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READ THIS FIRST: Druid 101Follow

#52 Mar 22 2007 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
hehe come on man. I've been waiting for the past 2 months =D
#53 Apr 06 2007 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
hi, im still fairly new to wow, but this has really opened my perspective on my own druid. just wanted to thank the authors for the great work, most appreciated !
#54 May 14 2007 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,622 posts
I promised myself I'd never post ever again on these forums but I'll make an exception :p Thank you for an exceptionnally well written and informative guide. I'm starting as a druid and it's been a great help so far. Thanks as well to every other contributors to the thread. :)

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#55 May 15 2007 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts
I don't think there's a Druid who's read this thread who hasn't benefited somehow. I was L.60 when I read this thread, and it was practically overnight that my performance visibly improved. I'm quite thankful for the thread as well.

So, let me just put it as simply as I can: Thank you.
#56 May 22 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
awesome post im new to the game and druid class rocks so far thx for the great info happy hunting !!
#57 Jun 03 2007 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
A minor thing, but nonetheless a thing.

Other than providing them with a second way to stealth, Shadowmeld increases the Night Elven Rogues's level of Stealth slightly, I believe.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#58 Jun 22 2007 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
Hi! I'm new to this particular site but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your thread. It's easily the most helpful and complete druid guide I've seen so far. I do have a question, though. Sorry if this is already covered and I missed it. Anyways...

My main char is a level 34 druid. I recently discovered an unexpected love for healing in instances, so I respecced her. My plan was to go 11/0/50 and get the Tree of Life Form but recently I've been hearing a lot of people saying that Tree of Life is really lame. Does anyone know if it's worth it or am I better off spending the extra points between balance and feral? There are several resto talents I could easily give up if I don't have to plug them to get the Tree form.
#59 Jun 22 2007 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Tip of the day: Don't listen to what other people say.

At least, not when it comes from morons. Some people in these forums have good credibility and you can usually trust what they say but don't listen to any and all Mr. Random Joe you meet in-game. Or on the O-boards.

Also, it's important that you make an opinion for yourself. I say go with your planned build and see for yourself if you like it.

For myself, I think ToL form is awesome. I never played it myself but I partied with a few ToL Druids and it was rather impressive. (When they knew how to play, that is) The multiple stacking bonuses you get from the Resto tree are very nice.

Since you are still in the lowish levels I would suggest leveling as Feral and respec Resto only later but it's your call, really. Feral is simply faster but it can be done just the same with Resto.

Don't hesitate to ask for further advices when you get there. :P
#60 Jun 22 2007 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
Some resto druids love TOL in 5 mans, others find they can't live without Healing Touch.

In raids however, TOL is absolutley fantastic. Just the aura takes a lot of pressure off the other healers, and the HOT's are really effective. Stack all 3 Hot's on the tank and his (or her) health goes down much more slowly and the other healers will love you :)
#61 Jun 23 2007 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the advice. :) I completely agree with you about not listening to random people. I learned my lesson when I went to Moonglade to get my bear form and some level 60 guy told me the only way back to Auberdine was to go through Felwood. Fortunately, I'd just come back from exploring all over Nighthaven and I already knew better (I think I got the names of Moonglade and Nighthaven mixed up but you know what I mean).
Anyway, the only reason I give any credence to what I've heard is that it seems like people who don't like ToL are the majority. I've actually spoken to a couple of people that won't party with ToL healers if they have a choice. The few people that do like ToL seem to be the druids that actually play it, so I have to wonder if they're a little biased. My biggest concern is that if I do go that way, I'll have trouble finding groups later on.
That being said, I'm still going to take your advice and go with my original plan. I think ToL will work really well for me and, like you said, I can always respec. I'm gonna stick with resto from now on, though. I'm kind of a slow learner when it comes to video games and I want to make sure I have time to get used to using it before I go wandering into my first raid. :)

Rare Beast:

I don't think I'll have too much of a problem living without Healing Touch; I barely ever use it unless I'm soloing. My usual method is to cast Regrowth on anyone who's health is getting below 70/80%, starting with the tank. If anyone slips much lower than that before I get to them, I do a Rejuvenate before the Regrowth. I then usually go back and do a Rejuvinate on everyone(or Regrowth for those who need it already, which is usually no one). That brings my mana to 1/3-1/2 a bar and I can do another round the same way if I have to(I usually don't). I really only use Healing Touch in emergencies, generally preceded by a Rejuvinate to keep them from dying before I can get the freaking thing off. To be honest, I think that Healing Touch is way too slow and too expensive mana-wise to be effective in an instance, especially if you're the only healer.

You're one of the first people I've talked to that actually like having ToL healers around, although the one other person who did also said they were really great to have around. Unfortunately, not a lot of people in my guild have seen them in action, so they don't have much of an opinion about it.

Thanks again to both of you for the advice, and for getting back to me so fast. I'm sure I'll be back to pester you soon. :P :D Laters!

#63 Jun 29 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Balance druid here =D I always heal on PUGs on my druid. If I were to go resto I wouldnt get ToL, because I'm one of the druid who NEEDs healing touch. I've seen druids heal with ToL so well its just amazing. I went to try it myself at 60 and went as a healer for BRD. I did pretty decent, but not like the others. I just dont understand how they do it...

