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Frost AoE Grinding without taking damage - updatedFollow

#1 May 02 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
176 posts
POST EDITED to reflect 1.11 talents

A few precursors:

a) This method works. I've tried all sorts of builds and styles and this is by far the most efficient. Grinding this way without losing health means you can take as many mobs as you can get your hands on. There is no 'maximum number of mobs I can manage in one go'.

b) This method takes practice. Expect to die A LOT while learning. Even when you're adept you'll still make the odd mistake and die anyway. If you don't like dying, roll a warrior and kill things one or two at a time.

c) This works best with the talents from about level 54 onwards. Before this you should take whichever bits you can in order to successfully AoE grind. I levelled from about 40 to 60 more or less totally on grinding this way. Before this it was probably more hassle than it was worth (I tried anyway...)

d) What I am saying here is no big secret and has already been said, albeit spread across several different threads.

e) What I describe here is certainly not the only way to AoE grind, and doesn’t pretend to be. Folks will likely disagree with some points here and there, but like anything in WoW you should adapt to suit your own style. What is certainly not in doubt is that if you follow these instructions, you WILL be killing 12-15 mobs each pull and end up on full or near full hp. Final mana will of course depend on your base mana pool.

Build (this bit has changed):

Arcane Talents - 4 point(s)

* Arcane Subtlety - rank 2/2 (necessary to avoid resists)
Arcane Focus - rank 2/5

Frost Talents - 47 point(s)

Frost Warding - rank 2/2
Improved Frostbolt - rank 5/5
* Elemental Precision - rank 3/3 (necessary to avoid resists)
* Ice Shards - rank 5/5 (+dmg)
* Improved Frost Nova - rank 2/2 (absolutely essential for timing)
* Permafrost - rank 3/3 (absolutely essential for timing)
* Piercing Ice - rank 3/3 (+dmg on each pull)
* Cold Snap - rank 1/1 (lets you carry on if you do get a resist)
* Improved Blizzard - rank 3/3 (absolutely essential for timing)
Arctic Reach - rank 2/2
Frost Channeling - rank 3/3
* Shatter - rank 5/5 (+dmg)
Ice Block - rank 1/1
* Improved Cone of Cold - rank 3/3 (much more dmg from cone of cold)
Winter's Chill - rank 5/5
* Ice Barrier - rank 1/1 (for rounding 'em up)

Link to Talent Calculator with this build in it

Notes: I have marked what I consider to be essential talents for this technique with a star. The non-stared things could be switch around to provide a more balanced build whilst still allowing for AoE grinding. Also, this build is perfectly suited to frost grinding but pretty useless for anything else. I can hold my own in an instance ok but other builds would be much better for this. Other posts deal with other builds. Finally, do NOT take frostbite, however tempted. While this is an awesome spell for pvp, kiting elites, instances etc., it is very unhelpful for this type of grinding, which is based on keeping the mobs together. If some are frozen and some aren’t, they split up and can be missed by your blizzard. Well executed frost grinding finishes with the last blizzard falling on mobs packed in a VERY tight radius. Frostbite is seriously unhelpful with this.

The Area:

Melee type mobs only – this is almost essential. You can go to areas where there is the odd caster but these will need taking out singly first. No hunter spec types are possible either. The reason this is so important is that this method relies on uninterrupted Blizzard, which is a channeled spell. You’ll be needing lots of mobs all in one place, though.

There are many posts on good AoE spots. Here is one:

Allakhazam Grinding Spots

The Technique:

1. Watch for ‘lie of land’ and ‘wandering mobs’. Both can stuff you up
2. Pick off any casters or shooter type mobs before you start
3. Full mana
4. Ice barrier
5. Mount up
6. Round up mobs (circular type motion is best – gathers them together)
7. Hop off mount
8. Wait until all are on you. This step is important – you are effectively using yourself as a focal point here. Your shield will take almost all damage unless you have absolutely loads (>15) mobs or they are coming from a very wide range (takes more time). If this is the case, use ice block
9. Frost nova

(please note that if any resist you should use cold snap and try again straight away. If this is on cooldown then ice block may help but is a little clumsy and you may already have used it – see above)

10. Blink
11. Walk forward 3 paces (puts your pretty much at max. Blizzard range)
12. Turn and first blizzard with far edge of target on gathered frosted mobs
13. Second blizzard as they are walking towards you – outside edge of target on rear-most mob

(please note that steps 11, 12 and 13 are the bits that take the most practice. Speed is of the essence and hot-keying them rather than using mouse is almost essential. Getting the target in the right place is a skill which makes all the difference between success and failure)

14. Cone of Cold. (Important to do this before the frost nova even though there will be less crits. You need them frozen in place)
15. Second Frost Nova
16. Walk away about 8 paces (no blink necessary here)
17. Turn and blizzard – this final blizz will take down most mobs. Any strays or runners can are usually on so little health that a decent wand will take them down.

