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READ THIS FIRST: Druid 101Follow

#1 Mar 14 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
I. Frequently Asked Questions
- Do weapon procs work in Druid forms?
- How does Druid tanking work?
- What are some good Druid macros?
II. Introduction
- What is a Druid?
- What is the Druid 101?
- What to expect if you roll a Druid
III. Gearing up for Endgame
- A Druid's bags are always full
- What stats do Druids need?
- Gear to get at level 70
IV. New Druids
- Creating your druid
- Your first trip to the Moonglade
- The Bear Form quest
- The Aquatic Form quest
- Weapons training
V. Druid Talents
- The talent system
- Choose a specialization
- Secondary talent tree
- PvE or PvP
- Feral
- Balance
- Restoration
- Sample builds

If there is any info you are looking for as a new druid and can't find in this 101, post a new thread or send me a pm with an addition request and I will try to include it.

Do procs work on druid weapons?
In bear or cat form we don't use weapons - we use claws. Since we are not hitting anything with our weapon, no "chance on hit" procs will ever work eg. crusader, lifestealing, stun procs etc. This applies to weapons only, so proc effects on your armor, trinkets etc. will work in any form.

Note that these rules don't apply Moonkin or Tree of Life forms. Those forms do actually swing the weapons we are holding.

What weapon should I use?
Weapon damage also makes no difference. Your cat and bear form damage is based on a hidden feral weapon skill that is automatically set to maximum when you level up (5 times your level). You should use whatever weapon gives you the best stat increase (agility, strength, etc). This means that you do need to train to use each weapon type at the weapons trainers, but it is not too important to actually level up your weapon skill unless you are using Moonkin or Tree of Life form.

How do Druids tank?
Check out this examination of Druid tanking from the guides section of allakhazam.

Brisin has collected an excellent index of resources in this thread.

What are some good Druid Macros?
Druid macros

What is a Druid?
The Druid is a hybrid class. We are all about versatility and can do a little bit of everything. We can heal ourselves and others, we can survive a beating from heavy hitters (called tanking), and we can unleash loads of damage with our spells or with our claws (called magic dpsing or melee dpsing, respectively).

The difference between druids and other hybrid classes is that we specialize in only one of these roles at a time. Notice that does not mean we are limited to only one at a time, and successful Druids use all of their skills and spells according to the situation, regardless of their specialization.

What is the Druid 101?
This guide is intended to help new and seasoned World of Warcraft players with the practical aspect of playing the class. The general sections will be kept brief and the focus of the guide will be on Druid-specific content and gameplay.

What to expect
If you decide to create a Druid you will find it's a playstyle that rotates often to take advantage of every enemy weakness. For example, if your enemy is a hard hitter but doesn't have any ranged attacks, you can open a fight by rooting them in place and casting spell damage from a safe distance. When the Roots break away and they come into melee range you can shift into bear form and finish them off from behind your high armor rating. In the next fight you might go up against a caster, sneaking in close with cat form and tearing through their weak armor. The fast attack speed of cat form is effective at interrupting the enemy's casting.

When you reach level 40, another playstyle option comes into the rotation if you follow the Balance talent tree. Moonkin form boosts your armor but utilizes your humanoid offensive spells. It plays like something of a battle mage, casting spells but not sweating it when the enemy gets in close.

You will get used to frequently changing forms and styles in reaction to changes in situation. In warning, some players actually find this frustrating. If you think it would be fun to be in cat form all the time, you might consider playing a Rogue instead. At times even a balance Druid needs to leave moonkin form for bear to be effective.

The downside to all this versatility is that the class doesn't really come into it's own until the late 30s and early 40s. It takes a patient player to get through the tough levels where we feel weak compared to other classes, but in the end we can hold our own against anyone.

Solo, a Druid almost never has to stop and rest. A feral Druid regenerates mana while fighting and a balance Druid can gain mana through melee attacks. In instances and at the end game you will be valued primarily for your ability to heal or to tank, though you will still deliver in the damage category. That is, if you are any good.

