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The Greatest Mage Post Ever.Follow

#27 Mar 14 2006 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,961 posts
My talents and "spec" are in my first post, and the spells I use most now are in my second post.
#28 Mar 14 2006 at 2:50 AM Rating: Default
Oh,sorry bout that,didn´t see it!It all comes down to which cooldown are U devoted to!!for me PVE is all about AoE dmg and as one I would try to do it best,U can´t be of any help just with your talents ,just need to learn what are u best at!!!

And wand spec is something that won´t help U very much,just like Ar. missiles,I prefer threat reduction(if youŕe going for Ar. tree)aka. arcane sublety...and if I´m correct U don´t have Arcane explosion?????????go for it now!!!!!

Try experimenting

Oh,and Filterspawn:

Would it work:Arc.power > PoM > Flamestrike
Assuming that U have 15% crit talent
I think that it will do great for PvP & PvE??

even better:Arc.power > imp Explosion > PoM > Flamestrike
massive dmg?

Edited, Tue Mar 14 03:09:26 2006 by ShadowNimph
#29 Mar 14 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
sigh. Shadow you really need to start playing this game before making these comments ... you are mixing misinformation with information you've gleamed from these forums and could seriously misinform other people.

PoM-FS does work and is decent in PvP ... but in truth flamestrike isn't quite the bomb most people want. I have personally chained together AP->FS->PoM->FS->BW->IAE->IAE->IAE to great effect in a WSG flag room ... but thats about the only place you will get more than 1 or two people with those spells and thus ... is mostly useless elsewhere. I eventually ended up dropping improved blizzard in PvP because its really only good in WSG flag rooms and in the AV massacre I despise. Mostly AB and open-field WSG appeals to me and its a worthless spell there.

Wand spec is ... well ... no comment :). Mages that use wands after level 40 (and not in a raid or fighting onyxia) ... are just being lazy :). In raids/instances you should mana up before most if not all fights to ensure maximum DPS viability ... and even if you have tons of mana your healer probably doesn't so you might as well sit and drink too.

IAE has its uses both PvP and PvE ... whereas plain old unimproved arcane explosion is tragicaly useless (for the mana and casting time you should be casting flamestrike).

Edited, Tue Mar 14 09:10:54 2006 by feralminded
#30 Mar 14 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,961 posts
So IF I were to get IAE instead of Wand Specialization, what good would that do me in PvE? I can just see using it and pulling hate off've mobs that aren't directly under someone's control...

It seems like IAE is only really usefull in PvP...which, as I said before, I'll respec to a PvP build later in my career because right now I'm just focused on PvE and Instances.

So if there's a time IAE is better than W.S. in Instances or PvE, please describe it to me and change my mind. Honestly, I'm just trying to find SOMEWHERE to dump those 5 more points to get up to PoM.
#31 Mar 15 2006 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
No,man,I´m just askin!
I know I don´t have knowledge about these speicific info...
I don´t wanna post any specific data,just tryin to lead people to direction of what real mages are: thinking and learning!!!

I´ve seen people here who don´t even move a finger...
I know what I was doin in all other games,and that was learnin all moves,all stats from the other chars,any aspect of game which is present,mages must know details...

they are Wisdom,Lore & Power in one...
& it is logical not to use wand spec,improved mana shield...
think that the Filterspawn already wrote this kind of talents AND explanation,but it doesn´t matter...

this is my state...

#32 Mar 15 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
Shadow it's awesome that you help out ... many people don't who very well could while others who do have tons of knowledge only use it to promote their own case rather than pursue the truth. I hope I didn't come across as too harsh I honestly love your enthusiasm ... it's very refreshing here on forums that can be full of tired and otherwise disheartened people.