Notes on technique: the above technique done correctly will leave you virtually untouched. However, everyone makes the odd mistake with timing etc. and you will need to remain adaptable. Sometimes a mob that wanders in (or is pulled in by a member of the opposite faction who is insanely jealous of your uber grinding skills) can be dealt with by sheeping, but you have to be stupidly quick with this to make it work. Be prepared to frost nova and leg it if things get gnarly, particularly when you first start or move to a new area.

Of course there will be skeptics, and I could well be lying. But my mage turned 60 just before Easter and had ground enough for his epic mount within 2 weeks just using this style. I had some lucky libram drops and I have alts to disenchant/sell greens etc. but my main (priest) took about 5 months to get his epic (and he was helped by the mage!).

Good luck. Remember to persevere. The rewards are worth it!

Edited, Sep 3rd 2006 at 7:28pm EDT by leatherpatches

Edited, Sep 3rd 2006 at 7:31pm EDT by leatherpatches

Edited, Oct 1st 2006 at 2:30am PDT by leatherpatches
#2 May 02 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
grrr i hit escape and erased my post ...

anyway nice write up, im 42 frost specced and that detailed my process pretty well.

My best pull was 9 mobs so far, @ 300xp a pop :)
#3 May 02 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
I used this to level up in my later levels. It's a very efficent and exciting method as opposed to grindquesting.
#4REDACTED, Posted: May 03 2006 at 9:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What is told here is true with lots of remarks that crashes all income from that.
#5 May 03 2006 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
176 posts
Thanks for your comments. As this is a working tactic which I do on a regular basis, I believe I can address each:

First is casters or range attackers. If u aggro them they won't come melee combat unless they out of mana or silienced. Silience is solution but u can do that only on one mob, and other ways to solve problem comes that u need take more time to run around so mobs gather in one place, and therefore u take more hits, and green-weared mage don't have so much hp ....

I believe I suggested that you take out the casters and ranged attackers single first. Even better, find an area where they don't exist (yes there are lots - see AoE grinding spot post on official forums).

Second problem, i have no idea why it's missed here - resistance. Every mob have a chance of resisting spell. And more u gather mobs - more chance one of them will resist so u'll need to run away and start over

Sorry to say that it isn't missed. If you have the 'Cold Snap' talent you get immediate reset on frost spells. This enables another frost nova straight away. As for frequency of resists, my experience is that even pulling groups of 10-15 mobs at a time, only one will resist at most and then only every 10 or 11 pulls. It's a fairly rare event.

Third problem is damage. I have no idea why author says he gets more 10 mobs at same time - that's not possible when u do that with same-leveled mobs because they do damage so fast so ur shield will broke in a seconds and u'll have to run and start over

Possibly I misled you here by not suggesting the level of the mobs. I would keep the mobs about 4 or 5 levels below you - green mobs basically - for this very reason. At level 60 I generally grind level 54-55 mobs. In almost every circumstance the shield is more than enough to take all the damage, particularly if the mobs are rounded up well before you hop off your mount. Like I say in the OP if some take longer to get to you, use ice block. This takes all damage for 10 seconds. It's also a talent spell.

Four problem is mobs aggro range. Every mob have range they can run, if u run more they turnaway and that prevents of taking lots of mobs at same time, exactly it's about 4 mobs max u can take if they don't stay very close each other like in common. So if u take sameleveled mob u can't take alot of them same time because they hits too hard, if u take lowleveled ones they will have less aggro range on u, so that range prevents u to take enough of them at same time..

I'm starting to get a little frustrated here...

You need to find mobs that clump together. They exist in droves all over the fabulous World of Warcraft. Location choice is as important for AoE grinding as getting the right spells.

Finnaly fifth problem is mana. If you like do aoe you needs tons of mana. And if u don't epic geared u won't have enough mana for that kind of stuff. So u'll run oom much faster than mobs will die. Even if you have enough mana u'll got another problem. If u kill 3 mobs u'll need sit 30 seconds drinking full mana, but if u solo mobs u'll kill them with almost the same speed because u'll consume much less mana.