Edited, Dec 6th 2007 11:00am by highRfrequenC
Edited, Jun 18th 2008 5:18pm by Azuarc

Edited, Jun 19th 2008 1:57pm by Illia

Edited, May 16th 2009 6:45pm by Darqflame
#2 Mar 14 2006 at 6:31 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
A druid's bags are always full
Druids depend on stats to do our work, and that work may change from fight to fight. Different combinations of stats fuel our ability to do our job well, altering our capability even more than the talents we choose.

Regardless of spec, Druids are capable of filling any role given we have the appropriate gear. When Druids get higher in levels we end up carrying around two to four pieces of equipment with different stats for each slot, changing outfits depending on what we expect our role to be for the next battle and what stats are important to that role.

Outfitter or a similar ui mod (Itemrack, ClosetGnome, Wardrobe) can be incredibly helpful with managing you gear in only a few clicks instead of having to search through your entire bag space.

What stats do druids need?
Since we do a little bit of everything, we need a little bit of everything. Ideally, if we were going into a fight blind, we would have a decent amount of every stat and bonus available. Since we typically do know what role we are filling, what our personal playstyle is, and what to expect in the next fight, we often want to focus on stats that help us most.

Here is a prioritized listing of what to focus on for what specialized roles you will play in groups. Keep in mind that only the five primary stats are readily available until the mid-50 levels and up.

Healing Druids - +heal, Int, Mana/5, Spirit
Nuking Druids - +spell damage, +spellcrit, Mana/5, Int, Spi
Melee Druids - Str, Agi, AP, Crit, ToHit
Tanking Druids - Armor, Sta, Agi, Def, Dodge, Str

There will be many influencing factors that change these priorities around a little such as PvP vs PvE, particulars of a boss fight, etc. In PvP, for example, stamina becomes much more important to every role. For the most part while leveling you just need to make sure you aren't neglecting anything.

Here is a stat comparison page over on wowwiki and another at wikispaces for those of you who want to really squeeze the most out of each gear slot.

Gear to get at level 70
To start raiding Karazhan a tank should be fitted to a minimum of 12k Health, 415 Defense (with Survival of the Fittest), 20k Armor, and 25% Dodge. A healer should be stacked with at least 1000 +Healing, 6k Health, and 8500 Mana.

Here in our forum, Anathor has kindly written a shopping list for feral gear (tanking and dps) and a shopping list for healers. Make sure you grab some of this stuff while going through Outlands.

For all questions about whether one piece of feral gear is better than another, Emmerald's druid gear lists is a popular, comprehensive comparison list that lists Druid gear by slot and sorts them by value for tanking, burst dps, and sustained dps.

For a good comparative list for healing gear you can look to this wowwiki article.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 3:39pm by highRfrequenC

Edited, Jun 18th 2008 5:19pm by Azuarc
#3 Mar 14 2006 at 6:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
Creating your druid
The race choice is an easy one since you have only two options: a Tauren fighting with the Horde, or a Night Elf as a member of the Alliance. The choice is mostly aesthetic, but the racial abilities do make a little bit of difference in the way you will play your druid. The character stat differences are negligible and they shouldn't affect your decision. If you have friends already playing the game, simply choose based on their faction.

Night Elf racial abilities:
Shadowmeld - Activate while immobile and out of combat to enter stealth mode - lasts until canceled - 10 sec cooldown
Quickness - Dodge chance increased by 1%
Wisp Spirit - Become a wisp when dead with movement speed increase of 50% (25% faster than normal ghost)
Nature Resistance - All Night Elves get +10 Nature Resistance

Tauren racial abilities:
War Stomp - Activate to stun up to 5 opponents within 8 yards - lasts 2 sec - 2 min cooldown
Endurance - Max Health increased by 5%
Cultivation - 15 skill bonus to Herbalism
Nature Resistance - All Tauren get +10 Nature Resistance

Which class has better racial abilities usually boils down to an argument of Warstomp vs. Shadowmeld and Wisp Spirit. Warstomp is powerful in any situation, saving us from death in PvE content and annoying gnomes to no end in PvP. Shadowmeld can be handy since you don't have to shapeshift to enter stealth and is believed to increase the players level of stealth and Wisp Form makes dying a little more bearable.

