit

(Level: 35-39) Darkmist Spiders - North of Brackenwall Village (Dustwallow Marsh)

(Level: 36-39) Lesser Rock Elementals - NW Corner (Badlands)
Not enough mobs to make worthwhile

(Level: 36-40) Bloodfen Raptors - NE of Brackenwall Village (Duskwallow Marsh)
Seem to be spread out

(Level: 37-39) Elementals [Various Locations & Types] (Arathi Highlands)

(Level: 37-40) Shadowforge Dwarves - Agnar Fortress [Few Casters] (Badlands)
The casters make this a pain

(Level: 39-44) Woodpaw Gnolls (Feralas)
The gnolls have a few ranged mobs, so as a frost mage I did not find this spot to be suitable

(Level: 40-43) Grimtotem Tauren (Feralas)
Again some casters, not advisable, depending on your aoe spec

(Level: 40-45) Wastewater Bandits (Tanaris)
The bandits have casters mixed in, to me there was not enough of these mobs to make it worthwhile, I'd advise doing the murlocks

(Level: 40-45) Southsea Pirates (Tanaris)
Ahhh now LOST RIGGER COVE is where its at. On my server not many people grind this area. I catagorized the area into 5 pulls, will last me until 52. At level 51 im able to grind 40k/hr.

(Level: 41-47) Green Sludges (Hinterlands)

(Level: 41-48) Dark Iron Dwarves [Various Locations] (Searing Gorge)

(Level: 42-48) Dunemaul Ogres (Tanaris)

(Level: 45-50) Thistleshrub Elementals (Tanaris)

(Level: 46-47) Rage Scar Yeti's (Feralas)

(Level: 46-51) Nethergarde Humans (Blasted Lands)
Good spot to level besides the fact of not being able to mount in the mine, a few ranged mobs, not advised unless you have no other option

(Level: 47-50) Northspring Harpies (Feralas)
Have alot of casters mixed in with them

(Level: 47-50) Ravasaur Raptors (Un'goro Crater)

(Level: 47-50) Deadwood Furbolgs (Felwood)
Have ranged

(Level: 48-54) Jadefire Saytrs [Various Locations] (Felwood)

(Level: 49-50) Saltwater Snapjaw- East Coast (Hinterlands)

(Level: 49-54) Thunderhead Hippogryphs - Northern Peninsula (Azshara)

(Level: 49-55) Jaedenar Forces (Felwood)
Just a bad spot

(Level: 50-52) Felstone Fields [Few Casters] (Western Plaguelands)
The casters don't make it worthwhile in my opinion

(Level: 50-53) Flamekin Imps [Various Locations] (Burning Steppes)

(Level: 50-54) Warpwood Elementals (Felwood)

(Level: 52-56) Sorrow Hill [SE of Anderhol] (Western Plaguelands)

(Level: 52-58) Ice Thistle Yeti's (Winterspring)

(Level: 53-54) Dalson's Tears [Fear] (Western Plaguelands)
Very good area, being UD and having WOTF helps alot. I do 4 pulls in this area, and since wotf is a 2 minute cooldown i have it for both of the fear pulls that i do. Personally i will be doing this area until 60 probaly, unless i find somewhere else. I may try Writhing Haunt, dunno though.

(Level: 54-56) Scarlet Lumberjacks (Western Plaguelands)

(Level: 55-58) Deadwind Ogres [Some Casters] (Deadwind Pass)

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 1:12am EDT by Kamuiii

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 1:14am EDT by Kamuiii

Edited, Aug 6th 2006 at 8:53pm EDT by Kamuiii
#2 Jul 18 2006 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
how do you AOE farm some hints for 14 the lions???
#3 Jul 18 2006 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
IN-^$*%ing-credible. Nice list.

(Level: 33-35) Dabyrie Humans - Dabryie's Farmstead (Arathi Highlands

(Level: 33-35) Hammerfall Orcs - Go'shek Farm (Arathi Highlands)

These spots are great, the opposing faction might interfere though, rarely though.

