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Rogue Poison FAQFollow

#1 Jul 19 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Follows is the official WoW Rogue forum poison FAQ, since I got a greenlight to remake the original so that mine was the first post. Pertinent questions will be added to the FAQ section at the end.


Version History
Version 1.2: Updated for TBC.
Version 1.1: A few new FAQ questions added.
Version 1.0: First version.

How do you train in the ability to create poisons?

You'll need to complete a quest first to gain the ability to create poisons. This quests requires you to be level 20 before you can receive it.
For the Alliance:
For the Horde:
Once you complete the fairly short string of quests you will be able to train in specific poisons from any Rogue trainer.

Where do you get the materials to make poisons?

Find a Shady Dealer, Poison Vendor, Poison Supplier or another similar-sounding name. They are usually around Rogue trainers but are also often found in other locations around town or in areas without Rogue trainers (i.e. outposts).

What effect does each poison have?

Instant Poison - Each strike with your weapon has a 20% chance to deal an additional amount of nature damage. My (and most Rogues) favorite for PvE encounters. May be learned at levels 20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60 and 68.

Deadly Poison - Each strike with your weapon has a 30% chance to apply a twelve-second Nature-based Damage over Time ability to your opponent. This DoT will stack up to five times on your opponent. If the poison gets all five 'ticks' to do it's damage the damage dealt is about equal to Instant Poison, but Deadly Poison is 10% more likely to be applied. Deadly Poison may be trained at levels 30, 38, 46, 56, 60, 62 and 70. NOTE: Many Rogues don't like this poison for two reasons. a) Often, especially while soloing, the DoT component won't complete all of its ticks, thus causing you to lose damage when compared to Instant Poison, and b) It essentially prevents the use of all of your Disorient abilities (Gouge, Blind) because every three seconds the poison will deal damage and break those abilities. However, this poison has become vastly more popular in both PvE and PvP due to the advent of Mutilate (increased damage when the target is poisoned) and the raising of the debuff limit to 40 prevents the poison from being 'pushed off' by other effects in most situations.

Crippling Poison - Each strike with your weapon has a 30% chance to reduce your target's movement speed by a good amount (50% at the first rank, 70% at the second rank) for 12 seconds. A terrific PvP tool, as well as being useful in PvE when fighting Humanoid mobs that will run when low on health. May be trained at levels 20 and 50.

Mind-Numbing Poison - Each strike with your weapon has a 20% chance to increase your target's casting time on spells for 14 seconds. Good in PvP against casters for obvious reasons, as well as some specialized PvE situations (some raid bosses, caster mobs). May be trained at levels 24, 38 and 52.

Wounding Poison - Each strike with your weapon has a 30% chance of applying a debuff to your target that will reduce the effect of all healing abilities on that character by 10% for 15 seconds as well as dealing damage. It will stack up to five times. This poison is now _incredibly_ useful in PvP (when fully stacked it has the same healing debuff as Mortal Strike, and stacking both on one target - such as a Warsong Flag Runner - is incredibly effective) and the addition of damage (around a third of Instant Poison's damage, admittedly) makes it useful against non-healers as well. May be trained at levels 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64.


Q: Can I apply poisons to the weapons of other players?
A: No.

Q: Can I use both a Sharpening Stone and a Poison on the same weapon?
A: No. Each weapon has a limit of a single buff, so you cannot have use both poisons and a sharpening stone on the same weapon - the buff will overwrite whatever was already on the weapon.

Q: Help! I can't train in [Generic Poison, but usually Mind-Numbing Poison]! It's not on the list of abilities from my Rogue trainer.
A: The reason is because you need a specific skill to train in poisons, so if you haven't created enough poisons you won't be able to learn that ability. In most cases the problem is with Mind-Numbing poison, which requires a Poisons skill of 100 to learn. After Mind-Numbing Poison you won't usually notice this limitation, but it's an issue in this case because it's quite likely that you won't have created 100 poisons between levels 20 and 24, and that's assuming that you did the Poison quest as soon as you possibly could.

Q: Do you know where I can the stuff to make Blinding Power?
A: Well, it's not really related to poisons, but it's still a good question. Blinding Powder is created from Fadeleaf, so you'll need to find a Herbalist (or be one yourself) to get the regent for the Blind ability.