Once you create your new Druid, simply look for characters with yellow exclamation points above them. These characters will offer you quest opportunities and direct you to new areas as your levels increase. As you complete quests you will collect rewards (don't forget to equip them to your character) and new quests will become available.

If you would like a detailed leveling guide look to Jame's Leveling Guide for Horde or for Alliance. Once you get to the Outlands, do every quest you can find. When you get to level 70 you should still have plenty of quests available to do for extra money towards your epic flying mount.

Your first trip to the Moonglade
The first Druid class quest comes from your trainer at level ten along with the spell Teleport: Moonglade. Mathrengyl in Darnassus or Turak in Thunderbluff will send you to the sanctuary of the druids for your first lesson in shapeshifting.

The Moonglade is inaccessible to non druid players until level fifty or so, and even then requires some work gaining acceptance with the Timbermaw Furbolgs before anyone can travel their tunnel unharmed. You will find flight paths to the cities of Darnassus and Thunderbluff and both Night Elves and Tauren live peacefully here.

The Bear Form quest
When you first arrive in the Moonglade you will be next to a small building on top of a hill. Enter and proceed to the second floor where you will find Dendrite Starblaze ready to guide you to learning your first feral shapeshift, bear form.

Dendrite will first send you out into the Moonglade to find the Great Bear Spirit just a short walk to the northwest. After talking with the spirit cast Teleport: Moonglade again to get quickly back to Dendrite, who will in turn send you back to your class trainer in the city. You can find flight masters in the southwest part of Nighthaven or you can use your hearthstone to get home.

As a test of your worth as a druid, your trainer will send you to defeat Lunaclaw, found in The Barrens for Tauren and in Darkshore for Night Elf druids (click the link and see the maps at the bottom of the page). Once you find the Moonkin Stone, summon and defeat Lunaclaw, speak to his spirit, and return home again to learn how to shapeshift to bear form.

The Cure Poison quest
After getting to level 14 your class trainer will give you another quest sending you to the Moonglade. See if you can get your hands on 5 link=]Earthroot[/link before you go. You will need them in a bit. Cast Teleport: Moonglade and learn that Dendrite wants you to find out what has been poisoning nearby wildlife.

Alliance druids will be sent to Cliffspring Falls in Darkshore, and Horde druids will go to Dreadmist Peak in The Barrens to gather a sample of the water. You will be delivering the sample to another druid, either Alanndarian Nightsong in Darkshore or Tonga Runetotem in The Barrens.

These local druids need your help to mix a curative potion to restore the health of some local animals. If you haven't found any earthroot yet, you can buy them from Hula'mahi right there in The Crossroads, though I believe the nearest vendor for alliance is in Stormwind.

Alliance druids will also need to gather Lunar Fungus from the same cave you went to for the bear form quest. Horde druids must collect horns from the kodo most easily found in the north part of the barrens.

Once you turn in these materials your quest giver mixes a salve and asks that you help administer it. I'm sure you've seen the Sickly Deer and Sickly Gazelles walking around by now. Get close to one and use the salve by right clicking it in your bag or by dragging it onto an action button.

Cure ten of them and return to the Moonglade for a nice offhand reward. Dendrite will then send you back again to your trainer to learn Cure Poison.

The Aquatic Form quest
Consider yourself warned that there is more than one long walk ahead. It should be routine by now to visit your trainer every other level to learn your new spells. At level 16 you will be sent once again to Dendrite, who will give you thirty minutes to go swimming around Moonglade's Lake Elune'ara looking for a shrine bauble. It spawns in a few spots around the lake, so watch your breath meter and look for the bauble container on the lake floor.