I can only quote my personally situation here. I have only ever had greens that you can buy from AH or drop randomly + blues that you get from instances and quests (SM stuff when I started to AoE grind). My mana pool at 60 was about 5k and I had no problems at all from running out. Frost spells are much less mana intensive than fire, for example. Mana has simply never been a problem. Of course things get easier as you get better gear, but which aspect of the game is that not true for...? We'll have to agree to disagree on the relative speed of killing. 10-15 mobs then drinking from near empty is much more efficient for me than doing the same thing with 3 mobs. Finally on this point, I've found things a lot quicker since I got some +damage stuff, but it is by no means essential at all.

So finnaly this tactics is usefull only in certain situations

Didn't my whole post imply this? If not then I'm sorry for misleading.

most time u'll need to retreat and start again

Yes, at first. When you get the hang of it this happens only about once every half hour or so when something unforeseen happens (as detailed in OP).

kick you PC much faster than u get up to lev 60.

No chance. I've levelled two characters to 60 and numerous others to their 30s. Mage AoE grinding, once sussed, is easily the fastest way to gain xp and wedge at the same time, IMO.

Edited, Wed May 3 10:53:26 2006 by leatherpatches
#6 May 03 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
247 posts
FirstCenturion sorry but i have to say leatherpacthes is generally on the money. I've personally seen 15-20 (I've done close but never that many) AoE'd at close to or less than equal level by a mage with THE correct spec for Ulti-Blizzard, and no they weren't in uber kit and no they didn't run out of mana. They were simply skilled and had the right build for the situation at hand.
#7 May 04 2006 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Saying AoE grinding is not viable just shows that you don't know how to do it....

I personally started frost AoEing at lvl 23 (without even CoC) off of farmers in hillsbrad, and it only gets easier from there as you get helpfull talents, spells, and gear (ex: a mount) to assist in keeping mistakes too a minimum. The only real problem with AoE grinding is finding good spots to do it in, and hoping some jerk dosent ***** up your pull.

and as for keeping your mobs 4-5 lvls below you... well, it does make it safer and easier, but I find that im rarely in any danger unless more than one mob resists FN ( if just one does using manashield/ice barrier takes care of it untill the second FN comes up)

BTW, my best 'score' is 16 mobs 1-2 lvls below me. (most of the human farm in arathi highlands) in one pull. thats without a mount too ^^

also, it should be stated that it is possible to aoe using a fire/arc build. basically you do the rounding up process the same, exept that after the first frost nova, you flamestrike+CoC and kite them to their death with arcane explosion. this will be a bit faster per pull, but you will end up pulling less and using more mana, so over time its about the same speed in xp.
#8REDACTED, Posted: May 06 2006 at 5:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First to tell i forgot to mention. There is way to pull mob from across whole zone if u like, but it needs big mana pull. Each time u hit mob with spell (not passive damaging spell or buff) his aggro range reseted, so if u want to lead mob somewhere u need keep hitting it each 10-15 yards and u can gather big group of mobs that way, thats solution to range problem but only if u have enough mana. Without my current gear i got 4000 mana, with my gear i got 7000 mana. So what is possible to do with my gear is dream for greenwearer...
#9 May 07 2006 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
I found this video to be a really impressive showing of what AoE farming can do

mage solo'ing the trash elites in Zul'gurub.

I'm sure they had decent gear to be able to do it, but its still really impressive that it can be done.
#10 May 08 2006 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
176 posts
Of course under the new talent trees, we won't be able to get shatter any more without having frostbite, which gimps this technique more than a little!

Get your grinding in now, while you can!
#11 May 08 2006 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Hi there,

All in all this can indeed be both challenging and rewarding. I leveled a mage primarily using AOE grinding and much of what the posters say are true. It's exciting especially when resists occur. Sometimes you can recover. Other times you must "reset" and start again. All in all I figure you can use an hour of your time running around working on a quest to gain 2k experience (depending on level and other factors it varies as we all know) or you can spend 2.5 minutes from beginning to being ready to do the next pull and gain just as much (or almost) pulling an average of 8 to 10 mobs a time unrested. If you are rested then you can gain sufficiently higher than this at times as well.

FirstCenturion, I am certain everyone here is as myself respects your point of view as you are very entitled to it. If I could though might I suggest you reviewing your talent spec or your methodology on how you are going about this because having leveled a mage as I have I've been both successful at some rather large pulls (10 to 15 mobs at once) and at the same time have had pulls much less than that go badly and result in a run back to my rather lifeless corpse. On average from my personal experience I can safely pull an average of 8 to 12 mobs at one time for hours and only have the occasional "reset" meaning I end up cutting and running to loose aggro.