Rate up! =P
#4 Jul 21 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Adding another 21-28 spot in Wetlands - Bluegill Murlocs, the entire coast. No casters and mob pulls of 4-8. Respawns fast enough to just work it in a circle.
#5 Jul 21 2006 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
272 posts
I call for a sticky
#6 Jul 27 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
lovely, i want your autograph!
#7 Jul 27 2006 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
Not that good, most of these, if not all, are Horde only. Where are the Alliance spots ???
#8 Jul 27 2006 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
I meant, in the lower levels if that is confusing enough. lol.
#11 Jul 30 2006 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
112 posts
I vote sticky also

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 1:35am EDT by Kalfira
#12 Jul 31 2006 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone feel like writing a guide that actually went and leveled up to 60 using these spots? I'm stuck at lvl 41 now and all the spots for that lvl seem to have casters. For 35-41 though (Level: 35-38) Mirefin Murlocs - NE of Zone (Dustwallow Marsh) is an insanely amazing spot :)
#13 Aug 02 2006 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
Ok i added my own opinions to most of the spots mentioned. I cannot vouch for the lower level spots seeing as i did not start aoe grinding until 30. Keep in mind that I am a frost mage aoe spec and i solo everything, no priest needed :). hopefully the insight helps
#14 Aug 03 2006 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Thanks for adding comments! It helps a lot because I had to go to each place and test it out. I gave up after a couple of bad spots lol :P

This guide is great, I'm gonna try it again. You've made me want to ply my 41 Mage again haha!

Edited, Aug 3rd 2006 at 3:09am EDT by echou

Err... I think they must have changed the Lost One Muckdweller camps because when I went there it was not possible to do this. There were a LOT of ranged mobs ALL AROUND the muckdwellers that used bows and some used shadow magic. I tried several different places but nearly died countless times. Either they've changed this location or I'm just not finding the camps you're talking about.

Oh and there were some buff dragonkin on one of the islands. I almost stumbled into one :P

Edited, Aug 3rd 2006 at 3:35am EDT by echou
#15 Aug 03 2006 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmmm thats odd echou. From stoneard just go East, you might be going to farth north, best of luck to you though :)
#16 Aug 03 2006 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
Great List! I will have to try these once I get my spec aligned.
#17 Aug 04 2006 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
I went to the Mirefen Murlocs in Dustwallow Marsh instead. I can't get a clear pull with the Lost One Muckdwellers.

I've had some mixed success with the murlocs but the time lost by dying quickly offset any gains I made by AoE grinding. The big problem with the murlocs is that the area is very cramped. There isn't enough room to run around and there are many obstacles that obstruct both your movement and view. One small mistake and you're dead.

I've been trying to find alternative spots that are not as enclosed but can't find anything suitable in my level range. I'm level 41 at the moment. Another poster commented that he couldn't find anywhere to do this for this level range either.
#18 Aug 06 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
just stick dustwallow out til 44. It's very hard at first but you will eventually get use to it and it will be good. At 42 is slows down but theres really no other decent spot to go to to AE until you get the 44 blizzard
#19 Aug 06 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
I'd suggest going to swamp of sorrows and doing those Murlocs until 44, thats what i did. Just head to the East coast and you can get about 5 solid pulls back and forth. You dont head all the way up to the coast, about mid way then just run back, past that there are alot of casters.
#20 Aug 07 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Well I finally hit level 44 and got my new Blizzard :)

I had to do it the hard way because the Murlocs in Dustwallow were constantly being AoE'd by two undead mages. They are on all the time!

What's worse, if I was there first, they will come and try to take over the camp. And I don't mean in a friendly competition. What they do is wait til I start rounding them up, and right when I'm about to dismount/frost nova they jump in and frost nova! Thus claiming all the mobs and gettin' the xp when they die. Sometimes, they are even more evil. They will leave me alone for one or two pulls so that I think they're willing to share, and then in the middle of my AoE they will purposely run away from the ones they were killing thus all of the Murlocs come rushing back to camp and likely many of them will add onto my group.

Now, of course, what goes around comes around. I did the same thing to them for a while but it just ended up being a pointless waste of time and resulted in deaths on both sides. Eventually, I just gave up and went to other less effective camps (i.e. Rock Elementals in Badlands, or Raptors further north in Dustwallow).

Anyway, now that I'm here I'm gonna give the pirates a try. I hope the xp/hour will really go up to 40K xp/hr because the last 3 levels I've only been able to pull in 20k xp/hr OR LESS! I hope no one else is AoE-ing the pirates when I go tonight.
#21 Aug 08 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
I just hit 44 too. The pirates are nice xp but no where near 40k for me. So many people all around killing them for the quests. And if you run your kite anywhere near people it often aggros them and they get pretty pissed lol.. But oh well its something new and should last awhile.
#22 Aug 08 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
The Pirates in Tanaris (lost rigger cove) is a nice place as well especially the deckswabbers saw a frost mage kitting them the other day looked pretty cool reconnmend lvl 44 or so
#23 Aug 08 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
So I tried Lost Rigger Cove and it's awesome. But yeah, still not hitting 40K xp/hr. The best I've gotten so far is 25K to near 30K xp/hr. Still, it is much better than before.