Once you find the bauble, head to the Shrine of Remulos west of the lake and just off the path. Use the bauble (right click it) to end the quest and talk to Tajarri on the edge of the shrine. Tajarri will send you in search of two halves of the Pendant of the Sea Lion, clues about which you can hear from the two flight masters in Nighthaven.

Each half of the pendant is found in a Strange Lockbox in different parts of the world. Alliance druids head to Darkshore and Westfall and Horde will visit The Barrens and Silverpine Forest.

For the Half-Pendant of Aquatic Agility you will be searching areas that require you to fight through enemies. For the Half-Pendant of Aquatic Endurance you will be looking in very deep places on the edge of the sea, just before you see the fatigue bar appear. In all locations there should be a fissure next to the lockbox, allowing you to breath normally while you open the lockbox and cast Teleport: Moonglade or use your hearthstone.

Weapons training
While you are doing all this running around the world you should drop in to visit your weapon trainers. You will start off with a couple skills already known but Druids are able to learn the use of fist weapons, staves, daggers, maces, and two handed maces.

You must visit the trainer and spend ten silver to train each skill before you can equip weapons of that skill type. Each weapon skill has a maximum point value that is equal to five times your level, and you can gain points by swinging any weapon of that type.

You also have a hidden feral weapon skill to represent your claws in Cat and Bear forms. This hidden skill is automatically maxed out for your level and other weapon skills do not matter in those two forms.

Horde will want to visit Ansekhwa in Thunderbluff and Sayoc in Orgrimmar.
Alliance should see Buliwyf Stonehand in IronForge and Bixi Wobblebonk right next to him.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 3:22pm by highRfrequenC

Edited, Jun 18th 2008 5:19pm by Azuarc
#4 Mar 14 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
The talent system
Starting at level ten all characters get one point per level to invest in the talent system. Every class has three talent trees focused on specializing a particular aspect of the class (also called speccing). For a Druid the three trees are Balance (for specializing in spell damage), Feral (for boosting cat and bear forms), and Restoration (to help heal more efficiently). The value of each tree and of each talent is really based on how you play your druid.

Don't worry too much about messing up, you can always pay your class trainer to refund all of your spent talent points (also called respeccing). It does cost more money each time you do it though, so plan out your path ahead of time using Wowhead's talent calculator.

Choose a specialization
The first decision to make is which tree to invest your points into. The more points you invest into one tree or another makes you that much more effective in the associated role, so its important to identify which role you enjoy playing the most. The three talent trees for Druids are Balance, Feral, and Restoration. Balance boosts your spell damage capability and efficiency, Feral helps your Cat and Bear form abilities, and Restoration focuses on healing spells.

Feral is considered the best option for fast leveling but you should choose a primary talent tree that fits your personal playstyle. Balance might be the way to go if you prefer spell damage to your claws and restoration can work if you spend a lot of time healing in groups.

Keep in mind when choosing between these talent trees that a balance Druid still heals, a restoration Druid still tanks, and a feral Druid still spams Moonfire. If you expect to spend all of your time in one form or one role, you might be better off making another character class that would be better suited to it.

Secondary talent tree
If you are filling a dedicated role as part of a group you could put all of your points into one talent tree (you will have a few left over if you are feral or balance). It isn't always the best idea though since our greatest strength is our versatility. Common builds put as many as 20 points into other trees to take advantage of the synergies between the talents. In some combinations it is better to go further in your secondary tree, in others you just might want to invest a few points. Choosing a secondary tree can modify your playstyle almost as much as your primary playstyle, so I will try to provide examples for all the common combinations.

PvE or PvP
You should also decide whether you want to focus on Player versus Player (PvP) capability, on being able to solo out in the world, or on your effectiveness in instance groups. PvP builds will center on how much burst damage or healing you can do in a short amount of time since those battles move very quickly. Soloers will want to make sure they don't pass up talents that add to survivability. A group oriented build will maximize spell efficiency and defensive skills to help you last through long instance encounters.