Lastly Leather, I am not sure of your own personal technic though as I have seen, you are indeed right the requirement for frostbite to acquire shatter has been implemented though I for one never required the crit's to have my technic of AOE mob multikill work. Does it gimp it? Eh? It depends, I absolutely adore the crits when they happen as it's another mob with less life I have to worry about later in the pull or one that dies from the crit directly. Either way it's less to deal with though that doesn't mean it's something that is required. Personally the crits were a bonus while pulling as you still had to worry about the other 6 to 10 who didn't suffer from it that you must sill kite to death.

Mind you I am fairly sure this is what you meant. If you have other information upon the new build that I may not have seen yet that you are referring to please enlighten me as the more information we all have the better when it comes to maximizing the usefulness of the mage as a class.

#12 May 09 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
FirstCenturion I'm just writing to say that I can't really find any value in anything you wrote and I'm wondering why you wasted the time to write it. I can't find any truth or experience in any of it either. If you tell people they can't do soemthing, they will believe you and fail (or worse not even try), and i cannot see anything positive in that at all. The funniest part of this whole post is when someone posted the video of the mage soloing ZG elites, which is about as extreme as i could imagine aoe frost grinding being........
What other proof do you need to show you that your absolutely wrong? Lets get a video of a mage taking out like 8 people in a battlegrounds setting solo, perhaps WSG 30-39? Because frost aoe grinding is def possible, its a reality, and it works on just about anything thats non-caster/non-ranged attacker whether mob or player. Also the other thing I have to disagree with is the gear being essential. You can use this method, say as a lev 55, with all greens and still be successful. I say this because there are those of us (some of them are very good friends of mine) who almost exclusively grind with this method and avoid instancing, and who's gear is only that which they pick up while grinding. I myself instance for most of my gear and grind for the odd level here and there, but i love respeccing and doing frost grinding because it is bvery refreshing, it teaches you your job even further, and it opens your mind when it coems to what you can do with just your aoes. Its dependant on your skill and where you grind, not your gear or even your mana pool, although your mana pool does play a small part.
Finally, I doubt you have much experience as a mage if you can't manage to pull more than ten mobs and/or think its hard. I've definately pulled like 30 before and lived, though i wasn't trying to kill them. I agree pulling over ten or 15 might be stretching it when your trying to aoe them to death, but it is defineatly viable. Its funny you remind me of those people who's jaw drops when they see a martial artist punch through like 8 cinder blocks on TV... that stuff neevr surprises me, I think humans are capable of anything they set their mind to especially when given enough time.
#13 May 17 2006 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
176 posts
Will write a new guide for this when new 1.11 is out in the UK (could be a while :).
#14 May 17 2006 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for this post leaterpatches. Inspired by this I respecced my lvl 29 Mage for AoE. I plan on using a different build from you, but I can confirm that AoE is much more efficiant than single mob.

In order to learn how to AoE grind I decided to go to the Hillsbrad foothills and kill off some of the farmers. I figured that they would be good to learn on as they spawn reasonably close together, they are all melee mobs and they are well and truly green for me. Well the first few times I was completely unsuccessful at it. I had to run away with little to no mana having killed none of the mobs. just like any new skill however practice makes perfect and within an hour I was managing to take on 6 or 7 of the farmers at once and come out with at least a 1/4 of my hp and about the same in mana. If I was single mob grinding I would still have to stop after every 4 mobs or so to drink, so AoE is definately more efficiant.

I have already planned an AoE build once 1.11 comes out utilising the elementalist trees. Great fun thanks again for your useful post.
#15 May 17 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Great Post OP! I intend to learn this technique once 1.11 arrives and I can respec to an elemental build. The video was also really helpful Nomorejb. Thank you both.
#16 May 18 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
can anyone give me an estimate of xp/hr of this technique at some variour levels. thanks.
#17 May 18 2006 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
176 posts
deadgone wrote:
can anyone give me an estimate of xp/hr of this technique at some variour levels. thanks.

Very hard to say as there are so many factors. Naming a number would just lead to it being disputed and counter-claims of quicker xp etc.

Some of the factors involved include: your level, mob level, how practised you are, where you are grinding (distractions, do you have to take out casters first etc.), are you pvp server, what kit have you got... at which level etc.

You can see the point I'm making.

The best I can do is say that I have played priest and mage to 60, warrior to mid 30s and all other horde characters to mid 20s and this has been by far the most efficient method of getting xp and cash I have come across. It's also pretty bloody spectacular watching 15 scarlet lumberjacks or 10 raptors fall on their sides all at the same time!