I was just saying be careful with what you do say because it's very possible that you midlead people as much as you help. Again by all means don't stop ... just be careful :). I'm sure soon enough you will begin your wow career and will understand all of this much better and will be here helping the new folks as well ... that's great ... don't ever stop doing that no matter what people say.
#33 Mar 15 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
Ok with Shadow's prodding I've decided to post up my elemental builds. I have played all three for quite some time so these are no theorycraft in any way ... these are builds I've made and experienced gameplay with. They are all targetted at level 60 play so mileage may vary if you try these at lower levels. I did not begin my elementalist trek until my late 40's but I did explore this on my own before I even got hint of it on these forums (yes I am proud of my independence).

Build #1: Pure PvP Pwnage 27 Fire/24 Frost


Fire Talents - 27 point(s)
Impact rank 5/5
Ignite rank 5/5
Improved Fire Blast rank 5/5
Incinerate rank 2/2
Burning Soul rank 1/3
Improved Flamestrike rank 3/3
Critical Mass rank 3/3
Blast Wave rank 1/1
Fire Power rank 2/5

Frost Talents - 24 point(s)
Permafrost rank 5/5
Ice Shards rank 4/5
Winter's Chill rank 3/3
Improved Frost Nova rank 2/2
Cold Snap rank 1/1
Shatter rank 5/5
Ice Block rank 1/1
Improved Cone of Cold rank 3/3

This one was my first build and it's easily the most clear. 100% PvP build based on as much sustained burst damage as a mage can possibly do. PoM-pyro mages can do more burst but on a 3 minute timer. No one else can do as much sustained burst as this build and on top of that this build get's ice block. About the longest timer this build worries about is Blastwave which 45 seconds is just about once a fight anyhow. The best opener in this build is sheep->fireball and then close and go to work with those insta-casts. When between spells either kite or scorch. All of the frost snares are fully improved so remember a rank 1 frost bolt is your best friend here. Additionally this build is geared for absolutely devestating PvP AoE burst. FS->BW->FN->CoC-> Blink is totally safe and will drop a couple thousand AoE damage in a few seconds.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 09:13:01 2006 by feralminded
#34 Mar 15 2006 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist goes to MC 30 Fire/ 21 Frost

This one is my best attempt at taking an elemental build to raids. You do begin to run into mana problems on some of the longer bosses but this can be mostly mitigated by proper mana gem and potion use. The build uses fire primarily and resorts to frost bolts for the highly resistent/immune mobs.

The advantage of this build is two-fold. For one you have a 41 yard range with that fireball ... enough to outdistance every bad effect in MC. Secondly you have iceblock ... which allows you to mitigate every bad effect in MC. So pretty much this is the "nice try blizzard ... but I don't care" build. I've had that ice block save my neck on geddon more times than I can count (when old-pro guildies get stupid and forget to run with the bomb on them ... its fun being the only one left standing). I rarely get debuffs on me and such.

So yeah this is the teflon-don build.


Fire Talents - 30 point(s)
Improved Fireball rank 5/5
Ignite rank 5/5
Flame Throwing rank 2/2
Incinerate rank 2/2
Improved Flamestrike rank 3/3
Improved Scorch rank 4/5
Critical Mass rank 3/3
Blast Wave rank 1/1
Fire Power rank 5/5

Frost Talents - 21 point(s)
Improved Frostbolt rank 5/5
Ice Shards rank 4/5
Improved Frost Nova rank 2/2
Piercing Ice rank 3/3
Cold Snap rank 1/1
Arctic Reach rank 2/2
Frost Channeling rank 3/3
Ice Block rank 1/1

Edited, Thu Mar 16 08:51:19 2006 by feralminded
#35 Mar 16 2006 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent

Thank U Feral,I hope this will show what two complete differences do when they combine...
#37 Mar 18 2006 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
464 posts
I'm semi new to the game, but I have several chars ranging from lv. 18 to lv 8. I am trying to play each class and get a feel of what I like and have played all but the priests and locks.

Anyway long story short.. I started a mage and I'm lv. 10 atm and I have a question probably all of this forum has heard umteen number of times.