Feral is the most common build for Druids while leveling up. Most talents in the feral tree boost both bear and cat forms, but a few are specific to one or the other. Solo, you can fight longer in melee forms and save more mana for healing. Since you don't have to stop and rest you will rake in the experience very quickly. With a friend or two you can spend more time in bear or cat form depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the other class. In instance groups you can be the main tank and use your skills to keep the attention of enemies away from your squishy friends.

Focus in this tree should be new abilities, damage increases, and reduced costs for your favorite skills.

Key talents:
Feral Charge - immobilization and spell interruption, absolutely nasty in PvP
Faerie Fire (feral) - a cost-free ranged ability for pulling and making Rogues hate you
Leader of the Pack - 5% crit boost to everyone in your group
Mangle - an extra attack that is devastating in any situation

Step by step:
Level One - Ferocity is amazingly powerful for a level one talent. Feral aggression is decent for raiding Druids in later levels, but is not considered as valuable as Ferocity.

Level Two - Tough choices already. Druids who love cat form or pvp usually take Feral Instinct and Brutal Impact (one second seems like forever in pvp). Tanking Druids might prefer some combination of Thick Hide and Feral Instinct.

Level Three - Feral Charge is used more often in pvp than pve. It should be a given for any build though. Sharpened Claws is strong on it's own and should be maxed out here because it leads to Primal Fury at the next level. Feral Swiftness is great for leveling Druids who don't have a mount or Travel Form yet. Pvpers also get great use out of the extra maneuverability.

Level Four - Predatory Strikes leads to Heart of the Wild at the next level and so that's a given. Primal Fury is also a given. In cat form it is a huge boost to dps and helps bear form tanking. Shredding Attacks helps in groups and pvp so you might want to come back for it in later levels.

Level Five - Savage Fury is a huge boost to Mangle, so only pass it up if you aren't going all the way down. Faerie Fire (feral) should be a given unless you spend all your time raiding with other druids who can keep FF active. Nurturing Instinct is questionable. Even a feral druid shouldn't be playing main healer in strength gear. This is a good level to pass up skills for some that you liked but skipped at earlier stages.

Level Six - Heart of the Wild is arguably the most valuable talent in the tree. Get it. Survival of the Fittest is very strong for tanking Druids. It will allow you to build agility and stamina in you tank gear instead of defense.

Level Seven - Leader of the Pack is such a large boost that you should get it even if you spend all your time running solo. Improved Leader of the Pack is also highly valuable in solo and raiding, though pvpers often take Primal Tenacity instead.

Level Eight - Predatory Instinct is a modest boost to cat dps and maybe worthwhile for a raiding main tank. Many Druids go back for talents they passed up at earlier levels or throw in just enough points to get to Mangle.

Level Nine - Mangle will become your favorite ability in cat and bear form. Very few feral druids decide to go without it.

Balance isn't as popular for leveling until level 40, where many Druids respec to try it out. Early in the game a balance Druid must rely on Roots to keep enemies at a distance, but once you get Moonkin Form you will have enough armor to engage in close combat. Solo work is mostly root and nuke but a Moonkin can regenerate mana by swinging their melee weapon. In instance groups a balance Druid can focus on doing damage most of the time and change gears to healing or even tanking when the team gets in trouble.

Focus in this tree should be damage and crit increases and casting time reductions.

Key talents:
Nature's Grasp - greatly improves survivability, especially in pvp
Insect Swarm - very useful in 10 man and larger raids
Moonkin Form - opens up a whole new playstyle
Force of Nature - happy tree friends!! awesome in any situation

Step by Step:
Level One - Nature's Grasp is a must have, but Starlight Wrath is considered more valuable than Imp Nature's Grasp. SW is a huge dps boost and normal NG will almost always fire by the third swing anyway.