And again, I died a lot at first because I did not know where to roundup the pirates and avoid the ranged pirates (freebooters or something). But fortunately, I remembered the vids on where a UD mage recorded three different pulls in this area. I watched the vids again and mimicked his pulls. There are 3 pulls:

(1) Enter fenced pirate camp and head left. You may have to take out a few pirates one-on-one. There is a ship at the end of a pier. You want to make your way to the canons on the left side of the pier where there should be two pirates. You want to start your pull here, move towards the cannons on the right side of the pier to aggro the pirates there, and then head straight down the pier; grabbing the pirates along the way. The 2 pirates on the far left end of the pier should be the last ones you aggro. Then head to the far right corner of pier, dismount, nova, and blink towards the start of the pier (i.e. towards land). Then do your Blizzard/CoC/Nova cycle.

(2) Once this group is done. Move back towards land and head left (towards the water and away from the entrance of camp). You will see a ship being worked on by pirates. There will be 2 or 3 of them underneath the end of the ship closest to water. You'll have to swim outside of aggro range and towards the other side of the ship. Here there will be a fence. Stay on the side of the fence closest to water. This is an important area because when you mess up a pull, always head to this side of the fence and make your way to the water. Keep swimming until you lose aggro (blink whenever you can). When ready, start your pull by aggroing the pirates underneath the end of the ship you swam past, head straight (towards front of ship) and grab the 2 pirates working underneath the front end of ship (they will be on your right hand side). Make a sharp left turn and grab the two standing on the side of the building. Head up the ramp where there are 2 more pirates. You will be forced to dismount. Stand at the far edge of the platform (nearest to water) and wait til all the pirates go up the ramp after you then strafe off the platform. The pirates won't jump, instead they will run back down the ramp. This gives you several seconds to recast Ice Barrier and prepare your nova. Make sure all the pirates have made it down the ramp and are grouped tightly and then nova. Blink towards the water and begin Bliz/CoC/Nova cycle.

(3) Last pull also starts at the end of the fence. This time you ride towards camp and grab pirates on the left side (in front of the door to the cabin, there should be 2 pirates). Aggro the 3 or 4 pirates around the campfire in front of the cabin and then head back towards where you started. Dismount, and make sure they are grouped tightly before Nova. Also watch out as sometimes the pirates INSIDE the cabin may chase you as well. They tend to arrive a bit late so you have to keep an eye on them. Dismount and you know what to do.

At first, I had a LOT of failures and then I realized the problem. Too often, at least one of the pirates would resist my Frost Nova. The pirates are mostly lvl 45 but I'm only lvl 44. And also, I realized that for some stupid reason I did not put 3 talent points into Elemental Precision (i.e. 6% extra chance frost/fire spells do not get resisted). I put 'em into like IAM or something dumb.

My nova was getting resisted WAY too often and so I just bit the bullet and re-specced AGAIN lol.

With the full 3 points in Elemental Precision I have yet to have any pirate resist my nova and am having much greater success.

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 6:26pm EDT by echou

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 6:24pm EDT by echou
#24 Aug 08 2006 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
You can actually catagorize rigger cove into 5 solid pulls.

First the Swashbucklers on the dock

2nd The dockworkers up the ramp on the actual boat, round into the far end corner and you have plenty of room

3rd Go down the ramp,kill the 1 free booter that is in that general area and pull the 5 mobs, the 2 that are working below, the 2 that are on that ramp thingy and the 1 pirate that is roaming the middle area

4rth Get the 6 to the left of the camp, the 2 on the hut thing, the 2 infront of the building and the two on the side

5th You can get about 6-9 on this pull, the swashbuckler the patrols, the 2 infront of the 2nd house, and the guys around the Firebeard camp.

You should hit 40k/hr easily. Echou in what order do you cast spells when you aoe?
#25 Aug 09 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Thanks Kamuii for the pull groups. I think I'll try pulling them in this order next time and see if it increases my xp/hr. Right now, I average about 30k xp/hr if I don't die :P

This is my usual order of doing things:

1) Ice Barrier
2) Mount
3) Gather
4) Dismount and strafe
5) Frost Nova
6) Blink
7) Blizzard
8) Blizzard again
9) Step backwards + Cone of Cold
10) Strafe + Frost Nova
11) Blizzard
12) Finish off any stragglers that are running (if any)

Sometimes I find that its hard to get the mobs grouped tightly together because if I'm gathering a wider area, several of them will arrive later than the others. Any tips on avoiding/preventing this?

Thanks :)
#26 Aug 09 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Ah, you must be using Ice Armor, when i AOE grind i find it better to use Mage Armor, 1. because it prevents the slow gather and 2. Because you get more mana regeneration while you are casting blizzard. When you dismount just stand there for a moment while they gather in a nice little group. Just take the damage it really shouldn't hurt to much, and you should not be getting hit after the initial pull.
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