I am more focused on lvling atm, so all PvE and no PvP, and I was wondering if the 33 Frost 18 Arcane build is a good way to lv.

I know it's a 60 lv. build but in terms of collectively getting the talents would it be a build to lv. decently?

I plan to start hitting VC/Deadmines at lv. 18 with some PUGs, and I want to be able to "hold my own" and/or "pick up the slack" so to say. Any info on would be appreciated.

#38 Mar 18 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
5,444 posts
I wrote:
For sheer leveling, there are two ways to go about things.

1. Go fire, you kill faster, thus level faster.


2. Go frost and get improved Blizzard for AoE grinding. This is usually better with two mages working together.
#39 Mar 19 2006 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
i'm a new arrival in WOW...curently playing mage. I got some noob question to ask if u dont mind.
Blizzard(rank5) 1192 damage are the total damage deal or it means 1192 damage for each ice pelt that hits the target?
Can a mage move when sheilded by Ice Barrier?
Frostbite will be activate when the frost spell hits the target or during the time when the target under chill effect?

Arcane Talents - 9 point(s)

Improved Arcane Missiles rank 5/5

Arcane Concentration rank 4/5

Fire Talents - 11 point(s)

Improved Fireball rank 5/5

Impact rank 5/5

Pyroblast rank 1/1

Frost Talents - 31 point(s)

Improved Frostbolt rank 5/5

Permafrost rank 1/5

Ice Shards rank 5/5

Winter's Chill rank 1/3

Improved Frost Nova rank 2/2

Piercing Ice rank 3/3

Cold Snap rank 1/1

Improved Blizzard rank 1/3

Arctic Reach rank 2/2

Ice Block rank 1/1

Improved Cone of Cold rank 3/3

Frostbite rank 5/5

Ice Barrier rank 1/1

This are my plan to spend my talent point (Hybrid)
I was thinking of using Ice barrier + cold snap as my defensive.
Phyro/Frostbolt/Fireball/Fireblast/Cone of cold /Arcane Missiles my offensive
izzit enuff?Is that something that i need to notice?

i wont have BlastWave & instant Arcane Explosion...SOB .

I have No experience on WOW but i have great skills on controling my character from my past experience of other similar game which OWNS PVP.
Tell me if u have talent build that far more better than mine.

I'm kinda attracted to "30 Fire 21 Arcane - "Can somebody light this for me?" " by Baron von Filterspawn...are that really Nice? Able to kill someone in the shortest time?

PlS giv some comment bout my build ...THX!!

#40 Mar 19 2006 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
I too share a lot of the annoyance faced by mages on build and talent selection as you level, most gear for level 60 which is fair enough.

I have my 2 cents though on talent choice as you level as I have levelled 2 mages to 40, one on up to 60 and did things very differently both times, one way for superb, one not so much.

My better build (In terms of flexibility and levelling power) was to stick 16 points in Arcane THEN go heavily into fire. IAM rocks for uninterruptable damage, Arcane Concentration speaks for itself, Improved Arcane Explosion is nice too I found. Very mana draining at times but I found I could easily take on 5 - 7 mobs at a time (greens and just yellows mind) using that coupled with CoC and FN. And finally a point in Evocation, which is very useful when your in a pinch and can slap your down time a bit.

Then go fire, fire, fire. The extra damage against a single mob makes levelling a whole lot faster and IMO soloing grinding 1 mob is far faster for XP/Hr that Frost AoE'ing ever is.
#41 Mar 21 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
I will say it again ... even though I've said it a million times ... and most level 60 mages will agree. Level 60 builds simply are NOT meant for levelling with. DO NOT LEVEL WITH A LEVEL 60 BUILD. DO NOT LEVEL WITH A LEVEL 60 BUILD.