Put it this way: if you find an ideal area and are quick with the spells and don't die at all, you'll be killing perhaps 12 mobs on average in the time it takes to empty your mana bar and then sit and fill it again and run to the next group, maybe 2 minutes altogether. So again, in an ideal situation with no mistakes and interruptions (only seems to happen at 3am lol) you'll be killing 30x12=360 mobs per hour. Multiply this by the xp you get for each one (at level 59 killing level 55 mobs for rested 280xp each that equates to 100800 xp per hour). This is, of course, not possible in the real world because nothing ever happens ideally. But it was quick enough for my mage to stand in one field and level from 57 to 60 over a weekend. I pocketed enough cash, cloth and drops to buy most of my epic mount at the same time, as well.

(I should have said WAY before now that waiting for rested xp is by far the best way to level using this technique!)
#18 May 31 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
So this tecnich wont work with patch 1.11 right? If so will you make a new one then? Me and many more would surely apreaciate if you did so. Best regards zooLiz

Great guide!
#19REDACTED, Posted: May 31 2006 at 3:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yes it will still work leather is a dumbass and likes to use old information as shatter is no longer connnected to shatter, and anyways frost grinding builds never used shatter in the first place xD
#20 May 31 2006 at 9:57 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
leather is a dumbass

shatter is no longer connnected to shatter

Hmm... =)
#21REDACTED, Posted: May 31 2006 at 11:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'll put that under my build something to stop josh from posting while high line
#22 Jun 01 2006 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
To add if youre already at 60 and never AOE grinded for cash:
SM gy is a good place to train this, i can clear the whole place in 2 go's now :) About 30 mobs a go, a lot of normal mobs in the mix that die after the first blizzard so that number doesnt really count :P

If you can clear that you can AOE farm library and armory. I AOE 8 elites at a time over there. You can solo Herod and <insert library endboss>.

On a busy day you can even sell the blues to lowbies, just let everyone know that youre farming and get a "clientele" before you kill a boss you let lowbies come in your pty. You can "prepare" Armory and Library so only the bosses are left and sell the blues for 10-20g each.
There are some mages in the mix in SM but youll resist the bulk of their spells. And if you round em up, then FN and then pop ice barrier when you create distance for blizzard it shouldnt be a problem.
Shatter highly recommended, it makes finshing a group and preventing runners less of a problem.

DM east is still a good place for AOE farming.

I dont AOE "in the wild" much since i play on a pvp server.
But if im online @ 4 in the night, felwood(satyrs) and western, eastern plaguelands make good grinding spots too.

You can also AOE the first mob packs in stratholm althought that is more tricky because casters in the mix there need to be silenced and "picked off" fast (with some more fireblast attention).

Edited, Thu Jun 1 03:33:58 2006 by Sjans
#23 Jun 01 2006 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
and btw azreal try and drop some of the int gear for agil/str

Yeah, I actually went looking for some "of the Bear" or equivelant blue gear tonight, in fact. Didnt' find much though. =(

Edit - Holy cow that profile's out of date. Guess I haven't run WoWReader for a while. I'm 58 now, not 55! D'oh!

Edited, Thu Jun 1 05:29:59 2006 by AzraelWarraven
#24REDACTED, Posted: Jun 01 2006 at 5:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) just convince some 60 war to go kill stuff with you that's got an epic 2h and bring along a holy priest and give him all the squishie drops ;) I duo BRD and LBRS with my HWL buddy, fury/Sweeping strikes build ftw :D dude can like 2 shot some of the mobs
#25 Jun 01 2006 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
and btw azreal try and drop some of the int gear for agil/str

Dont, Azreal, worst tip in this thread, agi just doesnt add up the dodge rate enough for a mage and str does absolutly nothing for a mage.
If you have frostwolf insignia 6 (dont know what Ally AV faction is called exactly :P) , wear it, that one is very handy during AOE grinding.

Youre not supposed to get hit, you need int and sta only.
Lots of int, at least 6k mana. And if you want to be comfortable 3.5k HP.

Edited, Thu Jun 1 07:32:01 2006 by Sjans
#26 Jun 01 2006 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
212 posts
Sjans wrote:
and btw azreal try and drop some of the int gear for agil/str

Dont, Azreal, worst tip in this thread, agi just doesnt add up the dodge rate enough for a mage and str does absolutly nothing for a mage.
If you have frostwolf insignia 6 (dont know what Ally AV faction is called exactly :P) , wear it, that one is very handy during AOE grinding.

Youre not supposed to get hit, you need int and sta only.
Lots of int, at least 6k mana. And if you want to be comfortable 3.5k HP.

Edited, Thu Jun 1 07:32:01 2006 by Sjans

Sjans was talking to Azreal about his shaman, not his mage.
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