Level Two - Control of Nature is great for PvP and good for soloing but keep in mind we don't learn Cyclone until level 70. Focused Starlight and Imp Moonfire are both considered more valuable in general.

Level Three - Insect Swarm is more of a group PvE talent but is not uncommon in PvP builds. Brambles is a nice PvE talent since one spell or the other should be hurting the mobs at all times, but could be passed up. Nature's Reach should be taken by PvPers for the extra maneuverability it affords.

Level Four - Vengeance should be a given here. Celestial Focus is a PvP talent that some Druids skip at this level but come back for later.

Level Five - Nature's Grace should be taken here simply because it is a prerequisite. Lunar Guidance is a valuable damage increase as well. Moonglow leans a bit to the PvE side and is particular to a Balance/Resto build.

Level Six - Moonfury is pretty much a given here no matter what your focus. Balance of Power can make a difference in raid groups, but chance to hit can be built up to 100% through gear.

Level Seven - Moonkin is the primary goal for most balance Druids, and a stopping point for some. Dreamstate is more useful in PvE than PvP as is Imp Faerie Fire. At this point you may want to go back and fill out earlier level talents you may have passed up.

Level Eight - The value of Wrath of Cenarius is dependant on your gear. You won't find much gear with + damage to spells until after level 60. Skip this one until you have at +200 damage or so (wild guess).

Level Nine - Force of Nature is a great spell for any Druid. The drawback is that you have to give up the possibility of reaching Nature's Swiftness in the Restoration tree. You should take this talent if you've come this far, otherwise you should have stopped putting points in at Moonkin Form.

Restoration is the most common build for Druids that are in active guilds and spend most of their time in groups. Leveling up solo as a restoration Druid is slow since you don't have the damage capability of a feral or balance druid, but you will almost never die. In groups you can play the main healer and keep everyone else alive while they do all the grunt work of taking out enemies.

Focus on decreasing casting time, increasing effectiveness and conserving mana.

Key talents:
Omen of Clarity - out of mana does not mean you are out of options
Nature's Swiftness - an instant cast Healing Touch can save a wipe again and again
Swiftmend - get in some quick burst healing or boost your mana efficiency with a little timing
Tree of Life - makes the heal over time style effective and efficient

Step by step:
Level One - Improved Mark of the Wild isn't too potent, but very valuable in raids and group pvp. Furor is one of the most valuable feral talents for the class, making you wonder why it's in the restoration tree. Don't pass it up if you use bear or cat form often.

Level Two - Natural Shapeshifter is another feral talent that can be more or less valuable depending on your playstyle. Naturalist should be a given here whether you are primarily feral or restoration. Nature's Focus is very strong for pvp Druids of any spec and maybe balance Druids while soloing.

Level Three - Intensity is very valuable to raiding druids and should be a given since it leads to Nature's Swiftness. Omen of Clarity is a great talent no matter what specialization you are. It can help a Moonkin or healer find a free cast and really boosts cat and bear form dps. Subtlety is good for newer Druids in 5 man instances but experienced Druids shouldn't have trouble managing threat.

Level Four - Tranquil Spirit and Improved Rejuvenation are both great talents. You might want to come back and fill out this whole level if you have extra points later.

Level Five - Nature's Swiftness is life-saving in a pinch. With only three minutes cooldown you will use it all the time. Gift of Nature is also a given here since it affects all healing spells. Improved Tranquility is nice but many Druids pass it up if they don't use the spell often.

Level Six - Empowered Touch is a talent that scales with your gear. If you don't have much +healing gear you might want to pass it up, but if you have been running instances and raiding for a while it can be a huge boost. Improved Regrowth is an odd one. Critical hits aren't alwasy a good thing when it comes to main healing, but it can really boost your effectiveness in raids and pvp. If you take this talent for a pve build you should consider taking Subtlety at level three to balance your threat management.