Q: Why is Crippling Poison II worse than Crippling Poison I?
A: It's not. The problem is that Blizzard changed the format of the spell effect. Crippling Poison II is better, go and read them again.

Q: Can I apply a poison to an enchanted weapon? Will it overwrite the enchant?
A: No, it will not. Go ahead and Crippling Poison up that Dagger of yours if you want, it won't overwrite the enchantment placed on it.

Edited, Tue Jul 19 12:11:31 2005 by RPZip

Edited, Tue Jul 19 16:21:03 2005 by Darkflame

EDIT: Looked at this thing again and realized that I screwed up one of the tags... whoops.

Edited, Sep 9th 2006 at 2:18pm EDT by RPZip

Edited, Oct 23rd 2006 at 3:59am PDT by RPZip

EDIT: Updated for TBC.

Edited, Jan 14th 2007 6:09pm by RPZip
#2 Aug 08 2005 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
hopw do you increase your learning ability in poisons? like right now my max skill is 135, how do i get it to increase so i can learn higher poisons?
#3 Aug 08 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
204 posts
hopw do you increase your learning ability in poisons? like right now my max skill is 135, how do i get it to increase so i can learn higher poisons?

Level up! =)
#4 Aug 08 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I still have the blue book when I finished up the quest in Westfall from talking to her. Do I still need this book or can I throw it out?
#5 Aug 12 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
You don't need that book anymore, nor do you need the certificate from the lp quest.

My question: Which is more effective when you're farming casters (like the Scarlets in tyr's hand): instant poison or mind-numbing poison? They DO spend a lot of time casting, so fast attacks + mind numbing + well-timed stuns can practically reduce their DPS against you to 0. Just don't kick 'cos then they'll melee you. :P But then, I'm thinking dual instant poisons would still come out ahead. What's your take?


-- Z.
#6 Aug 12 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Well, it's all abount balancing your DPS and the damage you take. If you find that you're taking a lot of damage fighting them, then pop in a Mind-Numbing poison in the mainhand. If not, then go for double-instant poison. *shrug*

I'd say try Mind-Numbing in the mainhand and see how it goes.
#7 Aug 18 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
OK, need guidance.

My wifes Rogue jus hit 39, and I asked how she likes the poisons... she said "what poison?"

I did some reasearch on here for her, and told her of the quest she was supposed to do where she salutes(way back at 20). She said she remebered it, but she either finished it, or she said she might have abbandoned it....

1. How does she tell?

2. If she did abandon... he is not offering her the quest now... so what can she do?

3. He offers her the normal.... need training, unlearn talents, ect.... but does not mention poisons. Any help would be appreciated.
#8 Aug 19 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent

1. How does she tell?

In the main menu on the Skills sheet (Boot tab) there should be a skill called Poisons, much like Engineering or Blacksmithing. If this is there, she completed the quest. If it's not... she didn't.


2. If she did abandon... he is not offering her the quest now... so what can she do?

She may have completed part of the quest but not finished the whole chain. Look up the quest and go talk to each of the NPCs in the chain, since while she may have completed the first step it's quite possible that she didn't complete the second step; the initial mob won't tell you anything now, but the next NPC in the chain will.
#9 Aug 19 2005 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
Thank you RPZipp,

That makes sense...

Will do, and hopefully she can get on with it this weekend!
#10 Aug 22 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
It worked.

She found the guy at the 3rd part of the quest who would let her begin again. Now she is a poison-making machine!

Thank you all.
#11 Aug 31 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Is it just me or does the description for Crippling Poison 2nd rank read 30% movement decrease for everyone? I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out How on Earth that is an upgrade from 1st rank's 50%. I finally happened upon this thread and the information indicates the movement reduction is 70% for rank 2. I've looked at the description a hundred times and I Swear it says 30% for rank 2. Honest!
#12 Aug 31 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent

Q: Why is Crippling Poison II worse than Crippling Poison I?
A: It's not. The problem is that Blizzard changed the format of the spell effect. Crippling Poison II is better, go and read them again.

Read more than just the numbers. It's worded in a different way.
#13 Aug 31 2005 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Oooooooh. I get it!! It took a bit to register! Lord, I hate it when I'm dense.

Reducing to 50% of normal speed would be 50%.

Reducing to 30% of normal speed would be 70%.

100 reduced to 50 is 50 less. (100% - 50% = 50%)

100 reduced to 30 is 70 less. (100% - 30% = 70%)

Not 100 reduced By 30!