Clear? IAM can be a big help when levelling even if you outgrow it at some point ... its incredible early. IAE is very helpful in many situations. Building for blizzard AoEing can probably powerlevel you fastest if you want to just get to end-game. Straight fire will probably help you the most while soloing content as most solo content involves 2 or less mobs (sheep one, nuke other). There are no perfect ways to do these ... and in fact when levelling I highly encourage people to try a little of everything. You will NEVER learn your class without playing around with it. You will turn into one of those biased fire or frost mages who come on here and post like their opinion is the end-all be-all even though you've never played the opposite of your build for more than a few hours. Don't be that person!!!

Edited, Tue Mar 21 11:23:19 2006 by feralminded
#42 Mar 24 2006 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
324 posts
Thankyou for the very informative guide. Before reading it I knew next to nothing about mages, and granted I still know very little, but now you have me interested in trying a class I previously stayed far away from.
#43 Apr 04 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
Based on my experience, I would NOT recommend frost builds to ANYONE below level 60 (that's not a PvP only toon). My goal was to get my mage to 60. In the process, I found AoE grinding to be more trouble than its worth unless I had a priest buddy healing me. As a fire mage, I found that I killed stuff really fast. Even excluding the pyro/PoM combo that comes in the later stages of magehood, I could drop mobs within seconds of them reaching melee range. If I got a few crits in the initial shots, I could even drop them before they even reached me.

Two of my favorite spots to kill were the yetis in winterspring and the giants in feralas. Easy grinding without need to sheep there.

Currently my build is arc/frost and it's great for raid instances, but i wouldn't recommend it to anyone trying to solo effectively. Frost offers great control against mobs, and makes soloing elites much easier -- but it simply lacks the raw damage firepower of fire/arc.
#44 Apr 11 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
Arcane Talents - 21 point(s)

Arcane Focus rank 5/5

Improved Arcane Missiles rank 5/5

Improved Dampen Magic rank 2/2

Improved Arcane Explosion rank 5/5

Evocation rank 1/1

Improved Counterspell rank 2/2

Presence of Mind rank 1/1

Arcane Instability rank 3/3

Fire Talents - 30 point(s)

Improved Fireball rank 5/5

Ignite rank 5/5

Flame Throwing rank 2/2

Incinerate rank 2/2

Pyroblast rank 1/1

Improved Flamestrike rank 3/3

Burning Soul rank 3/3

Critical Mass rank 3/3

Blast Wave rank 1/1

Fire Power rank 5/5

well this is wat i make out after reading this tread, quite effective in pvping & grinding 2 >.^
#45 Apr 11 2006 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
5,444 posts
You need 25 points in arcane to get Arcane Instability. Your build is not possible with 21 points. So no, it isn't effective at anything, sorry.
#46 Apr 11 2006 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
ok so, im trying to sort this all out(new mage here thinking about my endgame talents) you have a fire set up that is good for high burst damange"Feels like burning!" and a fire set up thats good aoe damage"Mass Murderer" and one for highest sustainable dmg a mage can cook up "Can somebody light this for me?"

so, the feals likeburning one is yoou do high bursts then run out of mana fast? why would you want to have that set up if you can do the "Can somebody light this for me?" set up cause you said its the highest dmg a mage can cook up, if you say this why do the frost one? just curoious. only 25 so far so i have alot to think about and try out for myself.
#47 Apr 12 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
The answer is pvp. No one would take PoM if it weren't for pvp. Burst damage is king of PvP.
#48 Apr 12 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
Not a big fan of permafrost, eh?
#49 Apr 12 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
5,444 posts
Feralminded is correct.

Permafrost? What's that? Smiley: tongue

While great for AoE grinding, I find the points better spent elsewhere in the trees.

Just think guys, I have to redo all of this when the patch releases! Woohoo!
#50 Apr 12 2006 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
*whip whip*

hope they dont ***** up the trees toooo much :P
#51 Apr 13 2006 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Dude your 30 Fire 21 Arcane - "Can somebody light this for me?" build is amazing thanks alot i own now(well unless a lock gets a hold of me fu*king felhunter) the insta Pyro comes in handy =)
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