Heres my strategy to healing. I have my to latest ranks of healing touch on my action bar. If someone falls below 80% and he's just a DPS-er, I'll just use the weaker HT to heal them. If they are still suffering damage, I just pop a rejuv on them and focus back on the tank. The rejuv should take care of any damage the DPS-er is recieving until the tank pulls aggro back. And thats generally all I do. It seems to simple, but it really works. Amazingly mana efficient.

Now if a character just gets demolished in the blink of an eye I rejuv, regrowth, and wait till they stop ticking. If they still have aggro, full rank healing touch and they are most likely at full health.

I have found that using HoT's is easier to use, but more mana consuming, and the use of healing touch is a little more tedious and requires some good calculating (How much and how fast damage is being done, and how much health a player still has). But is more mana efficient.
#64 Jul 04 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
have druid some CC in kitty form? (like rouge sap or something)
#65 Jul 05 2007 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
Nope. Druids lack any real CC, save for Roots only outdoors and not against casters and Hibernate on Beasts and Dragonkin.

Cat form now has Maim but it's just a short stun, not a good form of CC.
#66 Jul 07 2007 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
We have cyclone! Which is like some mix of a stun/snare/CC.

Other then that we are boned =(
#67 Jul 15 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks highRfrequenC sage, your column has helped me tremendously.i am now a level 48 druid and kicking so much butt now it's crazy.In the battle fields i can take on a priest then turn around and kill the annoying rogue ,i'll still have enough to take out the warrior giving my friend trouble.It always takes more then one to take me down too.I don't know how i compare to more experienced players but i think the alliance hates to see this noob coming.I owe it to you for the basic advice i found here, thanks once more.
#68 Aug 31 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, this is my first post relating the game itself on the forums. I have been playing WoW for about a month now and my highest charecter is a lvl 29 troll mage. I also have a lvl 26 druid and I have found out after few tries on other classes that I like to do melee dps. So my simple question is: If there were a equally geared and skilled feral druid and rogue, who would do better damage? I don't really much care about tanking, I'll do it if I have to and I will never heal. So which one is better, because that's the one I'll propably then go for. Thank you.

Let the metal flow.

EDIT: Oh, and if once again equally geared and skilled, which one performs better on PvP, because that will be my main focus on higher lvl's I guess. (If I ever reach them, duh.)

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 3:02pm by Metalcommand
#69 Aug 31 2007 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
"Quor" wrote:
druids tend to have a harder time getting away from rogues than other classes, but if you plan right its doable. just remember that sprint is faster than travel form. faking a run to get them to blow sprint can be a useful tactic. just remember, a good rogue doesnt need you to be in caster form for long in order to kill you. dont give them that opportunity.

maybe this is a n00b question, but why dont you just : shift into cat --> dash.

im not sure if the talent feline grace and dask stack, but even if they dont, they wont be able to gain on you if you activate dash
#70 Aug 31 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
If there were a equally geared and skilled feral druid and rogue, who would do better damage?

Up until Kara/Gruuls I feel we may have a slight advantage. By the end of Gruuls it is probably even. Right through though, it is close enough that player skill makes more of a difference.

We can both DPS well but each class has their own advantage. As ferals, we can tank, buff, battlerez, innervate and heal a bit. Rogues have sap, kick, poisons, evasion & numerous stuns (probably others but my rogue is only level 12 :) )

In PvP a driud will normally beat a rogue because we have bear form, but PvP is very much a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors. Each class has some classes/specs who are easier to beat and some that are harder. There are plenty of times a rogues is better than a druid for a given situation and vice-versa.
#71 Dec 16 2007 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Cookie cutter builds are now FUBAR, wowhead updated or something. They lead to the main talent page, not any specific build.
#72 Feb 05 2008 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
145 posts
In the Sample builds section there are links to a 31/30 Balance/Feral and a 30/31 Feral/Resto build. As these appear to be non-viable for raid or PvP play, or at the very least, superseded by more specialized builds, can they be removed so as not to confuse new players? Yes they are viable in solo play but so is playing as a naked troll. Unless there is a strong possibility of these builds receiving a significant boost in WotLK, I fail to see why they should be included in a thread that is trying to teach druids the basics of their class.
#73 Feb 18 2008 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
just one little itsey bitsey problem... u said for druid v. druid feral>resto, resto>balance, and balance>feral.... soo... htf does that work? if a resto loses from a feral, but beats a balance... and the balance can beat feral but not resto... that makes no sence ur canceling out each of ur possibilities for wins lol cuz honestly if a resto can beat balance and a balance can beat feral than a resto must be able to beat feral too! sorry if u dont understand this, its kinda hard to explain in typing lol. plz comment back for this if u can explain it better to me even... thank you
#74 Feb 19 2008 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
Simple, it is like Rock, Paper, Scissors.

All WoW PvP is like this. Each class is better vs. another class and vice versa. Take mages and locks. Both are high DPS clothies - fairly similar in many ways. Yet a frost mage will kite a warrior around and probably kill the warrior without them getting a hit in. A warlock on the other hand will have trouble with the warrior as the warrior can neutralise the locks fears and the lock can't really kite the warrior like the mage can.

Different abilities affect different classes/specs differently. Not much point rooting a mage, but doing the same to a warrior stops them from doing anything. It's not purely a factor of how much DPS or healing you can do, it is about how effective all your abilities are vs. that particular class or spec.

#75 Mar 14 2008 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
Congrats for 2 years of the best sticky in Allakhazam. Posted Mar 14th 2006
#76 Mar 15 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Congrats, highRfrequenC!
I know I used this post religiously when I first started my druid.
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