If a car is travelling at 100 mph and reduces its speed to 30 mph, the total speed reduction is 70 mph.

If I take a reading comprehension test and score a 30 out of 100 points, I have missed 70 possible points. =P

By jove, I think I've got it and hopefully my post will make it clearer to others with eyes that skim a post too quickly. /blush

Edited, Thu Sep 1 00:50:27 2005 by Shyanha
#14 Sep 12 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
If a car is travelling 70 mph and reduces speed to 30 mph, it's gonna get rear-ended. :-)
#15 Nov 28 2005 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
The question concerned increasing learning ability in poisons, and the answer is to level up! :) Fair enough. However, I was stuck at 200 for awhile, then went up to 205 and am stuck there until I level again. I am making a lot of poisons with no increase in ability (yes, I need to level, but in the 40's that seems to be slow going). Here is my question: Is there a site (I've looked in the guides but not found what I want) that gives the ability numbers for the character levels? I just want to know my fate in advance rather than moan and groan about constantly "wasting" my poison making.

Thanks in advance for any information and/or encouragement.

#16 Jan 02 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
helpful post
#17 Jan 18 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
It's +5 to max poison skill each time you level. Or, Current Level x 5 = max poison skill.

Hope this helps. :-)

Edit: BTW, this applies to lockpicking as well.

Edited, Wed Jan 18 16:34:41 2006 by GavDrake
#18 Jan 27 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info. I have been working on skills lately and wondering how to increase the poisons and lockpicking max. I was at lvl 24 with poisons 120/120 and lockpicking 111/120 and wondering why I couldn't just go buy a book to increase it like I just did with first aid to get it over 200.
#19 Feb 15 2006 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
silentweaver wrote:
Thanks for the info. I have been working on skills lately and wondering how to increase the poisons and lockpicking max. I was at lvl 24 with poisons 120/120 and lockpicking 111/120 and wondering why I couldn't just go buy a book to increase it like I just did with first aid to get it over 200.

Its based off your level like weapon skills (since its a class only skill) i.e 5 per level, so the only way to go is to level, bit of a pain, but a good way to do it, stops people making lock picking twinks :)
#20 Feb 28 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Very nice post. Thank you for the time and effort involved in making this FAQ.

The most common question I have seen is can I apply poisons on my encahnted weapons? and the answer is Yes you can. Other than that I think you have covered everything, fantastic work. Thank you.
#21 Mar 12 2006 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
An overall good post. gj

One thing I WOULD like to mention tho, is that you DO NOT have to be an Herbalist (or know one) to get fadeleaf. You can farm fadeleaf from some mobs in the game.

The ones I mainly farm for it are the Humanoid priests in Northeast STV. (Cant remember the name atm) Not the best droprate in the world, but definately better than paying 15g+ for a stack, which is how much it is on Darkspear.

And I would worry to much about "wasting poison making" without getting skillups. I've been playing a rogue since this game came out and I am constantly buying/making poisons. Problem is, it tends to cost about 5-7g every time i fill up again.

Now if only poisons stayed on when you zoned into instances or across continents.....
#22 Apr 24 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
i'm level 36 & i still can't find out to do poison. i have done the salute quest. is the elite mission part of it as well?
#25 May 30 2006 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
If I've got this wrong feel free to say something - PLEASE - I'm still a Noob. So would rather be corrected than give duff info.

The Alliance quest chain seems to be

Quest: Mathias and the Defias

Quest: Klaven's Tower (Elite)

remember this is a double quest - the key AND the Journal

And if you need to -

Quest: The Touch of Zanzil

Right - on that note I'm off to see if I've got the right idea - This message wil self destruct in five seconds. Good luck Jim

Edit for the debrief

Went well PP the punked type - got key first go - had problems with the guards inside - first guard called second one. missed out the circling pat on the next floor - sapped the elite - opened box, got journal and ran like the wind. Lvl 20 MoD at 3/5 though so might have helped. Thanks for the advice above it all helped.

Edited, Tue May 30 19:31:56 2006 by villavengore
#26 Jun 07 2006 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
Don't think about the lvl of your poison skill. You'll eventually reach max without trouble anyway. Everytime I travel to the trainer to learn skills I fill up with poisons aswell. And I always leave with full skill (etc 220/220) when only making the poison I need for pve.

Great poison guide!
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