Level Seven - Swiftmend is a given. If you work on your timing you can almost double the effect of your Regrowth or Rejuvenation spells by casting Swiftmend just before they wear off. Natural Perfection is a great pvp talent, though in pve you might again want to consider maxing out Subtlety to balance your threat. Living Spirit is nice for a raiding druid who might be rotated in and out of healing shifts for long fights, but isn't as strong as some other talents. It can reduce downtime and boost the effects of Innervate though, so you might take this if you like playing main healer for 5 man instances.

Level Eight - Empowered Rejuvenation is a great talent for pvp and raiding Druids, but in solo or 5 man groups you might use Healing Touch so often that this talent might not be worth as much.

Level Nine - Tree of Life adds a whole new twist to being a healer. With this new form you can spread around a lot of healing in a short time and help group healing efficiency on the whole. You won't use it all the time but you will be glad that you can.

Sample builds

Balance - sustain damage over long periods of time
Feral - boost cat and bear form
Resto - tree of life style

Arena healer

There is a nicely written guide for what order to take talents while leveling posted on the oboard here that should help you on your way to endgame.

Edited, Mar 19th 2008 3:02pm by highRfrequenC

Edited, Jun 18th 2008 5:20pm by Azuarc
#5 Mar 14 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 3:23pm by highRfrequenC
#6 Mar 14 2006 at 6:36 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
Check out this thread by Quor for the interesting history of how far the class has come.

RareBeast has also written an addendum for additional info you won't find in this guide.

Thanks to:

Every single person who posts in this forum (even the annoying ones)

note that many of the following posts in this thread are outdated

Edited, Aug 6th 2007 7:11pm by highRfrequenC
#7 Mar 14 2006 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,724 posts
Very good job and a hefty rate up.

All I have atm is that you might add the Timbermaw leather pieces (Warbear Harness, Warbear Woolies, Might of the Timbermaw, Timbermaw Brawlers) as good craftable Feral options. I wish Blizzard would make these an official set and add a bonus or two, but for now, I think it's the best Feral gear you can get in the game outside of a dungeon or PvP vendor. Seems worth mentioning since the other Feral options are either PvP specific or traditionally Rogue sets (Shadowcraft).

I might get called a "noob" for it, but in my Druid's early 40s, after trying combinations of "of the tiger" and "of the bear" etc etc, I finally settled on "of the Boar" as my gear of choice for solo Feral leveling. The mana pool is much smaller, but with 200+ spi, a Druid who fights mostly in feral form will hardly ever run out of mana grinding on normal mobs.

There's my Smiley: twocents. Again, great writup.

#8 Mar 15 2006 at 1:02 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
lookin good H. expect a leghty post on druid pvping soon.
#9 Mar 15 2006 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
highRfrequenC: check out my pvp guide thread called :jaigens pvp guide it contains some usefull abilties
#10 Mar 15 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
1,598 posts
Looks great to me. I went ahead and linked it in the intro to the old 101; let me know if you'd like it removed until you finish.

ps: As a nitpick, it's 'her' guide, not his ;) And 'more fun.' Grammar seemed pretty solid otherwise; hope you don't mind the minor critique.
♪ Kin Jehn : Behemoth
#11 Mar 15 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
check out my pvp guide thread called :jaigens pvp guide it contains some usefull abilties
I was just looking at that. I'd like to use some of it when I get some more free time to write the pvp section in this guide, with full credit to you of course. I want to cover strats for resto and balance druids too.
All I have atm is that you might add the Timbermaw leather pieces
Definitely. I want to add more of the crafted gear.
Looks great to me. I went ahead and linked it in the intro to the old 101; let me know if you'd like it removed until you finish.
No, I think it's off to a good enough start to keep it up there. I'll bug an admin about switching it out for your sticky a little later.
ps: As a nitpick, it's 'her' guide, not his ;)
So. How YOU doin?
And 'more fun.' Grammar seemed pretty solid otherwise; hope you don't mind the minor critique.
That's just my strange sense of humor talking.

Thanks guys, critique is what I'm looking for.
#12 Mar 15 2006 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
1,598 posts
That's just my strange sense of humor talking.

Honestly, that's what I expected - but everything else seemed pretty polished and professional, so I wasn't sure. Just one of those better safe than sorry things? I apologize for the misintrepreation though!

The bold made me laugh at work. =P Thanks for the correction.

edit: And on the note of crafted gear - The Devilsaur pieces (gauntlets and leggings) are still pretty good for feral equipment, as far as I know. Unless they were already mentioned and I just sort of missed it.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 15:18:57 2006 by Kouren
♪ Kin Jehn : Behemoth
#13 Mar 15 2006 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks...great guide! Helped a Druid Newb like myself
#14 Mar 16 2006 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,808 posts
Looks like someone missed the sticky...
#15 Mar 17 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
The last druid 101 is outdated,i suggest we remove it and sticky this one
#16 Mar 21 2006 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
So, what do we need to do to get this one stickied, in addition to or in place of Kouren's older 101?
#17 Mar 21 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
I put in a sticky request on the feedback forum, I'll go bump it.
#18 Mar 21 2006 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Nice post, high.

Though Kouren's post was the 101 for me, this guide takes that post and adds a bunch of new stuff.

I'm looking forward to the end-game BG roles. Might just go back to playing Druid.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Mar 22 2006 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#20 Mar 28 2006 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent

The Healbot 11/0/40
Healing is our most powerful ability and the majority of Druids end up with this talent build in the end. A fully invested Restoration Druid can heal better than the average Priest.

Balance Talents
Improved Wrath, Nature's Grasp, Improved Nature's Grasp
Restoration Talents
Improved Mark of the Wild, Improved Healing Touch, Nature's Focus, Reflection, Insect Swarm, Subtlety,
Tranquil Spirit, Improved Rejuvenation, Nature's Swiftness, Gift of Nature, Improved Tranquility Improved Regrowth, Innervate

Improved Tranquility and Improved Regrowth boost spells a Druid may or may not ever use, depending on play style. Those points could be moved towards Omen of Clarity or combined with points taken out of Nature's Grasp and put towards Feral Charge.

Why do u need improved wrath...I would suggest getting Nature's Grasp, Impproved Nature's Grasp, Natural Weapons, and Omen of Clarity...since now it can proc in shapeshifts.
#21 Mar 28 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
Why do u need improved wrath...I would suggest getting Nature's Grasp, Impproved Nature's Grasp, Natural Weapons, and Omen of Clarity...since now it can proc in shapeshifts.
Oops, that was a mistake. I'll fix it.

@Quor: Thanks for the pvp contributions, I'll edit it up and get it in there when I have some more time.
#22 Mar 31 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
Leatherworkers who have buily reputation with the Timbermaw furbolgs can make some nice feral gear, including Warbear Harness, Warbear Woolies, Might of the Timbermaw and Timbermaw Brawlers.

Your link for the Might of the Timbermaw is wrong, and goes to the warbear Woolies, it should be

Good guide despite that nit.
#23 Apr 02 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
How much longer till the PvP section is filled out :P. I want to see what you and that Quar dude have to say about PvP vs Paladins,Warlocks, Hunters, and Shaman that keep getting Windfury procs back to back to back.
#24 Apr 03 2006 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
Thanks telestrian, fixed.

How much longer till the PvP section is filled out :P. I want to see what you and that Quar dude have to say about PvP vs Paladins,Warlocks, Hunters, and Shaman that keep getting Windfury procs back to back to back.
I've had an insanely busy couple of weeks, and another coming up, but I haven't forgotten about it yet.
#25 Apr 04 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
highRfrequenC wrote:
Building reputation by participating in Warsong Gulch can also get you a small set of two rares and an epic piece. One set is designed for druids, but feral druids can also make use of the set made for rogues.

Doesn't this have to be Arathi Basin instead of Warsong Gulch?

But overall, nice guide ;)
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